Tag Archives: Robotics

Efficiently Initializing Reinforcement Learning With Prior Policies

Reinforcement learning (RL) can be used to train a policy to perform a task via trial and error, but a major challenge in RL is learning policies from scratch in environments with hard exploration challenges. For example, consider the setting depicted in the door-binary-v0 environment from the adroit manipulation suite, where an RL agent must control a hand in 3D space to open a door placed in front of it.

An RL agent must control a hand in 3D space to open a door placed in front of it. The agent receives a reward signal only when the door is completely open.

Since the agent receives no intermediary rewards, it cannot measure how close it is to completing the task, and so must explore the space randomly until it eventually opens the door. Given how long the task takes and the precise control required, this is extremely unlikely.

For tasks like this, we can avoid exploring the state space randomly by using prior information. This prior information helps the agent understand which states of the environment are good, and should be further explored. We could use offline data (i.e., data collected by human demonstrators, scripted policies, or other RL agents) to train a policy, then use it to initialize a new RL policy. In the case where we use neural networks to represent the policies, this would involve copying the pre-trained policy’s neural network over to the new RL policy. This procedure makes the new RL policy behave like the pre-trained policy. However, naïvely initializing a new RL policy like this often works poorly, especially for value-based RL methods, as shown below.

A policy is pre-trained on the antmaze-large-diverse-v0 D4RL environment with offline data (negative steps correspond to pre-training). We then use the policy to initialize actor-critic fine-tuning (positive steps starting from step 0) with this pre-trained policy as the initial actor. The critic is initialized randomly. The actor’s performance immediately drops and does not recover, as the untrained critic provides a poor learning signal and causes the good initial policy to be forgotten.

With the above in mind, in “Jump-Start Reinforcement Learning” (JSRL), we introduce a meta-algorithm that can use a pre-existing policy of any form to initialize any type of RL algorithm. JSRL uses two policies to learn tasks: a guide-policy, and an exploration-policy. The exploration-policy is an RL policy that is trained online with new experience that the agent collects from the environment, and the guide-policy is a pre-existing policy of any form that is not updated during online training. In this work, we focus on scenarios where the guide-policy is learned from demonstrations, but many other kinds of guide-policies can be used. JSRL creates a learning curriculum by rolling in the guide-policy, which is then followed by the self-improving exploration-policy, resulting in performance that compares to or improves on competitive IL+RL methods.

The JSRL Approach
The guide-policy can take any form: it could be a scripted policy, a policy trained with RL, or even a live human demonstrator. The only requirements are that the guide-policy is reasonable (i.e., better than random exploration), and it can select actions based on observations of the environment. Ideally, the guide-policy can reach poor or medium performance in the environment, but cannot further improve itself with additional fine-tuning. JSRL then allows us to leverage the progress of this guide-policy to take the performance even higher.

At the beginning of training, we roll out the guide-policy for a fixed number of steps so that the agent is closer to goal states. The exploration-policy then takes over and continues acting in the environment to reach these goals. As the performance of the exploration-policy improves, we gradually reduce the number of steps that the guide-policy takes, until the exploration-policy takes over completely. This process creates a curriculum of starting states for the exploration-policy such that in each curriculum stage, it only needs to learn to reach the initial states of prior curriculum stages.

Here, the task is for the robot arm to pick up the blue block. The guide-policy can move the arm to the block, but it cannot pick it up. It controls the agent until it grips the block, then the exploration-policy takes over, eventually learning to pick up the block. As the exploration-policy improves, the guide-policy controls the agent less and less.

Comparison to IL+RL Baselines
Since JSRL can use a prior policy to initialize RL, a natural comparison would be to imitation and reinforcement learning (IL+RL) methods that train on offline datasets, then fine-tune the pre-trained policies with new online experience. We show how JSRL compares to competitive IL+RL methods on the D4RL benchmark tasks. These tasks include simulated robotic control environments, along with datasets of offline data from human demonstrators, planners, and other learned policies. Out of the D4RL tasks, we focus on the difficult ant maze and adroit dexterous manipulation environments.

Example ant maze (left) and adroit dexterous manipulation (right) environments.

For each experiment, we train on an offline dataset and then run online fine-tuning. We compare against algorithms designed specifically for each setting, which include AWAC, IQL, CQL, and behavioral cloning. While JSRL can be used in combination with any initial guide-policy or fine-tuning algorithm, we use our strongest baseline, IQL, as a pre-trained guide and for fine-tuning. The full D4RL dataset includes one million offline transitions for each ant maze task. Each transition is a sequence of format (S, A, R, S’) which specifies what state the agent started in (S), the action the agent took (A), the reward the agent received (R), and the state the agent ended up in (S’) after taking action A. We find that JSRL performs well with as few as ten thousand offline transitions.

Average score (max=100) on the antmaze-medium-diverse-v0 environment from the D4RL benchmark suite. JSRL can improve even with limited access to offline transitions.

Vision-Based Robotic Tasks
Utilizing offline data is especially challenging in complex tasks such as vision-based robotic manipulation due to the curse of dimensionality. The high dimensionality of both the continuous-control action space and the pixel-based state space present scaling challenges for IL+RL methods in terms of the amount of data required to learn good policies. To study how JSRL scales to such settings, we focus on two difficult simulated robotic manipulation tasks: indiscriminate grasping (i.e., lifting any object) and instance grasping (i.e., lifting a specific target object).

A simulated robot arm is placed in front of a table with various categories of objects. When the robot lifts any object, a sparse reward is given for the indiscriminate grasping task. For the instance grasping task, a sparse reward is only given when a specific target object is grasped.

We compare JSRL against methods that are able to scale to complex vision-based robotics settings, such as QT-Opt and AW-Opt. Each method has access to the same offline dataset of successful demonstrations and is allowed to run online fine-tuning for up to 100,000 steps.

In these experiments, we use behavioral cloning as a guide-policy and combine JSRL with QT-Opt for fine-tuning. The combination of QT-Opt+JSRL improves faster than all other methods while achieving the highest success rate.

Mean grasping success for indiscriminate and instance grasping environments using 2k successful demonstrations.

We proposed JSRL, a method for leveraging a prior policy of any form to improve exploration for initializing RL tasks. Our algorithm creates a learning curriculum by rolling in a pre-existing guide-policy, which is then followed by the self-improving exploration-policy. The job of the exploration-policy is greatly simplified since it starts exploring from states closer to the goal. As the exploration-policy improves, the effect of the guide-policy diminishes, leading to a fully capable RL policy. In the future, we plan to apply JSRL to problems such as Sim2Real, and explore how we can leverage multiple guide-policies to train RL agents.

This work would not have been possible without Ikechukwu Uchendu, Ted Xiao, Yao Lu, Banghua Zhu, Mengyuan Yan, Joséphine Simon, Matthew Bennice, Chuyuan Fu, Cong Ma, Jiantao Jiao, Sergey Levine, and Karol Hausman. Special thanks to Tom Small for creating the animations for this post.

Source: Google AI Blog

Robot See, Robot Do

People learn to do things by watching others — from mimicking new dance moves, to watching YouTube cooking videos. We’d like robots to do the same, i.e., to learn new skills by watching people do things during training. Today, however, the predominant paradigm for teaching robots is to remote control them using specialized hardware for teleoperation and then train them to imitate pre-recorded demonstrations. This limits both who can provide the demonstrations (programmers & roboticists) and where they can be provided (lab settings). If robots could instead self-learn new tasks by watching humans, this capability could allow them to be deployed in more unstructured settings like the home, and make it dramatically easier for anyone to teach or communicate with them, expert or otherwise. Perhaps one day, they might even be able to use Youtube videos to grow their collection of skills over time.

Our motivation is to have robots watch people do tasks, naturally with their hands, and then use that data as demonstrations for learning. Video by Teh Aik Hui and Nathaniel Lim. License: CC-BY

However, an obvious but often overlooked problem is that a robot is physically different from a human, which means it often completes tasks differently than we do. For example, in the pen manipulation task below, the hand can grab all the pens together and quickly transfer them between containers, whereas the two-fingered gripper must transport one at a time. Prior research assumes that humans and robots can do the same task similarly, which makes manually specifying one-to-one correspondences between human and robot actions easy. But with stark differences in physique, defining such correspondences for seemingly easy tasks can be surprisingly difficult and sometimes impossible.

Physically different end-effectors (i.e., “grippers”) (i.e., the part that interacts with the environment) induce different control strategies when solving the same task. Left: The hand grabs all pens and quickly transfers them between containers. Right: The two-fingered gripper transports one pen at a time.

In “XIRL: Cross-Embodiment Inverse RL”, presented as an oral paper at CoRL 2021, we explore these challenges further and introduce a self-supervised method for Cross-embodiment Inverse Reinforcement Learning (XIRL). Rather than focusing on how individual human actions should correspond to robot actions, XIRL learns the high-level task objective from videos, and summarizes that knowledge in the form of a reward function that is invariant to embodiment differences, such as shape, actions and end-effector dynamics. The learned rewards can then be used together with reinforcement learning to teach the task to agents with new physical embodiments through trial and error. Our approach is general and scales autonomously with data — the more embodiment diversity presented in the videos, the more invariant and robust the reward functions become. Experiments show that our learned reward functions lead to significantly more sample efficient (roughly 2 to 4 times) reinforcement learning on new embodiments compared to alternative methods. To extend and build on our work, we are releasing an accompanying open-source implementation of our method along with X-MAGICAL, our new simulated benchmark for cross-embodiment imitation.

Cross-Embodiment Inverse Reinforcement Learning (XIRL)
The underlying observation in this work is that in spite of the many differences induced by different embodiments, there still exist visual cues that reflect progression towards a common task objective. For example, in the pen manipulation task above, the presence of pens in the cup but not the mug, or the absence of pens on the table, are key frames that are common to different embodiments and indirectly provide cues for how close to being complete a task is. The key idea behind XIRL is to automatically discover these key moments in videos of different length and cluster them meaningfully to encode task progression. This motivation shares many similarities with unsupervised video alignment research, from which we can leverage a method called Temporal Cycle Consistency (TCC), which aligns videos accurately while learning useful visual representations for fine-grained video understanding without requiring any ground-truth correspondences.

We leverage TCC to train an encoder to temporally align video demonstrations of different experts performing the same task. The TCC loss tries to maximize the number of cycle-consistent frames (or mutual nearest-neighbors) between pairs of sequences using a differentiable formulation of soft nearest-neighbors. Once the encoder is trained, we define our reward function as simply the negative Euclidean distance between the current observation and the goal observation in the learned embedding space. We can subsequently insert the reward into a standard MDP and use an RL algorithm to learn the demonstrated behavior. Surprisingly, we find that this simple reward formulation is effective for cross-embodiment imitation.

XIRL self-supervises reward functions from expert demonstrations using temporal cycle consistency (TCC), then uses them for downstream reinforcement learning to learn new skills from third-person demonstrations.

X-MAGICAL Benchmark
To evaluate the performance of XIRL and baseline alternatives (e.g., TCN, LIFS, Goal Classifier) in a consistent environment, we created X-MAGICAL, which is a simulated benchmark for cross-embodiment imitation. X-MAGICAL features a diverse set of agent embodiments, with differences in their shapes and end-effectors, designed to solve tasks in different ways. This leads to differences in execution speeds and state-action trajectories, which poses challenges for current imitation learning techniques, e.g., ones that use time as a heuristic for weak correspondences between two trajectories. The ability to generalize across embodiments is precisely what X-MAGICAL evaluates.

The SweepToTop task we considered for our experiments is a simplified 2D equivalent of a common household robotic sweeping task, where an agent has to push three objects into a goal zone in the environment. We chose this task specifically because its long-horizon nature highlights how different agent embodiments can generate entirely different trajectories (shown below). X-MAGICAL features a Gym API and is designed to be easily extendable to new tasks and embodiments. You can try it out today with pip install x-magical.

Different agent shapes in the SweepToTop task in the X-MAGICAL benchmark need to use different strategies to reposition objects into the target area (pink), i.e., to “clear the debris”. For example, the long-stick can clear them all in one fell swoop, whereas the short-stick needs to do multiple consecutive back-and-forths.
Left: Heatmap of state visitation for each embodiment across all expert demonstrations. Right: Examples of expert trajectories for each embodiment.

In our first set of experiments, we checked whether our learned embodiment-invariant reward function can enable successful reinforcement learning, when the expert demonstrations are provided through the agent itself. We find that XIRL significantly outperforms alternative methods especially on the tougher agents (e.g., short-stick and gripper).

Same-embodiment setting: Comparison of XIRL with baseline reward functions, using SAC for RL policy learning. XIRL is roughly 2 to 4 times more sample efficient than some of the baselines on the harder agents (short-stick and gripper).

We also find that our approach shows great potential for learning reward functions that generalize to novel embodiments. For instance, when reward learning is performed on embodiments that are different from the ones on which the policy is trained, we find that it results in significantly more sample efficient agents compared to the same baselines. Below, in the gripper subplot (bottom right) for example, the reward is first learned on demonstration videos from long-stick, medium-stick and short-stick, after which the reward function is used to train the gripper agent.

Cross-embodiment setting: XIRL performs favorably when compared with other baseline reward functions, trained on observation-only demonstrations from different embodiments. Each agent (long-stick, medium-stick, short-stick, gripper) had its reward trained using demonstrations from the other three embodiments.

We also find that we can train on real-world human demonstrations, and use the learned reward to train a Sawyer arm in simulation to push a puck to a designated target zone. In these experiments as well, our method outperforms baseline alternatives. For example, our XIRL variant trained only on the real-world demonstrations (purple in the plots below) reaches 80% of the total performance roughly 85% faster than the RLV baseline (orange).

What Do The Learned Reward Functions Look Like?
To further explore the qualitative nature of our learned rewards in more challenging real-world scenarios, we collect a dataset of the pen transfer task using various household tools.

Below, we show rewards extracted from a successful (top) and unsuccessful (bottom) demonstration. Both demonstrations follow a similar trajectory at the start of the task execution. The successful one nets a high reward for placing the pens consecutively into the mug then into the glass cup, while the unsuccessful one obtains a low reward because it drops the pens outside the glass cup towards the end of the execution (orange circle). These results are promising because they show that our learned encoder can represent fine-grained visual differences relevant to a task.

We highlighted XIRL, our approach to tackling the cross-embodiment imitation problem. XIRL learns an embodiment-invariant reward function that encodes task progress using a temporal cycle-consistency objective. Policies learned using our reward functions are significantly more sample-efficient than baseline alternatives. Furthermore, the reward functions do not require manually paired video frames between the demonstrator and the learner, giving them the ability to scale to an arbitrary number of embodiments or experts with varying skill levels. Overall, we are excited about this direction of work, and hope that our benchmark promotes further research in this area. For more details, please check out our paper and download the code from our GitHub repository.

Kevin and Andy summarized research performed together with Pete Florence, Jonathan Tompson, Jeannette Bohg (faculty at Stanford University) and Debidatta Dwibedi. All authors would additionally like to thank Alex Nichol, Nick Hynes, Sean Kirmani, Brent Yi, Jimmy Wu, Karl Schmeckpeper and Minttu Alakuijala for fruitful technical discussions, and Sam Toyer for invaluable help with setting up the simulated benchmark.

Source: Google AI Blog

Can Robots Follow Instructions for New Tasks?

People can flexibly maneuver objects in their physical surroundings to accomplish various goals. One of the grand challenges in robotics is to successfully train robots to do the same, i.e., to develop a general-purpose robot capable of performing a multitude of tasks based on arbitrary user commands. Robots that are faced with the real world will also inevitably encounter new user instructions and situations that were not seen during training. Therefore, it is imperative for robots to be trained to perform multiple tasks in a variety of situations and, more importantly, to be capable of solving new tasks as requested by human users, even if the robot was not explicitly trained on those tasks.

Existing robotics research has made strides towards allowing robots to generalize to new objects, task descriptions, and goals. However, enabling robots to complete instructions that describe entirely new tasks has largely remained out-of-reach. This problem is remarkably difficult since it requires robots to both decipher the novel instructions and identify how to complete the task without any training data for that task. This goal becomes even more difficult when a robot needs to simultaneously handle other axes of generalization, such as variability in the scene and positions of objects. So, we ask the question: How can we confer noteworthy generalization capabilities onto real robots capable of performing complex manipulation tasks from raw pixels? Furthermore, can the generalization capabilities of language models help support better generalization in other domains, such as visuomotor control of a real robot?

In “BC-Z: Zero-Shot Task Generalization with Robotic Imitation Learning”, published at CoRL 2021, we present new research that studies how robots can generalize to new tasks that they were not trained to do. The system, called BC-Z, comprises two key components: (i) the collection of a large-scale demonstration dataset covering 100 different tasks and (ii) a neural network policy conditioned on a language or video instruction of the task. The resulting system can perform at least 24 novel tasks, including ones that require interaction with pairs of objects that were not previously seen together. We are also excited to release the robot demonstration dataset used to train our policies, along with pre-computed task embeddings.

The BC-Z system allows a robot to complete instructions for new tasks that the robot was not explicitly trained to do. It does so by training the policy to take as input a description of the task along with the robot’s camera image and to predict the correct action.

Collecting Data for 100 Tasks
Generalizing to a new task altogether is substantially harder than generalizing to held-out variations in training tasks. Simply put, we want robots to have more generalization all around, which requires that we train them on large amounts of diverse data.

We collect data by teleoperating the robot with a virtual reality headset. This data collection follows a scheme similar to how one might teach an autonomous car to drive. First, the human operator records complete demonstrations of each task. Then, once the robot has learned an initial policy, this policy is deployed under close supervision where, if the robot starts to make a mistake or gets stuck, the operator intervenes and demonstrates a correction before allowing the robot to resume.

This mixture of demonstrations and interventions has been shown to significantly improve performance by mitigating compounding errors. In our experiments, we see a 2x improvement in performance when using this data collection strategy compared to only using human demonstrations.

Example demonstrations collected for 12 out of the 100 training tasks, visualized from the perspective of the robot and shown at 2x speed.

Training a General-Purpose Policy
For all 100 tasks, we use this data to train a neural network policy to map from camera images to the position and orientation of the robot’s gripper and arm. Crucially, to allow this policy the potential to solve new tasks beyond the 100 training tasks, we also input a description of the task, either in the form of a language command (e.g., “place grapes in red bowl”) or a video of a person doing the task.

To accomplish a variety of tasks, the BC-Z system takes as input either a language command describing the task or a video of a person doing the task, as shown here.

By training the policy on 100 tasks and conditioning the policy on such a description, we unlock the possibility that the neural network will be able to interpret and complete instructions for new tasks. This is a challenge, however, because the neural network needs to correctly interpret the instruction, visually identify relevant objects for that instruction while ignoring other clutter in the scene, and translate the interpreted instruction and perception into the robot’s action space.

Experimental Results
In language models, it is well known that sentence embeddings generalize on compositions of concepts encountered in training data. For instance, if you train a translation model on sentences like “pick up a cup” and “push a bowl”, the model should also translate “push a cup” correctly.

We study the question of whether the compositional generalization capabilities found in language encoders can be transferred to real robots, i.e., being able to compose unseen object-object and task-object pairs.

We test this method by pre-selecting a set of 28 tasks, none of which were among the 100 training tasks. For example, one of these new test tasks is to pick up the grapes and place them into a ceramic bowl, but the training tasks involve doing other things with the grapes and placing other items into the ceramic bowl. The grapes and the ceramic bowl never appeared in the same scene during training.

In our experiments, we see that the robot can complete many tasks that were not included in the training set. Below are a few examples of the robot’s learned policy.

The robot completes three instructions of tasks that were not in its training data, shown at 2x speed.

Quantitatively, we see that the robot can succeed to some degree on a total of 24 out of the 28 held-out tasks, indicating a promising capacity for generalization. Further, we see a notably small gap between the performance on the training tasks and performance on the test tasks. These results indicate that simply improving multi-task visuomotor control could considerably improve performance.

The BC-Z performance on held-out tasks, i.e., tasks that the robot was not trained to perform. The system correctly interprets the language command and translates that into action to complete many of the tasks in our evaluation.

The results of this research show that simple imitation learning approaches can be scaled in a way that enables zero-shot generalization to new tasks. That is, it shows one of the first indications of robots being able to successfully carry out behaviors that were not in the training data. Interestingly, language embeddings pre-trained on ungrounded language corpora make for excellent task conditioners. We demonstrated that natural language models can not only provide a flexible input interface to robots, but that pretrained language representations actually confer new generalization capabilities to the downstream policy, such as composing unseen object pairs together.

In the course of building this system, we confirmed that periodic human interventions are a simple but important technique for achieving good performance. While there is a substantial amount of work to be done in the future, we believe that the zero-shot generalization capabilities of BC-Z are an important advancement towards increasing the generality of robotic learning systems and allowing people to command robots. We have released the teleoperated demonstrations used to train the policy in this paper, which we hope will provide researchers with a valuable resource for future multi-task robotic learning research.

We would like to thank the co-authors of this research: Alex Irpan, Mohi Khansari, Daniel Kappler, Frederik Ebert, Corey Lynch, and Sergey Levine. This project was a collaboration between Google Research and Everyday Robots. We would like to give special thanks to Noah Brown, Omar Cortes, Armando Fuentes, Kyle Jeffrey, Linda Luu, Sphurti Kirit More, Jornell Quiambao, Jarek Rettinghouse, Diego Reyes, Rosario Jau-regui Ruano, and Clayton Tan for overseeing robot operations and collecting human videos of the tasks, as well as Jeffrey Bingham, Jonathan Weisz, and Kanishka Rao for valuable discussions. We would also like to thank Tom Small for creating animations in this post and Paul Mooney for helping with dataset open-sourcing.

Source: Google AI Blog

Decisiveness in Imitation Learning for Robots

Despite considerable progress in robot learning over the past several years, some policies for robotic agents can still struggle to decisively choose actions when trying to imitate precise or complex behaviors. Consider a task in which a robot tries to slide a block across a table to precisely position it into a slot. There are many possible ways to solve this task, each requiring precise movements and corrections. The robot must commit to just one of these options, but must also be capable of changing plans each time the block ends up sliding farther than expected. Although one might expect such a task to be easy, that is often not the case for modern learning-based robots, which often learn behavior that expert observers describe as indecisive or imprecise.

Example of a baseline explicit behavior cloning model struggling on a task where the robot needs to slide a block across a table and then precisely insert it into a fixture.

To encourage robots to be more decisive, researchers often utilize a discretized action space, which forces the robot to choose option A or option B, without oscillating between options. For example, discretization was a key element of our recent Transporter Networks architecture, and is also inherent in many notable achievements by game-playing agents, such as AlphaGo, AlphaStar, and OpenAI’s Dota bot. But discretization brings its own limitations — for robots that operate in the spatially continuous real world, there are at least two downsides to discretization: (i) it limits precision, and (ii) it triggers the curse of dimensionality, since considering discretizations along many different dimensions can dramatically increase memory and compute requirements. Related to this, in 3D computer vision much recent progress has been powered by continuous, rather than discretized, representations.

With the goal of learning decisive policies without the drawbacks of discretization, today we announce our open source implementation of Implicit Behavioral Cloning (Implicit BC), which is a new, simple approach to imitation learning and was presented last week at CoRL 2021. We found that Implicit BC achieves strong results on both simulated benchmark tasks and on real-world robotic tasks that demand precise and decisive behavior. This includes achieving state-of-the-art (SOTA) results on human-expert tasks from our team’s recent benchmark for offline reinforcement learning, D4RL. On six out of seven of these tasks, Implicit BC outperforms the best previous method for offline RL, Conservative Q Learning. Interestingly, Implicit BC achieves these results without requiring any reward information, i.e., it can use relatively simple supervised learning rather than more-complex reinforcement learning.

Implicit Behavioral Cloning
Our approach is a type of behavior cloning, which is arguably the simplest way for robots to learn new skills from demonstrations. In behavior cloning, an agent learns how to mimic an expert’s behavior using standard supervised learning. Traditionally, behavior cloning involves training an explicit neural network (shown below, left), which takes in observations and outputs expert actions.

The key idea behind Implicit BC is to instead train a neural network to take in both observations and actions, and output a single number that is low for expert actions and high for non-expert actions (below, right), turning behavioral cloning into an energy-based modeling problem. After training, the Implicit BC policy generates actions by finding the action input that has the lowest score for a given observation.

Depiction of the difference between explicit (left) and implicit (right) policies. In the implicit policy, the “argmin” means the action that, when paired with a particular observation, minimizes the value of the energy function.

To train Implicit BC models, we use an InfoNCE loss, which trains the network to output low energy for expert actions in the dataset, and high energy for all others (see below). It is interesting to note that this idea of using models that take in both observations and actions is common in reinforcement learning, but not so in supervised policy learning.

Animation of how implicit models can fit discontinuities — in this case, training an implicit model to fit a step (Heaviside) function. Left: 2D plot fitting the black (X) training points — the colors represent the values of the energies (blue is low, brown is high). Middle: 3D plot of the energy model during training. Right: Training loss curve.

Once trained, we find that implicit models are particularly good at precisely modeling discontinuities (above) on which prior explicit models struggle (as in the first figure of this post), resulting in policies that are newly capable of switching decisively between different behaviors.

But why do conventional explicit models struggle? Modern neural networks almost always use continuous activation functions — for example, Tensorflow, Jax, and PyTorch all only ship with continuous activation functions. In attempting to fit discontinuous data, explicit networks built with these activation functions cannot represent discontinuities, so must draw continuous curves between data points. A key aspect of implicit models is that they gain the ability to represent sharp discontinuities, even though the network itself is composed only of continuous layers.

We also establish theoretical foundations for this aspect, specifically a notion of universal approximation. This proves the class of functions that implicit neural networks can represent, which can help justify and guide future research.

Examples of fitting discontinuous functions, for implicit models (top) compared to explicit models (bottom). The red highlighted insets show that implicit models represent discontinuities (a) and (b) while the explicit models must draw continuous lines (c) and (d) in between the discontinuities.

One challenge faced by our initial attempts at this approach was “high action dimensionality”, which means that a robot must decide how to coordinate many motors all at the same time. To scale to high action dimensionality, we use either autoregressive models or Langevin dynamics.

In our experiments, we found Implicit BC does particularly well in the real world, including an order of magnitude (10x) better on the 1mm-precision slide-then-insert task compared to a baseline explicit BC model. On this task the implicit model does several consecutive precise adjustments (below) before sliding the block into place. This task demands multiple elements of decisiveness: there are many different possible solutions due to the symmetry of the block and the arbitrary ordering of push maneuvers, and the robot needs to discontinuously decide when the block has been pushed far “enough” before switching to slide it in a different direction. This is in contrast to the indecisiveness that is often associated with continuous-controlled robots.

Example task of sliding a block across a table and precisely inserting it into a slot. These are autonomous behaviors of our Implicit BC policies, using only images (from the shown camera) as input.
A diverse set of different strategies for accomplishing this task. These are autonomous behaviors from our Implicit BC policies, using only images as input.

In another challenging task, the robot needs to sort blocks by color, which presents a large number of possible solutions due to the arbitrary ordering of sorting. On this task the explicit models are customarily indecisive, while implicit models perform considerably better.

Comparison of implicit (left) and explicit (right) BC models on a challenging continuous multi-item sorting task. (4x speed)

In our testing, implicit BC models can also exhibit robust reactive behavior, even when we try to interfere with the robot, despite the model never seeing human hands.

Robust behavior of the implicit BC model despite interfering with the robot.

Overall, we find that Implicit BC policies can achieve strong results compared to state of the art offline reinforcement learning methods across several different task domains. These results include tasks that, challengingly, have either a low number of demonstrations (as few as 19), high observation dimensionality with image-based observations, and/or high action dimensionality up to 30 — which is a large number of actuators to have on a robot.

Policy learning results of Implicit BC compared to baselines across several domains.

Despite its limitations, behavioral cloning with supervised learning remains one of the simplest ways for robots to learn from examples of human behaviors. As we showed here, replacing explicit policies with implicit policies when doing behavioral cloning allows robots to overcome the "struggle of decisiveness", enabling them to imitate much more complex and precise behaviors. While the focus of our results here was on robot learning, the ability of implicit functions to model sharp discontinuities and multimodal labels may have broader interest in other application domains of machine learning as well.

Pete and Corey summarized research performed together with other co-authors: Andy Zeng, Oscar Ramirez, Ayzaan Wahid, Laura Downs, Adrian Wong, Johnny Lee, Igor Mordatch, and Jonathan Tompson. The authors would also like to thank Vikas Sindwhani for project direction advice; Steve Xu, Robert Baruch, Arnab Bose for robot software infrastructure; Jake Varley, Alexa Greenberg for ML infrastructure; and Kamyar Ghasemipour, Jon Barron, Eric Jang, Stephen Tu, Sumeet Singh, Jean-Jacques Slotine, Anirudha Majumdar, Vincent Vanhoucke for helpful feedback and discussions.

Source: Google AI Blog

Speeding Up Reinforcement Learning with a New Physics Simulation Engine

Reinforcement learning (RL) is a popular method for teaching robots to navigate and manipulate the physical world, which itself can be simplified and expressed as interactions between rigid bodies1 (i.e., solid physical objects that do not deform when a force is applied to them). In order to facilitate the collection of training data in a practical amount of time, RL usually leverages simulation, where approximations of any number of complex objects are composed of many rigid bodies connected by joints and powered by actuators. But this poses a challenge: it frequently takes millions to billions of simulation frames for an RL agent to become proficient at even simple tasks, such as walking, using tools, or assembling toy blocks.

While progress has been made to improve training efficiency by recycling simulation frames, some RL tools instead sidestep this problem by distributing the generation of simulation frames across many simulators. These distributed simulation platforms yield impressive results that train very quickly, but they must run on compute clusters with thousands of CPUs or GPUs which are inaccessible to most researchers.

In “Brax - A Differentiable Physics Engine for Large Scale Rigid Body Simulation”, we present a new physics simulation engine that matches the performance of a large compute cluster with just a single TPU or GPU. The engine is designed to both efficiently run thousands of parallel physics simulations alongside a machine learning (ML) algorithm on a single accelerator and scale millions of simulations seamlessly across pods of interconnected accelerators. We’ve open sourced the engine along with reference RL algorithms and simulation environments that are all accessible via Colab. Using this new platform, we demonstrate 100-1000x faster training compared to a traditional workstation setup.

Three typical RL workflows. The left shows a typical workstation flow: on a single machine, with the environment on CPU, training takes hours or days. The middle shows a typical distributed simulation flow: training takes minutes by farming simulation out to thousands of machines. The right shows the Brax flow: learning and large batch simulation occur side by side on a single CPU/GPU chip.

Physics Simulation Engine Design Opportunities
Rigid body physics are used in video games, robotics, molecular dynamics, biomechanics, graphics and animation, and other domains. In order to accurately model such systems, simulators integrate forces from gravity, motor actuation, joint constraints, object collisions, and others to simulate the motion of a physical system across time.

Simulation of three spherical bodies, a wall, two joints, and one actuator. For each simulation timestep, forces and torques are integrated together to update the positions, rotations, and velocities of each physical body.

Taking a closer look at how most physics simulation engines are designed today, there are a few large opportunities to improve efficiency. As we noted above, a typical robotics learning pipeline places a single learner in a tight feedback with many simulations in parallel, but upon analyzing this architecture, one finds that:

  1. This layout imposes an enormous latency bottleneck. Because the data must travel over the network within a datacenter, the learner must wait for 10,000+ nanoseconds to fetch experience from the simulator. Were this experience instead already on the same device as the learner’s neural network, latency would drop to <1 nanosecond.
  2. The computation necessary for training the agent (one simulation step, followed by one update of the agent’s neural network) is overshadowed by the computation spent packaging the data (i.e., marshalling data within the engine, then into a wire format such as protobuf, then into TCP buffers, and then undoing all these steps on the learner side).
  3. The computations happening within each simulator are remarkably similar, but not exactly the same.

Brax Design
In response to these observations, Brax is designed so that its physics calculations are exactly the same across each of its thousands of parallel environments by ensuring that the simulation is free of branches (i.e., simulation “if” logic that diverges as a result of the environment state). An example of a branch in a physics engine is the application of a contact force between a ball and a wall: different code paths will execute depending on whether the ball is touching the wall. That is, if the ball contacts the wall, separate code for simulating the ball’s bounce off the wall will execute. Brax employs a mix of the following three strategies to avoid branching:

  • Replace the discrete branching logic with a continuous function, such as approximating the ball-wall contact force using a signed distance function. This approach results in the most efficiency gains.
  • Evaluate the branch during JAX’s just-in-time compile. Many branches based on static properties of the environment, such as whether it’s even possible for two objects to collide, may be evaluated prior to simulation time.
  • Run both sides of the branch during simulation but then select only the required results. Because this executes some code that isn’t ultimately used, it wastes operations compared to the above.

Once the calculations are guaranteed to be exactly uniform, the entire training architecture can be reduced in complexity to be executed on a single TPU or GPU. Doing so removes the computational overhead and latency of cross-machine communication. In practice, these changes lower the cost of training by 100x-1000x for comparable workloads.

Brax Environments
Environments are tiny packaged worlds that define a task for an RL agent to learn. Environments contain not only the means to simulate a world, but also functions, such as how to observe the world and the definition of the goal in that world.

A few standard benchmark environments have emerged in recent years for testing new RL algorithms and for evaluating the impact of those algorithms using metrics commonly understood by research scientists. Brax includes four such ready-to-use environments that come from the popular OpenAI gym: Ant, HalfCheetah, Humanoid, and Reacher.

From left to right: Ant, HalfCheetah, Humanoid, and Reacher are popular baseline environments for RL research.

Brax also includes three novel environments: dexterous manipulation of an object (a popular challenge in robotics), generalized locomotion (an agent that goes to a target placed anywhere around it), and a simulation of an industrial robot arm.

Left: Grasp, a claw hand that learns dexterous manipulation. Middle: Fetch, a toy, box-like dog learns a general goal-based locomotion policy. Right: Simulation of UR5e, an industrial robot arm.

Performance Benchmarks
The first step for analyzing Brax’s performance is to measure the speed at which it can simulate large batches of environments, because this is the critical bottleneck to overcome in order for the learner to consume enough experience to learn quickly.

These two graphs below show how many physics steps (updates to the state of the environment) Brax can produce as it is tasked with simulating more and more environments in parallel. The graph on the left shows that Brax scales the number of steps per second linearly with the number of parallel environments, only hitting memory bandwidth bottlenecks at 10,000 environments, which is not only enough for training single agents, but also suitable for training entire populations of agents. The graph on the right shows two things: first, that Brax performs well not only on TPU, but also on high-end GPUs (see the V100 and P100 curves), and second, that by leveraging JAX’s device parallelism primitives, Brax scales seamlessly across multiple devices, reaching hundreds of millions of physics steps per second (see the TPUv3 8x8 curve, which is 64 TPUv3 chips directly connected to each other over a high speed interconnect) .

Left: Scaling of the simulation steps per second for each Brax environment on a 4x2 TPU v3. Right: Scaling of the simulation steps per second for several accelerators on the Ant environment.

Another way to analyze Brax’s performance is to measure its impact on the time it takes to run a reinforcement learning experiment on a single workstation. Here we compare Brax training the popular Ant benchmark environment to its OpenAI counterpart, powered by the MuJoCo physics engine.

In the graph below, the blue line represents a standard workstation setup, where a learner runs on the GPU and the simulator runs on the CPU. We see that the time it takes to train an ant to run with reasonable proficiency (a score of 4000 on the y axis) drops from about 3 hours for the blue line, to about 10 seconds using Brax on accelerator hardware. It’s interesting to note that even on CPU alone (the grey line), Brax performs more than an order of magnitude faster, benefitting from learner and simulator both sitting in the same process.

Brax’s optimized PPO versus a standard GPU-backed PPO learning the MuJoCo-Ant-v2 environment, evaluated for 10 million steps. Note the x-axis is log-wallclock-time in seconds. Shaded region indicates lowest and highest performing seeds over 5 replicas, and solid line indicates mean.

Physics Fidelity
Designing a simulator that matches the behavior of the real world is a known hard problem that this work does not address. Nevertheless, it is useful to compare Brax to a reference simulator to ensure it is producing output that is at least as valid. In this case, we again compare Brax to MuJoCo, which is well-regarded for its simulation quality. We expect to see that, all else being equal, a policy has a similar reward trajectory whether trained in MuJoCo or Brax.

MuJoCo-Ant-v2 vs. Brax Ant, showing the number of environment steps plotted against the average episode score achieved for the environment. Both environments were trained with the same standard implementation of SAC. Shaded region indicates lowest and highest performing seeds over five runs, and solid line indicates the mean.

These curves show that as the reward rises at about the same rate for both simulators, both engines compute physics with a comparable level of complexity or difficulty to solve. And as both curves top out at about the same reward, we have confidence that the same general physical limits apply to agents operating to the best of their ability in either simulation.

We can also measure Brax’s ability to conserve linear momentum, angular momentum, and energy.

Linear momentum (left), angular momentum (middle), and energy (right) non-conservation scaling for Brax as well as several other physics engines. The y-axis indicates drift from the expected calculation (higher is smaller drift, which is better), and the x axis indicates the amount of time being simulated.

This measure of physics simulation quality was first proposed by the authors of MuJoCo as a way to understand how the simulation drifts off course as it is tasked with computing larger and larger time steps. Here, Brax performs similarly as its neighbors.

We invite researchers to perform a more qualitative measure of Brax’s physics fidelity by training their own policies in the Brax Training Colab. The learned trajectories are recognizably similar to those seen in OpenAI Gym.

Our work makes fast, scalable RL and robotics research much more accessible — what was formerly only possible via large compute clusters can now be run on workstations, or for free via hosted Google Colaboratory. Our Github repository includes not only the Brax simulation engine, but also a host of reference RL algorithms for fast training. We can’t wait to see what kind of new research Brax enables.

We'd like to thank our paper co-authors: Anton Raichuk, Sertan Girgin, Igor Mordatch, and Olivier Bachem. We also thank Erwin Coumans for advice on building physics engines, Blake Hechtman and James Bradbury for providing optimization help with JAX and XLA, and Luke Metz and Shane Gu for their advice. We’d also like to thank Vijay Sundaram, Wright Bagwell, Matt Leffler, Gavin Dodd, Brad Mckee, and Logan Olson, for helping to incubate this project.

1 Due to the complexity of the real world, there is also ongoing research exploring the physics of deformable bodies

Source: Google AI Blog

Learning an Accurate Physics Simulator via Adversarial Reinforcement Learning

Simulation empowers various engineering disciplines to quickly prototype with minimal human effort. In robotics, physics simulations provide a safe and inexpensive virtual playground for robots to acquire physical skills with techniques such as deep reinforcement learning (DRL). However, as the hand-derived physics in simulations does not match the real world exactly, control policies trained entirely within simulation can fail when tested on real hardware — a challenge known as the sim-to-real gap or the domain adaptation problem. The sim-to-real gap for perception-based tasks (such as grasping) has been tackled using RL-CycleGAN and RetinaGAN, but there is still a gap caused by the dynamics of robotic systems. This prompts us to ask, can we learn a more accurate physics simulator from a handful of real robot trajectories? If so, such an improved simulator could be used to refine the robot controller using standard DRL training, so that it succeeds in the real world.

In our ICRA 2021 publication “SimGAN: Hybrid Simulator Identification for Domain Adaptation via Adversarial Reinforcement Learning”, we propose to treat the physics simulator as a learnable component that is trained by DRL with a special reward function that penalizes discrepancies between the trajectories (i.e., the movement of the robots over time) generated in simulation and a small number of trajectories that are collected on real robots. We use generative adversarial networks (GANs) to provide such a reward, and formulate a hybrid simulator that combines learnable neural networks and analytical physics equations, to balance model expressiveness and physical correctness. On robotic locomotion tasks, our method outperforms multiple strong baselines, including domain randomization.

A Learnable Hybrid Simulator
A traditional physics simulator is a program that solves differential equations to simulate the movement or interactions of objects in a virtual world. For this work, it is necessary to build different physical models to represent different environments – if a robot walks on a mattress, the deformation of the mattress needs to be taken into account (e.g., with the finite element method). However, due to the diversity of the scenarios that robots could encounter in the real world, it would be tedious (or even impossible) for such environment-specific modeling techniques, which is why it is useful to instead take an approach based on machine learning. Although simulators can be learned entirely from data, if the training data does not include a wide enough variety of situations, the learned simulator might violate the laws of physics (i.e., deviate from the real-world dynamics) if it needs to simulate situations for which it was not trained. As a result, the robot that is trained in such a limited simulator is more likely to fail in the real world.

To overcome this complication, we construct a hybrid simulator that combines both learnable neural networks and physics equations. Specifically, we replace what are often manually-defined simulator parameters — contact parameters (e.g., friction and restitution coefficients) and motor parameters (e.g., motor gains) — with a learnable simulation parameter function because the unmodeled details of contact and motor dynamics are major causes of the sim-to-real gap. Unlike conventional simulators in which these parameters are treated as constants, in the hybrid simulator they are state-dependent — they can change according to the state of the robot. For example, motors can become weaker at higher speed. These typically unmodeled physical phenomena can be captured using the state-dependent simulation parameter functions. Moreover, while contact and motor parameters are usually difficult to identify and subject to change due to wear-and-tear, our hybrid simulator can learn them automatically from data. For example, rather than having to manually specify the parameters of a robot’s foot against every possible surface it might contact, the simulation learns these parameters from training data.

Comparison between a conventional simulator and our hybrid simulator.

The other part of the hybrid simulator is made up of physics equations that ensure the simulation obeys fundamental laws of physics, such as conservation of energy, making it a closer approximation to the real world and thus reducing the sim-to-real gap.

In our earlier mattress example, the learnable hybrid simulator is able to mimic the contact forces from the mattress. Because the learned contact parameters are state-dependent, the simulator can modulate contact forces based on the distance and velocity of the robot’s feet relative to the mattress, mimicking the effect of the stiffness and damping of a deformable surface. As a result, we do not need to analytically devise a model specifically for deformable surfaces.

Using GANs for Simulator Learning
Successfully learning the simulation parameter functions discussed above would result in a hybrid simulator that can generate similar trajectories to the ones collected on the real robot. The key that enables this learning is defining a metric for the similarity between trajectories. GANs, initially designed to generate synthetic images that share the same distribution, or “style,” with a small number of real images, can be used to generate synthetic trajectories that are indistinguishable from real ones. GANs have two main parts, a generator that learns to generate new instances, and a discriminator that evaluates how similar the new instances are to the training data. In this case, the learnable hybrid simulator serves as the GAN generator, while the GAN discriminator provides the similarity scores.

The GAN discriminator provides the similarity metric that compares the movements of the simulated and the real robot.

Fitting parameters of simulation models to data collected in the real world, a process called system identification (SysID), has been a common practice in many engineering fields. For example, the stiffness parameter of a deformable surface can be identified by measuring the displacements of the surface under different pressures. This process is typically manual and tedious, but using GANs can be much more efficient. For example, SysID often requires a hand-crafted metric for the discrepancy between simulated and real trajectories. With GANs, such a metric is automatically learned by the discriminator. Furthermore, to calculate the discrepancy metric, conventional SysID requires pairing each simulated trajectory to a corresponding real-world one that is generated using the same control policy. Since the GAN discriminator takes only one trajectory as the input and calculates the likelihood that it is collected in the real world, this one-to-one pairing is not needed.

Using Reinforcement Learning (RL) to Learn the Simulator and Refine the Policy
Putting everything together, we formulate simulation learning as an RL problem. A neural network learns the state-dependent contact and motor parameters from a small number of real-world trajectories. The neural network is optimized to minimize the error between the simulated and the real trajectories. Note that it is important to minimize this error over an extended period of time — a simulation that accurately predicts a more distant future will lead to a better control policy. RL is well suited to this because it optimizes the accumulated reward over time, rather than just optimizing a single-step reward.

After the hybrid simulator is learned and becomes more accurate, we use RL again to refine the robot’s control policy within the simulation (e.g., walking across a surface, shown below).

Following the arrows clockwise: (upper left) recording a small number of robot's failed attempts in the target domain (e.g., a real-world proxy in which the leg in red is modified to be much heavier than the source domain); (upper right) learning the hybrid simulator to match trajectories collected in the target domain; (lower right) refining control policies in this learned simulator; (lower left) testing the refined controller directly in the target domain.

Due to limited access to real robots during 2020, we created a second and different simulation (target domain) as a proxy of the real-world. The change of dynamics between the source and the target domains are large enough to approximate different sim-to-real gaps (e.g., making one leg heavier, walking on deformable surfaces instead of hard floor). We assessed whether our hybrid simulator, with no knowledge of these changes, could learn to match the dynamics in the target domain, and if the refined policy in this learned simulator could be successfully deployed in the target domain.

Qualitative results below show that simulation learning with less than 10 minutes of data collected in the target domain (where the floor is deformable) is able to generate a refined policy that performs much better for two robots with different morphologies and dynamics.

Comparison of performance between the initial and refined policy in the target domain (deformable floor) for the hopper and the quadruped robot.

Quantitative results below show that SimGAN outperforms multiple state-of-the-art baselines, including domain randomization (DR) and direct finetuning in target domains (FT).

Comparison of policy performance using different sim-to-real transfer methods in three different target domains for the Quadruped robot: locomotion on deformable surface, with weakened motors, and with heavier bodies.

The sim-to-real gap is one of the key bottlenecks that prevents robots from tapping into the power of reinforcement learning. We tackle this challenge by learning a simulator that can more faithfully model real-world dynamics, while using only a small amount of real-world data. The control policy that is refined in this simulator can be successfully deployed. To achieve this, we augment a classical physics simulator with learnable components, and train this hybrid simulator using adversarial reinforcement learning. To date we have tested its application to locomotion tasks, we hope to build on this general framework by applying it to other robot learning tasks, such as navigation and manipulation.

Source: Google AI Blog

The Importance of A/B Testing in Robotics

Disciplines in the natural sciences, social sciences, and medicine all have to grapple with how to evaluate and compare results within the context of the continually changing real world. In contrast, a significant body of machine learning (ML) research uses a different method that relies on the assumption of a fixed world: measure the performance of a baseline model on fixed data sets, then build a new model aimed at improving on the baseline, and evaluate its performance (on the same fixed data) by comparing its performance to the baseline.

Research into robotics systems and their applications to the real world requires a rethinking of this experiment design. Even in controlled robotic lab environments, it is possible that real-world changes cause the baseline model to perform inconsistently over time, making it unclear whether new models’ performance is an improvement compared to the baseline, or just the result of unintentional, random changes in the experiment setup. As robotics research advances into more complex and challenging real-world scenarios, there is a growing need for both understanding the impact of the ever-changing world on baselines and developing systematic methods to generate informative and clear results.

In this post, we demonstrate how robotics research, even in the relatively controlled environment of a lab, is meaningfully affected by changes in the environment, and discuss how to address this fundamental challenge using random assignment and A/B testing. Although these are classical research methods, they are not generally employed by default in robotics research — yet, they are critical to producing meaningful and measurable scientific results for robotics in real-world scenarios. Additionally, we cover the costs, benefits, and other considerations of using these methods.

The Ever-Changing Real World in Robotics
Even in a robotics lab environment, which is designed to minimize all changes that are not experimental conditions, it is notoriously difficult to set up a perfectly reproducible experiment. Robots get bumped and are subject to wear and tear, lighting changes affect perception, battery charge influences the torque applied to motors — all things that can affect results in ways large and small.

To illustrate this on real robot data, we collected success rate data on one of our simplest setups — moving identical foam dice from one bin to another. For this task, we ran about 33k task trials on two robots over more than five months with the same software and ML model, and took the overall success rate of the last two weeks as baseline. We then measured the historic performance over time in this “very well controlled” environment.

Video of a real robot completing the task: moving identical foam dice from one bin to another.

Given that we did not purposefully change anything during data collection, one would expect the success rate to be statistically similar over time. And yet, this is not what was observed.

The y-axis represents the 95% confidence interval of % change in success rate relative to baseline. If the confidence intervals contain zero, that indicates the success rate is statistically similar to the success rate of baseline. Confidence intervals were computed using Jackknife, with Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel correction to remove operator bias.

Using the sequential data from the plot above, one might conclude that the model ran during weeks 13-14 performed best and that ran during weeks 9-10 performed the worst. One might also expect most, if not all, of the confidence intervals above to contain 0, but only one did. Because no changes were made at any time during these trials, this example effectively demonstrates the impact of unintentional, random real-world changes on even very simple setups. It’s also worth noting that having more trials per experiment wouldn’t remove these differences, instead they will more likely produce a narrower confidence interval making the impact more obvious.

However, what happens when one uses random assignment to compare results, grouping the data randomly rather than sequentially? To answer this, we randomly assigned the above data to the same number of groups for comparison with the baseline. This is equivalent to performing A/B testing where all groups receive the same treatment.

Looking at the chart, we observe that the confidence intervals include zero, indicating success similar to the baseline, as expected.

We performed similar studies with a few other robotics tasks, comparing between sequential and random assignments. They all yielded similar results.

We see that even with no intentional changes, there are statistically significant differences observed for sequential assignment, while random assignment shows the expected result of no statistically significant differences.

Considerations for A/B testing in robotics
While it’s clear based on the above that A/B testing with random assignment is an effective way to control for the unexplainable variance of the real world in robotics, there are some considerations when adopting this approach. Here are several, along with their accompanying pros, cons, and solutions:

  • Absolute vs relative performance: Each experiment needs to be measured against a baseline that is run concurrently. The relative performance metric between baseline and experiment is published with a confidence interval. The absolute performance metric (in baseline or experiment) is less informative, because it depends to an unknown degree on the state of the world when the measurement was taken. However, the statistical differences we’ve measured between the experiment and baseline are sound and robust to reproduction.
  • Data efficiency: With this approach, the baseline always needs to run in parallel with the experimental conditions so they can be compared against each other. Although this may seem wasteful, it is worth the cost when compared against the drawbacks of making an invalid inference against a stale baseline. Furthermore, as the number of random assignment experiments scale up, we can use a single baseline arm with multiple simultaneous experiment arms across independent factors leveraging Google’s overlapping experiment infrastructure. Data efficiency improves with scale.
  • Environmental biases: If there’s any external factor affecting performance overall (lighting, slicker surfaces, etc.), both the baseline and all experiment arms will encounter this factor with similar probability, so its effect will cancel if there’s no relative impact. If there is a correlation between environmental factors and experiment arms, this will show up as differences over time (each environmental factor accumulates in the episodes collected). This can substantially reduce or eliminate the need for effortful environmental resets, and lets us run lifelong experiments and still measure improvements across experimental arms.
  • Human biases: One advantage of random assignment is a reduction in biases introduced by humans. Since human operators cannot know which data sample gets routed to which arm of the experiment, it is harder to have biased experimenters influence any particular outcome.

The Path Forward
The A/B testing experiment framework has been successfully used for a long time in many scientific disciplines to measure performance against changing, unpredictable real-world environments. In this blog post, we show that robotics research can benefit from using this same methodology: it improves the quality and confidence of research results, and avoids the impossible task of perfectly controlling all elements of a fundamentally changing environment. Doing this well requires infrastructure to continuously operate robots, collect data, and tools to make the statistical framework easily accessible to researchers.

Arnab Bose, Tuna Toksoz, Yuheng Kuang, Anthony Brohan, Razvan Sudulescu developed the experiment infrastructure and conducted the research. Matthieu Devin suggested the A/A analysis to showcase the differences using existing data. Special thanks to Bill Heavlin, Chris Harris, Vincent Vanhoucke who provided invaluable feedback and support to the work.

Source: Google AI Blog

Toward Generalized Sim-to-Real Transfer for Robot Learning

Reinforcement and imitation learning methods in robotics research can enable autonomous environmental navigation and efficient object manipulation, which in turn opens up a breadth of useful real-life applications. Previous work has demonstrated how robots that learn end-to-end using deep neural networks can reliably and safely interact with the unstructured world around us by comprehending camera observations to take actions and solve tasks. However, while end-to-end learning methods can generalize and scale for complicated robot manipulation tasks, they require hundreds of thousands real world robot training episodes, which can be difficult to obtain. One can attempt to alleviate this constraint by using a simulation of the environment that allows virtual robots to learn more quickly and at scale, but the simulations’ inability to exactly match the real world presents a challenge c ommonly referred to as the sim-to-real gap. One important source of the gap comes from discrepancies between the images rendered in simulation and the real robot camera observations, which then causes the robot to perform poorly in the real world.

To-date, work on bridging this gap has employed a technique called pixel-level domain adaptation, which translates synthetic images to realistic ones at the pixel level. One example of this technique is GraspGAN, which employs a generative adversarial network (GAN), a framework that has been very effective at image generation, to model this transformation between simulated and real images given datasets of each domain. These pseudo-real images correct some sim-to-real gap, so policies learned with simulation execute more successfully on real robots. A limitation for their use in sim-to-real transfer, however, is that because GANs translate images at the pixel-level, multi-pixel features or structures that are necessary for robot task learning may be arbitrarily modified or even removed.

To address the above limitation, and in collaboration with the Everyday Robot Project at X, we introduce two works, RL-CycleGAN and RetinaGAN, that train GANs with robot-specific consistencies — so that they do not arbitrarily modify visual features that are specifically necessary for robot task learning — and thus bridge the visual discrepancy between sim and real. We demonstrate how these consistencies preserve features critical to policy learning, eliminating the need for hand-engineered, task-specific tuning, which in turn allows for this sim-to-real methodology to work flexibly across tasks, domains, and learning algorithms. With RL-CycleGAN, we describe our sim-to-real transfer methodology and demonstrate state-of-the-art performance on real world grasping tasks trained with RL. With RetinaGAN, we extend our approach to include imitation learning with a door opening task.

In “RL-CycleGAN: Reinforcement Learning Aware Simulation-To-Real”, we leverage a variation of CycleGAN for sim-to-real adaptation by ensuring consistency of task-relevant features between real and simulated images. CycleGAN encourages preservation of image contents by ensuring an adapted image transformed back to the original domain is identical to the original image, which is called cycle consistency. To further encourage the adapted images to be useful for robotics, the CycleGAN is jointly trained with a reinforcement learning (RL) robot agent that ensures the robot’s actions are the same given both the original images and those after GAN-adaptation. That is, task-specific features like robot arm or graspable object locations are unaltered, but the GAN may still alter lighting or textural differences between domains that do not affect task-level decisions.

Evaluating RL-CycleGAN
We evaluated RL-CycleGAN on a robotic indiscriminate grasping task. Trained on 580,000 real trials and simulations adapted with RL-CycleGAN, the robot grasps objects with 94% success, surpassing the 89% success rate of the prior state-of-the-art sim-to-real method GraspGAN and the 87% mark using real-only data without simulation. With only 28,000 trials, the RL-CycleGAN method reaches 86%, comparable to the previous baselines with 20x the data. Some examples of the RL-CycleGAN output alongside the simulation images are shown below.

Comparison between simulation images of robot grasping before (left) and after RL-CycleGAN translation (right).

While RL-CycleGAN reliably transfers from sim-to-real for the RL domain using task awareness, a natural question arises: can we develop a more flexible sim-to-real transfer technique that applies broadly to different tasks and robot learning techniques?

In “RetinaGAN: An Object-Aware Approach to Sim-to-Real Transfer”, presented at ICRA 2021, we develop such a task-decoupled, algorithm-decoupled GAN approach to sim-to-real transfer by instead focusing on robots’ perception of objects. RetinaGAN enforces strong object-semantic awareness through perception consistency via object detection to predict bounding box locations for all objects on all images. In an ideal sim-to-real model, we expect the object detector to predict the same box locations before and after GAN translation, as objects should not change structurally. RetinaGAN is trained toward this ideal by backpropagation, such that there is consistency in perception of objects both when a) simulated images are transformed from simulation to real and then back to simulation and b) when real images are transformed from real to simulation and then back to real. We find this object-based consistency to be more widely applicable than the task-specific consistency required by RL-CycleGAN.

Diagram of RetinaGAN stages. The simulated image (top left) is transformed by the sim-to-real generator and subsequently by the real-to-sim generator. The real image (bottom left) undergoes the transformation in reverse order. Having separate pipelines that start with the simulated and real images improves the GAN’s performance.

Evaluating RetinaGAN on a Real Robot
Given the goal of building a more flexible sim-to-real transfer technique, we evaluate RetinaGAN in multiple ways to understand for which tasks and under what conditions it accomplishes sim-to-real transfer.

We first apply RetinaGAN to a grasping task. As demonstrated visually below, RetinaGAN emphasizes the translation of realistic object textures, shadows, and lighting, while maintaining the visual quality and saliency of the graspable objects. We couple a pre-trained RetinaGAN model with the distributed reinforcement learning method Q2-Opt to train a vision-based task model for instance grasping. On real robots, this policy grasps object instances with 80% success when trained on a hundred thousand episodes — outperforming prior adaptation methods RL-CycleGAN and CycleGAN (both achieving ~68%) and training without domain adaptation (grey bars below: 19% with sim data, 22% with real data, and 54% with mixed data). This gives us confidence that perception consistency is a valuable strategy for sim-to-real transfer. Further, with just 10,000 training episodes (8% of the data), the RL policy with RetinaGAN grasps with 66% success, demonstrating performance of prior methods with significantly less data.

Evaluation performance of RL policies on instance grasping, trained with various datasets and sim-to-real methods. Low-Data RetinaGAN uses 8% of the real dataset.
The simulated grasping environment (left) is translated to a realistic image (right) using RetinaGAN.

Next, we pair RetinaGAN with a different learning method, behavioral cloning, to open conference room doors given demonstrations by human operators. Using images from both simulated and real demonstrations, we train RetinaGAN to translate the synthetic images to look realistic, bridging the sim-to-real gap. We then train a behavior cloning model to imitate the task-solving actions of the human operators within real and RetinaGAN-adapted sim demonstrations. When evaluating this model by predicting actions to take, the robot enters real conference rooms over 93% of the time, surpassing baselines of 75% and below.

Both of the above images show the same simulation, but RetinaGAN translates simulated door opening images (left) to look more like real robot sensor data (right).
Three examples of the real robot successfully opening conference room doors using the RetinaGAN-trained behavior cloning policy.

This work has demonstrated how additional constraints on GANs may address the visual sim-to-real gap without requiring task-specific tuning; these approaches reach higher real robot success rates with less data collection. RL-CycleGAN translates synthetic images to realistic ones with an RL-consistency loss that automatically preserves task-relevant features. RetinaGAN is an object-aware sim-to-real adaptation technique that transfers robustly across environments and tasks, agnostic to the task learning method. Since RetinaGAN is not trained with any task-specific knowledge, we show how it can be reused for a novel object pushing task. We hope that work on the sim-to-real gap further generalizes toward solving task-agnostic robotic manipulation in unstructured environments.

Research into RL-CycleGAN was conducted by Kanishka Rao, Chris Harris, Alex Irpan, Sergey Levine, Julian Ibarz, and Mohi Khansari. Research into RetinaGAN was conducted by Daniel Ho, Kanishka Rao, Zhuo Xu, Eric Jang, Mohi Khansari, and Yunfei Bai. We’d also like to give special thanks to Ivonne Fajardo, Noah Brown, Benjamin Swanson, Christopher Paguyo, Armando Fuentes, and Sphurti More for overseeing the robot operations. We thank Paul Wohlhart, Konstantinos Bousmalis, Daniel Kappler, Alexander Herzog, Anthony Brohan, Yao Lu, Chad Richards, Vincent Vanhoucke, and Mrinal Kalakrishnan, Max Braun and others in the Robotics at Google team and the Everyday Robot Project for valuable discussions and help.

Source: Google AI Blog

Learning to Manipulate Deformable Objects

While the robotics research community has driven recent advances that enable robots to grasp a wide range of rigid objects, less research has been devoted to developing algorithms that can handle deformable objects. One of the challenges in deformable object manipulation is that it is difficult to specify such an object's configuration. For example, with a rigid cube, knowing the configuration of a fixed point relative to its center is sufficient to describe its arrangement in 3D space, but a single point on a piece of fabric can remain fixed while other parts shift. This makes it difficult for perception algorithms to describe the complete “state” of the fabric, especially under occlusions. In addition, even if one has a sufficiently descriptive state representation of a deformable object, its dynamics are complex. This makes it difficult to predict the future state of the deformable object after some action is applied to it, which is often needed for multi-step planning algorithms.

In "Learning to Rearrange Deformable Cables, Fabrics, and Bags with Goal-Conditioned Transporter Networks," to appear at ICRA 2021, we release an open-source simulated benchmark, called DeformableRavens, with the goal of accelerating research into deformable object manipulation. DeformableRavens features 12 tasks that involve manipulating cables, fabrics, and bags and includes a set of model architectures for manipulating deformable objects towards desired goal configurations, specified with images. These architectures enable a robot to rearrange cables to match a target shape, to smooth a fabric to a target zone, and to insert an item in a bag. To our knowledge, this is the first simulator that includes a task in which a robot must use a bag to contain other items, which presents key challenges in enabling a robot to learn more complex relative spatial relations.

The DeformableRavens Benchmark
DeformableRavens expands our prior work on rearranging objects and includes a suite of 12 simulated tasks involving 1D, 2D, and 3D deformable structures. Each task contains a simulated UR5 arm with a mock gripper for pinch grasping, and is bundled with scripted demonstrators to autonomously collect data for imitation learning. Tasks randomize the starting state of the items within a distribution to test generality to different object configurations.

Examples of scripted demonstrators for manipulation of 1D (cable), 2D (fabric), and 3D (bag) deformable structures in our simulator, using PyBullet. These show three of the 12 tasks in DeformableRavens. Left: the task is to move the cable so it matches the underlying green target zone. Middle: the task is to wrap the cube with the fabric. Right: the task is to insert the item in the bag, then to lift and move the bag to the square target zone.

Specifying goal configurations for manipulation tasks can be particularly challenging with deformable objects. Given their complex dynamics and high-dimensional configuration spaces, goals cannot be as easily specified as a set of rigid object poses, and may involve complex relative spatial relations, such as “place the item inside the bag”. Hence, in addition to tasks defined by the distribution of scripted demonstrations, our benchmark also contains goal-conditioned tasks that are specified with goal images. For goal-conditioned tasks, a given starting configuration of objects must be paired with a separate image that shows the desired configuration of those same objects. A success for that particular case is then based on whether the robot is able to get the current configuration to be sufficiently close to the configuration conveyed in the goal image.

Goal-Conditioned Transporter Networks
To complement the goal-conditioned tasks in our simulated benchmark, we integrated goal-conditioning into our previously released Transporter Network architecture — an action-centric model architecture that works well on rigid object manipulation by rearranging deep features to infer spatial displacements from visual input. The architecture takes as input both an image of the current environment and a goal image with a desired final configuration of objects, computes deep visual features for both images, then combines the features using element-wise multiplication to condition pick and place correlations to manipulate both the rigid and deformable objects in the scene. A strength of the Transporter Network architecture is that it preserves the spatial structure of the visual images, which provides inductive biases that reformulate image-based goal conditioning into a simpler feature matching problem and improves the learning efficiency with convolutional networks.

An example task involving goal-conditioning is shown below. In order to place the green block into the yellow bag, the robot needs to learn spatial features that enable it to perform a multi-step sequence of actions to spread open the top opening of the yellow bag, before placing the block into it. After it places the block into the yellow bag, the demonstration ends in a success. If in the goal image the block were placed in the blue bag, then the demonstrator would need to put the block in the blue bag.

An example of a goal-conditioned task in DeformableRavens. Left: A frontal camera view of the UR5 robot and the bags, plus one item, in a desired goal configuration. Middle: The top-down orthographic image of this setup, which is size 160x320 and passed as the goal image to specify the task success criterion. Right: A video of the demonstration policy showing that the item goes into the yellow bag, instead of the blue one.

Our results suggest that goal-conditioned Transporter Networks enable agents to manipulate deformable structures into flexibly specified configurations without test-time visual anchors for target locations. We also significantly extend prior results using Transporter Networks for manipulating deformable objects by testing on tasks with 2D and 3D deformables. Results additionally suggest that the proposed approach is more sample-efficient than alternative approaches that rely on using ground-truth pose and vertex position instead of images as input.

For example, the learned policies can effectively simulate bagging tasks, and one can also provide a goal image so that the robot must infer into which bag the item should be placed.

An example of policies trained using Transporter Networks applied in action on bagging tasks, where the objective is to first open the bag, then to put one (left) or two (right) items in the bag, then to insert the bag into the target zone. The left animation is zoomed in for clarity.
An example of the learned policy using Goal-Conditioned Transporter Networks. Left: The frontal camera view. Middle: The goal image that the Goal-Conditioned Transporter Network receives as input, which shows that the item should go in the red bag, instead of the blue distractor bag. Right: The learned policy putting the item in the red bag, instead of the distractor bag (colored yellow in this case).

We encourage other researchers to check out our open-source code to try the simulated environments and to build upon this work. For more details, please check out our paper.

Future Work
This work exposes several directions for future development, including the mitigation of observed failure modes. As shown below, one failure is when the robot pulls the bag upwards and causes the item to fall out. Another is when the robot places the item on the irregular exterior surface of the bag, which causes the item to fall off. Future algorithmic improvements might allow actions that operate at a higher frequency rate, so that the robot can react in real time to counteract such failures.

Examples of failure cases from the learned Transporter-based policies on bag manipulation tasks. Left: the robot inserts the cube into the opening of the bag, but the bag pulling action fails to enclose the cube. Right: the robot fails to insert the cube into the opening, and is unable to perform recovery actions to insert the cube in a better location.

Another area for advancement is to train Transporter Network-based models for deformable object manipulation using techniques that do not require expert demonstrations, such as example-based control or model-based reinforcement learning. Finally, the ongoing pandemic limited access to physical robots, so in future work we will explore the necessary ingredients to get a system working with physical bags, and to extend the system to work with different types of bags.

This research was conducted during Daniel Seita's internship at Google’s NYC office in Summer 2020. We thank our collaborators Pete Florence, Jonathan Tompson, Erwin Coumans, Vikas Sindhwani, and Ken Goldberg.

Source: Google AI Blog

Multi-Task Robotic Reinforcement Learning at Scale

For general-purpose robots to be most useful, they would need to be able to perform a range of tasks, such as cleaning, maintenance and delivery. But training even a single task (e.g., grasping) using offline reinforcement learning (RL), a trial and error learning method where the agent uses training previously collected data, can take thousands of robot-hours, in addition to the significant engineering needed to enable autonomous operation of a large-scale robotic system. Thus, the computational costs of building general-purpose everyday robots using current robot learning methods becomes prohibitive as the number of tasks grows.

Multi-task data collection across multiple robots where different robots collect data for different tasks.

In other large-scale machine learning domains, such as natural language processing and computer vision, a number of strategies have been applied to amortize the effort of learning over multiple skills. For example, pre-training on large natural language datasets can enable few- or zero-shot learning of multiple tasks, such as question answering and sentiment analysis. However, because robots collect their own data, robotic skill learning presents a unique set of opportunities and challenges. Automating this process is a large engineering endeavour, and effectively reusing past robotic data collected by different robots remains an open problem.

Today we present two new advances for robotic RL at scale, MT-Opt, a new multi-task RL system for automated data collection and multi-task RL training, and Actionable Models, which leverages the acquired data for goal-conditioned RL. MT-Opt introduces a scalable data-collection mechanism that is used to collect over 800,000 episodes of various tasks on real robots and demonstrates a successful application of multi-task RL that yields ~3x average improvement over baseline. Additionally, it enables robots to master new tasks quickly through use of its extensive multi-task dataset (new task fine-tuning in <1 day of data collection). Actionable Models enables learning in the absence of specific tasks and rewards by training an implicit model of the world that is also an actionable robotic policy. This drastically increases the number of tasks the robot can perform (via visual goal specification) and enables more efficient learning of downstream tasks.

Large-Scale Multi-Task Data Collection System
The cornerstone for both MT-Opt and Actionable Models is the volume and quality of training data. To collect diverse, multi-task data at scale, users need a way to specify tasks, decide for which tasks to collect the data, and finally, manage and balance the resulting dataset. To that end, we create a scalable and intuitive multi-task success detector using data from all of the chosen tasks. The multi-task success is trained using supervised learning to detect the outcome of a given task and it allows users to quickly define new tasks and their rewards. When this success detector is being applied to collect data, it is periodically updated to accommodate distribution shifts caused by various real-world factors, such as varying lighting conditions, changing background surroundings, and novel states that the robots discover.

Second, we simultaneously collect data for multiple distinct tasks across multiple robots by using solutions to easier tasks to effectively bootstrap learning of more complex tasks. This allows training of a policy for the harder tasks and improves the data collected for them. As such, the amount of per-task data and the number of successful episodes for each task grows over time. To further improve the performance, we focus data collection on underperforming tasks, rather than collecting data uniformly across tasks.

This system collected 9600 robot hours of data (from 57 continuous data collection days on seven robots). However, while this data collection strategy was effective at collecting data for a large number of tasks, the success rate and data volume was imbalanced between tasks.

Learning with MT-Opt
We address the data collection imbalance by transferring data across tasks and re-balancing the per-task data. The robots generate episodes that are labelled as success or failure for each task and are then copied and shared across other tasks. The balanced batch of episodes is then sent to our multi-task RL training pipeline to train the MT-Opt policy.

Data sharing and task re-balancing strategy used by MT-Opt. The robots generate episodes which then get labelled as success or failure for the current task and are then shared across other tasks.

MT-Opt uses Q-learning, a popular RL method that learns a function that estimates the future sum of rewards, called the Q-function. The learned policy then picks the action that maximizes this learned Q-function. For multi-task policy training, we specify the task as an extra input to a large Q-learning network (inspired by our previous work on large-scale single-task learning with QT-Opt) and then train all of the tasks simultaneously with offline RL using the entire multi-task dataset. In this way, MT-Opt is able to train on a wide variety of skills that include picking specific objects, placing them into various fixtures, aligning items on a rack, rearranging and covering objects with towels, etc.

Compared to single-task baselines, MT-Opt performs similarly on the tasks that have the most data and significantly improves performance on underrepresented tasks. So, for a generic lifting task, which has the most supporting data, MT-Opt achieved an 89% success rate (compared to 88% for QT-Opt) and achieved a 50% average success rate across rare tasks, compared to 1% with a single-task QT-Opt baseline and 18% using a naïve, multi-task QT-Opt baseline. Using MT-Opt not only enables zero-shot generalization to new but similar tasks, but also can quickly (in about 1 day of data collection on seven robots) be fine-tuned to new, previously unseen tasks. For example, when applied to an unseen towel-covering task, the system achieved a zero-shot success rate of 92% for towel-picking and 79% for object-covering, which wasn’t present in the original dataset.

Example tasks that MT-Opt is able to learn, such as instance and indiscriminate grasping, chasing, placing, aligning and rearranging.
Towel-covering task that was not present in the original dataset. We fine-tune MT-Opt on this novel task in 1 day to achieve a high (>90%) success rate.

Learning with Actionable Models
While supplying a rigid definition of tasks facilitates autonomous data collection for MT-Opt, it limits the number of learnable behaviors to a fixed set. To enable learning a wider range of tasks from the same data, we use goal-conditioned learning, i.e., learning to reach given goal configurations of a scene in front of the robot, which we specify with goal images. In contrast to explicit model-based methods that learn predictive models of future world observations, or approaches that employ online data collection, this approach learns goal-conditioned policies via offline model-free RL.

To learn to reach any goal state, we perform hindsight relabeling of all trajectories and sub-sequences in our collected dataset and train a goal-conditioned Q-function in a fully offline manner (in contrast to learning online using a fixed set of success examples as in recursive classification). One challenge in this setting is the distributional shift caused by learning only from “positive” hindsight relabeled examples. This we address by employing a conservative strategy to minimize Q-values of unseen actions using artificial negative actions. Furthermore, to enable reaching temporary-extended goals, we introduce a technique for chaining goals across multiple episodes.

Actionable Models relabel sub-sequences with all intermediate goals and regularize Q-values with artificial negative actions.

Training with Actionable Models allows the system to learn a large repertoire of visually indicated skills, such as object grasping, container placing and object rearrangement. The model is also able to generalize to novel objects and visual objectives not seen in the training data, which demonstrates its ability to learn general functional knowledge about the world. We also show that downstream reinforcement learning tasks can be learned more efficiently by either fine-tuning a pre-trained goal-conditioned model or through a goal-reaching auxiliary objective during training.

Example tasks (specified by goal-images) that our Actionable Model is able to learn.

The results of both MT-Opt and Actionable Models indicate that it is possible to collect and then learn many distinct tasks from large diverse real-robot datasets within a single model, effectively amortizing the cost of learning across many skills. We see this an important step towards general robot learning systems that can be further scaled up to perform many useful services and serve as a starting point for learning downstream tasks.

This post is based on two papers, "MT-Opt: Continuous Multi-Task Robotic Reinforcement Learning at Scale" and "Actionable Models: Unsupervised Offline Reinforcement Learning of Robotic Skills," with additional information and videos on the project websites for MT-Opt and Actionable Models.

This research was conducted by Dmitry Kalashnikov, Jake Varley, Yevgen Chebotar, Ben Swanson, Rico Jonschkowski, Chelsea Finn, Sergey Levine, Yao Lu, Alex Irpan, Ben Eysenbach, Ryan Julian and Ted Xiao. We’d like to give special thanks to Josh Weaver, Noah Brown, Khem Holden, Linda Luu and Brandon Kinman for their robot operation support; Anthony Brohan for help with distributed learning and testing infrastructure; Tom Small for help with videos and project media; Julian Ibarz, Kanishka Rao, Vikas Sindhwani and Vincent Vanhoucke for their support; Tuna Toksoz and Garrett Peake for improving the bin reset mechanisms; Satoshi Kataoka, Michael Ahn, and Ken Oslund for help with the underlying control stack, and the rest of the Robotics at Google team for their overall support and encouragement. All the above contributions were incredibly enabling for this research.

Source: Google AI Blog