Tag Archives: Natural Language Processing

Cappy: Outperforming and boosting large multi-task language models with a small scorer

Large language model (LLM) advancements have led to a new paradigm that unifies various natural language processing (NLP) tasks within an instruction-following framework. This paradigm is exemplified by recent multi-task LLMs, such as T0, FLAN, and OPT-IML. First, multi-task data is gathered with each task following a task-specific template, where each labeled example is converted into an instruction (e.g., "Put the concepts together to form a sentence: ski, mountain, skier) paired with a corresponding response (e.g., "Skier skis down the mountain"). These instruction-response pairs are used to train the LLM, resulting in a conditional generation model that takes an instruction as input and generates a response. Moreover, multi-task LLMs have exhibited remarkable task-wise generalization capabilities as they can address unseen tasks by understanding and solving brand-new instructions.

The demonstration of the instruction-following pre-training of multi-task LLMs, e.g., FLAN. Pre-training tasks under this paradigm improves the performance for unseen tasks.

Due to the complexity of understanding and solving various tasks solely using instructions, the size of multi-task LLMs typically spans from several billion parameters to hundreds of billions (e.g., FLAN-11B, T0-11B and OPT-IML-175B). As a result, operating such sizable models poses significant challenges because they demand considerable computational power and impose substantial requirements on the memory capacities of GPUs and TPUs, making their training and inference expensive and inefficient. Extensive storage is required to maintain a unique LLM copy for each downstream task. Moreover, the most powerful multi-task LLMs (e.g., FLAN-PaLM-540B) are closed-sourced, making them impossible to be adapted. However, in practical applications, harnessing a single multi-task LLM to manage all conceivable tasks in a zero-shot manner remains difficult, particularly when dealing with complex tasks, personalized tasks and those that cannot be succinctly defined using instructions. On the other hand, the size of downstream training data is usually insufficient to train a model well without incorporating rich prior knowledge. Hence, it is long desired to adapt LLMs with downstream supervision while bypassing storage, memory, and access issues.

Certain parameter-efficient tuning strategies, including prompt tuning and adapters, substantially diminish storage requirements, but they still perform back-propagation through LLM parameters during the tuning process, thereby keeping their memory demands high. Additionally, some in-context learning techniques circumvent parameter tuning by integrating a limited number of supervised examples into the instruction. However, these techniques are constrained by the model's maximum input length, which permits only a few samples to guide task resolution.

In “Cappy: Outperforming and Boosting Large Multi-Task LMs with a Small Scorer”, presented at NeurIPS 2023, we propose a novel approach that enhances the performance and efficiency of multi-task LLMs. We introduce a lightweight pre-trained scorer, Cappy, based on continual pre-training on top of RoBERTa with merely 360 million parameters. Cappy takes in an instruction and a candidate response as input, and produces a score between 0 and 1, indicating an estimated correctness of the response with respect to the instruction. Cappy functions either independently on classification tasks or serves as an auxiliary component for LLMs, boosting their performance. Moreover, Cappy efficiently enables downstream supervision without requiring any finetuning, which avoids the need for back-propagation through LLM parameters and reduces memory requirements. Finally, adaptation with Cappy doesn’t require access to LLM parameters as it is compatible with closed-source multi-task LLMs, such as those only accessible via WebAPIs.

Cappy takes an instruction and response pair as input and outputs a score ranging from 0 to 1, indicating an estimation of the correctness of the response with respect to the instruction.


We begin with the same dataset collection, which includes 39 diverse datasets from PromptSource that were used to train T0. This collection encompasses a wide range of task types, such as question answering, sentiment analysis, and summarization. Each dataset is associated with one or more templates that convert each instance from the original datasets into an instruction paired with its ground truth response.

Cappy's regression modeling requires each pre-training data instance to include an instruction-response pair along with a correctness annotation for the response, so we produce a dataset with correctness annotations that range from 0 to 1. For every instance within a generation task, we leverage an existing multi-task LLM to generate multiple responses by sampling, conditioned on the given instruction. Subsequently, we assign an annotation to the pair formed by the instruction and every response, using the similarity between the response and the ground truth response of the instance. Specifically, we employ Rouge-L, a commonly-used metric for measuring overall multi-task performance that has demonstrated a strong alignment with human evaluation, to calculate this similarity as a form of weak supervision.

As a result, we obtain an effective regression dataset of 160 million instances paired with correctness score annotations. The final Cappy model is the result of continuous pre-training using the regression dataset on top of the RoBERTa model. The pre-training of Cappy is conducted on Google's TPU-v4, with RedCoast, a lightweight toolkit for automating distributed training.

Data augmentation with a multi-task LLM to construct a weakly supervised regression dataset for Cappy’s pre-training and fine-tuning.

Applying Cappy

Cappy solves practical tasks within a candidate-selection mechanism. More specifically, given an instruction and a set of candidate responses, Cappy produces a score for each candidate response. This is achieved by inputting the instruction alongside each individual response, and then assigning the response with the highest score as its prediction. In classification tasks, all candidate responses are inherently predefined. For example, for an instruction of a sentiment classification task (e.g., “Based on this review, would the user recommend this product?: ‘Stunning even for the non-gamer.’”), the candidate responses are “Yes” or “No”. In such scenarios, Cappy functions independently. On the other hand, in generation tasks, candidate responses are not pre-defined, requiring an existing multi-task LLM to yield the candidate responses. In this case, Cappy serves as an auxiliary component of the multi-task LLM, enhancing its decoding.

Adapting multi-task LLMs with Cappy

When there is available downstream training data, Cappy enables effective and efficient adaptation of multi-task LLMs on downstream tasks. Specifically, we fine-tune Cappy to integrate downstream task information into LLM predictions. This process involves creating a separate regression dataset specific to the downstream training data with the same data annotation process used to construct the pre-training data. As a result, the fine-tuned Cappy collaborates with a multi-task LLM, boosting the LLM's performance on the downstream task.

In contrast to other LLM tuning strategies, adapting LLMs with Cappy significantly reduces the high demand for device memory as it avoids the need for back-propagation through LLM parameters for downstream tasks. Moreover, Cappy adaptation does not rely on the access to LLM parameters, making it compatible with closed-source multi-task LLMs, such as the ones only accessible via WebAPIs. Compared with in-context learning approaches, which circumvent model tuning by attaching training examples to the instruction prefix, Cappy is not restricted by the LLM's maximum input length. Thus, Cappy can incorporate an unlimited number of downstream training examples. Cappy can also be applied with other adaptation methods, such as fine-tuning and in-context learning, further boosting their overall performance.

Downstream adaptation comparison between Cappy and approaches that rely on an LLM’s parameters, such as fine-tuning and prompt tuning. Cappy’s application enhances multi-task LLMs.


We assess Cappy’s performance across eleven held-out language understanding classification tasks from PromptSource. We demonstrate that Cappy, with 360M parameters, outperforms OPT-175B and OPT-IML-30B, and matches the accuracy of the best existing multi-task LLMs (T0-11B and OPT-IML-175B). These findings highlight Cappy’s capabilities and parameter efficiency, which can be credited to its scoring-based pre-training strategy that integrates contrastive information by differentiating between high-quality and low-quality responses. On the contrary, previous multi-task LLMs depend exclusively on teacher-forcing training that utilizes only the ground truth responses.

The overall accuracy averaged over eleven test tasks from PromptSource. “RM” refers to a pre-trained RLHF reward model. Cappy matches the best ones among existing multi-task LLMs.

We also examine the adaptation of multi-task LLMs with Cappy on complex tasks from BIG-Bench, a set of manually curated tasks that are considered beyond the capability of many LLMs. We focus on all the 45 generation BIG-Bench tasks, specifically those that do not offer pre-established answer choices. We evaluate the performance using the Rouge-L score (representing the overall similarity between model generations and corresponding ground truths) on every test set, reporting the average score across 45 tests. In this experiment, all variants of FLAN-T5 serve as the backbone LLMs, and the foundational FLAN-T5 models are frozen. These results, shown below, suggest that Cappy enhances the performance of FLAN-T5 models by a large margin, consistently outperforming the most effective baseline achieved through sample selection using self-scoring of the LLM itself.

The averaged Rouge-L score over 45 complex tasks within BIG-Bench. The x-axis refers to FLAN-T5 models of different sizes. Every dashed line represents an approach working on FLAN-T5s. Self-scoring refers to using the cross-entropy of LLM to select responses. Cappy enhances the performance of FLAN-T5 models by a large margin.


We introduce Cappy, a novel approach that enhances the performance and efficiency of multi-task LLMs. In our experiments, we adapt a single LLM to several domains with Cappy. In the future, Cappy as a pre-trained model can potentially be used in other creative ways beyond on single LLMs.


Thanks to Bowen Tan, Jindong Chen, Lei Meng, Abhanshu Sharma and Ewa Dominowska for their valuable feedback. We would also like to thank Eric Xing and Zhiting Hu for their suggestions.

Source: Google AI Blog

Chain-of-table: Evolving tables in the reasoning chain for table understanding

People use tables every day to organize and interpret complex information in a structured, easily accessible format. Due to the ubiquity of such tables, reasoning over tabular data has long been a central topic in natural language processing (NLP). Researchers in this field have aimed to leverage language models to help users answer questions, verify statements, and analyze data based on tables. However, language models are trained over large amounts of plain text, so the inherently structured nature of tabular data can be difficult for language models to fully comprehend and utilize.

Recently, large language models (LLMs) have achieved outstanding performance across diverse natural language understanding (NLU) tasks by generating reliable reasoning chains, as shown in works like Chain-of-Thought and Least-to-Most. However, the most suitable way for LLMs to reason over tabular data remains an open question.

In “Chain-of-Table: Evolving Tables in the Reasoning Chain for Table Understanding”, we propose a framework to tackle table understanding tasks, where we train LLMs to outline their reasoning step by step, updating a given table iteratively to reflect each part of a thought process, akin to how people solve the table-based problems. This enables the LLM to transform the table into simpler and more manageable segments so that it can understand and analyze each part of the table in depth. This approach has yielded significant improvements and achieved new state-of-the-art results on the WikiTQ, TabFact, and FeTaQA benchmarks. The figure below shows the high-level overview of the proposed Chain-of-Table and other methods.

Given a complex table where a cyclist’s nationality and name are in the same cell, (a) generic, multi-step reasoning is unable to provide the correct answer (b) program-aided reasoning generates and executes programs (e.g., SQL queries) to deliver the answer, but falls short in accurately addressing the question. In contrast, (c) Chain-of-Table iteratively samples a chain of operations that effectively transform the complex table into a version specifically tailored to the question.


In Chain-of-Table, we guide LLMs using in-context learning to iteratively generate operations and to update the table to represent its reasoning chain over tabular data. This enables LLMs to dynamically plan the next operation based on the results of previous ones. This continuous evolution of the table forms a chain, which provides a more structured and clear representation of the reasoning process for a given problem and enables more accurate and reliable predictions from the LLM.

For example, when asked, “Which actor has the most NAACP image awards?” the Chain-of-Table framework prompts an LLM to generate tabular operations mirroring tabular reasoning processes. It first identifies the relevant columns. Then, it aggregates rows based on shared content. Finally, it reorders the aggregated results to yield a final table that clearly answers the posed question.

These operations transform the table to align with the question presented. To balance performance with computational expense on large tables, we construct the operation chain according to a subset of tabular rows.. Meanwhile, the step-by-step operations reveal the underlying reasoning process through the display of intermediate results from the tabular operations, fostering enhanced interpretability and understanding.

Illustration of the tabular reasoning process in Chain-of-Table. This iterative process involves dynamically planning an operation chain and accurately storing intermediate results in the transformed tables. These intermediate tables serve as a tabular thought process that can guide the LLM to land to the correct answer more reliably.

Chain-of-Table consists of three main stages. In the first stage, it instructs the LLM to dynamically plan the next operation by in-context learning. Specifically, the prompt involves three components as shown in the following figure:

  1. The question Q: “Which country had the most cyclists finish in the top 3?”
  2. The operation history chain: f_add_col(Country) and f_select_row(1, 2, 3).
  3. The latest intermediate table T: the transformed intermediate table.

By providing the triplet (T, Q, chain) in the prompt, the LLM can observe the previous tabular reasoning process and select the next operation from the operation pool to complete the reasoning chain step by step.

Illustration of how Chain-of-Table selects the next operation from the operation pool and generates the arguments for the operation.(a) Chain-of-Table samples the next operation from the operation pool. (b) It takes the selected operation as input and generates its arguments.

After the next operation f is determined, in the second stage, we need to generate the arguments. As above, Chain-of-Table considers three components in the prompt as shown in the figure: (1) the question, (2) the selected operation and its required arguments, and (3) the latest intermediate table.

For instance, when the operation f_group_by is selected, it requires a header name as its argument.

The LLM selects a suitable header within the table. Equipped with the selected operation and the generated arguments, Chain-of-Table executes the operation and constructs a new intermediate table for the following reasoning.

Chain-of-Table iterates the previous two stages to plan the next operation and generate the required arguments. During this process, we create an operation chain acting as a proxy for the tabular reasoning steps. These operations generate intermediate tables presenting the results of each step to the LLM. Consequently, the output table contains comprehensive information about the intermediate phases of tabular reasoning. In our final stage, we employ this output table in formulating the final query and prompt the LLM along with the question for the final answer.

Experimental setup

We use PaLM 2-S and GPT 3.5 as the backbone LLMs and conduct the experiments on three public table understanding benchmarks: WikiTQ, TabFact, and FeTaQA. WikiTQ and FeTaQA are datasets for table-based question answering. TabFact is a table-based fact verification benchmark. In this blogpost, we will focus on the results on WikiTQ and TabFact. We compare Chain-of-Table with the generic reasoning methods (e.g., End-to-End QA, Few-Shot QA, and Chain-of-Thought) and the program-aided methods (e.g., Text-to-SQL, Binder, and Dater).

More accurate answers

Compared to the generic reasoning methods and program-aided reasoning methods, Chain-of-Table achieves better performance across PaLM 2 and GPT 3.5. This is attributed to the dynamically sampled operations and the informative intermediate tables.

Understanding results on WikiTQ and TabFact with PaLM 2 and GPT 3.5 compared with various models.

Better robustness on harder questions

In Chain-of-Table, longer operation chains indicate the higher difficulty and complexity of the questions and their corresponding tables. We categorize the test samples according to their operation lengths in Chain-of-Table. We compare Chain-of-Table with Chain-of-Thought and Dater, as representative generic and program-aided reasoning methods. We illustrate this using results from PaLM 2 on WikiTQ.

Performance of Chain-of-Thought, Dater, and the proposed Chain-of-Table on WikiTQ for questions that require an operation chain of varying lengths. Our proposed atomic operations significantly improve performance over generic and program-aided reasoning counterparts.

Notably, Chain-of-Table consistently surpasses both baseline methods across all operation chain lengths, with a significant margin up to 11.6% compared with Chain-of-Thought, and up to 7.9% compared with Dater. Moreover, the performance of Chain-of-Table declines gracefully with increasing number of operations compared to other baseline methods, exhibiting only a minimal decrease when the number of operations increases from four to five.

Better robustness with larger tables

We categorize the tables from WikiTQ into three groups based on token number: small (<2000 tokens), medium (2000 to 4000 tokens) and large (>4000 tokens). We then compare Chain-of-Table with Dater and Binder, the two latest and strongest baselines.

Performance of Binder, Dater, and the proposed Chain-of-Table on small (<2000 tokens), medium (2000 to 4000 tokens), and large (>4000 tokens) tables from WikiTQ. We observe that the performance decreases with larger input tables while Chain-of-Table diminishes gracefully, achieving significant improvements over competing methods. (As above, underlined text denotes the second-best performance; bold denotes the best performance.)

Performance of Binder, Dater, and the proposed Chain-of-Table on small (<2000 tokens), medium (2000 to 4000 tokens), and large (>4000 tokens) tables from WikiTQ. We observe that the performance decreases with larger input tables while Chain-of-Table diminishes gracefully, achieving significant improvements over competing methods. (As above, underlined text denotes the second-best performance; bold denotes the best performance.)

As anticipated, the performance decreases with larger input tables, as models are required to reason through longer contexts. Nevertheless, the performance of the proposed Chain-of-Table diminishes gracefully, achieving a significant 10+% improvement over the second best competing method when dealing with large tables. This demonstrates the efficacy of the reasoning chain in handling long tabular inputs.


Our proposed Chain-of-Table method enhances the reasoning capability of LLMs by leveraging the tabular structure to express intermediate steps for table-based reasoning. It instructs LLMs to dynamically plan an operation chain according to the input table and its associated question. This evolving table design sheds new light on the understanding of prompting LLMs for table understanding.


This research was conducted by Zilong Wang, Hao Zhang, Chun-Liang Li, Julian Martin Eisenschlos, Vincent Perot, Zifeng Wang, Lesly Miculicich, Yasuhisa Fujii, Jingbo Shang, Chen-Yu Lee, Tomas Pfister. Thanks to Chih-Kuan Yeh and Sergey Ioffe for their valuable feedback.

Source: Google AI Blog

Social learning: Collaborative learning with large language models

Large language models (LLMs) have significantly improved the state of the art for solving tasks specified using natural language, often reaching performance close to that of people. As these models increasingly enable assistive agents, it could be beneficial for them to learn effectively from each other, much like people do in social settings, which would allow LLM-based agents to improve each other’s performance.

To discuss the learning processes of humans, Bandura and Walters described the concept of social learning in 1977, outlining different models of observational learning used by people. One common method of learning from others is through a verbal instruction (e.g., from a teacher) that describes how to engage in a particular behavior. Alternatively, learning can happen through a live model by mimicking a live example of the behavior.

Given the success of LLMs mimicking human communication, in our paper “Social Learning: Towards Collaborative Learning with Large Language Models”, we investigate whether LLMs are able to learn from each other using social learning. To this end, we outline a framework for social learning in which LLMs share knowledge with each other in a privacy-aware manner using natural language. We evaluate the effectiveness of our framework on various datasets, and propose quantitative methods that measure privacy in this setting. In contrast to previous approaches to collaborative learning, such as common federated learning approaches that often rely on gradients, in our framework, agents teach each other purely using natural language.

Social learning for LLMs

To extend social learning to language models, we consider the scenario where a student LLM should learn to solve a task from multiple teacher entities that already know that task. In our paper, we evaluate the student’s performance on a variety of tasks, such as spam detection in short text messages (SMS), solving grade school math problems, and answering questions based on a given text.

A visualization of the social learning process: A teacher model provides instructions or few-shot examples to a student model without sharing its private data.

Language models have shown a remarkable capacity to perform tasks given only a handful of examples–a process called few-shot learning. With this in mind, we provide human-labeled examples of a task that enables the teacher model to teach it to a student. One of the main use cases of social learning arises when these examples cannot be directly shared with the student due, for example, to privacy concerns.

To illustrate this, let’s look at a hypothetical example for a spam detection task. A teacher model is located on device where some users volunteer to mark incoming messages they receive as either “spam” or “not spam”. This is useful data that could help train a student model to differentiate between spam and not spam, but sharing personal messages with other users is a breach of privacy and should be avoided. To prevent this, a social learning process can transfer the knowledge from the teacher model to the student so it learns what spam messages look like without needing to share the user’s personal text messages.

We investigate the effectiveness of this social learning approach by analogy with the established human social learning theory that we discussed above. In these experiments, we use PaLM 2-S models for both the teacher and the student.

A systems view of social learning: At training time, multiple teachers teach the student. At inference time, the student is using what it learned from the teachers.

Synthetic examples

As a counterpart to the live teaching model described for traditional social learning, we propose a learning method where the teachers generate new synthetic examples for the task and share them with the student. This is motivated by the idea that one can create a new example that is sufficiently different from the original one, but is just as educational. Indeed, we observe that our generated examples are sufficiently different from the real ones to preserve privacy while still enabling performance comparable to that achieved using the original examples.

The 8 generated examples perform as well as the original data for several tasks (see our paper).

We evaluate the efficacy of learning through synthetic examples on our task suite. Especially when the number of examples is high enough, e.g., n = 16, we observe no statistically significant difference between sharing original data and teaching with synthesized data via social learning for the majority of tasks, indicating that the privacy improvement does not have to come at the cost of model quality.

Generating 16 instead of just 8 examples further reduces the performance gap relative to the original examples.

The one exception is spam detection, for which teaching with synthesized data yields lower accuracy. This may be because the training procedure of current models makes them biased to only generate non-spam examples. In the paper, we additionally look into aggregation methods for selecting good subsets of examples to use.

Synthetic instruction

Given the success of language models in following instructions, the verbal instruction model can also be naturally adapted to language models by having the teachers generate an instruction for the task. Our experiments show that providing such a generated instruction effectively improves performance over zero-shot prompting, reaching accuracies comparable to few-shot prompting with original examples. However, we did find that the teacher model may fail on certain tasks to provide a good instruction, for example due to a complicated formatting requirement of the output.

For Lambada, GSM8k, and Random Insertion, providing synthetic examples performs better than providing generated instructions, whereas in the other tasks generated instruction obtains a higher accuracy. This observation suggests that the choice of the teaching model depends on the task at hand, similar to how the most effective method for teaching people varies by task.

Depending on the task, generating instructions can work better than generating new examples.

Memorization of the private examples

We want teachers in social learning to teach the student without revealing specifics from the original data. To quantify how prone this process is to leaking information, we used Secret Sharer, a popular method for quantifying to what extent a model memorizes its training data, and adapted it to the social learning setting. We picked this method since it had previously been used for evaluating memorization in federated learning.

To apply the Secret Sharer method to social learning, we design “canary” data points such that we can concretely measure how much the training process memorized them. These data points are included in the datasets used by teachers to generate new examples. After the social learning process completes, we can then measure how much more confident the student is in the secret data points the teacher used, compared to similar ones that were not shared even with the teachers.

In our analysis, discussed in detail in the paper, we use canary examples that include names and codes. Our results show that the student is only slightly more confident in the canaries the teacher used. In contrast, when the original data points are directly shared with the student, the confidence in the included canaries is much higher than in the held-out set. This supports the conclusion that the teacher does indeed use its data to teach without simply copying it over.

Conclusion and next steps

We introduced a framework for social learning that allows language models with access to private data to transfer knowledge through textual communication while maintaining the privacy of that data. In this framework, we identified sharing examples and sharing instructions as basic models and evaluated them on multiple tasks. Furthermore, we adapted the Secret Sharer metric to our framework, proposing a metric for measuring data leakage.

As next steps, we are looking for ways of improving the teaching process, for example by adding feedback loops and iteration. Furthermore, we want to investigate using social learning for modalities other than text.


We would like to acknowledge and thank Matt Sharifi, Sian Gooding, Lukas Zilka, and Blaise Aguera y Arcas, who are all co-authors on the paper. Furthermore, we would like to thank Victor Cărbune, Zachary Garrett, Tautvydas Misiunas, Sofia Neata and John Platt for their feedback, which greatly improved the paper. We’d also like to thank Tom Small for creating the animated figure.

Source: Google AI Blog

Spoken question answering and speech continuation using a spectrogram-powered LLM

The goal of natural language processing (NLP) is to develop computational models that can understand and generate natural language. By capturing the statistical patterns and structures of text-based natural language, language models can predict and generate coherent and meaningful sequences of words. Enabled by the increasing use of the highly successful Transformer model architecture and with training on large amounts of text (with proportionate compute and model size), large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable success in NLP tasks.

However, modeling spoken human language remains a challenging frontier. Spoken dialog systems have conventionally been built as a cascade of automatic speech recognition (ASR), natural language understanding (NLU), response generation, and text-to-speech (TTS) systems. However, to date there have been few capable end-to-end systems for the modeling of spoken language: i.e., single models that can take speech inputs and generate its continuation as speech outputs.

Today we present a new approach for spoken language modeling, called Spectron, published in “Spoken Question Answering and Speech Continuation Using Spectrogram-Powered LLM.” Spectron is the first spoken language model that is trained end-to-end to directly process spectrograms as both input and output, instead of learning discrete speech representations. Using only a pre-trained text language model, it can be fine-tuned to generate high-quality, semantically accurate spoken language. Furthermore, the proposed model improves upon direct initialization in retaining the knowledge of the original LLM as demonstrated through spoken question answering datasets.

We show that a pre-trained speech encoder and a language model decoder enable end-to-end training and state-of-the-art performance without sacrificing representational fidelity. Key to this is a novel end-to-end training objective that implicitly supervises speech recognition, text continuation, and conditional speech synthesis in a joint manner. A new spectrogram regression loss also supervises the model to match the higher-order derivatives of the spectrogram in the time and frequency domain. These derivatives express information aggregated from multiple frames at once. Thus, they express rich, longer-range information about the shape of the signal. Our overall scheme is summarized in the following figure:

The Spectron model connects the encoder of a speech recognition model with a pre-trained Transformer-based decoder language model. At training, speech utterances split into a prompt and its continuation. Then the full transcript (prompt and continuation) is reconstructed along with the continuation’s speech features. At inference, only a prompt is provided; the prompt’s transcription, text continuation, and speech continuations are all generated by the model.

Spectron architecture

The architecture is initialized with a pre-trained speech encoder and a pre-trained decoder language model. The encoder is prompted with a speech utterance as input, which it encodes into continuous linguistic features. These features feed into the decoder as a prefix, and the whole encoder-decoder is optimized to jointly minimize a cross-entropy loss (for speech recognition and transcript continuation) and a novel reconstruction loss (for speech continuation). During inference, one provides a spoken speech prompt, which is encoded and then decoded to give both text and speech continuations.

Speech encoder

The speech encoder is a 600M-parameter conformer encoder pre-trained on large-scale data (12M hours). It takes the spectrogram of the source speech as input, generating a hidden representation that incorporates both linguistic and acoustic information. The input spectrogram is first subsampled using a convolutional layer and then processed by a series of conformer blocks. Each conformer block consists of a feed-forward layer, a self-attention layer, a convolution layer, and a second feed-forward layer. The outputs are passed through a projection layer to match the hidden representations to the embedding dimension of the language model.

Language model

We use a 350M or 1B parameter decoder language model (for the continuation and question-answering tasks, respectively) trained in the manner of PaLM 2. The model receives the encoded features of the prompt as a prefix. Note that this is the only connection between the speech encoder and the LM decoder; i.e., there is no cross-attention between the encoder and the decoder. Unlike most spoken language models, during training, the decoder is teacher-forced to predict the text transcription, text continuation, and speech embeddings. To convert the speech embeddings to and from spectrograms, we introduce lightweight modules pre- and post-network.

By having the same architecture decode the intermediate text and the spectrograms, we gain two benefits. First, the pre-training of the LM in the text domain allows continuation of the prompt in the text domain before synthesizing the speech. Secondly, the predicted text serves as intermediate reasoning, enhancing the quality of the synthesized speech, analogous to improvements in text-based language models when using intermediate scratchpads or chain-of-thought (CoT) reasoning.

Acoustic projection layers

To enable the language model decoder to model spectrogram frames, we employ a multi-layer perceptron “pre-net” to project the ground truth spectrogram speech continuations to the language model dimension. This pre-net compresses the spectrogram input into a lower dimension, creating a bottleneck that aids the decoding process. This bottleneck mechanism prevents the model from repetitively generating the same prediction in the decoding process. To project the LM output from the language model dimension to the spectrogram dimension, the model employs a “post-net”, which is also a multi-layer perceptron. Both pre- and post-networks are two-layer multi-layer perceptrons.

Training objective

The training methodology of Spectron uses two distinct loss functions: (i) cross-entropy loss, employed for both speech recognition and transcript continuation, and (ii) regression loss, employed for speech continuation. During training, all parameters are updated (speech encoder, projection layer, LM, pre-net, and post-net).

Audio samples

Following are examples of speech continuation and question answering from Spectron:

Speech Continuation


Question Answering



To empirically evaluate the performance of the proposed approach, we conducted experiments on the Libri-Light dataset. Libri-Light is a 60k hour English dataset consisting of unlabelled speech readings from LibriVox audiobooks. We utilized a frozen neural vocoder called WaveFit to convert the predicted spectrograms into raw audio. We experiment with two tasks, speech continuation and spoken question answering (QA). Speech continuation quality is tested on the LibriSpeech test set. Spoken QA is tested on the Spoken WebQuestions datasets and a new test set named LLama questions, which we created. For all experiments, we use a 3 second audio prompt as input. We compare our method against existing spoken language models: AudioLM, GSLM, TWIST and SpeechGPT. For the speech continuation task, we use the 350M parameter version of LM and the 1B version for the spoken QA task.

For the speech continuation task, we evaluate our method using three metrics. The first is log-perplexity, which uses an LM to evaluate the cohesion and semantic quality of the generated speech. The second is mean opinion score (MOS), which measures how natural the speech sounds to human evaluators. The third, speaker similarity, uses a speaker encoder to measure how similar the speaker in the output is to the speaker in the input. Performance in all 3 metrics can be seen in the following graphs.

Log-perplexity for completions of LibriSpeech utterances given a 3-second prompt. Lower is better.
Speaker similarity between the prompt speech and the generated speech using the speaker encoder. Higher is better.
MOS given by human users on speech naturalness. Raters rate 5-scale subjective mean opinion score (MOS) ranging between 0 - 5 in naturalness given a speech utterance. Higher is better.

As can be seen in the first graph, our method significantly outperforms GSLM and TWIST on the log-perplexity metric, and does slightly better than state-of-the-art methods AudioLM and SpeechGPT. In terms of MOS, Spectron exceeds the performance of all the other methods except for AudioLM. In terms of speaker similarity, our method outperforms all other methods.

To evaluate the ability of the models to perform question answering, we use two spoken question answering datasets. The first is the LLama Questions dataset, which uses general knowledge questions in different domains generated using the LLama2 70B LLM. The second dataset is the WebQuestions dataset which is a general question answering dataset. For evaluation we use only questions that fit into the 3 second prompt length. To compute accuracy, answers are transcribed and compared to the ground truth answers in text form.

Accuracy for Question Answering on the LLama Questions and Spoken WebQuestions datasets. Accuracy is computed using the ASR transcripts of spoken answers.

First, we observe that all methods have more difficulty answering questions from the Spoken WebQuestions dataset than from the LLama questions dataset. Second, we observe that methods centered around spoken language modeling such as GSLM, AudioLM and TWIST have a completion-centric behavior rather than direct question answering which hindered their ability to perform QA. On the LLama questions dataset our method outperforms all other methods, while SpeechGPT is very close in performance. On the Spoken WebQuestions dataset, our method outperforms all other methods except for SpeechGPT, which does marginally better.


The direct contributors to this work include Eliya Nachmani, Alon Levkovitch, Julian Salazar, Chulayutsh Asawaroengchai, Soroosh Mariooryad, RJ Skerry-Ryan and Michelle Tadmor Ramanovich. We also thank Heiga Zhen, Yifan Ding, Yu Zhang, Yuma Koizumi, Neil Zeghidour, Christian Frank, Marco Tagliasacchi, Nadav Bar, Benny Schlesinger and Blaise Aguera-Arcas.

Source: Google AI Blog

Batch calibration: Rethinking calibration for in-context learning and prompt engineering

Prompting large language models (LLMs) has become an efficient learning paradigm for adapting LLMs to a new task by conditioning on human-designed instructions. The remarkable in-context learning (ICL) ability of LLMs also leads to efficient few-shot learners that can generalize from few-shot input-label pairs. However, the predictions of LLMs are highly sensitive and even biased to the choice of templates, label spaces (such as yes/no, true/false, correct/incorrect), and demonstration examples, resulting in unexpected performance degradation and barriers for pursuing robust LLM applications. To address this problem, calibration methods have been developed to mitigate the effects of these biases while recovering LLM performance. Though multiple calibration solutions have been provided (e.g., contextual calibration and domain-context calibration), the field currently lacks a unified analysis that systematically distinguishes and explains the unique characteristics, merits, and downsides of each approach.

With this in mind, in “Batch Calibration: Rethinking Calibration for In-Context Learning and Prompt Engineering”, we conduct a systematic analysis of the existing calibration methods, where we both provide a unified view and reveal the failure cases. Inspired by these analyses, we propose Batch Calibration (BC), a simple yet intuitive method that mitigates the bias from a batch of inputs, unifies various prior approaches, and effectively addresses the limitations in previous methods. BC is zero-shot, self-adaptive (i.e., inference-only), and incurs negligible additional costs. We validate the effectiveness of BC with PaLM 2 and CLIP models and demonstrate state-of-the-art performance over previous calibration baselines across more than 10 natural language understanding and image classification tasks.


In pursuit of practical guidelines for ICL calibration, we started with understanding the limitations of current methods. We find that the calibration problem can be framed as an unsupervised decision boundary learning problem. We observe that uncalibrated ICL can be biased towards predicting a class, which we explicitly refer to as contextual bias, the a priori propensity of LLMs to predict certain classes over others unfairly given the context. For example, the prediction of LLMs can be biased towards predicting the most frequent label, or the label towards the end of the demonstration. We find that, while theoretically more flexible, non-linear boundaries (prototypical calibration) tend to be susceptible to overfitting and may suffer from instability for challenging multi-class tasks. Conversely, we find that linear decision boundaries can be more robust and generalizable across tasks. In addition, we find that relying on additional content-free inputs (e.g., “N/A” or random in-domain tokens) as the grounds for estimating the contextual bias is not always optimal and may even introduce additional bias, depending on the task type.

Batch calibration

Inspired by the previous discussions, we designed BC to be a zero-shot, inference-only and generalizable calibration technique with negligible computation cost. We argue that the most critical component for calibration is to accurately estimate the contextual bias. We, therefore, opt for a linear decision boundary for its robustness, and instead of relying on content-free inputs, we propose to estimate the contextual bias for each class from a batch in a content-based manner by marginalizing the output score over all samples within the batch, which is equivalent to measuring the mean score for each class (visualized below).

We then obtain the calibrated probability by dividing the output probability over the contextual prior, which is equivalent to aligning the log-probability (LLM scores) distribution to the estimated mean of each class. It is noteworthy that because it requires no additional inputs to estimate the bias, this BC procedure is zero-shot, only involves unlabeled test samples, and incurs negligible computation costs. We may either compute the contextual bias once all test samples are seen, or alternatively, in an on-the-fly manner that dynamically processes the outputs. To do so, we may use a running estimate of the contextual bias for BC, thereby allowing BC's calibration term to be estimated from a small number of mini-batches that is subsequently stabilized when more mini-batches arrive.

Illustration of Batch Calibration (BC). Batches of demonstrations with in-context examples and test samples are passed into the LLM. Due to sources of implicit bias in the context, the score distribution from the LLM becomes biased. BC is a modular and adaptable layer option appended to the output of the LLM that generates calibrated scores (visualized for illustration only).

Experiment design

For natural language tasks, we conduct experiments on 13 more diverse and challenging classification tasks, including the standard GLUE and SuperGLUE datasets. This is in contrast to previous works that only report on relatively simple single-sentence classification tasks.. For image classification tasks, we include SVHN, EuroSAT, and CLEVR. We conduct experiments mainly on the state-of-the-art PaLM 2 with size variants PaLM 2-S, PaLM 2-M, and PaLM 2-L. For VLMs, we report the results on CLIP ViT-B/16.


Notably, BC consistently outperforms ICL, yielding a significant performance enhancement of 8% and 6% on small and large variants of PaLM 2, respectively. This shows that the BC implementation successfully mitigates the contextual bias from the in-context examples and unleashes the full potential of LLM in efficient learning and quick adaptation to new tasks. In addition, BC improves over the state-of-the-art prototypical calibration (PC) baseline by 6% on PaLM 2-S, and surpasses the competitive contextual calibration (CC) baseline by another 3% on average on PaLM 2-L. Specifically, BC is a generalizable and cheaper technique across all evaluated tasks, delivering stable performance improvement, whereas previous baselines exhibit varying degrees of performance across tasks.

Batch Calibration (BC) achieves the best performance on 1-shot ICL over calibration baselines: contextual calibration (CC), domain-context calibration (DC), and prototypical calibration (PC) on an average of 13 NLP tasks on PaLM 2 and outperforms the zero-shot CLIP on image tasks.

We analyze the performance of BC by varying the number of ICL shots from 0 to 4, and BC again outperforms all baseline methods. We also observe an overall trend for improved performance when more shots are available, where BC demonstrates the best stability.

The ICL performance on various calibration techniques over the number of ICL shots on PaLM 2-S. We compare BC with the uncalibrated ICL, contextual calibration (CC), domain-context calibration (DC), and prototypical calibration (PC) baselines.

We further visualize the decision boundaries of uncalibrated ICL after applying existing calibration methods and the proposed BC. We show success and failure cases for each baseline method, whereas BC is consistently effective.

Visualization of the decision boundaries of uncalibrated ICL, and after applying existing calibration methods and the proposed BC in representative binary classification tasks of SST-2 (top row) and QNLI (bottom row) on 1-shot PaLM 2-S. Each axis indicates the LLM score on the defined label.

Robustness and ablation studies

We analyze the robustness of BC with respect to common prompt engineering design choices that were previously shown to significantly affect LLM performance: choices and orders of in-context examples, the prompt template for ICL, and the label space. First, we find that BC is more robust to ICL choices and can mostly achieve the same performance with different ICL examples. Additionally, given a single set of ICL shots, altering the order between each ICL example has minimal impact on the BC performance. Furthermore, we analyze the robustness of BC under 10 designs of prompt templates, where BC shows consistent improvement over the ICL baseline. Therefore, though BC improves performance, a well-designed template can further enhance the performance of BC. Lastly, we examine the robustness of BC to variations in label space designs (see appendix in our paper). Remarkably, even when employing unconventional choices such as emoji pairs as labels, leading to dramatic oscillations of ICL performance, BC largely recovers performance. This observation demonstrates that BC increases the robustness of LLM predictions under common prompt design choices and makes prompt engineering easier.

Batch Calibration makes prompt engineering easier while being data-efficient. Data are visualized as a standard box plot, which illustrates values for the median, first and third quartiles, and minimum and maximum.

Moreover, we study the impact of batch size on the performance of BC. In contrast to PC, which also leverages an unlabeled estimate set, BC is remarkably more sample efficient, achieving a strong performance with only around 10 unlabeled samples, whereas PC requires more than 500 unlabeled samples before its performance stabilizes.

Batch Calibration makes prompt engineering easier while being insensitive to the batch size.


We first revisit previous calibration methods while addressing two critical research questions from an interpretation of decision boundaries, revealing their failure cases and deficiencies. We then propose Batch Calibration, a zero-shot and inference-only calibration technique. While methodologically simple and easy to implement with negligible computation cost, we show that BC scales from a language-only setup to the vision-language context, achieving state-of-the-art performance in both modalities. BC significantly improves the robustness of LLMs with respect to prompt designs, and we expect easy prompt engineering with BC.


This work was conducted by Han Zhou, Xingchen Wan, Lev Proleev, Diana Mincu, Jilin Chen, Katherine Heller, Subhrajit Roy. We would like to thank Mohammad Havaei and other colleagues at Google Research for their discussion and feedback.

Source: Google AI Blog

Distilling step-by-step: Outperforming larger language models with less training data and smaller model sizes

Large language models (LLMs) have enabled a new data-efficient learning paradigm wherein they can be used to solve unseen new tasks via zero-shot or few-shot prompting. However, LLMs are challenging to deploy for real-world applications due to their sheer size. For instance, serving a single 175 billion LLM requires at least 350GB of GPU memory using specialized infrastructure, not to mention that today's state-of-the-art LLMs are composed of over 500 billion parameters. Such computational requirements are inaccessible for many research teams, especially for applications that require low latency performance.

To circumvent these deployment challenges, practitioners often choose to deploy smaller specialized models instead. These smaller models are trained using one of two common paradigms: fine-tuning or distillation. Fine-tuning updates a pre-trained smaller model (e.g., BERT or T5) using downstream manually-annotated data. Distillation trains the same smaller models with labels generated by a larger LLM. Unfortunately, to achieve comparable performance to LLMs, fine-tuning methods require human-generated labels, which are expensive and tedious to obtain, while distillation requires large amounts of unlabeled data, which can also be hard to collect.

In “Distilling Step-by-Step! Outperforming Larger Language Models with Less Training Data and Smaller Model Sizes”, presented at ACL2023, we set out to tackle this trade-off between model size and training data collection cost. We introduce distilling step-by-step, a new simple mechanism that allows us to train smaller task-specific models with much less training data than required by standard fine-tuning or distillation approaches that outperform few-shot prompted LLMs’ performance. We demonstrate that the distilling step-by-step mechanism enables a 770M parameter T5 model to outperform the few-shot prompted 540B PaLM model using only 80% of examples in a benchmark dataset, which demonstrates a more than 700x model size reduction with much less training data required by standard approaches.

While LLMs offer strong zero and few-shot performance, they are challenging to serve in practice. On the other hand, traditional ways of training small task-specific models require a large amount of training data. Distilling step-by-step provides a new paradigm that reduces both the deployed model size as well as the number of data required for training.

Distilling step-by-step

The key idea of distilling step-by-step is to extract informative natural language rationales (i.e., intermediate reasoning steps) from LLMs, which can in turn be used to train small models in a more data-efficient way. Specifically, natural language rationales explain the connections between the input questions and their corresponding outputs. For example, when asked, “Jesse's room is 11 feet long and 15 feet wide. If she already has 16 square feet of carpet, how much more carpet does she need to cover the whole floor?”, an LLM can be prompted by the few-shot chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting technique to provide intermediate rationales, such as, “Area = length * width. Jesse’s room has 11 * 15 square feet.” That better explains the connection from the input to the final answer, “(11 * 15 ) - 16”. These rationales can contain relevant task knowledge, such as “Area = length * width”, that may originally require many data for small models to learn. We utilize these extracted rationales as additional, richer supervision to train small models, in addition to the standard task labels.

Overview on distilling step-by-step: First, we utilize CoT prompting to extract rationales from an LLM. We then use the generated rationales to train small task-specific models within a multi-task learning framework, where we prepend task prefixes to the input examples and train the model to output differently based on the given task prefix.

Distilling step-by-step consists of two main stages. In the first stage, we leverage few-shot CoT prompting to extract rationales from LLMs. Specifically, given a task, we prepare few-shot exemplars in the LLM input prompt where each example is composed of a triplet containing: (1) input, (2) rationale, and (3) output. Given the prompt, an LLM is able to mimic the triplet demonstration to generate the rationale for any new input. For instance, in a commonsense question answering task, given the input question “Sammy wanted to go to where the people are. Where might he go? Answer Choices: (a) populated areas, (b) race track, (c) desert, (d) apartment, (e) roadblock”, distilling step-by-step provides the correct answer to the question, “(a) populated areas”, paired with the rationale that provides better connection from the question to the answer, “The answer must be a place with a lot of people. Of the above choices, only populated areas have a lot of people.” By providing CoT examples paired with rationales in the prompt, the in-context learning ability allows LLMs to output corresponding rationales for future unseen inputs.

We use the few-shot CoT prompting, which contains both an example rationale (highlighted in green) and a label (highlighted in blue), to elicit rationales from an LLM on new input examples. The example is from a commonsense question answering task.

After the rationales are extracted, in the second stage, we incorporate the rationales in training small models by framing the training process as a multi-task problem. Specifically, we train the small model with a novel rationale generation task in addition to the standard label prediction task. The rationale generation task enables the model to learn to generate the intermediate reasoning steps for the prediction, and guides the model to better predict the resultant label. We prepend task prefixes (i.e., [label] and [rationale] for label prediction and rationale generation, respectively) to the input examples for the model to differentiate the two tasks.

Experimental setup

In the experiments, we consider a 540B PaLM model as the LLM. For task-specific downstream models, we use T5 models. For CoT prompting, we use the original CoT prompts when available and curate our own examples for new datasets. We conduct the experiments on four benchmark datasets across three different NLP tasks: e-SNLI and ANLI for natural language inference; CQA for commonsense question answering; and SVAMP for arithmetic math word problems. We include two sets of baseline methods. For comparison to few-shot prompted LLMs, we compare to few-shot CoT prompting with a 540B PaLM model. In the paper, we also compare standard task-specific model training to both standard fine-tuning and standard distillation. In this blogpost, we will focus on the comparisons to standard fine-tuning for illustration purposes.

Less training data

Compared to standard fine-tuning, the distilling step-by-step method achieves better performance using much less training data. For instance, on the e-SNLI dataset, we achieve better performance than standard fine-tuning when using only 12.5% of the full dataset (shown in the upper left quadrant below). Similarly, we achieve a dataset size reduction of 75%, 25% and 20% on ANLI, CQA, and SVAMP.

Distilling step-by-step compared to standard fine-tuning using 220M T5 models on varying sizes of human-labeled datasets. On all datasets, distilling step-by-step is able to outperform standard fine-tuning, trained on the full dataset, by using much less training examples.

Smaller deployed model size

Compared to few-shot CoT prompted LLMs, distilling step-by-step achieves better performance using much smaller model sizes. For instance, on the e-SNLI dataset, we achieve better performance than 540B PaLM by using a 220M T5 model. On ANLI, we achieve better performance than 540B PaLM by using a 770M T5 model, which is over 700X smaller. Note that on ANLI, the same 770M T5 model struggles to match PaLM’s performance using standard fine-tuning.

We perform distilling step-by-step and standard fine-tuning on varying sizes of T5 models and compare their performance to LLM baselines, i.e., Few-shot CoT and PINTO Tuning. Distilling step-by-step is able to outperform LLM baselines by using much smaller models, e.g., over 700× smaller models on ANLI. Standard fine-tuning fails to match LLM’s performance using the same model size.

Distilling step-by-step outperforms few-shot LLMs with smaller models using less data

Finally, we explore the smallest model sizes and the least amount of data for distilling step-by-step to outperform PaLM’s few-shot performance. For instance, on ANLI, we surpass the performance of the 540B PaLM using a 770M T5 model. This smaller model only uses 80% of the full dataset. Meanwhile, we observe that standard fine-tuning cannot catch up with PaLM’s performance even using 100% of the full dataset. This suggests that distilling step-by-step simultaneously reduces the model size as well as the amount of data required to outperform LLMs.

We show the minimum size of T5 models and the least amount of human-labeled examples required for distilling step-by-step to outperform LLM’s few-shot CoT by a coarse-grained search. Distilling step-by-step is able to outperform few-shot CoT using not only much smaller models, but it also achieves so with much less training examples compared to standard fine-tuning.


We propose distilling step-by-step, a novel mechanism that extracts rationales from LLMs as informative supervision in training small, task-specific models. We show that distilling step-by-step reduces both the training dataset required to curate task-specific smaller models and the model size required to achieve, and even surpass, a few-shot prompted LLM’s performance. Overall, distilling step-by-step presents a resource-efficient paradigm that tackles the trade-off between model size and training data required.

Availability on Google Cloud Platform

Distilling step-by-step is available for private preview on Vertex AI. If you are interested in trying it out, please contact [email protected] with your Google Cloud Project number and a summary of your use case.


This research was conducted by Cheng-Yu Hsieh, Chun-Liang Li, Chih-Kuan Yeh, Hootan Nakhost, Yasuhisa Fujii, Alexander Ratner, Ranjay Krishna, Chen-Yu Lee, and Tomas Pfister. Thanks to Xiang Zhang and Sergey Ioffe for their valuable feedback.

Source: Google AI Blog

Symbol tuning improves in-context learning in language models

A key feature of human intelligence is that humans can learn to perform new tasks by reasoning using only a few examples. Scaling up language models has unlocked a range of new applications and paradigms in machine learning, including the ability to perform challenging reasoning tasks via in-context learning. Language models, however, are still sensitive to the way that prompts are given, indicating that they are not reasoning in a robust manner. For instance, language models often require heavy prompt engineering or phrasing tasks as instructions, and they exhibit unexpected behaviors such as performance on tasks being unaffected even when shown incorrect labels.

In “Symbol tuning improves in-context learning in language models”, we propose a simple fine-tuning procedure that we call symbol tuning, which can improve in-context learning by emphasizing input–label mappings. We experiment with symbol tuning across Flan-PaLM models and observe benefits across various settings.

  • Symbol tuning boosts performance on unseen in-context learning tasks and is much more robust to underspecified prompts, such as those without instructions or without natural language labels.
  • Symbol-tuned models are much stronger at algorithmic reasoning tasks.
  • Finally, symbol-tuned models show large improvements in following flipped-labels presented in-context, meaning that they are more capable of using in-context information to override prior knowledge.
An overview of symbol tuning, where models are fine-tuned on tasks where natural language labels are replaced with arbitrary symbols. Symbol tuning relies on the intuition that when instruction and relevant labels are not available, models must use in-context examples to learn the task.


Instruction tuning is a common fine-tuning method that has been shown to improve performance and allow models to better follow in-context examples. One shortcoming, however, is that models are not forced to learn to use the examples because the task is redundantly defined in the evaluation example via instructions and natural language labels. For example, on the left in the figure above, although the examples can help the model understand the task (sentiment analysis), they are not strictly necessary since the model could ignore the examples and just read the instruction that indicates what the task is.

In symbol tuning, the model is fine-tuned on examples where the instructions are removed and natural language labels are replaced with semantically-unrelated labels (e.g., “Foo,” “Bar,” etc.). In this setup, the task is unclear without looking at the in-context examples. For example, on the right in the figure above, multiple in-context examples would be needed to figure out the task. Because symbol tuning teaches the model to reason over the in-context examples, symbol-tuned models should have better performance on tasks that require reasoning between in-context examples and their labels.

Datasets and task types used for symbol tuning.

Symbol-tuning procedure

We selected 22 publicly-available natural language processing (NLP) datasets that we use for our symbol-tuning procedure. These tasks have been widely used in the past, and we only chose classification-type tasks since our method requires discrete labels. We then remap labels to a random label from a set of ~30K arbitrary labels selected from one of three categories: integers, character combinations, and words.

For our experiments, we symbol tune Flan-PaLM, the instruction-tuned variants of PaLM. We use three different sizes of Flan-PaLM models: Flan-PaLM-8B, Flan-PaLM-62B, and Flan-PaLM-540B. We also tested Flan-cont-PaLM-62B (Flan-PaLM-62B at 1.3T tokens instead of 780B tokens), which we abbreviate as 62B-c.

We use a set of ∼300K arbitrary symbols from three categories (integers, character combinations, and words). ∼30K symbols are used during tuning and the rest are held out for evaluation.

Experimental setup

We want to evaluate a model’s ability to perform unseen tasks, so we cannot evaluate on tasks used in symbol tuning (22 datasets) or used during instruction tuning (1.8K tasks). Hence, we choose 11 NLP datasets that were not used during fine-tuning.

In-context learning

In the symbol-tuning procedure, models must learn to reason with in-context examples in order to successfully perform tasks because prompts are modified to ensure that tasks cannot simply be learned from relevant labels or instructions. Symbol-tuned models should perform better in settings where tasks are unclear and require reasoning between in-context examples and their labels. To explore these settings, we define four in-context learning settings that vary the amount of reasoning required between inputs and labels in order to learn the task (based on the availability of instructions/relevant labels)

Depending on the availability of instructions and relevant natural language labels, models may need to do varying amounts of reasoning with in-context examples. When these features are not available, models must reason with the given in-context examples to successfully perform the task.

Symbol tuning improves performance across all settings for models 62B and larger, with small improvements in settings with relevant natural language labels (+0.8% to +4.2%) and substantial improvements in settings without relevant natural language labels (+5.5% to +15.5%). Strikingly, when relevant labels are unavailable, symbol-tuned Flan-PaLM-8B outperforms FlanPaLM-62B, and symbol-tuned Flan-PaLM-62B outperforms Flan-PaLM-540B. This performance difference suggests that symbol tuning can allow much smaller models to perform as well as large models on these tasks (effectively saving ∼10X inference compute).

Large-enough symbol-tuned models are better at in-context learning than baselines, especially in settings where relevant labels are not available. Performance is shown as average model accuracy (%) across eleven tasks.

Algorithmic reasoning

We also experiment on algorithmic reasoning tasks from BIG-Bench. There are two main groups of tasks: 1) List functions — identify a transformation function (e.g., remove the last element in a list) between input and output lists containing non-negative integers; and 2) simple turing concepts — reason with binary strings to learn the concept that maps an input to an output (e.g., swapping 0s and 1s in a string).

On the list function and simple turing concept tasks, symbol tuning results in an average performance improvement of 18.2% and 15.3%, respectively. Additionally, Flan-cont-PaLM-62B with symbol tuning outperforms Flan-PaLM-540B on the list function tasks on average, which is equivalent to a ∼10x reduction in inference compute. These improvements suggest that symbol tuning strengthens the model’s ability to learn in-context for unseen task types, as symbol tuning did not include any algorithmic data.

Symbol-tuned models achieve higher performance on list function tasks and simple turing concept tasks. (A–E): categories of list functions tasks. (F): simple turing concepts task.

Flipped labels

In the flipped-label experiment, labels of in-context and evaluation examples are flipped, meaning that prior knowledge and input-label mappings disagree (e.g., sentences containing positive sentiment labeled as “negative sentiment”), thereby allowing us to study whether models can override prior knowledge. Previous work has shown that while pre-trained models (without instruction tuning) can, to some extent, follow flipped labels presented in-context, instruction tuning degraded this ability.

We see that there is a similar trend across all model sizes — symbol-tuned models are much more capable of following flipped labels than instruction-tuned models. We found that after symbol tuning, Flan-PaLM-8B sees an average improvement across all datasets of 26.5%, Flan-PaLM-62B sees an improvement of 33.7%, and Flan-PaLM-540B sees an improvement of 34.0%. Additionally, symbol-tuned models achieve similar or better than average performance as pre-training–only models.

Symbol-tuned models are much better at following flipped labels presented in-context than instruction-tuned models are.


We presented symbol tuning, a new method of tuning models on tasks where natural language labels are remapped to arbitrary symbols. Symbol tuning is based off of the intuition that when models cannot use instructions or relevant labels to determine a presented task, it must do so by instead learning from in-context examples. We tuned four language models using our symbol-tuning procedure, utilizing a tuning mixture of 22 datasets and approximately 30K arbitrary symbols as labels.

We first showed that symbol tuning improves performance on unseen in-context learning tasks, especially when prompts do not contain instructions or relevant labels. We also found that symbol-tuned models were much better at algorithmic reasoning tasks, despite the lack of numerical or algorithmic data in the symbol-tuning procedure. Finally, in an in-context learning setting where inputs have flipped labels, symbol tuning (for some datasets) restores the ability to follow flipped labels that was lost during instruction tuning.

Future work

Through symbol tuning, we aim to increase the degree to which models can examine and learn from input–label mappings during in-context learning. We hope that our results encourage further work towards improving language models’ ability to reason over symbols presented in-context.


The authors of this post are now part of Google DeepMind. This work was conducted by Jerry Wei, Le Hou, Andrew Lampinen, Xiangning Chen, Da Huang, Yi Tay, Xinyun Chen, Yifeng Lu, Denny Zhou, Tengyu Ma, and Quoc V. Le. We would like to thank our colleagues at Google Research and Google DeepMind for their advice and helpful discussions.

Source: Google AI Blog

Symbol tuning improves in-context learning in language models

A key feature of human intelligence is that humans can learn to perform new tasks by reasoning using only a few examples. Scaling up language models has unlocked a range of new applications and paradigms in machine learning, including the ability to perform challenging reasoning tasks via in-context learning. Language models, however, are still sensitive to the way that prompts are given, indicating that they are not reasoning in a robust manner. For instance, language models often require heavy prompt engineering or phrasing tasks as instructions, and they exhibit unexpected behaviors such as performance on tasks being unaffected even when shown incorrect labels.

In “Symbol tuning improves in-context learning in language models”, we propose a simple fine-tuning procedure that we call symbol tuning, which can improve in-context learning by emphasizing input–label mappings. We experiment with symbol tuning across Flan-PaLM models and observe benefits across various settings.

  • Symbol tuning boosts performance on unseen in-context learning tasks and is much more robust to underspecified prompts, such as those without instructions or without natural language labels.
  • Symbol-tuned models are much stronger at algorithmic reasoning tasks.
  • Finally, symbol-tuned models show large improvements in following flipped-labels presented in-context, meaning that they are more capable of using in-context information to override prior knowledge.
An overview of symbol tuning, where models are fine-tuned on tasks where natural language labels are replaced with arbitrary symbols. Symbol tuning relies on the intuition that when instruction and relevant labels are not available, models must use in-context examples to learn the task.


Instruction tuning is a common fine-tuning method that has been shown to improve performance and allow models to better follow in-context examples. One shortcoming, however, is that models are not forced to learn to use the examples because the task is redundantly defined in the evaluation example via instructions and natural language labels. For example, on the left in the figure above, although the examples can help the model understand the task (sentiment analysis), they are not strictly necessary since the model could ignore the examples and just read the instruction that indicates what the task is.

In symbol tuning, the model is fine-tuned on examples where the instructions are removed and natural language labels are replaced with semantically-unrelated labels (e.g., “Foo,” “Bar,” etc.). In this setup, the task is unclear without looking at the in-context examples. For example, on the right in the figure above, multiple in-context examples would be needed to figure out the task. Because symbol tuning teaches the model to reason over the in-context examples, symbol-tuned models should have better performance on tasks that require reasoning between in-context examples and their labels.

Datasets and task types used for symbol tuning.

Symbol-tuning procedure

We selected 22 publicly-available natural language processing (NLP) datasets that we use for our symbol-tuning procedure. These tasks have been widely used in the past, and we only chose classification-type tasks since our method requires discrete labels. We then remap labels to a random label from a set of ~30K arbitrary labels selected from one of three categories: integers, character combinations, and words.

For our experiments, we symbol tune Flan-PaLM, the instruction-tuned variants of PaLM. We use three different sizes of Flan-PaLM models: Flan-PaLM-8B, Flan-PaLM-62B, and Flan-PaLM-540B. We also tested Flan-cont-PaLM-62B (Flan-PaLM-62B at 1.3T tokens instead of 780B tokens), which we abbreviate as 62B-c.

We use a set of ∼300K arbitrary symbols from three categories (integers, character combinations, and words). ∼30K symbols are used during tuning and the rest are held out for evaluation.

Experimental setup

We want to evaluate a model’s ability to perform unseen tasks, so we cannot evaluate on tasks used in symbol tuning (22 datasets) or used during instruction tuning (1.8K tasks). Hence, we choose 11 NLP datasets that were not used during fine-tuning.

In-context learning

In the symbol-tuning procedure, models must learn to reason with in-context examples in order to successfully perform tasks because prompts are modified to ensure that tasks cannot simply be learned from relevant labels or instructions. Symbol-tuned models should perform better in settings where tasks are unclear and require reasoning between in-context examples and their labels. To explore these settings, we define four in-context learning settings that vary the amount of reasoning required between inputs and labels in order to learn the task (based on the availability of instructions/relevant labels)

Depending on the availability of instructions and relevant natural language labels, models may need to do varying amounts of reasoning with in-context examples. When these features are not available, models must reason with the given in-context examples to successfully perform the task.

Symbol tuning improves performance across all settings for models 62B and larger, with small improvements in settings with relevant natural language labels (+0.8% to +4.2%) and substantial improvements in settings without relevant natural language labels (+5.5% to +15.5%). Strikingly, when relevant labels are unavailable, symbol-tuned Flan-PaLM-8B outperforms FlanPaLM-62B, and symbol-tuned Flan-PaLM-62B outperforms Flan-PaLM-540B. This performance difference suggests that symbol tuning can allow much smaller models to perform as well as large models on these tasks (effectively saving ∼10X inference compute).

Large-enough symbol-tuned models are better at in-context learning than baselines, especially in settings where relevant labels are not available. Performance is shown as average model accuracy (%) across eleven tasks.

Algorithmic reasoning

We also experiment on algorithmic reasoning tasks from BIG-Bench. There are two main groups of tasks: 1) List functions — identify a transformation function (e.g., remove the last element in a list) between input and output lists containing non-negative integers; and 2) simple turing concepts — reason with binary strings to learn the concept that maps an input to an output (e.g., swapping 0s and 1s in a string).

On the list function and simple turing concept tasks, symbol tuning results in an average performance improvement of 18.2% and 15.3%, respectively. Additionally, Flan-cont-PaLM-62B with symbol tuning outperforms Flan-PaLM-540B on the list function tasks on average, which is equivalent to a ∼10x reduction in inference compute. These improvements suggest that symbol tuning strengthens the model’s ability to learn in-context for unseen task types, as symbol tuning did not include any algorithmic data.

Symbol-tuned models achieve higher performance on list function tasks and simple turing concept tasks. (A–E): categories of list functions tasks. (F): simple turing concepts task.

Flipped labels

In the flipped-label experiment, labels of in-context and evaluation examples are flipped, meaning that prior knowledge and input-label mappings disagree (e.g., sentences containing positive sentiment labeled as “negative sentiment”), thereby allowing us to study whether models can override prior knowledge. Previous work has shown that while pre-trained models (without instruction tuning) can, to some extent, follow flipped labels presented in-context, instruction tuning degraded this ability.

We see that there is a similar trend across all model sizes — symbol-tuned models are much more capable of following flipped labels than instruction-tuned models. We found that after symbol tuning, Flan-PaLM-8B sees an average improvement across all datasets of 26.5%, Flan-PaLM-62B sees an improvement of 33.7%, and Flan-PaLM-540B sees an improvement of 34.0%. Additionally, symbol-tuned models achieve similar or better than average performance as pre-training–only models.

Symbol-tuned models are much better at following flipped labels presented in-context than instruction-tuned models are.


We presented symbol tuning, a new method of tuning models on tasks where natural language labels are remapped to arbitrary symbols. Symbol tuning is based off of the intuition that when models cannot use instructions or relevant labels to determine a presented task, it must do so by instead learning from in-context examples. We tuned four language models using our symbol-tuning procedure, utilizing a tuning mixture of 22 datasets and approximately 30K arbitrary symbols as labels.

We first showed that symbol tuning improves performance on unseen in-context learning tasks, especially when prompts do not contain instructions or relevant labels. We also found that symbol-tuned models were much better at algorithmic reasoning tasks, despite the lack of numerical or algorithmic data in the symbol-tuning procedure. Finally, in an in-context learning setting where inputs have flipped labels, symbol tuning (for some datasets) restores the ability to follow flipped labels that was lost during instruction tuning.

Future work

Through symbol tuning, we aim to increase the degree to which models can examine and learn from input–label mappings during in-context learning. We hope that our results encourage further work towards improving language models’ ability to reason over symbols presented in-context.


The authors of this post are now part of Google DeepMind. This work was conducted by Jerry Wei, Le Hou, Andrew Lampinen, Xiangning Chen, Da Huang, Yi Tay, Xinyun Chen, Yifeng Lu, Denny Zhou, Tengyu Ma, and Quoc V. Le. We would like to thank our colleagues at Google Research and Google DeepMind for their advice and helpful discussions.

Source: Google AI Blog

Symbol tuning improves in-context learning in language models

A key feature of human intelligence is that humans can learn to perform new tasks by reasoning using only a few examples. Scaling up language models has unlocked a range of new applications and paradigms in machine learning, including the ability to perform challenging reasoning tasks via in-context learning. Language models, however, are still sensitive to the way that prompts are given, indicating that they are not reasoning in a robust manner. For instance, language models often require heavy prompt engineering or phrasing tasks as instructions, and they exhibit unexpected behaviors such as performance on tasks being unaffected even when shown incorrect labels.

In “Symbol tuning improves in-context learning in language models”, we propose a simple fine-tuning procedure that we call symbol tuning, which can improve in-context learning by emphasizing input–label mappings. We experiment with symbol tuning across Flan-PaLM models and observe benefits across various settings.

  • Symbol tuning boosts performance on unseen in-context learning tasks and is much more robust to underspecified prompts, such as those without instructions or without natural language labels.
  • Symbol-tuned models are much stronger at algorithmic reasoning tasks.
  • Finally, symbol-tuned models show large improvements in following flipped-labels presented in-context, meaning that they are more capable of using in-context information to override prior knowledge.
An overview of symbol tuning, where models are fine-tuned on tasks where natural language labels are replaced with arbitrary symbols. Symbol tuning relies on the intuition that when instruction and relevant labels are not available, models must use in-context examples to learn the task.


Instruction tuning is a common fine-tuning method that has been shown to improve performance and allow models to better follow in-context examples. One shortcoming, however, is that models are not forced to learn to use the examples because the task is redundantly defined in the evaluation example via instructions and natural language labels. For example, on the left in the figure above, although the examples can help the model understand the task (sentiment analysis), they are not strictly necessary since the model could ignore the examples and just read the instruction that indicates what the task is.

In symbol tuning, the model is fine-tuned on examples where the instructions are removed and natural language labels are replaced with semantically-unrelated labels (e.g., “Foo,” “Bar,” etc.). In this setup, the task is unclear without looking at the in-context examples. For example, on the right in the figure above, multiple in-context examples would be needed to figure out the task. Because symbol tuning teaches the model to reason over the in-context examples, symbol-tuned models should have better performance on tasks that require reasoning between in-context examples and their labels.

Datasets and task types used for symbol tuning.

Symbol-tuning procedure

We selected 22 publicly-available natural language processing (NLP) datasets that we use for our symbol-tuning procedure. These tasks have been widely used in the past, and we only chose classification-type tasks since our method requires discrete labels. We then remap labels to a random label from a set of ~30K arbitrary labels selected from one of three categories: integers, character combinations, and words.

For our experiments, we symbol tune Flan-PaLM, the instruction-tuned variants of PaLM. We use three different sizes of Flan-PaLM models: Flan-PaLM-8B, Flan-PaLM-62B, and Flan-PaLM-540B. We also tested Flan-cont-PaLM-62B (Flan-PaLM-62B at 1.3T tokens instead of 780B tokens), which we abbreviate as 62B-c.

We use a set of ∼300K arbitrary symbols from three categories (integers, character combinations, and words). ∼30K symbols are used during tuning and the rest are held out for evaluation.

Experimental setup

We want to evaluate a model’s ability to perform unseen tasks, so we cannot evaluate on tasks used in symbol tuning (22 datasets) or used during instruction tuning (1.8K tasks). Hence, we choose 11 NLP datasets that were not used during fine-tuning.

In-context learning

In the symbol-tuning procedure, models must learn to reason with in-context examples in order to successfully perform tasks because prompts are modified to ensure that tasks cannot simply be learned from relevant labels or instructions. Symbol-tuned models should perform better in settings where tasks are unclear and require reasoning between in-context examples and their labels. To explore these settings, we define four in-context learning settings that vary the amount of reasoning required between inputs and labels in order to learn the task (based on the availability of instructions/relevant labels)

Depending on the availability of instructions and relevant natural language labels, models may need to do varying amounts of reasoning with in-context examples. When these features are not available, models must reason with the given in-context examples to successfully perform the task.

Symbol tuning improves performance across all settings for models 62B and larger, with small improvements in settings with relevant natural language labels (+0.8% to +4.2%) and substantial improvements in settings without relevant natural language labels (+5.5% to +15.5%). Strikingly, when relevant labels are unavailable, symbol-tuned Flan-PaLM-8B outperforms FlanPaLM-62B, and symbol-tuned Flan-PaLM-62B outperforms Flan-PaLM-540B. This performance difference suggests that symbol tuning can allow much smaller models to perform as well as large models on these tasks (effectively saving ∼10X inference compute).

Large-enough symbol-tuned models are better at in-context learning than baselines, especially in settings where relevant labels are not available. Performance is shown as average model accuracy (%) across eleven tasks.

Algorithmic reasoning

We also experiment on algorithmic reasoning tasks from BIG-Bench. There are two main groups of tasks: 1) List functions — identify a transformation function (e.g., remove the last element in a list) between input and output lists containing non-negative integers; and 2) simple turing concepts — reason with binary strings to learn the concept that maps an input to an output (e.g., swapping 0s and 1s in a string).

On the list function and simple turing concept tasks, symbol tuning results in an average performance improvement of 18.2% and 15.3%, respectively. Additionally, Flan-cont-PaLM-62B with symbol tuning outperforms Flan-PaLM-540B on the list function tasks on average, which is equivalent to a ∼10x reduction in inference compute. These improvements suggest that symbol tuning strengthens the model’s ability to learn in-context for unseen task types, as symbol tuning did not include any algorithmic data.

Symbol-tuned models achieve higher performance on list function tasks and simple turing concept tasks. (A–E): categories of list functions tasks. (F): simple turing concepts task.

Flipped labels

In the flipped-label experiment, labels of in-context and evaluation examples are flipped, meaning that prior knowledge and input-label mappings disagree (e.g., sentences containing positive sentiment labeled as “negative sentiment”), thereby allowing us to study whether models can override prior knowledge. Previous work has shown that while pre-trained models (without instruction tuning) can, to some extent, follow flipped labels presented in-context, instruction tuning degraded this ability.

We see that there is a similar trend across all model sizes — symbol-tuned models are much more capable of following flipped labels than instruction-tuned models. We found that after symbol tuning, Flan-PaLM-8B sees an average improvement across all datasets of 26.5%, Flan-PaLM-62B sees an improvement of 33.7%, and Flan-PaLM-540B sees an improvement of 34.0%. Additionally, symbol-tuned models achieve similar or better than average performance as pre-training–only models.

Symbol-tuned models are much better at following flipped labels presented in-context than instruction-tuned models are.


We presented symbol tuning, a new method of tuning models on tasks where natural language labels are remapped to arbitrary symbols. Symbol tuning is based off of the intuition that when models cannot use instructions or relevant labels to determine a presented task, it must do so by instead learning from in-context examples. We tuned four language models using our symbol-tuning procedure, utilizing a tuning mixture of 22 datasets and approximately 30K arbitrary symbols as labels.

We first showed that symbol tuning improves performance on unseen in-context learning tasks, especially when prompts do not contain instructions or relevant labels. We also found that symbol-tuned models were much better at algorithmic reasoning tasks, despite the lack of numerical or algorithmic data in the symbol-tuning procedure. Finally, in an in-context learning setting where inputs have flipped labels, symbol tuning (for some datasets) restores the ability to follow flipped labels that was lost during instruction tuning.

Future work

Through symbol tuning, we aim to increase the degree to which models can examine and learn from input–label mappings during in-context learning. We hope that our results encourage further work towards improving language models’ ability to reason over symbols presented in-context.


The authors of this post are now part of Google DeepMind. This work was conducted by Jerry Wei, Le Hou, Andrew Lampinen, Xiangning Chen, Da Huang, Yi Tay, Xinyun Chen, Yifeng Lu, Denny Zhou, Tengyu Ma, and Quoc V. Le. We would like to thank our colleagues at Google Research and Google DeepMind for their advice and helpful discussions.

Source: Google AI Blog

Pic2Word: Mapping pictures to words for zero-shot composed image retrieval

Image retrieval plays a crucial role in search engines. Typically, their users rely on either image or text as a query to retrieve a desired target image. However, text-based retrieval has its limitations, as describing the target image accurately using words can be challenging. For instance, when searching for a fashion item, users may want an item whose specific attribute, e.g., the color of a logo or the logo itself, is different from what they find in a website. Yet searching for the item in an existing search engine is not trivial since precisely describing the fashion item by text can be challenging. To address this fact, composed image retrieval (CIR) retrieves images based on a query that combines both an image and a text sample that provides instructions on how to modify the image to fit the intended retrieval target. Thus, CIR allows precise retrieval of the target image by combining image and text.

However, CIR methods require large amounts of labeled data, i.e., triplets of a 1) query image, 2) description, and 3) target image. Collecting such labeled data is costly, and models trained on this data are often tailored to a specific use case, limiting their ability to generalize to different datasets.

To address these challenges, in “Pic2Word: Mapping Pictures to Words for Zero-shot Composed Image Retrieval”, we propose a task called zero-shot CIR (ZS-CIR). In ZS-CIR, we aim to build a single CIR model that performs a variety of CIR tasks, such as object composition, attribute editing, or domain conversion, without requiring labeled triplet data. Instead, we propose to train a retrieval model using large-scale image-caption pairs and unlabeled images, which are considerably easier to collect than supervised CIR datasets at scale. To encourage reproducibility and further advance this space, we also release the code.

Description of existing composed image retrieval model.
We train a composed image retrieval model using image-caption data only. Our model retrieves images aligned with the composition of the query image and text.

Method overview

We propose to leverage the language capabilities of the language encoder in the contrastive language-image pre-trained model (CLIP), which excels at generating semantically meaningful language embeddings for a wide range of textual concepts and attributes. To that end, we use a lightweight mapping sub-module in CLIP that is designed to map an input picture (e.g., a photo of a cat) from the image embedding space to a word token (e.g., “cat”) in the textual input space. The whole network is optimized with the vision-language contrastive loss to again ensure the visual and text embedding spaces are as close as possible given a pair of an image and its textual description. Then, the query image can be treated as if it is a word. This enables the flexible and seamless composition of query image features and text descriptions by the language encoder. We call our method Pic2Word and provide an overview of its training process in the figure below. We want the mapped token s to represent the input image in the form of word token. Then, we train the mapping network to reconstruct the image embedding in the language embedding, p. Specifically, we optimize the contrastive loss proposed in CLIP computed between the visual embedding v and the textual embedding p.

Training of the mapping network (fM) using unlabeled images only. We optimize only the mapping network with a frozen visual and text encoder.

Given the trained mapping network, we can regard an image as a word token and pair it with the text description to flexibly compose the joint image-text query as shown in the figure below.

With the trained mapping network, we regard the image as a word token and pair it with the text description to flexibly compose the joint image-text query.


We conduct a variety of experiments to evaluate Pic2Word’s performance on a variety of CIR tasks.

Domain conversion

We first evaluate the capability of compositionality of the proposed method on domain conversion — given an image and the desired new image domain (e.g., sculpture, origami, cartoon, toy), the output of the system should be an image with the same content but in the new desired image domain or style. As illustrated below, we evaluate the ability to compose the category information and domain description given as an image and text, respectively. We evaluate the conversion from real images to four domains using ImageNet and ImageNet-R.

To compare with approaches that do not require supervised training data, we pick three approaches: (i) image only performs retrieval only with visual embedding, (ii) text only employs only text embedding, and (iii) image + text averages the visual and text embedding to compose the query. The comparison with (iii) shows the importance of composing image and text using a language encoder. We also compare with Combiner, which trains the CIR model on Fashion-IQ or CIRR.

We aim to convert the domain of the input query image into the one described with text, e.g., origami.

As shown in figure below, our proposed approach outperforms baselines by a large margin.

Results (recall@10, i.e., the percentage of relevant instances in the first 10 images retrieved.) on composed image retrieval for domain conversion.

Fashion attribute composition

Next, we evaluate the composition of fashion attributes, such as the color of cloth, logo, and length of sleeve, using the Fashion-IQ dataset. The figure below illustrates the desired output given the query.

Overview of CIR for fashion attributes.

In the figure below, we present a comparison with baselines, including supervised baselines that utilized triplets for training the CIR model: (i) CB uses the same architecture as our approach, (ii) CIRPLANT, ALTEMIS, MAAF use a smaller backbone, such as ResNet50. Comparison to these approaches will give us the understanding on how well our zero-shot approach performs on this task.

Although CB outperforms our approach, our method performs better than supervised baselines with smaller backbones. This result suggests that by utilizing a robust CLIP model, we can train a highly effective CIR model without requiring annotated triplets.

Results (recall@10, i.e., the percentage of relevant instances in the first 10 images retrieved.) on composed image retrieval for Fashion-IQ dataset (higher is better). Light blue bars train the model using triplets. Note that our approach performs on par with these supervised baselines with shallow (smaller) backbones.

Qualitative results

We show several examples in the figure below. Compared to a baseline method that does not require supervised training data (text + image feature averaging), our approach does a better job of correctly retrieving the target image.

Qualitative results on diverse query images and text description.

Conclusion and future work

In this article, we introduce Pic2Word, a method for mapping pictures to words for ZS-CIR. We propose to convert the image into a word token to achieve a CIR model using only an image-caption dataset. Through a variety of experiments, we verify the effectiveness of the trained model on diverse CIR tasks, indicating that training on an image-caption dataset can build a powerful CIR model. One potential future research direction is utilizing caption data to train the mapping network, although we use only image data in the present work.


This research was conducted by Kuniaki Saito, Kihyuk Sohn, Xiang Zhang, Chun-Liang Li, Chen-Yu Lee, Kate Saenko, and Tomas Pfister. Also thanks to Zizhao Zhang and Sergey Ioffe for their valuable feedback.

Source: Google AI Blog