Tag Archives: #GoogleIO

Google I/O 2022: What’s new in Jetpack

Posted by Amanda Alexander, Product Manager, Android

Android Jetpack logo on a blue background 

Android Jetpack is a key pillar of Modern Android Development. It is a suite of over 100 libraries, tools and guidance to help developers follow best practices, reduce boilerplate code, and write code that works consistently across Android versions and devices so that you can focus on building unique features for your app.

Most apps in Google Play use Jetpack for app architecture. Today, over 90% of the top 1000 apps use Jetpack.

Here are the highlights of recent updates in Jetpack - an extended version of our What’s New in Jetpack talk for I/O!

Below we’ll cover updates in three major areas of Jetpack:

  1. Architecture Libraries and Guidance
  2. Performance Optimization of Applications
  3. User Interface Libraries and Guidance

And then conclude with some additional key updates.

1. Architecture Libraries and Guidance

App architecture libraries and components ensure that apps are robust, testable, and maintainable.

Data Persistence

Room is the recommended data persistence layer which provides an abstraction layer over SQLite, allowing for increased usability and safety over the platform.

In Room 2.4, support for Kotlin Symbol Processing (KSP) moved to stable. KSP showed a 2x speed improvement over KAPT in our benchmarks of Kotlin code. Room 2.4 also adds built-in support for enums and RxJava3 and fully supports Kotlin 1.6.

Room 2.5 includes the beginning of a full Kotlin rewrite. This change sets the foundation for future Kotlin-related improvements while still being binary compatible with the previous version written in the Java programming language. There is also built-in support for Paging 3.0 via the room-paging artifact which allows Room queries to return PagingSource objects. Additionally, developers can now perform JOIN queries without the need to define additional data structures since Room now supports relational query methods using multimap (nested map and array) return types.

@Query("SELECT * FROM Artist 
    JOIN Song ON Artist.artistName = 
fun getArtistToSongs(): Map<Artist, List<Song>>

Relational query methods using multimap return types

Database migrations are now simplified with updates to AutoMigrations, with added support for additional annotations and properties. A new AutoMigration property on the @Database annotation can be used to declare which versions to auto migrate to and from. And when Room needs additional information regarding table and column modifications, the @AutoMigration annotation can be used to specify the inputs.

  version = MyDb.LATEST_VERSION,
  autoMigrations = {
    @AutoMigration(from = 1, to = 2,
      spec = MyDb.MyMigration.class),
    @AutoMigration(from = 2, to = 3)
public abstract class MyDb
    extends RoomDatabase {


The DataStore library is a robust data storage solution that addresses issues with SharedPreferences. To better understand how to use this powerful replacement for many SharedPreferences use cases, you can check out a series of videos and articles in Modern Android Development Skills: DataStore which includes guidance on testing your app’s usage of the library, using it with dependency injection, and migrating from SharedPreference to Proto DataStore.

Incremental Data Fetching

The Paging library allows you to load and display small chunks of data to improve network and system resource consumption. App data can be loaded gradually and gracefully within RecyclerViews or Compose lazy lists.

Paging 3.1 provides stable support for Rx and Guava integrations, which provide Java alternatives to Paging’s native use of Kotlin coroutines. This version also has improved handling of invalidation race conditions with a new return type, LoadResult.Invalid, to represent invalid or stale data. There is also improved handling of no-op loads and operations on empty pages with the new onPagesPresented and addOnPagesUpdatedListener APIs.

To learn more about Paging 3, check out the new, simplified Paging Basics Codelab on the Android Developer site which demonstrates how to integrate the Paging library into an app that shows a list.

GIF showing Paging Basics list 

Defining In Application Navigation Model

The Navigation library is a framework for moving between destinations in an app.

The Navigation component is now integrated into Jetpack Compose via the new navigation-compose artifact which allows for composable functions to be used as destinations in your app.

The Multiple Back Stacks feature has improved to make it easier to remember state. NavigationUI now automatically saves and restores the state of popped destinations, meaning developers can support multiple back stacks without any code changes.

Large screen support was enhanced with the navigation-fragment artifact providing a prebuilt implementation of a two-pane layout in AbstractListDetailFragment. This fragment uses a SlidingPaneLayout to manage a list pane – managed by your subclass – and a detail pane, which uses a NavHostFragment.

All Navigation artifacts have been rewritten in Kotlin and feature improved nullability of classes using generics – such as NavType subclasses.

Opinionated Architecture Guidance

To learn more about how our key architecture libraries work together, you can view a collection of videos and articles covering best practices for modern Android development in a series called Modern Android Development Skills: Architecture.

2. Performance Optimization of Applications

Using performance libraries allows you to build performant apps and identify optimizations to maintain high performance, resulting in better end-user experiences.

Improving Start-up Times

App speed can have a big impact on a user’s experience, particularly when using apps right after installation. To improve that first time experience, we created Baseline Profiles. Baseline Profiles allow apps and libraries to provide the Android run-time with metadata about code path usage, which it uses to prioritize ahead-of-time compilation. This profile data is aggregated across libraries and lands in an app’s APK as a baseline.prof file, which is then used at install time to partially pre-compile the app and its statically-linked library code. This can make your apps load faster and reduce dropped frames the first time a user interacts with an app.

We’ve already started leveraging Baseline Profiles at Google. The Play Store app saw a decrease in initial page rendering time on its search results page of 40% after adopting Baseline Profiles. Baseline profiles have also been added to popular libraries, such as Fragments and Compose, to help provide a better end-user experience. To create your own baseline profile, you need to use the Macrobenchmark library.

Instrumenting Your Application

The Macrobenchmark library helps developers better understand app performance by extending Jetpack’s benchmarking coverage to more complex use-cases, including app startup and integrated UI operations such as scrolling a RecyclerView or running animations. Macrobenchmark can also be used to generate Baseline Profiles.

Macrobenchmark has been updated to increase testing speed and has several new experimental features. It also now supports Custom trace-based timing measurements using TraceSectionMetric, which allows developers to benchmark specific sections of code. Additionally, the AudioUnderrunMetric now enables detection of audio buffer underruns to help understand audible jank.

BaselineProfileRule generates profiles to help with runtime optimizations. BaselineProfileRule works similarly to other macro benchmarks, where you represent user actions as code within lambdas. In the example below, the critical user journey that the compiler should optimize ahead of time is a cold start: opening the app’s landing activity from the launcher.

class BaselineProfileGenerator {
  val baselineProfileRule = BaselineProfileRule()

  fun startup() = baselineProfileRule.collectBaselineProfile(
    packageName = "com.example.app"
  ) {

    // This block defines the app's critical user journey. Here we are
    // interested in optimizing for app startup, but you can also navigate
    // and scroll through your most important UI.

For more details and a full guide on generating and using baseline profiles with Macrobenchmark, check our guidance on the Android Developers site.

Avoiding UI Stuttering / Jank

The new JankStats library helps you track and analyze performance problems in your app’s UI, including reports on dropped rendering frames – commonly referred to as “jank.” JankStats builds on top of existing Android platform APIs, such as FrameMetrics, but can be used back to API level 16.

The library also offers additional capabilities beyond those built into the platform: heuristics that help pinpoint causes of dropped frames, UI state that provides additional context in reports, and reporting callbacks that can be used to upload data for analysis.

Here’s a closer look at the three major aspects of JankStats:

  1. Identifying Jank: This library uses internal heuristics to determine when jank has occurred, and uses that information to know when to issue jank reports so that developers have information on those problems to help analyze and fix the issues.
  2. Providing UI Context: To make the jank reports more useful and actionable, the library provides a mechanism to help track the current state of the UI and user. This information is provided whenever reports are logged, so that developers can understand not only when problems occurred, but also what the user was doing at the time. This helps to identify problem areas in the application that can then be addressed. Some of this state is provided automatically by various Jetpack libraries, but developers are encouraged to provide their own app-specific state as well.
  3. Reporting Results: On every frame, the JankStats client is notified via a listener with information about that frame, including how long the frame took to complete, whether it was considered jank, and what the UI context was during that frame. Clients are encouraged to aggregate and upload the data as they see fit for analysis that can help debug overall performance problems.

Adding Logging to your App

The Tracing library enables profiling of app performance by writing trace events to the system buffer. Tracing 1.1 supports profiling in non-debug builds back to API level 14, similar to the <profileable> manifest tag which was added in API level 29.

3. User Interface Libraries and Guidance

Several changes have been made to our UI libraries to provide better support for large-screen compatibility, foldables, and emojis.

Jetpack Compose

Jetpack Compose, Android’s modern toolkit for building native UI, has reached 1.2 beta today which has added several features to support more advanced use cases, including support for downloadable fonts, lazy layouts, and nested scrolling interoperability. Check out the What’s New in Jetpack Compose blog post to learn more.

Understanding Window State

The new WindowManager library helps developers adapt their apps to support multi-window environments and new device form factors by providing a common API surface with support back to API level 14.

The initial release targets foldable device use cases, including querying physical properties that affect how content should be displayed.

Jetpack’s SlidingPaneLayout component has been updated to use WindowManager’s smart layout APIs to avoid placing content in occluded areas, such as across a physical hinge.

Drag and Drop

The new DragAndDrop library also helps with new form factors and windowing modes by enabling developers to accept drag-and-drop data – both from inside and outside their app. DrapAndDrop includes a consistent drop target affordance and it supports back to API level 24.

Drag and drop sample GIF 

Backporting New APIs to Older API Levels

The AppCompat library allows access to new APIs on older API versions of the platform, including backports of UI features such as dark mode.

AppCompat 1.4 integrates the Emoji2 library to bring default support for new emoji to all text-based views supported by AppCompat on API level 14 and above.

Custom locale selection is now supported back to API level 14. This feature enables manual persistence of locale settings across app starts, and supports automatic persistence via a service metadata flag. This tells the library to load the locales synchronously and recreate any running Activity as needed. On API level 33 and above, persistence is managed by the platform with no additional overhead.

Other key updates


The Annotation library exposes metadata that helps tools and other developers understand your app's code. It provides familiar annotations like @NonNull that pair with lint checks to improve the correctness and usability of your code.

Annotation is migrating to Kotlin, so now developers using Kotlin will see more appropriate annotation targets, including @file.

Several highly-requested annotations have been added with corresponding lint checks. This includes annotations concerning method or function overrides, and the @DeprecatedSinceApi annotation which provides a corollary to @RequiresApi and discourages use beyond a certain API level.


We now have over 100 projects in our GitHub! Several modules are open for developer contributions using the standard GitHub-based workflow:

  • Activity
  • AppCompat
  • Biometric
  • Collection
  • Compose Compiler
  • Compose Runtime
  • Core
  • DataStore
  • Fragment
  • Lifecycle
  • Navigation
  • Paging
  • Room
  • WorkManager

Check the landing page for more information on how we handle pull requests, and to get started building with Jetpack libraries.

This was a brief tour of all the changes in Jetpack over the past few months. For more details on each Jetpack library, check out the AndroidX release notes, quickly find relevant libraries with the API picker and watch the Google I/O talks for additional highlights.

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Introducing Health Connect, a new API for Android app developers to securely access user health data

Posted by Chris Wilk, Product Manager

Android Jetpack with heart beat for health 

From helping you log your meals with MyFitnessPal to getting a holistic view of your health with Withings, apps and devices are a source for many kinds of useful health and fitness data. As Android developers, connecting and sharing this data between apps can help you provide more meaningful experiences and insights for your users. However, much of this information is spread across multiple experiences and different devices, making it difficult to bring together. Moreover, there are no centralized privacy controls for Android users.

Introducing Health Connect

This is why we’ve created Health Connect, a platform and API for Android app developers. With user permission, developers can use a single set of APIs to securely access and share health and fitness data across Android devices.

We're building this new unified platform in collaboration with Samsung to simplify connectivity between apps. We appreciate Samsung’s collaboration as we roll out Health Connect to foster richer app experiences while also providing centralized privacy controls for users.

We've been working with developers including MyFitnessPal, Leap Fitness and Withings as part of an early access program. In addition, Samsung Health, Google Fit and Fitbit are adopting Health Connect. Starting today, all developers can get access to Health Connect's common set of APIs for Android via Android Jetpack.

Health Connect fits in with Google’s wider efforts to help billions of people be healthier, using our platforms and technology to connect and bring more meaning to health information.

How does Health Connect work?

How Health Connect Works

How Health Connect Works

Health Connect supports many common health and fitness data types and categories, including: activity, sleep, nutrition, body measurements and vitals like heart rate and blood pressure.

With user permission, developers can securely read from and write data to Health Connect, using standardized schema and API behavior. Users will have full control over their privacy settings, with granular controls to see which apps are requesting access to data at any given time. The data in Health Connect is all on-device and encrypted. Users will have the ability to shut off access or delete data they don’t want on their device, and the option to prioritize one data source over another when using multiple apps.

Getting started

It’s easy to get started with Health Connect. Health Connect’s single set of APIs makes it simple to manage permissions and read and write data. Here’s an example of how you can request permissions and then write some data.

First, build a set of the permissions you plan to request read or write access to. In this example we are reading and writing steps and heart rate.

private val permissions =

// then, create a permissions request for this set of permissions

Then, launch the permissions request, which will bring the user to the Health Connect permissions UI to grant permissions.

Once the user grants permission, you are ready to read and write data. Here’s an example of how to write steps data over a period of time. Include the total number of steps, start and end time, and timezone information, and then insert the data into Health Connect.

private suspend fun writeSomeData(client: HealthConnectClient) {
    val records = mutableListOf<Record>()

        count = 888,
        startTime = START_TIME,
        endTime = END_TIME,
        startZoneOffset = null,
        endZoneOffset = null,
    // add additional records as needed

Learn more

Health Connect is now available to developers:

New Google Play SDK Index helps you choose the right SDKs for your app

Posted by Yafit Becher, Product Manager and Ray Brusca, Strategic Partnerships Manager

Phone on a light blue background 

App developers rely on SDKs to integrate key functionality and services for their apps and games. SDKs are essential building blocks, but developers have shared that it can be hard to figure out which SDKs are reliable and safe to use. So helping developers, like you, make informed decisions about SDKs is part of keeping Google Play a safe, trusted space for billions of people.

In 2020, we launched Google Play SDK Console to give SDK providers crash reporting, usage statistics, and a way to communicate critical issues to app developers through Google Play Console and Android Studio. Today, we’re taking another step to increase communication and transparency by launching Google Play SDK Index, a new public portal that lists over 100 of the most widely used commercial SDKs, and insights about each one.

Google Play SDK Index shows reliability and safety signals so you can decide if an SDK is right for your business and your users.

Google Play SDK Index shows reliability and safety signals so you can decide if an SDK is right for your business and your users.

You can search for an SDK or look through a category, like Advertising and monetization or Analytics. For each SDK listing, Google Play SDK Index combines usage data from Google Play apps with SDK code detection to provide insights designed to help you decide if an SDK is right for your business and your users. You can see:

  • Which Android app permissions the SDK may request
  • If the SDK provider is committed to ensuring that their SDK’s code follows Google Play policies
  • Version adoption rates
  • Retention metrics, and more

SDK providers can also share key information with you for the SDKs that they registered on Google Play SDK Console, like:

  • Which SDK version is outdated or has critical issues
  • Links to data safety guidance on what data the SDK collects and why, to help you fill out your app’s Data safety form.

No matter where you’re at in your development lifecycle, we hope you find Google Play SDK Index useful in making informed SDK choices. Stay tuned for more updates as we add additional data points, categories, and volume of SDKs..

For more:

What’s new in Google Play

Posted by Alex Musil, Product Management at Google Play

Blue graphic with Google Play logo 

At this year’s Google I/O, we focused on three major ways we can help you continue growing your business on Google Play:

  • Privacy and security initiatives to keep the ecosystem safe for users and developers, like the new Google Play SDK Index
  • Tools to help you improve your app quality across the app lifecycle
  • New ways to help you acquire users and engage with existing ones through features like LiveOps, as well as ways to drive revenue growth with new subscription capabilities

You can check out all the updates in our I/O session, or keep reading for a quick overview of the new features that will help take your business even further.

Privacy and security initiatives to protect developers and users

Over the last few years, we've been working on tools to help make SDKs better and safer for everyone, including SDK providers, app developers, and ultimately, our collective end users.

  • In 2020, we launched Google Play SDK Console, which provides usage statistics, crash reporting, and the ability for SDK providers to communicate to app developers through Play Console and Android Studio. Today, we launched Google Play SDK Index, a new public portal that lists the most widely used commercial SDKs, and provides data and insights about each one.
    The index includes over 100 SDKs with information about which app permissions they use, statistics on the apps that use them, and if the SDK provider is committed to ensuring that their SDK’s code follows Google Play policies. You can use it to inform your decisions about which SDKs and specific versions to use in your app.
Google Play SDK Index shows reliability and safety signals so you can decide if an SDK is right for your business and your users.

Google Play SDK Index shows reliability and safety signals so you can decide if an SDK is right for your business and your users.

  • We’re also protecting the work you put into your apps with Play’s app integrity tools. Play App Signing is used to securely sign millions of apps on Google Play and helps ensure that app updates can be trusted. From now on, Play App Signing will use Google Cloud Key Management to protect signing keys. This means you can review public documentation including the storage specifications and security practices that Google uses to protect your keys. We’ll soon be using Cloud Key Management for all newly generated keys, followed by securely migrating eligible existing keys.
  • Another new feature of Play App Signing rolling out soon is the ability for any app to perform an app signing key rotation. In the event of an incident or just as a security best practice, you’ll be able to trigger an annual key rotation from within Play Console. To maximize security, Google Play Protect will also verify your app updates using rotated keys for older Android releases that don’t support rotation, going all the way back to Android Nougat.
  • We also offer an API that you can use to help protect your app, your IP, and your users from abuse and attacks. The new Play Integrity API is now available to all apps and games to detect fraudulent and risky interactions, such as traffic from modified or pirated app versions and rooted or compromised devices.
  • In addition to protecting users, we also want them to feel safe when downloading apps and games from Google Play. The new Data safety section gives you a way to showcase your approach to privacy and security so that users can confidently download your app. If you haven't yet, please complete your Data safety form by July 20th. Check out our Help Center article for more information.
  • In other data privacy news, we’ve released the first developer preview of the Privacy Sandbox on Android, our initiative to build new technologies that improve user privacy while still enabling effective advertising. Check out our blog post to learn more and join our email newsletter for the latest updates.

More features to help you improve app quality across your app lifecycle

Your app quality affects everything from your ability to engage and retain users to your discoverability and promotability on the Play Store.

  • Android vitals is your definitive source of technical quality metrics on Play. Now, with the new Developer Reporting API, you can access Android vitals metrics and issues data outside of Play Console, including crash and ANR rates, counts, clusters, and stack traces and integrate them into your own tools and workflows.
  • You can also now view Android vitals data at the country level to help you troubleshoot and prioritize by location.
  • And we’ve made it easier to use Android vitals alongside Firebase Crashlytics by aligning issue names and enabling you to see Play Track information in Crashlytics when you link your Play app with your Crashlytics app.

Beyond Android vitals, there are other new features to help you across the development lifecycle:

  • Reach and devices makes it easier to plan for better quality by providing insights on your user and issue distribution. It now includes revenue and revenue growth metrics for apps that monetize on Play, so you can build revenue-based business cases for quality and reach.
  • We also overhauled the Device catalog to make it easier to understand and use. The Overview page now includes install data, and you can filter by new device attributes like shared libraries. You can also see device variants by RAM and Android version, which lets you quickly identify the most common variant.
  • It is now much easier to test your app on different form factors. You can independently run internal and open testing on many form factors including Android Automotive, and soon, Wear OS.
  • To help you keep users up to date, the In-app Updates API will now let your app users know if there’s an update available within 15 minutes instead of up to 24 hours, including showing your “What’s new” text within the update screen.

To learn more about all these launches, check out our session on app quality.

Marketing and monetization features to help you grow your business

Google Play can help grow your business with new ways to acquire new users, engage your existing ones, and drive revenue growth.

  • Your store listing is often the first thing a prospective user sees about your app. To help you make the right first impression, you can now make up to 50 custom store listings, each with analytics and unique deep links, so you can show different listings to users depending on where they come from.
Listing details page

Developers can now create up to 50 custom store listings, each with analytics and unique deep links.

  • We’ve also made some major improvements to Store Listing Experiments. You’ll now see results more quickly for most experiments, with more transparency and contrul to help you anticipate how long each experiment is likely to need.
  • Deep links are an important tool when trying to improve engagement with your in-app content, so we’re making it easier to keep your deep link setup complete and up-to-date. Soon, we’re launching a new Play Console page dedicated to deep links with all the information and tools related to your app’s deep links in one convenient place.
  • Another helpful tool is LiveOps, a feature that allows you to submit content to be considered for featuring on the Play Store. By surfacing limited-time offers, events, and major updates for your app or game, LiveOps drives 5% more 28-day active users and 4% higher revenue for developers using the feature than those that do not. If you’d like to join our beta program, you can learn more and express your interest here.
  • Since last year, we’ve made some big changes to Play Commerce to help you do business with users with regional payment method preferences, such as cash and prepaid. We’ve expanded our payment method library to include over 300 local payment methods in 70 countries, and added eWallet payment methods such as MerPay in Japan, KCP in Korea, and Mercado Pago in Mexico.
  • We also expanded pricing options with ultra-low price points to help you increase conversions and grow your revenue. Now you can price your products as low as the equivalent of 5 US cents in any market. This will allow you to adjust your prices to better reflect local purchasing power, run locally relevant sales and promotions, and support micro-transactions such as tipping.
  • We launched new subscription capabilities along with a reimagined developer experience, making it easier to sell subscriptions on Google Play. For each subscription, you can now configure multiple base plans and offers. This allows you to sell the subscription in multiple ways and reduces operational costs by removing the need to create and manage an ever-increasing number of SKUs.

    Each base plan in a subscription defines a different billing period and renewal type - e.g a monthly auto-renewing plan, an annual auto-renewing plan, and a 1-month prepaid plan. A base plan can have multiple offers supporting different stages of the subscription lifecycle - e.g. an acquisition offer for limited time free trial, or an upgrade offer to incentivize subscribers to move from a prepaid plan to an auto-renewing plan. Offers are a great way to acquire new subscribers, incentivize upgrades, and retain existing subscribers.

Easily configure your subscription base plans and offers without having to create additional SKUs. [previous configuration (left); new configuration (right)]

For each subscription, you can now configure multiple base plans and offers.

  • New prepaid plans allow you to offer users access for a fixed amount of time. Users can easily extend their access period at any time before plan expiration. Users can purchase these top-ups in your app, or right on the Play Store subscription screen. They make a great option for regions where pay-as-you go is standard.
  • In-App Messaging is a new way to prevent you from losing subscribers due to a declined payment. Simply use the In-App Messaging API to check with Play when a user opens the app. If the user’s payment has been declined, a message will remind them to update their payment information.
    Prevent subscriber loss due to declined payments with the In-App Messaging API.

    Prevent subscriber loss due to declined payments with the In-App Messaging API.

    These features are all available with the latest version of Play Billing Library 5.0. To learn more about these and other tools to help grow your business, check out “Power your Success with new acquisition, engagement and monetization tools.”

    Thank you for continuing to be a part of the thriving Google Play ecosystem. We can’t wait to see what you build next.

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    Google Play logo

Announcing Compose for Wear OS Beta!

Posted by Kseniia Shumelchyk, Developer Relations Engineer, and John Nichol, Tech Lead of Compose for Wear OS

Wear OS watch with blue background 

Today we’re launching the Beta release of Compose for Wear OS, our modern declarative UI toolkit designed to help developers create beautiful user experiences for Wear OS.

Compose for Wear OS adds support for watch optimized components that embrace the latest Material design for Wear OS. The components are built on top of core Compose libraries and the toolkit leverages Modern Android Development, helping accelerate the development process as a whole.

With this Beta release, Compose for Wear OS is feature complete for the 1.0 release coming later this year, and has what you need to build production-ready apps. It also means the API is stable; moving forward we'll focus on performance and polishing existing components for the 1.0 release.

In the Beta

We’ve been hard at work since last I/O to bring the best of Jetpack Compose to Wear OS, engaging with the community via Slack, gathering developer feedback on APIs, components and tooling. As a result, we’ve improved a number of components such as navigation, scaling lazy lists, input and gesture support and much more.

The first Beta release follows 21 alpha releases. The major changes since the Developer Preview announcement include:

? Input components

You asked for user input components, so we’ve added different composables that you can tailor for your watch app:

GIF of picker, slider, and stepper options
  • Picker lets the user select an item from a scrolling list. By default, the list of selectable items is repeated 'infinitely' in both directions, to give the impression of a rotating cylinder seen from the side. Interestingly, Picker uses ScalingLazyColumn implementation underneath and has helped to develop and hone a lot of advanced ScalingLazyColumn features.
  • Slider allows users to make a selection from a range of values and is ideal for adjusting settings like font size or brightness.
  • Stepper is a full-screen control component that allows users to make a selection from a range of values. For example, users can control the volume of their headphones.

? Dialogs

We’ve added full-screen Alert and Confirmation composables that can be used as either navigation destinations or traditional full-screen Dialogs, which will be layered over any other content. Dialog supports swipe-to-dismiss and will reveal the parent content in the background during the swipe gesture.

GIF of watch face showing playlist options

For consistency with Scaffold, a full-screen dialog displays a PositionIndicator and a Vignette.

? Progress Indicator

We added CircularProgressIndicator, a progress indicator optimized for watch screens to display progress by animating an indicator along a circular track in a clockwise direction.

GIF of watch face showing timer

​​There are several options for how CircularProgressIndicator can be used: either to show infinite progress or to express the proportion of completion of an ongoing task. Progress Indicators allow a gap in the circular track which leaves room for other content, for instance TimeText if used in full-screen.

? Page Indicator

To help you implement pagination, the UI toolkit provides a HorizontalPageIndicator component that represents the total number of pages and selected page.

GIF of watch face showing page indicator

Depending on the screen shape, the HorizontalPageIndicator will provide a form factor- specific visual indication of which page is active and how far through the pages it is.


  • ScalingLazyColumn: improved the default behavior to be consistent with Material design for Wear OS, such as updating the scaling parameters, default extra padding and taking the size from the size of its contents.
  • Scaffold: added PageIndicator slot to guarantee correct positioning on the round screen.
  • Navigation: ensured feature parity with Compose Navigation and adding support for edge swiping to enable a great experience on full-screen and page scrolling.
  • Curved elements: added CurvedModifiers and a new DSL which enables developers to use concepts that make sense for a curved world like radial, angular, sweep, (anti-) clockwise, inner/outer. CurvedLayout is the bridge between the linear and curved worlds and curvedComposable can be used to introduce traditional composable components when it makes sense to do so.

With these recent additions, the Compose Material catalog for Wear OS now has more components than are available with View-based layouts and provides out-of-the-box implementation of the new Wear OS design guidelines.


Android Studio Electric Eel provides the latest features for the best experience developing with Compose for Wear OS:

  • Editor and tooling support improving autocomplete and editor actions
  • Wear OS-specific Composable Preview
  • ? Live edit for real-time debugging support
  • ? Compose for Wear OS project template


Today we’re also announcing the release of Horologist, a Google open source project which provides a set of Wear libraries that supplement the functionality provided by Compose for Wear OS and other Wear OS APIs.

Gears of a watch

Read about Horology

Horologist offers helpful Compose extensions:

  • Media UI components including playback control and volume screens
  • Material date and time pickers
  • Navigation-aware Scaffold with TimeText and PositionIndicator that stay in sync with scrolling and navigation screen changes.

Horologist will grow to provide developers with additional tools for building great Wear OS apps across different experiences. Check out the Horologist on Github to provide feedback and contribute general functionality that could be useful for Wear developers - and stay tuned for upcoming releases!

Get Started

Many of the development principles for mobile Compose apply to Compose for Wear OS, so if you’re unfamiliar with the UI toolkit start with Jetpack Compose basics.

We’ve prepared a set of materials to help you get started with Compose for Wear OS:

Now that Compose for Wear OS has reached Beta it’s a great time to get started with Compose to quickly bring your app to life or refresh your existing UI. For more information about building apps for Wear OS, check out the developer site.

We’d love to hear from you about your experiences using Compose for Wear OS and what you are able to build! Join the discussion in the Kotlin Slack #compose-wear channel and please keep providing feedback on the issue tracker.

Happy Composing!

Google I/O 2022: What’s new in Android Development Tools

Posted by Juan Sebastian Oviedo, Senior Product Manager

Blue Android Studio 

Today at Google I/O 2022, we announced an exciting set of new features available in Android Studio Dolphin Beta and Electric Eel Canary, both available for download. You told us that you want to be more productive while creating Android apps, so we focused on improvements that make the development experience faster and more informative.

In the Android Studio Dolphin release you will find the following features and improvements that you can start using in the Beta channel, which is close to stable quality:

  • View Compose animations and coordinate them with Animation Preview.
  • Define annotation classes to easily include and apply multiple Compose preview definitions at once.
  • Track recomposition counts for your composables in the Layout Inspector.
  • Easily pair and control Wear OS emulators and launch tiles, watch faces, and complications directly from Android Studio.
  • Diagnose app issues faster with Logcat V2.

For even more cutting edge features, you can take a sneak peek at the Android Studio Electric Eel release in the Canary channel:

  • View dependency insights from the new Google Play SDK Index, a public portal with information about popular dependencies/SDKs. If a specific version of a library has been marked as “outdated” by its author, a corresponding Lint warning will appear when viewing that dependency definition. This enables you to discover and update dependency issues during development instead of later when you go to publish your app on the Play Console. You can learn more about this new tool here.
  • See Firebase Crashlytics reports directly in Android Studio using the new App Quality Insights window. The App Quality Insights window allows you to navigate from stack traces into your code with a few simple clicks. The IDE also highlights lines of code in the editor as you're editing files containing recent crashes. This saves you time by presenting actionable crash information from users directly in the IDE, so you can focus on providing your users with the best app experience.
  • Test your app’s UI on representative reference devices using a single resizable Android Emulator. Instead of having to set up emulators specifically for tablets, phones, or desktops, you can use a single resizable emulator and change its configuration without needing to re-deploy to test your app.
  • With the experimental Live Edit feature, make code changes and have those immediately reflected in the Compose Preview and running app on an emulator or physical device.

These features will be promoted to more stable channels once we have your feedback and make improvements, so please try them out.

To see all the new features in action, watch the What’s new in Android Developer Tools session.

Below is a list of key new features and improvements in Android Studio Dolphin:

Jetpack Compose

  • Compose Animation Coordination - See all your animations at once and coordinate them in Animation Preview. You can also freeze a specific animation.
Compose Animation Coordination

Compose Animation Coordination

  • Compose Multipreview Annotations - Define an annotation class that includes multiple Preview definitions and use that new annotation to generate those previews at once. Use this new annotation to preview multiple devices, fonts, and themes at the same time — without repeating those definitions for every single composable.
Multipreview annotations

Multipreview annotations

  • Compose Recomposition Counts in Layout Inspector - View recomposition counts for a Compose app in the Layout Inspector. Recomposition counts and skip counts can optionally be shown in the Component Tree and Attributes panels. Learn more.
Compose Recomposition Counts

Compose Recomposition Counts

Wear OS

  • Wear OS Emulator Pairing Assistant - Using the Wear OS Emulator Pairing Assistant, you can now see Wear Devices in the Device Manager, and pair multiple watch emulators with a single phone. You also don't have to re-pair devices as often because Android Studio remembers pairings after being closed.
Wear OS Emulator Pairing Assistant

Wear OS Emulator Pairing Assistant

  • Wear OS Emulator Side Toolbar - Use Wear-specific emulator buttons that resemble and simulate physical buttons, including main buttons, palm buttons, and tilt buttons.
Wear OS Emulator Side Toolbar

Wear OS Emulator Side Toolbar

  • Wear OS Direct Surface Launch - Create Run/Debug configurations for Wear OS tiles, watch faces, and complications, and launch them directly from Android Studio.
New Wear OS Run/Debug configuration types

New Wear OS Run/Debug configuration types

Development tools

  • Logcat V2 - Rebuilt from the ground up, the new Logcat makes it easier to parse, query, and track logs. Logcat V2 includes new formatting that makes it easier to scan useful information, new split views to allow you to track more at a glance, and a brand new powerful syntax for filtering logs. Learn more.
Logcat V2

Logcat V2

  • Gradle Managed Devices - Describe the virtual devices you need for your automated tests as a part of your build, and let Gradle take care of the rest. From SDK downloading, to device provisioning and setup, to test execution and teardown, Gradle manages the lifecycle of your virtual devices during instrumentation tests. Gradle is also able to apply intelligent functionality, such as snapshot management, test caching, and test sharding to ensure your tests run efficiently, quickly, and consistently. Gradle Managed Devices also introduces a completely new type of device, called the Automated Test Device, which optimizes devices for automated tests, resulting in significant reduction in CPU and memory usage during test execution. Learn more.
Gradle Managed Devices

Gradle Managed Devices

Below is a list of key new features and improvements in Android Studio Electric Eel:

Jetpack Compose

  • Live Edit - Make code changes to Composables in Android Studio and see those changes reflected immediately in the Compose Preview and your emulator or physical device. Live Edit is an opt-in feature that you can enable in Android Studio settings. Learn more.
Live Edit on emulator

Live Edit on emulator

Live Edit on Preview

Live Edit on Preview

Google Play and Firebase

  • SDK Insights - Get Lint warnings for SDKs/libraries that have been marked as outdated by their authors in the Google Play SDK Index. Update outdated dependency versions during development to avoid issues when your app is submitted to the Play Console.
Google Play SDK Index insights

Google Play SDK Index insights

  • App Quality Insights from Firebase Crashlytics - Discover, investigate, and resolve issues reported by Crashlytics in Android Studio and within the context of your local source code. This integration helps reduce friction when navigating from crashes to code (and from code to crash), and surfaces important contextual data about each crash to help you reproduce issues locally.
App Quality Insights from Firebase Crashlytics

App Quality Insights from Firebase Crashlytics

Large Screens

  • Resizable Emulator - Rapidly toggle between representative reference devices to quickly test various application layout states with a single running emulator instance. You can create these emulators by selecting the “Resizable” type in the Device Manager’s “Create device” flow.
Resizable Emulator

Resizable Emulator

  • Visual Linting - Discover and fix your layout issues across different devices (for example, when a button is hidden out of bounds on a larger tablet) by opening the Layout Validation panel. We automatically run your layout to check for Visual Lint issues across different screen sizes.
Visual Linting

Visual Linting

Development Tools

  • Emulated Bluetooth - You can now discover and connect two phone emulators using virtual Bluetooth. This feature is available on Android Emulator 31.3.8 and higher with system image T (API 33). We plan to add more support for creating sample virtual peripherals, such as beacons and heart rate monitors, and integration testing for your Bluetooth features!
Pairing two Android Emulators using Emulated Bluetooth

Pairing two Android Emulators using Emulated Bluetooth

  • Device Mirroring - Minimize the number of interruptions when developing by streaming your device display directly to Android Studio. Device Mirroring gives you the ability to interact with a physical device using the Running Devices window in Studio. To enable this feature, go to Preferences > Experimental and select Device Mirroring. Once enabled, plug in your device and open the Running Devices window to begin streaming your display.
Device Mirroring

Device Mirroring

To recap, these new features and improvements are available in the Android Studio Dolphin Beta, near stable quality:

Jetpack Compose

  • Compose Animation Coordination
  • Compose Multipreview Annotations
  • Compose Recomposition Counts in Layout Inspector

Wear OS

  • Wear OS Emulator Pairing Assistant
  • Wear OS Emulator Side Toolbar
  • Wear OS Direct Surface Launch

Development tools

  • Logcat V2
  • Gradle Managed Devices

These brand new features and improvements are available in the Android Studio Electric Eel Canary:

Jetpack Compose

  • Live Edit

Google Play and Firebase

  • SDK Insights
  • App Quality Insights from Firebase Crashlytics

Large Screens

  • Resizable Emulator
  • Visual Linting

Development tools

  • Emulated Bluetooth
  • Device Mirroring

Getting started

Android Studio Dolphin Beta and Electric Eel Canary are both available for download. You can install them side by side with the current stable version of Android Studio following these instructions. The Beta release is near stable release quality, but bugs might still exist, so, if you do find an issue, please let us know so we can work to fix it. Likewise, if you find an issue or have feedback for the features in the Canary release, please let us know.

We really appreciate your feedback on issues and feature requests. You can follow us—the Android Studio development team—on Twitter and on Medium.

Check out the preview release notes for more details.

Second Beta of Android 13

Posted by Dave Burke, VP of Engineering

Android13 Logo

At Google I/O, we talked about everything that’s new for developers, including the second Beta of Android 13, which we’re releasing today for your testing and feedback. Our program of Beta releases is driven by a philosophy of openness and collaboration with you, our community, and your input makes Android a better platform for everyone. Thank you for the feedback you’ve given so far!

In Android 13, we’re continuing to focus on our core themes of privacy and security as well as developer productivity. We’ve added a new permission for sending notifications, a privacy-protecting photo picker, and improved permissions when pairing with nearby devices and accessing media files. We’ve made it easier to support app-specific language settings, match your app’s icons to the user’s selected theme colors, and build with modern standards like HDR video, Bluetooth LE Audio, and MIDI 2.0 over USB. We’re also continuing to make Android an even better OS on tablets and large screens, giving you better tools to take advantage of the 270+ million of these devices in active use. You can read more about Android 13 in our Keyword blog post.

Beta 2 has everything you need to try the Android 13 features, test your apps, and give us your feedback. Just enroll any supported Pixel device here to get Beta 2 and future updates over-the-air. If you’ve already installed an Android 13 preview or Beta build, you’ll automatically get Beta updates.

You can also get Android 13 Beta on select phones, tablets, and foldables from our partners who are working to deliver quality from day one, including ASUS, HMD (Nokia phones), Lenovo, OnePlus, Oppo, Realme, Sharp, Tecno, Vivo, Xiaomi, and ZTE.

Beta  available today

Visit android.com/beta to see the full list of partners, with links to their sites for details on their supported devices and Beta builds, starting with Beta 1. Each partner will handle their own enrollments and support, and provide the Beta updates to you directly.

With Beta 2 we’re just a step away from Platform Stability in June 2022, when we’ll have the final Android 13 SDK and NDK APIs as well as final app-facing system behaviors. Stay tuned, and for more on the timeline and how to get your apps ready for Android 13, visit the Android 13 developer site!

New flexible tools to grow your subscription business

Posted by Steve Hartford, Product Manager, Google Play

Illustrated image with light blue background and Google Play iconography

Digital subscriptions continue to be one of the fastest growing ways for developers to monetize on Google Play. As the subscriptions business model evolves, many developers have asked us for more flexibility and less complexity in how they sell subscriptions.

To meet those needs, we've reimagined the developer experience for selling subscriptions on Play. Today, we’re launching new subscription capabilities and a new Console UI to help you grow your business. At its foundation, we’ve separated what the subscription benefits are from how you sell the subscription. For each subscription, you can now configure multiple base plans and offers. This allows you to sell your subscription in multiple ways, reducing operational costs by removing the need to create and manage an ever-increasing number of SKUs.

You may have already noticed the change in Play Console as we’ve taken existing subscription SKUs and separated them into subscriptions, base plans, and offers. The new subscriptions configuration behaves as before, with no immediate need to update your apps or backend integrations.

 Example subscription configuration

Example of a subscription configuration

More flexibility to improve reach, conversion, and retention

Each base plan in a subscription defines a different billing period and renewal type. For example, you can create a subscription with a monthly auto-renewing plan, an annual auto-renewing plan, and a 1-month prepaid plan.

Prepaid plans are an entirely new option that provides users with access to benefits for a fixed duration. Users can extend this access by purchasing top-ups in your app, or in the Play Store. Prepaid plans allow you to reach users in regions where pay-as-you-go is standard, including India and Southeast Asia. They can also provide an alternative for users not ready to purchase an auto-renewing subscription.

A base plan can have multiple offers supporting different stages of the subscription lifecycle — whether to acquire new subscribers, incentivize upgrades, or retain existing subscribers. Whenever users could benefit from the value your subscriptions provide, we want to help you reach them with an offer they find worthwhile and convenient.

Offers provide a wide range of pricing and eligibility options. While the base plan contains the price available to all users, offers provide alternate pricing to eligible users. You can make offers that are available everywhere their base plan is available, or you can create offers for specific regions. For example:

  • Acquisition offers allow users to try your subscription for free or at a discounted price
  • Upgrade and crossgrade offers incentivize users to benefit from longer billing periods or higher tiers of service
  • Upgrade offers can also help you move subscribers from a prepaid plan to an auto-renewing plan

If you want even more flexibility, you can create custom offers for which you decide the business logic, such as second-chance free trials, or win-back offers for lapsed subscribers.

Better metrics to understand your business

We’ve improved reporting by updating how metrics are calculated in Play Console. Metrics such as new subscription counts, conversion and retention rates, and cancellations are more consistent and calculated in line with financial metrics. You can now directly compare data between Play Console and the Real Time Developer Notifications API. Additionally, subscription metrics are now cumulative. This means that data reported for previous days won’t change over time.

Get started

Starting today, all these new subscription capabilities are available. To learn more please visit the Help Center. When you’re ready to integrate, check out this guide, documentation, and sample app.

Please let us know how we’re doing and contact us with any issues you may encounter.

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Continuing to boost developer success on Google Play

Posted by Purnima Kochikar, VP of Play Partnerships

As we highlighted in March, our mission is to help all developers succeed and build sustainable businesses. Last month at Google I/O, we built on this by announcing updates aimed at ‍helping more users discover your apps and games, opening enrollment for the new 15% service fee tier, and more.

But we’re always looking for ways to help developers of all types succeed on Google Play, and today we have even more to share.

Investing in better cross-device experiences

Users expect compelling content no matter what device they’re on. With our recent launch of Entertainment Space for tablets, the announcement that Samsung watches are coming to Wear OS, the upgraded Android Auto platform, and a new discovery experience on Google TV, there’s more opportunity for developers to engage their users than ever.

On Play, we are excited to help developers scale their services beyond mobile and across all the form factors that are important to users. We've long offered programs to help you build innovative experiences and today, we are opening our Play Media Experience Program globally to enable even more developers to invest in best-in-class media experiences across devices, including:

  • Video - high quality video content for the living room; requires integrations with Android TV, Google TV, and Google Cast
  • Audio - subscription music and audio services that work everywhere; requires integrations with Wear OS, Android Auto, Android TV, and Google Cast
  • Books - compelling reading experience on larger screens; optimized experience on tablets, foldables, and integration with the new Entertainment Space.

Through these integrations, we enable new discovery and re-engagement opportunities for developers to accelerate their overall growth on Play and offer a service fee of 15% during the program term, all to help developers deliver premium experiences.

Developers can review program guidelines and express interest now and we’ll follow up with more information if you are eligible. The Play Media Experience Program joins our many other resources for developers, including, Subscribe with Google for news publishers, our existing enterprise programs, and our many other initiatives like Play Points and Play Pass that help us continually improve our offerings to users and meet the needs of developers.

New updates ahead for game developers

Register now for the digital Google for Games Developer Summit on July 12 and 13 to hear the latest product updates from across Google. We’ll have over 20 sessions from Android, Play, Cloud, Firebase, and ads to help you build better games and reach your users.

As always we will continue to listen to your feedback and we look forward to looking for even more ways to support your business at every stage on Google Play.

Android 12 Beta 2 Update

Posted by Dave Burke, VP of Engineering

Android 12 logo

Just a few weeks ago at Google I/O we unwrapped the first beta of Android 12, focusing on a new UI that adapts to you, improved performance, and privacy and security at the core. For developers, Android 12 gives you better tools to build delightful experiences for people on phones, laptops, tablets, wearables, TVs, and cars.

Today we’re releasing the second Beta of Android 12 for you to try. Beta 2 adds new privacy features like the Privacy Dashboard and continues our work of refining the release.

End-to-end there’s a lot for developers in Android 12 - from the redesigned UI and app widgets, to rich haptics, improved video and image quality, privacy features like approximate location, and much more. For a quick look at related Google I/O sessions, see Android 12 at Google I/O later in the post.

You can get Beta 2 today on your Pixel device by enrolling here for over-the-air updates, and if you previously enrolled for Beta 1, you’ll automatically get today’s update. Android 12 Beta is also available on select devices from several of our partners - learn more at android.com/beta.

Visit the Android 12 developer site for details on how to get started.

What’s new in Beta 2?

Beta 2 includes several of the new privacy features we talked about at Google I/O, as well as various feature updates to improve functionality, stability, and performance. Here are a few highlights.

Privacy Dashboard - We’ve added a Privacy Dashboard to give users better visibility over the data that apps are accessing. The dashboard offers a simple and clear timeline view of all recent app accesses to microphone, camera, and location. Users can also request details from an app on why it has accessed sensitive data, and developers can provide this information in an activity by handling a new system intent, ACTION_VIEW_PERMISSION_USAGE_FOR_PERIOD. We recommend that apps take advantage of this intent to proactively help users understand accesses in the given time period. To help you track these accesses in your code and any third-party libraries, we recommend using the Data Auditing APIs. More here.

Privacy Dashboard and location access gif

Privacy dashboard and location access timeline.

Mic and camera indicators - We’ve added indicators to the status bar to let users know when apps are using the device camera or microphone. Users can go to Quick Settings to see which apps are accessing their camera or microphone data and manage permissions if needed. For developers, we recommend reviewing your app’s uses of the microphone and camera and removing any that users would not expect. More here.

Microphone & camera toggles - We’ve added Quick Settings toggles on supported devices that make it easy for users to instantly disable app access to the microphone and camera. When the toggles are turned off, an app accessing these sensors will receive blank camera and audio feeds, and the system handles notifying the user to enable access to use the app’s features. Developers can use a new API, SensorPrivacyManager, to check whether toggles are supported on the device. The microphone and camera controls apply to all apps regardless of their platform targeting. More here.

Clipboard read notification - To give users more transparency on when apps are reading from the clipboard, Android 12 now displays a toast at the bottom of the screen each time an app calls getPrimaryClip(). Android won’t show the toast if the clipboard was copied from the same app. We recommend minimizing your app’s reads from the clipboard, and making sure that you only access the clipboard when it will be expected by users. More here.

More intuitive connectivity experience - To help users understand and manage their network connections better, we’re introducing a simpler and more intuitive connectivity experience across the Status Bar, Quick Settings, and Settings. The new Internet Panel helps users switch between their Internet providers and troubleshoot network connectivity issues more easily. Let us know what you think!

Quick Settings controls

New Internet controls through Quick Settings.

Visit the Android 12 developer site to learn more about all of the new features in Android 12.

Android 12 at Google I/O

At Google I/O we talked about everything that’s new in Android for developers - from Android 12 to Modern Android Development tools, new form factors like Wear and foldables, and Google Play. Here are the top 3 things to know about Android 12 at Google I/O.

#1 A new UI for Android - Android 12 brings the biggest design change in Android's history. We rethought the entire experience, from the colors to the shapes, light and motion, making Android 12 more expressive, dynamic, and personal, under a single design language called Material You.

#2 Performance - With Android 12, we made significant and deep investments in performance, from foundational system performance and battery life to foreground service changes, media quality and performance, and new tools to optimize apps.

#3 Privacy and security - In Android 12 we’re continuing to give users more transparency and control while keeping their devices and data secure.

For an overview of Android 12 for developers, watch this year’s What's new in Android talk, and check out Top 12 tips to get ready for Android 12 for an overview of where to test your app for compatibility. The full list of Android content at Google I/O is here.

App compatibility

With more early-adopter users and developers getting Android 12 beta on Pixel and other devices, now is the time to make sure your apps are ready!

To test your app for compatibility, install the published version from Google Play or other source onto a device or emulator running Android 12 Beta. Work through all of the app’s flows and watch for functional or UI issues. Review the behavior changes to focus your testing. There’s no need to change your app’s targetSdkVersion at this time, so when you’ve resolved any issues, publish an update as soon as possible for your Android 12 Beta users.

timeline for Android 12

With Beta 2, Android 12 is closing in on Platform Stability in August 2021. Starting then, app-facing system behaviors, SDK/NDK APIs, and non-SDK lists will be finalized. At that time, you should finish up your final compatibility testing and release a fully compatible version of your app, SDK, or library. More on the timeline for developers is here.

Get started with Android 12!

Today’s Beta release has everything you need to try the latest Android 12 features, test your apps, and give us feedback. Just enroll any supported Pixel device to get the update over-the-air. To get started developing, set up the Android 12 SDK.

You can also get Android 12 Beta 2 on devices from some of our top device-maker partners like Sharp. Visit android.com/beta to see the full list of partners participating in Android 12 Beta. For even broader testing, you can try Android 12 Beta on Android GSI images, and if you don’t have a device you can test on the Android Emulator.

Beta 2 is also available for Android TV, so you can check out the latest TV features and test your apps on the all-new Google TV experience. Try it out with the ADT-3 developer kit. More here.

For complete details on Android 12 Beta, visit the Android 12 developer site.