Tag Archives: Admin SDK

New metrics on Hangouts and changes to Google+ activity metrics

We are pleased to announce that we are adding new Hangouts metrics to the Reports API (part of the Admin SDK). These new metrics can be used to track video calls by platform. The new metrics that are being added are listed below:

  • gplus.num_video_calls_android
  • gplus.num_video_calls_cfm
  • gplus.num_video_calls_ios
  • gplus.num_video_calls_web
  • gplus.total_video_call_minutes_android
  • gplus.total_video_call_minutes_cfm
  • gplus.total_video_call_minutes_ios
  • gplus.total_video_call_minutes_web
  • gplus.num_video_conferences_android
  • gplus.num_video_conferences_cfm
  • gplus.num_video_conferences_ios
  • gplus.num_video_conferences_mobile
  • gplus.num_video_conferences_web

In addition, Apps admins may notice a change in numbers for Google+ active users. A number of Google+ components and integrations (Hangouts, YouTube Comments, and Photos, for example) have been unbundled from the core Google+ product. The new metrics reflect users of Google+ only. Google+ activity metrics that are impacted with this change are below:
  • gplus.num_1day_active_users
  • gplus.num_7day_active_users
  • gplus.num_30day_active_users
The above changes will be rolled out starting today to all Google Apps domains. To find out more on these new metrics, check our updated developer documentation.

Launch Details
Release track:
Launching to both Rapid release and Scheduled release

Rollout pace:
Full rollout (1-3 days for feature visibility)

All end users

Change management suggested/FYI

More Information
Google Apps Admin SDK
Updated Developer Documentation

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted

Launch release calendar
Launch detail categories
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Google Mobile Management: Introducing Mobile Audit in the Reports API

Posted by Sumit Chatterjee, Program Manager, Google Mobile Management and Wesley Chun, Developer Advocate, Google Apps

As security on mobile devices becomes increasingly important, we want to give Google Apps administrators the visibility to monitor key activities occurring on managed devices in their domain. With that in mind, today we are launching Mobile Audit for Google Apps Unlimited users, which audits activities on iOS and Android devices (using the native iOS Sync and Android Sync protocols) managed by Google Mobile Management. Examples of activities that are recorded include: operating system updates, device settings changes, and mobile application installs, updates and removals.

Google Apps Administrators can also go to the Reports page in the Admin console to see all the Mobile Audit events. Below is an example of what this page looks like querying one user’s activity, including newly registered devices:

Mobile Audit report and alert creation for a single user in the Admin console

As part of this launch, we are excited to make all Mobile Audit events available programmatically through the Admin SDK Reports API via Mobile Audit Activity Events. The Admin SDK is accessible through its REST API or Google Apps Script. With this new feature, administrators will be able to query all of the Mobile Audit information by user, by device, or by event, as well as verify that all of your deployed devices are running the latest security updates. You can even send this information to an asset management system to track all of your mobile inventory.

For example, if we wanted to download all of the newly registered devices, you could make a call like this to the API (via Google Apps Script):

AdminReports.Activities.list('all', 'mobile', {
maxResults: 1000

Once you have the response from the API, you could easily parse through that data, including device models, serial numbers, user email addresses, and any other relevant information to help you track your inventory.

A more critical use case that mobile administrators have been asking for is a way to take proactive actions on devices without requiring manual intervention. For example, a mobile administrator may want to automatically block a device when something suspicious is detected. This new feature enables admins to write simple apps that do just that.

Using the Mobile Audit Activity Events in the Reports API and the Mobile Devices component of the Directory API, administrators can create scheduled scripts to check for devices that are reporting suspicious activity, and then take actions on those devices.

The Apps Script snippet below returns results if there are any mobile audit events for suspicious activity:

var response = AdminReports.Activities.list('all', 'mobile', {
maxResults: 1000

If there are results, the code below shows you how to retrieve the unique Google identifier for those devices, via the “RESOURCE_ID” parameter. Note that this snippet only assumes a single device reporting suspicious activity—you’ll need to tweak the code to support more than one.

var parameters = response.items[0].events[0].parameters;
var resourceId;
for (i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
if (parameters[i].name == ‘RESOURCE_ID’) {
resourceId = parameters[i].value;

Now the Directory API can be invoked to block the device that corresponds with the above unique identifier using this Apps Script snippet:

AdminDirectory.Mobiledevices.action('my_customer', resourceId, {
action: "block"

We are really excited to see what uses you have for Mobile Audit in the Reports API. For more information and to get started, please see the Developer Guide, reference documentation, and the Help Center. (NOTE: Again, this feature is available only to our customers with users on the Google Apps Unlimited license.)

Introducing the new Calendar Resource API

Posted by Muzammil Esmail, Product Manager, Google for Work and Wesley Chun, Developer Advocate, Google Apps

Over the years, we’ve been updating our APIs with new versions across Drive and Calendar, as well as those used for managing Google Apps for Work domains. These new services offer developers improvements over previous functionality and introduces new features that help Apps administrators better manage their domains.

To deliver even more granular control, today we are announcing the new Calendar Resource API as part of the Admin SDK’s Directory API that enables Google for Work customers to manage their physical resources, like conference rooms, printers, nap pods, tennis courts, walkstations, etc. These physical resources can be added to meetings by end users as needed. The API released today replaces the GDATA Calendar Resource API, so we encourage developers to begin moving their applications and tools to the new API. Please note that we will begin deprecation in January 2016 and sunset the existing API in January 2017. Stay tuned for a formal deprecation announcement with details.

Programmatically transfer ownership of Google+ pages and Google Drive content

Google Apps users generate a lot of content at work—project plans, design documents, client presentations, and more. Many of these files are still relevant to an employee’s company or team even after he or she has left or transferred internally. The new Data Transfer API will make it easier for developers to build tools that will allow admins to better manage their end-user data, specifically apps that can transfer ownership of Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides, and all the other Google Drive files as well as Google+ pages in your Google for Work account—in bulk—from one employee/end-user to another using the API.

In July, we introduced the Data Transfer privilege, which makes it easier for admins to transfer data ownership. That same privilege is leveraged by the Data Transfer API. When enabled, it allows admins to programmatically migrate file ownership anytime they want using the API—provided they’ve enabled API access. In order to transfer ownership of Google Drive content as well as Google+ pages, super admins will need to grant/delegate the Data Transfer privilege to admins before end-user content can be migrated programmatically (via API or 3rd-party tools) or from the admin console.

This is what User Deletion looks like in the Administration console,
but now you can also do this programmatically with the API.

To get started with the Data Transfer API, take a look at the developer documentation. Keep in mind that while this programmatic feature is new, admins can still transfer user data manually from the admin console. For more general information, see the Help Center pages on transferring file ownership on Google Drive and how to delete a user.

Deprecating ScriptDB and Domain Service in Apps Script

In the last few months, we've added a number of new features to Google Apps Script, including add-ons for Sheets and Docs and 7 new advanced services.

We're eager to maintain that momentum — focusing on new features that help you do more with Google Apps. As a result, we're deprecating two Apps Script services for which good replacements exist elsewhere: ScriptDB (a NoSQL database that has been marked as experimental since it was introduced) and the Domain service (which encapsulates the GroupsManager, NicknameManager, and UserManager global objects).

Both ScriptDB and the Domain service will be turned off on November 20, 2014.

Before then, you'll need to port any ScriptDB projects to another data store, like Google Cloud SQL or a third-party NoSQL database. We've created a migration guide that explains how to export your data from ScriptDB and suggests a few alternate data stores. We have also improved the documentation for connecting to external databases through JDBC to make it a little easier for you to set up Cloud SQL with Apps Script.

The Domain service, which only Google Apps domain administrators can use, is replaced by the recently added Admin SDK Directory and Admin SDK Reports advanced services. Those advanced services also provide many new features that the Domain service does not — like managing users' devices, OAuth tokens, and application-specific passwords — so we expect that you'll prefer using them in the future.

Saurabh Gupta   profile | twitter | blog

As the product manager for Google Apps Script, Saurabh is responsible for Apps Script’s overall vision and direction.

Introducing push notifications and structured user search in the Admin SDK

Since we launched the Admin SDK in May 2013, we’ve been constantly improving it based on your feedback and feature requests. Our first API updates of 2014 bring some features at the top of your requests: push notifications for users, push notifications for activities, and structured user search.

Push notifications for users

Tired of polling user resources to detect changes? With push notifications for users, you can watch for changes to user resources and receive notifications from the Directory API whenever a watched user resource changes.

Check out our user notifications developer guide to learn how to improve the performances of your application by eliminating the extra network and compute costs involved with polling user resources.

Push notifications for activities

Do you want to be notified when changes to a certain document occur or specific events such as the change of a user’s password happen? With push notifications for activities you can watch for changes to activities resources, and receive notifications from the Reports API whenever a watched activity resource changes.

Check out our activities notifications developer guide to learn how to receive notifications for the activities of your interest.

Structured user search

Do you want to know which users in your domain are members of a certain organization, or which users have a common manager in their reporting chain? The new query parameter we’ve just added to the users.list method of the Directory API allows you to perform rich queries over most attributes from the user profile.

For example, you can now retrieve all the users in the Human Resources org by using the query:

orgName='Human Resources'
Or you can retrieve all the users with [email protected] in their reporting chain by using the query:
manager='[email protected]'

Check out our user search developer guide for a more comprehensive guide on how to build your queries and more examples of what you can do.

Silvano Luciani  

Silvano is a Developer Programs Engineer on Google's Admin SDK. Before joining Google in 2011, he has worked in Finland, Italy, Spain and the UK, writing web based configuration management tools for ISPs, social networks, web based training materials, e-commerce apps and more.