Author Archives: Jane Smith

G Suite Migrate, new first-party data transfer product, launching in beta

What’s Changing 

We’re launching G Suite Migrate in beta. This new first-party product will help admins assess and plan migration projects, and confidently migrate large amounts of valuable content directly into G Suite. G Suite Migrate is built on the technology from Google Cloud’s AppBridge acquisition in 2017.

Who’s impacted 

Admins only

Why you’d use it 

With G Suite Migrate, you’ll be able to securely migrate large amounts of your organization's data, making the transition to G Suite even easier. Specifically, G Suite Migrate will provide assistance with:
  • Assessment - Quickly scan source environments to help accurately plan for key project milestones and watch points 
  • Migration - Quickly migrate valuable data from a variety of sources (see below) 
  • Tracking - Quickly identify project progress and health with detailed aggregate and granular logging functionality 

How to get started 

Additional details 

To prevent disruption to end-user productivity, G Suite Migrate maintains a high level of fidelity for migrated content from supported sources: Exchange, SharePoint, OneDrive, and File Shares. The following versions will be supported as part of this beta:

  • Exchange: Exchange 2010, 2013, 2016, and Office 365. 
  • Sharepoint: SharePoint 2010, 2013, 2016, SharePoint Online, and OneDrive for Business. 
  • File Shares: Windows File Servers, NAS, SAN, Network Shares, and NFS repositories. 


  • G Suite editions G Suite Business, G Suite Enterprise, G Suite Enterprise for Education, and Drive Enterprise customers are eligible to register for the G Suite Migrate beta program. 
  • Not available to G Suite Basic, G Suite for Education, and G Suite for Nonprofits.

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Delegate App Maker admin privileges to users

What’s changing 

We’re making it possible for G Suite super admins to delegate access to the App Maker projects report to other users. Among other things, this will allow appropriate employees without super admin privileges to track App Maker projects and for customers to delegate access to their reseller partners.

It's now possible for super admins to delegate access to the App Maker projects report to other users. To enable this feature, check both the App Maker > Settings checkbox and the App Maker > App Maker Projects Report checkbox.

Who’s impacted

Admins and end users.

Why you’d use it

We launched App Maker to general availability in June 2018, so teams can easily build custom apps that speed up their workflows and improve their processes. As part of that launch, we gave G Suite admins access to the App Maker projects report, which includes a list of all App Maker projects in their organization and details for each app.

We hope that this launch will make it easier to use and manage App Maker projects in your organization.

How to get started

  • Admins: To enable this feature, check both the App Maker > Settings checkbox and the App Maker > App Maker Projects Report checkbox. You may want to create a custom role to facilitate setting or unsetting both of these privileges. Visit the Help Center for detailed instructions on how to create a custom administrator role.
  • End users: No action needed.

Helpful links

Help Center: Manage App Maker in your domain


Rollout details
G Suite editions

  • Available to G Suite Business, G Suite Enterprise, G Suite for Education, G Suite Enterprise for Education. 
  • Not available to G Suite Basic and G Suite for Nonprofits. 

On/off by default? 

  • This feature will be OFF by default and can be enabled at the user level.

Stay up to date with G Suite launches

What’s New in G Suite – February 2019

Check out the latest "What's New in G Suite" launch recap (pdf) for a roundup of all G Suite launches from February 2019.

Archive and translated versions (coming soon for February issue)

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Control access to corporate data on Chrome, Mac, and Windows devices with endpoint verification

What’s changing 

We’re giving admins more control over how devices running endpoint verification can access corporate data in Google Cloud. Specifically, we’ll give admins the ability to:
  • Tag endpoint devices running Chrome as approved or blocked — Admins can use the tag to configure access levels with the Access Context Manager 
  • Decide whether an additional review is needed for newly registered endpoint verification devices before they’re tagged as approved. 
This will bring similar functionality to what’s currently available for mobile device management to desktop devices using Chrome OS or Chrome browser.

Who’s impacted 

Admins only

Why you’d use it 

With the ability to limit G Suite access for devices that use endpoint verification, admins will now get fine-grained control over managing device access beyond just mobile devices.

Now, admins can view the inventory of devices that are access this data, and approve or block access to specific devices based any internal criteria. Examples include, lost devices, which can now be ‘blocked’ from accessing apps, or approving new users who need to access applications as their job titles shift.

How to get started

  • Admins
    •  To set a policy for whether newly registered endpoint verification devices need admin approval, go to Admin Console > Device management > Setup > Device Approvals > Device Approvals
      • Check or uncheck the box to set a policy. This will default to unchecked, meaning that admins will not have to manually approve newly registered devices.
      • Optionally, you can also add an email that approval requests will be sent to.  

    • Note that device access to corporate data can be configured at any time by using the Access Context Manager. 
      •  For desktop devices, Admins will have the option to select Approve or Block, which will tag the device accordingly in the Access Context Manager. 
    • Approve or block actions on devices will generate an audit event within the Admin Console. For more information on audit logs for devices, see here
  • End users: No action needed 

Additional details 

This launch allows you to control access for devices with endpoint verification installed. This includes Chromebooks and other desktop devices running the Google Chrome browser.

Tag newly registered endpoint verification devices as ‘Approved’ or ‘Blocked’ before setting access 

When a new device is registered via Endpoint Verification, admins can turn on access restriction in the Access Context Manager. From there, they can govern device access by selecting ‘Approve’ or ‘Block’.

See image below to see how this will look in the Admin console with the feature ON.

If this policy is OFF, devices will be approved by default and can be blocked later on, for example, if a device is lost or a device is compromised.

Turn individual device access on or off 

Admins can approve or remove access for devices in the Admin Console. A new view at Admin console > Device Management > Device Approvals will list all devices in a pending approval state. From this list, they can be tagged as Deviced/Approved — once devices are tagged, further access policies can be configured in the Access Context Manager.

Admins can also get email notifications for when a device is registered but needs admin approval. See our Help Center to learn how to configure email notifications.

Helpful links 


Rollout details 
G Suite editions 
  • Available to all G Suite editions. 
On/off by default? 
  • Manual device verification will be OFF by default and can be enabled at the domain and OU level. 
  • Individual device access controls will be ON by default.

Updated UI for Jamboard web home page

Quick launch summary 

To create an interface that’s clearer and easier to navigate, we’re updating the design of the Jamboard home page ( This builds on recent updates that made it easier to create and edits jams on the web. You may notice:

  • Material design updates, including updated boxes and increased white space, so you can quickly find what you’re looking for 
  • New buttons to open jams more quickly with fewer clicks 
  • New logos and design elements to increase consistency with other G Suite products and interfaces. 
The new interface will show on the Jamboard web home page at

The new Jamboard UI 


Rollout details 

G Suite editions 
Available to all G Suite editions.

On/off by default? 
This feature will be ON by default.

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Accessibility settings are now easier to access on Docs, Sheets, and Slides

Quick launch summary

It’s now easier to discover accessibility features like screen reader support, braille support, and screen magnifier support in Docs, Sheets, and Slides.

While these accessibility features were previously available, they required additional steps to access the accessibility menu. This change will make these settings more readily available by placing the Accessibility settings in the Tools menu.

Access the Accessibility menu by selecting Tools > Accessibility settings.

The accessibility settings dialog showing screen reader, braille, and screen magnifier support options.
If the screen reader option is selected from the accessibility settings dialog, an Accessibility menu will be displayed at the top of Docs, Sheets, and Slides for easy access.


Rollout details 

G Suite editions 
Available to all G Suite editions.

On/off by default? 
This feature will be ON by default.

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Insert a Table of Contents in Google Sites

Quick Launch Summary 

Inserting a table of contents into a page makes the navigation of text-focused content like FAQs, documentation, or wikis easy.

Editors can insert a table of contents into a page with a simple click — headings and subheadings will automatically update as content is added to the page. A table of contents also helps guide editors to organize their content in a structure that is easier for readers to understand. Site viewers can quickly navigate through sections of a page by clicking the desired heading and automatically jumping to that section within the same window.

As editors add or edit the content and structure of a page, the table of contents will update automatically, making maintenance easy. By default, the table of contents will indent based on the hierarchy structure of headings, however, editors have the option to change the table of contents styling and remove indents. To remove indents, simply click on your table of contents and select Flatten. To re-indent, select Indent.

To add a Table of Contents to a page, at the right, click Insert > Table of Contents


Rollout details

G Suite editions 
Available to G Suite Editions.

On/off by default?
This feature will be ON by default.

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Spelling and grammar improvements in Docs for Enterprise

Quick launch summary 

Earlier this year we introduced a BETA for new grammar suggestions in Google Docs. Now we’re making this feature available for G Suite Basic, Business, and Enterprise users.

The new features enhance existing spell check functions and highlight possible grammatical errors in your text. We’re also introducing a revamped interface for reviewing spelling and grammar suggestions which makes it faster and easier to spot and correct errors in your text.

Some improvements you’ll see are:

  • Grammar 
    • Possible grammar corrections will be underlined in blue. To see a suggested correction or dismiss the alert, simply right-click. 
    • You will also see possible grammar errors when running a spelling and grammar check through the Tools menu. 
  •  New language review interface
    •  You can easily review all language suggestions for your document with the updated spelling and grammar check tool. Access it through the “Tools” menu or right-click on a suggestion and select “Review more suggestions” — you’ll see each suggestion and actions to correct any errors. 
To learn more about how we’re using machine learning to recognize errors and suggest corrections to improve your writing, see here.


Rollout details 
  • Rapid Release domains: Extended rollout (potentially longer than 15 days for feature visibility) starting on March 5, 2019. 
  • Scheduled Release domains: Extended rollout (potentially longer than 15 days for feature visibility) starting on March 5, 2019. 
G Suite editions 
  • Available to G Suite Basic, G Suite Business, G Suite Enterprise, and G Suite for Education.
  • Not Available to G Suite Enterprise for Education, and G Suite for Nonprofits.  
On/off by default? 

G Suite quick access side panel in Drive

Quick launch summary 

You can now access the side panel while using Drive on the web. That means you can access Calendar, Keep, and Task while using Drive, Gmail, Calendar, or Editor products (Docs, Sheets, and Slides).

The side panel makes it easy to quickly complete tasks without losing focus — that means less switching between apps and increased productivity, whether you're grabbing information from Calendar, Keep, or Tasks.

To learn more about the side panel, see here. 


Rollout details 

G Suite editions 
Available to all G Suite Editions.

On/off by default? 
This feature will be ON by default.

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Intelligent Search in Google Drive Available for All G Suite Editions

Quick launch summary 

We’re making Enterprise improvements to the Google Drive search box on desktop available to all G Suite Editions. 

Now, when you click in the search box you’ll see a range of options, including:

  • Suggested search queries: Click on a term to search for it. 
  • Your top collaborators: Click on a person to search for files that you’ve collaborated with them on. 
  • File types, edit history, priority items, and more: Click to show files that match the highlighted criteria. 
These filters will help you find and filter content more quickly and efficiently in Drive.


Rollout details 

G Suite editions 
Available to all G Suite Editions.

On/off by default?
This feature will be ON by default.

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