Tag Archives: Robotics

Presenting the iGibson Challenge on Interactive and Social Navigation

Computer vision has significantly advanced over the past decade thanks to large-scale benchmarks, such as ImageNet for image classification or COCO for object detection, which provide vast datasets and criteria for evaluating models. However, these traditional benchmarks evaluate passive tasks in which the emphasis is on perception alone, whereas more recent computer vision research has tackled active tasks, which require both perception and action (often called “embodied AI”).

The First Embodied AI Workshop, co-organized by Google at CVPR 2020, hosted several benchmark challenges for active tasks, including the Stanford and Google organized Sim2Real Challenge with iGibson, which provided a real-world setup to test navigation policies trained in photo-realistic simulation environments. An open-source setup in the challenge enabled the community to train policies in simulation, which could then be run in repeatable real world navigation experiments, enabling the evaluation of the “sim-to-real gap” — the difference between simulation and the real world. Many research teams submitted solutions during the pandemic, which were run safely by challenge organizers on real robots, with winners presenting their results virtually at the workshop.

This year, Stanford and Google are proud to announce a new version of the iGibson Challenge on Interactive and Social Navigation, one of the 10 active visual challenges affiliated with the Second Embodied AI Workshop at CVPR 2021. This year’s Embodied AI Workshop is co-organized by Google and nine other research organizations, and explores issues such as simulation, sim-to-real transfer, visual navigation, semantic mapping and change detection, object rearrangement and restoration, auditory navigation, and following instructions for navigation and interaction tasks. In addition, this year’s interactive and social iGibson challenge explores interactive navigation and social navigation — how robots can learn to interact with people and objects in their environments — by combining the iGibson simulator, the Google Scanned Objects Dataset, and simulated pedestrians within realistic human environments.

New Challenges in Navigation
Active perception tasks are challenging, as they require both perception and actions in response. For example, point navigation involves navigating through mapped space, such as driving robots over kilometers in human-friendly buildings, while recognizing and avoiding obstacles. Similarly object navigation involves looking for objects in buildings, requiring domain invariant representations and object search behaviors. Additionally, visual language instruction navigation involves navigating through buildings based on visual images and commands in natural language. These problems become even harder in a real-world environment, where robots must be able to handle a variety of physical and social interactions that are much more dynamic and challenging to solve. In this year’s iGibson Challenge, we focus on two of those settings:

  • Interactive Navigation: In a cluttered environment, an agent navigating to a goal must physically interact with objects to succeed. For example, an agent should recognize that a shoe can be pushed aside, but that an end table should not be moved and a sofa cannot be moved.
  • Social Navigation: In a crowded environment in which people are also moving about, an agent navigating to a goal must move politely around the people present with as little disruption as possible.

New Features of the iGibson 2021 Dataset
To facilitate research into techniques that address these problems, the iGibson Challenge 2021 dataset provides simulated interactive scenes for training. The dataset includes eight fully interactive scenes derived from real-world apartments, and another seven scenes held back for testing and evaluation.

iGibson provides eight fully interactive scenes derived from real-world apartments.

To enable interactive navigation, these scenes are populated with small objects drawn from the Google Scanned Objects Dataset, a dataset of common household objects scanned in 3D for use in robot simulation and computer vision research, licensed under a Creative Commons license to give researchers the freedom to use them in their research.

The Google Scanned Objects Dataset contains 3D models of many common objects.

The challenge is implemented in Stanford’s open-source iGibson simulation platform, a fast, interactive, photorealistic robotic simulator with physics based on Bullet. For this year’s challenge, iGibson has been expanded with fully interactive environments and pedestrian behaviors based on the ORCA crowd simulation algorithm.

iGibson environments include ORCA crowd simulations and movable objects.

Participating in the Challenge
The iGibson Challenge has launched and its leaderboard is open in the Dev phase, in which participants are encouraged to submit robotic control to the development leaderboard, where they will be tested on the Interactive and Social Navigation challenges on our holdout dataset. The Test phase opens for teams to submit final solutions on May 16th and closes on May 31st, with the winner demo scheduled for June 20th, 2021. For more details on participating, please check out the iGibson Challenge Page.

We’d like to thank our colleagues at at the Stanford Vision and Learning Lab (SVL) for working with us to advance the state of interactive and social robot navigation, including Chengshu Li, Claudia Pérez D'Arpino, Fei Xia, Jaewoo Jang, Roberto Martin-Martin and Silvio Savarese. At Google, we would like to thank Aleksandra Faust, Anelia Angelova, Carolina Parada, Edward Lee, Jie Tan, Krista Reyman and the rest of our collaborators on mobile robotics. We would also like to thank our co-organizers on the Embodied AI Workshop, including AI2, Facebook, Georgia Tech, Intel, MIT, SFU, Stanford, UC Berkeley, and University of Washington.

Source: Google AI Blog

Recursive Classification: Replacing Rewards with Examples in RL

A general goal of robotics research is to design systems that can assist in a variety of tasks that can potentially improve daily life. Most reinforcement learning algorithms for teaching agents to perform new tasks require a reward function, which provides positive feedback to the agent for taking actions that lead to good outcomes. However, actually specifying these reward functions can be quite tedious and can be very difficult to define for situations without a clear objective, such as whether a room is clean or if a door is sufficiently shut. Even for tasks that are easy to describe, actually measuring whether the task has been solved can be difficult and may require adding many sensors to a robot's environment.

Alternatively, training a model using examples, called example-based control, has the potential to overcome the limitations of approaches that rely on traditional reward functions. This new problem statement is most similar to prior methods based on "success detectors", and efficient algorithms for example-based control could enable non-expert users to teach robots to perform new tasks, without the need for coding expertise, knowledge of reward function design, or the installation of environmental sensors.

In "Replacing Rewards with Examples: Example-Based Policy Search via Recursive Classification," we propose a machine learning algorithm for teaching agents how to solve new tasks by providing examples of success (e.g., if “success” examples show a nail embedded into a wall, the agent will learn to pick up a hammer and knock nails into the wall). This algorithm, recursive classification of examples (RCE), does not rely on hand-crafted reward functions, distance functions, or features, but rather learns to solve tasks directly from data, requiring the agent to learn how to solve the entire task by itself, without requiring examples of any intermediate states. Using a version of temporal difference learning — similar to Q-learning, but replacing the typical reward function term using only examples of success — RCE outperforms prior approaches based on imitation learning on simulated robotics tasks. Coupled with theoretical guarantees similar to those for reward-based learning, the proposed method offers a user-friendly alternative for teaching robots new tasks.

Top: To teach a robot to hammer a nail into a wall, most reinforcement learning algorithms require that the user define a reward function. Bottom: The example-based control method uses examples of what the world looks like when a task is completed to teach the robot to solve the task, e.g., examples where the nail is already hammered into the wall.

Example-Based Control vs Imitation Learning
While the example-based control method is similar to imitation learning, there is an important distinction — it does not require expert demonstrations. In fact, the user can actually be quite bad at performing the task themselves, as long as they can look back and pick out the small fraction of states where they did happen to solve the task.

Additionally, whereas previous research used a stage-wise approach in which the model first uses success examples to learn a reward function and then applies that reward function with an off-the-shelf reinforcement learning algorithm, RCE learns directly from the examples and skips the intermediate step of defining the reward function. Doing so avoids potential bugs and bypasses the process of defining the hyperparameters associated with learning a reward function (such as how often to update the reward function or how to regularize it) and, when debugging, removes the need to examine code related to learning the reward function.

Recursive Classification of Examples
The intuition behind the RCE approach is simple: the model should predict whether the agent will solve the task in the future, given the current state of the world and the action that the agent is taking. If there were data that specified which state-action pairs lead to future success and which state-action pairs lead to future failure, then one could solve this problem using standard supervised learning. However, when the only data available consists of success examples, the system doesn’t know which states and actions led to success, and while the system also has experience interacting with the environment, this experience isn't labeled as leading to success or not.

Left: The key idea is to learn a future success classifier that predicts for every state (circle) in a trajectory whether the task will be solved in the future (thumbs up/down). Right: In the example-based control approach, the model is provided only with unlabeled experience (grey circles) and success examples (green circles), so one cannot apply standard supervised learning. Instead, the model uses the success examples to automatically label the unlabeled experience.

Nonetheless, one can piece together what these data would look like, if it were available. First, by definition, a successful example must be one that solves the given task. Second, even though it is unknown whether an arbitrary state-action pair will lead to success in solving a task, it is possible to estimate how likely it is that the task will be solved if the agent started at the next state. If the next state is likely to lead to future success, it can be assumed that the current state is also likely to lead to future success. In effect, this is recursive classification, where the labels are inferred based on predictions at the next time step.

The underlying algorithmic idea of using a model's predictions at a future time step as a label for the current time step closely resembles existing temporal-difference methods, such as Q-learning and successor features. The key difference is that the approach described here does not require a reward function. Nonetheless, we show that this method inherits many of the same theoretical convergence guarantees as temporal difference methods. In practice, implementing RCE requires changing only a few lines of code in an existing Q-learning implementation.

We evaluated the RCE method on a range of challenging robotic manipulation tasks. For example, in one task we required a robotic hand to pick up a hammer and hit a nail into a board. Previous research into this task [1, 2] have used a complex reward function (with terms corresponding to the distance between the hand and the hammer, the distance between the hammer and the nail, and whether the nail has been knocked into the board). In contrast, the RCE method requires only a few observations of what the world would look like if the nail were hammered into the board.

We compared the performance of RCE to a number of prior methods, including those that learn an explicit reward function and those based on imitation learning , all of which struggle to solve this task. This experiment highlights how example-based control makes it easy for users to specify even complex tasks, and demonstrates that recursive classification can successfully solve these sorts of tasks.

Compared with prior methods, the RCE approach solves the task of hammering a nail into a board more reliably that prior approaches based on imitation learning [SQIL, DAC] and those that learn an explicit reward function [VICE, ORIL, PURL].

We have presented a method to teach autonomous agents to perform tasks by providing them with examples of success, rather than meticulously designing reward functions or collecting first-person demonstrations. An important aspect of example-based control, which we discuss in the paper, is what assumptions the system makes about the capabilities of different users. Designing variants of RCE that are robust to differences in users' capabilities may be important for applications in real-world robotics. The code is available, and the project website contains additional videos of the learned behaviors.

We thank our co-authors, Ruslan Salakhutdinov and Sergey Levine. We also thank Surya Bhupatiraju, Kamyar Ghasemipour, Max Igl, and Harini Kannan for feedback on this post, and Tom Small for helping to design figures for this post.

Source: Google AI Blog

3D Scene Understanding with TensorFlow 3D

The growing ubiquity of 3D sensors (e.g., Lidar, depth sensing cameras and radar) over the last few years has created a need for scene understanding technology that can process the data these devices capture. Such technology can enable machine learning (ML) systems that use these sensors, like autonomous cars and robots, to navigate and operate in the real world, and can create an improved augmented reality experience on mobile devices. The field of computer vision has recently begun making good progress in 3D scene understanding, including models for mobile 3D object detection, transparent object detection, and more, but entry to the field can be challenging due to the limited availability tools and resources that can be applied to 3D data.

In order to further improve 3D scene understanding and reduce barriers to entry for interested researchers, we are releasing TensorFlow 3D (TF 3D), a highly modular and efficient library that is designed to bring 3D deep learning capabilities into TensorFlow. TF 3D provides a set of popular operations, loss functions, data processing tools, models and metrics that enables the broader research community to develop, train and deploy state-of-the-art 3D scene understanding models.

TF 3D contains training and evaluation pipelines for state-of-the-art 3D semantic segmentation, 3D object detection and 3D instance segmentation, with support for distributed training. It also enables other potential applications like 3D object shape prediction, point cloud registration and point cloud densification. In addition, it offers a unified dataset specification and configuration for training and evaluation of the standard 3D scene understanding datasets. It currently supports the Waymo Open, ScanNet, and Rio datasets. However, users can freely convert other popular datasets, such as NuScenes and Kitti, into a similar format and use them in the pre-existing or custom created pipelines, and can leverage TF 3D for a wide variety of 3D deep learning research and applications, from quickly prototyping and trying new ideas to deploying a real-time inference system.

An example output of the 3D object detection model in TF 3D on a frame from Waymo Open Dataset is shown on the left. An example output of the 3D instance segmentation model on a scene from ScanNet dataset is shown on the right.

Here, we will present the efficient and configurable sparse convolutional backbone that is provided in TF 3D, which is the key to achieving state-of-the-art results on various 3D scene understanding tasks. Furthermore, we will go over each of the three pipelines that TF 3D currently supports: 3D semantic segmentation, 3D object detection and 3D instance segmentation.

3D Sparse Convolutional Network
The 3D data captured by sensors often consists of a scene that contains a set of objects of interest (e.g. cars, pedestrians, etc.) surrounded mostly by open space, which is of limited (or no) interest. As such, 3D data is inherently sparse. In such an environment, standard implementation of convolutions would be computationally intensive and consume a large amount of memory. So, in TF 3D we use submanifold sparse convolution and pooling operations, which are designed to process 3D sparse data more efficiently. Sparse convolutional models are core to the state-of-the-art methods applied in most outdoor self-driving (e.g. Waymo, NuScenes) and indoor benchmarks (e.g. ScanNet).

We also use various CUDA techniques to speed up the computation (e.g., hashing, partitioning / caching the filter in shared memory, and using bit operations). Experiments on the Waymo Open dataset shows that this implementation is around 20x faster than a well-designed implementation with pre-existing TensorFlow operations.

TF 3D then uses the 3D submanifold sparse U-Net architecture to extract a feature for each voxel. The U-Net architecture has proven to be effective by letting the network extract both coarse and fine features and combining them to make the predictions. The U-Net network consists of three modules, an encoder, a bottleneck, and a decoder, each of which consists of a number of sparse convolution blocks with possible pooling or un-pooling operations.

A 3D sparse voxel U-Net architecture. Note that a horizontal arrow takes in the voxel features and applies a submanifold sparse convolution to it. An arrow that is moving down performs a submanifold sparse pooling. An arrow that is moving up will gather back the pooled features, concatenate them with the features coming from the horizontal arrow, and perform a submanifold sparse convolution on the concatenated features.

The sparse convolutional network described above is the backbone for the 3D scene understanding pipelines that are offered in TF 3D. Each of the models described below uses this backbone network to extract features for the sparse voxels, and then adds one or multiple additional prediction heads to infer the task of interest. The user can configure the U-Net network by changing the number of encoder / decoder layers and the number of convolutions in each layer, and by modifying the convolution filter sizes, which enables a wide range of speed / accuracy tradeoffs to be explored through the different backbone configurations

3D Semantic Segmentation
The 3D semantic segmentation model has only one output head for predicting the per-voxel semantic scores, which are mapped back to points to predict a semantic label per point.

3D semantic segmentation of an indoor scene from ScanNet dataset.

3D Instance Segmentation
In 3D instance segmentation, in addition to predicting semantics, the goal is to group the voxels that belong to the same object together. The 3D instance segmentation algorithm used in TF 3D is based on our previous work on 2D image segmentation using deep metric learning. The model predicts a per-voxel instance embedding vector as well as a semantic score for each voxel. The instance embedding vectors map the voxels to an embedding space where voxels that correspond to the same object instance are close together, while those that correspond to different objects are far apart. In this case, the input is a point cloud instead of an image, and it uses a 3D sparse network instead of a 2D image network. At inference time, a greedy algorithm picks one instance seed at a time, and uses the distance between the voxel embeddings to group them into segments.

3D Object Detection
The 3D object detection model predicts per-voxel size, center, and rotation matrices and the object semantic scores. At inference time, a box proposal mechanism is used to reduce the hundreds of thousands of per-voxel box predictions into a few accurate box proposals, and then at training time, box prediction and classification losses are applied to per-voxel predictions. We apply a Huber loss on the distance between predicted and the ground-truth box corners. Since the function that estimates the box corners from its size, center and rotation matrix is differentiable, the loss will automatically propagate back to those predicted object properties. We use a dynamic box classification loss that classifies a box that strongly overlaps with the ground-truth as positive and classifies the non-overlapping boxes as negative.

Our 3D object detection results on ScanNet dataset.

In our recent paper, “DOPS: Learning to Detect 3D Objects and Predict their 3D Shapes”, we describe in detail the single-stage weakly supervised learning algorithm used for object detection in TF 3D. In addition, in a follow up work, we extended the 3D object detection model to leverage temporal information by proposing a sparse LSTM-based multi-frame model. We go on to show that this temporal model outperforms the frame-by-frame approach by 7.5% in the Waymo Open dataset.

The 3D object detection and shape prediction model introduced in the DOPS paper. A 3D sparse U-Net is used to extract a feature vector for each voxel. The object detection module uses these features to propose 3D boxes and semantic scores. At the same time, the other branch of the network predicts a shape embedding that is used to output a mesh for each object.

Ready to Get Started?
We’ve certainly found this codebase to be useful for our 3D computer vision projects, and we hope that you will as well. Contributions to the codebase are welcome and please stay tuned for our own further updates to the framework. To get started please visit our github repository.

The release of the TensorFlow 3D codebase and model has been the result of widespread collaboration among Google researchers with feedback and testing from product groups. In particular we want to highlight the core contributions by Alireza Fathi and Rui Huang (work performed while at Google), with special additional thanks to Guangda Lai, Abhijit Kundu, Pei Sun, Thomas Funkhouser, David Ross, Caroline Pantofaru, Johanna Wald, Angela Dai and Matthias Niessner.

Source: Google AI Blog

3D Scene Understanding with TensorFlow 3D

The growing ubiquity of 3D sensors (e.g., Lidar, depth sensing cameras and radar) over the last few years has created a need for scene understanding technology that can process the data these devices capture. Such technology can enable machine learning (ML) systems that use these sensors, like autonomous cars and robots, to navigate and operate in the real world, and can create an improved augmented reality experience on mobile devices. The field of computer vision has recently begun making good progress in 3D scene understanding, including models for mobile 3D object detection, transparent object detection, and more, but entry to the field can be challenging due to the limited availability tools and resources that can be applied to 3D data.

In order to further improve 3D scene understanding and reduce barriers to entry for interested researchers, we are releasing TensorFlow 3D (TF 3D), a highly modular and efficient library that is designed to bring 3D deep learning capabilities into TensorFlow. TF 3D provides a set of popular operations, loss functions, data processing tools, models and metrics that enables the broader research community to develop, train and deploy state-of-the-art 3D scene understanding models.

TF 3D contains training and evaluation pipelines for state-of-the-art 3D semantic segmentation, 3D object detection and 3D instance segmentation, with support for distributed training. It also enables other potential applications like 3D object shape prediction, point cloud registration and point cloud densification. In addition, it offers a unified dataset specification and configuration for training and evaluation of the standard 3D scene understanding datasets. It currently supports the Waymo Open, ScanNet, and Rio datasets. However, users can freely convert other popular datasets, such as NuScenes and Kitti, into a similar format and use them in the pre-existing or custom created pipelines, and can leverage TF 3D for a wide variety of 3D deep learning research and applications, from quickly prototyping and trying new ideas to deploying a real-time inference system.

An example output of the 3D object detection model in TF 3D on a frame from Waymo Open Dataset is shown on the left. An example output of the 3D instance segmentation model on a scene from ScanNet dataset is shown on the right.

Here, we will present the efficient and configurable sparse convolutional backbone that is provided in TF 3D, which is the key to achieving state-of-the-art results on various 3D scene understanding tasks. Furthermore, we will go over each of the three pipelines that TF 3D currently supports: 3D semantic segmentation, 3D object detection and 3D instance segmentation.

3D Sparse Convolutional Network
The 3D data captured by sensors often consists of a scene that contains a set of objects of interest (e.g. cars, pedestrians, etc.) surrounded mostly by open space, which is of limited (or no) interest. As such, 3D data is inherently sparse. In such an environment, standard implementation of convolutions would be computationally intensive and consume a large amount of memory. So, in TF 3D we use submanifold sparse convolution and pooling operations, which are designed to process 3D sparse data more efficiently. Sparse convolutional models are core to the state-of-the-art methods applied in most outdoor self-driving (e.g. Waymo, NuScenes) and indoor benchmarks (e.g. ScanNet).

We also use various CUDA techniques to speed up the computation (e.g., hashing, partitioning / caching the filter in shared memory, and using bit operations). Experiments on the Waymo Open dataset shows that this implementation is around 20x faster than a well-designed implementation with pre-existing TensorFlow operations.

TF 3D then uses the 3D submanifold sparse U-Net architecture to extract a feature for each voxel. The U-Net architecture has proven to be effective by letting the network extract both coarse and fine features and combining them to make the predictions. The U-Net network consists of three modules, an encoder, a bottleneck, and a decoder, each of which consists of a number of sparse convolution blocks with possible pooling or un-pooling operations.

A 3D sparse voxel U-Net architecture. Note that a horizontal arrow takes in the voxel features and applies a submanifold sparse convolution to it. An arrow that is moving down performs a submanifold sparse pooling. An arrow that is moving up will gather back the pooled features, concatenate them with the features coming from the horizontal arrow, and perform a submanifold sparse convolution on the concatenated features.

The sparse convolutional network described above is the backbone for the 3D scene understanding pipelines that are offered in TF 3D. Each of the models described below uses this backbone network to extract features for the sparse voxels, and then adds one or multiple additional prediction heads to infer the task of interest. The user can configure the U-Net network by changing the number of encoder / decoder layers and the number of convolutions in each layer, and by modifying the convolution filter sizes, which enables a wide range of speed / accuracy tradeoffs to be explored through the different backbone configurations

3D Semantic Segmentation
The 3D semantic segmentation model has only one output head for predicting the per-voxel semantic scores, which are mapped back to points to predict a semantic label per point.

3D semantic segmentation of an indoor scene from ScanNet dataset.

3D Instance Segmentation
In 3D instance segmentation, in addition to predicting semantics, the goal is to group the voxels that belong to the same object together. The 3D instance segmentation algorithm used in TF 3D is based on our previous work on 2D image segmentation using deep metric learning. The model predicts a per-voxel instance embedding vector as well as a semantic score for each voxel. The instance embedding vectors map the voxels to an embedding space where voxels that correspond to the same object instance are close together, while those that correspond to different objects are far apart. In this case, the input is a point cloud instead of an image, and it uses a 3D sparse network instead of a 2D image network. At inference time, a greedy algorithm picks one instance seed at a time, and uses the distance between the voxel embeddings to group them into segments.

3D Object Detection
The 3D object detection model predicts per-voxel size, center, and rotation matrices and the object semantic scores. At inference time, a box proposal mechanism is used to reduce the hundreds of thousands of per-voxel box predictions into a few accurate box proposals, and then at training time, box prediction and classification losses are applied to per-voxel predictions. We apply a Huber loss on the distance between predicted and the ground-truth box corners. Since the function that estimates the box corners from its size, center and rotation matrix is differentiable, the loss will automatically propagate back to those predicted object properties. We use a dynamic box classification loss that classifies a box that strongly overlaps with the ground-truth as positive and classifies the non-overlapping boxes as negative.

Our 3D object detection results on ScanNet dataset.

In our recent paper, “DOPS: Learning to Detect 3D Objects and Predict their 3D Shapes”, we describe in detail the single-stage weakly supervised learning algorithm used for object detection in TF 3D. In addition, in a follow up work, we extended the 3D object detection model to leverage temporal information by proposing a sparse LSTM-based multi-frame model. We go on to show that this temporal model outperforms the frame-by-frame approach by 7.5% in the Waymo Open dataset.

The 3D object detection and shape prediction model introduced in the DOPS paper. A 3D sparse U-Net is used to extract a feature vector for each voxel. The object detection module uses these features to propose 3D boxes and semantic scores. At the same time, the other branch of the network predicts a shape embedding that is used to output a mesh for each object.

Ready to Get Started?
We’ve certainly found this codebase to be useful for our 3D computer vision projects, and we hope that you will as well. Contributions to the codebase are welcome and please stay tuned for our own further updates to the framework. To get started please visit our github repository.

The release of the TensorFlow 3D codebase and model has been the result of widespread collaboration among Google researchers with feedback and testing from product groups. In particular we want to highlight the core contributions by Alireza Fathi and Rui Huang (work performed while at Google), with special additional thanks to Guangda Lai, Abhijit Kundu, Pei Sun, Thomas Funkhouser, David Ross, Caroline Pantofaru, Johanna Wald, Angela Dai and Matthias Niessner.

Source: Google AI Blog

Evaluating Design Trade-offs in Visual Model-Based Reinforcement Learning

Model-free reinforcement learning has been successfully demonstrated across a range of domains, including robotics, control, playing games and autonomous vehicles. These systems learn by simple trial and error and thus require a vast number of attempts at a given task before solving it. In contrast, model-based reinforcement learning (MBRL) learns a model of the environment (often referred to as a world model or a dynamics model) that enables the agent to predict the outcomes of potential actions, which reduces the amount of environment interaction needed to solve a task.

In principle, all that is strictly necessary for planning is to predict future rewards, which could then be used to select near-optimal future actions. Nevertheless, many recent methods, such as Dreamer, PlaNet, and SimPLe, additionally leverage the training signal of predicting future images. But is predicting future images actually necessary, or helpful? What benefit do visual MBRL algorithms actually derive from also predicting future images? The computational and representational cost of predicting entire images is considerable, so understanding whether this is actually useful is of profound importance for MBRL research.

In “Models, Pixels, and Rewards: Evaluating Design Trade-offs in Visual Model-Based Reinforcement Learning”, we demonstrate that predicting future images provides a substantial benefit, and is in fact a key ingredient in training successful visual MBRL agents. We developed a new open-source library, called the World Models Library, which enabled us to rigorously evaluate various world model designs to determine the relative impact of image prediction on returned rewards for each.

World Models Library
The World Models Library, designed specifically for visual MBRL training and evaluation, enables the empirical study of the effects of each design decision on the final performance of an agent across multiple tasks on a large scale. The library introduces a platform-agnostic visual MBRL simulation loop and the APIs to seamlessly define new world-models, planners and tasks or to pick and choose from the existing catalog, which includes agents (e.g., PlaNet), video models (e.g., SV2P), and a variety of DeepMind Control tasks and planners, such as CEM and MPPI.

Using the library, developers can study the effect of a varying factor in MBRL, such as the model design or representation space, on the performance of the agent on a suite of tasks. The library supports the training of the agents from scratch, or on a pre-collected set of trajectories, as well as evaluation of a pre-trained agent on a given task. The models, planning algorithms and the tasks can be easily mixed and matched to any desired combination.

To provide the greatest flexibility for users, the library is built using the NumPy interface, which enables different components to be implemented in either TensorFlow, Pytorch or JAX. Please look at this colab for a quick introduction.

Impact of Image Prediction
Using the World Models Library, we trained multiple world models with different levels of image prediction. All of these models use the same input (previously observed images) to predict an image and a reward, but they differ on what percentage of the image they predict. As the number of image pixels predicted by the agent increases, the agent performance as measured by the true reward generally improves.

The input to the model is fixed (previous observed images), but the fraction of the image predicted varies. As can be seen in the graph on the right, increasing the number of predicted pixels significantly improves the performance of the model.

Interestingly, the correlation between reward prediction accuracy and agent performance is not as strong, and in some cases a more accurate reward prediction can even result in lower agent performance. At the same time, there is a strong correlation between image reconstruction error and the performance of the agent.

Correlation between accuracy of image/reward prediction (x-axis) and task performance (y-axis). This graph clearly demonstrates a stronger correlation between image prediction accuracy and task performance.

This phenomenon is directly related to exploration, i.e., when the agent attempts more risky and potentially less rewarding actions in order to collect more information about the unknown options in the environment. This can be shown by testing and comparing models in an offline setup (i.e., learning policies from pre-collected datasets, as opposed to online RL, which learns policies by interacting with an environment). An offline setup ensures that there is no exploration and all of the models are trained on the same data. We observed that models that fit the data better usually perform better in the offline setup, and surprisingly, these may not be the same models that perform the best when learning and exploring from scratch.

Scores achieved by different visual MBRL models across different tasks. The top and bottom half of the graph visualizes the achieved score when trained in the online and offline settings for each task, respectively. Each color is a different model. It is common for a poorly-performing model in the online setting to achieve high scores when trained on pre-collected data (the offline setting) and vice versa.

We have empirically demonstrated that predicting images can substantially improve task performance over models that only predict the expected reward. We have also shown that the accuracy of image prediction strongly correlates with the final task performance of these models. These findings can be used for better model design and can be particularly useful for any future setting where the input space is high-dimensional and collecting data is expensive.

If you'd like to develop your own models and experiments, head to our repository and colab where you'll find instructions on how to reproduce this work and use or extend the World Models Library.

We would like to give special recognition to multiple researchers in the Google Brain team and co-authors of the paper: Mohammad Taghi Saffar, Danijar Hafner, Harini Kannan, Chelsea Finn and Sergey Levine.

Source: Google AI Blog

KeyPose: Estimating the 3D Pose of Transparent Objects from Stereo

Estimating the position and orientation of 3D objects is one of the core problems in computer vision applications that involve object-level perception, such as augmented reality and robotic manipulation. In these applications, it is important to know the 3D position of objects in the world, either to directly affect them, or to place simulated objects correctly around them. While there has been much research on this topic using machine learning (ML) techniques, especially Deep Nets, most have relied on the use of depth sensing devices, such as the Kinect, which give direct measurements of the distance to an object. For objects that are shiny or transparent, direct depth sensing does not work well. For example, the figure below includes a number of objects (left), two of which are transparent stars. A depth device does not find good depth values for the stars, and gives a very poor reconstruction of the actual 3D points (right).

Left: RGB image of transparent objects.  Right: A four-panel image showing the reconstructed depth for the scene on the left.The top row includes depth images and the bottom row presents the 3D point cloud. The left panels were reconstructed using a depth camera and the right panels are output from the ClearGrasp model.  Note that although ClearGrasp inpaints the depth of the stars, it mistakes the actual depth of the rightmost one.

One solution to this problem, such as that proposed by ClearGrasp, is to use a deep neural network to inpaint the corrupted depth map of the transparent objects. Given a single RGB-D image of transparent objects, ClearGrasp uses deep convolutional networks to infer surface normals, masks of transparent surfaces, and occlusion boundaries, which it uses to refine the initial depth estimates for all transparent surfaces in the scene (far right in the figure above). This approach is very promising, and allows scenes with transparent objects to be processed by pose-estimation methods that rely on depth.  But inpainting can be tricky, especially when trained completely with synthetic images, and can still result in errors in depth.

In “KeyPose: Multi-View 3D Labeling and Keypoint Estimation for Transparent Objects”, presented at CVPR 2020 in collaboration with the Stanford AI Lab, we describe an ML system that estimates the depth of transparent objects by directly predicting 3D keypoints. To train the system we gather a large real-world dataset of images of transparent objects in a semi-automated way, and efficiently label their pose using 3D keypoints selected by hand. We then train deep models (called KeyPose) to estimate the 3D keypoints end-to-end from monocular or stereo images, without explicitly computing depth. The models work on objects both seen and unseen during training, for both individual objects and categories of objects. While KeyPose can work with monocular images, the extra information available from stereo images allows it to improve its results by a factor of two over monocular image input, with typical errors from 5 mm to 10 mm, depending on the objects. It substantially improves over state-of-the-art in pose estimation for these objects, even when competing methods are provided with ground truth depth. We are releasing the dataset of keypoint-labeled transparent objects for use by the research community.

Real-World Transparent Object Dataset with 3D Keypoint Labels
To facilitate gathering large quantities of real-world images, we set up a robotic data-gathering system in which a robot arm moves through a trajectory while taking video with two devices, a stereo camera and the Kinect Azure depth camera.

Automated image sequence capture using a robot arm with a stereo camera and an Azure Kinect device.

The AprilTags on the target enable accurate tracing of the pose of the cameras. By hand-labelling only a few images in each video with 2D keypoints, we can extract 3D keypoints for all frames of the video using multi-view geometry, thus increasing the labelling efficiency by a factor of 100.

We captured imagery for 15 different transparent objects in five categories, using 10 different background textures and four different poses for each object, yielding a total of 600 video sequences comprising 48k stereo and depth images. We also captured the same images with an opaque version of the object, to provide accurate ground truth depth images. All the images are labelled with 3D keypoints. We are releasing this dataset of real-world images publicly, complementing the synthetic ClearGrasp dataset with which it shares similar objects.

KeyPose Algorithm Using Early Fusion Stereo
The idea of using stereo images directly for keypoint estimation was developed independently for this project; it has also appeared recently in the context of hand-tracking. The diagram below shows the basic idea: the two images from a stereo camera are cropped around the object and fed to the KeyPose network, which predicts a sparse set of 3D keypoints that represent the 3D pose of the object. The network is trained using supervision from the labelled 3D keypoints.

One of the key aspects of stereo KeyPose is the use of early fusion to intermix the stereo images, and allow the network to implicitly compute disparity, in contrast to late fusion, in which keypoints are predicted for each image separately, and then combined. As shown in the diagram below, the output of KeyPose is a 2D keypoint heatmap in the image plane along with a disparity (i.e., inverse depth) heatmap for each keypoint. The combination of these two heatmaps yields the 3D coordinate of the keypoint, for each keypoint.

Keypose system diagram. Stereo images are passed to a CNN model to produce a probability heatmap for each keypoint.  This heatmap yields 2D image coordinates U,V for the keypoint.  The CNN model also produces a disparity (inverse depth) heatmap for each keypoint, which when combined with the U,V coordinates, gives a 3D position (X,Y,Z).

When compared to late fusion or to monocular input, early fusion stereo typically is twice as accurate.

The images below show qualitative results of KeyPose on individual objects. On the left is one of the original stereo images; in the middle are the predicted 3D keypoints projected onto the image. On the right, we visualize points from a 3D model of the bottle, placed at the pose determined by the predicted 3D keypoints. The network is efficient and accurate, predicting keypoints with an MAE of 5.2 mm for the bottle and 10.1 mm for the mug using just 5 ms on a standard GPU.

The following table shows results for KeyPose on category-level estimation. The test set used a background texture not seen by the training set. Note that the MAE varies from 5.8 mm to 9.9 mm, showing the accuracy of the method.

Quantitative comparison of KeyPose with the state-of-the-art DenseFusion system, on category-level data. We provide DenseFusion with two versions of depth, one from the transparent objects, and one from opaque objects. <2cm is the percent of estimates with errors less than 2 cm. MAE is the mean absolute error of the keypoints, in mm.

For a complete accounting of quantitative results, as well as, ablation studies, please see the paper and supplementary materials and the KeyPose website.

This work shows that it is possible to accurately estimate the 3D pose of transparent objects from RGB images without reliance on depth images. It validates the use of stereo images as input to an early fusion deep net, where the network is trained to extract sparse 3D keypoints directly from the stereo pair. We hope the availability of an extensive, labelled dataset of transparent objects will help to advance the field. Finally, while we used semi-automatic methods to efficiently label the dataset, we hope to employ self-supervision methods in future work to do away with manual labelling.

I want to thank my co-authors, Xingyu Liu of Stanford University, and Rico Jonschkowski and Anelia Angelova; as well the many who helped us through discussions during the project and paper writing, including Andy Zheng, Shuran Song, Vincent Vanhoucke, Pete Florence, and Jonathan Tompson.

Source: Google AI Blog

Agile and Intelligent Locomotion via Deep Reinforcement Learning

Recent advancements in deep reinforcement learning (deep RL) has enabled legged robots to learn many agile skills through automated environment interactions. However, the lack of sample efficiency is still a major bottleneck for many algorithms, and researchers have to rely on using off-policy data, imitating animal behaviors, or performing meta learning to reduce the amount of real world experience required. Moreover, most existing works focus on simple, low-level skills only, such as walking forward, backward and turning. In order to operate autonomously in the real world, robots still need to combine these skills to generate more advanced behaviors.

Today we present two projects that aim to address the above problems and help close the perception-actuation loop for legged robots. In “Data Efficient Reinforcement Learning for Legged Robots”, we present an efficient way to learn low level motion control policies. By fitting a dynamics model to the robot and planning for actions in real time, the robot learns multiple locomotion skills using less than 5 minutes of data. Going beyond simple behaviors, we explore automatic path navigation in “Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Quadruped Locomotion”. With a policy architecture designed for end-to-end training, the robot learns to combine a high-level planning policy with a low-level motion controller, in order to navigate autonomously through a curved path.

Data Efficient Reinforcement Learning for Legged Robots
A major roadblock in RL is the lack of sample efficiency. Even with a state-of-the-art sample-efficient learning algorithm like Soft Actor-Critic (SAC), it would still require more than an hour of data to learn a reasonable walking policy, which is difficult to collect in the real world.

In a continued effort to learn walking skills using minimal interaction with the real-world environment, we present a model-based method to learn basic walking skills. Instead of directly learning a policy that maps from environment state to robot action, we learn a dynamics model of the robot that estimates future states given its current state and action. Since the entire learning process requires less than 5 minutes of data, it could be performed directly on the real robot.

We start by executing random actions on the robot, and fit the model to the data collected. With the model fitted, we control the robot using a model predictive control (MPC) planner. We iterate between collecting more data with MPC and re-training the model to better fit the dynamics of the environment.
Overview of the model-based learning pipeline. The system alternates between fitting the dynamics model and collecting trajectories using model predictive control (MPC).
In standard MPC, the controller plans for a sequence of actions at each timestep, and only executes the first of the planned actions. While online replanning with regular feedback from the robot to the controller makes the controller robust to model inaccuracies, it also poses a challenge for the action planner, as planning must finish before the next step of the control loop (usually less than 10ms for legged robots). To satisfy such a tight time constraint, we introduce a multi-threaded, asynchronous version of MPC, with action planning and execution happening on different threads. As the execution thread applies actions at a high frequency, the planning thread optimizes for actions in the background without interruption. Furthermore, since action planning can take multiple timesteps, the robot state would have changed by the time planning has finished. To address the problem with planning latency, we devise a novel technique to compensate, which first predicts the future state when the planner is expected to finish its computation, and then uses this future state to seed the planning algorithm.
We separate action planning and execution on different threads.
Although MPC refreshes the action plan frequently, the planner still needs to work over long action horizons to keep track of the long-term goal and avoid myopic behaviors. To that end, we use a multi-step loss function, a reformulation of the model loss function that helps to reduce error accumulation over time by predicting the loss over a range of future steps.

Safety is another concern for learning on the real robot. For legged robots, a small mistake, such as missing a foot step, could lead to catastrophic failures, from the robot falling to the motor overheating. To ensure safe exploration, we embed a stable, in-place stepping gait prior, that is modulated by a trajectory generator. With the stable walking prior, MPC can then safely explore the action space.

Combining an accurate dynamics model with an online, asynchronous MPC controller, the robot successfully learned to walk using only 4.5 minutes of data (36 episodes). The learned dynamics model is also generalizable: by simply changing the reward function of MPC, the controller is able to optimize for different behaviors, such as walking backwards, or turning, without re-training. As an extension, we use a similar framework to enable even more agile behaviors. For example, in simulation the robot learns to backflip and walk on its rear legs, though these behaviors are yet to be learned by the real robot.
The robot learns to walk using only 4.5 minutes of data.
The robot learns to backflip and walk with rear legs using the same framework.
Combining low-level controller with high-level planning
Although model-based RL has allowed the robot to learn simple locomotion skills efficiently, such skills are insufficient for handling complex, real-world tasks. For example, in order to navigate through an office space, the robot may have to adjust its speed, direction and height multiple times, instead of following a pre-defined speed profile. Traditionally, people solve such complex tasks by breaking them down into multiple hierarchical sub-problems, such as a high-level trajectory planner and a low-level trajectory-following controller. However, manually defining a suitable hierarchy is typically a tedious task, as it requires careful engineering for each sub-problem.

In our second paper, we introduce a hierarchical reinforcement learning (HRL) framework that can be trained to automatically decompose complex reinforcement learning tasks. We break down our policy structure into a high-level and a low-level policy. Instead of designing each policy manually, we only define a simple communication protocol between the policy levels. In this framework, the high-level policy (e.g., a trajectory planner) commands the low-level policy (such as the motion control policy) through a latent command, and decides for how long to hold that command constant before issuing a new one. The low-level policy then interprets the latent command from the high-level policy, and gives motor commands to the robot.

To facilitate learning, we also split the observation space into high-level (e.g., robot position and orientation) and low-level (IMU, motor positions) observations, which are fed to their corresponding policies. This architecture naturally allows the high-level policy to operate at a slower timescale than the low-level policy, which saves computation resources and reduces training complexity.
Framework of Hierarchical Policy: The policy gets observations from the robot and sends motor commands to execute desired actions. It is split into two levels (high and low). The high-level policy gives a latent command to the low-level policy and also decides the duration for which low-level will run.
Since the high-level and low-level policies operate at discrete timescales, the entire policy structure is not end-to-end differentiable, and standard gradient-based RL algorithms like PPO and SAC cannot be used. Instead, we choose to train the hierarchical policy through augmented random search (ARS), a simple evolutionary optimization method that has demonstrated good performance in reinforcement learning tasks. Weights of both levels of the policy are trained together, where the objective is to maximize the total reward from the robot trajectory.

We test our framework on a path-following task using the same quadruped robot. In addition to straight walking, the robot needs to steer in different directions to complete the task. Note that as the low-level policy does not know the robot’s position in the path, it does not have sufficient information to complete the entire task on its own. However, with the coordination between the high-level and low-level policies, steering behavior emerges automatically in the latent command space, which allows the robot to efficiently complete the path. After successful training in a simulated environment, we validate our results on hardware by transferring an HRL policy to a real robot and recording the resulting trajectories.
Successful trajectory of a robot on a curved path. Left: A plot of the trajectory traversed by the robot with dots along the trajectory marking the positions where the high-level policy sent a new latent command to the low-level policy. Middle: The robot walking along the path in the simulated environment. Right: The robot walking around the path in the real world.
To further demonstrate the learned hierarchical policy, we visualized the behavior of the learned low-level policy under different latent commands. As shown in the plot below, different latent commands can cause the robot to walk straight, or turn left or right at different rates. We also test the generalizability of low-level policies by transferring them to new tasks from a similar domain, which, in our case, includes following a path with different shapes. By fixing the low-level policy weights and only training the high-level policy, the robot could successfully traverse through different paths.
Left: Visualization of a learned 2D latent command space. Vector directions correspond to the movement direction of the robot. Vector length is proportional to the distance covered. Right: Transfer of low level policy: An HRL policy was trained on a single path (right, top). The learned low-level policy was then reused when training the high-level policy on other paths (e.g., right, bottom).
Reinforcement learning poses a promising future for robotics by automating the controller design process. With model-based RL, we enabled efficient learning of generalizable locomotion behaviors directly on the real robot. With hierarchical RL, the robot learned to coordinate policies at different levels to achieve more complex tasks. In the future, we plan to bring perception into the loop, so that robots can operate truly autonomously in the real world.

Both Deepali Jain and Yuxiang Yang are residents in the AI Residency program, mentored by Ken Caluwaerts and Atil Iscen. We would also like to thank Jie Tan and Vikas Sindhwani for support of the research, and Noah Broestl for managing the New York AI Residency Program.

Source: Google AI Blog

Agile and Intelligent Locomotion via Deep Reinforcement Learning

Recent advancements in deep reinforcement learning (deep RL) has enabled legged robots to learn many agile skills through automated environment interactions. However, the lack of sample efficiency is still a major bottleneck for many algorithms, and researchers have to rely on using off-policy data, imitating animal behaviors, or performing meta learning to reduce the amount of real world experience required. Moreover, most existing works focus on simple, low-level skills only, such as walking forward, backward and turning. In order to operate autonomously in the real world, robots still need to combine these skills to generate more advanced behaviors.

Today we present two projects that aim to address the above problems and help close the perception-actuation loop for legged robots. In “Data Efficient Reinforcement Learning for Legged Robots”, we present an efficient way to learn low level motion control policies. By fitting a dynamics model to the robot and planning for actions in real time, the robot learns multiple locomotion skills using less than 5 minutes of data. Going beyond simple behaviors, we explore automatic path navigation in “Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Quadruped Locomotion”. With a policy architecture designed for end-to-end training, the robot learns to combine a high-level planning policy with a low-level motion controller, in order to navigate autonomously through a curved path.

Data Efficient Reinforcement Learning for Legged Robots
A major roadblock in RL is the lack of sample efficiency. Even with a state-of-the-art sample-efficient learning algorithm like Soft Actor-Critic (SAC), it would still require more than an hour of data to learn a reasonable walking policy, which is difficult to collect in the real world.

In a continued effort to learn walking skills using minimal interaction with the real-world environment, we present a model-based method to learn basic walking skills. Instead of directly learning a policy that maps from environment state to robot action, we learn a dynamics model of the robot that estimates future states given its current state and action. Since the entire learning process requires less than 5 minutes of data, it could be performed directly on the real robot.

We start by executing random actions on the robot, and fit the model to the data collected. With the model fitted, we control the robot using a model predictive control (MPC) planner. We iterate between collecting more data with MPC and re-training the model to better fit the dynamics of the environment.
Overview of the model-based learning pipeline. The system alternates between fitting the dynamics model and collecting trajectories using model predictive control (MPC).
In standard MPC, the controller plans for a sequence of actions at each timestep, and only executes the first of the planned actions. While online replanning with regular feedback from the robot to the controller makes the controller robust to model inaccuracies, it also poses a challenge for the action planner, as planning must finish before the next step of the control loop (usually less than 10ms for legged robots). To satisfy such a tight time constraint, we introduce a multi-threaded, asynchronous version of MPC, with action planning and execution happening on different threads. As the execution thread applies actions at a high frequency, the planning thread optimizes for actions in the background without interruption. Furthermore, since action planning can take multiple timesteps, the robot state would have changed by the time planning has finished. To address the problem with planning latency, we devise a novel technique to compensate, which first predicts the future state when the planner is expected to finish its computation, and then uses this future state to seed the planning algorithm.
We separate action planning and execution on different threads.
Although MPC refreshes the action plan frequently, the planner still needs to work over long action horizons to keep track of the long-term goal and avoid myopic behaviors. To that end, we use a multi-step loss function, a reformulation of the model loss function that helps to reduce error accumulation over time by predicting the loss over a range of future steps.

Safety is another concern for learning on the real robot. For legged robots, a small mistake, such as missing a foot step, could lead to catastrophic failures, from the robot falling to the motor overheating. To ensure safe exploration, we embed a stable, in-place stepping gait prior, that is modulated by a trajectory generator. With the stable walking prior, MPC can then safely explore the action space.

Combining an accurate dynamics model with an online, asynchronous MPC controller, the robot successfully learned to walk using only 4.5 minutes of data (36 episodes). The learned dynamics model is also generalizable: by simply changing the reward function of MPC, the controller is able to optimize for different behaviors, such as walking backwards, or turning, without re-training. As an extension, we use a similar framework to enable even more agile behaviors. For example, in simulation the robot learns to backflip and walk on its rear legs, though these behaviors are yet to be learned by the real robot.
The robot learns to walk using only 4.5 minutes of data.
The robot learns to backflip and walk with rear legs using the same framework.
Combining low-level controller with high-level planning
Although model-based RL has allowed the robot to learn simple locomotion skills efficiently, such skills are insufficient for handling complex, real-world tasks. For example, in order to navigate through an office space, the robot may have to adjust its speed, direction and height multiple times, instead of following a pre-defined speed profile. Traditionally, people solve such complex tasks by breaking them down into multiple hierarchical sub-problems, such as a high-level trajectory planner and a low-level trajectory-following controller. However, manually defining a suitable hierarchy is typically a tedious task, as it requires careful engineering for each sub-problem.

In our second paper, we introduce a hierarchical reinforcement learning (HRL) framework that can be trained to automatically decompose complex reinforcement learning tasks. We break down our policy structure into a high-level and a low-level policy. Instead of designing each policy manually, we only define a simple communication protocol between the policy levels. In this framework, the high-level policy (e.g., a trajectory planner) commands the low-level policy (such as the motion control policy) through a latent command, and decides for how long to hold that command constant before issuing a new one. The low-level policy then interprets the latent command from the high-level policy, and gives motor commands to the robot.

To facilitate learning, we also split the observation space into high-level (e.g., robot position and orientation) and low-level (IMU, motor positions) observations, which are fed to their corresponding policies. This architecture naturally allows the high-level policy to operate at a slower timescale than the low-level policy, which saves computation resources and reduces training complexity.
Framework of Hierarchical Policy: The policy gets observations from the robot and sends motor commands to execute desired actions. It is split into two levels (high and low). The high-level policy gives a latent command to the low-level policy and also decides the duration for which low-level will run.
Since the high-level and low-level policies operate at discrete timescales, the entire policy structure is not end-to-end differentiable, and standard gradient-based RL algorithms like PPO and SAC cannot be used. Instead, we choose to train the hierarchical policy through augmented random search (ARS), a simple evolutionary optimization method that has demonstrated good performance in reinforcement learning tasks. Weights of both levels of the policy are trained together, where the objective is to maximize the total reward from the robot trajectory.

We test our framework on a path-following task using the same quadruped robot. In addition to straight walking, the robot needs to steer in different directions to complete the task. Note that as the low-level policy does not know the robot’s position in the path, it does not have sufficient information to complete the entire task on its own. However, with the coordination between the high-level and low-level policies, steering behavior emerges automatically in the latent command space, which allows the robot to efficiently complete the path. After successful training in a simulated environment, we validate our results on hardware by transferring an HRL policy to a real robot and recording the resulting trajectories.
Successful trajectory of a robot on a curved path. Left: A plot of the trajectory traversed by the robot with dots along the trajectory marking the positions where the high-level policy sent a new latent command to the low-level policy. Middle: The robot walking along the path in the simulated environment. Right: The robot walking around the path in the real world.
To further demonstrate the learned hierarchical policy, we visualized the behavior of the learned low-level policy under different latent commands. As shown in the plot below, different latent commands can cause the robot to walk straight, or turn left or right at different rates. We also test the generalizability of low-level policies by transferring them to new tasks from a similar domain, which, in our case, includes following a path with different shapes. By fixing the low-level policy weights and only training the high-level policy, the robot could successfully traverse through different paths.
Left: Visualization of a learned 2D latent command space. Vector directions correspond to the movement direction of the robot. Vector length is proportional to the distance covered. Right: Transfer of low level policy: An HRL policy was trained on a single path (right, top). The learned low-level policy was then reused when training the high-level policy on other paths (e.g., right, bottom).
Reinforcement learning poses a promising future for robotics by automating the controller design process. With model-based RL, we enabled efficient learning of generalizable locomotion behaviors directly on the real robot. With hierarchical RL, the robot learned to coordinate policies at different levels to achieve more complex tasks. In the future, we plan to bring perception into the loop, so that robots can operate truly autonomously in the real world.

Both Deepali Jain and Yuxiang Yang are residents in the AI Residency program, mentored by Ken Caluwaerts and Atil Iscen. We would also like to thank Jie Tan and Vikas Sindhwani for support of the research, and Noah Broestl for managing the New York AI Residency Program.

Source: Google AI Blog

Exploring Nature-Inspired Robot Agility

Whether it’s a dog chasing after a ball or a horse jumping over obstacles, animals can effortlessly perform an incredibly rich repertoire of agile skills. Developing robots that are able to replicate these agile behaviors can open opportunities to deploy robots for sophisticated tasks in the real world. But designing controllers that enable legged robots to perform these agile behaviors can be a very challenging task. While reinforcement learning (RL) is an approach often used for automating development of robotic skills, a number of technical hurdles remain and, in practice, there is still substantial manual overhead. Designing reward functions that lead to effective skills can itself require a great deal of expert insight, and often involves a lengthy reward tuning process for each desired skill. Furthermore, applying RL to legged robots requires not only efficient algorithms, but also mechanisms to enable the robots to remain safe and recover after falling, without frequent human assistance.

In this post, we will discuss two of our recent projects aimed at addressing these challenges. First, we describe how robots can learn agile behaviors by imitating motions from real animals, producing fast and fluent movements like trotting and hopping. Then, we discuss a system for automating the training of locomotion skills in the real world, which allows robots to learn to walk on their own, with minimal human assistance.

Learning Agile Robotic Locomotion Skills by Imitating Animals
In “Learning Agile Robotic Locomotion Skills by Imitating Animals”, we present a framework that takes a reference motion clip recorded from an animal (a dog, in this case) and uses RL to train a control policy that enables a robot to imitate the motion in the real world. By providing the system with different reference motions, we are able to train a quadruped robot to perform a diverse set of agile behaviors, ranging from fast walking gaits to dynamic hops and turns. The policies are trained primarily in simulation, and then transferred to the real world using a latent space adaptation technique that can efficiently adapt a policy using only a few minutes of data from the real robot.

Motion Imitation
We start by collecting motion capture clips of a real dog performing various locomotion skills. Then, we use RL to train a control policy to imitate the dog’s motions. The policies are trained in a physics simulation to track the pose of the reference motion at each timestep. Then, by using different reference motions in the reward function, we can train a simulated robot to imitate a variety of different skills.
Reinforcement learning is used to train a simulated robot to imitate the reference motions from a dog. All simulations are performed using PyBullet.
However, since simulators generally provide only a coarse approximation of the real world, policies trained in simulation often perform poorly when deployed on a real robot. Therefore, we use a sample-efficient latent space adaptation technique to transfer a policy trained in simulation to the real world.

First, to encourage the policy to learn behaviors that are robust to variations in the dynamics, we randomize the dynamics of the simulation by varying physical quantities, such as the robot’s mass and friction. Since we have access to the values of these parameters during training in simulation, we can also map them to a low-dimensional representation using a learned encoder. This encoding is then passed as an additional input to the policy during training. Since the physical parameters of the real robot are not known a priori, when deploying the policy to a real robot, we remove the encoder and directly search for a set of parameters in the latent space that enables the robot to successfully execute the desired skills in the real world. This technique is often able to adapt a policy to the real world using less than 8 minutes of real-world data.
Comparison of policies before and after adaptation on the real robot. Before adaptation, the robot is prone to falling. But after adaptation, the policies are able to more consistently execute the desired skills.
Using this approach, the robot learns to imitate various locomotion skills from a dog, including different walking gaits, such as pacing and trotting, as well as an agile spinning motion.
Robot imitating various skills from a dog.
In addition to imitating motions from real dogs, it is also possible to imitate artist-animated keyframe motions, including a dynamic hop-turn:
Skills learned by imitating artist-animated keyframe motions: side-steps, turn, and hop-turn.
More details are available in the following video:
Learning to Walk in the Real World with Minimal Human Effort
The above approach is able to train policies in simulation and then adapt them to the real world. However, when the task involves complex and diverse physical phenomena, it is also necessary to directly learn from real-world experience. Although learning on real robots has achieved state-of-the-art performance for manipulation tasks (e.g., QT-Opt), applying the same methods to legged robots is difficult since the robot may fall and damage itself, or leave the training area, which can then require human intervention.
An automated learning system for legged robots must resolve safety and automation challenges.
In “Learning to Walk in the Real World with Minimal Human Effort”, we developed an automated learning system with software and hardware components, using a multi-task learning procedure, a safety-constrained learner, and several carefully designed hardware and software components. Multi-task learning prevents the robot from leaving the training area by generating a learning schedule that drives the robot towards the center of the workspace. We also reduce the number of falls by designing a safety constraint, which we solve with dual gradient descent.

For each roll-out, the scheduler selects a task in which the desired walking direction is pointing towards the center. For instance, assuming we have two tasks, forward and backward walking, the scheduler will select the forward task if the robot is at the back of the workspace, and vice-versa for the backward task. In the middle of the episode, the learner takes dual gradient descent steps to iteratively optimize both the task objective and safety constraints, rather than treating them as a single goal. If the robot has fallen, we invoke an automated get-up controller and proceed to the next episode.
We solve automation and safety challenges with multi-task learning, a safety-constrained SAC algorithm, and an automatic reset controller.
This framework successfully trains policies from scratch to walk in different directions without any human intervention.
Snapshots of the training process on the flat surface with zero human resets.
Once trained, it is possible to steer the robot with a remote controller. Notice how it's possible to command the robot to turn in place using the controller. This action would be difficult to manually design due to the planar leg structure of the robot, but is discovered automatically using our automated multi-instance learner.
We train locomotion policies to walk in four directions, which allow us to interactively control the robot with a game controller.
The system also enables the robot to navigate more challenging surfaces, such as a memory foam mattress and a doormat with crevices.
Learned locomotion gaits on challenging terrains.
More details can be found in the following video:
In these two papers, we present methods to reproduce a diverse corpus of behaviors with quadruped robots. Extending this line of work to learn skills from videos would also be an exciting direction, which can substantially increase the volume of data from which robots can learn. We are also interested in applying the automated training system to more complex real-world environments and tasks.

We would like to thank our coauthors, Erwin Coumans, Tingnan Zhang, Tsang-Wei Lee, Jie Tan, Sergey Levine, Peng Xu and Zhenyu Tan. We would also like to thank Julian Ibarz, Byron David, Thinh Nguyen, Gus Kouretas, Krista Reymann, and Bonny Ho for their support and contributions to this work.

Source: Google AI Blog

Visual Transfer Learning for Robotic Manipulation

The idea that robots can learn to directly perceive the affordances of actions on objects (i.e., what the robot can or cannot do with an object) is called affordance-based manipulation, explored in research on learning complex vision-based manipulation skills including grasping, pushing, and throwing. In these systems, affordances are represented as dense pixel-wise action-value maps that estimate how good it is for the robot to execute one of several predefined motions at each location. For example, given an RGB-D image, an affordance-based grasping model might infer grasping affordances per pixel with a convolutional neural network. The grasping affordance value at each pixel would represent the success rate of performing a corresponding motion primitive (e.g. grasping action), which would then be executed by the robot at the position with the highest value.
Overview of affordance-based manipulation.
For methods such as this, the ability to do more with less data is incredibly important, since data collection through physical trial and error can be both time consuming and expensive. However, recent discoveries in transfer learning have shown that visual feature representations learned from large-scale computer vision datasets can be reused for deep learning agents, enabling them to learn faster and generalize better in video games and simulated environments. If end-to-end affordance-based robot learning models that map from pixels to actions could similarly benefit from these visual representations, one could begin to leverage the vast amounts of labeled visual data that are now available in order to more efficiently learn useful skills for real-world interaction with less training.

In “Learning to See before Learning to Act: Visual Pre-training for Manipulation”, a collaboration with researchers from MIT to be presented at ICRA 2020, we investigate whether existing pre-trained deep learning visual feature representations can improve the efficiency of learning robotic manipulation tasks, like grasping objects. By studying how we can intelligently transfer neural network weights between vision models and affordance-based manipulation models, we can evaluate how different visual feature representations benefit the exploration process and enable robots to quickly acquire manipulation skills using different grippers. We present practical techniques to pre-train deep learning models, which enable robots to learn to pick and grasp arbitrary objects in unstructured settings in less than 10 minutes of trial and error.
Does first learning to see, improve the speed at which a robot can learn to act? In this project, we study ways in which we can transfer knowledge learned from computer vision tasks (left) to robot manipulation tasks (right).
Transfer Learning for Affordance-Based Manipulation
Affordance-based manipulation is essentially a way to reframe a manipulation task as a computer vision task, but rather than referencing pixels to object labels, we instead associate pixels to the value of actions. Since the structure of computer vision models and affordance models are so similar, one can leverage techniques from transfer learning in computer vision to enable affordance models to learn faster with less data. This approach re-purposes pre-trained neural network weights (i.e., feature representations) learned from large-scale vision datasets to initialize network weights of affordance models for robotic grasping.

In computer vision, many deep model architectures are composed of two parts: a “backbone” and a “head”. The backbone consists of weights that are responsible for early-stage image processing, e.g., filtering edges, detecting corners, and distinguishing between colors, while the head consists of network weights that are used in latter-stage processing, such as identifying high-level features, recognizing contextual cues, and executing spatial reasoning. The head is often much smaller than the backbone and is also more task specific. Hence, it is common practice in transfer learning to pre-train (e.g., on ResNet) and share backbone weights between tasks, while randomly initializing the weights of the model head for each new task.

Following this recipe, we initialized our affordance-based manipulation models with backbones based on the ResNet-50 architecture and pre-trained on different vision tasks, including a classification model from ImageNet and a segmentation model from COCO. With different initializations, the robot was then tasked with learning to grasp a diverse set of objects through trial and error.

Initially, we did not see any significant gains in performance compared with training from scratch – grasping success rates on training objects were only able to rise to 77% after 1,000 trial and error grasp attempts, outperforming training from scratch by 2%. However, upon transferring network weights from both the backbone and the head of the pre-trained COCO vision model, we saw a substantial improvement in training speed – grasping success rates reached 73% in just 500 trial and error grasp attempts, and jumped to 86% by 1,000 attempts. In addition, we tested our model on new objects unseen during training and found that models with the pre-trained backbone from COCO generalize better. The grasping success rates reach 83% with pre-trained backbone alone and further improve to 90% with both pre-trained backbone and head, outperforming the 46% reached by a model trained from scratch.
Affordance-based grasping models trained from scratch can struggle to pick up new objects after 60 minutes of training (left). With pre-training from visual tasks, our affordance-based grasping models can easily generalize to picking up new objects with less than 10 minutes of training, even when evaluated with different hardware (middle: suction, right: gripper).
Transfer Learning Can Improve Exploration
In our experiments with the grasping robot, we observed that the distribution of successful grasps versus failures in the generated datasets was far more balanced when network weights from both the backbone and head of pre-trained vision models were transferred to the affordance models, as opposed to only transferring the backbone.
Number of successful grasps out of the first 50 attempts using: a random initialization of weights, backbone and head pre-trained on ImageNet, COCO pre-trained backbone only, and backbone and head trained on COCO.
These results suggest that reusing network weights from vision tasks that require object localization (e.g., instance segmentation, like COCO) has the potential to significantly improve the exploration process when learning manipulation tasks. Pre-trained weights from these tasks encourage the robot to sample actions on things that look more like objects, thereby quickly generating a more balanced dataset from which the system can learn the differences between good and bad grasps. In contrast, pre-trained weights from vision tasks that potentially discard objects’ spatial information (e.g., image classification, like ImageNet) can only improve the performance slightly compared to random initialization.

To better understand this, we visualize the neural activations that are triggered by different pre-trained models and a converged affordance model trained from scratch using a suction gripper. Interestingly, we find that the intermediate network representations learned from the head of vision models used for segmentation from the COCO dataset activate on objects in ways that are similar to the converged affordance model. This aligns with the idea that transferring as much of the vision model as possible (both backbone and head) can lead to more object-centric exploration by leveraging model weights that are better at picking up visual features and localizing objects.
Affordances predicted by different models from images of cluttered objects (a). (b) Random refers to a randomly initialized model. (c) ImageNet is a model with backbone pre-trained on ImageNet and a randomly initialized head. (d) Normal refers to a model pre-trained to detect pixels with surface normals close to the anti-gravity axis. (e) COCO is the modified segmentation model (MaskRCNN) trained on the COCO dataset. (f) Suction is a converged model learned from robot-environment interactions using the suction gripper.
Limitations and Future Work
Many of the methods that we use today for end-to-end robot learning are effectively the same as those being used for computer vision tasks. Our work here on visual pre-training illuminates this connection and demonstrates that it is possible to leverage techniques from visual pre-training to improve the learning efficiency of affordance-base manipulation applied to robotic grasping tasks. While our experiments point to a better understanding of deep learning for robots, there are still many interesting questions that have yet to be explored. For example, how do we leverage large-scale pre-training for additional modes of sensing (e.g. force-torque or tactile)? How do we extend these pre-training techniques towards more complex manipulation tasks that may not be as object-centric as grasping? These areas are promising directions for future research.

You can learn more about this work in the summary video below.
This research was done by Yen-Chen Lin (Ph.D. student at MIT), Andy Zeng, Shuran Song, Phillip Isola (faculty at MIT), and Tsung-Yi Lin, with special thanks to Johnny Lee and Ivan Krasin for valuable managerial support, Chad Richards for helpful feedback on writing, and Jonathan Thompson for fruitful technical discussions.

Source: Google AI Blog