Tag Archives: Graphs

Talk like a graph: Encoding graphs for large language models

Imagine all the things around you — your friends, tools in your kitchen, or even the parts of your bike. They are all connected in different ways. In computer science, the term graph is used to describe connections between objects. Graphs consist of nodes (the objects themselves) and edges (connections between two nodes, indicating a relationship between them). Graphs are everywhere now. The internet itself is a giant graph of websites linked together. Even the knowledge search engines use is organized in a graph-like way.

Furthermore, consider the remarkable advancements in artificial intelligence — such as chatbots that can write stories in seconds, and even software that can interpret medical reports. This exciting progress is largely thanks to large language models (LLMs). New LLM technology is constantly being developed for different uses.

Since graphs are everywhere and LLM technology is on the rise, in “Talk like a Graph: Encoding Graphs for Large Language Models”, presented at ICLR 2024, we present a way to teach powerful LLMs how to better reason with graph information. Graphs are a useful way to organize information, but LLMs are mostly trained on regular text. The objective is to test different techniques to see what works best and gain practical insights. Translating graphs into text that LLMs can understand is a remarkably complex task. The difficulty stems from the inherent complexity of graph structures with multiple nodes and the intricate web of edges that connect them. Our work studies how to take a graph and translate it into a format that an LLM can understand. We also design a benchmark called GraphQA to study different approaches on different graph reasoning problems and show how to phrase a graph-related problem in a way that enables the LLM to solve the graph problem. We show that LLM performance on graph reasoning tasks varies on three fundamental levels: 1) the graph encoding method, 2) the nature of the graph task itself, and 3) interestingly, the very structure of the graph considered. These findings give us clues on how to best represent graphs for LLMs. Picking the right method can make the LLM up to 60% better at graph tasks!

Pictured, the process of encoding a graph as text using two different approaches and feeding the text and a question about the graph to the LLM.

Graphs as text

To be able to systematically find out what is the best way to translate a graph to text, we first design a benchmark called GraphQA. Think of GraphQA as an exam designed to evaluate powerful LLMs on graph-specific problems. We want to see how well LLMs can understand and solve problems that involve graphs in different setups. To create a comprehensive and realistic exam for LLMs, we don’t just use one type of graph, we use a mix of graphs ensuring breadth in the number of connections. This is mainly because different graph types make solving such problems easier or harder. This way, GraphQA can help expose biases in how an LLM thinks about the graphs, and the whole exam gets closer to a realistic setup that LLMs might encounter in the real world.

Overview of our framework for reasoning with graphs using LLMs.

GraphQA focuses on simple tasks related to graphs, like checking if an edge exists, calculating the number of nodes or edges, finding nodes that are connected to a specific node, and checking for cycles in a graph. These tasks might seem basic, but they require understanding the relationships between nodes and edges. By covering different types of challenges, from identifying patterns to creating new connections, GraphQA helps models learn how to analyze graphs effectively. These basic tasks are crucial for more complex reasoning on graphs, like finding the shortest path between nodes, detecting communities, or identifying influential nodes. Additionally, GraphQA includes generating random graphs using various algorithms like Erdős-Rényi, scale-free networks, Barabasi-Albert model, and stochastic block model, as well as simpler graph structures like paths, complete graphs, and star graphs, providing a diverse set of data for training.

When working with graphs, we also need to find ways to ask graph-related questions that LLMs can understand. Prompting heuristics are different strategies for doing this. Let's break down the common ones:

  • Zero-shot: simply describe the task ("Is there a cycle in this graph?") and tell the LLM to go for it. No examples provided.
  • Few-shot: This is like giving the LLM a mini practice test before the real deal. We provide a few example graph questions and their correct answers.
  • Chain-of-Thought: Here, we show the LLM how to break down a problem step-by-step with examples. The goal is to teach it to generate its own "thought process" when faced with new graphs.
  • Zero-CoT: Similar to CoT, but instead of training examples, we give the LLM a simple prompt, like "Let's think step-by-step," to trigger its own problem-solving breakdown.
  • BAG (build a graph): This is specifically for graph tasks. We add the phrase "Let's build a graph..." to the description, helping the LLM focus on the graph structure.

We explored different ways to translate graphs into text that LLMs can work with. Our key questions were:

  • Node encoding: How do we represent individual nodes? Options tested include simple integers, common names (people, characters), and letters.
  • Edge encoding: How do we describe the relationships between nodes? Methods involved parenthesis notation, phrases like "are friends", and symbolic representations like arrows.

Various node and edge encodings were combined systematically. This led to functions like the ones in the following figure:

Examples of graph encoding functions used to encode graphs via text.

Analysis and results

We carried out three key experiments: one to test how LLMs handle graph tasks, and two to understand how the size of the LLM and different graph shapes affected performance. We run all our experiments on GraphQA.

How LLMs handle graph tasks

In this experiment, we tested how well pre-trained LLMs tackle graph problems like identifying connections, cycles, and node degrees. Here is what we learned:

  • LLMs struggle: On most of these basic tasks, LLMs did not do much better than a random guess.
  • Encoding matters significantly: How we represent the graph as text has a great effect on LLM performance. The "incident" encoding excelled for most of the tasks in general.

Our results are summarized in the following chart.

Comparison of various graph encoder functions based on their accuracy on different graph tasks. The main conclusion from this figure is that the graph encoding functions matter significantly.

Bigger is (usually) better

In this experiment, we wanted to see if the size of the LLM (in terms of the number of parameters) affects how well they can handle graph problems. For that, we tested the same graph tasks on the XXS, XS, S, and L sizes of PaLM 2. Here is a summary of our findings:

  • In general, bigger models did better on graph reasoning tasks. It seems like the extra parameters gave them space to learn more complex patterns.
  • Oddly, size didn't matter as much for the “edge existence” task (finding out if two nodes in a graph are connected).
  • Even the biggest LLM couldn't consistently beat a simple baseline solution on the cycle check problem (finding out if a graph contains a cycle or not). This shows LLMs still have room to improve with certain graph tasks.
Effect of model capacity on graph reasoning task for PaLM 2-XXS, XS, S, and L.

Do different graph shapes confuse LLMs

We wondered if the "shape" of a graph (how nodes are connected) influences how well LLMs can solve problems on it. Think of the following figure as different examples of graph shapes.

Samples of graphs generated with different graph generators from GraphQA. ER, BA, SBM, and SFN refers to Erdős–Rényi, Barabási–Albert, Stochastic Block Model, and Scale-Free Network respectively.

We found that graph structure has a big impact on LLM performance. For example, in a task asking if a cycle exists, LLMs did great on tightly interconnected graphs (cycles are common there) but struggled on path graphs (where cycles never happen). Interestingly, providing some mixed examples helped it adapt. For instance, for cycle check, we added some examples containing a cycle and some examples with no cycles as few-shot examples in our prompt. Similar patterns occurred with other tasks.

Comparing different graph generators on different graph tasks. The main observation here is that graph structure has a significant impact on the LLM’s performance. ER, BA, SBM, and SFN refers to Erdős–Rényi, Barabási–Albert, Stochastic Block Model, and Scale-Free Network respectively.


In short, we dug deep into how to best represent graphs as text so LLMs can understand them. We found three major factors that make a difference:

  • How to translate the graph to text: how we represent the graph as text significantly influences LLM performance. The incident encoding excelled for most of the tasks in general..
  • Task type: Certain types of graph questions tend to be harder for LLMs, even with a good translation from graph to text.
  • Graph structure: Surprisingly, the "shape" of the graph that on which we do inference (dense with connections, sparse, etc.) influences how well an LLM does.

This study revealed key insights about how to prepare graphs for LLMs. The right encoding techniques can significantly boost an LLM's accuracy on graph problems (ranging from around 5% to over 60% improvement). Our new benchmark, GraphQA, will help drive further research in this area.


We would like to express our gratitude to our co-author, Jonathan Halcrow, for his valuable contributions to this work. We express our sincere gratitude to Anton Tsitsulin, Dustin Zelle, Silvio Lattanzi, Vahab Mirrokni, and the entire graph mining team at Google Research, for their insightful comments, thorough proofreading, and constructive feedback which greatly enhanced the quality of our work. We would also like to extend special thanks to Tom Small for creating the animation used in this post.

Source: Google AI Blog

Graph neural networks in TensorFlow

Objects and their relationships are ubiquitous in the world around us, and relationships can be as important to understanding an object as its own attributes viewed in isolation — take for example transportation networks, production networks, knowledge graphs, or social networks. Discrete mathematics and computer science have a long history of formalizing such networks as graphs, consisting of nodes connected by edges in various irregular ways. Yet most machine learning (ML) algorithms allow only for regular and uniform relations between input objects, such as a grid of pixels, a sequence of words, or no relation at all.

Graph neural networks, or GNNs for short, have emerged as a powerful technique to leverage both the graph’s connectivity (as in the older algorithms DeepWalk and Node2Vec) and the input features on the various nodes and edges. GNNs can make predictions for graphs as a whole (Does this molecule react in a certain way?), for individual nodes (What’s the topic of this document, given its citations?) or for potential edges (Is this product likely to be purchased together with that product?). Apart from making predictions about graphs, GNNs are a powerful tool used to bridge the chasm to more typical neural network use cases. They encode a graph's discrete, relational information in a continuous way so that it can be included naturally in another deep learning system.

We are excited to announce the release of TensorFlow GNN 1.0 (TF-GNN), a production-tested library for building GNNs at large scales. It supports both modeling and training in TensorFlow as well as the extraction of input graphs from huge data stores. TF-GNN is built from the ground up for heterogeneous graphs, where types of objects and relations are represented by distinct sets of nodes and edges. Real-world objects and their relations occur in distinct types, and TF-GNN's heterogeneous focus makes it natural to represent them.

Inside TensorFlow, such graphs are represented by objects of type tfgnn.GraphTensor. This is a composite tensor type (a collection of tensors in one Python class) accepted as a first-class citizen in tf.data.Dataset, tf.function, etc. It stores both the graph structure and its features attached to nodes, edges and the graph as a whole. Trainable transformations of GraphTensors can be defined as Layers objects in the high-level Keras API, or directly using the tfgnn.GraphTensor primitive.

GNNs: Making predictions for an object in context

For illustration, let’s look at one typical application of TF-GNN: predicting a property of a certain type of node in a graph defined by cross-referencing tables of a huge database. For example, a citation database of Computer Science (CS) arXiv papers with one-to-many cites and many-to-one cited relationships where we would like to predict the subject area of each paper.

Like most neural networks, a GNN is trained on a dataset of many labeled examples (~millions), but each training step consists only of a much smaller batch of training examples (say, hundreds). To scale to millions, the GNN gets trained on a stream of reasonably small subgraphs from the underlying graph. Each subgraph contains enough of the original data to compute the GNN result for the labeled node at its center and train the model. This process — typically referred to as subgraph sampling — is extremely consequential for GNN training. Most existing tooling accomplishes sampling in a batch way, producing static subgraphs for training. TF-GNN provides tooling to improve on this by sampling dynamically and interactively.

Pictured, the process of subgraph sampling where small, tractable subgraphs are sampled from a larger graph to create input examples for GNN training.

TF-GNN 1.0 debuts a flexible Python API to configure dynamic or batch subgraph sampling at all relevant scales: interactively in a Colab notebook (like this one), for efficient sampling of a small dataset stored in the main memory of a single training host, or distributed by Apache Beam for huge datasets stored on a network filesystem (up to hundreds of millions of nodes and billions of edges). For details, please refer to our user guides for in-memory and beam-based sampling, respectively.

On those same sampled subgraphs, the GNN’s task is to compute a hidden (or latent) state at the root node; the hidden state aggregates and encodes the relevant information of the root node's neighborhood. One classical approach is message-passing neural networks. In each round of message passing, nodes receive messages from their neighbors along incoming edges and update their own hidden state from them. After n rounds, the hidden state of the root node reflects the aggregate information from all nodes within n edges (pictured below for n = 2). The messages and the new hidden states are computed by hidden layers of the neural network. In a heterogeneous graph, it often makes sense to use separately trained hidden layers for the different types of nodes and edges

Pictured, a simple message-passing neural network where, at each step, the node state is propagated from outer to inner nodes where it is pooled to compute new node states. Once the root node is reached, a final prediction can be made.

The training setup is completed by placing an output layer on top of the GNN’s hidden state for the labeled nodes, computing the loss (to measure the prediction error), and updating model weights by backpropagation, as usual in any neural network training.

Beyond supervised training (i.e., minimizing a loss defined by labels), GNNs can also be trained in an unsupervised way (i.e., without labels). This lets us compute a continuous representation (or embedding) of the discrete graph structure of nodes and their features. These representations are then typically utilized in other ML systems. In this way, the discrete, relational information encoded by a graph can be included in more typical neural network use cases. TF-GNN supports a fine-grained specification of unsupervised objectives for heterogeneous graphs.

Building GNN architectures

The TF-GNN library supports building and training GNNs at various levels of abstraction.

At the highest level, users can take any of the predefined models bundled with the library that are expressed in Keras layers. Besides a small collection of models from the research literature, TF-GNN comes with a highly configurable model template that provides a curated selection of modeling choices that we have found to provide strong baselines on many of our in-house problems. The templates implement GNN layers; users need only to initialize the Keras layers.

At the lowest level, users can write a GNN model from scratch in terms of primitives for passing data around the graph, such as broadcasting data from a node to all its outgoing edges or pooling data into a node from all its incoming edges (e.g., computing the sum of incoming messages). TF-GNN’s graph data model treats nodes, edges and whole input graphs equally when it comes to features or hidden states, making it straightforward to express not only node-centric models like the MPNN discussed above but also more general forms of GraphNets. This can, but need not, be done with Keras as a modeling framework on the top of core TensorFlow. For more details, and intermediate levels of modeling, see the TF-GNN user guide and model collection.

Training orchestration

While advanced users are free to do custom model training, the TF-GNN Runner also provides a succinct way to orchestrate the training of Keras models in the common cases. A simple invocation may look like this:

The Runner provides ready-to-use solutions for ML pains like distributed training and tfgnn.GraphTensor padding for fixed shapes on Cloud TPUs. Beyond training on a single task (as shown above), it supports joint training on multiple (two or more) tasks in concert. For example, unsupervised tasks can be mixed with supervised ones to inform a final continuous representation (or embedding) with application specific inductive biases. Callers only need substitute the task argument with a mapping of tasks:

Additionally, the TF-GNN Runner also includes an implementation of integrated gradients for use in model attribution. Integrated gradients output is a GraphTensor with the same connectivity as the observed GraphTensor but its features replaced with gradient values where larger values contribute more than smaller values in the GNN prediction. Users can inspect gradient values to see which features their GNN uses the most.


In short, we hope TF-GNN will be useful to advance the application of GNNs in TensorFlow at scale and fuel further innovation in the field. If you’re curious to find out more, please try our Colab demo with the popular OGBN-MAG benchmark (in your browser, no installation required), browse the rest of our user guides and Colabs, or take a look at our paper.


The TF-GNN release 1.0 was developed by a collaboration between Google Research: Sami Abu-El-Haija, Neslihan Bulut, Bahar Fatemi, Johannes Gasteiger, Pedro Gonnet, Jonathan Halcrow, Liangze Jiang, Silvio Lattanzi, Brandon Mayer, Vahab Mirrokni, Bryan Perozzi, Anton Tsitsulin, Dustin Zelle, Google Core ML: Arno Eigenwillig, Oleksandr Ferludin, Parth Kothari, Mihir Paradkar, Jan Pfeifer, Rachael Tamakloe, and Google DeepMind: Alvaro Sanchez-Gonzalez and Lisa Wang.

Source: Google AI Blog

Exphormer: Scaling transformers for graph-structured data

Graphs, in which objects and their relations are represented as nodes (or vertices) and edges (or links) between pairs of nodes, are ubiquitous in computing and machine learning (ML). For example, social networks, road networks, and molecular structure and interactions are all domains in which underlying datasets have a natural graph structure. ML can be used to learn the properties of nodes, edges, or entire graphs.

A common approach to learning on graphs are graph neural networks (GNNs), which operate on graph data by applying an optimizable transformation on node, edge, and global attributes. The most typical class of GNNs operates via a message-passing framework, whereby each layer aggregates the representation of a node with those of its immediate neighbors.

Recently, graph transformer models have emerged as a popular alternative to message-passing GNNs. These models build on the success of Transformer architectures in natural language processing (NLP), adapting them to graph-structured data. The attention mechanism in graph transformers can be modeled by an interaction graph, in which edges represent pairs of nodes that attend to each other. Unlike message passing architectures, graph transformers have an interaction graph that is separate from the input graph. The typical interaction graph is a complete graph, which signifies a full attention mechanism that models direct interactions between all pairs of nodes. However, this creates quadratic computational and memory bottlenecks that limit the applicability of graph transformers to datasets on small graphs with at most a few thousand nodes. Making graph transformers scalable has been considered one of the most important research directions in the field (see the first open problem here).

A natural remedy is to use a sparse interaction graph with fewer edges. Many sparse and efficient transformers have been proposed to eliminate the quadratic bottleneck for sequences, however, they do not generally extend to graphs in a principled manner.

In “Exphormer: Sparse Transformers for Graphs”, presented at ICML 2023, we address the scalability challenge by introducing a sparse attention framework for transformers that is designed specifically for graph data. The Exphormer framework makes use of expander graphs, a powerful tool from spectral graph theory, and is able to achieve strong empirical results on a wide variety of datasets. Our implementation of Exphormer is now available on GitHub.

Expander graphs

A key idea at the heart of Exphormer is the use of expander graphs, which are sparse yet well-connected graphs that have some useful properties — 1) the matrix representation of the graphs have similar linear-algebraic properties as a complete graph, and 2) they exhibit rapid mixing of random walks, i.e., a small number of steps in a random walk from any starting node is enough to ensure convergence to a “stable” distribution on the nodes of the graph. Expanders have found applications to diverse areas, such as algorithms, pseudorandomness, complexity theory, and error-correcting codes.

A common class of expander graphs are d-regular expanders, in which there are d edges from every node (i.e., every node has degree d). The quality of an expander graph is measured by its spectral gap, an algebraic property of its adjacency matrix (a matrix representation of the graph in which rows and columns are indexed by nodes and entries indicate whether pairs of nodes are connected by an edge). Those that maximize the spectral gap are known as Ramanujan graphs — they achieve a gap of d - 2*√(d-1), which is essentially the best possible among d-regular graphs. A number of deterministic and randomized constructions of Ramanujan graphs have been proposed over the years for various values of d. We use a randomized expander construction of Friedman, which produces near-Ramanujan graphs.

Expander graphs are at the heart of Exphormer. A good expander is sparse yet exhibits rapid mixing of random walks, making its global connectivity suitable for an interaction graph in a graph transformer model.

Exphormer replaces the dense, fully-connected interaction graph of a standard Transformer with edges of a sparse d-regular expander graph. Intuitively, the spectral approximation and mixing properties of an expander graph allow distant nodes to communicate with each other after one stacks multiple attention layers in a graph transformer architecture, even though the nodes may not attend to each other directly. Furthermore, by ensuring that d is constant (independent of the size of the number of nodes), we obtain a linear number of edges in the resulting interaction graph.

Exphormer: Constructing a sparse interaction graph

Exphormer combines expander edges with the input graph and virtual nodes. More specifically, the sparse attention mechanism of Exphormer builds an interaction graph consisting of three types of edges:

  • Edges from the input graph (local attention)
  • Edges from a constant-degree expander graph (expander attention)
  • Edges from every node to a small set of virtual nodes (global attention)
Exphormer builds an interaction graph by combining three types of edges. The resulting graph has good connectivity properties and retains the inductive bias of the input dataset graph while still remaining sparse.

Each component serves a specific purpose: the edges from the input graph retain the inductive bias from the input graph structure (which typically gets lost in a fully-connected attention module). Meanwhile, expander edges allow good global connectivity and random walk mixing properties (which spectrally approximate the complete graph with far fewer edges). Finally, virtual nodes serve as global “memory sinks” that can directly communicate with every node. While this results in additional edges from each virtual node equal to the number of nodes in the input graph, the resulting graph is still sparse. The degree of the expander graph and the number of virtual nodes are hyperparameters to tune for improving the quality metrics.

Furthermore, since we use an expander graph of constant degree and a small constant number of virtual nodes for the global attention, the resulting sparse attention mechanism is linear in the size of the original input graph, i.e., it models a number of direct interactions on the order of the total number of nodes and edges.

We additionally show that Exphormer is as expressive as the dense transformer and obeys universal approximation properties. In particular, when the sparse attention graph of Exphormer is augmented with self loops (edges connecting a node to itself), it can universally approximate continuous functions [1, 2].

Relation to sparse Transformers for sequences

It is interesting to compare Exphormer to sparse attention methods for sequences. Perhaps the architecture most conceptually similar to our approach is BigBird, which builds an interaction graph by combining different components. BigBird also uses virtual nodes, but, unlike Exphormer, it uses window attention and random attention from an Erdős-Rényi random graph model for the remaining components.

Window attention in BigBird looks at the tokens surrounding a token in a sequence — the local neighborhood attention in Exphormer can be viewed as a generalization of window attention to graphs.

The Erdős-Rényi graph on n nodes, G(n, p), which connects every pair of nodes independently with probability p, also functions as an expander graph for suitably high p. However, a superlinear number of edges (Ω(n log n)) is needed to ensure that an Erdős-Rényi graph is connected, let alone a good expander. On the other hand, the expanders used in Exphormer have only a linear number of edges.

Experimental results

Earlier works have shown the use of full graph Transformer-based models on datasets with graphs of size up to 5,000 nodes. To evaluate the performance of Exphormer, we build upon the celebrated GraphGPS framework [3], which combines both message passing and graph transformers and achieves state-of-the-art performance on a number of datasets. We show that replacing dense attention with Exphormer for the graph attention component in the GraphGPS framework allows one to achieve models with comparable or better performance, often with fewer trainable parameters.

Furthermore, Exphormer notably allows graph transformer architectures to scale well beyond the usual graph size limits mentioned above. Exphormer can scale up to datasets of 10,000+ node graphs, such as the Coauthor dataset, and even beyond to larger graphs such as the well-known ogbn-arxiv dataset, a citation network, which consists of 170K nodes and 1.1 million edges.

Results comparing Exphormer to standard GraphGPS on the five Long Range Graph Benchmark datasets. We note that Exphormer achieved state-of-the-art results on four of the five datasets (PascalVOC-SP, COCO-SP, Peptides-Struct, PCQM-Contact) at the time of the paper’s publication.

Finally, we observe that Exphormer, which creates an overlay graph of small diameter via expanders, exhibits the ability to effectively learn long-range dependencies. The Long Range Graph Benchmark is a suite of five graph learning datasets designed to measure the ability of models to capture long-range interactions. Results show that Exphormer-based models outperform standard GraphGPS models (which were previously state-of-the-art on four out of five datasets at the time of publication).


Graph transformers have emerged as an important architecture for ML that adapts the highly successful sequence-based transformers used in NLP to graph-structured data. Scalability has, however, proven to be a major challenge in enabling the use of graph transformers on datasets with large graphs. In this post, we have presented Exphormer, a sparse attention framework that uses expander graphs to improve scalability of graph transformers. Exphormer is shown to have important theoretical properties and exhibit strong empirical performance, particularly on datasets where it is crucial to learn long range dependencies. For more information, we point the reader to a short presentation video from ICML 2023.


We thank our research collaborators Hamed Shirzad and Danica J. Sutherland from The University of British Columbia as well as Ali Kemal Sinop from Google Research. Special thanks to Tom Small for creating the animation used in this post.

Source: Google AI Blog