Tag Archives: TTS

Introducing CVSS: A Massively Multilingual Speech-to-Speech Translation Corpus

Automatic translation of speech from one language to speech in another language, called speech-to-speech translation (S2ST), is important for breaking down the communication barriers between people speaking different languages. Conventionally, automatic S2ST systems are built with a cascade of automatic speech recognition (ASR), text-to-text machine translation (MT), and text-to-speech (TTS) synthesis sub-systems, so that the system overall is text-centric. Recently, work on S2ST that doesn’t rely on intermediate text representation is emerging, such as end-to-end direct S2ST (e.g., Translatotron) and cascade S2ST based on learned discrete representations of speech (e.g., Tjandra et al.). While early versions of such direct S2ST systems obtained lower translation quality compared to cascade S2ST models, they are gaining traction as they have the potential both to reduce translation latency and compounding errors, and to better preserve paralinguistic and non-linguistic information from the original speech, such as voice, emotion, tone, etc. However, such models usually have to be trained on datasets with paired S2ST data, but the public availability of such corpora is extremely limited.

To foster research on such a new generation of S2ST, we introduce a Common Voice-based Speech-to-Speech translation corpus, or CVSS, which includes sentence-level speech-to-speech translation pairs from 21 languages into English. Unlike existing public corpora, CVSS can be directly used for training such direct S2ST models without any extra processing. In “CVSS Corpus and Massively Multilingual Speech-to-Speech Translation”, we describe the dataset design and development, and demonstrate the effectiveness of the corpus through training of baseline direct and cascade S2ST models and showing performance of a direct S2ST model that approaches that of a cascade S2ST model.

Building CVSS
CVSS is directly derived from the CoVoST 2 speech-to-text (ST) translation corpus, which is further derived from the Common Voice speech corpus. Common Voice is a massively multilingual transcribed speech corpus designed for ASR in which the speech is collected by contributors reading text content from Wikipedia and other text corpora. CoVoST 2 further provides professional text translation for the original transcript from 21 languages into English and from English into 15 languages. CVSS builds on these efforts by providing sentence-level parallel speech-to-speech translation pairs from 21 languages into English (shown in the table below).

To facilitate research with different focuses, two versions of translation speech in English are provided in CVSS, both are synthesized using state-of-the-art TTS systems, with each version providing unique value that doesn’t exist in other public S2ST corpora:

  • CVSS-C: All the translation speech is in a single canonical speaker’s voice. Despite being synthetic, the speech is highly natural, clean, and consistent in speaking style. These properties ease the modeling of the target speech and enable trained models to produce high quality translation speech suitable for general user-facing applications where speech quality is of higher importance than accurately reproducing the speakers' voices.
  • CVSS-T: The translation speech captures the voice from the corresponding source speech. Each S2ST pair has a similar voice on the two sides, despite being in different languages. Because of this, the dataset is suitable for building models where accurate voice preservation is desired, such as for movie dubbing.

Together with the source speech, the two S2ST datasets contain 1,872 and 1,937 hours of speech, respectively.

Code     Source
  speech (X)  
  target speech (En)  
  target speech (En)  
French fr 309.3 200.3 222.3
German de 226.5 137.0 151.2
Catalan ca 174.8 112.1 120.9
Spanish es 157.6 94.3 100.2
Italian it 73.9 46.5 49.2
Persian fa 58.8 29.9 34.5
Russian ru 38.7 26.9 27.4
Chinese zh 26.5 20.5 22.1
Portuguese     pt 20.0 10.4 11.8
Dutch nl 11.2 7.3 7.7
Estonian et 9.0 7.3 7.1
Mongolian mn 8.4 5.1 5.7
Turkish tr 7.9 5.4 5.7
Arabic ar 5.8 2.7 3.1
Latvian lv 4.9 2.6 3.1
Swedish sv 4.3 2.3 2.8
Welsh cy 3.6 1.9 2.0
Tamil ta 3.1 1.7 2.0
Indonesian id 3.0 1.6 1.7
Japanese ja 3.0 1.7 1.8
Slovenian sl 2.9 1.6 1.9
Total 1,153.2 719.1 784.2
Amount of source and target speech of each X-En pair in CVSS (hours).

In addition to translation speech, CVSS also provides normalized translation text matching the pronunciation in the translation speech (on numbers, currencies, acronyms, etc., see data samples below, e.g., where “100%” is normalized as “one hundred percent” or “King George II” is normalized as “king george the second”), which can benefit both model training as well as standardizing the evaluation.

CVSS is released under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license and it can be freely downloaded online.

Data Samples

Example 1:
Source audio (French)   
Source transcript (French)    Le genre musical de la chanson est entièrement le disco.
CVSS-C translation audio (English)   
CVSS-T translation audio (English)   
Translation text (English)    The musical genre of the song is 100% Disco.
Normalized translation text (English)        the musical genre of the song is one hundred percent disco
Example 2:
Source audio (Chinese)       
Source transcript (Chinese)        弗雷德里克王子,英国王室成员,为乔治二世之孙,乔治三世之幼弟。
CVSS-C translation audio (English)       
CVSS-T translation audio (English)       
Translation text (English)        Prince Frederick, member of British Royal Family, Grandson of King George II, brother of King George III.
Normalized translation text (English)        prince frederick member of british royal family grandson of king george the second brother of king george the third

Baseline Models
On each version of CVSS, we trained a baseline cascade S2ST model as well as two baseline direct S2ST models and compared their performance. These baselines can be used for comparison in future research.

Cascade S2ST: To build strong cascade S2ST baselines, we trained an ST model on CoVoST 2, which outperforms the previous states of the art by +5.8 average BLEU on all 21 language pairs (detailed in the paper) when trained on the corpus without using extra data. This ST model is connected to the same TTS models used for constructing CVSS to compose very strong cascade S2ST baselines (ST → TTS).

Direct S2ST: We built two baseline direct S2ST models using Translatotron and Translatotron 2. When trained from scratch with CVSS, the translation quality from Translatotron 2 (8.7 BLEU) approaches that of the strong cascade S2ST baseline (10.6 BLEU). Moreover, when both use pre-training the gap decreases to only 0.7 BLEU on ASR transcribed translation. These results verify the effectiveness of using CVSS to train direct S2ST models.

Translation quality of baseline direct and cascade S2ST models built on CVSS-C, measured by BLEU on ASR transcription from speech translation. The pre-training was done on CoVoST 2 without other extra data sets.

We have released two versions of multilingual-to-English S2ST datasets, CVSS-C and CVSS-T, each with about 1.9K hours of sentence-level parallel S2ST pairs, covering 21 source languages. The translation speech in CVSS-C is in a single canonical speaker’s voice, while the same in CVSS-T is in voices transferred from the source speech. Each of these datasets provides unique value not existing in other public S2ST corpora.

We built baseline multilingual direct S2ST models and cascade S2ST models on both datasets, which can be used for comparison in future works. To build strong cascade S2ST baselines, we trained an ST model on CoVoST 2, which outperforms the previous states of the art by +5.8 average BLEU when trained on the corpus without extra data. Nevertheless, the performance of the direct S2ST models approaches the strong cascade baselines when trained from scratch, and with only 0.7 BLEU difference on ASR transcribed translation when utilized pre-training. We hope this work helps accelerate the research on direct S2ST.

We acknowledge the volunteer contributors and the organizers of the Common Voice and LibriVox projects for their contribution and collection of recordings, the creators of Common Voice, CoVoST, CoVoST 2, Librispeech and LibriTTS corpora for their previous work. The direct contributors to the CVSS corpus and the paper include Ye Jia, Michelle Tadmor Ramanovich, Quan Wang, Heiga Zen. We also thank Ankur Bapna, Yiling Huang, Jason Pelecanos, Colin Cherry, Alexis Conneau, Yonghui Wu, Hadar Shemtov and Françoise Beaufays for helpful discussions and support.

Source: Google AI Blog

Introducing CVSS: A Massively Multilingual Speech-to-Speech Translation Corpus

Automatic translation of speech from one language to speech in another language, called speech-to-speech translation (S2ST), is important for breaking down the communication barriers between people speaking different languages. Conventionally, automatic S2ST systems are built with a cascade of automatic speech recognition (ASR), text-to-text machine translation (MT), and text-to-speech (TTS) synthesis sub-systems, so that the system overall is text-centric. Recently, work on S2ST that doesn’t rely on intermediate text representation is emerging, such as end-to-end direct S2ST (e.g., Translatotron) and cascade S2ST based on learned discrete representations of speech (e.g., Tjandra et al.). While early versions of such direct S2ST systems obtained lower translation quality compared to cascade S2ST models, they are gaining traction as they have the potential both to reduce translation latency and compounding errors, and to better preserve paralinguistic and non-linguistic information from the original speech, such as voice, emotion, tone, etc. However, such models usually have to be trained on datasets with paired S2ST data, but the public availability of such corpora is extremely limited.

To foster research on such a new generation of S2ST, we introduce a Common Voice-based Speech-to-Speech translation corpus, or CVSS, which includes sentence-level speech-to-speech translation pairs from 21 languages into English. Unlike existing public corpora, CVSS can be directly used for training such direct S2ST models without any extra processing. In “CVSS Corpus and Massively Multilingual Speech-to-Speech Translation”, we describe the dataset design and development, and demonstrate the effectiveness of the corpus through training of baseline direct and cascade S2ST models and showing performance of a direct S2ST model that approaches that of a cascade S2ST model.

Building CVSS
CVSS is directly derived from the CoVoST 2 speech-to-text (ST) translation corpus, which is further derived from the Common Voice speech corpus. Common Voice is a massively multilingual transcribed speech corpus designed for ASR in which the speech is collected by contributors reading text content from Wikipedia and other text corpora. CoVoST 2 further provides professional text translation for the original transcript from 21 languages into English and from English into 15 languages. CVSS builds on these efforts by providing sentence-level parallel speech-to-speech translation pairs from 21 languages into English (shown in the table below).

To facilitate research with different focuses, two versions of translation speech in English are provided in CVSS, both are synthesized using state-of-the-art TTS systems, with each version providing unique value that doesn’t exist in other public S2ST corpora:

  • CVSS-C: All the translation speech is in a single canonical speaker’s voice. Despite being synthetic, the speech is highly natural, clean, and consistent in speaking style. These properties ease the modeling of the target speech and enable trained models to produce high quality translation speech suitable for general user-facing applications where speech quality is of higher importance than accurately reproducing the speakers' voices.
  • CVSS-T: The translation speech captures the voice from the corresponding source speech. Each S2ST pair has a similar voice on the two sides, despite being in different languages. Because of this, the dataset is suitable for building models where accurate voice preservation is desired, such as for movie dubbing.

Together with the source speech, the two S2ST datasets contain 1,872 and 1,937 hours of speech, respectively.

Code     Source
  speech (X)  
  target speech (En)  
  target speech (En)  
French fr 309.3 200.3 222.3
German de 226.5 137.0 151.2
Catalan ca 174.8 112.1 120.9
Spanish es 157.6 94.3 100.2
Italian it 73.9 46.5 49.2
Persian fa 58.8 29.9 34.5
Russian ru 38.7 26.9 27.4
Chinese zh 26.5 20.5 22.1
Portuguese     pt 20.0 10.4 11.8
Dutch nl 11.2 7.3 7.7
Estonian et 9.0 7.3 7.1
Mongolian mn 8.4 5.1 5.7
Turkish tr 7.9 5.4 5.7
Arabic ar 5.8 2.7 3.1
Latvian lv 4.9 2.6 3.1
Swedish sv 4.3 2.3 2.8
Welsh cy 3.6 1.9 2.0
Tamil ta 3.1 1.7 2.0
Indonesian id 3.0 1.6 1.7
Japanese ja 3.0 1.7 1.8
Slovenian sl 2.9 1.6 1.9
Total 1,153.2 719.1 784.2
Amount of source and target speech of each X-En pair in CVSS (hours).

In addition to translation speech, CVSS also provides normalized translation text matching the pronunciation in the translation speech (on numbers, currencies, acronyms, etc., see data samples below, e.g., where “100%” is normalized as “one hundred percent” or “King George II” is normalized as “king george the second”), which can benefit both model training as well as standardizing the evaluation.

CVSS is released under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license and it can be freely downloaded online.

Data Samples

Example 1:
Source audio (French)   
Source transcript (French)    Le genre musical de la chanson est entièrement le disco.
CVSS-C translation audio (English)   
CVSS-T translation audio (English)   
Translation text (English)    The musical genre of the song is 100% Disco.
Normalized translation text (English)        the musical genre of the song is one hundred percent disco
Example 2:
Source audio (Chinese)       
Source transcript (Chinese)        弗雷德里克王子,英国王室成员,为乔治二世之孙,乔治三世之幼弟。
CVSS-C translation audio (English)       
CVSS-T translation audio (English)       
Translation text (English)        Prince Frederick, member of British Royal Family, Grandson of King George II, brother of King George III.
Normalized translation text (English)        prince frederick member of british royal family grandson of king george the second brother of king george the third

Baseline Models
On each version of CVSS, we trained a baseline cascade S2ST model as well as two baseline direct S2ST models and compared their performance. These baselines can be used for comparison in future research.

Cascade S2ST: To build strong cascade S2ST baselines, we trained an ST model on CoVoST 2, which outperforms the previous states of the art by +5.8 average BLEU on all 21 language pairs (detailed in the paper) when trained on the corpus without using extra data. This ST model is connected to the same TTS models used for constructing CVSS to compose very strong cascade S2ST baselines (ST → TTS).

Direct S2ST: We built two baseline direct S2ST models using Translatotron and Translatotron 2. When trained from scratch with CVSS, the translation quality from Translatotron 2 (8.7 BLEU) approaches that of the strong cascade S2ST baseline (10.6 BLEU). Moreover, when both use pre-training the gap decreases to only 0.7 BLEU on ASR transcribed translation. These results verify the effectiveness of using CVSS to train direct S2ST models.

Translation quality of baseline direct and cascade S2ST models built on CVSS-C, measured by BLEU on ASR transcription from speech translation. The pre-training was done on CoVoST 2 without other extra data sets.

We have released two versions of multilingual-to-English S2ST datasets, CVSS-C and CVSS-T, each with about 1.9K hours of sentence-level parallel S2ST pairs, covering 21 source languages. The translation speech in CVSS-C is in a single canonical speaker’s voice, while the same in CVSS-T is in voices transferred from the source speech. Each of these datasets provides unique value not existing in other public S2ST corpora.

We built baseline multilingual direct S2ST models and cascade S2ST models on both datasets, which can be used for comparison in future works. To build strong cascade S2ST baselines, we trained an ST model on CoVoST 2, which outperforms the previous states of the art by +5.8 average BLEU when trained on the corpus without extra data. Nevertheless, the performance of the direct S2ST models approaches the strong cascade baselines when trained from scratch, and with only 0.7 BLEU difference on ASR transcribed translation when utilized pre-training. We hope this work helps accelerate the research on direct S2ST.

We acknowledge the volunteer contributors and the organizers of the Common Voice and LibriVox projects for their contribution and collection of recordings, the creators of Common Voice, CoVoST, CoVoST 2, Librispeech and LibriTTS corpora for their previous work. The direct contributors to the CVSS corpus and the paper include Ye Jia, Michelle Tadmor Ramanovich, Quan Wang, Heiga Zen. We also thank Ankur Bapna, Yiling Huang, Jason Pelecanos, Colin Cherry, Alexis Conneau, Yonghui Wu, Hadar Shemtov and Françoise Beaufays for helpful discussions and support.

Source: Google AI Blog

Recreating Natural Voices for People with Speech Impairments

On June 2nd, 2021, Major League Baseball in the United States celebrated Lou Gehrig Day, commemorating both the day in 1925 that Lou Gehrig became the Yankees’ starting first baseman, and the day in 1941 that he passed away from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease) at the age of 37. ALS is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects motor neurons, which connect the brain with the muscles throughout the body, and govern muscle control and voluntary movements. When voluntary muscle control is affected, people may lose their ability to speak, eat, move and breathe.

In honor of Lou Gehrig, former NFL player and ALS advocate Steve Gleason, who lost his ability to speak due to ALS, recited Gehrig’s famous “Luckiest Man” speech at the June 2nd event using a recreation of his voice generated by a machine learning (ML) model. Gleason’s voice recreation was developed in collaboration with Google’s Project Euphonia, which aims to empower people who have impaired speaking ability due to ALS to better communicate using their own voices.

Steve Gleason, who lost his voice to ALS, worked with Google’s Project Euphonia to generate a speech in his own voice in honor of Lou Gehrig. A portion of Gleason’s speech was broadcast in ballparks across the country during the 4th inning on June 2nd, 2021.

Today we describe PnG NAT, the model adopted by Project Euphonia to recreate Steve Gleason’s voice. PnG NAT is a new text-to-speech synthesis (TTS) model that merges two state-of-the-art technologies, PnG BERT and Non-Attentive Tacotron (NAT), into a single model. It demonstrates significantly better quality and fluency than previous technologies, and represents a promising approach that can be extended to a wider array of users.

Recreating a Voice
Non-Attentive Tacotron (NAT) is the successor to Tacotron 2, a sequence-to-sequence neural TTS model proposed in 2017. Tacotron 2 used an attention module to connect the input text sequence and the output speech spectrogram frame sequence, so that the model knows which part of the text to pay attention to when generating each time step of the synthesized speech spectrogram. Tacotron 2 was the first TTS model that was able to synthesize speech that sounds as natural as a person speaking. However, with extensive experimentation we discovered that there is a small probability that the model can suffer from robustness issues — such as babbling, repeating, or skipping part of the text — due to the inherent flexibility of the attention mechanism.

NAT improves upon Tacotron 2 by replacing the attention module with a duration-based upsampler, which predicts a duration for each input phoneme and upsamples the encoded phoneme representation so that the output length corresponds to the length of the predicted speech spectrogram. Such a change both resolves the robustness issue, and improves the naturalness of the synthesized speech. This approach also enables precise control of the speech duration for each phoneme of the input text while still maintaining highly natural synthesis quality. Because recordings of people with ALS often exhibit disfluent speech, this ability to exert per-phoneme control is key for achieving the fluency of the recreated voice.

Non-Attentive Tacotron (NAT) model.

While NAT addresses the robustness issue and enables precise duration control in neural TTS, we build upon it to further improve the natural language understanding of the TTS input. For this, we apply PnG BERT, which uses an approach similar to BERT, but is specifically designed for TTS. It is pre-trained with self-supervision on both the phoneme representation and the grapheme representation of the same content from a large text corpus, and then is used as the encoder of the TTS model. This results in a significant improvement of the prosody and pronunciation of the synthesized speech, especially in difficult cases.

Take, for example, the following audio, which was synthesized from a regular NAT model that takes only phonemes as input:

In comparison, the audio synthesized from PnG NAT on the same input text includes an additional pause that makes the meaning more clear.

The input text to both models is, “To cancel the payment, press one; or to continue, two.” Notice the different pause lengths before the ending “two” in the two versions. The word “two” in the version output by the regular NAT model could be confused for “too”. Because “too” and “two” have identical pronunciation (and thus the same phoneme representation), the regular NAT model does not understand which of the two is appropriate, and assumes it to be the word that more frequently follows a comma, “too”. In contrast, the PnG NAT model can more easily tell the difference, because it takes graphemes in addition to phonemes as input, and thus makes more appropriate pause.

The PnG NAT model integrates the pre-trained PnG BERT model as the encoder to the NAT model. The hidden representations output from the encoder are used by NAT to predict the duration of each phoneme, and are then upsampled to match the length of the audio spectrogram, as outlined above. In the final step, a non-attentive decoder converts the upsampled hidden representations into audio speech spectrograms, which are finally converted into audio waveforms by a neural vocoder.

PnG BERT and the pre-training objectives. Yellow boxes represent phonemes, and pink boxes represent graphemes.
PnG NAT: PnG BERT replaces the original encoder in the NAT model. The random masking for the Masked Language Model (MLM) pre-training is removed.

To recreate Steve Gleason’s voice, we first trained a PnG NAT model with recordings from 31 professional speakers, and then fine-tuned it with 30 minutes of Gleason’s recordings. Because these latter recordings were made after he was diagnosed with ALS, they exhibit signs of slurring. The fine tuned model was able to synthesize speech that sounds very similar to these recordings. However, because the symptoms of ALS were already present in Gleason’s speech, they exhibited some similar disfluencies.

To mitigate this, we leveraged the phoneme duration control of NAT as well as the model trained with professional speakers. We first predicted the durations of each phoneme for both a professional speaker and for Gleason, and then used the geometric mean of the two durations for each phoneme to guide the NAT output. As a result, the model is able to speak in Gleason’s voice, but more fluently than in the original recordings.

Here is the full version of the synthesized Lou Gehrig speech in Gleason’s voice:

Besides recreating voices for people with ALS, PnG NAT is also powering voices for a variety of customers through Google Cloud Custom Voice.

Project Euphonia
Of the millions of people around the world who have neurologic conditions that may impact their speech, such as ALS, cerebral palsy or Down syndrome, many may find it difficult to be understood, which can make face-to-face communication challenging. Using voice-activated technologies can be frustrating too, as they don’t always work reliably. Project Euphonia is a Google Research initiative focused on helping people with impaired speech be better understood. The team is researching ways to improve speech recognition for individuals with speech impairments (see recent blog post and segment in TODAY show), as well as customized text-to-speech technology (see Age of AI documentary featuring former NFL player Tim Shaw).

Many people across Google Research, Google Cloud and Consumer Apps, and Google Accessibility teams contributed to this project and the event, including Michael Brenner, Bob MacDonald, Heiga Zen, Yu Zhang, Jonathan Shen, Isaac Elias‎, Yonghui Wu, Anne Keck, Danielle Notaro, Kevin Hogan, Zack Kaplan, KR Liu, Kyndra Price, Zoe Ortiz.

Source: Google AI Blog

Assessing the Quality of Long-Form Synthesized Speech

Automatically generated speech is everywhere, from directions being read out aloud while you are driving, to virtual assistants on your phone or smart speaker devices at home. While much research is being done to try to make synthesized speech sound as natural as possible—such as generating speech for low-resource languages and creating human-like speech with Tacotron 2—how does one evaluate the generated speech? The best way to find out is to ask people, who are very good at telling if something sounds natural or not.

In the field of speech synthesis, subjects are routinely asked to listen to samples of synthesized speech and rate their quality. Yet, until now, evaluation of synthesized speech has been done on a sentence-by-sentence basis. But often one wants to know the quality of a series of sentences that belong together, such as a paragraph in a news article or a turn in a conversation. This is where it gets interesting, as there is more than one way of evaluating sentences that naturally occur in a sequence, and, surprisingly, a rigorous comparison of these different methods has not been carried out. This in turn can hinder research progress in developing products that rely on generated speech.

To address this challenge, we present “Evaluating Long-form Text-to-Speech: Comparing the Ratings of Sentences and Paragraphs”, a publication to appear at SSW10 in which we compare several ways of evaluating synthesized speech for multi-line texts. We find that when a sentence is evaluated as part of a longer text involving several sentences, the outcome is influenced by the way in which the audio sample is presented to the people evaluating it. For example, when the sentence is presented by itself, without any context, the rating people give on average is substantially different from the rating they give when they listen to the same sentence with some context (while the context doesn't have to be rated).

Evaluating Automatically Generated Speech
To determine the quality of speech signals, it is common practice to ask several human raters to give their opinion for a particular sample, on a 1-to-5 scale. This sample can be automatically generated, but it can also be natural speech (i.e., an actual person saying a sentence out loud), which serves as a control. The scores of all reviewers rating a particular speech sample are averaged to get a Mean Opinion Score (MOS).

Until now, MOS ratings were typically collected per sentence, i.e., raters listened to sentences in isolation to form their opinion. Instead of this typical approach, we consider three different ways of presenting speech samples to raters—both with and without context—and we show that each approach yields different results. The first, presenting the sentence in isolation, is the default method commonly used in the field. An alternative method is to provide the full context for the sentence. In this case, the entire paragraph to which the sentence belongs is included and the ensemble is rated. The final approach is to provide a context-stimulus pair. Here, rather than providing full context, only some context is provided, such as the preceding sentence(s) from the original paragraph.

Interestingly, these three different approaches for presenting speech give different results even when applied to natural speech. This is demonstrated in the figure below, where the MOS scores are presented for natural speech samples rated using the three different methods of presentation. Even though the sentences being rated are identical across the three different settings, the scores are different on average, depending on the context in which they were presented.
MOS results for natural speech from a dataset consisting of news articles. Though the differences appear small, they are significant between all conditions (two-tailed t-test with α=0.05).
Examination of the figure above reveals that raters rarely give top scores (a five) even to recorded human speech, which may be surprising. However, this is a typical result seen in sentence evaluation studies and probably has to do with a more generic pattern of behavior, that people tend to avoid using the extreme ends of a scale, regardless of the task or setting.

When evaluated synthesized speech, the differences are more pronounced.
MOS results for synthesized speech on the same news article dataset used above. All lines are synthesized speech, unless indicated otherwise.
To see if the way context is presented makes a difference, we tried several different ways of providing it: one or two sentences leading up to the sentence to be evaluated, provided as generated speech or real speech. When context is added, the scores get higher (the four blue bars on the left) except when the context presented is real speech, in which case the score drops (the rightmost blue bar). Our hypothesis is that this has to do with an anchoring effect—if the context is very good (real speech) the synthesized speech, in comparison, is perceived as less natural.

Predicting Paragraph Score
When an entire paragraph of synthesized speech is played (the yellow bar), this is perceived as even less natural than in the other settings. Our original hypothesis was a weakest-link argument—the rating is probably as bad as the worst sentence in the paragraph. If that were the case, it should be easy to predict the rating of a paragraph by considering the ratings of the individual sentences in it, perhaps simply taking the minimum value to get the paragraph rating. It turns out, however, that does not work.

The failure of the weakest-link hypothesis may be due to more subtle factors that are difficult to tease out with such a simple approach. To test this, we also trained a machine learning algorithm to predict the paragraph score from the individual sentences. However, this approach, too, was unable to successfully predict paragraph scores reliably.

Evaluating synthesized speech is not straightforward when multiple sentences are involved. The traditional paradigm of rating sentences in isolation does not give the full picture, and one should be aware of anchoring effects when context is provided. Rating full paragraphs might be the most conservative approach. We hope our findings help advance future work in speech synthesis where long-form content is concerned, such as audio book readers and conversational agents.

Many thanks to all authors of the paper: Rob Clark, Hanna Silen, Ralph Leith.

Source: Google AI Blog

Assessing the Quality of Long-Form Synthesized Speech

Automatically generated speech is everywhere, from directions being read out aloud while you are driving, to virtual assistants on your phone or smart speaker devices at home. While much research is being done to try to make synthesized speech sound as natural as possible—such as generating speech for low-resource languages and creating human-like speech with Tacotron 2—how does one evaluate the generated speech? The best way to find out is to ask people, who are very good at telling if something sounds natural or not.

In the field of speech synthesis, subjects are routinely asked to listen to samples of synthesized speech and rate their quality. Yet, until now, evaluation of synthesized speech has been done on a sentence-by-sentence basis. But often one wants to know the quality of a series of sentences that belong together, such as a paragraph in a news article or a turn in a conversation. This is where it gets interesting, as there is more than one way of evaluating sentences that naturally occur in a sequence, and, surprisingly, a rigorous comparison of these different methods has not been carried out. This in turn can hinder research progress in developing products that rely on generated speech.

To address this challenge, we present “Evaluating Long-form Text-to-Speech: Comparing the Ratings of Sentences and Paragraphs”, a publication to appear at SSW10 in which we compare several ways of evaluating synthesized speech for multi-line texts. We find that when a sentence is evaluated as part of a longer text involving several sentences, the outcome is influenced by the way in which the audio sample is presented to the people evaluating it. For example, when the sentence is presented by itself, without any context, the rating people give on average is substantially different from the rating they give when they listen to the same sentence with some context (while the context doesn't have to be rated).

Evaluating Automatically Generated Speech
To determine the quality of speech signals, it is common practice to ask several human raters to give their opinion for a particular sample, on a 1-to-5 scale. This sample can be automatically generated, but it can also be natural speech (i.e., an actual person saying a sentence out loud), which serves as a control. The scores of all reviewers rating a particular speech sample are averaged to get a Mean Opinion Score (MOS).

Until now, MOS ratings were typically collected per sentence, i.e., raters listened to sentences in isolation to form their opinion. Instead of this typical approach, we consider three different ways of presenting speech samples to raters—both with and without context—and we show that each approach yields different results. The first, presenting the sentence in isolation, is the default method commonly used in the field. An alternative method is to provide the full context for the sentence. In this case, the entire paragraph to which the sentence belongs is included and the ensemble is rated. The final approach is to provide a context-stimulus pair. Here, rather than providing full context, only some context is provided, such as the preceding sentence(s) from the original paragraph.

Interestingly, these three different approaches for presenting speech give different results even when applied to natural speech. This is demonstrated in the figure below, where the MOS scores are presented for natural speech samples rated using the three different methods of presentation. Even though the sentences being rated are identical across the three different settings, the scores are different on average, depending on the context in which they were presented.
MOS results for natural speech from a dataset consisting of news articles. Though the differences appear small, they are significant between all conditions (two-tailed t-test with α=0.05).
Examination of the figure above reveals that raters rarely give top scores (a five) even to recorded human speech, which may be surprising. However, this is a typical result seen in sentence evaluation studies and probably has to do with a more generic pattern of behavior, that people tend to avoid using the extreme ends of a scale, regardless of the task or setting.

When evaluated synthesized speech, the differences are more pronounced.
MOS results for synthesized speech on the same news article dataset used above. All lines are synthesized speech, unless indicated otherwise.
To see if the way context is presented makes a difference, we tried several different ways of providing it: one or two sentences leading up to the sentence to be evaluated, provided as generated speech or real speech. When context is added, the scores get higher (the four blue bars on the left) except when the context presented is real speech, in which case the score drops (the rightmost blue bar). Our hypothesis is that this has to do with an anchoring effect—if the context is very good (real speech) the synthesized speech, in comparison, is perceived as less natural.

Predicting Paragraph Score
When an entire paragraph of synthesized speech is played (the yellow bar), this is perceived as even less natural than in the other settings. Our original hypothesis was a weakest-link argument—the rating is probably as bad as the worst sentence in the paragraph. If that were the case, it should be easy to predict the rating of a paragraph by considering the ratings of the individual sentences in it, perhaps simply taking the minimum value to get the paragraph rating. It turns out, however, that does not work.

The failure of the weakest-link hypothesis may be due to more subtle factors that are difficult to tease out with such a simple approach. To test this, we also trained a machine learning algorithm to predict the paragraph score from the individual sentences. However, this approach, too, was unable to successfully predict paragraph scores reliably.

Evaluating synthesized speech is not straightforward when multiple sentences are involved. The traditional paradigm of rating sentences in isolation does not give the full picture, and one should be aware of anchoring effects when context is provided. Rating full paragraphs might be the most conservative approach. We hope our findings help advance future work in speech synthesis where long-form content is concerned, such as audio book readers and conversational agents.

Many thanks to all authors of the paper: Rob Clark, Hanna Silen, Ralph Leith.

Source: Google AI Blog

Giving Lens New Reading Capabilities in Google Go

Around the world, millions of people are coming online for the first time, and many of them are among the 800 million adults worldwide who are unable to read or write, or those who are migrating to towns and cities where they are not able to speak the predominant language. As a smartphone camera-based tool, Google Lens has great potential for helping people who struggle with reading and other language-based challenges. Lens uses computer vision, machine learning and Google’s Knowledge Graph to let people turn the things they see in the real world into a visual search box, enabling them to identify objects like plants and animals, or to copy and paste text from the real world into their phone.

However, in order for Lens to be able to help the greatest number of people, we needed to create a special version that can work on even the most basic smartphones. So at I/O 2019, we announced a new version of Lens designed specifically for use in Google Go—our Search app for entry level devices—and we included a new set of features designed to help people who face reading and other language-based challenges. When users point their camera at text they don’t understand, Lens in Google Go can translate and read it out loud. It even highlights each word as it’s being read so users can follow along. If you want to try out these features for yourself, they are available today via Lens in Google Go. While Google Go was initially available only on Android Go devices and on the Google Play Store in select markets, recently, we made it available globally in the Google Play Store.
To make these reading features work, the Google Go version of Lens needs to be able to capture high quality images on a wide variety of devices, then identify the text, understand its structure, translate and overlay it in context, and finally, read it out loud.

Image Capture
Image capture on entry-level devices, like those that run Android Go, is tricky since it must work on a wide variety of devices, many of which are more resource constrained than flagship phones. To build a universal tool that can reliably capture high-quality images with minimal lag, we made Lens in Google Go an early adopter of a new Android support library called CameraX. Available in Jetpack—a suite of libraries, tools, and guidance for Android developers—CameraX is an abstraction layer over the Android Camera2 API that resolves device compatibility issues so developers don't have to write their own device-specific code.

Using CameraX, we implemented two capture strategies to balance capture latency against performance impact. On higher-end phones, which are powerful enough to provide a constant stream of high-resolution frames from which to select an image, we’ve made capture instantaneous. On less advanced devices, streaming these frames could cause camera lag since the CPU is less powerful, so we process the frame when the user taps capture to produce a single, on-demand high-resolution image.

Text Recognition
After Lens in Google Go captures an image, it needs to make sense of the shapes and letters that constitute the words, sentences and paragraphs. To do this, the image is scaled down and transferred to the Lens server, where the processing will be performed. Next, optical character recognition (OCR) is applied, which utilizes a region proposal network to detect character level bounding boxes that can be merged into lines for text recognition.
Merging these character boxes into words is a two-step, sequential process. The first step is to apply the Hough Transform, which assumes the text is distributed across parallel lines. The second step uses Text Flow, which instead traces text that may follow a curve by finding the shortest path through a graph of detected text boxes. This ensures that text with a variety of distributions, be they straight, curved or mixed, can be identified and processed.

Because the images captured by Lens in Google Go may include sources such as signage, handwriting or documents, a slew of additional challenges can arise. For example, the text can be obscured, scripts can be uniquely stylized, and images can be blurry. All of these issues can cause the OCR engine to misunderstand various characters within each word. To correct mistakes and improve word accuracy, Lens in Google Go uses the context of surrounding words to make corrections. It also utilizes the Knowledge Graph to provide contextual clues, such as whether a word is likely a proper noun and should not be spell-corrected.

All of these steps, from script detection and direction identification to text recognition, are performed by separable convolutional neural networks (CNNs) with an additional quantized long short-term memory (LSTM) network. And the models are trained on data from a variety of sources, ranging from ReCaptcha to scanned images from Google Books.
Left: Image with bounding box around recognized text. The raw OCR output from this image reads, “Cise is beauti640”. Right: By applying Knowledge Graph in addition to context from nearby words, Lens in Google Go recognizes the words, “life is beautiful”.
Understanding Structure
Once the individual words have been recognized, Lens must determine how to fit them together. The text that people come across in the real world is laid out in many different ways. A newspaper, for example, is laid out into columns, with headlines, article text, and advertisements. Meanwhile, a bus schedule, has one column for destinations and another with times. While understanding text structure comes very naturally to people, computers need to be taught how to comprehend it. Lens uses CNNs to detect coherent text blocks like columns, or text in a consistent style or color. And then, within each block, it uses signals like text-alignment, language, and the geometric relationship of the paragraphs to determine their final reading order.

One of the other challenges in detecting document structure is that people take pictures of text from different angles, often with a warped perspective. This means we cannot revert to off-the-shelf detectors that rely on axis aligned boxes, but must generalize our systems to be able to deal with homographic distortions.
Paragraph segmentation on the front page of a newspaper. Notice how “News Analysis”, which is embedded in the middle of a column, has been identified separately due to its distinct style features.
Translations in Context
To provide users with the most helpful information, translations must be both accurate and contextual. Lens uses Google Translate’s neural machine translation (NMT) algorithms, to translate entire sentences at a time, rather than going word-by-word, in order to preserve proper grammar and diction.

For the translation to be most useful, it needs to be placed in the context of the original text. For example, when translating instructions on an ATM, it is important to know which buttons correspond to which instructions. Part of the challenge is accounting for the fact that the translated text can be much shorter or longer than the original. For example, German sentences tend to be longer than English ones. To accomplish this seamless overlay, Lens redistributes the translation into lines of similar length, and chooses an appropriate font size to match. It also matches the color of the translation and its background with the original text through the use of a heuristic that assumes the background and the text differ in luminosity, and that the background takes up the majority of the space. This allows Lens to classify whether a pixel represents background or text, and then sample the average color from these two regions to ensure the translated text matches the original text.

Reading the Text Out Loud
The final challenge in delivering information in the most helpful way with Lens in Google Go is reading the text aloud. High-fidelity audio is generated using Google Text-to-Speech (TTS), a service that applies machine learning to disambiguate and detected entities such as dates, phone numbers and addresses, and uses that to generate realistic speech based on DeepMind’s WaveNet.

These reading features become more contextual and useful when they are paired with display. Lens utilizes timing annotations from the TTS service that mark the beginning of each word in order to highlight each word on screen as it’s being read, similar to a karaoke machine. Say for example, a user takes a picture of an ATM screen with different labels next to different buttons. This karaoke effect allows users to know which label applies to which button. It may also help users learn how to pronounce the words being translated.
Looking Ahead
Taken together, it is our hope that these features will have a positive impact on the day-to-day lives of millions of people. Moving forward, we will continue to work on further updates to these reading features to make the OCR more precise, including improvements to text structure understanding (e.g. multi-column text) and recognition of Indic scripts. As we address these text challenges, we continue to look for new ways that the combination of machine learning and the smartphone camera can help people as they go about their lives.

Source: Google AI Blog

Text-to-Speech for Low-Resource Languages (Episode 4): One Down, 299 to Go

This is the fourth episode in the series of posts reporting on the work we are doing to build text-to-speech (TTS) systems for low resource languages. In the first episode, we described the crowdsourced acoustic data collection effort for Project Unison. In the second episode, we described how we built parametric voices based on that data. In the third episode, we described the compilation of a pronunciation lexicon for a TTS system. In this episode, we describe how to make a single TTS system speak many languages.

Developing TTS systems for any given language is a significant challenge, and requires large amounts of high quality acoustic recordings and linguistic annotations. Because of this, these systems are only available for a tiny fraction of the world's languages. A natural question that arises in this situation is, instead of attempting to build a high quality voice for a single language using monolingual data from multiple speakers, as we described in the previous three episodes, can we somehow combine the limited monolingual data from multiple speakers of multiple languages to build a single multilingual voice that can speak any language?

Building upon an initial investigation into creating a multilingual TTS system that can synthesize speech in multiple languages from a single model, we developed a new model that uses uniform phonological representation for all languages — the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). The model trained using this representation can synthesize both the languages seen in the training data as well as languages not observed in training. This has two main benefits: First, pooling training data from related languages increases phonemic coverage which results in improved synthesis quality of the languages observed in training. Finally, because the model contains many languages pooled together, there is a better chance that an “unseen” language will have a “related” language present in the model that will guide and aid the synthesis.

Exploring the Closely Related Languages of Indonesia
We applied this multilingual approach first to languages of Indonesia, where Standard Indonesian is the official national language, and is spoken natively or as a second language by more than 200 million people. Javanese, with roughly 90 million native speakers, and Sundanese, with approximately 40 million native speakers, constitute the two largest regional languages of Indonesia. Unlike Indonesian, which received a lot of attention by the computational linguists and speech scientists over the years, both Javanese and Sundanese are currently low-resourced due to the lack of openly available high-quality corpora. We collaborated with universities in Indonesia to collect crowd-sourced Javanese and Sundanese recordings.

Since our corpus of Standard Indonesian was much larger and recorded in a professional studio, our hypothesis was that combining three languages may result in significant improvements over the systems constructed using a “classical” monolingual approach. To test this, we first proceeded to analyze the similarities and crucial differences between the phonologies of these three languages (shown below) and used this information to design the phonological representation that allows maximum degree of sharing between the languages while preserving their crucial differences.
Joint phoneme inventory of Indonesian, Javanese, and Sundanese in International Phonetic Alphabet notation.
The resulting Javanese and Sundanese voices trained jointly with Standard Indonesian strongly outperformed our corresponding monolingual multispeaker voices that we used as a baseline. This allowed us to launch Javanese and Sundanese TTS in Google products, such as Google Translate and Android.

Expanding to the More Diverse Language Families of South Asia
Next, we focused on the languages of South Asia spanning two very different language families: Indo-Aryan and Dravidian. Unlike the languages of Indonesia described above, these languages are much more diverse. In particular, they have significantly smaller overlap in their phonologies. The table below shows a superset of the languages in our experiment, including the variety of orthographies used, as well as modern words related to the Sanskrit word for “culture”. These languages show considerable variation within each group, but also such similarities across groups.
Descendants of Sanskrit word for “culture” across languages.
In this work, we leveraged the unified phonological representation mentioned above to make the most of the data we have and eliminate scarcity of data for certain phonemes. This was accomplished by conflating similar phonemes into a single representative phoneme in the multilingual phoneme inventory. Where possible, we use the same inventory for phonologically close languages. For example we have an identical phoneme inventory for Telugu and Kannada, and another one for West Bengali and Odia. For other language pairs like Gujarati and Marathi, we copied over the inventory of one language to another, but made a few changes to reflect the differences in their phonemic inventories. For all languages in these experiments we retained a common underlying representation, mapping similar phonemes across different inventories, so that we could still use the data from one language in training the others.

In addition, we made sure our representation is driven by the phonology in use, rather than the orthography. For example, although there are distinct letters for long and short vowels in Marathi, they are not contrastive in a linguistic sense, so we used a single representation for them, increasing the robustness of our training data. Similarly, if two languages use one character that was historically related to the same Sanskrit letter to represent different sounds or different letters for a similar sound, our mapping reflected the phonological closeness rather than the historical or orthographic representation. Describing all the features of the unified phoneme inventory is outside the scope of this post, the details can be found in our recent paper.
Diagram illustrating our multilingual text-to-speech approach. The input text queries are processed by language-specific linguistic front-ends to generate pronunciations in a shared phonemic representation serving as input to the language-agnostic acoustic model. The model then generates audio for the respective queries.
Our experiments focused on Indian Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu. For most of these languages, apart from Bengali and Marathi, the recording data and the transcriptions were crowd-sourced. For each of these languages we constructed a multilingual acoustic model that used all the data available. In addition, the acoustic model included the previously crowd-sourced Nepali and Sinhala data, as well as Hindi and Bangladeshi Bengali.

The results were encouraging: for most of the languages, the multilingual voices outperformed the voices that were constructed using traditional monolingual approach. We performed a further experiment with the Odia language, for which we had no training data, by attempting to synthesize it using the South Asian multilingual model. Subjective listening tests revealed that the native speakers of Odia judged the resulting audio to be acceptable and intelligible. The resulting voices for Marathi, Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam built using our multilingual approach in collaboration with the Speech team were announced at the recent “Google for India” event and are now powering Google Translate as well as other Google products.

Using crowd-sourcing in data collections was interesting from a research point of view and rewarding in terms of establishing fruitful collaborations with the native speaker communities. Our experiments with the Malayo-Polynesian, Indo-Aryan and Dravidian language families have shown that in most instances carefully sharing the data across multiple languages in a single multilingual acoustic model using deep learning techniques alleviates some of the severe data scarcity issues plaguing the low-resource languages and results in good quality voices used in Google products.

This TTS research is a first step towards applying speech and language technology to more of the world’s many languages, and it is our hope is that others will join us in this effort. To contribute to the research community we have open sourced corpora for Nepali, Sinhala, Bengali, Khmer, Javanese and Sundanese as we return from SLTU and Interspeech conferences, where we have been discussing this work with other researchers. We are planning on continuing to release additional datasets for other languages in our projects in the future.

Source: Google AI Blog

Google Duplex: An AI System for Accomplishing Real World Tasks Over the Phone

A long-standing goal of human-computer interaction has been to enable people to have a natural conversation with computers, as they would with each other. In recent years, we have witnessed a revolution in the ability of computers to understand and to generate natural speech, especially with the application of deep neural networks (e.g., Google voice search, WaveNet). Still, even with today’s state of the art systems, it is often frustrating having to talk to stilted computerized voices that don't understand natural language. In particular, automated phone systems are still struggling to recognize simple words and commands. They don’t engage in a conversation flow and force the caller to adjust to the system instead of the system adjusting to the caller.

Today we announce Google Duplex, a new technology for conducting natural conversations to carry out “real world” tasks over the phone. The technology is directed towards completing specific tasks, such as scheduling certain types of appointments. For such tasks, the system makes the conversational experience as natural as possible, allowing people to speak normally, like they would to another person, without having to adapt to a machine.

One of the key research insights was to constrain Duplex to closed domains, which are narrow enough to explore extensively. Duplex can only carry out natural conversations after being deeply trained in such domains. It cannot carry out general conversations.

Here are examples of Duplex making phone calls (using different voices):
Duplex scheduling a hair salon appointment:
Duplex calling a restaurant:

While sounding natural, these and other examples are conversations between a fully automatic computer system and real businesses.

The Google Duplex technology is built to sound natural, to make the conversation experience comfortable. It’s important to us that users and businesses have a good experience with this service, and transparency is a key part of that. We want to be clear about the intent of the call so businesses understand the context. We’ll be experimenting with the right approach over the coming months.

Conducting Natural Conversations
There are several challenges in conducting natural conversations: natural language is hard to understand, natural behavior is tricky to model, latency expectations require fast processing, and generating natural sounding speech, with the appropriate intonations, is difficult.

When people talk to each other, they use more complex sentences than when talking to computers. They often correct themselves mid-sentence, are more verbose than necessary, or omit words and rely on context instead; they also express a wide range of intents, sometimes in the same sentence, e.g., “So umm Tuesday through Thursday we are open 11 to 2, and then reopen 4 to 9, and then Friday, Saturday, Sunday we... or Friday, Saturday we're open 11 to 9 and then Sunday we're open 1 to 9.”
Example of complex statement:

In natural spontaneous speech people talk faster and less clearly than they do when they speak to a machine, so speech recognition is harder and we see higher word error rates. The problem is aggravated during phone calls, which often have loud background noises and sound quality issues.

In longer conversations, the same sentence can have very different meanings depending on context. For example, when booking reservations “Ok for 4” can mean the time of the reservation or the number of people. Often the relevant context might be several sentences back, a problem that gets compounded by the increased word error rate in phone calls.

Deciding what to say is a function of both the task and the state of the conversation. In addition, there are some common practices in natural conversations — implicit protocols that include elaborations (“for next Friday” “for when?” “for Friday next week, the 18th.”), syncs (“can you hear me?”), interruptions (“the number is 212-” “sorry can you start over?”), and pauses (“can you hold? [pause] thank you!” different meaning for a pause of 1 second vs 2 minutes).

Enter Duplex
Google Duplex’s conversations sound natural thanks to advances in understanding, interacting, timing, and speaking.

At the core of Duplex is a recurrent neural network (RNN) designed to cope with these challenges, built using TensorFlow Extended (TFX). To obtain its high precision, we trained Duplex’s RNN on a corpus of anonymized phone conversation data. The network uses the output of Google’s automatic speech recognition (ASR) technology, as well as features from the audio, the history of the conversation, the parameters of the conversation (e.g. the desired service for an appointment, or the current time of day) and more. We trained our understanding model separately for each task, but leveraged the shared corpus across tasks. Finally, we used hyperparameter optimization from TFX to further improve the model.
Incoming sound is processed through an ASR system. This produces text that is analyzed with context data and other inputs to produce a response text that is read aloud through the TTS system.
Duplex handling interruptions:
Duplex elaborating:
Duplex responding to a sync:

Sounding Natural
We use a combination of a concatenative text to speech (TTS) engine and a synthesis TTS engine (using Tacotron and WaveNet) to control intonation depending on the circumstance.

The system also sounds more natural thanks to the incorporation of speech disfluencies (e.g. “hmm”s and “uh”s). These are added when combining widely differing sound units in the concatenative TTS or adding synthetic waits, which allows the system to signal in a natural way that it is still processing. (This is what people often do when they are gathering their thoughts.) In user studies, we found that conversations using these disfluencies sound more familiar and natural.

Also, it’s important for latency to match people’s expectations. For example, after people say something simple, e.g., “hello?”, they expect an instant response, and are more sensitive to latency. When we detect that low latency is required, we use faster, low-confidence models (e.g. speech recognition or endpointing). In extreme cases, we don’t even wait for our RNN, and instead use faster approximations (usually coupled with more hesitant responses, as a person would do if they didn’t fully understand their counterpart). This allows us to have less than 100ms of response latency in these situations. Interestingly, in some situations, we found it was actually helpful to introduce more latency to make the conversation feel more natural — for example, when replying to a really complex sentence.

System Operation
The Google Duplex system is capable of carrying out sophisticated conversations and it completes the majority of its tasks fully autonomously, without human involvement. The system has a self-monitoring capability, which allows it to recognize the tasks it cannot complete autonomously (e.g., scheduling an unusually complex appointment). In these cases, it signals to a human operator, who can complete the task.

To train the system in a new domain, we use real-time supervised training. This is comparable to the training practices of many disciplines, where an instructor supervises a student as they are doing their job, providing guidance as needed, and making sure that the task is performed at the instructor’s level of quality. In the Duplex system, experienced operators act as the instructors. By monitoring the system as it makes phone calls in a new domain, they can affect the behavior of the system in real time as needed. This continues until the system performs at the desired quality level, at which point the supervision stops and the system can make calls autonomously.

Benefits for Businesses and Users
Businesses that rely on appointment bookings supported by Duplex, and are not yet powered by online systems, can benefit from Duplex by allowing customers to book through the Google Assistant without having to change any day-to-day practices or train employees. Using Duplex could also reduce no-shows to appointments by reminding customers about their upcoming appointments in a way that allows easy cancellation or rescheduling.
Duplex calling a restaurant:

In another example, customers often call businesses to inquire about information that is not available online such as hours of operation during a holiday. Duplex can call the business to inquire about open hours and make the information available online with Google, reducing the number of such calls businesses receive, while at the same time, making the information more accessible to everyone. Businesses can operate as they always have, there’s no learning curve or changes to make to benefit from this technology.
Duplex asking for holiday hours:

For users, Google Duplex is making supported tasks easier. Instead of making a phone call, the user simply interacts with the Google Assistant, and the call happens completely in the background without any user involvement.
A user asks the Google Assistant for an appointment, which the Assistant then schedules by having Duplex call the business.
Another benefit for users is that Duplex enables delegated communication with service providers in an asynchronous way, e.g., requesting reservations during off-hours, or with limited connectivity. It can also help address accessibility and language barriers, e.g., allowing hearing-impaired users, or users who don’t speak the local language, to carry out tasks over the phone.

This summer, we’ll start testing the Duplex technology within the Google Assistant, to help users make restaurant reservations, schedule hair salon appointments, and get holiday hours over the phone.
Yaniv Leviathan, Google Duplex lead, and Matan Kalman, engineering manager on the project, enjoying a meal booked through a call from Duplex.
Duplex calling to book the above meal:

Allowing people to interact with technology as naturally as they interact with each other has been a long standing promise. Google Duplex takes a step in this direction, making interaction with technology via natural conversation a reality in specific scenarios. We hope that these technology advances will ultimately contribute to a meaningful improvement in people’s experience in day-to-day interactions with computers.

Source: Google AI Blog

Expressive Speech Synthesis with Tacotron

At Google, we're excited about the recent rapid progress of neural network-based text-to-speech (TTS) research. In particular, end-to-end architectures, such as the Tacotron systems we announced last year, can both simplify voice building pipelines and produce natural-sounding speech. This will help us build better human-computer interfaces, like conversational assistants, audiobook narration, news readers, or voice design software. To deliver a truly human-like voice, however, a TTS system must learn to model prosody, the collection of expressive factors of speech, such as intonation, stress, and rhythm. Most current end-to-end systems, including Tacotron, don't explicitly model prosody, meaning they can't control exactly how the generated speech should sound. This may lead to monotonous-sounding speech, even when models are trained on very expressive datasets like audiobooks, which often contain character voices with significant variation. Today, we are excited to share two new papers that address these problems.

Our first paper, “Towards End-to-End Prosody Transfer for Expressive Speech Synthesis with Tacotron”, introduces the concept of a prosody embedding. We augment the Tacotron architecture with an additional prosody encoder that computes a low-dimensional embedding from a clip of human speech (the reference audio).
We augment Tacotron with a prosody encoder. The lower half of the image is the original Tacotron sequence-to-sequence model. For technical details, please refer to the paper.
This embedding captures characteristics of the audio that are independent of phonetic information and idiosyncratic speaker traits — these are attributes like stress, intonation, and timing. At inference time, we can use this embedding to perform prosody transfer, generating speech in the voice of a completely different speaker, but exhibiting the prosody of the reference.

Text: *Is* that Utah travel agency?
Reference prosody (Australian)
Synthesized without prosody embedding (American)
Synthesized with prosody embedding (American)

The embedding can also transfer fine time-aligned prosody from one phrase to a slightly different phrase, though this technique works best when the reference and target phrases are similar in length and structure.

Reference Text: For the first time in her life she had been danced tired.
Synthesized Text: For the last time in his life he had been handily embarrassed.
Reference prosody (American)
Synthesized without prosody embedding (American)
Synthesized with prosody embedding (American)

Excitingly, we observe prosody transfer even when the reference audio comes from a speaker whose voice is not in Tacotron's training data.

Text: I've Swallowed a Pollywog.
Reference prosody (Unseen American Speaker)
Synthesized without prosody embedding (British)
Synthesized with prosody embedding (British)

This is a promising result, as it paves the way for voice interaction designers to use their own voice to customize speech synthesis. You can listen to the full set of audio demos for “Towards End-to-End Prosody Transfer for Expressive Speech Synthesis with Tacotron” on this web page.

Despite their ability to transfer prosody with high fidelity, the embeddings from the paper above don't completely disentangle prosody from the content of a reference audio clip. (This explains why they transfer prosody best to phrases of similar structure and length.) Furthermore, they require a clip of reference audio at inference time. A natural question then arises: can we develop a model of expressive speech that alleviates these problems?

In our second paper, “Style Tokens: Unsupervised Style Modeling, Control and Transfer in End-to-End Speech Synthesis”, we do just that. Building upon the architecture in our first paper, we propose a new unsupervised method for modeling latent "factors" of speech. The key to this model is that, rather than learning fine time-aligned prosodic elements, it learns higher-level speaking style patterns that can be transferred across arbitrarily different phrases.

The model works by adding an extra attention mechanism to Tacotron, forcing it to represent the prosody embedding of any speech clip as the linear combination of a fixed set of basis embeddings. We call these embeddings Global Style Tokens (GSTs), and find that they learn text-independent variations in a speaker's style (soft, high-pitch, intense, etc.), without the need for explicit style labels.
Model architecture of Global Style Tokens. The prosody embedding is decomposed into “style tokens” to enable unsupervised style control and transfer. For technical details, please refer to the paper.
At inference time, we can select or modify the combination weights for the tokens, allowing us to force Tacotron to use a specific speaking style without needing a reference audio clip. Using GSTs, for example, we can make different sentences of varying lengths sound more "lively", "angry", "lamenting", etc:

Text: United Airlines five six three from Los Angeles to New Orleans has Landed.
Style 1
Style 2
Style 3
Style 4
Style 5
The text-independent nature of GSTs make them ideal for style transfer, which takes a reference audio clip spoken in a specific style and transfers its style to any target phrase we choose. To achieve this, we first run inference to predict the GST combination weights for an utterance whose style we want to imitate. We can then feed those combination weights to the model to synthesize completely different phrases — even those with very different lengths and structure — in the same style.

Finally, our paper shows that Global Style Tokens can model more than just speaking style. When trained on noisy YouTube audio from unlabeled speakers, a GST-enabled Tacotron learns to represent noise sources and distinct speakers as separate tokens. This means that by selecting the GSTs we use in inference, we can synthesize speech free of background noise, or speech in the voice of a specific unlabeled speaker from the dataset. This exciting result provides a path towards highly scalable but robust speech synthesis. You can listen to the full set of demos for "Style Tokens: Unsupervised Style Modeling, Control and Transfer in End-to-End Speech Synthesis" on this web page.

We are excited about the potential applications and opportunities that these two bodies of research enable. In the meantime, there are new important research problems to be addressed. We'd like to extend the techniques of the first paper to support prosody transfer in the natural pitch range of the target speaker. We'd also like to develop techniques to select appropriate prosody or speaking style automatically from context, using, for example, the integration of natural language understanding with TTS. Finally, while our first paper proposes an initial set of objective and subjective metrics for prosody transfer, we'd like to develop these further to help establish generally-accepted methods for prosodic evaluation.

These projects were done jointly between multiple Google teams. Contributors include RJ Skerry-Ryan, Yuxuan Wang, Daisy Stanton, Eric Battenberg, Ying Xiao, Joel Shor, Rif A. Saurous, Yu Zhang, Ron J. Weiss, Rob Clark, Fei Ren and Ye Jia.

Expressive Speech Synthesis with Tacotron

At Google, we’re excited about the recent rapid progress of neural network-based text-to-speech (TTS) research. In particular, end-to-end architectures, such as the Tacotron systems we announced last year, can both simplify voice building pipelines and produce natural-sounding speech. This will help us build better human-computer interfaces, like conversational assistants, audiobook narration, news readers, or voice design software. To deliver a truly human-like voice, however, a TTS system must learn to model prosody, the collection of expressive factors of speech, such as intonation, stress, and rhythm. Most current end-to-end systems, including Tacotron, don’t explicitly model prosody, meaning they can’t control exactly how the generated speech should sound. This may lead to monotonous-sounding speech, even when models are trained on very expressive datasets like audiobooks, which often contain character voices with significant variation. Today, we are excited to share two new papers that address these problems.

Our first paper, “Towards End-to-End Prosody Transfer for Expressive Speech Synthesis with Tacotron”, introduces the concept of a prosody embedding. We augment the Tacotron architecture with an additional prosody encoder that computes a low-dimensional embedding from a clip of human speech (the reference audio).

We augment Tacotron with a prosody encoder. The lower half of the image is the original Tacotron sequence-to-sequence model. For technical details, please refer to the paper.

This embedding captures characteristics of the audio that are independent of phonetic information and idiosyncratic speaker traits — these are attributes like stress, intonation, and timing. At inference time, we can use this embedding to perform prosody transfer, generating speech in the voice of a completely different speaker, but exhibiting the prosody of the reference.

Text: *Is* that Utah travel agency?
Reference prosody (Australian)
Synthesized without prosody embedding (American)
Synthesized with prosody embedding (American)

The embedding can also transfer fine time-aligned prosody from one phrase to a slightly different phrase, though this technique works best when the reference and target phrases are similar in length and structure.

Reference Text: For the first time in her life she had been danced tired.
Synthesized Text: For the last time in his life he had been handily embarrassed.
Reference prosody (American)
Synthesized without prosody embedding (American)
Synthesized with prosody embedding (American)

Excitingly, we observe prosody transfer even when the reference audio comes from a speaker whose voice is not in Tacotron’s training data.

Text: I’ve Swallowed a Pollywog.
Reference prosody (Unseen American Speaker)
Synthesized without prosody embedding (British)
Synthesized with prosody embedding (British)

This is a promising result, as it paves the way for voice interaction designers to use their own voice to customize speech synthesis. You can listen to the full set of audio demos for “Towards End-to-End Prosody Transfer for Expressive Speech Synthesis with Tacotron” on this web page.

Despite their ability to transfer prosody with high fidelity, the embeddings from the paper above don’t completely disentangle prosody from the content of a reference audio clip. (This explains why they transfer prosody best to phrases of similar structure and length.) Furthermore, they require a clip of reference audio at inference time. A natural question then arises: can we develop a model of expressive speech that alleviates these problems?

In our second paper, “Style Tokens: Unsupervised Style Modeling, Control and Transfer in End-to-End Speech Synthesis”, we do just that. Building upon the architecture in our first paper, we propose a new unsupervised method for modeling latent “factors” of speech. The key to this model is that, rather than learning fine time-aligned prosodic elements, it learns higher-level speaking style patterns that can be transferred across arbitrarily different phrases.

The model works by adding an extra attention mechanism to Tacotron, forcing it to represent the prosody embedding of any speech clip as the linear combination of a fixed set of basis embeddings. We call these embeddings Global Style Tokens (GSTs), and find that they learn text-independent variations in a speaker’s style (soft, high-pitch, intense, etc.), without the need for explicit style labels.

Model architecture of Global Style Tokens. The prosody embedding is decomposed into “style tokens” to enable unsupervised style control and transfer. For technical details, please refer to the paper.

At inference time, we can select or modify the combination weights for the tokens, allowing us to force Tacotron to use a specific speaking style without needing a reference audio clip. Using GSTs, for example, we can make different sentences of varying lengths sound more “lively”, “angry”, “lamenting”, etc:

Text: United Airlines five six three from Los Angeles to New Orleans has Landed.
Style 1
Style 2
Style 3
Style 4
Style 5

The text-independent nature of GSTs make them ideal for style transfer, which takes a reference audio clip spoken in a specific style and transfers its style to any target phrase we choose. To achieve this, we first run inference to predict the GST combination weights for an utterance whose style we want to imitate. We can then feed those combination weights to the model to synthesize completely different phrases — even those with very different lengths and structure — in the same style.

Finally, our paper shows that Global Style Tokens can model more than just speaking style. When trained on noisy YouTube audio from unlabeled speakers, a GST-enabled Tacotron learns to represent noise sources and distinct speakers as separate tokens. This means that by selecting the GSTs we use in inference, we can synthesize speech free of background noise, or speech in the voice of a specific unlabeled speaker from the dataset. This exciting result provides a path towards highly scalable but robust speech synthesis. You can listen to the full set of demos for “Style Tokens: Unsupervised Style Modeling, Control and Transfer in End-to-End Speech Synthesis” on this web page.

We are excited about the potential applications and opportunities that these two bodies of research enable. In the meantime, there are new important research problems to be addressed. We’d like to extend the techniques of the first paper to support prosody transfer in the natural pitch range of the target speaker. We’d also like to develop techniques to select appropriate prosody or speaking style automatically from context, using, for example, the integration of natural language understanding with TTS. Finally, while our first paper proposes an initial set of objective and subjective metrics for prosody transfer, we’d like to develop these further to help establish generally-accepted methods for prosodic evaluation.

These projects were done jointly between multiple Google teams. Contributors include RJ Skerry-Ryan, Yuxuan Wang, Daisy Stanton, Eric Battenberg, Ying Xiao, Joel Shor, Rif A. Saurous, Yu Zhang, Ron J. Weiss, Rob Clark, Fei Ren and Ye Jia.