Tag Archives: ios

Adding Gmail translation to mobile devices

What’s changing

For years, our users have conveniently translated emails in Gmail on the web to over 100 languages. Starting today, we’re excited to announce a native translation integration within the Gmail mobile app that will enable you to seamlessly communicate in a wide range of languages. 

To translate messages on mobile, simply select “Translate” on the dismissible banner and choose your preferred language. 
Adding Gmail translation to mobile devices

Who’s impacted 

End users 

Why it matters 

This highly requested feature will help users read and understand a conversation in any language. 

Additional details 

A new dismissible banner appears when the content language of a message is different from the “Google.com Mail display language” in your account settings. You can also choose to have Gmail always translate or never translate specific languages. 

Getting started 

  • Admins: There is no admin control for this feature. 
  • End users: 
    • To translate a message, click the “Translate” option at the top of your email. 
    • If you dismiss the translation option, the option will appear again the next time the content language of an email doesn't match the set “Google.com Mail display language”. 
    • You can also turn off this setting, which never shows the banner again for a specific language, by accepting the prompt (“Don’t translate [language] again”) that appears when you dismiss the banner, or by selecting "Don't translate [language] again" from the translation settings menu. 
    • If a user has explicitly opt-ed out of translation (as stated above) or the system did not detect another language, you can manually translate a message through the three dot menu. 
    • Visit the Help Center to learn more about translating Gmail messages

Rollout pace 



  • Available to all Google Workspace customers and users with personal Google Accounts 


We’ve Made Updates to the User Messaging Platform SDK APIs

In case you missed it, we announced new consent management platform requirements for serving ads in the EEA and UK. Beginning January 16, 2024, Google will require all publishers to use a Google-certified consent management platform (CMP) when serving ads to users in the European Economic Area or the UK.

In addition to growing our list of certified CMPs, we explored how to improve the User Messaging Platform (UMP) SDK developer experience for those who choose to use Google’s consent management solution. We are excited to share several updates in the latest iOS and Android versions that we think will streamline your integration.

Loading and presenting a consent form

The latest UMP SDK release introduces a new API, loadAndPresentIfRequired(), that consolidates the existing individual load and present consent form methods into a single method. The new API loads a consent form and if consent is required, automatically presents the consent form. This method is intended to be used at the beginning of a new app session.

Here is a code example of how to use the new API on iOS:

class ViewController: UIViewController {

  private var isMobileAdsStartCalled = false

  override func viewDidLoad() {

    UMPConsentInformation.sharedInstance.requestConsentInfoUpdate(with: parameters) {
      [weak self] requestConsentError in
      guard let self else { return }

      // Call the helper method once consent information has been updated.
      UMPConsentForm.loadAndPresentIfRequired(from: self) {
        [weak self] loadAndPresentError in
        guard let self else { return }

        if UMPConsentInformation.sharedInstance.canRequestAds {

    // canRequestAds will be true if consent was gathered in the previous session.
    if UMPConsentInformation.sharedInstance.canRequestAds {

  private func startGoogleMobileAdsSDK() {
    DispatchQueue.main.async {
      guard !self.isMobileAdsStartCalled else { return }

      self.isMobileAdsStartCalled = true

      // Initialize the Google Mobile Ads SDK.
      // Request an ad.

Checking when to request ads

We added a new boolean property canRequestAds to use as a check before initializing the Google Mobile Ads SDK and requesting ads. canRequestAds returns true when the consent status is either OBTAINED or NOT_REQUIRED; as a result you don’t need to implement any enum checking yourself.

You should use the canRequestAds API in two places (as seen in the code snippet above):

  1. Once consent has been gathered in the current session.
  2. Immediately after you have called requestConsentInfoUpdate. It is possible consent has been gathered in the previous session in which case it is not necessary to wait for the callback to finish.

Checking privacy options requirement status

GDPR requires that publishers allow users to withdraw their consent choices at any time. It should be as easy to withdraw consent as it is to gather consent. To simplify this process, we have added two new APIs:

  1. privacyOptionsRequirementStatus to determine whether you should include a UI element that can re-present the consent form, such as a button in your application’s settings page.
  2. presentPrivacyOptionsForm() to show the form so the user can update their consent status at any time.

Here is a code example of how to use the new APIs on iOS:

// Show a privacy options button if required.
private var isPrivacySettingsButtonEnabled: Bool {
  return UMPConsentInformation.shared.privacyOptionsRequirementStatus == .required

// Present the privacy options form when a user interacts with your app.
@IBAction func privacySettingsTapped(_ sender: UIBarButtonItem) {
  UMPConsentForm.presentPrivacyOptionsForm(from: self) {
    [weak self] formError in
    guard let self, let formError else { return }

    // Handle the error.

Developer resources

We updated our AdMob banner samples applications for iOS and Android to showcase integrating the UMP SDK. Keep an eye out as we add UMP SDK support to the rest of our samples soon.

Also take a look at our iOS and Android developer documentation for instructions on how to implement the UMP SDK.

If you have any questions or need additional help integrating the UMP SDK, please contact us via the developer forum.

Google Workspace Updates Weekly Recap – August 4, 2023

6 New updates 

Unless otherwise indicated, the features below are available to all Google Workspace customers, and are fully launched or in the process of rolling out. Rollouts should take no more than 15 business days to complete if launching to both Rapid and Scheduled Release at the same time. If not, each stage of rollout should take no more than 15 business days to complete.

Empty the entire trash folder of shared drives in Google Drive
In order to make it easier to manage shared drive files and eliminate the manual effort of removing items in the trash folder, we’ve added the ability to empty the entire trash folder of a shared drive. As a reminder, files and folders in Trash are deleted forever after 30 days. You can also delete files in Trash by selecting “Delete Forever”.

Linkable headings now available in Google Docs
To improve shareability of documents, especially longer ones, we’re adding the ability to copy links to headings in Google Docs. Simply, open a Google Doc on web > add a heading (type some content and set to “Heading 1”) > right-click the heading > click the “Copy heading link” button > paste the contents. 
Linkable headings now available in Google Docs
People chips in Google Sheets now available on mobile devices 
In 2021, we introduced people chips in Google Sheets. These chips allow you to quickly view more information about colleagues or contacts, including their location, job title, and contact information. We’re excited to announce that these smart chips are now available on iOS and Android devices. | Learn more about inserting smart chips in your Google Sheets
People chips in Google Sheets now available on mobile devices
Adding drag & drop to Google Drive multi-instance support on large screen Android devices
Earlier this year, we added the option for a single user to have two instances of the Google Drive app open side-by-side on a single device, which shows content from two different Google Accounts. Starting this week, you can now drag and drop between two instances of the Drive app, enabling you to quickly share files and folders between two different accounts. | Learn more about using Google Drive
Adding drag & drop to multi-instance support on the Google Drive Android app

Insert emojis into Google Sites 
You can now create more engaging content on Google Sites with the new option to insert emojis directly into text boxes and headings. Simply, create or open a Site > click any textbox and the emoji button will be visible in the toolbar > select the emoji button > choose an emoji. 
Insert emojis into Google Sites

Paste HTML into document on iOS 
Last month, we announced the ability to paste copied HTML elements into a document on Android. We’re excited to announce that this functionality is now available on iOS devices.

Previous announcements

The announcements below were published on the Workspace Updates blog earlier this week. Please refer to the original blog posts for complete details.

Bringing Collaborations in Canvas to Google Assignments 
We’re introducing a new feature exclusively for Canvas that allows users to create a Drive item and collaborate on it with other users in the course. | Available to Education Fundamentals, Education Standard, Education Plus, and the Teaching and Learning Upgrade only. | Learn more about the collaborative power of Google Workspace for Education to Canvas. 

Import and convert sensitive Excel files into client-side encrypted Google Sheets 
Launching in open beta, you can now import and convert sensitive Excel files into Google Sheets with client-side encryption. Your encrypted Excel file won’t be changed, even as you change the encrypted Sheets file. | Available to Google Workspace Enterprise Plus, Education Standard and Education Plus customers only. | Learn more about client-side encrypted Google Sheets

Google Classroom now supports grade export to Skyward Qmlativ 
Google Classroom teachers can now export their grades to Skyward Qmlativ, a third-party Student Information System (SIS) that helps education teams simplify student and business data management, and complete administrative tasks faster. | Available to Education Fundamentals, Education Standard, Education Plus, and the Teaching and Learning Upgrade only. | Learn more about grade export to Skyward Qmlativ

Q&A moderation now available for Google Meet 
Meeting hosts can now enable Q&A moderation, which will allow hosts to review and approve questions before they’re shared with meeting attendees. Question moderation can be used for meetings and in-domain live streams, on web and mobile devices. | Available to Google Workspace Essentials, Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Starter, Enterprise Essentials, Enterprise Essentials Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, Education Plus, the Teaching and Learning Upgrade, and Nonprofits customers only. | Learn more about Q&A moderation for Google Meet

More granular control for Google Forms 
We’re introducing a new toggle in the Admin console that adds controls for who can access Google Forms features and services. When disabled, end users cannot create, edit or respond to Google Forms. | Learn more about Google Forms controls.

Completed rollouts

The features below completed their rollouts to Rapid Release domains, Scheduled Release domains, or both. Please refer to the original blog posts for additional details.

Rapid Release Domains: 

Scheduled Release Domains: 

Rapid and Scheduled Release Domains: 

Google Workspace Updates Weekly Recap – July 28, 2023

3 New updates 

Unless otherwise indicated, the features below are available to all Google Workspace customers, and are fully launched or in the process of rolling out. Rollouts should take no more than 15 business days to complete if launching to both Rapid and Scheduled Release at the same time. If not, each stage of rollout should take no more than 15 business days to complete.

Set Context Aware Access policies for 1P & 3P applications to access Workspace APIs 
Admins can now use context-aware access to block or limit first and third party API access to Google Workspace applications. With context-aware access, you can set up different access levels to Workspace applications based on a user’s identity and the context of the request (location, device security status, IP address). Extending these policies to APIs that request Workspace core data gives admins another layer of control and security and helps protect against data exfiltration. | Available to Google Workspace Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, Education Standard, Education Plus, and Cloud Identity Premium customers only. | Visit the Help Center to learn more about controlling which third-party & internal apps access Google Workspace data, context-aware access, creating context-aware access levels, and assigning access levels to apps

Include audio when sharing your screen using Google Meet on mobile
If you're using Google Meet on a mobile device, you can now share audio in addition to your screenshare. Share a video with sound, or share music along with your presentation. | This feature is available now on iOS and will begin rolling out for Android mid-August 2023. | Learn more about presenting during a video meeting

A single Google group can be a member of 30,000 shared drives 
Previously, a single Google group could be added as a member to an unlimited number of shared drives. To protect the reliability of access changes for users in Google groups, a single group can now be added to no more than 30,000 shared drives. | Rolling out now to Rapid Release and Scheduled Release domains at an extended pace (potentially longer than 15 days for feature visibility). | Available to Business Standard, Business Plus, Essentials Starter, Enterprise Essentials, Enterprise Essentials Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, Education Fundamentals, Education Standard, Education Plus, the Teaching and Learning Upgrade, and Nonprofits only. | Learn more about shared drive limits in Google Drive

Previous announcements

The announcements below were published on the Workspace Updates blog earlier this week. Please refer to the original blog posts for complete details.

Adding line numbers to Google Docs 
We’ve introduced the option to display line numbers within Docs that are set to paged mode. | Learn more about line numbers to Google Docs. 

Import sensitive external files to Google Drive with client-side encryption using the Drive API, launching in beta 
For select Google Workspace editions, admins can import sensitive, encrypted files from third-party storage using Client-side encryption and the Google Drive API, preserving the confidentiality of your data. Eligible admins can apply for beta access using this form. | Available to Google Workspace Enterprise Plus, Education Standard, and Education Plus customers only. | Learn more about the ​​migrate to Drive client-side encryption beta

Sync users and groups from an Azure Active Directory using Directory Sync Google 
Workspace Admins can now use Directory Sync to sync users and groups from Azure Active Directory. Directory Sync is an alternative to Google Cloud Directory Sync (GCDS), which admins can use to synchronize user and group data with their Google Cloud directory without the need to manage on-prem hardware and deployments. | Learn more about Directory Sync

Disable submissions after a due date in Google Classroom 
We’ve introduced a new option for teachers to disable submissions after an assignment past the due date. | Learn more about disabling submissions in Google Classroom

In-line replies now available within announcement spaces in Google Chat
We've added an in-line reply option to enable members of a space to respond to or discuss an announcement. | Learn more about in-line replies in Google Chat spaces.

Completed rollouts

The features below completed their rollouts to Rapid Release domains, Scheduled Release domains, or both. Please refer to the original blog posts for additional details.

Rapid Release Domains: 

For a recap of announcements in the past six months, check out What’s new in Google Workspace (recent releases).

Client-side encryption for Google Calendar is now generally available on mobile

What’s changing

Earlier this year, we expanded the client-side encryption beta to Google Calendar on mobile to help customers strengthen the confidentiality of their data while helping address a broad range of data sovereignty and compliance requirements. Today, we’re happy to announce that client-side encryption for Google Calendar is now generally available on Android and iOS devices for eligible Workspace editions. 

When using client-side encryption for Calendar events, your event description, attachments, and Meet data is encrypted before it reaches Google servers. You have control over encryption keys and the identity service to access those keys. 
mobile Client-side encryption for Google Calendar

Who’s impacted 

Admins and end users 

Why it’s important 

Google Calendar uses strong cryptographic standards to encrypt all data at rest and in transit between its facilities. With client-side encryption, your organization has control of encryption keys and the identity provider (IdP) used to access those keys to further strengthen the security of your events data.

Client-side encryption helps you to create a stronger privacy posture, whether that’s to help your organization comply with regulations like ITAR and CJIS or simply to better protect the privacy of your confidential data. 

Getting started 

  • Admins: 
    • This feature will be OFF by default and can be enabled at the domain, OU, and Group levels. Go to the Admin console > Security > Access and data control > Client-side encryption. Visit the Help Center to learn more about client-side encryption
    • If you have already configured CSE for Web, you will still need to add client IDs and redirect URLs for your Android and iOS clients in order for end users to access this feature on their mobile devices. 
  • End users: 
    • You will need to be logged in with your Identity Provider to have access to encrypted content. 
    • To add encryption to any event in Calendar, click on the shield icon at the top of the event creation card. This will add encryption to the event description and the Meet video conference, and enforce encryption on event attachments. Other items such as event title, time, and guests remain on standard encryption. 
    • Visit the Help Center to learn more about client-side encryption in Calendar

Rollout pace 

  • This feature is available now.


  • Available to Google Workspace Enterprise Plus, Education Standard, and Education Plus customers 


Announcing new testing features for ad inspector

We’re excited to announce the launch of new testing features on ad inspector across all platforms for our AdMob and Ad Manager publishers.

Previously, ad inspector tested all ads in context - in other words, you had to fire up your app, navigate to the appropriate screen in the UI, and have your ad load as it would for any other user. While this provides for the most accurate testing scenario, it also puts more work on you as the publisher and tester of your app. You don’t want ads buried in more obscure screens in your app to lose out on the testing attention and care they need!

With our latest update, you can now use test ads to load requests for any ad unit - no matter where it's located in your app. Rather than needing to navigate through your app to test each ad unit, you can execute your tests directly from ad inspector.

How do I use ad inspector’s new testing features?

Beginning with version v10.0.0 on iOS and v21.4.0 on Android of the Google Mobile Ads SDK, ad inspector supports running tests directly from the ad unit detail screen via a “Request test ad” button:

All of your requests made from your app’s UI or within ad inspector will appear in the SDK request log; your requests made from within ad inspector will be differentiated by being labeled with “Requested from ad inspector”. For these special requests you’ll be able to tap the “View” button one time to view the actual ad, see which network filled the slot, and more.

Alongside single ad source testing, these new testing features will allow you to rigorously test each individual ad network integration in your app.

To learn more about how to test your ads with ad inspector, check out our developer guides here:

If you have any questions or need additional help, please contact us via the developer forum.

New Alert Center notifications for Apple push certificates

What’s changing 

The Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) certificate is a critical component for advanced mobile management for iOS devices. This certificate expires yearly and requires manual renewal. If you don't renew the certificate, your organization’s iOS devices will not be able to access Google Workspace applications after the certificate expires. To help you stay on top of their renewal period and take action in a timely manner, we will: 

Notify you via the Alert Center and email when: 
  • Your certificate is 30, 10, and 1 day from the date of expiration. 
  • Your certificate has expired. 

Getting started 

  • Admins: 
  • End users: There is no end user impact or action required.

Rollout pace 


  • Google Workspace Business Plus, Enterprise Essentials, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, Education Standard, Education Plus, The Teaching and Learning Upgrade, Education Fundamentals, Frontline, and Cloud Identity Premium customers 


Android Google Mobile Ads SDK Version 22.0.0 activates SDK sunset timelines

We are excited to announce the release of our newest version of the Google Mobile Ads SDK. We recommend upgrading as soon as possible to stay up-to-date with our latest features.

Version 22.0.0 Changes

Google Mobile Ads SDK version 22.0.0 introduces a few major changes:

  • MobileAds.getVersionString() is removed in version 22.0.0 in favor of MobileAds.getVersion(). The new method returns the expected external version number (for example, 22.0.0), helping you more clearly identify your SDK version. For more information about this change, see the Use the new Google Mobile Ads SDK getVersion() method blog post.
  • In version 21, the Google Mobile Ads SDK provided you the NativeCustomFormatAd.getVideoMediaView() method to get the media asset for an Ad Manager native custom ad format. In version 22, NativeCustomFormatAd provides direct access to getMediaContent() enabling you to define your MediaView in layout files along with the rest of your other views, and simply populate that view with its content once the ad loads.

See release notes for the full changelog. See our migration guide to help you migrate your apps.

SDK deprecation/sunset activated

Per the deprecated schedule announced last year, the release of iOS version 10.0.0 in February and this Android version 22.0.0 release activate the sunset period of earlier Android/iOS releases. Specifically:

  • Android Google Mobile Ads SDK version 20.x.x is officially deprecated, meaning that you will be asked to update to at least version 21.0.0 to receive full support from the Google Mobile Ads SDK developer forum.
  • Android versions 19.x.x and below, as well as iOS versions 7.x.x will sunset on June 30th, 2023, meaning that ad serving could be disrupted. See details below.

Updated definition of sunset

We remain committed to regularly disabling old SDK versions balanced with minimizing disruption to ad serving. Aligned with this goal, we are making some changes to the previously announced sunset definition for 2023:

  1. We previously communicated that the sunset notice period would be 2 months. For this 2023 sunset, the sunset date is June 30th, approximately 3 months notice.
  2. We will leverage the “Outdated” feature on the Google Play SDK Index, requiring you to move off a sunset SDK version for future releases of your Android apps. See Understanding issues with your app’s third-party SDK for more information.
  3. Starting June 30th, you may notice some disruptions in your ad serving. While we do not plan to stop ad serving for iOS version 7.x.x and Android versions 19.x.x and earlier at this time, we will regularly review usage of all sunset versions going forward to consider disabling ad serving. The oldest versions with lower usage and higher maintenance costs will be targeted first. Therefore, ad traffic from sunset SDKs versions will be at risk of receiving automatic no fill due to stopped ad serving going forward.

To avoid disruptions in ad serving, we highly recommend upgrading to a supported version as soon as possible so your users have a chance to update before June 30th, 2023.

Check if your apps are affected

To help you prepare for these changes, there are several ways you can check if your apps are affected:

  • Use the Ads Activity report and enable the “GMA SDK” dimension to see iOS app traffic running on iOS 7.x.x or earlier. Currently, only the Google Mobile Ads SDK for iOS is supported.
  • In Android Studio, check your build.gradle file for build warnings, which are thrown when compiling with Android SDK version 19.x.x or earlier.
  • Check your console logs for warning logs when making ad requests.

As always, if you have any questions or need additional help, contact us through the developer forum.

Take the 2023 Google Mobile Ads SDK developer survey

Today, we’re excited to announce the launch of our 2023 Google Mobile Ads SDK Developer Survey. As part of our efforts to continue updating the AdMob and Ad Manager products, we’d like to hear from you about where we should focus our efforts. This includes product feedback as well as feedback on our guides, code samples and other resources. Your feedback will help shape our future product and resource roadmap.

Take the survey

This anonymous survey should only take about 15 minutes to complete and will provide our team with your valuable feedback as we plan for the months ahead. Whether you’re an engineer, Ad Ops personnel, or a PM, your feedback on AdMob, Ad Manager, and the Google Mobile Ads SDK is valuable to us. We appreciate you taking the time to help improve our developer experience!

Take the 2023 Google Mobile Ads SDK developer survey

Today, we’re excited to announce the launch of our 2023 Google Mobile Ads SDK Developer Survey. As part of our efforts to continue updating the AdMob and Ad Manager products, we’d like to hear from you about where we should focus our efforts. This includes product feedback as well as feedback on our guides, code samples and other resources. Your feedback will help shape our future product and resource roadmap.

Take the survey

This anonymous survey should only take about 15 minutes to complete and will provide our team with your valuable feedback as we plan for the months ahead. Whether you’re an engineer, Ad Ops personnel, or a PM, your feedback on AdMob, Ad Manager, and the Google Mobile Ads SDK is valuable to us. We appreciate you taking the time to help improve our developer experience!