Tag Archives: Large Language Models

Cappy: Outperforming and boosting large multi-task language models with a small scorer

Large language model (LLM) advancements have led to a new paradigm that unifies various natural language processing (NLP) tasks within an instruction-following framework. This paradigm is exemplified by recent multi-task LLMs, such as T0, FLAN, and OPT-IML. First, multi-task data is gathered with each task following a task-specific template, where each labeled example is converted into an instruction (e.g., "Put the concepts together to form a sentence: ski, mountain, skier) paired with a corresponding response (e.g., "Skier skis down the mountain"). These instruction-response pairs are used to train the LLM, resulting in a conditional generation model that takes an instruction as input and generates a response. Moreover, multi-task LLMs have exhibited remarkable task-wise generalization capabilities as they can address unseen tasks by understanding and solving brand-new instructions.

The demonstration of the instruction-following pre-training of multi-task LLMs, e.g., FLAN. Pre-training tasks under this paradigm improves the performance for unseen tasks.

Due to the complexity of understanding and solving various tasks solely using instructions, the size of multi-task LLMs typically spans from several billion parameters to hundreds of billions (e.g., FLAN-11B, T0-11B and OPT-IML-175B). As a result, operating such sizable models poses significant challenges because they demand considerable computational power and impose substantial requirements on the memory capacities of GPUs and TPUs, making their training and inference expensive and inefficient. Extensive storage is required to maintain a unique LLM copy for each downstream task. Moreover, the most powerful multi-task LLMs (e.g., FLAN-PaLM-540B) are closed-sourced, making them impossible to be adapted. However, in practical applications, harnessing a single multi-task LLM to manage all conceivable tasks in a zero-shot manner remains difficult, particularly when dealing with complex tasks, personalized tasks and those that cannot be succinctly defined using instructions. On the other hand, the size of downstream training data is usually insufficient to train a model well without incorporating rich prior knowledge. Hence, it is long desired to adapt LLMs with downstream supervision while bypassing storage, memory, and access issues.

Certain parameter-efficient tuning strategies, including prompt tuning and adapters, substantially diminish storage requirements, but they still perform back-propagation through LLM parameters during the tuning process, thereby keeping their memory demands high. Additionally, some in-context learning techniques circumvent parameter tuning by integrating a limited number of supervised examples into the instruction. However, these techniques are constrained by the model's maximum input length, which permits only a few samples to guide task resolution.

In “Cappy: Outperforming and Boosting Large Multi-Task LMs with a Small Scorer”, presented at NeurIPS 2023, we propose a novel approach that enhances the performance and efficiency of multi-task LLMs. We introduce a lightweight pre-trained scorer, Cappy, based on continual pre-training on top of RoBERTa with merely 360 million parameters. Cappy takes in an instruction and a candidate response as input, and produces a score between 0 and 1, indicating an estimated correctness of the response with respect to the instruction. Cappy functions either independently on classification tasks or serves as an auxiliary component for LLMs, boosting their performance. Moreover, Cappy efficiently enables downstream supervision without requiring any finetuning, which avoids the need for back-propagation through LLM parameters and reduces memory requirements. Finally, adaptation with Cappy doesn’t require access to LLM parameters as it is compatible with closed-source multi-task LLMs, such as those only accessible via WebAPIs.

Cappy takes an instruction and response pair as input and outputs a score ranging from 0 to 1, indicating an estimation of the correctness of the response with respect to the instruction.


We begin with the same dataset collection, which includes 39 diverse datasets from PromptSource that were used to train T0. This collection encompasses a wide range of task types, such as question answering, sentiment analysis, and summarization. Each dataset is associated with one or more templates that convert each instance from the original datasets into an instruction paired with its ground truth response.

Cappy's regression modeling requires each pre-training data instance to include an instruction-response pair along with a correctness annotation for the response, so we produce a dataset with correctness annotations that range from 0 to 1. For every instance within a generation task, we leverage an existing multi-task LLM to generate multiple responses by sampling, conditioned on the given instruction. Subsequently, we assign an annotation to the pair formed by the instruction and every response, using the similarity between the response and the ground truth response of the instance. Specifically, we employ Rouge-L, a commonly-used metric for measuring overall multi-task performance that has demonstrated a strong alignment with human evaluation, to calculate this similarity as a form of weak supervision.

As a result, we obtain an effective regression dataset of 160 million instances paired with correctness score annotations. The final Cappy model is the result of continuous pre-training using the regression dataset on top of the RoBERTa model. The pre-training of Cappy is conducted on Google's TPU-v4, with RedCoast, a lightweight toolkit for automating distributed training.

Data augmentation with a multi-task LLM to construct a weakly supervised regression dataset for Cappy’s pre-training and fine-tuning.

Applying Cappy

Cappy solves practical tasks within a candidate-selection mechanism. More specifically, given an instruction and a set of candidate responses, Cappy produces a score for each candidate response. This is achieved by inputting the instruction alongside each individual response, and then assigning the response with the highest score as its prediction. In classification tasks, all candidate responses are inherently predefined. For example, for an instruction of a sentiment classification task (e.g., “Based on this review, would the user recommend this product?: ‘Stunning even for the non-gamer.’”), the candidate responses are “Yes” or “No”. In such scenarios, Cappy functions independently. On the other hand, in generation tasks, candidate responses are not pre-defined, requiring an existing multi-task LLM to yield the candidate responses. In this case, Cappy serves as an auxiliary component of the multi-task LLM, enhancing its decoding.

Adapting multi-task LLMs with Cappy

When there is available downstream training data, Cappy enables effective and efficient adaptation of multi-task LLMs on downstream tasks. Specifically, we fine-tune Cappy to integrate downstream task information into LLM predictions. This process involves creating a separate regression dataset specific to the downstream training data with the same data annotation process used to construct the pre-training data. As a result, the fine-tuned Cappy collaborates with a multi-task LLM, boosting the LLM's performance on the downstream task.

In contrast to other LLM tuning strategies, adapting LLMs with Cappy significantly reduces the high demand for device memory as it avoids the need for back-propagation through LLM parameters for downstream tasks. Moreover, Cappy adaptation does not rely on the access to LLM parameters, making it compatible with closed-source multi-task LLMs, such as the ones only accessible via WebAPIs. Compared with in-context learning approaches, which circumvent model tuning by attaching training examples to the instruction prefix, Cappy is not restricted by the LLM's maximum input length. Thus, Cappy can incorporate an unlimited number of downstream training examples. Cappy can also be applied with other adaptation methods, such as fine-tuning and in-context learning, further boosting their overall performance.

Downstream adaptation comparison between Cappy and approaches that rely on an LLM’s parameters, such as fine-tuning and prompt tuning. Cappy’s application enhances multi-task LLMs.


We assess Cappy’s performance across eleven held-out language understanding classification tasks from PromptSource. We demonstrate that Cappy, with 360M parameters, outperforms OPT-175B and OPT-IML-30B, and matches the accuracy of the best existing multi-task LLMs (T0-11B and OPT-IML-175B). These findings highlight Cappy’s capabilities and parameter efficiency, which can be credited to its scoring-based pre-training strategy that integrates contrastive information by differentiating between high-quality and low-quality responses. On the contrary, previous multi-task LLMs depend exclusively on teacher-forcing training that utilizes only the ground truth responses.

The overall accuracy averaged over eleven test tasks from PromptSource. “RM” refers to a pre-trained RLHF reward model. Cappy matches the best ones among existing multi-task LLMs.

We also examine the adaptation of multi-task LLMs with Cappy on complex tasks from BIG-Bench, a set of manually curated tasks that are considered beyond the capability of many LLMs. We focus on all the 45 generation BIG-Bench tasks, specifically those that do not offer pre-established answer choices. We evaluate the performance using the Rouge-L score (representing the overall similarity between model generations and corresponding ground truths) on every test set, reporting the average score across 45 tests. In this experiment, all variants of FLAN-T5 serve as the backbone LLMs, and the foundational FLAN-T5 models are frozen. These results, shown below, suggest that Cappy enhances the performance of FLAN-T5 models by a large margin, consistently outperforming the most effective baseline achieved through sample selection using self-scoring of the LLM itself.

The averaged Rouge-L score over 45 complex tasks within BIG-Bench. The x-axis refers to FLAN-T5 models of different sizes. Every dashed line represents an approach working on FLAN-T5s. Self-scoring refers to using the cross-entropy of LLM to select responses. Cappy enhances the performance of FLAN-T5 models by a large margin.


We introduce Cappy, a novel approach that enhances the performance and efficiency of multi-task LLMs. In our experiments, we adapt a single LLM to several domains with Cappy. In the future, Cappy as a pre-trained model can potentially be used in other creative ways beyond on single LLMs.


Thanks to Bowen Tan, Jindong Chen, Lei Meng, Abhanshu Sharma and Ewa Dominowska for their valuable feedback. We would also like to thank Eric Xing and Zhiting Hu for their suggestions.

Source: Google AI Blog

Talk like a graph: Encoding graphs for large language models

Imagine all the things around you — your friends, tools in your kitchen, or even the parts of your bike. They are all connected in different ways. In computer science, the term graph is used to describe connections between objects. Graphs consist of nodes (the objects themselves) and edges (connections between two nodes, indicating a relationship between them). Graphs are everywhere now. The internet itself is a giant graph of websites linked together. Even the knowledge search engines use is organized in a graph-like way.

Furthermore, consider the remarkable advancements in artificial intelligence — such as chatbots that can write stories in seconds, and even software that can interpret medical reports. This exciting progress is largely thanks to large language models (LLMs). New LLM technology is constantly being developed for different uses.

Since graphs are everywhere and LLM technology is on the rise, in “Talk like a Graph: Encoding Graphs for Large Language Models”, presented at ICLR 2024, we present a way to teach powerful LLMs how to better reason with graph information. Graphs are a useful way to organize information, but LLMs are mostly trained on regular text. The objective is to test different techniques to see what works best and gain practical insights. Translating graphs into text that LLMs can understand is a remarkably complex task. The difficulty stems from the inherent complexity of graph structures with multiple nodes and the intricate web of edges that connect them. Our work studies how to take a graph and translate it into a format that an LLM can understand. We also design a benchmark called GraphQA to study different approaches on different graph reasoning problems and show how to phrase a graph-related problem in a way that enables the LLM to solve the graph problem. We show that LLM performance on graph reasoning tasks varies on three fundamental levels: 1) the graph encoding method, 2) the nature of the graph task itself, and 3) interestingly, the very structure of the graph considered. These findings give us clues on how to best represent graphs for LLMs. Picking the right method can make the LLM up to 60% better at graph tasks!

Pictured, the process of encoding a graph as text using two different approaches and feeding the text and a question about the graph to the LLM.

Graphs as text

To be able to systematically find out what is the best way to translate a graph to text, we first design a benchmark called GraphQA. Think of GraphQA as an exam designed to evaluate powerful LLMs on graph-specific problems. We want to see how well LLMs can understand and solve problems that involve graphs in different setups. To create a comprehensive and realistic exam for LLMs, we don’t just use one type of graph, we use a mix of graphs ensuring breadth in the number of connections. This is mainly because different graph types make solving such problems easier or harder. This way, GraphQA can help expose biases in how an LLM thinks about the graphs, and the whole exam gets closer to a realistic setup that LLMs might encounter in the real world.

Overview of our framework for reasoning with graphs using LLMs.

GraphQA focuses on simple tasks related to graphs, like checking if an edge exists, calculating the number of nodes or edges, finding nodes that are connected to a specific node, and checking for cycles in a graph. These tasks might seem basic, but they require understanding the relationships between nodes and edges. By covering different types of challenges, from identifying patterns to creating new connections, GraphQA helps models learn how to analyze graphs effectively. These basic tasks are crucial for more complex reasoning on graphs, like finding the shortest path between nodes, detecting communities, or identifying influential nodes. Additionally, GraphQA includes generating random graphs using various algorithms like Erdős-Rényi, scale-free networks, Barabasi-Albert model, and stochastic block model, as well as simpler graph structures like paths, complete graphs, and star graphs, providing a diverse set of data for training.

When working with graphs, we also need to find ways to ask graph-related questions that LLMs can understand. Prompting heuristics are different strategies for doing this. Let's break down the common ones:

  • Zero-shot: simply describe the task ("Is there a cycle in this graph?") and tell the LLM to go for it. No examples provided.
  • Few-shot: This is like giving the LLM a mini practice test before the real deal. We provide a few example graph questions and their correct answers.
  • Chain-of-Thought: Here, we show the LLM how to break down a problem step-by-step with examples. The goal is to teach it to generate its own "thought process" when faced with new graphs.
  • Zero-CoT: Similar to CoT, but instead of training examples, we give the LLM a simple prompt, like "Let's think step-by-step," to trigger its own problem-solving breakdown.
  • BAG (build a graph): This is specifically for graph tasks. We add the phrase "Let's build a graph..." to the description, helping the LLM focus on the graph structure.

We explored different ways to translate graphs into text that LLMs can work with. Our key questions were:

  • Node encoding: How do we represent individual nodes? Options tested include simple integers, common names (people, characters), and letters.
  • Edge encoding: How do we describe the relationships between nodes? Methods involved parenthesis notation, phrases like "are friends", and symbolic representations like arrows.

Various node and edge encodings were combined systematically. This led to functions like the ones in the following figure:

Examples of graph encoding functions used to encode graphs via text.

Analysis and results

We carried out three key experiments: one to test how LLMs handle graph tasks, and two to understand how the size of the LLM and different graph shapes affected performance. We run all our experiments on GraphQA.

How LLMs handle graph tasks

In this experiment, we tested how well pre-trained LLMs tackle graph problems like identifying connections, cycles, and node degrees. Here is what we learned:

  • LLMs struggle: On most of these basic tasks, LLMs did not do much better than a random guess.
  • Encoding matters significantly: How we represent the graph as text has a great effect on LLM performance. The "incident" encoding excelled for most of the tasks in general.

Our results are summarized in the following chart.

Comparison of various graph encoder functions based on their accuracy on different graph tasks. The main conclusion from this figure is that the graph encoding functions matter significantly.

Bigger is (usually) better

In this experiment, we wanted to see if the size of the LLM (in terms of the number of parameters) affects how well they can handle graph problems. For that, we tested the same graph tasks on the XXS, XS, S, and L sizes of PaLM 2. Here is a summary of our findings:

  • In general, bigger models did better on graph reasoning tasks. It seems like the extra parameters gave them space to learn more complex patterns.
  • Oddly, size didn't matter as much for the “edge existence” task (finding out if two nodes in a graph are connected).
  • Even the biggest LLM couldn't consistently beat a simple baseline solution on the cycle check problem (finding out if a graph contains a cycle or not). This shows LLMs still have room to improve with certain graph tasks.
Effect of model capacity on graph reasoning task for PaLM 2-XXS, XS, S, and L.

Do different graph shapes confuse LLMs

We wondered if the "shape" of a graph (how nodes are connected) influences how well LLMs can solve problems on it. Think of the following figure as different examples of graph shapes.

Samples of graphs generated with different graph generators from GraphQA. ER, BA, SBM, and SFN refers to Erdős–Rényi, Barabási–Albert, Stochastic Block Model, and Scale-Free Network respectively.

We found that graph structure has a big impact on LLM performance. For example, in a task asking if a cycle exists, LLMs did great on tightly interconnected graphs (cycles are common there) but struggled on path graphs (where cycles never happen). Interestingly, providing some mixed examples helped it adapt. For instance, for cycle check, we added some examples containing a cycle and some examples with no cycles as few-shot examples in our prompt. Similar patterns occurred with other tasks.

Comparing different graph generators on different graph tasks. The main observation here is that graph structure has a significant impact on the LLM’s performance. ER, BA, SBM, and SFN refers to Erdős–Rényi, Barabási–Albert, Stochastic Block Model, and Scale-Free Network respectively.


In short, we dug deep into how to best represent graphs as text so LLMs can understand them. We found three major factors that make a difference:

  • How to translate the graph to text: how we represent the graph as text significantly influences LLM performance. The incident encoding excelled for most of the tasks in general..
  • Task type: Certain types of graph questions tend to be harder for LLMs, even with a good translation from graph to text.
  • Graph structure: Surprisingly, the "shape" of the graph that on which we do inference (dense with connections, sparse, etc.) influences how well an LLM does.

This study revealed key insights about how to prepare graphs for LLMs. The right encoding techniques can significantly boost an LLM's accuracy on graph problems (ranging from around 5% to over 60% improvement). Our new benchmark, GraphQA, will help drive further research in this area.


We would like to express our gratitude to our co-author, Jonathan Halcrow, for his valuable contributions to this work. We express our sincere gratitude to Anton Tsitsulin, Dustin Zelle, Silvio Lattanzi, Vahab Mirrokni, and the entire graph mining team at Google Research, for their insightful comments, thorough proofreading, and constructive feedback which greatly enhanced the quality of our work. We would also like to extend special thanks to Tom Small for creating the animation used in this post.

Source: Google AI Blog

Social learning: Collaborative learning with large language models

Large language models (LLMs) have significantly improved the state of the art for solving tasks specified using natural language, often reaching performance close to that of people. As these models increasingly enable assistive agents, it could be beneficial for them to learn effectively from each other, much like people do in social settings, which would allow LLM-based agents to improve each other’s performance.

To discuss the learning processes of humans, Bandura and Walters described the concept of social learning in 1977, outlining different models of observational learning used by people. One common method of learning from others is through a verbal instruction (e.g., from a teacher) that describes how to engage in a particular behavior. Alternatively, learning can happen through a live model by mimicking a live example of the behavior.

Given the success of LLMs mimicking human communication, in our paper “Social Learning: Towards Collaborative Learning with Large Language Models”, we investigate whether LLMs are able to learn from each other using social learning. To this end, we outline a framework for social learning in which LLMs share knowledge with each other in a privacy-aware manner using natural language. We evaluate the effectiveness of our framework on various datasets, and propose quantitative methods that measure privacy in this setting. In contrast to previous approaches to collaborative learning, such as common federated learning approaches that often rely on gradients, in our framework, agents teach each other purely using natural language.

Social learning for LLMs

To extend social learning to language models, we consider the scenario where a student LLM should learn to solve a task from multiple teacher entities that already know that task. In our paper, we evaluate the student’s performance on a variety of tasks, such as spam detection in short text messages (SMS), solving grade school math problems, and answering questions based on a given text.

A visualization of the social learning process: A teacher model provides instructions or few-shot examples to a student model without sharing its private data.

Language models have shown a remarkable capacity to perform tasks given only a handful of examples–a process called few-shot learning. With this in mind, we provide human-labeled examples of a task that enables the teacher model to teach it to a student. One of the main use cases of social learning arises when these examples cannot be directly shared with the student due, for example, to privacy concerns.

To illustrate this, let’s look at a hypothetical example for a spam detection task. A teacher model is located on device where some users volunteer to mark incoming messages they receive as either “spam” or “not spam”. This is useful data that could help train a student model to differentiate between spam and not spam, but sharing personal messages with other users is a breach of privacy and should be avoided. To prevent this, a social learning process can transfer the knowledge from the teacher model to the student so it learns what spam messages look like without needing to share the user’s personal text messages.

We investigate the effectiveness of this social learning approach by analogy with the established human social learning theory that we discussed above. In these experiments, we use PaLM 2-S models for both the teacher and the student.

A systems view of social learning: At training time, multiple teachers teach the student. At inference time, the student is using what it learned from the teachers.

Synthetic examples

As a counterpart to the live teaching model described for traditional social learning, we propose a learning method where the teachers generate new synthetic examples for the task and share them with the student. This is motivated by the idea that one can create a new example that is sufficiently different from the original one, but is just as educational. Indeed, we observe that our generated examples are sufficiently different from the real ones to preserve privacy while still enabling performance comparable to that achieved using the original examples.

The 8 generated examples perform as well as the original data for several tasks (see our paper).

We evaluate the efficacy of learning through synthetic examples on our task suite. Especially when the number of examples is high enough, e.g., n = 16, we observe no statistically significant difference between sharing original data and teaching with synthesized data via social learning for the majority of tasks, indicating that the privacy improvement does not have to come at the cost of model quality.

Generating 16 instead of just 8 examples further reduces the performance gap relative to the original examples.

The one exception is spam detection, for which teaching with synthesized data yields lower accuracy. This may be because the training procedure of current models makes them biased to only generate non-spam examples. In the paper, we additionally look into aggregation methods for selecting good subsets of examples to use.

Synthetic instruction

Given the success of language models in following instructions, the verbal instruction model can also be naturally adapted to language models by having the teachers generate an instruction for the task. Our experiments show that providing such a generated instruction effectively improves performance over zero-shot prompting, reaching accuracies comparable to few-shot prompting with original examples. However, we did find that the teacher model may fail on certain tasks to provide a good instruction, for example due to a complicated formatting requirement of the output.

For Lambada, GSM8k, and Random Insertion, providing synthetic examples performs better than providing generated instructions, whereas in the other tasks generated instruction obtains a higher accuracy. This observation suggests that the choice of the teaching model depends on the task at hand, similar to how the most effective method for teaching people varies by task.

Depending on the task, generating instructions can work better than generating new examples.

Memorization of the private examples

We want teachers in social learning to teach the student without revealing specifics from the original data. To quantify how prone this process is to leaking information, we used Secret Sharer, a popular method for quantifying to what extent a model memorizes its training data, and adapted it to the social learning setting. We picked this method since it had previously been used for evaluating memorization in federated learning.

To apply the Secret Sharer method to social learning, we design “canary” data points such that we can concretely measure how much the training process memorized them. These data points are included in the datasets used by teachers to generate new examples. After the social learning process completes, we can then measure how much more confident the student is in the secret data points the teacher used, compared to similar ones that were not shared even with the teachers.

In our analysis, discussed in detail in the paper, we use canary examples that include names and codes. Our results show that the student is only slightly more confident in the canaries the teacher used. In contrast, when the original data points are directly shared with the student, the confidence in the included canaries is much higher than in the held-out set. This supports the conclusion that the teacher does indeed use its data to teach without simply copying it over.

Conclusion and next steps

We introduced a framework for social learning that allows language models with access to private data to transfer knowledge through textual communication while maintaining the privacy of that data. In this framework, we identified sharing examples and sharing instructions as basic models and evaluated them on multiple tasks. Furthermore, we adapted the Secret Sharer metric to our framework, proposing a metric for measuring data leakage.

As next steps, we are looking for ways of improving the teaching process, for example by adding feedback loops and iteration. Furthermore, we want to investigate using social learning for modalities other than text.


We would like to acknowledge and thank Matt Sharifi, Sian Gooding, Lukas Zilka, and Blaise Aguera y Arcas, who are all co-authors on the paper. Furthermore, we would like to thank Victor Cărbune, Zachary Garrett, Tautvydas Misiunas, Sofia Neata and John Platt for their feedback, which greatly improved the paper. We’d also like to thank Tom Small for creating the animated figure.

Source: Google AI Blog

Introducing ASPIRE for selective prediction in LLMs

In the fast-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized the way we interact with machines, pushing the boundaries of natural language understanding and generation to unprecedented heights. Yet, the leap into high-stakes decision-making applications remains a chasm too wide, primarily due to the inherent uncertainty of model predictions. Traditional LLMs generate responses recursively, yet they lack an intrinsic mechanism to assign a confidence score to these responses. Although one can derive a confidence score by summing up the probabilities of individual tokens in the sequence, traditional approaches typically fall short in reliably distinguishing between correct and incorrect answers. But what if LLMs could gauge their own confidence and only make predictions when they're sure?

Selective prediction aims to do this by enabling LLMs to output an answer along with a selection score, which indicates the probability that the answer is correct. With selective prediction, one can better understand the reliability of LLMs deployed in a variety of applications. Prior research, such as semantic uncertainty and self-evaluation, has attempted to enable selective prediction in LLMs. A typical approach is to use heuristic prompts like “Is the proposed answer True or False?” to trigger self-evaluation in LLMs. However, this approach may not work well on challenging question answering (QA) tasks.

The OPT-2.7B model incorrectly answers a question from the TriviaQA dataset: “Which vitamin helps regulate blood clotting?” with “Vitamin C”. Without selective prediction, LLMs may output the wrong answer which, in this case, could lead users to take the wrong vitamin. With selective prediction, LLMs will output an answer along with a selection score. If the selection score is low (0.1), LLMs will further output “I don’t know!” to warn users not to trust it or verify it using other sources.

In "Adaptation with Self-Evaluation to Improve Selective Prediction in LLMs", presented at Findings of EMNLP 2023, we introduce ASPIRE — a novel framework meticulously designed to enhance the selective prediction capabilities of LLMs. ASPIRE fine-tunes LLMs on QA tasks via parameter-efficient fine-tuning, and trains them to evaluate whether their generated answers are correct. ASPIRE allows LLMs to output an answer along with a confidence score for that answer. Our experimental results demonstrate that ASPIRE significantly outperforms state-of-the-art selective prediction methods on a variety of QA datasets, such as the CoQA benchmark.

The mechanics of ASPIRE

Imagine teaching an LLM to not only answer questions but also evaluate those answers — akin to a student verifying their answers in the back of the textbook. That's the essence of ASPIRE, which involves three stages: (1) task-specific tuning, (2) answer sampling, and (3) self-evaluation learning.

Task-specific tuning: ASPIRE performs task-specific tuning to train adaptable parameters (θp) while freezing the LLM. Given a training dataset for a generative task, it fine-tunes the pre-trained LLM to improve its prediction performance. Towards this end, parameter-efficient tuning techniques (e.g., soft prompt tuning and LoRA) might be employed to adapt the pre-trained LLM on the task, given their effectiveness in obtaining strong generalization with small amounts of target task data. Specifically, the LLM parameters (θ) are frozen and adaptable parameters (θp) are added for fine-tuning. Only θp are updated to minimize the standard LLM training loss (e.g., cross-entropy). Such fine-tuning can improve selective prediction performance because it not only improves the prediction accuracy, but also enhances the likelihood of correct output sequences.

Answer sampling: After task-specific tuning, ASPIRE uses the LLM with the learned θp to generate different answers for each training question and create a dataset for self-evaluation learning. We aim to generate output sequences that have a high likelihood. We use beam search as the decoding algorithm to generate high-likelihood output sequences and the Rouge-L metric to determine if the generated output sequence is correct.

Self-evaluation learning: After sampling high-likelihood outputs for each query, ASPIRE adds adaptable parameters (θs) and only fine-tunes θs for learning self-evaluation. Since the output sequence generation only depends on θ and θp, freezing θ and the learned θp can avoid changing the prediction behaviors of the LLM when learning self-evaluation. We optimize θs such that the adapted LLM can distinguish between correct and incorrect answers on their own.

The three stages of the ASPIRE framework.

In the proposed framework, θp and θs can be trained using any parameter-efficient tuning approach. In this work, we use soft prompt tuning, a simple yet effective mechanism for learning “soft prompts” to condition frozen language models to perform specific downstream tasks more effectively than traditional discrete text prompts. The driving force behind this approach lies in the recognition that if we can develop prompts that effectively stimulate self-evaluation, it should be possible to discover these prompts through soft prompt tuning in conjunction with targeted training objectives.

Implementation of the ASPIRE framework via soft prompt tuning. We first generate the answer to the question with the first soft prompt and then compute the learned self-evaluation score with the second soft prompt.

After training θp and θs, we obtain the prediction for the query via beam search decoding. We then define a selection score that combines the likelihood of the generated answer with the learned self-evaluation score (i.e., the likelihood of the prediction being correct for the query) to make selective predictions.


To demonstrate ASPIRE’s efficacy, we evaluate it across three question-answering datasets — CoQA, TriviaQA, and SQuAD — using various open pre-trained transformer (OPT) models. By training θp with soft prompt tuning, we observed a substantial hike in the LLMs' accuracy. For example, the OPT-2.7B model adapted with ASPIRE demonstrated improved performance over the larger, pre-trained OPT-30B model using the CoQA and SQuAD datasets. These results suggest that with suitable adaptations, smaller LLMs might have the capability to match or potentially surpass the accuracy of larger models in some scenarios.

When delving into the computation of selection scores with fixed model predictions, ASPIRE received a higher AUROC score (the probability that a randomly chosen correct output sequence has a higher selection score than a randomly chosen incorrect output sequence) than baseline methods across all datasets. For example, on the CoQA benchmark, ASPIRE improves the AUROC from 51.3% to 80.3% compared to the baselines.

An intriguing pattern emerged from the TriviaQA dataset evaluations. While the pre-trained OPT-30B model demonstrated higher baseline accuracy, its performance in selective prediction did not improve significantly when traditional self-evaluation methods — Self-eval and P(True) — were applied. In contrast, the smaller OPT-2.7B model, when enhanced with ASPIRE, outperformed in this aspect. This discrepancy underscores a vital insight: larger LLMs utilizing conventional self-evaluation techniques may not be as effective in selective prediction as smaller, ASPIRE-enhanced models.

Our experimental journey with ASPIRE underscores a pivotal shift in the landscape of LLMs: The capacity of a language model is not the be-all and end-all of its performance. Instead, the effectiveness of models can be drastically improved through strategic adaptations, allowing for more precise, confident predictions even in smaller models. As a result, ASPIRE stands as a testament to the potential of LLMs that can judiciously ascertain their own certainty and decisively outperform larger counterparts in selective prediction tasks.


In conclusion, ASPIRE is not just another framework; it's a vision of a future where LLMs can be trusted partners in decision-making. By honing the selective prediction performance, we're inching closer to realizing the full potential of AI in critical applications.

Our research has opened new doors, and we invite the community to build upon this foundation. We're excited to see how ASPIRE will inspire the next generation of LLMs and beyond. To learn more about our findings, we encourage you to read our paper and join us in this thrilling journey towards creating a more reliable and self-aware AI.


We gratefully acknowledge the contributions of Sayna Ebrahimi, Sercan O Arik, Tomas Pfister, and Somesh Jha.

Source: Google AI Blog

AMIE: A research AI system for diagnostic medical reasoning and conversations

The physician-patient conversation is a cornerstone of medicine, in which skilled and intentional communication drives diagnosis, management, empathy and trust. AI systems capable of such diagnostic dialogues could increase availability, accessibility, quality and consistency of care by being useful conversational partners to clinicians and patients alike. But approximating clinicians’ considerable expertise is a significant challenge.

Recent progress in large language models (LLMs) outside the medical domain has shown that they can plan, reason, and use relevant context to hold rich conversations. However, there are many aspects of good diagnostic dialogue that are unique to the medical domain. An effective clinician takes a complete “clinical history” and asks intelligent questions that help to derive a differential diagnosis. They wield considerable skill to foster an effective relationship, provide information clearly, make joint and informed decisions with the patient, respond empathically to their emotions, and support them in the next steps of care. While LLMs can accurately perform tasks such as medical summarization or answering medical questions, there has been little work specifically aimed towards developing these kinds of conversational diagnostic capabilities.

Inspired by this challenge, we developed Articulate Medical Intelligence Explorer (AMIE), a research AI system based on a LLM and optimized for diagnostic reasoning and conversations. We trained and evaluated AMIE along many dimensions that reflect quality in real-world clinical consultations from the perspective of both clinicians and patients. To scale AMIE across a multitude of disease conditions, specialties and scenarios, we developed a novel self-play based simulated diagnostic dialogue environment with automated feedback mechanisms to enrich and accelerate its learning process. We also introduced an inference time chain-of-reasoning strategy to improve AMIE’s diagnostic accuracy and conversation quality. Finally, we tested AMIE prospectively in real examples of multi-turn dialogue by simulating consultations with trained actors.

AMIE was optimized for diagnostic conversations, asking questions that help to reduce its uncertainty and improve diagnostic accuracy, while also balancing this with other requirements of effective clinical communication, such as empathy, fostering a relationship, and providing information clearly.

Evaluation of conversational diagnostic AI

Besides developing and optimizing AI systems themselves for diagnostic conversations, how to assess such systems is also an open question. Inspired by accepted tools used to measure consultation quality and clinical communication skills in real-world settings, we constructed a pilot evaluation rubric to assess diagnostic conversations along axes pertaining to history-taking, diagnostic accuracy, clinical management, clinical communication skills, relationship fostering and empathy.

We then designed a randomized, double-blind crossover study of text-based consultations with validated patient actors interacting either with board-certified primary care physicians (PCPs) or the AI system optimized for diagnostic dialogue. We set up our consultations in the style of an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE), a practical assessment commonly used in the real world to examine clinicians’ skills and competencies in a standardized and objective way. In a typical OSCE, clinicians might rotate through multiple stations, each simulating a real-life clinical scenario where they perform tasks such as conducting a consultation with a standardized patient actor (trained carefully to emulate a patient with a particular condition). Consultations were performed using a synchronous text-chat tool, mimicking the interface familiar to most consumers using LLMs today.

AMIE is a research AI system based on LLMs for diagnostic reasoning and dialogue.

AMIE: an LLM-based conversational diagnostic research AI system

We trained AMIE on real-world datasets comprising medical reasoning, medical summarization and real-world clinical conversations.

It is feasible to train LLMs using real-world dialogues developed by passively collecting and transcribing in-person clinical visits, however, two substantial challenges limit their effectiveness in training LLMs for medical conversations. First, existing real-world data often fails to capture the vast range of medical conditions and scenarios, hindering the scalability and comprehensiveness. Second, the data derived from real-world dialogue transcripts tends to be noisy, containing ambiguous language (including slang, jargon, humor and sarcasm), interruptions, ungrammatical utterances, and implicit references.

To address these limitations, we designed a self-play based simulated learning environment with automated feedback mechanisms for diagnostic medical dialogue in a virtual care setting, enabling us to scale AMIE’s knowledge and capabilities across many medical conditions and contexts. We used this environment to iteratively fine-tune AMIE with an evolving set of simulated dialogues in addition to the static corpus of real-world data described.

This process consisted of two self-play loops: (1) an “inner” self-play loop, where AMIE leveraged in-context critic feedback to refine its behavior on simulated conversations with an AI patient simulator; and (2) an “outer” self-play loop where the set of refined simulated dialogues were incorporated into subsequent fine-tuning iterations. The resulting new version of AMIE could then participate in the inner loop again, creating a virtuous continuous learning cycle.

Further, we also employed an inference time chain-of-reasoning strategy which enabled AMIE to progressively refine its response conditioned on the current conversation to arrive at an informed and grounded reply.

AMIE uses a novel self-play based simulated dialogue learning environment to improve the quality of diagnostic dialogue across a multitude of disease conditions, specialities and patient contexts.

We tested performance in consultations with simulated patients (played by trained actors), compared to those performed by 20 real PCPs using the randomized approach described above. AMIE and PCPs were assessed from the perspectives of both specialist attending physicians and our simulated patients in a randomized, blinded crossover study that included 149 case scenarios from OSCE providers in Canada, the UK and India in a diverse range of specialties and diseases.

Notably, our study was not designed to emulate either traditional in-person OSCE evaluations or the ways clinicians usually use text, email, chat or telemedicine. Instead, our experiment mirrored the most common way consumers interact with LLMs today, a potentially scalable and familiar mechanism for AI systems to engage in remote diagnostic dialogue.

Overview of the randomized study design to perform a virtual remote OSCE with simulated patients via online multi-turn synchronous text chat.

Performance of AMIE

In this setting, we observed that AMIE performed simulated diagnostic conversations at least as well as PCPs when both were evaluated along multiple clinically-meaningful axes of consultation quality. AMIE had greater diagnostic accuracy and superior performance for 28 of 32 axes from the perspective of specialist physicians, and 24 of 26 axes from the perspective of patient actors.

AMIE outperformed PCPs on multiple evaluation axes for diagnostic dialogue in our evaluations.
Specialist-rated top-k diagnostic accuracy. AMIE and PCPs top-k differential diagnosis (DDx) accuracy are compared across 149 scenarios with respect to the ground truth diagnosis (a) and all diagnoses listed within the accepted differential diagnoses (b). Bootstrapping (n=10,000) confirms all top-k differences between AMIE and PCP DDx accuracy are significant with p <0.05 after false discovery rate (FDR) correction.
Diagnostic conversation and reasoning qualities as assessed by specialist physicians. On 28 out of 32 axes, AMIE outperformed PCPs while being comparable on the rest.


Our research has several limitations and should be interpreted with appropriate caution. Firstly, our evaluation technique likely underestimates the real-world value of human conversations, as the clinicians in our study were limited to an unfamiliar text-chat interface, which permits large-scale LLM–patient interactions but is not representative of usual clinical practice. Secondly, any research of this type must be seen as only a first exploratory step on a long journey. Transitioning from a LLM research prototype that we evaluated in this study to a safe and robust tool that could be used by people and those who provide care for them will require significant additional research. There are many important limitations to be addressed, including experimental performance under real-world constraints and dedicated exploration of such important topics as health equity and fairness, privacy, robustness, and many more, to ensure the safety and reliability of the technology.

AMIE as an aid to clinicians

In a recently released preprint, we evaluated the ability of an earlier iteration of the AMIE system to generate a DDx alone or as an aid to clinicians. Twenty (20) generalist clinicians evaluated 303 challenging, real-world medical cases sourced from the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) ClinicoPathologic Conferences (CPCs). Each case report was read by two clinicians randomized to one of two assistive conditions: either assistance from search engines and standard medical resources, or AMIE assistance in addition to these tools. All clinicians provided a baseline, unassisted DDx prior to using the respective assistive tools.

Assisted randomized reader study setup to investigate the assistive effect of AMIE to clinicians in solving complex diagnostic case challenges from the New England Journal of Medicine.

AMIE exhibited standalone performance that exceeded that of unassisted clinicians (top-10 accuracy 59.1% vs. 33.6%, p= 0.04). Comparing the two assisted study arms, the top-10 accuracy was higher for clinicians assisted by AMIE, compared to clinicians without AMIE assistance (24.6%, p<0.01) and clinicians with search (5.45%, p=0.02). Further, clinicians assisted by AMIE arrived at more comprehensive differential lists than those without AMIE assistance.

In addition to strong standalone performance, using the AMIE system led to significant assistive effect and improvements in diagnostic accuracy of the clinicians in solving these complex case challenges.

It's worth noting that NEJM CPCs are not representative of everyday clinical practice. They are unusual case reports in only a few hundred individuals so offer limited scope for probing important issues like equity or fairness.

Bold and responsible research in healthcare — the art of the possible

Access to clinical expertise remains scarce around the world. While AI has shown great promise in specific clinical applications, engagement in the dynamic, conversational diagnostic journeys of clinical practice requires many capabilities not yet demonstrated by AI systems. Doctors wield not only knowledge and skill but a dedication to myriad principles, including safety and quality, communication, partnership and teamwork, trust, and professionalism. Realizing these attributes in AI systems is an inspiring challenge that should be approached responsibly and with care. AMIE is our exploration of the “art of the possible”, a research-only system for safely exploring a vision of the future where AI systems might be better aligned with attributes of the skilled clinicians entrusted with our care. It is early experimental-only work, not a product, and has several limitations that we believe merit rigorous and extensive further scientific studies in order to envision a future in which conversational, empathic and diagnostic AI systems might become safe, helpful and accessible.


The research described here is joint work across many teams at Google Research and Google Deepmind. We are grateful to all our co-authors - Tao Tu, Mike Schaekermann, Anil Palepu, Daniel McDuff, Jake Sunshine, Khaled Saab, Jan Freyberg, Ryutaro Tanno, Amy Wang, Brenna Li, Mohamed Amin, Sara Mahdavi, Karan Sighal, Shekoofeh Azizi, Nenad Tomasev, Yun Liu, Yong Cheng, Le Hou, Albert Webson, Jake Garrison, Yash Sharma, Anupam Pathak, Sushant Prakash, Philip Mansfield, Shwetak Patel, Bradley Green, Ewa Dominowska, Renee Wong, Juraj Gottweis, Dale Webster, Katherine Chou, Christopher Semturs, Joelle Barral, Greg Corrado and Yossi Matias. We also thank Sami Lachgar, Lauren Winer and John Guilyard for their support with narratives and the visuals. Finally, we are grateful to Michael Howell, James Maynika, Jeff Dean, Karen DeSalvo, Zoubin Gharahmani and Demis Hassabis for their support during the course of this project.

Source: Google AI Blog

AMIE: A research AI system for diagnostic medical reasoning and conversations

The physician-patient conversation is a cornerstone of medicine, in which skilled and intentional communication drives diagnosis, management, empathy and trust. AI systems capable of such diagnostic dialogues could increase availability, accessibility, quality and consistency of care by being useful conversational partners to clinicians and patients alike. But approximating clinicians’ considerable expertise is a significant challenge.

Recent progress in large language models (LLMs) outside the medical domain has shown that they can plan, reason, and use relevant context to hold rich conversations. However, there are many aspects of good diagnostic dialogue that are unique to the medical domain. An effective clinician takes a complete “clinical history” and asks intelligent questions that help to derive a differential diagnosis. They wield considerable skill to foster an effective relationship, provide information clearly, make joint and informed decisions with the patient, respond empathically to their emotions, and support them in the next steps of care. While LLMs can accurately perform tasks such as medical summarization or answering medical questions, there has been little work specifically aimed towards developing these kinds of conversational diagnostic capabilities.

Inspired by this challenge, we developed Articulate Medical Intelligence Explorer (AMIE), a research AI system based on a LLM and optimized for diagnostic reasoning and conversations. We trained and evaluated AMIE along many dimensions that reflect quality in real-world clinical consultations from the perspective of both clinicians and patients. To scale AMIE across a multitude of disease conditions, specialties and scenarios, we developed a novel self-play based simulated diagnostic dialogue environment with automated feedback mechanisms to enrich and accelerate its learning process. We also introduced an inference time chain-of-reasoning strategy to improve AMIE’s diagnostic accuracy and conversation quality. Finally, we tested AMIE prospectively in real examples of multi-turn dialogue by simulating consultations with trained actors.

AMIE was optimized for diagnostic conversations, asking questions that help to reduce its uncertainty and improve diagnostic accuracy, while also balancing this with other requirements of effective clinical communication, such as empathy, fostering a relationship, and providing information clearly.

Evaluation of conversational diagnostic AI

Besides developing and optimizing AI systems themselves for diagnostic conversations, how to assess such systems is also an open question. Inspired by accepted tools used to measure consultation quality and clinical communication skills in real-world settings, we constructed a pilot evaluation rubric to assess diagnostic conversations along axes pertaining to history-taking, diagnostic accuracy, clinical management, clinical communication skills, relationship fostering and empathy.

We then designed a randomized, double-blind crossover study of text-based consultations with validated patient actors interacting either with board-certified primary care physicians (PCPs) or the AI system optimized for diagnostic dialogue. We set up our consultations in the style of an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE), a practical assessment commonly used in the real world to examine clinicians’ skills and competencies in a standardized and objective way. In a typical OSCE, clinicians might rotate through multiple stations, each simulating a real-life clinical scenario where they perform tasks such as conducting a consultation with a standardized patient actor (trained carefully to emulate a patient with a particular condition). Consultations were performed using a synchronous text-chat tool, mimicking the interface familiar to most consumers using LLMs today.

AMIE is a research AI system based on LLMs for diagnostic reasoning and dialogue.

AMIE: an LLM-based conversational diagnostic research AI system

We trained AMIE on real-world datasets comprising medical reasoning, medical summarization and real-world clinical conversations.

It is feasible to train LLMs using real-world dialogues developed by passively collecting and transcribing in-person clinical visits, however, two substantial challenges limit their effectiveness in training LLMs for medical conversations. First, existing real-world data often fails to capture the vast range of medical conditions and scenarios, hindering the scalability and comprehensiveness. Second, the data derived from real-world dialogue transcripts tends to be noisy, containing ambiguous language (including slang, jargon, humor and sarcasm), interruptions, ungrammatical utterances, and implicit references.

To address these limitations, we designed a self-play based simulated learning environment with automated feedback mechanisms for diagnostic medical dialogue in a virtual care setting, enabling us to scale AMIE’s knowledge and capabilities across many medical conditions and contexts. We used this environment to iteratively fine-tune AMIE with an evolving set of simulated dialogues in addition to the static corpus of real-world data described.

This process consisted of two self-play loops: (1) an “inner” self-play loop, where AMIE leveraged in-context critic feedback to refine its behavior on simulated conversations with an AI patient simulator; and (2) an “outer” self-play loop where the set of refined simulated dialogues were incorporated into subsequent fine-tuning iterations. The resulting new version of AMIE could then participate in the inner loop again, creating a virtuous continuous learning cycle.

Further, we also employed an inference time chain-of-reasoning strategy which enabled AMIE to progressively refine its response conditioned on the current conversation to arrive at an informed and grounded reply.

AMIE uses a novel self-play based simulated dialogue learning environment to improve the quality of diagnostic dialogue across a multitude of disease conditions, specialities and patient contexts.

We tested performance in consultations with simulated patients (played by trained actors), compared to those performed by 20 real PCPs using the randomized approach described above. AMIE and PCPs were assessed from the perspectives of both specialist attending physicians and our simulated patients in a randomized, blinded crossover study that included 149 case scenarios from OSCE providers in Canada, the UK and India in a diverse range of specialties and diseases.

Notably, our study was not designed to emulate either traditional in-person OSCE evaluations or the ways clinicians usually use text, email, chat or telemedicine. Instead, our experiment mirrored the most common way consumers interact with LLMs today, a potentially scalable and familiar mechanism for AI systems to engage in remote diagnostic dialogue.

Overview of the randomized study design to perform a virtual remote OSCE with simulated patients via online multi-turn synchronous text chat.

Performance of AMIE

In this setting, we observed that AMIE performed simulated diagnostic conversations at least as well as PCPs when both were evaluated along multiple clinically-meaningful axes of consultation quality. AMIE had greater diagnostic accuracy and superior performance for 28 of 32 axes from the perspective of specialist physicians, and 24 of 26 axes from the perspective of patient actors.

AMIE outperformed PCPs on multiple evaluation axes for diagnostic dialogue in our evaluations.
Specialist-rated top-k diagnostic accuracy. AMIE and PCPs top-k differential diagnosis (DDx) accuracy are compared across 149 scenarios with respect to the ground truth diagnosis (a) and all diagnoses listed within the accepted differential diagnoses (b). Bootstrapping (n=10,000) confirms all top-k differences between AMIE and PCP DDx accuracy are significant with p <0.05 after false discovery rate (FDR) correction.
Diagnostic conversation and reasoning qualities as assessed by specialist physicians. On 28 out of 32 axes, AMIE outperformed PCPs while being comparable on the rest.


Our research has several limitations and should be interpreted with appropriate caution. Firstly, our evaluation technique likely underestimates the real-world value of human conversations, as the clinicians in our study were limited to an unfamiliar text-chat interface, which permits large-scale LLM–patient interactions but is not representative of usual clinical practice. Secondly, any research of this type must be seen as only a first exploratory step on a long journey. Transitioning from a LLM research prototype that we evaluated in this study to a safe and robust tool that could be used by people and those who provide care for them will require significant additional research. There are many important limitations to be addressed, including experimental performance under real-world constraints and dedicated exploration of such important topics as health equity and fairness, privacy, robustness, and many more, to ensure the safety and reliability of the technology.

AMIE as an aid to clinicians

In a recently released preprint, we evaluated the ability of an earlier iteration of the AMIE system to generate a DDx alone or as an aid to clinicians. Twenty (20) generalist clinicians evaluated 303 challenging, real-world medical cases sourced from the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) ClinicoPathologic Conferences (CPCs). Each case report was read by two clinicians randomized to one of two assistive conditions: either assistance from search engines and standard medical resources, or AMIE assistance in addition to these tools. All clinicians provided a baseline, unassisted DDx prior to using the respective assistive tools.

Assisted randomized reader study setup to investigate the assistive effect of AMIE to clinicians in solving complex diagnostic case challenges from the New England Journal of Medicine.

AMIE exhibited standalone performance that exceeded that of unassisted clinicians (top-10 accuracy 59.1% vs. 33.6%, p= 0.04). Comparing the two assisted study arms, the top-10 accuracy was higher for clinicians assisted by AMIE, compared to clinicians without AMIE assistance (24.6%, p<0.01) and clinicians with search (5.45%, p=0.02). Further, clinicians assisted by AMIE arrived at more comprehensive differential lists than those without AMIE assistance.

In addition to strong standalone performance, using the AMIE system led to significant assistive effect and improvements in diagnostic accuracy of the clinicians in solving these complex case challenges.

It's worth noting that NEJM CPCs are not representative of everyday clinical practice. They are unusual case reports in only a few hundred individuals so offer limited scope for probing important issues like equity or fairness.

Bold and responsible research in healthcare — the art of the possible

Access to clinical expertise remains scarce around the world. While AI has shown great promise in specific clinical applications, engagement in the dynamic, conversational diagnostic journeys of clinical practice requires many capabilities not yet demonstrated by AI systems. Doctors wield not only knowledge and skill but a dedication to myriad principles, including safety and quality, communication, partnership and teamwork, trust, and professionalism. Realizing these attributes in AI systems is an inspiring challenge that should be approached responsibly and with care. AMIE is our exploration of the “art of the possible”, a research-only system for safely exploring a vision of the future where AI systems might be better aligned with attributes of the skilled clinicians entrusted with our care. It is early experimental-only work, not a product, and has several limitations that we believe merit rigorous and extensive further scientific studies in order to envision a future in which conversational, empathic and diagnostic AI systems might become safe, helpful and accessible.


The research described here is joint work across many teams at Google Research and Google Deepmind. We are grateful to all our co-authors - Tao Tu, Mike Schaekermann, Anil Palepu, Daniel McDuff, Jake Sunshine, Khaled Saab, Jan Freyberg, Ryutaro Tanno, Amy Wang, Brenna Li, Mohamed Amin, Sara Mahdavi, Karan Sighal, Shekoofeh Azizi, Nenad Tomasev, Yun Liu, Yong Cheng, Le Hou, Albert Webson, Jake Garrison, Yash Sharma, Anupam Pathak, Sushant Prakash, Philip Mansfield, Shwetak Patel, Bradley Green, Ewa Dominowska, Renee Wong, Juraj Gottweis, Dale Webster, Katherine Chou, Christopher Semturs, Joelle Barral, Greg Corrado and Yossi Matias. We also thank Sami Lachgar, Lauren Winer and John Guilyard for their support with narratives and the visuals. Finally, we are grateful to Michael Howell, James Maynika, Jeff Dean, Karen DeSalvo, Zoubin Gharahmani and Demis Hassabis for their support during the course of this project.

Source: Google AI Blog

Can large language models identify and correct their mistakes?

LLMs are increasingly popular for reasoning tasks, such as multi-turn QA, task completion, code generation, or mathematics. Yet much like people, they do not always solve problems correctly on the first try, especially on tasks for which they were not trained. Therefore, for such systems to be most useful, they should be able to 1) identify where their reasoning went wrong and 2) backtrack to find another solution.

This has led to a surge in methods related to self-correction, where an LLM is used to identify problems in its own output, and then produce improved results based on the feedback. Self-correction is generally thought of as a single process, but we decided to break it down into two components, mistake finding and output correction.

In “LLMs cannot find reasoning errors, but can correct them!”, we test state-of-the-art LLMs on mistake finding and output correction separately. We present BIG-Bench Mistake, an evaluation benchmark dataset for mistake identification, which we use to address the following questions:

  1. Can LLMs find logical mistakes in Chain-of-Thought (CoT) style reasoning?
  2. Can mistake-finding be used as a proxy for correctness?
  3. Knowing where the mistake is, can LLMs then be prompted to backtrack and arrive at the correct answer?
  4. Can mistake finding as a skill generalize to tasks the LLMs have never seen?

About our dataset

Mistake finding is an underexplored problem in natural language processing, with a particular lack of evaluation tasks in this domain. To best assess the ability of LLMs to find mistakes, evaluation tasks should exhibit mistakes that are non-ambiguous. To our knowledge, most current mistake-finding datasets do not go beyond the realm of mathematics for this reason.

To assess the ability of LLMs to reason about mistakes outside of the math domain, we produce a new dataset for use by the research community, called BIG-Bench Mistake. This dataset consists of Chain-of-Thought traces generated using PaLM 2 on five tasks in BIG-Bench. Each trace is annotated with the location of the first logical mistake.

To maximize the number of mistakes in our dataset, we sample 255 traces where the answer is incorrect (so we know there is definitely a mistake), and 45 traces where the answer is correct (so there may or may not be a mistake). We then ask human labelers to go through each trace and identify the first mistake step. Each trace has been annotated by at least three labelers, whose answers had inter-rater reliability levels of >0.98 (using Krippendorff’s α). The labeling was done for all tasks except the Dyck Languages task, which involves predicting the sequence of closing parentheses for a given input sequence. This task we labeled algorithmically.

The logical errors made in this dataset are simple and unambiguous, providing a good benchmark for testing an LLM’s ability to find its own mistakes before using them on harder, more ambiguous tasks.

Core questions about mistake identification

1. Can LLMs find logical mistakes in Chain-of-Thought style reasoning?

First, we want to find out if LLMs can identify mistakes independently of their ability to correct them. We attempt multiple prompting methods to test GPT series models for their ability to locate mistakes (prompts here) under the assumption that they are generally representative of modern LLM performance.

Generally, we found these state-of-the-art models perform poorly, with the best model achieving 52.9% accuracy overall. Hence, there is a need to improve LLMs’ ability in this area of reasoning.

In our experiments, we try three different prompting methods: direct (trace), direct (step) and CoT (step). In direct (trace), we provide the LLM with the trace and ask for the location step of the mistake or no mistake. In direct (step), we prompt the LLM to ask itself this question for each step it takes. In CoT (step), we prompt the LLM to give its reasoning for whether each step is a mistake or not a mistake.

A diagram showing the three prompting methods direct (trace), direct (step) and CoT (step).

Our finding is in line and builds upon prior results, but goes further in showing that LLMs struggle with even simple and unambiguous mistakes (for comparison, our human raters without prior expertise solve the problem with a high degree of agreement). We hypothesize that this is a big reason why LLMs are unable to self-correct reasoning errors. See the paper for the full results.

2. Can mistake-finding be used as a proxy for correctness of the answer?

When people are confronted with a problem where we are unsure of the answer, we can work through our solutions step-by-step. If no error is found, we can make the assumption that we did the right thing.

While we hypothesized that this would work similarly for LLMs, we discovered that this is a poor strategy. On our dataset of 85% incorrect traces and 15% correct traces, using this method is not much better than the naïve strategy of always labeling traces as incorrect, which gives a weighted average F1 of 78.

A diagram showing how well mistake-finding with LLMs can be used as a proxy for correctness of the answer on each dataset.

3. Can LLMs backtrack knowing where the error is?

Since we’ve shown that LLMs exhibit poor performance in finding reasoning errors in CoT traces, we want to know whether LLMs can even correct errors at all, even if they know where the error is.

Note that knowing the mistake location is different from knowing the right answer: CoT traces can contain logical mistakes even if the final answer is correct, or vice versa. In most real-world situations, we won’t know what the right answer is, but we might be able to identify logical errors in intermediate steps.

We propose the following backtracking method:

  1. Generate CoT traces as usual, at temperature = 0. (Temperature is a parameter that controls the randomness of generated responses, with higher values producing more diverse and creative outputs, usually at the expense of quality.)
  2. Identify the location of the first logical mistake (for example with a classifier, or here we just use labels from our dataset).
  3. Re-generate the mistake step at temperature = 1 and produce a set of eight outputs. Since the original output is known to lead to incorrect results, the goal is to find an alternative generation at this step that is significantly different from the original.
  4. From these eight outputs, select one that is different from the original mistake step. (We just use exact matching here, but in the future this can be something more sophisticated.)
  5. Using the new step, generate the rest of the trace as normal at temperature = 0.

It’s a very simple method that does not require any additional prompt crafting and avoids having to re-generate the entire trace. We test it using the mistake location data from BIG-Bench Mistake, and we find that it can correct CoT errors.

Recent work showed that self-correction methods, like Reflexion and RCI, cause deterioration in accuracy scores because there are more correct answers becoming incorrect than vice versa. Our method, on the other hand, produces more gains (by correcting wrong answers) than losses (by changing right answers to wrong answers).

We also compare our method with a random baseline, where we randomly assume a step to be a mistake. Our results show that this random baseline does produce some gains, but not as much as backtracking with the correct mistake location, and with more losses.

A diagram showing the gains and losses in accuracy for our method as well as a random baseline on each dataset.

4. Can mistake finding generalize to tasks the LLMs have never seen?

To answer this question, we fine-tuned a small model on four of the BIG-Bench tasks and tested it on the fifth, held-out task. We do this for every task, producing five fine-tuned models in total. Then we compare the results with just zero-shot prompting PaLM 2-L-Unicorn, a much larger model.

Bar chart showing the accuracy improvement of the fine-tuned small model compared to zero-shot prompting with PaLM 2-L-Unicorn.

Our results show that the much smaller fine-tuned reward model generally performs better than zero-shot prompting a large model, even though the reward model has never seen data from the task in the test set. The only exception is logical deduction, where it performs on par with zero-shot prompting.

This is a very promising result as we can potentially just use a small fine-tuned reward model to perform backtracking and improve accuracy on any task, even if we don’t have the data for it. This smaller reward model is completely independent of the generator LLM, and can be updated and further fine-tuned for individual use cases.

An illustration showing how our backtracking method works.


In this work, we created an evaluation benchmark dataset that the wider academic community can use to evaluate future LLMs. We further showed that LLMs currently struggle to find logical errors. However, if they could, we show the effectiveness of backtracking as a strategy that can provide gains on tasks. Finally, a smaller reward model can be trained on general mistake-finding tasks and be used to improve out-of-domain mistake finding, showing that mistake-finding can generalize.


Thank you to Peter Chen, Tony Mak, Hassan Mansoor and Victor Cărbune for contributing ideas and helping with the experiments and data collection. We would also like to thank Sian Gooding and Vicky Zayats for their comments and suggestions on the paper.

Source: Google AI Blog

VideoPoet: A large language model for zero-shot video generation

A recent wave of video generation models has burst onto the scene, in many cases showcasing stunning picturesque quality. One of the current bottlenecks in video generation is in the ability to produce coherent large motions. In many cases, even the current leading models either generate small motion or, when producing larger motions, exhibit noticeable artifacts.

To explore the application of language models in video generation, we introduce VideoPoet, a large language model (LLM) that is capable of a wide variety of video generation tasks, including text-to-video, image-to-video, video stylization, video inpainting and outpainting, and video-to-audio. One notable observation is that the leading video generation models are almost exclusively diffusion-based (for one example, see Imagen Video). On the other hand, LLMs are widely recognized as the de facto standard due to their exceptional learning capabilities across various modalities, including language, code, and audio (e.g., AudioPaLM). In contrast to alternative models in this space, our approach seamlessly integrates many video generation capabilities within a single LLM, rather than relying on separately trained components that specialize on each task.


The diagram below illustrates VideoPoet’s capabilities. Input images can be animated to produce motion, and (optionally cropped or masked) video can be edited for inpainting or outpainting. For stylization, the model takes in a video representing the depth and optical flow, which represent the motion, and paints contents on top to produce the text-guided style.

An overview of VideoPoet, capable of multitasking on a variety of video-centric inputs and outputs. The LLM can optionally take text as input to guide generation for text-to-video, image-to-video, video-to-audio, stylization, and outpainting tasks. Resources used: Wikimedia Commons and DAVIS.

Language models as video generators

One key advantage of using LLMs for training is that one can reuse many of the scalable efficiency improvements that have been introduced in existing LLM training infrastructure. However, LLMs operate on discrete tokens, which can make video generation challenging. Fortunately, there exist video and audio tokenizers, which serve to encode video and audio clips as sequences of discrete tokens (i.e., integer indices), and which can also be converted back into the original representation.

VideoPoet trains an autoregressive language model to learn across video, image, audio, and text modalities through the use of multiple tokenizers (MAGVIT V2 for video and image and SoundStream for audio). Once the model generates tokens conditioned on some context, these can be converted back into a viewable representation with the tokenizer decoders.

A detailed look at the VideoPoet task design, showing the training and inference inputs and outputs of various tasks. Modalities are converted to and from tokens using tokenizer encoder and decoders. Each modality is surrounded by boundary tokens, and a task token indicates the type of task to perform.

Examples generated by VideoPoet

Some examples generated by our model are shown below.

Videos generated by VideoPoet from various text prompts. For specific text prompts refer to the website.

For text-to-video, video outputs are variable length and can apply a range of motions and styles depending on the text content. To ensure responsible practices, we reference artworks and styles in the public domain e.g., Van Gogh’s “Starry Night”.

Text Input    “A Raccoon dancing in Times Square”    “A horse galloping through Van-Gogh’s ‘Starry Night’”    “Two pandas playing cards”    “A large blob of exploding splashing rainbow paint, with an apple emerging, 8k”
Video Output            

For image-to-video, VideoPoet can take the input image and animate it with a prompt.

An example of image-to-video with text prompts to guide the motion. Each video is paired with an image to its left. Left: “A ship navigating the rough seas, thunderstorm and lightning, animated oil on canvas”. Middle: “Flying through a nebula with many twinkling stars”. Right: “A wanderer on a cliff with a cane looking down at the swirling sea fog below on a windy day”. Reference: Wikimedia Commons, public domain**.

For video stylization, we predict the optical flow and depth information before feeding into VideoPoet with some additional input text.

Examples of video stylization on top of VideoPoet text-to-video generated videos with text prompts, depth, and optical flow used as conditioning. The left video in each pair is the input video, the right is the stylized output. Left: “Wombat wearing sunglasses holding a beach ball on a sunny beach.” Middle: “Teddy bears ice skating on a crystal clear frozen lake.” Right: “A metal lion roaring in the light of a forge.”

VideoPoet is also capable of generating audio. Here we first generate 2-second clips from the model and then try to predict the audio without any text guidance. This enables generation of video and audio from a single model.


An example of video-to-audio, generating audio from a video example without any text input.

By default, the VideoPoet model generates videos in portrait orientation to tailor its output towards short-form content. To showcase its capabilities, we have produced a brief movie composed of many short clips generated by VideoPoet. For the script, we asked Bard to write a short story about a traveling raccoon with a scene-by-scene breakdown and a list of accompanying prompts. We then generated video clips for each prompt, and stitched together all resulting clips to produce the final video below.

When we developed VideoPoet, we noticed some nice properties of the model’s capabilities, which we highlight below.

Long video

We are able to generate longer videos simply by conditioning on the last 1 second of video and predicting the next 1 second. By chaining this repeatedly, we show that the model can not only extend the video well but also faithfully preserve the appearance of all objects even over several iterations.

Here are two examples of VideoPoet generating long video from text input:

Text Input    “An astronaut starts dancing on Mars. Colorful fireworks then explode in the background.”    “FPV footage of a very sharp elven city of stone in the jungle with a brilliant blue river, waterfall, and large steep vertical cliff faces.”           
Video Output                 

It is also possible to interactively edit existing video clips generated by VideoPoet. If we supply an input video, we can change the motion of objects to perform different actions. The object manipulation can be centered at the first frame or the middle frames, which allow for a high degree of editing control.

For example, we can randomly generate some clips from the input video and select the desired next clip.

An input video on the left is used as conditioning to generate four choices given the initial prompt: “Closeup of an adorable rusty broken-down steampunk robot covered in moss moist and budding vegetation, surrounded by tall grass”. For the first three outputs we show what would happen for unprompted motions. For the last video in the list below, we add to the prompt, “powering up with smoke in the background” to guide the action.

Image to video control

Similarly, we can apply motion to an input image to edit its contents towards the desired state, conditioned on a text prompt.

Animating a painting with different prompts. Left: “A woman turning to look at the camera.” Right: “A woman yawning.” **

Camera motion

We can also accurately control camera movements by appending the type of desired camera motion to the text prompt. As an example, we generated an image by our model with the prompt, “Adventure game concept art of a sunrise over a snowy mountain by a crystal clear river”. The examples below append the given text suffix to apply the desired motion.

Prompts from left to right: “Zoom out”, “Dolly zoom”, “Pan left”, “Arc shot”, “Crane shot”, “FPV drone shot”.

Evaluation results

We evaluate VideoPoet on text-to-video generation with a variety of benchmarks to compare the results to other approaches. To ensure a neutral evaluation, we ran all models on a wide variation of prompts without cherry-picking examples and asked people to rate their preferences. The figure below highlights the percentage of the time VideoPoet was chosen as the preferred option in green for the following questions.

Text fidelity

User preference ratings for text fidelity, i.e., what percentage of videos are preferred in terms of accurately following a prompt.

Motion interestingness

User preference ratings for motion interestingness, i.e., what percentage of videos are preferred in terms of producing interesting motion.

Based on the above, on average people selected 24–35% of examples from VideoPoet as following prompts better than a competing model vs. 8–11% for competing models. Raters also preferred 41–54% of examples from VideoPoet for more interesting motion than 11–21% for other models.


Through VideoPoet, we have demonstrated LLMs’ highly-competitive video generation quality across a wide variety of tasks, especially in producing interesting and high quality motions within videos. Our results suggest the promising potential of LLMs in the field of video generation. For future directions, our framework should be able to support “any-to-any” generation, e.g., extending to text-to-audio, audio-to-video, and video captioning should be possible, among many others.

To view more examples in original quality, see the website demo.


This research has been supported by a large body of contributors, including Dan Kondratyuk, Lijun Yu, Xiuye Gu, José Lezama, Jonathan Huang, Rachel Hornung, Hartwig Adam, Hassan Akbari, Yair Alon, Vighnesh Birodkar, Yong Cheng, Ming-Chang Chiu, Josh Dillon, Irfan Essa, Agrim Gupta, Meera Hahn, Anja Hauth, David Hendon, Alonso Martinez, David Minnen, David Ross, Grant Schindler, Mikhail Sirotenko, Kihyuk Sohn, Krishna Somandepalli, Huisheng Wang, Jimmy Yan, Ming-Hsuan Yang, Xuan Yang, Bryan Seybold, and Lu Jiang.

We give special thanks to Alex Siegman and Victor Gomes for managing computing resources. We also give thanks to Aren Jansen, Marco Tagliasacchi, Neil Zeghidour, John Hershey for audio tokenization and processing, Angad Singh for storyboarding in “Rookie the Raccoon”, Cordelia Schmid for research discussions, Alonso Martinez for graphic design, David Salesin, Tomas Izo, and Rahul Sukthankar for their support, and Jay Yagnik as architect of the initial concept.

(a) The Storm on the Sea of Galilee, by Rembrandt 1633, public domain.
(b) Pillars of Creation, by NASA 2014, public domain.
(c) Wanderer above the Sea of Fog, by Caspar David Friedrich, 1818, public domain
(d) Mona Lisa, by Leonardo Da Vinci, 1503, public domain.

Source: Google AI Blog

Best of both worlds: Achieving scalability and quality in text clustering

Clustering is a fundamental, ubiquitous problem in data mining and unsupervised machine learning, where the goal is to group together similar items. The standard forms of clustering are metric clustering and graph clustering. In metric clustering, a given metric space defines distances between data points, which are grouped together based on their separation. In graph clustering, a given graph connects similar data points through edges, and the clustering process groups data points together based on the connections between them. Both clustering forms are particularly useful for large corpora where class labels can’t be defined. Examples of such corpora are the ever-growing digital text collections of various internet platforms, with applications including organizing and searching documents, identifying patterns in text, and recommending relevant documents to users (see more examples in the following posts: clustering related queries based on user intent and practical differentially private clustering).

The choice of text clustering method often presents a dilemma. One approach is to use embedding models, such as BERT or RoBERTa, to define a metric clustering problem. Another is to utilize cross-attention (CA) models, such as PaLM or GPT, to define a graph clustering problem. CA models can provide highly accurate similarity scores, but constructing the input graph may require a prohibitive quadratic number of inference calls to the model. On the other hand, a metric space can efficiently be defined by distances of embeddings produced by embedding models. However, these similarity distances are typically of substantial lower-quality compared to the similarity signals of CA models, and hence the produced clustering can be of much lower-quality.

An overview of the embedding-based and cross-attention–based similarity scoring functions and their scalability vs. quality dilemma.

Motivated by this, in “KwikBucks: Correlation Clustering with Cheap-Weak and Expensive-Strong Signals”, presented at ICLR 2023, we describe a novel clustering algorithm that effectively combines the scalability benefits from embedding models and the quality from CA models. This graph clustering algorithm has query access to both the CA model and the embedding model, however, we apply a budget on the number of queries made to the CA model. This algorithm uses the CA model to answer edge queries, and benefits from unlimited access to similarity scores from the embedding model. We describe how this proposed setting bridges algorithm design and practical considerations, and can be applied to other clustering problems with similar available scoring functions, such as clustering problems on images and media. We demonstrate how this algorithm yields high-quality clusters with almost a linear number of query calls to the CA model. We have also open-sourced the data used in our experiments.

The clustering algorithm

The KwikBucks algorithm is an extension of the well-known KwikCluster algorithm (Pivot algorithm). The high-level idea is to first select a set of documents (i.e., centers) with no similarity edge between them, and then form clusters around these centers. To obtain the quality from CA models and the runtime efficiency from embedding models, we introduce the novel combo similarity oracle mechanism. In this approach, we utilize the embedding model to guide the selection of queries to be sent to the CA model. When given a set of center documents and a target document, the combo similarity oracle mechanism outputs a center from the set that is similar to the target document, if present. The combo similarity oracle enables us to save on budget by limiting the number of query calls to the CA model when selecting centers and forming clusters. It does this by first ranking centers based on their embedding similarity to the target document, and then querying the CA model for the pair (i.e., target document and ranked center), as shown below.

A combo similarity oracle that for a set of documents and a target document, returns a similar document from the set, if present.

We then perform a post processing step to merge clusters if there is a strong connection between two of them, i.e., when the number of connecting edges is higher than the number of missing edges between two clusters. Additionally, we apply the following steps for further computational savings on queries made to the CA model, and to improve performance at runtime:

  1. We leverage query-efficient correlation clustering to form a set of centers from a set of randomly selected documents instead of selecting these centers from all the documents (in the illustration below, the center nodes are red).
  2. We apply the combo similarity oracle mechanism to perform the cluster assignment step in parallel for all non-center documents and leave documents with no similar center as singletons. In the illustration below, the assignments are depicted by blue arrows and initially two (non-center) nodes are left as singletons due to no assignment.
  3. In the post-processing step, to ensure scalability, we use the embedding similarity scores to filter down the potential mergers (in the illustration below, the green dashed boundaries show these merged clusters).

Illustration of progress of the clustering algorithm on a given graph instance.


We evaluate the novel clustering algorithm on various datasets with different properties using different embedding-based and cross-attention–based models. We compare the clustering algorithm’s performance with the two best performing baselines (see the paper for more details):

To evaluate the quality of clustering, we use precision and recall. Precision is used to calculate the percentage of similar pairs out of all co-clustered pairs and recall is the percentage of co-clustered similar pairs out of all similar pairs. To measure the quality of the obtained solutions from our experiments, we use the F1-score, which is the harmonic mean of the precision and recall, where 1.0 is the highest possible value that indicates perfect precision and recall, and 0 is the lowest possible value that indicates if either precision or recall are zero. The table below reports the F1-score for Kwikbucks and various baselines in the case that we allow only a linear number of queries to the CA model. We show that Kwikbucks offers a substantial boost in performance with a 45% relative improvement compared to the best baseline when averaging across all datasets.

Comparing the clustering algorithm to two baseline algorithms using various public datasets: (1) The query-efficient correlation clustering algorithm for budgeted clustering with access to CA only, and (2) spectral clustering on the k-nearest neighbor (kNN) graph formed by querying the CA model for the k-nearest neighbors of each vertex from embedding-based similarity. Pre-processed datasets can be downloaded here.

The figure below compares the clustering algorithm’s performance with baselines using different query budgets. We observe that KwikBucks consistently outperforms other baselines at various budgets.

A comparison of KwikBucks with top-2 baselines when allowed different budgets for querying the cross-attention model.


Text clustering often presents a dilemma in the choice of similarity function: embedding models are scalable but lack quality, while cross-attention models offer quality but substantially hurt scalability. We present a clustering algorithm that offers the best of both worlds: the scalability of embedding models and the quality of cross-attention models. KwikBucks can also be applied to other clustering problems with multiple similarity oracles of varying accuracy levels. This is validated with an exhaustive set of experiments on various datasets with diverse properties. See the paper for more details.


This project was initiated during Sandeep Silwal’s summer internship at Google in 2022. We would like to express our gratitude to our co-authors, Andrew McCallum, Andrew Nystrom, Deepak Ramachandran, and Sandeep Silwal, for their valuable contributions to this work. We also thank Ravi Kumar and John Guilyard for assistance with this blog post.

Source: Google AI Blog

Zero-shot adaptive prompting of large language models

Recent advances in large language models (LLMs) are very promising as reflected in their capability for general problem-solving in few-shot and zero-shot setups, even without explicit training on these tasks. This is impressive because in the few-shot setup, LLMs are presented with only a few question-answer demonstrations prior to being given a test question. Even more challenging is the zero-shot setup, where the LLM is directly prompted with the test question only.

Even though the few-shot setup has dramatically reduced the amount of data required to adapt a model for a specific use-case, there are still cases where generating sample prompts can be challenging. For example, handcrafting even a small number of demos for the broad range of tasks covered by general-purpose models can be difficult or, for unseen tasks, impossible. For example, for tasks like summarization of long articles or those that require domain knowledge (e.g., medical question answering), it can be challenging to generate sample answers. In such situations, models with high zero-shot performance are useful since no manual prompt generation is required. However, zero-shot performance is typically weaker as the LLM is not presented with guidance and thus is prone to spurious output.

In “Better Zero-shot Reasoning with Self-Adaptive Prompting”, published at ACL 2023, we propose Consistency-Based Self-Adaptive Prompting (COSP) to address this dilemma. COSP is a zero-shot automatic prompting method for reasoning problems that carefully selects and constructs pseudo-demonstrations for LLMs using only unlabeled samples (that are typically easy to obtain) and the models’ own predictions. With COSP, we largely close the performance gap between zero-shot and few-shot while retaining the desirable generality of zero-shot prompting. We follow this with “Universal Self-Adaptive Prompting“ (USP), accepted at EMNLP 2023, in which we extend the idea to a wide range of general natural language understanding (NLU) and natural language generation (NLG) tasks and demonstrate its effectiveness.

Prompting LLMs with their own outputs

Knowing that LLMs benefit from demonstrations and have at least some zero-shot abilities, we wondered whether the model’s zero-shot outputs could serve as demonstrations for the model to prompt itself. The challenge is that zero-shot solutions are imperfect, and we risk giving LLMs poor quality demonstrations, which could be worse than no demonstrations at all. Indeed, the figure below shows that adding a correct demonstration to a question can lead to a correct solution of the test question (Demo1 with question), whereas adding an incorrect demonstration (Demo 2 + questions, Demo 3 with questions) leads to incorrect answers. Therefore, we need to select reliable self-generated demonstrations.

Example inputs & outputs for reasoning tasks, which illustrates the need for carefully designed selection procedure for in-context demonstrations (MultiArith dataset & PaLM-62B model): (1) zero-shot chain-of-thought with no demo: correct logic but wrong answer; (2) correct demo (Demo1) and correct answer; (3) correct but repetitive demo (Demo2) leads to repetitive outputs; (4) erroneous demo (Demo3) leads to a wrong answer; but (5) combining Demo3 and Demo1 again leads to a correct answer.

COSP leverages a key observation of LLMs: that confident and consistent predictions are more likely correct. This observation, of course, depends on how good the uncertainty estimate of the LLM is. Luckily, in large models, previous works suggest that the uncertainty estimates are robust. Since measuring confidence requires only model predictions, not labels, we propose to use this as a zero-shot proxy of correctness. The high-confidence outputs and their inputs are then used as pseudo-demonstrations.

With this as our starting premise, we estimate the model’s confidence in its output based on its self-consistency and use this measure to select robust self-generated demonstrations. We ask LLMs the same question multiple times with zero-shot chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting. To guide the model to generate a range of possible rationales and final answers, we include randomness controlled by a “temperature” hyperparameter. In an extreme case, if the model is 100% certain, it should output identical final answers each time. We then compute the entropy of the answers to gauge the uncertainty — the answers that have high self-consistency and for which the LLM is more certain, are likely to be correct and will be selected.

Assuming that we are presented with a collection of unlabeled questions, the COSP method is:

  1. Input each unlabeled question into an LLM, obtaining multiple rationales and answers by sampling the model multiple times. The most frequent answers are highlighted, followed by a score that measures consistency of answers across multiple sampled outputs (higher is better). In addition to favoring more consistent answers, we also penalize repetition within a response (i.e., with repeated words or phrases) and encourage diversity of selected demonstrations. We encode the preference towards consistent, un-repetitive and diverse outputs in the form of a scoring function that consists of a weighted sum of the three scores for selection of the self-generated pseudo-demonstrations.
  2. We concatenate the pseudo-demonstrations into test questions, feed them to the LLM, and obtain a final predicted answer.
Illustration of COSP: In Stage 1 (left), we run zero-shot CoT multiple times to generate a pool of demonstrations (each consisting of the question, generated rationale and prediction) and assign a score. In Stage 2 (right), we augment the current test question with pseudo-demos (blue boxes) and query the LLM again. A majority vote over outputs from both stages forms the final prediction.

COSP focuses on question-answering tasks with CoT prompting for which it is easy to measure self-consistency since the questions have unique correct answers. But this can be difficult for other tasks, such as open-ended question-answering or generative tasks that don’t have unique answers (e.g., text summarization). To address this limitation, we introduce USP in which we generalize our approach to other general NLP tasks:

  • Classification (CLS): Problems where we can compute the probability of each class using the neural network output logits of each class. In this way, we can measure the uncertainty without multiple sampling by computing the entropy of the logit distribution.
  • Short-form generation (SFG): Problems like question answering where we can use the same procedure mentioned above for COSP, but, if necessary, without the rationale-generating step.
  • Long-form generation (LFG): Problems like summarization and translation, where the questions are often open-ended and the outputs are unlikely to be identical, even if the LLM is certain. In this case, we use an overlap metric in which we compute the average of the pairwise ROUGE score between the different outputs to the same query.
Illustration of USP in exemplary tasks (classification, QA and text summarization). Similar to COSP, the LLM first generates predictions on an unlabeled dataset whose outputs are scored with logit entropy, consistency or alignment, depending on the task type, and pseudo-demonstrations are selected from these input-output pairs. In Stage 2, the test instances are augmented with pseudo-demos for prediction.

We compute the relevant confidence scores depending on the type of task on the aforementioned set of unlabeled test samples. After scoring, similar to COSP, we pick the confident, diverse and less repetitive answers to form a model-generated pseudo-demonstration set. We finally query the LLM again in a few-shot format with these pseudo-demonstrations to obtain the final predictions on the entire test set.

Key Results

For COSP, we focus on a set of six arithmetic and commonsense reasoning problems, and we compare against 0-shot-CoT (i.e., “Let’s think step by step“ only). We use self-consistency in all baselines so that they use roughly the same amount of computational resources as COSP. Compared across three LLMs, we see that zero-shot COSP significantly outperforms the standard zero-shot baseline.

Key results of COSP in six arithmetic (MultiArith, GSM-8K, AddSub, SingleEq) and commonsense (CommonsenseQA, StrategyQA) reasoning tasks using PaLM-62B, PaLM-540B and GPT-3 (code-davinci-001) models.

USP improves significantly on 0-shot performance. “CLS” is an average of 15 classification tasks; “SFG” is the average of five short-form generation tasks; “LFG” is the average of two summarization tasks. “SFG (BBH)” is an average of all BIG-Bench Hard tasks, where each question is in SFG format.

For USP, we expand our analysis to a much wider range of tasks, including more than 25 classifications, short-form generation, and long-form generation tasks. Using the state-of-the-art PaLM 2 models, we also test against the BIG-Bench Hard suite of tasks where LLMs have previously underperformed compared to people. We show that in all cases, USP again outperforms the baselines and is competitive to prompting with golden examples.

Accuracy on BIG-Bench Hard tasks with PaLM 2-M (each line represents a task of the suite). The gain/loss of USP (green stars) over standard 0-shot (green triangles) is shown in percentages. “Human” refers to average human performance; “AutoCoT” and “Random demo” are baselines we compared against in the paper; and “3-shot” is the few-shot performance for three handcrafted demos in CoT format.

We also analyze the working mechanism of USP by validating the key observation above on the relation between confidence and correctness, and we found that in an overwhelming majority of the cases, USP picks confident predictions that are more likely better in all task types considered, as shown in the figure below.

USP picks confident predictions that are more likely better. Ground-truth performance metrics against USP confidence scores in selected tasks in various task types (blue: CLS, orange: SFG, green: LFG) with PaLM-540B.


Zero-shot inference is a highly sought-after capability of modern LLMs, yet the success in which poses unique challenges. We propose COSP and USP, a family of versatile, zero-shot automatic prompting techniques applicable to a wide range of tasks. We show large improvement over the state-of-the-art baselines over numerous task and model combinations.


This work was conducted by Xingchen Wan, Ruoxi Sun, Hootan Nakhost, Hanjun Dai, Julian Martin Eisenschlos, Sercan Ö. Arık, and Tomas Pfister. We would like to thank Jinsung Yoon Xuezhi Wang for providing helpful reviews, and other colleagues at Google Cloud AI Research for their discussion and feedback.

Source: Google AI Blog