Author Archives: G Suite Updates

Update all linked content with one click in Docs and Slides

What’s changing 

We’re adding a new “Linked objects” sidebar where users can see all linked content in their documents, such as embedded charts, tables, slides, and drawings.

Who’s impacted 

End users

Why you’d use it 

The Linked objects sidebar gives users the ability to quickly access all linked content to see if anything is outdated and update all the content with a single click.

How to get started 

Admins: No action required.
End users: To update the data in a multiple charts or tables:

  • In Docs or Slides, at the top click Tools > Linked objects
  • A sidebar will open on the right, at the bottom click Update all
    • Note: Click Update next to specific objects to update them individually. 

Additional details 

If you don’t see Update or Update All, your charts, tables, or slides may not be linked. To learn how to link charts, tables, or slides see this article in our Help Center.

Helpful links 

Update charts, tables, slides or drawings in a document or presentation. 
Link a chart, table, or slide to Google Docs or Slides. 


Rollout details 

  • Rapid Release domains: Extended rollout (potentially longer than 15 days for feature visibility) starting on May 20, 2019. 
  • Scheduled Release domains: Extended rollout (potentially longer than 15 days for feature visibility) starting on June 17, 2019. 

G Suite editions

  • Available to all G Suite editions. 

On/off by default? 

  • This feature will be ON by default.

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Use desk phones with Google Voice

What’s changing 

It’s now easier to set up and manage desk phones with Google Voice. Specifically, you can now use the Admin console to:

  • See all desk phones in your organization, including the model, phone status, assigned user, and more. 
  • Provision a Polycom VVX x50 OBi Edition device to a specific user in just a few clicks. When you provision a phone, the user’s number will be assigned to the phone after an automatic update. 
Use our Help Center to find out more and watch a brief video about how to set up desk phones with Google Voice.

Who’s impacted 

Admins and end users

Why you’d use it 

While Google Voice gives you the flexibility to use your work phone number on any device, there may be times when a desk phone is preferred or helps ease the transition from a legacy telephony system to Google Voice.

How to get started 

  • Admins: Use our Help Center to see how to provision a desk phone for Voice. 
  • End users: Once a desk phone has been set up for you by an admin, see how to use a desk phone with Voice.  

Helpful links 


Rollout details 

Google Voice subscriptions 

  • Available to Google Voice Standard and Google Voice Premier subscriptions. 
  • Not available to Google Voice Starter subscriptions. 

On/off by default? 

  • This feature will be OFF by default.

Stay up to date with G Suite launches

SSO + network mask domains can now force Google password reset on next login

What’s changing 

We’re providing more control over user password policies for some customers using third-party identity providers (IdPs) via SAML. Previously, these customers could not enforce the “Require password change” setting for their users. Now, SSO customers who have a network mask defined can turn on this setting and force their users to change their Google password the next time they log in using their G Suite or Cloud Identity credentials.

Who’s impacted 

Admins only

Why you’d use it 

For many customers who use third-party IdPs via SAML, preventing “Require password change” is the desired behavior. Their users only need to know their credentials for their IdP so forcing them to change their Google password is not meaningful.

However, some G Suite admins in domains with a third-party IdP use a network mask to allow some of their users to log in using their G Suite or Cloud Identity credentials. In such deployments, there may be users who sign in using their G Suite credentials. For these users, admins may want to generate a temporary password and then have the user change it on the next login. This update will help admins of domains that use SSO and a network mask to do this.

How to get started 

  • Admins: This update will only impact domains with a SAML IdP configured for SSO and a network mask. To check if you have a network mask, go to Admin console > Security > Network masks and see if there’s information defined. 

  • Admins at domains with SAML IdP configured for SSO and a network mask can turn on the setting in the Admin console (“Require password change”) or via the Admin SDK (“Do Force password change on Next Login”). Once turned on, it will be enforced for that user’s next login. See the sample screenshot below. 

  • If your domain has SSO but does not have a network mask configured, then there will be no change. The required password change option will show as OFF and you won’t be able to turn it on. See the sample screenshot below. 

Helpful links 

Help Center: Set up single sign-on for managed Google Accounts using third-party Identity providers
G Suite Admin SDK documentation for updating user details 


Rollout details 

G Suite editions 

  • Available to all G Suite editions 

On/off by default? 

  • The new setting is automatically available depending on whether or not an SSO domain has a network mask configured.

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Consolidated Google Groups audit logs now available in G Suite and GCP

What’s changing 

Consolidated Google Groups audit logs are now available in the G Suite AdminSDK Reports API and GCP Cloud Audit Logs. Specifically you’ll notice:

  • Changes in the G Suite AdminSDK Reports API: We’re introducing a new consolidated log named groups_enterprise, which includes changes to groups and group memberships across all products and APIs. These were previously split across the groups and admin audit logs. 
  • Changes in GCP Cloud Audit Logging: We’re adding Google Groups information to Cloud Audit Logs (CAL) in Stackdriver. See our Cloud Blog post for more details on how this could help GCP customers. Note that this will not change visibility of these logs in the G Suite Admin console - it just adds them to Cloud Audit Logs (CAL) in Stackdriver as well. 

Who’s impacted 

G Suite and GCP Admins only

Why you’d use it 

These changes will help improve the security and usability of Groups as an IAM tool by streamlining administration, transparency, and access monitoring.

How to get started 

  • Admins: 
    • Changes in the G Suite AdminSDK Reports API: Get started with the AdminSDK Reports API
    • Changes in GCP Cloud Audit Logging: This is an opt-in feature that can be enabled at G Suite Admin console > Company profile > Legal & Compliance > Sharing options. 
  • End users: No action needed. 

Additional details 

Changes in the G Suite AdminSDK Reports API 
Changes to groups have historically been logged in either the groups or admin audit logs. Changes made in the Google Groups product are logged in the groups log while changes made through admin tools like the Admin console, AdminSDK, and GCDS are logged in the admin log. As part of our efforts to streamline administration and increase transparency, we’re introducing a new consolidated log named groups_enterprise, which includes changes to groups and group memberships across all products and APIs. This new log is now available through the AdminSDK Reports API and will be available in the Admin console in the future.

Changes in GCP Cloud Audit Logging 
Google Groups are the recommended way to grant access to GCP resources when using IAM policies. GCP customers have told us that having group audit logs available in Google Cloud Audit Logs would help streamline security and access monitoring. With that in mind, we’re adding Google Groups information to Cloud Audit Logs (CAL) in Stackdriver. See our Cloud Blog post for more details on how this can help GCP customers.

Helpful links 

Cloud Blog: Integrated Google Groups Audit Transparency from G Suite to GCP Cloud Audit Logs 
Get started with the G Suite AdminSDK Reports API 


Rollout details 

G Suite editions 
  • Google Groups are available to all G Suite editions. 

On/off by default? 
  • G Suite AdminSDK Reporting API for consolidate group events will be ON by default. 
  • GCP Cloud Audit Logging for groups will be OFF by default and can be enabled at the domain level.

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Automatically provision users with three additional apps

What’s changing 

We’re adding auto-provisioning support for three new applications:
  • Hootsuite
  • Huddle
  • OfficeSpace

Who’s impacted 

Admins only

Why you’d use it 

When auto-provisioning is enabled for a supported third-party application, any users created, modified, or deleted in G Suite are automatically added, edited, or deleted in the third-party application as well. This feature is highly popular with admins, as it removes the overhead of managing users across multiple third-party SaaS applications.

How to get started 

  • Admins: For more information on how to set up auto-provisioning, check out the Help Center.
  • End users: No action needed.

Helpful links 

Help Center: Automated user provisioning 
Help Center: Using SAML to set up federated SSO 


Rollout details 

G Suite editions 
  • G Suite Education, Business, and Enterprise customers can enable auto-provisioning for all supported applications 
  • G Suite Basic, Government, and Nonprofit customers can enable auto-provisioning for up to three applications 

On/off by default? 
This feature will be OFF by default and can be enabled at the OU level.

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Dark mode available for Calendar and Keep on Android

What’s changing 

Google Calendar and Keep will now support Dark mode on Android.


Dark mode for Google Calendar. 


Dark mode for Google Keep. 

Who’s impacted 

End users.

Why you’d use it 

Dark mode is a popular feature that’s frequently requested by Calendar and Keep users. It creates a better viewing experience in low-light conditions by reducing brightness.

How to get started 

  • Admins: No action required. 
  • End users: 
    • Calendar 
      • Enable Dark mode by going to Settings > General > Theme. 
    •  Keep Enable 
      • Dark mode by going to Settings > Enable Dark Mode.

Additional details 

Both Calendar and Keep apps need to be updated to the latest version of the app to see this feature. 

Dark mode for Calendar will be supported on devices with Android N+ (i.e. Nougat and more recent releases).

Android Q users can set their OS to Dark mode, which means Calendar and all other apps will be in Dark mode by default. If users do not have their OS set to Dark mode, they can enable Dark mode in Calendar’s settings (see above).

For pre-Android-Q devices, users will be able to configure Calendar to go into Dark Mode when the device enters battery saving mode.

Dark mode for Keep will be supported on devices with Android L-P. For these devices, Dark mode can be enabled from Keep’s settings (see above).

For Android Q devices, Dark will be on by default if the OS is set to Dark mode. Or, it can be enabled in Keep’s settings (see above).


Rollout details 

  • Calendar: 
    • Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility) starting on May 16, 2019. 
  •  Keep: 
    • Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility) starting on May 20, 2019. G Suite editions Available to all G Suite editions. 
On/off by default? 

  • Calendar: 
    • For Android N - P, Dark mode will be OFF by default and can be enabled in Calendar settings (see above). 
    • For Android Q, this feature will be ON by default when the OS is set to Dark mode or can be enabled in Calendar settings (see above). 
  •  Keep: 
    • For Android L - P, this feature will be OFF by default and can be enabled in Keep settings (see above). 
    • For Android Q, this feature will be ON by default when the OS is set to Dark mode or can be enabled in Keep settings (see above).

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More admin control over Apps Script projects with Google Cloud Console management

What’s changing 

We’re changing how Apps Script manages Google Cloud Platform (GCP) projects. This will help IT Admins govern these projects and simplify how developers manage projects as well. New Apps Script GCP projects will now live in a new folder (“apps-script”) in the GCP resource hierarchy. This means that new Apps Script projects will be governed by organization policies defined for GCP projects by IT admins.

Who’s impacted 

Admins, Apps Script developers, and end-users of Apps Script projects

Why you’d use it 

  • Gives IT admins additional controls: This feature helps make Apps Script projects more secure by providing additional control and visibility over these projects to IT administrators. Admins who have not yet defined organization policies can now do so to control Apps Script projects. Admins who have already defined organization policies are now assured that those policies will also be applied to Apps Script projects. 
  • Simplifies developer project management: Developers no longer need to visit the Cloud Console to enable Google APIs - simply enabling it in the Apps Script editor is now all that’s needed. 
  • Removes ‘risky’ label for end users: End users of internally-created Apps Script projects will no longer see those projects labeled “risky” when they visit the Google Security Checkup tool at

How to get started 

  • Admins: Check your organization policies which will apply to new Apps Script projects. 
  • Developers: No action needed. 
  • End users: No action needed. 

Additional details 

When an Apps Script project is created, a GCP project is also created and associated with it. This GCP project controls a range of configurations and settings, including API access, G Suite Marketplace API configuration for publishing add-ons, access to Stackdriver logs, and more.

Previously, these GCP Apps Script projects existed outside of the resource hierarchy. Now, new Apps Script projects will be parented by a new “apps-script” folder in the resource hierarchy, specifically at organization root > system-gsuite (new) > apps-script (new).

This means they will be governed by organization policies, which give you centralized and programmatic control over your organization's cloud resources. Policies that can be managed here include the ability to restrict domains that are allowed to be on the ACL for Cloud projects, specify restricted APIs that Cloud projects can access, and block GCP projects from creating new GCE instances.

Helpful links 


Rollout details 

G Suite editions 
  • Available to all G Suite editions.

On/off by default?
  • This feature will be ON by default.

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Two improvements to new Sites footers

What’s changing 

We’re making two changes to footers in new Google Sites. Specifically, we’re:

  • Removing the current footer appended at the bottom of all new Sites, which contains “Made with new Google Sites…” language and the “Create a site” button. 
  • Adding the ability for site editors to show the last time a page was updated via a newly designed site info icon. 


Who’s impacted 

Admins and end users.

Why you’d use it 

Removing the promotional footer: 
We heard your feedback that the Google branding and “Create a site” button at the bottom of new Sites’ pages can distract site viewers and make your site feel less professional. We’re removing that branding, so your site viewers can focus on your content.

Display the time a site’s page was last updated: 
You’ve told us that it’s sometimes challenging for site viewers to determine how up to date the site content is that they are viewing. With this new feature, you can have all sites in your domain display the last updated date by default (in a newly introduced site info icon) — simply by adjusting a single admin setting, see more below.

How to get started 

  • Admins: Control whether the “Last updated time” setting is available for site editors in your domain at Apps > G Suite > Settings for Sites. Under Last updated time, you can select:
    • OFF: To disable site editors from ever displaying the last updated time on a site. 
    • ON: To give site editors the option to turn last updated time on or off. 
      • When this setting is selected, last updated time will be defaulted to on for newly created sites going forward
    • FORCED: To always show last updated time for all sites — editors cannot disable.
      • When this setting is selected, all sites will display the last updated time. 
      • We recommend this option, as it ensures site viewers can quickly determine if a site is up to date.
  • End users: Depending on which of the above settings your admin selects, site editors can take the following actions: 
    • OFF: No action can be taken — last updated time will be disabled. 
    • ON: Editors can toggle last updated time on or off on a per site basis by going to the More menu > Site info settings from within new Sites. 
    • FORCED: No action can be taken, last updated time will be displayed. 

Additional details 

We’re removing the “Made with new Google Sites” language and “Create a site” button that was previously included in the footer of all sites created with new Sites. 

The “Report abuse” link (which is only shown in certain scenarios) and the “Site details” link (viewable to Admins only) are not being removed and can be found in the newly designed site info icon (lower left hand corner on a site) moving forward. 

Helpful links 


Rollout details 
  • Rollout for Admin console settings for last updated time: 
  • Rollout for the removal of the promotional footer and site-level editor settings for last updated time: 
G Suite editions 
  • Available to all G Suite editions. 

On/off by default? 
  • If the admin setting is set to FORCED, last updated time will be ON for all sites
  • If the admin setting is set to ON (which is the default admin setting), site editors can toggle last updated time on or off on a per site basis
    • For newly created sites, the site-level editor setting for last updated time will default to on. For existing sites, it will default to off.

Choose your videoconferencing option on Jamboard by June 30

What’s changing 

Starting on May 13th, you can choose whether or not to enable an enhanced Jamboard videoconferencing experience with Hangouts Meet on Jamboard devices. If you don't configure your boards to enable or disable this feature by June 30th, your boards will be automatically enabled. The improved experience replaces the current “Connect to Meeting” feature to:

  • Add full screen videoconferencing to Jamboards: Jamboard will use Hangouts Meet for a better videoconference experience. 
  • Pair to a calendar: Pair your board to a calendar resource in the admin console to make it a bookable resource and make it easier to start or join a meeting directly from the board. 

For Jamboards in large rooms or open spaces, we recommend setting up the Jamboard with peripherals to provide the best audio quality. Review our deployment recommendations and information below to make sure you provide your users with the best experience.

Who’s impacted 

Admins and end users

Why you’d use it 

The enhanced Jamboard videoconferencing will use Hangouts Meet to expand how you can use your Jamboards. Now, you can have a video conferencing call, a collaborative session with the digital whiteboard, or both at once—all with a single Jamboard. Specifically, Meet on Jamboard will:

  • Add full screen videoconferencing for when you want to talk to meeting participants 
  • Make it easy to switch between videoconferencing and sharing the digital whiteboard 
  • Improve screen sharing from other devices to a Jamboard so you can present to the meeting 
  • Allow pairing a Jamboard to a calendar resource to easily start or join a meeting directly from the board. 

How to get started 

Additional details 

Choose whether to enable the feature on your Jamboards by June 30 

By June 30, Admins should choose which configuration to use for each Jamboard and ensure that the Jamboards are properly deployed within your organization for optimal video meeting experience (deployment recommendations).

  • If you enable full screen videoconferencing, the feature will be enabled immediately on the board. 
  • If you turn it off, the feature will not be enabled, but can be enabled any time in the future. 
  • If you decide to pair the Jamboard with a Hangouts Meet hardware device, you will be able to use both Jamboard and Hangouts Meet hardware in the same room. 

To opt-in for this videoconferencing update on your Jamboard, please log on to admin console and manually enable the upgrade. If no option is selected before June 30, all boards that are not currently paired to Hangouts Meet devices will auto-upgrade.

Turn the feature on or off at any time 
You can enable or disable videoconferencing or change pairing set-ups for each Jamboard at any time. If you choose to disable the upgrade now, you can still enable it at any time in the future to rollout the feature on your own timeline.

Helpful links 


Rollout details 

  • Rapid Release domains: Admin controls available starting May 13, 2019. If enabled, the feature is available starting May 13.
  • Scheduled Release domains: Admin controls available starting May 13, 2019. If enabled, the feature is available starting May 13.

G Suite editions
Available to all G Suite editions

On/off by default?
This feature will be ON by default starting on June 30, 2019. You can turn it on or off for each Jamboard at any time.

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Three new features to format and work with data in Sheets

What’s changing 

We’re introducing three new features that will help you clean up and work with your data in Sheets. These features are: 

  • Remove duplicates 
  • Trim whitespace 
  • Compatible spreadsheet shortcuts 

Who’s impacted 

End users

Why you’d use them 

Remove duplicates: 
A highly requested feature, you can use this tool to easily remove duplicate values from your sheet, saving you time by eliminating the need to write an app script or manually remove duplicate data.

Trim whitespace: 
Sometimes when you add data to a sheet, it may not be the format you need. Now, you can easily keep your sheet standardized by using the trim whitespace feature to remove any leading, trailing, or excessive whitespace from a cell or array of data.

Compatible keyboard shortcuts: 
You can now use popular keyboard shortcuts from other spreadsheets in Sheets. These familiar shortcuts will make navigating and working with data in Sheets quicker for users.

How to get started 

Admins: No action required.
End users:
  • To remove duplicates from a range of data: 
    • Select range of data in your sheet 
    • From the toolbar, select Data > Remove duplicates. In the dialogue box, you’ll see your selected range of data. 
    • Select Remove duplicates. You’ll see an additional dialogue box that details how many duplicates were removed from your dataset.
  • To trim whitespaces: 
    • Select a cell or range of data that contains whitespace on your sheet 
    • From the toolbar, select Data > Trim whitespace 
    • You’ll then see a dialogue box that details how many cells whitespace was removed from. 
  • To enable compatible keyboard shortcuts: 
    • Users can access keyboard shortcuts by going to Help > Keyboard shortcuts
      • From here, you can see a list of keyboard shortcuts and their corresponding commands. Note that compatible shortcuts will be denoted with an info icon. 
      • At the bottom, you can enable compatible spreadsheet shortcuts. 
      • You can click “View compatible shortcuts” at the bottom right to see a complete list of all newly available shortcuts. 

Additional details 

The remove duplicates and trim whitespaces features will be supported in Apps Script, macro recording, and one platform APIs in early June 2019.

Helpful links 

Keyboard shortcuts for Google Docs. 
Split text, remove duplicates, or trim whitespace in Sheets.
Separate cell text into columns. 


Rollout details 

G Suite editions 

  • Available to all G Suite editions. 

On/off by default? 

  • This feature will be ON by default.

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