Tag Archives: Natural Language Processing

Robots That Write Their Own Code

A common approach used to control robots is to program them with code to detect objects, sequencing commands to move actuators, and feedback loops to specify how the robot should perform a task. While these programs can be expressive, re-programming policies for each new task can be time consuming, and requires domain expertise.

What if when given instructions from people, robots could autonomously write their own code to interact with the world? It turns out that the latest generation of language models, such as PaLM, are capable of complex reasoning and have also been trained on millions of lines of code. Given natural language instructions, current language models are highly proficient at writing not only generic code but, as we’ve discovered, code that can control robot actions as well. When provided with several example instructions (formatted as comments) paired with corresponding code (via in-context learning), language models can take in new instructions and autonomously generate new code that re-composes API calls, synthesizes new functions, and expresses feedback loops to assemble new behaviors at runtime. More broadly, this suggests an alternative approach to using machine learning for robots that (i) pursues generalization through modularity and (ii) leverages the abundance of open-source code and data available on the Internet.

Given code for an example task (left), language models can re-compose API calls to assemble new robot behaviors for new tasks (right) that use the same functions but in different ways.

To explore this possibility, we developed Code as Policies (CaP), a robot-centric formulation of language model-generated programs executed on physical systems. CaP extends our prior work, PaLM-SayCan, by enabling language models to complete even more complex robotic tasks with the full expression of general-purpose Python code. With CaP, we propose using language models to directly write robot code through few-shot prompting. Our experiments demonstrate that outputting code led to improved generalization and task performance over directly learning robot tasks and outputting natural language actions. CaP allows a single system to perform a variety of complex and varied robotic tasks without task-specific training.

We demonstrate, across several robot systems, including a robot from Everyday Robots, that language models can autonomously interpret language instructions to generate and execute CaPs that represent reactive low-level policies (e.g., proportional-derivative or impedance controllers) and waypoint-based policies (e.g., vision-based pick and place, trajectory-based control).

A Different Way to Think about Robot Generalization

To generate code for a new task given natural language instructions, CaP uses a code-writing language model that, when prompted with hints (i.e., import statements that inform which APIs are available) and examples (instruction-to-code pairs that present few-shot "demonstrations" of how instructions should be converted into code), writes new code for new instructions. Central to this approach is hierarchical code generation, which prompts language models to recursively define new functions, accumulate their own libraries over time, and self-architect a dynamic codebase. Hierarchical code generation improves state-of-the-art on both robotics as well as standard code-gen benchmarks in natural language processing (NLP) subfields, with 39.8% pass@1 on HumanEval, a benchmark of hand-written coding problems used to measure the functional correctness of synthesized programs.

Code-writing language models can express a variety of arithmetic operations and feedback loops grounded in language. Pythonic language model programs can use classic logic structures, e.g., sequences, selection (if/else), and loops (for/while), to assemble new behaviors at runtime. They can also use third-party libraries to interpolate points (NumPy), analyze and generate shapes (Shapely) for spatial-geometric reasoning, etc. These models not only generalize to new instructions, but they can also translate precise values (e.g., velocities) to ambiguous descriptions ("faster" and "to the left") depending on the context to elicit behavioral commonsense.

Code as Policies uses code-writing language models to map natural language instructions to robot code to complete tasks. Generated code can call existing perception action APIs, third party libraries, or write new functions at runtime.

CaP generalizes at a specific layer in the robot: interpreting natural language instructions, processing perception outputs (e.g., from off-the-shelf object detectors), and then parameterizing control primitives. This fits into systems with factorized perception and control, and imparts a degree of generalization (acquired from pre-trained language models) without the magnitude of data collection needed for end-to-end robot learning. CaP also inherits language model capabilities that are unrelated to code writing, such as supporting instructions with non-English languages and emojis.

CaP inherits the capabilities of language models, such as multilingual and emoji support.

By characterizing the types of generalization encountered in code generation problems, we can also study how hierarchical code generation improves generalization. For example, "systematicity" evaluates the ability to recombine known parts to form new sequences, "substitutivity" evaluates robustness to synonymous code snippets, while "productivity" evaluates the ability to write policy code longer than those seen in the examples (e.g., for new long horizon tasks that may require defining and nesting new functions). Our paper presents a new open-source benchmark to evaluate language models on a set of robotics-related code generation problems. Using this benchmark, we find that, in general, bigger models perform better across most metrics, and that hierarchical code generation improves "productivity" generalization the most.

Performance on our RoboCodeGen Benchmark across different generalization types. The larger model (Davinci) performs better than the smaller model (Cushman), with hierarchical code generation improving productivity the most.

We're also excited about the potential for code-writing models to express cross-embodied plans for robots with different morphologies that perform the same task differently depending on the available APIs (perception action spaces), which is an important aspect of any robotics foundation model.

Language model code-generation exhibits cross-embodiment capabilities, completing the same task in different ways depending on the available APIs (that define perception action spaces).


Code as policies today are restricted by the scope of (i) what the perception APIs can describe (e.g., few visual-language models to date can describe whether a trajectory is "bumpy" or "more C-shaped"), and (ii) which control primitives are available. Only a handful of named primitive parameters can be adjusted without over-saturating the prompts. Our approach also assumes all given instructions are feasible, and we cannot tell if generated code will be useful a priori. CaPs also struggle to interpret instructions that are significantly more complex or operate at a different abstraction level than the few-shot examples provided to the language model prompts. Thus, for example, in the tabletop domain, it would be difficult for our specific instantiation of CaPs to "build a house with the blocks" since there are no examples of building complex 3D structures. These limitations point to avenues for future work, including extending visual language models to describe low-level robot behaviors (e.g., trajectories) or combining CaPs with exploration algorithms that can autonomously add to the set of control primitives.

Open-Source Release

We have released the code needed to reproduce our experiments and an interactive simulated robot demo on the project website, which also contains additional real-world demos with videos and generated code.


Code as policies is a step towards robots that can modify their behaviors and expand their capabilities accordingly. This can be enabling, but the flexibility also raises potential risks since synthesized programs (unless manually checked per runtime) may result in unintended behaviors with physical hardware. We can mitigate these risks with built-in safety checks that bound the control primitives that the system can access, but more work is needed to ensure new combinations of known primitives are equally safe. We welcome broad discussion on how to minimize these risks while maximizing the potential positive impacts towards more general-purpose robots.


This research was done by Jacky Liang, Wenlong Huang, Fei Xia, Peng Xu, Karol Hausman, Brian Ichter, Pete Florence, Andy Zeng. Special thanks to Vikas Sindhwani, Vincent Vanhoucke for helpful feedback on writing, Chad Boodoo for operations and hardware support. An early preprint is available on arXiv.

Source: Google AI Blog

Announcing the Patent Phrase Similarity Dataset

Patent documents typically use legal and highly technical language, with context-dependent terms that may have meanings quite different from colloquial usage and even between different documents. The process of using traditional patent search methods (e.g., keyword searching) to search through the corpus of over one hundred million patent documents can be tedious and result in many missed results due to the broad and non-standard language used. For example, a "soccer ball" may be described as a "spherical recreation device", "inflatable sportsball" or "ball for ball game". Additionally, the language used in some patent documents may obfuscate terms to their advantage, so more powerful natural language processing (NLP) and semantic similarity understanding can give everyone access to do a thorough search.

The patent domain (and more general technical literature like scientific publications) poses unique challenges for NLP modeling due to its use of legal and technical terms. While there are multiple commonly used general-purpose semantic textual similarity (STS) benchmark datasets (e.g., STS-B, SICK, MRPC, PIT), to the best of our knowledge, there are currently no datasets focused on technical concepts found in patents and scientific publications (the somewhat related BioASQ challenge contains a biomedical question answering task). Moreover, with the continuing growth in size of the patent corpus (millions of new patents are issued worldwide every year), there is a need to develop more useful NLP models for this domain.

Today, we announce the release of the Patent Phrase Similarity dataset, a new human-rated contextual phrase-to-phrase semantic matching dataset, and the accompanying paper, presented at the SIGIR PatentSemTech Workshop, which focuses on technical terms from patents. The Patent Phrase Similarity dataset contains ~50,000 rated phrase pairs, each with a Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) class as context. In addition to similarity scores that are typically included in other benchmark datasets, we include granular rating classes similar to WordNet, such as synonym, antonym, hypernym, hyponym, holonym, meronym, and domain related. This dataset (distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license) was used by Kaggle and USPTO as the benchmark dataset in the U.S. Patent Phrase to Phrase Matching competition to draw more attention to the performance of machine learning models on technical text. Initial results show that models fine-tuned on this new dataset perform substantially better than general pre-trained models without fine-tuning.

The Patent Phrase Similarity Dataset
To better train the next generation of state-of-the-art models, we created the Patent Phrase Similarity dataset, which includes many examples to address the following problems: (1) phrase disambiguation, (2) adversarial keyword matching, and (3) hard negative keywords (i.e., keywords that are unrelated but received a high score for similarity from other models ). Some keywords and phrases can have multiple meanings (e.g., the phrase "mouse" may refer to an animal or a computer input device), so we disambiguate the phrases by including CPC classes with each pair of phrases. Also, many NLP models (e.g., bag of words models) will not do well on data with phrases that have matching keywords but are otherwise unrelated (adversarial keywords, e.g., “container section” → “kitchen container”, “offset table” → “table fan”). The Patent Phrase Similarity dataset is designed to include many examples of matching keywords that are unrelated through adversarial keyword match, enabling NLP models to improve their performance.

Each entry in the Patent Phrase Similarity dataset contains two phrases, an anchor and target, a context CPC class, a rating class, and a similarity score. The dataset contains 48,548 entries with 973 unique anchors, split into training (75%), validation (5%), and test (20%) sets. When splitting the data, all of the entries with the same anchor are kept together in the same set. There are 106 different context CPC classes and all of them are represented in the training set.

Anchor Target Context Rating Score
acid absorption absorption of acid B08 exact 1.0
acid absorption acid immersion B08 synonym 0.75
acid absorption chemically soaked B08 domain related 0.25
acid absorption acid reflux B08 not related 0.0
gasoline blend petrol blend C10 synonym 0.75
gasoline blend fuel blend C10 hypernym 0.5
gasoline blend fruit blend C10 not related 0.0
faucet assembly water tap A22 hyponym 0.5
faucet assembly water supply A22 holonym 0.25
faucet assembly school assembly A22 not related 0.0
A small sample of the dataset with anchor and target phrases, context CPC class (B08: Cleaning, C10: Petroleum, gas, fuel, lubricants, A22: Butchering, processing meat/poultry/fish), a rating class, and a similarity score.

Generating the Dataset
To generate the Patent Phrase Similarity data, we first process the ~140 million patent documents in the Google Patent's corpus and automatically extract important English phrases, which are typically noun phrases (e.g., “fastener”, “lifting assembly”) and functional phrases (e.g., “food processing”, “ink printing”). Next, we filter and keep phrases that appear in at least 100 patents and randomly sample around 1,000 of these filtered phrases, which we call anchor phrases. For each anchor phrase, we find all of the matching patents and all of the CPC classes for those patents. We then randomly sample up to four matching CPC classes, which become the context CPC classes for the specific anchor phrase.

We use two different methods for pre-generating target phrases: (1) partial matching and (2) a masked language model (MLM). For partial matching, we randomly select phrases from the entire corpus that partially match with the anchor phrase (e.g., “abatement” → “noise abatement”, “material formation” → “formation material”). For MLM, we select sentences from the patents that contain a given anchor phrase, mask them out, and use the Patent-BERT model to predict candidates for the masked portion of the text. Then, all of the phrases are cleaned up, which includes lowercasing and the removal of punctuation and certain stopwords (e.g., "and", "or", "said"), and sent to expert raters for review. Each phrase pair is rated independently by two raters skilled in the technology area. Each rater also generates new target phrases with different ratings. Specifically, they are asked to generate some low-similarity and unrelated targets that partially match with the original anchor and/or some high-similarity targets. Finally, the raters meet to discuss their ratings and come up with final ratings.

Dataset Evaluation
To evaluate its performance, the Patent Phrase Similarity dataset was used in the U.S. Patent Phrase to Phrase Matching Kaggle competition. The competition was very popular, drawing about 2,000 competitors from around the world. A variety of approaches were successfully used by the top scoring teams, including ensemble models of BERT variants and prompting (see the full discussion for more details). The table below shows the best results from the competition, as well as several off-the-shelf baselines from our paper. The Pearson correlation metric was used to measure the linear correlation between the predicted and true scores, which is a helpful metric to target for downstream models so they can distinguish between different similarity ratings.

The baselines in the paper can be considered zero-shot in the sense that they use off-the-shelf models without any further fine-tuning on the new dataset (we use these models to embed the anchor and target phrases separately and compute the cosine similarity between them). The Kaggle competition results demonstrate that by using our training data, one can achieve significant improvements compared with existing NLP models. We have also estimated human performance on this task by comparing a single rater’s scores to the combined score of both raters. The results indicate that this is not a particularly easy task, even for human experts.

Model Training Pearson correlation
word2vec Zero-shot 0.44
Patent-BERT Zero-shot 0.53
Sentence-BERT Zero-shot 0.60
Kaggle 1st place single Fine-tuned 0.87
Kaggle 1st place ensemble Fine-tuned 0.88
Human 0.93
Performance of popular models with no fine-tuning (zero-shot), models fine-tuned on the Patent Phrase Similarity dataset as part of the Kaggle competition, and single human performance.

Conclusion and Future Work
We present the Patent Phrase Similarity dataset, which was used as the benchmark dataset in the U.S. Patent Phrase to Phrase Matching competition, and demonstrate that by using our training data, one can achieve significant improvements compared with existing NLP models.

Additional challenging machine learning benchmarks can be generated from the patent corpus, and patent data has made its way into many of today's most-studied models. For example, the C4 text dataset used to train T5 contains many patent documents. The BigBird and LongT5 models also use patents via the BIGPATENT dataset. The availability, breadth and open usage terms of full text data (see Google Patents Public Datasets) makes patents a unique resource for the research community. Possibilities for future tasks include massively multi-label classification, summarization, information retrieval, image-text similarity, citation graph prediction, and translation. See the paper for more details.

This work was possible through a collaboration with Kaggle, Satsyil Corp., USPTO, and MaxVal. Thanks to contributors Ian Wetherbee from Google, Will Cukierski and Maggie Demkin from Kaggle. Thanks to Jerry Ma, Scott Beliveau, and Jamie Holcombe from USPTO and Suja Chittamahalingam from MaxVal for their contributions.

Source: Google AI Blog

OptFormer: Towards Universal Hyperparameter Optimization with Transformers

One of the most important aspects in machine learning is hyperparameter optimization, as finding the right hyperparameters for a machine learning task can make or break a model’s performance. Internally, we regularly use Google Vizier as the default platform for hyperparameter optimization. Throughout its deployment over the last 5 years, Google Vizier has been used more than 10 million times, over a vast class of applications, including machine learning applications from vision, reinforcement learning, and language but also scientific applications such as protein discovery and hardware acceleration. As Google Vizier is able to keep track of use patterns in its database, such data, usually consisting of optimization trajectories termed studies, contain very valuable prior information on realistic hyperparameter tuning objectives, and are thus highly attractive for developing better algorithms.

While there have been many previous methods for meta-learning over such data, such methods share one major common drawback: their meta-learning procedures depend heavily on numerical constraints such as the number of hyperparameters and their value ranges, and thus require all tasks to use the exact same total hyperparameter search space (i.e., tuning specifications). Additional textual information in the study, such as its description and parameter names, are also rarely used, yet can hold meaningful information about the type of task being optimized. Such a drawback becomes more exacerbated for larger datasets, which often contain significant amounts of such meaningful information.

Today in “Towards Learning Universal Hyperparameter Optimizers with Transformers”, we are excited to introduce the OptFormer, one of the first Transformer-based frameworks for hyperparameter tuning, learned from large-scale optimization data using flexible text-based representations. While numerous works have previously demonstrated the Transformer’s strong abilities across various domains, few have touched on its optimization-based capabilities, especially over text space. Our core findings demonstrate for the first time some intriguing algorithmic abilities of Transformers: 1) a single Transformer network is capable of imitating highly complex behaviors from multiple algorithms over long horizons; 2) the network is further capable of predicting objective values very accurately, in many cases surpassing Gaussian Processes, which are commonly used in algorithms such as Bayesian Optimization.

Approach: Representing Studies as Tokens
Rather than only using numerical data as common with previous methods, our novel approach instead utilizes concepts from natural language and represents all of the study data as a sequence of tokens, including textual information from initial metadata. In the animation below, this includes “CIFAR10”, “learning rate”, “optimizer type”, and “Accuracy”, which informs the OptFormer of an image classification task. The OptFormer then generates new hyperparameters to try on the task, predicts the task accuracy, and finally receives the true accuracy, which will be used to generate the next round’s hyperparameters. Using the T5X codebase, the OptFormer is trained in a typical encoder-decoder fashion using standard generative pretraining over a wide range of hyperparameter optimization objectives, including real world data collected by Google Vizier, as well as public hyperparameter (HPO-B) and blackbox optimization benchmarks (BBOB).

The OptFormer can perform hyperparameter optimization encoder-decoder style, using token-based representations. It initially observes text-based metadata (in the gray box) containing information such as the title, search space parameter names, and metrics to optimize, and repeatedly outputs parameter and objective value predictions.

Imitating Policies
As the OptFormer is trained over optimization trajectories by various algorithms, it may now accurately imitate such algorithms simultaneously. By providing a text-based prompt in the metadata for the designated algorithm (e.g. “Regularized Evolution”), the OptFormer will imitate the algorithm’s behavior.

Over an unseen test function, the OptFormer produces nearly identical optimization curves as the original algorithm. Mean and standard deviation error bars are shown.

Predicting Objective Values
In addition, the OptFormer may now predict the objective value being optimized (e.g. accuracy) and provide uncertainty estimates. We compared the OptFormer’s prediction with a standard Gaussian Process and found that the OptFormer was able to make significantly more accurate predictions. This can be seen below qualitatively, where the OptFormer’s calibration curve closely follows the ideal diagonal line in a goodness-of-fit test, and quantitatively through standard aggregate metrics such as log predictive density.

Left: Rosenblatt Goodness-of-Fit. Closer diagonal fit is better. Right: Log Predictive Density. Higher is better.

Combining Both: Model-based Optimization
We may now use the OptFormer’s function prediction capability to better guide our imitated policy, similar to techniques found in Bayesian Optimization. Using Thompson Sampling, we may rank our imitated policy’s suggestions and only select the best according to the function predictor. This produces an augmented policy capable of outperforming our industry-grade Bayesian Optimization algorithm in Google Vizier when optimizing classic synthetic benchmark objectives and tuning the learning rate hyperparameters of a standard CIFAR-10 training pipeline.

Left: Best-so-far optimization curve over a classic Rosenbrock function. Right: Best-so-far optimization curve over hyperparameters for training a ResNet-50 on CIFAR-10 via init2winit. Both cases use 10 seeds per curve, and error bars at 25th and 75th percentiles.

Throughout this work, we discovered some useful and previously unknown optimization capabilities of the Transformer. In the future, we hope to pave the way for a universal hyperparameter and blackbox optimization interface to use both numerical and textual data to facilitate optimization over complex search spaces, and integrate the OptFormer with the rest of the Transformer ecosystem (e.g. language, vision, code) by leveraging Google’s vast collection of offline AutoML data.

The following members of DeepMind and the Google Research Brain Team conducted this research: Yutian Chen, Xingyou Song, Chansoo Lee, Zi Wang, Qiuyi Zhang, David Dohan, Kazuya Kawakami, Greg Kochanski, Arnaud Doucet, Marc'aurelio Ranzato, Sagi Perel, and Nando de Freitas.

We would like to also thank Chris Dyer, Luke Metz, Kevin Murphy, Yannis Assael, Frank Hutter, and Esteban Real for providing valuable feedback, and further thank Sebastian Pineda Arango, Christof Angermueller, and Zachary Nado for technical discussions on benchmarks. In addition, we thank Daniel Golovin, Daiyi Peng, Yingjie Miao, Jack Parker-Holder, Jie Tan, Lucio Dery, and Aleksandra Faust for multiple useful conversations.

Finally, we thank Tom Small for designing the animation for this post.

Source: Google AI Blog

ML-Enhanced Code Completion Improves Developer Productivity

The increasing complexity of code poses a key challenge to productivity in software engineering. Code completion has been an essential tool that has helped mitigate this complexity in integrated development environments (IDEs). Conventionally, code completion suggestions are implemented with rule-based semantic engines (SEs), which typically have access to the full repository and understand its semantic structure. Recent research has demonstrated that large language models (e.g., Codex and PaLM) enable longer and more complex code suggestions, and as a result, useful products have emerged (e.g., Copilot). However, the question of how code completion powered by machine learning (ML) impacts developer productivity, beyond perceived productivity and accepted suggestions, remains open.

Today we describe how we combined ML and SE to develop a novel Transformer-based hybrid semantic ML code completion, now available to internal Google developers. We discuss how ML and SEs can be combined by (1) re-ranking SE single token suggestions using ML, (2) applying single and multi-line completions using ML and checking for correctness with the SE, or (3) using single and multi-line continuation by ML of single token semantic suggestions. We compare the hybrid semantic ML code completion of 10k+ Googlers (over three months across eight programming languages) to a control group and see a 6% reduction in coding iteration time (time between builds and tests) and a 7% reduction in context switches (i.e., leaving the IDE) when exposed to single-line ML completion. These results demonstrate that the combination of ML and SEs can improve developer productivity. Currently, 3% of new code (measured in characters) is now generated from accepting ML completion suggestions.

Transformers for Completion
A common approach to code completion is to train transformer models, which use a self-attention mechanism for language understanding, to enable code understanding and completion predictions. We treat code similar to language, represented with sub-word tokens and a SentencePiece vocabulary, and use encoder-decoder transformer models running on TPUs to make completion predictions. The input is the code that is surrounding the cursor (~1000-2000 tokens) and the output is a set of suggestions to complete the current or multiple lines. Sequences are generated with a beam search (or tree exploration) on the decoder.

During training on Google’s monorepo, we mask out the remainder of a line and some follow-up lines, to mimic code that is being actively developed. We train a single model on eight languages (C++, Java, Python, Go, Typescript, Proto, Kotlin, and Dart) and observe improved or equal performance across all languages, removing the need for dedicated models. Moreover, we find that a model size of ~0.5B parameters gives a good tradeoff for high prediction accuracy with low latency and resource cost. The model strongly benefits from the quality of the monorepo, which is enforced by guidelines and reviews. For multi-line suggestions, we iteratively apply the single-line model with learned thresholds for deciding whether to start predicting completions for the following line.

Encoder-decoder transformer models are used to predict the remainder of the line or lines of code.

Re-rank Single Token Suggestions with ML
While a user is typing in the IDE, code completions are interactively requested from the ML model and the SE simultaneously in the backend. The SE typically only predicts a single token. The ML models we use predict multiple tokens until the end of the line, but we only consider the first token to match predictions from the SE. We identify the top three ML suggestions that are also contained in the SE suggestions and boost their rank to the top. The re-ranked results are then shown as suggestions for the user in the IDE.

In practice, our SEs are running in the cloud, providing language services (e.g., semantic completion, diagnostics, etc.) with which developers are familiar, and so we collocated the SEs to run on the same locations as the TPUs performing ML inference. The SEs are based on an internal library that offers compiler-like features with low latencies. Due to the design setup, where requests are done in parallel and ML is typically faster to serve (~40 ms median), we do not add any latency to completions. We observe a significant quality improvement in real usage. For 28% of accepted completions, the rank of the completion is higher due to boosting, and in 0.4% of cases it is worse. Additionally, we find that users type >10% fewer characters before accepting a completion suggestion.

Check Single / Multi-line ML Completions for Semantic Correctness
At inference time, ML models are typically unaware of code outside of their input window, and code seen during training might miss recent additions needed for completions in actively changing repositories. This leads to a common drawback of ML-powered code completion whereby the model may suggest code that looks correct, but doesn’t compile. Based on internal user experience research, this issue can lead to the erosion of user trust over time while reducing productivity gains.

We use SEs to perform fast semantic correctness checks within a given latency budget (<100ms for end-to-end completion) and use cached abstract syntax trees to enable a “full” structural understanding. Typical semantic checks include reference resolution (i.e., does this object exist), method invocation checks (e.g., confirming the method was called with a correct number of parameters), and assignability checks (to confirm the type is as expected).

For example, for the coding language Go, ~8% of suggestions contain compilation errors before semantic checks. However, the application of semantic checks filtered out 80% of uncompilable suggestions. The acceptance rate for single-line completions improved by 1.9x over the first six weeks of incorporating the feature, presumably due to increased user trust. As a comparison, for languages where we did not add semantic checking, we only saw a 1.3x increase in acceptance.

Language servers with access to source code and the ML backend are collocated on the cloud. They both perform semantic checking of ML completion suggestions.

With 10k+ Google-internal developers using the completion setup in their IDE, we measured a user acceptance rate of 25-34%. We determined that the transformer-based hybrid semantic ML code completion completes >3% of code, while reducing the coding iteration time for Googlers by 6% (at a 90% confidence level). The size of the shift corresponds to typical effects observed for transformational features (e.g., key framework) that typically affect only a subpopulation, whereas ML has the potential to generalize for most major languages and engineers.

Fraction of all code added by ML 2.6%
Reduction in coding iteration duration 6%
Reduction in number of context switches 7%
Acceptance rate (for suggestions visible for >750ms) 25%
Average characters per accept 21
Key metrics for single-line code completion measured in production for 10k+ Google-internal developers using it in their daily development across eight languages.
Fraction of all code added by ML (with >1 line in suggestion) 0.6%
Average characters per accept 73
Acceptance rate (for suggestions visible for >750ms) 34%
Key metrics for multi-line code completion measured in production for 5k+ Google-internal developers using it in their daily development across eight languages.

Providing Long Completions while Exploring APIs
We also tightly integrated the semantic completion with full line completion. When the dropdown with semantic single token completions appears, we display inline the single-line completions returned from the ML model. The latter represent a continuation of the item that is the focus of the dropdown. For example, if a user looks at possible methods of an API, the inline full line completions show the full method invocation also containing all parameters of the invocation.

Integrated full line completions by ML continuing the semantic dropdown completion that is in focus.
Suggestions of multiple line completions by ML.

Conclusion and Future Work
We demonstrate how the combination of rule-based semantic engines and large language models can be used to significantly improve developer productivity with better code completion. As a next step, we want to utilize SEs further, by providing extra information to ML models at inference time. One example can be for long predictions to go back and forth between the ML and the SE, where the SE iteratively checks correctness and offers all possible continuations to the ML model. When adding new features powered by ML, we want to be mindful to go beyond just “smart” results, but ensure a positive impact on productivity.

This research is the outcome of a two-year collaboration between Google Core and Google Research, Brain Team. Special thanks to Marc Rasi, Yurun Shen, Vlad Pchelin, Charles Sutton, Varun Godbole, Jacob Austin, Danny Tarlow, Benjamin Lee, Satish Chandra, Ksenia Korovina, Stanislav Pyatykh, Cristopher Claeys, Petros Maniatis, Evgeny Gryaznov, Pavel Sychev, Chris Gorgolewski, Kristof Molnar, Alberto Elizondo, Ambar Murillo, Dominik Schulz, David Tattersall, Rishabh Singh, Manzil Zaheer, Ted Ying, Juanjo Carin, Alexander Froemmgen and Marcus Revaj for their contributions.

Source: Google AI Blog

Minerva: Solving Quantitative Reasoning Problems with Language Models

Language models have demonstrated remarkable performance on a variety of natural language tasks — indeed, a general lesson from many works, including BERT, GPT-3, Gopher, and PaLM, has been that neural networks trained on diverse data at large scale in an unsupervised way can perform well on a variety of tasks.

Quantitative reasoning is one area in which language models still fall far short of human-level performance. Solving mathematical and scientific questions requires a combination of skills, including correctly parsing a question with natural language and mathematical notation, recalling relevant formulas and constants, and generating step-by-step solutions involving numerical calculations and symbolic manipulation. Due to these challenges, it is often believed that solving quantitative reasoning problems using machine learning will require significant advancements in model architecture and training techniques, granting models access to external tools such as Python interpreters, or possibly a more profound paradigm shift.

In “Solving Quantitative Reasoning Problems With Language Models” (to be released soon on the arXiv), we present Minerva, a language model capable of solving mathematical and scientific questions using step-by-step reasoning. We show that by focusing on collecting training data that is relevant for quantitative reasoning problems, training models at scale, and employing best-in-class inference techniques, we achieve significant performance gains on a variety of difficult quantitative reasoning tasks. Minerva solves such problems by generating solutions that include numerical calculations and symbolic manipulation without relying on external tools such as a calculator. The model parses and answers mathematical questions using a mix of natural language and mathematical notation. Minerva combines several techniques, including few-shot prompting, chain of thought or scratchpad prompting, and majority voting, to achieve state-of-the-art performance on STEM reasoning tasks. You can explore Minerva’s output with our interactive sample explorer!

Solving a multi-step problem: A question from the MATH dataset and Minerva’s solution. The model writes down a line equation, simplifies it, substitutes a variable, and solves for y.

A Model Built for Multi-step Quantitative Reasoning
To promote quantitative reasoning, Minerva builds on the Pathways Language Model (PaLM), with further training on a 118GB dataset of scientific papers from the arXiv preprint server and web pages that contain mathematical expressions using LaTeX, MathJax, or other mathematical typesetting formats. Standard text cleaning procedures often remove symbols and formatting that are essential to the semantic meaning of mathematical expressions. By maintaining this information in the training data, the model learns to converse using standard mathematical notation.

Example questions from the Joint Entrance Examination Main Math 2020 exam taken each year by almost 2M Indian high-school students intended to study engineering and similar fields (left), and the National Math Exam in Poland (May 2022) taken by approximately 270K high-school students every year (right).
A dataset for quantitative reasoning: Careful data processing preserves mathematical information, allowing the model to learn mathematics at a higher level.

Minerva also incorporates recent prompting and evaluation techniques to better solve mathematical questions. These include chain of thought or scratchpad prompting — where Minerva is prompted with several step-by-step solutions to existing questions before being presented with a new question — and majority voting. Like most language models, Minerva assigns probabilities to different possible outputs. When answering a question, rather than taking the single solution Minerva scores as most likely, multiple solutions are generated by sampling stochastically from all possible outputs. These solutions are different (e.g., the steps are not identical), but often arrive at the same final answer. Minerva uses majority voting on these sampled solutions, taking the most common result as the conclusive final answer.

Majority voting: Minerva generates multiple solutions to each question and chooses the most common answer as the solution, improving performance significantly.

Evaluation on STEM Benchmarks
To test Minerva’s quantitative reasoning abilities we evaluated the model on STEM benchmarks ranging in difficulty from grade school level problems to graduate level coursework.

  • MATH: High school math competition level problems
  • MMLU-STEM: A subset of the Massive Multitask Language Understanding benchmark focused on STEM, covering topics such as engineering, chemistry, math, and physics at high school and college level.
  • GSM8k: Grade school level math problems involving basic arithmetic operations that should all be solvable by a talented middle school student.

We also evaluated Minerva on OCWCourses, a collection of college and graduate level problems covering a variety of STEM topics such as solid state chemistry, astronomy, differential equations, and special relativity that we collected from MIT OpenCourseWare.

In all cases, Minerva obtains state-of-the-art results, sometimes by a wide margin.

Evaluation results on MATH and MMLU-STEM, which include high school and college level questions covering a range of STEM topics.
Model   MATH     MMLU-STEM     OCWCourses     GSM8k  
Minerva 50.3% 75% 30.8% 78.5%
Published state of the art    6.9% 55% - 74.4%
Minerva 540B significantly improves state-of-the-art performance on STEM evaluation datasets.

What Minerva Gets Wrong
Minerva still makes its fair share of mistakes. To better identify areas where the model can be improved, we analyzed a sample of questions the model gets wrong, and found that most mistakes are easily interpretable. About half are calculation mistakes, and the other half are reasoning errors, where the solution steps do not follow a logical chain of thought.

It is also possible for the model to arrive at a correct final answer but with faulty reasoning. We call such cases “false positives”, as they erroneously count toward a model’s overall performance score. In our analysis, we find that the rate of false positives is relatively low (Minerva 62B produces less than 8% false positives on MATH).

Below are a couple of example mistakes the model makes.

Calculation mistake: The model incorrectly cancels the square root on both sides of the equation.
Reasoning mistake: The model computes the number of free throws at the fourth practice, but then uses this number as the final answer for the first practice.

Our approach to quantitative reasoning is not grounded in formal mathematics. Minerva parses questions and generates answers using a mix of natural language and LaTeX mathematical expressions, with no explicit underlying mathematical structure. This approach has an important limitation, in that the model’s answers cannot be automatically verified. Even when the final answer is known and can be verified, the model can arrive at a correct final answer using incorrect reasoning steps, which cannot be automatically detected. This limitation is not present in formal methods for theorem proving (e.g., see Coq, Isabelle, HOL, Lean, Metamath, and Mizar). On the other hand, an advantage of the informal approach is that it can be applied to a highly diverse set of problems which may not lend themselves to formalization.

Future Directions
While machine learning models have become impressive tools in many scientific disciplines, they are often narrowly scoped to solve specific tasks. We hope that general models capable of solving quantitative reasoning problems will help push the frontiers of science and education. Models capable of quantitative reasoning have many potential applications, including serving as useful aids for researchers, and enabling new learning opportunities for students. We present Minerva as a small step in this direction. To see more samples from Minerva, such as the one below, please visit the interactive sample explorer!

Solving a problem using calculus and trigonoometry: A question from the MATH dataset asking for the speed of a particle in circular motion. Minerva finds a correct step-by-step solution. In the process, Minerva computes a time derivative and applies a trigonometric identity.

Minerva was a collaborative effort that spanned multiple teams in Google Research. We would like to thank our coauthors Aitor Lewkowycz, Ambrose Slone, Anders Andreassen, Behnam Neyshabur, Cem Anil, David Dohan, Henryk Michalewski, Imanol Schlag, Theo Gutman-Solo, Vedant Misra, Vinay Ramasesh, and Yuhuai Wu, as well as our collaborators Erik Zelikman and Yasaman Razeghi. Minerva builds upon the work of many others at Google, and we would like to thank the PaLM team, the T5X team, the Flaxformer team, and the JAX team for their efforts. We thank Tom Small for designing the animation in this post. We would also like to especially thank Vedant Misra for developing the Minerva sample explorer.

Source: Google AI Blog

Contextual Rephrasing in Google Assistant

When people converse with one another, context and references play a critical role in driving their conversation more efficiently. For instance, if one asks the question “Who wrote Romeo and Juliet?” and, after receiving an answer, asks “Where was he born?”, it is clear that ‘he’ is referring to William Shakespeare without the need to explicitly mention him. Or if someone mentions “python” in a sentence, one can use the context from the conversation to determine whether they are referring to a type of snake or a computer language. If a virtual assistant cannot robustly handle context and references, users would be required to adapt to the limitation of the technology by repeating previously shared contextual information in their follow-up queries to ensure that the assistant understands their requests and can provide relevant answers.

In this post, we present a technology currently deployed on Google Assistant that allows users to speak in a natural manner when referencing context that was defined in previous queries and answers. The technology, based on the latest machine learning (ML) advances, rephrases a user’s follow-up query to explicitly mention the missing contextual information, thus enabling it to be answered as a stand-alone query. While Assistant considers many types of context for interpreting the user input, in this post we are focusing on short-term conversation history.

Context Handling by Rephrasing
One of the approaches taken by Assistant to understand contextual queries is to detect if an input utterance is referring to previous context and then rephrase it internally to explicitly include the missing information. Following on from the previous example in which the user asked who wrote Romeo and Juliet, one may ask follow-up questions like “When?”. Assistant recognizes that this question is referring to both the subject (Romeo and Juliet) and answer from the previous query (William Shakespeare) and can rephrase “When?” to “When did William Shakespeare write Romeo and Juliet?”

While there are other ways to handle context, for instance, by applying rules directly to symbolic representations of the meaning of queries, like intents and arguments, the advantage of the rephrasing approach is that it operates horizontally at the string level across any query answering, parsing, or action fulfillment module.

Conversation on a smart display device, where Assistant understands multiple contextual follow-up queries, allowing the user to have a more natural conversation. The phrases appearing at the bottom of the display are suggestions for follow-up questions that the user can select. However, the user can still ask different questions.

A Wide Variety of Contextual Queries
The natural language processing field, traditionally, has not put much emphasis on a general approach to context, focusing on the understanding of stand-alone queries that are fully specified. Accurately incorporating context is a challenging problem, especially when considering the large variety of contextual query types. The table below contains example conversations that illustrate query variability and some of the many contextual challenges that Assistant’s rephrasing method can resolve (e.g., differentiating between referential and non-referential cases or identifying what context a query is referencing). We demonstrate how Assistant is now able to rephrase follow-up queries, adding contextual information before providing an answer.

System Architecture
At a high level, the rephrasing system generates rephrasing candidates by using different types of candidate generators. Each rephrasing candidate is then scored based on a number of signals, and the one with the highest score is selected.

High level architecture of Google Assistant contextual rephraser.

Candidate Generation
To generate rephrasing candidates we use a hybrid approach that applies different techniques, which we classify into three categories:

  1. Generators based on the analysis of the linguistic structure of the queries use grammatical and morphological rules to perform specific operations — for instance, the replacement of pronouns or other types of referential phrases with antecedents from the context.
  2. Generators based on query statistics combine key terms from the current query and its context to create candidates that match popular queries from historical data or common query patterns.
  3. Generators based on Transformer technologies, such as MUM, learn to generate sequences of words according to a number of training samples. LaserTagger and FELIX are technologies suitable for tasks with high overlap between the input and output texts, are very fast at inference time, and are not vulnerable to hallucination (i.e., generating text that is not related to the input texts). Once presented with a query and its context, they can generate a sequence of text edits to transform the input queries into a rephrasing candidate by indicating which portions of the context should be preserved and which words should be modified.

Candidate Scoring
We extract a number of signals for each rephrasing candidate and use an ML model to select the most promising candidate. Some of the signals depend only on the current query and its context. For example, is the topic of the current query similar to the topic of the previous query? Or, is the current query a good stand-alone query or does it look incomplete? Other signals depend on the candidate itself: How much of the information of the context does the candidate preserve? Is the candidate well-formed from a linguistic point of view? Etc.

Recently, new signals generated by BERT and MUM models have significantly improved the performance of the ranker, fixing about one-third of the recall headroom while minimizing false positives on query sequences that are not contextual (and therefore do not require a rephrasing).

Example conversation on a phone where Assistant understands a sequence of contextual queries.

The solution described here attempts to resolve contextual queries by rephrasing them in order to make them fully answerable in a stand-alone manner, i.e., without having to relate to other information during the fulfillment phase. The benefit of this approach is that it is agnostic to the mechanisms that would fulfill the query, thus making it usable as a horizontal layer to be deployed before any further processing.

Given the variety of contexts naturally used in human languages, we adopted a hybrid approach that combines linguistic rules, large amounts of historic data through logs, and ML models based on state-of-the-art Transformer approaches. By generating a number of rephrasing candidates for each query and its context, and then scoring and ranking them using a variety of signals, Assistant can rephrase and thus correctly interpret most contextual queries. As Assistant can handle most types of linguistic references, we are empowering users to have more natural conversations. To make such multi-turn conversations even less cumbersome, Assistant users can turn on Continued Conversation mode to enable asking follow-up queries without the need to repeat "Hey Google" between each query. We are also using this technology in other virtual assistant settings, for instance, interpreting context from something shown on a screen or playing on a speaker.

This post reflects the combined work of Aliaksei Severyn, André Farias, Cheng-Chun Lee, Florian Thöle, Gabriel Carvajal, Gyorgy Gyepesi, Julien Cretin, Liana Marinescu, Martin Bölle, Patrick Siegler, Sebastian Krause, Victor Ähdel, Victoria Fossum, Vincent Zhao. We also thank Amar Subramanya, Dave Orr, Yury Pinsky for helpful discussions and support.

Source: Google AI Blog

Locked-image Tuning: Adding Language Understanding to Image Models

The ability to classify images into categories has been transformed by deep learning. It has also been significantly accelerated by transfer learning, whereby models are first pre-trained on large datasets, like ImageNet, to learn visual representations that are then transferred via fine-tuning to a new task with less data (e.g., classifying animals). Previous works such as BiT and ViT employed these methods to achieve state-of-the-art performance on a wide range of classification tasks, such as the VTAB benchmark.

However, fine-tuning has some downsides: though pre-training is done only once, fine-tuning is necessary on every new dataset for which task-specific data is needed. Multimodal contrastive learning is an alternative, recently popularized paradigm (e.g., CLIP, ALIGN) that overcomes these issues by instead learning how to match free-form text with images. These models can then solve new tasks by reformulating them as image-text matching problems, without extra data (referred to as “zero-shot” learning). Contrastive learning is flexible and easy to adapt to new tasks, but has its own limitations, namely the need for a lot of paired image-text data and weaker performance than transfer learning approaches.

With those limitations in mind, we propose “LiT: Zero-Shot Transfer with Locked-image Text Tuning”, to appear at CVPR 2022. LiT models learn to match text to an already pre-trained image encoder. This simple yet effective setup provides the best of both worlds: strong image representations from pre-training, plus flexible zero-shot transfer to new tasks via contrastive learning. LiT achieves state-of-the-art zero-shot classification accuracy, significantly closing the gap between the two styles of learning. We think the best way to understand is to try it yourself, so we’ve included a demo of LiT models at the end of this post.

Fine-tuning (left) requires task-specific data and training to adapt a pre-trained model to a new task. An LiT model (right) can be used with any task, without further data or adaptation.

Contrastive Learning on Image-Text Data
Contrastive learning models learn representations from “positive” and “negative” examples, such that representations for "positive" examples are similar to each other but different from "negative" examples.

Multimodal contrastive learning applies this to pairs of images and associated texts. An image encoder computes representations from images, and a text encoder does the same for texts. Each image representation is encouraged to be close to the representation of its associated text (“positive”), but distinct from the representation of other texts ("negatives") in the data, and vice versa. This has typically been done with randomly initialized models (“from scratch”), meaning the encoders have to simultaneously learn representations and how to match them.

Multimodal contrastive learning trains models to produce similar representations for closely matched images and texts.

This training can be done on noisy, loosely aligned pairs of image and text, which naturally occur on the web. This circumvents the need for manual labeling, and makes data scaling easy. Furthermore, the model learns much richer visual concepts — it’s not constrained to what’s defined in the classification label space. Instead of classifying an image as “coffee”, it can understand whether it’s "a small espresso in a white mug” or “a large latte in a red flask”.

Once trained, a model that aligns image and text can be used in many ways. For zero-shot classification, we compare image representations to text representations of the class names. For example, a “wombat vs jaguar” classifier can be built by computing the representations of the texts “jaguar” and “wombat”, and classifying an image as a jaguar if its representation better matches the former. This approach scales to thousands of classes and makes it very easy to solve classification tasks without the extra data necessary for fine-tuning. Another application of contrastive models is image search (a.k.a. image-text retrieval), by finding the image whose representation best matches that of a given text, or vice versa.

The Best of Both Worlds with Locked-image Tuning
As mentioned earlier, transfer learning achieves state-of-the-art accuracy, but requires per-task labels, datasets, and training. On the other hand, contrastive models are flexible, scalable, and easily adaptable to new tasks, but fall short in performance. To compare, at the time of writing, the state of the art on ImageNet classification using transfer learning is 90.94%, but the best contrastive zero-shot models achieve 76.4%.

LiT tuning bridges this gap: we contrastively train a text model to compute representations well aligned with the powerful ones available from a pre-trained image encoder. Importantly, for this to work well, the image encoder should be “locked“, that is: it should not be updated during training. This may be unintuitive since one usually expects the additional information from further training to increase performance, but we find that locking the image encoder consistently leads to better results.

LiT-tuning contrastively trains a text encoder to match a pre-trained image encoder. The text encoder learns to compute representations that align to those from the image encoder.

This can be considered an alternative to the classic fine-tuning stage, where the image encoder is separately adapted to every new classification task; instead we have one stage of LiT-tuning, after which the model can classify any data. LiT-tuned models achieve 84.5% zero-shot accuracy on ImageNet classification, showing significant improvements over previous methods that train models from scratch, and halving the performance gap between fine-tuning and contrastive learning.

Left: LiT-tuning significantly closes the gap between the best contrastive models and the best models fine-tuned with labels. Right: Using a pre-trained image encoder is always helpful, but locking it is surprisingly a key part of the recipe to success; unlocked image models (dashed) yield significantly worse performance.

An impressive benefit of contrastive models is increased robustness — they retain high accuracy on datasets that typically fool fine-tuned models, such as ObjectNet and ImageNet-C. Similarly, LiT-tuned models have high performance across various challenging versions of ImageNet, for example achieving a state-of-the-art 81.1% accuracy on ObjectNet.

LiT-tuning has other advantages. While prior contrastive works require large amounts of data and train for a very long time, the LiT approach is much less data hungry. LiT models trained on 24M publicly available image-text pairs rival the zero-shot classification performance of prior models trained on 400M image-text pairs of private data. The locked image encoder also leads to faster training with a smaller memory footprint. On larger datasets, image representations can be pre-computed; not running the image model during training further improves efficiency and also unlocks much larger batch sizes, which increases the number of “negatives” the model sees and is key to high-performance contrastive learning. The method works well with varied forms of image pre-training (e.g., including self-supervised learning), and with many publicly available image models. We hope that these benefits make LiT a great testbed for researchers.

We present Locked-image Tuning (LiT), which contrastively trains a text encoder to match image representations from a powerful pre-trained image encoder. This simple method is data and compute efficient, and substantially improves zero-shot classification performance compared to existing contrastive learning approaches.

Want to try it yourself?

A preview of the demo: use it to match free-form text descriptions to images and build your own zero-shot classifier!

We have prepared a small interactive demo to try some LiT-tuned models. We also provide a Colab with more advanced use cases and larger models, which are a great way to get started.

We would like to thank Xiaohua Zhai, Xiao Wang, Daniel Keysers, Alexander Kolesnikov, and Lucas Beyer who have co-authored the LiT paper and been involved in all aspects of its development, as well as the Brain team in Zürich. We also would like to thank Tom Small for creating the animations used in this blogpost.

Source: Google AI Blog

Pathways Language Model (PaLM): Scaling to 540 Billion Parameters for Breakthrough Performance

In recent years, large neural networks trained for language understanding and generation have achieved impressive results across a wide range of tasks. GPT-3 first showed that large language models (LLMs) can be used for few-shot learning and can achieve impressive results without large-scale task-specific data collection or model parameter updating. More recent LLMs, such as GLaM, LaMDA, Gopher, and Megatron-Turing NLG, achieved state-of-the-art few-shot results on many tasks by scaling model size, using sparsely activated modules, and training on larger datasets from more diverse sources. Yet much work remains in understanding the capabilities that emerge with few-shot learning as we push the limits of model scale.

Last year Google Research announced our vision for Pathways, a single model that could generalize across domains and tasks while being highly efficient. An important milestone toward realizing this vision was to develop the new Pathways system to orchestrate distributed computation for accelerators. In “PaLM: Scaling Language Modeling with Pathways”, we introduce the Pathways Language Model (PaLM), a 540-billion parameter, dense decoder-only Transformer model trained with the Pathways system, which enabled us to efficiently train a single model across multiple TPU v4 Pods. We evaluated PaLM on hundreds of language understanding and generation tasks, and found that it achieves state-of-the-art few-shot performance across most tasks, by significant margins in many cases.

As the scale of the model increases, the performance improves across tasks while also unlocking new capabilities.

Training a 540-Billion Parameter Language Model with Pathways
PaLM demonstrates the first large-scale use of the Pathways system to scale training to 6144 chips, the largest TPU-based system configuration used for training to date. The training is scaled using data parallelism at the Pod level across two Cloud TPU v4 Pods, while using standard data and model parallelism within each Pod. This is a significant increase in scale compared to most previous LLMs, which were either trained on a single TPU v3 Pod (e.g., GLaM, LaMDA), used pipeline parallelism to scale to 2240 A100 GPUs across GPU clusters (Megatron-Turing NLG) or used multiple TPU v3 Pods (Gopher) with a maximum scale of 4096 TPU v3 chips.

PaLM achieves a training efficiency of 57.8% hardware FLOPs utilization, the highest yet achieved for LLMs at this scale. This is due to a combination of the parallelism strategy and a reformulation of the Transformer block that allows for attention and feedforward layers to be computed in parallel, enabling speedups from TPU compiler optimizations.

PaLM was trained using a combination of English and multilingual datasets that include high-quality web documents, books, Wikipedia, conversations, and GitHub code. We also created a “lossless” vocabulary that preserves all whitespace (especially important for code), splits out-of-vocabulary Unicode characters into bytes, and splits numbers into individual tokens, one for each digit.

Breakthrough Capabilities on Language, Reasoning, and Code Tasks
PaLM shows breakthrough capabilities on numerous very difficult tasks. We highlight a few examples for language understanding and generation, reasoning, and code-related tasks below.

Language Understanding and Generation
We evaluated PaLM on 29 widely-used English natural language processing (NLP) tasks. PaLM 540B surpassed few-shot performance of prior large models, such as GLaM, GPT-3, Megatron-Turing NLG, Gopher, Chinchilla, and LaMDA, on 28 of 29 of tasks that span question-answering tasks (open-domain closed-book variant), cloze and sentence-completion tasks, Winograd-style tasks, in-context reading comprehension tasks, common-sense reasoning tasks, SuperGLUE tasks, and natural language inference tasks.

PaLM 540B performance improvement over prior state-of-the-art (SOTA) results on 29 English-based NLP tasks.

In addition to English NLP tasks, PaLM also shows strong performance on multilingual NLP benchmarks, including translation, even though only 22% of the training corpus is non-English.

We also probe emerging and future capabilities of PaLM on the Beyond the Imitation Game Benchmark (BIG-bench), a recently released suite of more than 150 new language modeling tasks, and find that PaLM achieves breakthrough performance. We compare the performance of PaLM to Gopher and Chinchilla, averaged across a common subset of 58 of these tasks. Interestingly, we note that PaLM’s performance as a function of scale follows a log-linear behavior similar to prior models, suggesting that performance improvements from scale have not yet plateaued. PaLM 540B 5-shot also does better than the average performance of people asked to solve the same tasks.

Scaling behavior of PaLM on a subset of 58 BIG-bench tasks. 

PaLM demonstrates impressive natural language understanding and generation capabilities on several BIG-bench tasks. For example, the model can distinguish cause and effect, understand conceptual combinations in appropriate contexts, and even guess the movie from an emoji.

Examples that showcase PaLM 540B 1-shot performance on BIG-bench tasks: labeling cause and effect, conceptual understanding, guessing movies from emoji, and finding synonyms and counterfactuals.

By combining model scale with chain-of-thought prompting, PaLM shows breakthrough capabilities on reasoning tasks that require multi-step arithmetic or common-sense reasoning. Prior LLMs, like Gopher, saw less benefit from model scale in improving performance.

Standard prompting versus chain-of-thought prompting for an example grade-school math problem. Chain-of-thought prompting decomposes the prompt for a multi-step reasoning problem into intermediate steps (highlighted in yellow), similar to how a person would approach it.

We observed strong performance from PaLM 540B combined with chain-of-thought prompting on three arithmetic datasets and two commonsense reasoning datasets. For example, with 8-shot prompting, PaLM solves 58% of the problems in GSM8K, a benchmark of thousands of challenging grade school level math questions, outperforming the prior top score of 55% achieved by fine-tuning the GPT-3 175B model with a training set of 7500 problems and combining it with an external calculator and verifier.

This new score is especially interesting, as it approaches the 60% average of problems solved by 9-12 year olds, who are the target audience for the question set. We suspect that separate encoding of digits in the PaLM vocabulary helps enable these performance improvements.

Remarkably, PaLM can even generate explicit explanations for scenarios that require a complex combination of multi-step logical inference, world knowledge, and deep language understanding. For example, it can provide high quality explanations for novel jokes not found on the web.

PaLM explains an original joke with two-shot prompts.

Code Generation
LLMs have also been shown [1, 2, 3, 4] to generalize well to coding tasks, such as writing code given a natural language description (text-to-code), translating code from one language to another, and fixing compilation errors (code-to-code).

PaLM 540B shows strong performance across coding tasks and natural language tasks in a single model, even though it has only 5% code in the pre-training dataset. Its few-shot performance is especially remarkable because it is on par with the fine-tuned Codex 12B while using 50 times less Python code for training. This result reinforces earlier findings that larger models can be more sample efficient than smaller models because they better transfer learning from other programming languages and natural language data.

Examples of a fine-tuned PaLM 540B model on text-to-code tasks, such as GSM8K-Python and HumanEval, and code-to-code tasks, such as Transcoder.

We also see a further increase in performance by fine-tuning PaLM on a Python-only code dataset, which we refer to as PaLM-Coder. For an example code repair task called DeepFix, where the objective is to modify initially broken C programs until they compile successfully, PaLM-Coder 540B demonstrates impressive performance, achieving a compile rate of 82.1%, which outperforms the prior 71.7% state of the art. This opens up opportunities for fixing more complex errors that arise during software development.

An example from the DeepFix Code Repair task. The fine-tuned PaLM-Coder 540B fixes compilation errors (left, in red) to a version of code that compiles (right).

Ethical Considerations
Recent research has highlighted various potential risks associated with LLMs trained on web text. It is crucial to analyze and document such potential undesirable risks through transparent artifacts such as model cards and datasheets, which also include information on intended use and testing. To this end, our paper provides a datasheet, model card and Responsible AI benchmark results, and it reports thorough analyses of the dataset and model outputs for biases and risks. While the analysis helps outline some potential risks of the model, domain- and task-specific analysis is essential to truly calibrate, contextualize, and mitigate possible harms. Further understanding of risks and benefits of these models is a topic of ongoing research, together with developing scalable solutions that can put guardrails against malicious uses of language models.

Conclusion and Future Work
PaLM demonstrates the scaling capability of the Pathways system to thousands of accelerator chips across two TPU v4 Pods by training a 540-billion parameter model efficiently with a well-studied, well-established recipe of a dense decoder-only Transformer model. Pushing the limits of model scale enables breakthrough few-shot performance of PaLM across a variety of natural language processing, reasoning, and code tasks.

PaLM paves the way for even more capable models by combining the scaling capabilities with novel architectural choices and training schemes, and brings us closer to the Pathways vision:

“Enable a single AI system to generalize across thousands or millions of tasks, to understand different types of data, and to do so with remarkable efficiency."

PaLM is the result of a large, collaborative effort by many teams within Google Research and across Alphabet. We’d like to thank the entire PaLM team for their contributions: Jacob Devlin, Maarten Bosma, Gaurav Mishra, Adam Roberts, Paul Barham, Hyung Won Chung, Charles Sutton, Sebastian Gehrmann, Parker Schuh, Kensen Shi, Sasha Tsvyashchenko, Joshua Maynez, Abhishek Rao, Parker Barnes, Yi Tay, Noam Shazeer, Vinodkumar Prabhakaran, Emily Reif, Nan Du, Ben Hutchinson, Reiner Pope, James Bradbury, Jacob Austin, Michael Isard, Guy Gur-Ari, Pengcheng Yin, Toju Duke, Anselm Levskaya, Sanjay Ghemawat, Sunipa Dev, Henryk Michalewski, Xavier Garcia, Vedant Misra, Kevin Robinson, Liam Fedus, Denny Zhou, Daphne Ippolito, David Luan, Hyeontaek Lim, Barret Zoph, Alexander Spiridonov, Ryan Sepassi, David Dohan, Shivani Agrawal, Mark Omernick, Andrew Dai, Thanumalayan Sankaranarayana Pillai, Marie Pellat, Aitor Lewkowycz, Erica Moreira, Rewon Child, Oleksandr Polozov, Katherine Lee, Zongwei Zhou, Xuezhi Wang, Brennan Saeta, Mark Diaz, Orhan Firat, Michele Catasta, and Jason Wei. PaLM builds on top of work by many, many teams at Google and we would especially like to recognize the T5X team, the Pathways infrastructure team, the JAX team, the Flaxformer team, the XLA team, the Plaque team, the Borg team, and the Datacenter networking infrastructure team. We’d like to thank our co-authors on this blog post, Alexander Spiridonov and Maysam Moussalem, as well as Josh Newlan and Tom Small for the images and animations in this blog post. Finally, we would like to thank our advisors for the project: Noah Fiedel, Slav Petrov, Jeff Dean, Douglas Eck, and Kathy Meier-Hellstern.

Source: Google AI Blog

Auto-generated Summaries in Google Docs

For many of us, it can be challenging to keep up with the volume of documents that arrive in our inboxes every day: reports, reviews, briefs, policies and the list goes on. When a new document is received, readers often wish it included a brief summary of the main points in order to effectively prioritize it. However, composing a document summary can be cognitively challenging and time-consuming, especially when a document writer is starting from scratch.

To help with this, we recently announced that Google Docs now automatically generates suggestions to aid document writers in creating content summaries, when they are available. Today we describe how this was enabled using a machine learning (ML) model that comprehends document text and, when confident, generates a 1-2 sentence natural language description of the document content. However, the document writer maintains full control — accepting the suggestion as-is, making necessary edits to better capture the document summary or ignoring the suggestion altogether. Readers can also use this section, along with the outline, to understand and navigate the document at a high level. While all users can add summaries, auto-generated suggestions are currently only available to Google Workspace business customers. Building on grammar suggestions, Smart Compose, and autocorrect, we see this as another valuable step toward improving written communication in the workplace.

A blue summary icon appears in the top left corner when a document summary suggestion is available. Document writers can then view, edit, or ignore the suggested document summary.

Model Details
Automatically generated summaries would not be possible without the tremendous advances in ML for natural language understanding (NLU) and natural language generation (NLG) over the past five years, especially with the introduction of Transformer and Pegasus.

Abstractive text summarization, which combines the individually challenging tasks of long document language understanding and generation, has been a long-standing problem in NLU and NLG research. A popular method for combining NLU and NLG is training an ML model using sequence-to-sequence learning, where the inputs are the document words, and the outputs are the summary words. A neural network then learns to map input tokens to output tokens. Early applications of the sequence-to-sequence paradigm used recurrent neural networks (RNNs) for both the encoder and decoder.

The introduction of Transformers provided a promising alternative to RNNs because Transformers use self-attention to provide better modeling of long input and output dependencies, which is critical in document summarization. Still, these models require large amounts of manually labeled data to train sufficiently, so the advent of Transformers alone was not enough to significantly advance the state-of-the-art in document summarization.

The combination of Transformers with self-supervised pre-training (e.g., BERT, GPT, T5) led to a major breakthrough in many NLU tasks for which limited labeled data is available. In self-supervised pre-training, a model uses large amounts of unlabeled text to learn general language understanding and generation capabilities. Then, in a subsequent fine-tuning stage, the model learns to apply these abilities on a specific task, such as summarization or question answering.

The Pegasus work took this idea one step further, by introducing a pre-training objective customized to abstractive summarization. In Pegasus pre-training, also called Gap Sentence Prediction (GSP), full sentences from unlabeled news articles and web documents are masked from the input and the model is required to reconstruct them, conditioned on the remaining unmasked sentences. In particular, GSP attempts to mask sentences that are considered essential to the document through different heuristics. The intuition is to make the pre-training as close as possible to the summarization task. Pegasus achieved state-of-the-art results on a varied set of summarization datasets. However, a number of challenges remained to apply this research advancement into a product.

Applying Recent Research Advances to Google Docs

  • Data

    Self-supervised pre-training results in an ML model that has general language understanding and generation capabilities, but a subsequent fine-tuning stage is critical for the model to adapt to the application domain. We fine-tuned early versions of our model on a corpus of documents with manually-generated summaries that were consistent with typical use cases.

    However, early versions of this corpus suffered from inconsistencies and high variation because they included many types of documents, as well as many ways to write a summary — e.g., academic abstracts are typically long and detailed, while executive summaries are brief and punchy. This led to a model that was easily confused because it had been trained on so many different types of documents and summaries that it struggled to learn the relationships between any of them.

    Fortunately, one of the key findings in the Pegasus work was that an effective pre-training phase required less supervised data in the fine-tuning stage. Some summarization benchmarks required as few as 1,000 fine-tuning examples for Pegasus to match the performance of Transformer baselines that saw 10,000+ supervised examples — suggesting that one could focus on quality rather than quantity.

    We carefully cleaned and filtered the fine-tuning data to contain training examples that were more consistent and represented a coherent definition of summaries. Despite the fact that we reduced the amount of training data, this led to a higher quality model. The key lesson, consistent with recent work in domains like dataset distillation, was that it was better to have a smaller, high quality dataset, than a larger, high-variance dataset.

  • Serving

    Once we trained the high quality model, we turned to the challenge of serving the model in production. While the Transformer version of the encoder-decoder architecture is the dominant approach to train models for sequence-to-sequence tasks like abstractive summarization, it can be inefficient and impractical to serve in real-world applications. The main inefficiency comes from the Transformer decoder where we generate the output summary token by token through autoregressive decoding. The decoding process becomes noticeably slow when summaries get longer since the decoder attends to all previously generated tokens at each step. RNNs are a more efficient architecture for decoding since there is no self-attention with previous tokens as in a Transformer model.

    We used knowledge distillation, which is the process of transferring knowledge from a large model to a smaller more efficient model, to distill the Pegasus model into a hybrid architecture of a Transformer encoder and an RNN decoder. To improve efficiency we also reduced the number of RNN decoder layers. The resulting model had significant improvements in latency and memory footprint while the quality was still on par with the original model. To further improve the latency and user experience, we serve the summarization model using TPUs, which provide significant speed ups and allow more requests to be handled by a single machine.

Ongoing Challenges and Next Steps
While we are excited by the progress so far, there are a few challenges we are continuing to tackle:

  • Document coverage: Developing a set of documents for the fine-tuning stage was difficult due to the tremendous variety that exists among documents, and the same challenge is true at inference time. Some of the documents our users create (e.g., meeting notes, recipes, lesson plans and resumes) are not suitable for summarization or can be difficult to summarize. Currently, our model only suggests a summary for documents where it is most confident, but we hope to continue broadening this set as our model improves.
  • Evaluation: Abstractive summaries need to capture the essence of a document while being fluent and grammatically correct. A specific document may have many summaries that can be considered correct, and different readers may prefer different ones. This makes it hard to evaluate summaries with automatic metrics only, user feedback and usage statistics will be critical for us to understand and keep improving quality.
  • Long documents: Long documents are some of the toughest documents for the model to summarize because it is harder to capture all the points and abstract them in a single summary, and it can also significantly increase memory usage during training and serving. However, long documents are perhaps most useful for the model to automatically summarize because it can help document writers get a head start on this tedious task. We hope we can apply the latest ML advancements to better address this challenge.

Overall, we are thrilled that we can apply recent progress in NLU and NLG to continue assisting users with reading and writing. We hope the automatic suggestions now offered in Google Workspace make it easier for writers to annotate their documents with summaries, and help readers comprehend and navigate documents more easily.

The authors would like to thank the many people across Google that contributed to this work: AJ Motika, Matt Pearson-Beck, Mia Chen, Mahdis Mahdieh, Halit Erdogan, Benjamin Lee, Ali Abdelhadi, Michelle Danoff, Vishnu Sivaji, Sneha Keshav, Aliya Baptista, Karishma Damani, DJ Lick, Yao Zhao, Peter Liu, Aurko Roy, Yonghui Wu, Shubhi Sareen, Andrew Dai, Mekhola Mukherjee, Yinan Wang, Mike Colagrosso, and Behnoosh Hariri. .

Source: Google AI Blog

Can Robots Follow Instructions for New Tasks?

People can flexibly maneuver objects in their physical surroundings to accomplish various goals. One of the grand challenges in robotics is to successfully train robots to do the same, i.e., to develop a general-purpose robot capable of performing a multitude of tasks based on arbitrary user commands. Robots that are faced with the real world will also inevitably encounter new user instructions and situations that were not seen during training. Therefore, it is imperative for robots to be trained to perform multiple tasks in a variety of situations and, more importantly, to be capable of solving new tasks as requested by human users, even if the robot was not explicitly trained on those tasks.

Existing robotics research has made strides towards allowing robots to generalize to new objects, task descriptions, and goals. However, enabling robots to complete instructions that describe entirely new tasks has largely remained out-of-reach. This problem is remarkably difficult since it requires robots to both decipher the novel instructions and identify how to complete the task without any training data for that task. This goal becomes even more difficult when a robot needs to simultaneously handle other axes of generalization, such as variability in the scene and positions of objects. So, we ask the question: How can we confer noteworthy generalization capabilities onto real robots capable of performing complex manipulation tasks from raw pixels? Furthermore, can the generalization capabilities of language models help support better generalization in other domains, such as visuomotor control of a real robot?

In “BC-Z: Zero-Shot Task Generalization with Robotic Imitation Learning”, published at CoRL 2021, we present new research that studies how robots can generalize to new tasks that they were not trained to do. The system, called BC-Z, comprises two key components: (i) the collection of a large-scale demonstration dataset covering 100 different tasks and (ii) a neural network policy conditioned on a language or video instruction of the task. The resulting system can perform at least 24 novel tasks, including ones that require interaction with pairs of objects that were not previously seen together. We are also excited to release the robot demonstration dataset used to train our policies, along with pre-computed task embeddings.

The BC-Z system allows a robot to complete instructions for new tasks that the robot was not explicitly trained to do. It does so by training the policy to take as input a description of the task along with the robot’s camera image and to predict the correct action.

Collecting Data for 100 Tasks
Generalizing to a new task altogether is substantially harder than generalizing to held-out variations in training tasks. Simply put, we want robots to have more generalization all around, which requires that we train them on large amounts of diverse data.

We collect data by teleoperating the robot with a virtual reality headset. This data collection follows a scheme similar to how one might teach an autonomous car to drive. First, the human operator records complete demonstrations of each task. Then, once the robot has learned an initial policy, this policy is deployed under close supervision where, if the robot starts to make a mistake or gets stuck, the operator intervenes and demonstrates a correction before allowing the robot to resume.

This mixture of demonstrations and interventions has been shown to significantly improve performance by mitigating compounding errors. In our experiments, we see a 2x improvement in performance when using this data collection strategy compared to only using human demonstrations.

Example demonstrations collected for 12 out of the 100 training tasks, visualized from the perspective of the robot and shown at 2x speed.

Training a General-Purpose Policy
For all 100 tasks, we use this data to train a neural network policy to map from camera images to the position and orientation of the robot’s gripper and arm. Crucially, to allow this policy the potential to solve new tasks beyond the 100 training tasks, we also input a description of the task, either in the form of a language command (e.g., “place grapes in red bowl”) or a video of a person doing the task.

To accomplish a variety of tasks, the BC-Z system takes as input either a language command describing the task or a video of a person doing the task, as shown here.

By training the policy on 100 tasks and conditioning the policy on such a description, we unlock the possibility that the neural network will be able to interpret and complete instructions for new tasks. This is a challenge, however, because the neural network needs to correctly interpret the instruction, visually identify relevant objects for that instruction while ignoring other clutter in the scene, and translate the interpreted instruction and perception into the robot’s action space.

Experimental Results
In language models, it is well known that sentence embeddings generalize on compositions of concepts encountered in training data. For instance, if you train a translation model on sentences like “pick up a cup” and “push a bowl”, the model should also translate “push a cup” correctly.

We study the question of whether the compositional generalization capabilities found in language encoders can be transferred to real robots, i.e., being able to compose unseen object-object and task-object pairs.

We test this method by pre-selecting a set of 28 tasks, none of which were among the 100 training tasks. For example, one of these new test tasks is to pick up the grapes and place them into a ceramic bowl, but the training tasks involve doing other things with the grapes and placing other items into the ceramic bowl. The grapes and the ceramic bowl never appeared in the same scene during training.

In our experiments, we see that the robot can complete many tasks that were not included in the training set. Below are a few examples of the robot’s learned policy.

The robot completes three instructions of tasks that were not in its training data, shown at 2x speed.

Quantitatively, we see that the robot can succeed to some degree on a total of 24 out of the 28 held-out tasks, indicating a promising capacity for generalization. Further, we see a notably small gap between the performance on the training tasks and performance on the test tasks. These results indicate that simply improving multi-task visuomotor control could considerably improve performance.

The BC-Z performance on held-out tasks, i.e., tasks that the robot was not trained to perform. The system correctly interprets the language command and translates that into action to complete many of the tasks in our evaluation.

The results of this research show that simple imitation learning approaches can be scaled in a way that enables zero-shot generalization to new tasks. That is, it shows one of the first indications of robots being able to successfully carry out behaviors that were not in the training data. Interestingly, language embeddings pre-trained on ungrounded language corpora make for excellent task conditioners. We demonstrated that natural language models can not only provide a flexible input interface to robots, but that pretrained language representations actually confer new generalization capabilities to the downstream policy, such as composing unseen object pairs together.

In the course of building this system, we confirmed that periodic human interventions are a simple but important technique for achieving good performance. While there is a substantial amount of work to be done in the future, we believe that the zero-shot generalization capabilities of BC-Z are an important advancement towards increasing the generality of robotic learning systems and allowing people to command robots. We have released the teleoperated demonstrations used to train the policy in this paper, which we hope will provide researchers with a valuable resource for future multi-task robotic learning research.

We would like to thank the co-authors of this research: Alex Irpan, Mohi Khansari, Daniel Kappler, Frederik Ebert, Corey Lynch, and Sergey Levine. This project was a collaboration between Google Research and Everyday Robots. We would like to give special thanks to Noah Brown, Omar Cortes, Armando Fuentes, Kyle Jeffrey, Linda Luu, Sphurti Kirit More, Jornell Quiambao, Jarek Rettinghouse, Diego Reyes, Rosario Jau-regui Ruano, and Clayton Tan for overseeing robot operations and collecting human videos of the tasks, as well as Jeffrey Bingham, Jonathan Weisz, and Kanishka Rao for valuable discussions. We would also like to thank Tom Small for creating animations in this post and Paul Mooney for helping with dataset open-sourcing.

Source: Google AI Blog