Tag Archives: Open source

Fabrication begins for production OpenTitan silicon

With malicious software on the rise, how can you be certain that a computer, server, or mobile device is running the code (and provisioning data) that was intended? You can't just ask the code itself, so where do you start? The answer is deceptively simple – start where you have certainty and build up a chain of trust. For communication on the web, we rely on Certificate Authorities (CAs) to ensure the security of web content before it reaches the user. In products composed of an interconnected jungle of hardware and software, like Chromebooks and our Cloud infrastructure, we rely on a small dedicated secure microcontroller called a Root of Trust (RoT). And, some devices even have several RoTs for specialized needs.

Over the past six years, Google has been working with the open source community to build OpenTitan, the first open source silicon RoT. Today, we are excited to announce that we have started fabrication of the first production-ready OpenTitan silicon by Nuvoton. This silicon will be the first broadly used RoT chip at Google with a fully transparent design and origin. We have production OpenTitan chips available for lab testing and evaluation with larger volumes available from Nuvoton starting in Spring 2025.


History of RoTs and OpenTitan at Google

In 2009, Google began shipping devices with dedicated off-the-shelf RoTs. By 2014, it became clear that higher levels of assurance would only be attainable by investing in a first party RoT solution. A first party solution enabled Google to have full visibility and control over the security of its products throughout their life cycles. Previous off-the-shelf parts were black- or gray-box solutions where vendors are responsible for designing their own hardware and software – all with limited or no access to the source. Without full transparency, it is impossible to completely understand the security assurances for products using these proprietary parts. In addition, it was becoming harder to meet product needs with off-the-shelf RoT solutions, from footprint to function to cost – we needed a better solution for Chromebooks, Cloud, and later, Pixel.

Today, open source software powers nearly every consumer experience, from open source operating systems like Linux, to web browsers like Chromium. Open source is often the most economically efficient solution for developing foundational technology: it enables companies to work together and pool resources to build common, compatible products. Until now, this development approach has not been demonstrated in a commercially relevant setting for silicon.

OpenTitan is the first open-source silicon project to reach commercial availability based on the engineering samples we released last year. The OpenTitan project started from scratch in 2018 with a coalition of commercial, academic, and not-for-profit partners. The OpenTitan project is hosted by lowRISC CIC in Cambridge, UK. Google and project partners – Nuvoton, ETH Zurich, G+D Mobile Security, lowRISC, Rivos, Seagate, Western Digital, Winbond, zeroRISC, and a number of independent contributors – provide open source hardware register-transfer level (RTL) and design verification (DV) code, along with integration guidelines, and reference firmware to drive adoption throughout industry.

The Future

With the introduction of production-ready OpenTitan chips, we are excited to welcome an era where security is based on transparency from the very beginning of the stack. OpenTitan is the first commercially available open source RoT to support PQC secure boot based on SLH-DSA (formerly known as SPHINCS+). Our vision is that these chips will help drive broader industry adoption not only of open designs and their security properties, but also of this innovative method of open source collaboration between organizations.

Samples of production OpenTitan silicon are now available, with reference provisioning and application-level firmware releases coming soon. Product integrations have begun to intercept Chromebooks shipping later this year, with datacenter integrations following shortly after.

Getting Involved

With OpenTitan, we’ve introduced brand new methodologies for how commodity chips get designed that are increasingly economical moving forward. OpenTitan provides Google with a high-quality, low-cost, commoditized hardware RoT that can be used across the Google ecosystem. This will also facilitate the broader adoption of Google-endorsed security features across the industry.

The fabrication of production OpenTitan silicon is the realization of many years of dedication and hard work from our team. It is a significant moment for us and all contributors to the project. OpenTitan’s broad community has been critical to its success. As the following metrics show (baselined from the project’s public launch in 2019), the OpenTitan community is rapidly growing:

  • Almost nine times the number of commits at launch: from 2,500 to over 24,200.
  • 176 contributors to the code base
  • 17k+ merged pull requests
  • 1.5M+ LoC, including 500k LoC of HDL
  • 2.5k Github stars

If you are interested in learning more or contributing to OpenTitan, visit the open source GitHub repository or reach out to the OpenTitan team.

By Cyrus Stoller and Miguel Osorio – OpenTitan

The New Frontier of Security: Creating Safe and Secure AI Models

Are you looking to safely create the next state-of-the-art AI model? Today we’re sharing a list of recommendations on how to create and distribute your models securely.

Choosing the Right Foundation: Safe Model Formats

Before you start building your model, consider using a safe file format, as it can influence your development tool options. However, if you've already created a model, you can also convert it to a safe format before sharing it.

Once trained, models are saved and distributed as binary files. Common formats include PyTorch (Pickles usually with .pt, .pth extensions), TensorFlow SavedModel (.pb), GGUF (.gguf), and Safetensors (.safetensors). However, binary files are dangerous because it's hard to verify if their content is safe. This is especially true with formats such as Pickles and SavedModels, which are designed to include arbitrary code, raising the risk of remote code execution (RCE) on users' machines.

To mitigate these risks:

  • If sharing only model weights: Consider formats such as Safetensors. These formats only contain model weights, and are therefore safe from RCE.
  • If sharing weights and metadata: Consider formats like GGUF, which include weights and additional metadata but not executable code configurations.
  • For any format, but especially if your model requires custom code: Keep reading to see how to help users verify that they're getting the correct model.

Secure Releases and Verification Methods

To ensure your users are getting the model you originally deployed, consider automating your releases, making them transparent and auditable. Instead of training your model on your local machine, consider using a predefined script to train your model within an isolated environment. When building smaller models, using GitHub Actions can be a good option. However, for larger models, GitHub Actions might not have the necessary hardware capabilities or availability. In that case, and if budget allows, consider using other platforms with proper security safeguards, such as Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

If building your model on a cloud platform is not an option, you can sign the model on your local machine to give your users confidence it was created by you.

However, if building your model on a cloud platform, sign the model and generate a provenance attestation for the release. This allows users to not only confirm that the model was created by you, but that it came from your approved infrastructure, was trained following the specific instructions defined in your training script, and wasn't tampered with by a malicious actor.

While signatures and provenance do not guarantee the absence of malicious intent from the developer, they provide users with a means to verify the integrity of the model they downloaded.

On GitHub, signing and provenance can be easily achieved using GitHub Artifact Attestations. For the general use case, tools like Sigstore and SLSA are also available to sign and attest provenance to your deployments.

For a few examples, check out this workflow to build a model with SLSA on GitHub and on GCP, and an example of how to sign models.

Educate Your Users

After sharing your model with the world, it is essential to educate users on the safety and security concerns surrounding model consumption. You should therefore:

  • Document potential biases in your models and datasets.
  • Clearly display all licenses associated with the model and datasets.
  • Benchmark your model, assessing and disclosing metrics around hallucinations, prompt injection risk and fairness.

With this information users can make informed decisions and abide by the ethical and technical guidelines associated with your model. For instance, they might choose to implement an input sanitization layer to enhance their software security.

Establish a Security Policy

Your model’s privacy, safety, and security guarantees can be documented in separate files or in a security policy. A security policy helps you address users' safety and security concerns regarding your models. It is a dedicated file that instructs users on how to privately report vulnerabilities, such as prompt injection strategies or potential out-of-memory (OOM) errors, allowing you to investigate and address the potential vulnerabilities before they become public knowledge. It is also a good place to define the scope of what your project considers a vulnerability.

In summary, considering model security from the outset of development is crucial. Additionally, ensuring safe distribution and informing users of potential risks is essential. It's important to remember that security is a continuous process – more like a marathon than a sprint – and constant vigilance is necessary to mitigate potential threats.

Keep Improving

The steps above will put your models’ security on a solid footing, but there is always more you can learn and do. Please take a look at Google's Secure AI Framework for a deeper dive in this subject, and take its risk self assessment to better understand which risks are most important for you.

By Gabriela Gutierrez and Pedro Nacht – GOSST Upstream Team

Producer java library for Data Lineage is now open source

Integrating OpenLineage producers with GCP Lineage just got a lot easier

What is Data Lineage

Data Lineage is a GCP feature that allows tracking data movement. This tool helps data owners and analysts detect anomalies in data flows, find connections between data sources and verify the potential consequences of planned changes in data pipelines.

Lineage is injected automatically for some Google Cloud products (BigQuery, Cloud Data Fusion, Cloud Composer, Dataproc, Vertex AI). That means, if Lineage integration with any of those products is enabled in the projects, data movements coming from executing jobs by these products will be reported to GCP Lineage.

For custom integrations, the API can be used to report and fetch lineage.

After injecting, lineage can be viewed in the Google Cloud console (available from DataCatalog UI, BigQuery UI, Vertex UI). There are two representations: graph view, with data sources as nodes and data movements as edges, and list view, a tabular representation. Lineage information can also be fetched from the API.

More information is available in the documentation.

GCP Lineage information model

We describe data flows using the following concepts:

  • Process is a definition of some data transformation. For example, a SQL or Spark script.
  • Run is an execution of a Process.
  • Lineage Event is a data transformation event. It is reported in context of a Run.
  • A Link represents a connection between two data sources, when data in the link’s Target depends on its Source. A Lineage Event contains a list of Links.

OpenLineage support

OpenLineage is an open standard for reporting lineage information. It unifies lineage reporting between systems, which means the events generated in this format can be consumed by any product supporting it. This leads to more flexibility: adding or replacing a lineage producer does not imply changing the consumer, and vice versa.

OpenLineage format is adopted by a number of lineage producers and consumers, meaning there is already tooling available to report lineage from/to those systems. GCP Lineage is one of those consumers: users can report events in OpenLineage format, see the resulting lineage on the UI, and query it via the API.

OpenLineage is the preferred method for reporting lineage in GCP Lineage. It is used by the Dataproc lineage integration. To find out more about sending OpenLineage events to GCP Lineage refer to the documentation.

After injecting lineage in OpenLineage format, it can be accessed in the same way as if it was injected via other API methods or automatically: from the Google Cloud console or the API.

Why producer library

The GCP Lineage producer library is an extension of the client library. Client libraries are recommended for calling Cloud APIs programmatically. They handle low level API call details, leaving the necessary user code simpler and shorter.

The producer library further simplifies integration by providing ready to use code needed to call the API from Java. It adds additional functionality such as synchronous and asynchronous clients, translating OpenLineage JSON messages to the API friendly format, error handling etc.

Using the producer library, all the code needed to send a request to GCP Lineage API is:

SyncLineageProducerClient client = SyncLineageProducerClient.create();
ProcessOpenLineageRunEventRequest request =

The field openLineageMessage here is a protobuf Struct that includes information about job execution, inputs and outputs and other metadata. The object model is described in the documentation. An example message is:

  "eventType": "START",
  "eventTime": "2023-04-04T13:21:16.098Z",
  "run": {
    "runId": "502483d6-3e3d-474f-9380-da565eaa7516",
    "facets": {
       "spark_properties": {
        "_producer": "https://github.com/OpenLineage/OpenLineage/tree/1.22.0/integration/spark",
        "_schemaURL": "https://openlineage.io/spec/2-0-2/OpenLineage.json#/$defs/RunFacet",
        "properties": {
          "spark.master": "yarn",
          "spark.app.name": "sparkJobTest.py"
  "job": {
    "namespace": "project-name",
    "name": "cluster-name",
    "facets": {
    "jobType": {
        "_producer": "https://github.com/OpenLineage/OpenLineage/tree/1.22.0/integration/spark",
        "_schemaURL": "https://openlineage.io/spec/facets/2-0-3/JobTypeJobFacet.json#/$defs/JobTypeJobFacet",
        "processingType": "BATCH",
        "integration": "SPARK",
        "jobType": "SQL_JOB"

  "inputs": [
      "namespace": "bigquery",
      "name": "project.dataset.input_table",
  "outputs": [
      "namespace": "bigquery",
      "name": "project.dataset.output_table",
  "producer": "https://github.com/OpenLineage/OpenLineage/tree/0.18.0/integration/spark",
  "schemaURL": "https://openlineage.io/spec/1-0-5/OpenLineage.json#/$defs/RunEvent"

Learn more about building an OpenLineage message.

Best Practices for Constructing OpenLineage Messages

The openLineageMessage should follow the OpenLineage format. The fields that are required for correct parsing by the GCP Lineage API are:


mapped to Process


used to construct Process name


used to construct Process name


mapped to Run


used to construct Run name


URI identifying the producer of this metadata


time of the data movement


URL pointing to the schema definition for this message

In addition to those, the fields used to create lineage are:


corresponds to the status of the Run


mapped to sources of links. Must be specified according to the naming conventions


mapped to targets of links. Must be specified according to the naming conventions

The GCP Lineage API supports OpenLineage major versions 1 and 2. For more information please refer to the documentation.

How to access GCP Lineage?

The code is now publicly available on GitHub. The library is also published to Maven.


To simplify integration with GCP Lineage, we offer GcpLineageTransport. It is available on the OpenLineage GitHub repository and is built to a separate maven artifact. It is built on top of the producer library mentioned above.

Using the transport minimises the code for sending events to GCP Lineage. The GcpLineageTransport can be configured as the event sink for any existing OpenLineage producer such as Airflow, Spark, and Flink. Find more information and examples on GCP Lineage.

By Mary Idamkina – Data Lineage

See the code that powered the Pebble smartwatches

We are excited to announce that the source code that powered Pebble smartwatches is now available for download.

This is part of an effort from Google to help and support the volunteers who have come together to maintain functionality for Pebble watches after the original company ceased operations in 2016.

A quick look back

Pebble was initially launched through a very successful Kickstarter project. Pebble’s first Kickstarter was the single most funded at the time, and its successor Kickstarter for the Pebble Time repeated that feat – and remains the second most funded today! Over the course of four years, Pebble sold over two million smartwatches, cultivating a thriving community of thousands of developers who created over ten thousand Pebble apps and watchfaces.

In 2016, Fitbit acquired Pebble, including Pebble’s intellectual property. Later on, Fitbit itself was acquired by Google, taking the Pebble OS with it.

Despite the Pebble hardware and software support being discontinued eight years ago, Pebble still has thousands of dedicated fans.

What is being released

We are releasing most of the source code for the Pebble operating system. This repository contains the entire OS, which provides all the standard smartwatch functionality – notifications, media controls, fitness tracking, and support for custom apps and watchfaces – on tiny ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers. Built with FreeRTOS, it contains multiple modules for memory management, graphics, and timekeeping, as well as an extensive framework to load and run custom applications written in C, as well as in Javascript via the Jerryscript Javascript engine. The Pebble architecture allowed for a lightweight system delivering a rich user experience as well as a very long battery life.

It's important to note that some proprietary code was removed from this codebase, particularly for chipset support and the Bluetooth stack. This means the code being released contains all the build system files (using the waf build system), but it will not compile or link as released.

The path forward

From here, we are hoping this release will assist the dedicated community and volunteers from the Rebble project to carry forward the support for Pebble watches that users still love. For someone to build a new firmware update, there is a non-trivial amount of work to do in finding replacements for the pieces that were stripped out of this code, as well as updating this source code that has not been maintained for a few years.

By Matthieu Jeanson, Katharine Berry, and Liam McLoughlin

Introducing Eclipsa Audio: immersive audio for everyone

In the real world, we hear sounds from all around us. Some sounds are ahead of us, some are to our sides, some are behind us, and - yes - some are above or below us. Spatial audio technology brings an immersive audio experience that goes beyond traditional stereo sound. It creates a 3D soundscape, making you feel like sounds are coming from all around you, not just from the left and right speakers.

Spatial audio technologies were first developed over 50 years ago, and playback has been available to consumers for over a decade, but creating spatial audio has been mostly limited to professionals in the movie or music industries. That’s why Google and Samsung are releasing Eclipsa Audio, an open source spatial audio format for everyone.

From Creation to Distribution to Experience

Eclipsa Audio is based on Immersive Audio Model and Formats (IAMF), an audio format developed by Google, Samsung, and other key contributors within the Alliance for Open Media (AOM), and released under the AOM royalty-free license. Because IAMF is open source, Eclipsa Audio files can be created by anyone using freely available audio tools, which support a wide variety of workflows:

A diagram shows three different workflows for encoding video and audio using `iamf_tools` and `ffmpeg` to create MP4 files with IAmF audio and video.  Each workflow handles a different input type, including ADM-BWF, Wav files, Textproto, and Video.

An open source reference renderer [1] is freely available for standalone spatial audio playback, or you can test your Eclipsa Audio files right in your browser at the Binaural Web Demo Application.

Starting in 2025, creators will be able to upload videos with Eclipsa Audio tracks to YouTube. As the first in the industry to adopt Eclipsa Audio, Samsung is integrating the technology across its 2025 TV lineup — from the Crystal UHD series to the premium flagship Neo QLED 8K models — to ensure that consumers who want to experience this advanced technology can choose from a wide range of options. Google and Samsung will be launching a certification and brand licensing program in 2025 to provide quality assurance to manufacturers and consumers for products that support Eclipsa Audio.

Next Steps

To simplify the creation of Eclipsa Audio files, later this spring we will release a free Eclipsa Audio plugin for AVID Pro Tools Digital Audio Workstation. We also plan to bring native Eclipsa Audio playback to the Google Chrome browser as well as to TVs and Soundbars from multiple manufacturers later in 2025. Eclipsa Audio support will also arrive in an upcoming Android AOSP release; stay tuned for more information.

We believe that Eclipsa Audio has the potential to change the way we experience sound. We are excited to see how it is used to create new and innovative audio experiences.

By Matt Frost, Jani Huoponen, Jan Skoglund, Roshan Baliga – the Open Audio team

[1]Special thanks to Arm for providing high performance optimizations to the IAMF reference software.

Introducing Eclipsa Audio: immersive audio for everyone

In the real world, we hear sounds from all around us. Some sounds are ahead of us, some are to our sides, some are behind us, and - yes - some are above or below us. Spatial audio technology brings an immersive audio experience that goes beyond traditional stereo sound. It creates a 3D soundscape, making you feel like sounds are coming from all around you, not just from the left and right speakers.

Spatial audio technologies were first developed over 50 years ago, and playback has been available to consumers for over a decade, but creating spatial audio has been mostly limited to professionals in the movie or music industries. That’s why Google and Samsung are releasing Eclipsa Audio, an open source spatial audio format for everyone.

From Creation to Distribution to Experience

Eclipsa Audio is based on Immersive Audio Model and Formats (IAMF), an audio format developed by Google, Samsung, and other key contributors within the Alliance for Open Media (AOM), and released under the AOM royalty-free license. Because IAMF is open source, Eclipsa Audio files can be created by anyone using freely available audio tools, which support a wide variety of workflows:

A diagram shows three different workflows for encoding video and audio using `iamf_tools` and `ffmpeg` to create MP4 files with IAmF audio and video.  Each workflow handles a different input type, including ADM-BWF, Wav files, Textproto, and Video.

An open source reference renderer [1] is freely available for standalone spatial audio playback, or you can test your Eclipsa Audio files right in your browser at the Binaural Web Demo Application.

Starting in 2025, creators will be able to upload videos with Eclipsa Audio tracks to YouTube. As the first in the industry to adopt Eclipsa Audio, Samsung is integrating the technology across its 2025 TV lineup — from the Crystal UHD series to the premium flagship Neo QLED 8K models — to ensure that consumers who want to experience this advanced technology can choose from a wide range of options. Google and Samsung will be launching a certification and brand licensing program in 2025 to provide quality assurance to manufacturers and consumers for products that support Eclipsa Audio.

Next Steps

To simplify the creation of Eclipsa Audio files, later this spring we will release a free Eclipsa Audio plugin for AVID Pro Tools Digital Audio Workstation. We also plan to bring native Eclipsa Audio playback to the Google Chrome browser as well as to TVs and Soundbars from multiple manufacturers later in 2025. Eclipsa Audio support will also arrive in an upcoming Android AOSP release; stay tuned for more information.

We believe that Eclipsa Audio has the potential to change the way we experience sound. We are excited to see how it is used to create new and innovative audio experiences.

By Matt Frost, Jani Huoponen, Jan Skoglund, Roshan Baliga – the Open Audio team

[1]Special thanks to Arm for providing high performance optimizations to the IAMF reference software.

Google Summer of Code 2025 is here!

Level up your coding skills in Google Summer of Code 2025

Get ready for the 2025 Google Summer of Code (GSoC) program! We started this adventure in 2005 and over the past 20 years we have welcomed over 21,000 new contributors to open source through the program under the guidance of 20,000+ mentors from over 1,000 open source organizations. Check out the video below to learn more about the impact GSoC has made over the last two decades.

Our mission since day one has been to foster the next generation of open source contributors. Participants are immersed in a supportive environment where they spend 3+ months collaborating on real-world projects alongside experienced mentors. This deep dive into open source not only builds valuable coding skills, but cultivates a strong understanding of community dynamics and best practices, empowering them to become impactful contributors.

2024 was a milestone year with 1,127 GSoC contributors completing their projects with 195 open source organizations. We hope to surpass these numbers in 2025!

Be a GSoC 2025 mentoring organization

Application period: January 27 – Feb 11

Interested organizations can learn more by visiting our website; there you’ll find supportive materials to get started.

An invaluable resource is our Mentor Guide, which is a quick way to familiarize yourself with the GSoC program. You’ll find tips on how to engage your community, suggestions on how to present achievable project ideas, and guidance on applying these to your communities.

We are happy to welcome organizations new to GSoC each year. Typically, 20-30 organizations join us for the first time, and we encourage you to apply. In 2025, we're particularly excited to expand our reach in the Security and Machine Learning domains.

Learn more about being a GSoC mentoring organization

Join us in our first information session of the year:

  • Organization Applications Tips on Tuesday, January 22 17:00 UTC

Be a GSoC 2025 contributor

Application period: March 24 - April 8

If you are a beginner to open source development or a student interested in learning about open source, this is your chance to get involved and gain experience on real-world software development projects. Follow these quick steps to set yourself up for success:

Learn more about being a GSoC contributor

Join one of our upcoming information sessions:

  • Contributor Talk #1 on Wednesday, February 19, 16:00 UTC
  • Contributor Talk #2 on Tuesday, February 25, 2:00 UTC
  • Contributor Talk #3 on Thursday, March 6, 16:00 UTC

Please help us spread the word about GSoC 2025 to your peers, family members, colleagues, universities and anyone interested in making a difference in the open source community. Join us and help shape the future of open source!

By Stephanie Taylor, Mary Radomile, and Lucila Ortiz

Google Summer of Code 2025 is here!

Level up your coding skills in Google Summer of Code 2025

Get ready for the 2025 Google Summer of Code (GSoC) program! We started this adventure in 2005 and over the past 20 years we have welcomed over 21,000 new contributors to open source through the program under the guidance of 20,000+ mentors from over 1,000 open source organizations. Check out the video below to learn more about the impact GSoC has made over the last two decades.

Our mission since day one has been to foster the next generation of open source contributors. Participants are immersed in a supportive environment where they spend 3+ months collaborating on real-world projects alongside experienced mentors. This deep dive into open source not only builds valuable coding skills, but cultivates a strong understanding of community dynamics and best practices, empowering them to become impactful contributors.

2024 was a milestone year with 1,127 GSoC contributors completing their projects with 195 open source organizations. We hope to surpass these numbers in 2025!

Be a GSoC 2025 mentoring organization

Application period: January 27 – Feb 11

Interested organizations can learn more by visiting our website; there you’ll find supportive materials to get started.

An invaluable resource is our Mentor Guide, which is a quick way to familiarize yourself with the GSoC program. You’ll find tips on how to engage your community, suggestions on how to present achievable project ideas, and guidance on applying these to your communities.

We are happy to welcome organizations new to GSoC each year. Typically, 20-30 organizations join us for the first time, and we encourage you to apply. In 2025, we're particularly excited to expand our reach in the Security and Machine Learning domains.

Learn more about being a GSoC mentoring organization

Join us in our first information session of the year:

  • Organization Applications Tips on Tuesday, January 22 17:00 UTC

Be a GSoC 2025 contributor

Application period: March 24 - April 8

If you are a beginner to open source development or a student interested in learning about open source, this is your chance to get involved and gain experience on real-world software development projects. Follow these quick steps to set yourself up for success:

Learn more about being a GSoC contributor

Join one of our upcoming information sessions:

  • Contributor Talk #1 on Wednesday, February 19, 16:00 UTC
  • Contributor Talk #2 on Tuesday, February 25, 2:00 UTC
  • Contributor Talk #3 on Thursday, March 6, 16:00 UTC

Please help us spread the word about GSoC 2025 to your peers, family members, colleagues, universities and anyone interested in making a difference in the open source community. Join us and help shape the future of open source!

By Stephanie Taylor, Mary Radomile, and Lucila Ortiz

Kubernetes 1.32 is now available on GKE

Kubernetes 1.32 is now available in the Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Rapid Channel, just one week after the OSS release! For more information about the content of Kubernetes 1.32, read the official Kubernetes 1.32 Release Notes and the specific GKE 1.32 Release Notes.

This release consists of 44 enhancements. Of those enhancements, 13 have graduated to Stable, 12 are entering Beta, and 19 have graduated to Alpha.

Kubernetes 1.32: Key Features

Dynamic Resource Allocation graduated to beta

  • Dynamic Resource Allocation graduated to beta, enabling advanced selection, configuration, scheduling and sharing of accelerators and other devices. As a beta API, using it in GKE clusters requires opt-in. You must also deploy a DRA-compatible kubelet plugin for your devices and use the DRA API instead of the traditional extended resource API used for the existing Device Plugin.

Support for more efficient API streaming

  • The Streaming lists operation has graduated to beta and is enabled by default; the new operation supplies the initial list needed by the list + watch data access pattern over a watch stream and improves kube-apiserver stability and resource usage by enabling informers to receive a continuous data stream. See k8s blog for more information.

Recovery from volume expansion failure

  • Support for recovery from volume expansion failure graduated to beta and is enabled by default. If a user initiates an invalid volume resize, for example by specifying a new size that is too big to be satisfied by the underlying storage system, expansion of PVC will continuously be retried and fail. With this new feature, such a PVC can now be edited to request a smaller size to unblock the PVC. The PVC can be monitored by watching .status.allocatedResourceStatuses and events on the PVC.

Job API for management by external controllers

  • Support in the Job API for the managed-by mechanism graduated to beta and is enabled by default. This enables integration with external controllers like MultiKueue.

Improved scheduling performance

  • The Kubernetes QueueingHint feature enhances scheduling throughput by preventing unnecessary scheduling retries. It’s achieved by allowing scheduler plugins to provide per-plugin callback functions that make efficient requeuing decisions.


As always, we want to thank all the Googlers that provide their time, passion, talent and leadership to keep making Kubernetes the best container orchestration platform. We would like to mention especially Googlers who helped drive the features mentioned in this blog [John Belamaric, Wojciech Tyczyński, Michelle Au, Matthew Cary, Aldo Culquicondor, Tim Hockin Maciej Skoczeń Michał Woźniak] and the Googlers who helped bring 1.32 to GKE in record time.

By Federico Bongiovanni, Benjamin Elder, and Sen Lu – Google Kubernetes Engine

Google Season of Docs announces results of 2024 program

Google Season of Docs is happy to announce the 2024 program results, including the project case studies.

Google Season of Docs is a grant-based program where open source organizations apply for US$5-15,000 to hire technical writers to complete documentation projects. At the end of the six-month documentation development phase, organizations submit a case study to outline the problems their documentation project was intended to solve, how they are measuring the success of their documentation project, and what they learned during the project. The case studies are publicly available and are intended to help other open source organizations learn best practices in open source documentation.

The 2024 Google Season of Docs documentation development phase began on April 10 and ended November 22, 2024. Participants in the 2024 program will also answer three followup surveys in 2025, in order to better track the impact of these documentation projects over time.

Key Takeaways from 2024 Google Season of Docs

Eleven different organizations participated in the 2024 program. These organizations represented a variety of open source project types, including databases, AI/ML, cloud infrastructure, programming languages, and science and medicine. The documentation projects hoped to address a variety of different problems. The most common challenges addressed by the Season of Docs projects were:

  • Project documentation disorganized
  • Potential project users having difficulty installing, using, or integrating your project
  • Project documentation outdated
  • Project documentation needs to be converted to a different tool, platform, or format
  • Potential contributors having difficulty onboarding to your project
  • Project documentation lacking for a specific key use case
  • Potential project users lack fundamental understanding of the project domain

Program participants learned a lot from their projects. These lessons are detailed in the published case studies, to help other open source organizations who are interested in taking on their own documentation projects. Some highlights include:

“Putting time and effort into your project’s infrastructure, such as communication channels and onboarding processes, is really valuable work."
“Perhaps the key piece of advice that we came away with that could be useful for other projects is to be flexible in what you set out to accomplish: what looks like the top-five items on the to-do list on day one may not be what you think is the most important at the end."
“This particular experiment with a different medium has turned out to be successful and we encourage other communities to also explore different media depending on their audience and information needs."

“Developing documentation also helped us identify ambiguities in the interface and other areas of the site design or features that needed refinement or decisions made in order to document them properly. Now, with a base site and well-established documentation workflow, we are documenting more features as they are developed."

Take a look at the participant list to see the initial project plans and case studies for all of the participating projects!

What’s next?

Stay tuned for information about Google Season of Docs 2025 – watch for posts on this blog and sign up for the announcements email list.

By Elena Spitzer and Erin McKean, Google Open Source Programs Office