Tag Archives: Ads

Private Ads Prediction with DP-SGD

Ad technology providers widely use machine learning (ML) models to predict and present users with the most relevant ads, and to measure the effectiveness of those ads. With increasing focus on online privacy, there’s an opportunity to identify ML algorithms that have better privacy-utility trade-offs. Differential privacy (DP) has emerged as a popular framework for developing ML algorithms responsibly with provable privacy guarantees. It has been extensively studied in the privacy literature, deployed in industrial applications and employed by the U.S. Census. Intuitively, the DP framework enables ML models to learn population-wide properties, while protecting user-level information.

When training ML models, algorithms take a dataset as their input and produce a trained model as their output. Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) is a commonly used non-private training algorithm that computes the average gradient from a random subset of examples (called a mini-batch), and uses it to indicate the direction towards which the model should move to fit that mini-batch. The most widely used DP training algorithm in deep learning is an extension of SGD called DP stochastic gradient descent (DP-SGD).

DP-SGD includes two additional steps: 1) before averaging, the gradient of each example is norm-clipped if the L2 norm of the gradient exceeds a predefined threshold; and 2) Gaussian noise is added to the average gradient before updating the model. DP-SGD can be adapted to any existing deep learning pipeline with minimal changes by replacing the optimizer, such as SGD or Adam, with their DP variants. However, applying DP-SGD in practice could lead to a significant loss of model utility (i.e., accuracy) with large computational overheads. As a result, various research attempts to apply DP-SGD training on more practical, large-scale deep learning problems. Recent studies have also shown promising DP training results on computer vision and natural language processing problems.

In “Private Ad Modeling with DP-SGD”, we present a systematic study of DP-SGD training on ads modeling problems, which pose unique challenges compared to vision and language tasks. Ads datasets often have a high imbalance between data classes, and consist of categorical features with large numbers of unique values, leading to models that have large embedding layers and highly sparse gradient updates. With this study, we demonstrate that DP-SGD allows ad prediction models to be trained privately with a much smaller utility gap than previously expected, even in the high privacy regime. Moreover, we demonstrate that with proper implementation, the computation and memory overhead of DP-SGD training can be significantly reduced.


We evaluate private training using three ads prediction tasks: (1) predicting the click-through rate (pCTR) for an ad, (2) predicting the conversion rate (pCVR) for an ad after a click, and 3) predicting the expected number of conversions (pConvs) after an ad click. For pCTR, we use the Criteo dataset, which is a widely used public benchmark for pCTR models. We evaluate pCVR and pConvs using internal Google datasets. pCTR and pCVR are binary classification problems trained with the binary cross entropy loss and we report the test AUC loss (i.e., 1 - AUC). pConvs is a regression problem trained with Poisson log loss (PLL) and we report the test PLL.

For each task, we evaluate the privacy-utility trade-off of DP-SGD by the relative increase in the loss of privately trained models under various privacy budgets (i.e., privacy loss). The privacy budget is characterized by a scalar ε, where a lower ε indicates higher privacy. To measure the utility gap between private and non-private training, we compute the relative increase in loss compared to the non-private model (equivalent to ε = ∞). Our main observation is that on all three common ad prediction tasks, the relative loss increase could be made much smaller than previously expected, even for very high privacy (e.g., ε <= 1) regimes.

DP-SGD results on three ads prediction tasks. The relative increase in loss is computed against the non-private baseline (i.e., ε = ∞) model of each task.

Improved Privacy Accounting

Privacy accounting estimates the privacy budget (ε) for a DP-SGD trained model, given the Gaussian noise multiplier and other training hyperparameters. Rényi Differential Privacy (RDP) accounting has been the most widely used approach in DP-SGD since the original paper. We explore the latest advances in accounting methods to provide tighter estimates. Specifically, we use connect-the-dots for accounting based on the privacy loss distribution (PLD). The following figure compares this improved accounting with the classical RDP accounting and demonstrates that PLD accounting improves the AUC on the pCTR dataset for all privacy budgets (ε).

Large Batch Training

Batch size is a hyperparameter that affects different aspects of DP-SGD training. For instance, increasing the batch size could reduce the amount of noise added during training under the same privacy guarantee, which reduces the training variance. The batch size also affects the privacy guarantee via other parameters, such as the subsampling probability and training steps. There is no simple formula to quantify the impact of batch sizes. However, the relationship between batch size and the noise scale is quantified using privacy accounting, which calculates the required noise scale (measured in terms of the standard deviation) under a given privacy budget (ε) when using a particular batch size. The figure below plots such relations in two different scenarios. The first scenario uses fixed epochs, where we fix the number of passes over the training dataset. In this case, the number of training steps is reduced as the batch size increases, which could result in undertraining the model. The second, more straightforward scenario uses fixed training steps (fixed steps).

The relationship between batch size and noise scales. Privacy accounting requires a noise standard deviation, which decreases as the batch size increases, to meet a given privacy budget. As a result, by using much larger batch sizes than the non-private baseline (indicated by the vertical dotted line), the scale of Gaussian noise added by DP-SGD can be significantly reduced.

In addition to allowing a smaller noise scale, larger batch sizes also allow us to use a larger threshold of norm clipping each per-example gradient as required by DP-SGD. Since the norm clipping step introduces biases in the average gradient estimation, this relaxation mitigates such biases. The table below compares the results on the Criteo dataset for pCTR with a standard batch size (1,024 examples) and a large batch size (16,384 examples), combined with large clipping and increased training epochs. We observe that large batch training significantly improves the model utility. Note that large clipping is only possible with large batch sizes. Large batch training was also found to be essential for DP-SGD training in Language and Computer Vision domains.

The effects of large batch training. For three different privacy budgets (ε), we observe that when training the pCTR models with large batch size (16,384), the AUC is significantly higher than with regular batch size (1,024).

Fast per-example Gradient Norm Computation

The per-example gradient norm calculation used for DP-SGD often causes computational and memory overhead. This calculation removes the efficiency of standard backpropagation on accelerators (like GPUs) that compute the average gradient for a batch without materializing each per-example gradient. However, for certain neural network layer types, an efficient gradient norm computation algorithm allows the per-example gradient norm to be computed without the need to materialize the per-example gradient vector. We also note that this algorithm can efficiently handle neural network models that rely on embedding layers and fully connected layers for solving ads prediction problems. Combining the two observations, we use this algorithm to implement a fast version of the DP-SGD algorithm. We show that Fast-DP-SGD on pCTR can handle a similar number of training examples and the same maximum batch size on a single GPU core as a non-private baseline.

The computation efficiency of our fast implementation (Fast-DP-SGD) on pCTR.

Compared to the non-private baseline, the training throughput is similar, except with very small batch sizes. We also compare it with an implementation utilizing the JAX Just-in-Time (JIT) compilation, which is already much faster than vanilla DP-SGD implementations. Our implementation is not only faster, but it is also more memory efficient. The JIT-based implementation cannot handle batch sizes larger than 64, while our implementation can handle batch sizes up to 500,000. Memory efficiency is important for enabling large-batch training, which was shown above to be important for improving utility.


We have shown that it is possible to train private ads prediction models using DP-SGD that have a small utility gap compared to non-private baselines, with minimum overhead for both computation and memory consumption. We believe there is room for even further reduction of the utility gap through techniques such as pre-training. Please see the paper for full details of the experiments.


This work was carried out in collaboration with Carson Denison, Badih Ghazi, Pritish Kamath, Ravi Kumar, Pasin Manurangsi, Amer Sinha, and Avinash Varadarajan. We thank Silvano Bonacina and Samuel Ieong for many useful discussions.

Source: Google AI Blog

Preparing for the Android Privacy Sandbox Beta

Posted by Anthony Chavez, VP Product ManagementIn February we announced the Privacy Sandbox on Android, with the goal of bringing new, more private advertising solutions to mobile.

Over the course of 2022, we've published design proposals and released a number of Developer Previews. We appreciate all of the feedback we've received which has helped us refine and improve these proposals.

Beginning early next year we plan to rollout the initial Privacy Sandbox Beta to Android 13 mobile devices, so that developers can take the next steps in testing these new solutions. We'll start with a small percentage of devices and increase over time. Note that Developer Previews will continue to be released and this is where we’ll first deliver the latest features for early feedback before being released on production devices.

Today, we're sharing more details about the Privacy Sandbox Beta so that developers can get prepared.

Enroll to access the Privacy-Preserving APIs

Starting with the Beta release, as well as future Developer Previews, developers will need to complete an enrollment process in order to utilize the ads-related APIs (including Topics, FLEDGE, and Attribution Reporting). The enrollment process will verify developer identity and gather developer-specific data needed by the APIs. You can learn more about how to enroll here.

How to participate

The Privacy Sandbox Beta will be available for ad tech and app developers who wish to test the ads-related APIs as part of their solutions.

During the initial rollout stages, enrolled developers will also need to join the early testers program. This program will allow developers to test the APIs on a limited number of their own Android 13 devices for internal apps and requested published apps.

For the SDK Runtime, we’ll have a closed beta for developers to test Runtime-enabled SDK distribution to select apps. Because of the coordination required to test the SDK Runtime on production devices, we expect this beta to involve a limited number of partners who can dedicate resources to support this testing. If you’re interested in participating, please register your interest.

To utilize the Beta release, developers will need to compile their solutions with an API level 33 SDK extension update that is coming soon.

Advice For Advertisers & Publishers

We’ve heard from many advertisers and publishers about the role they can play in testing these new technologies. For companies that rely on third party solutions for ad serving or ad measurement, we recommend working with your providers to understand their testing roadmaps and how you can participate in early testing of Privacy Sandbox.

We want to thank everyone who has engaged on the Android Privacy Sandbox, and look forward to continued feedback as we enter this next phase of testing."

Preparing for the Android Privacy Sandbox Beta

Posted by Anthony Chavez, VP Product ManagementIn February we announced the Privacy Sandbox on Android, with the goal of bringing new, more private advertising solutions to mobile.

Over the course of 2022, we've published design proposals and released a number of Developer Previews. We appreciate all of the feedback we've received which has helped us refine and improve these proposals.

Beginning early next year we plan to rollout the initial Privacy Sandbox Beta to Android 13 mobile devices, so that developers can take the next steps in testing these new solutions. We'll start with a small percentage of devices and increase over time. Note that Developer Previews will continue to be released and this is where we’ll first deliver the latest features for early feedback before being released on production devices.

Today, we're sharing more details about the Privacy Sandbox Beta so that developers can get prepared.

Enroll to access the Privacy-Preserving APIs

Starting with the Beta release, as well as future Developer Previews, developers will need to complete an enrollment process in order to utilize the ads-related APIs (including Topics, FLEDGE, and Attribution Reporting). The enrollment process will verify developer identity and gather developer-specific data needed by the APIs. You can learn more about how to enroll here.

How to participate

The Privacy Sandbox Beta will be available for ad tech and app developers who wish to test the ads-related APIs as part of their solutions.

During the initial rollout stages, enrolled developers will also need to join the early testers program. This program will allow developers to test the APIs on a limited number of their own Android 13 devices for internal apps and requested published apps.

For the SDK Runtime, we’ll have a closed beta for developers to test Runtime-enabled SDK distribution to select apps. Because of the coordination required to test the SDK Runtime on production devices, we expect this beta to involve a limited number of partners who can dedicate resources to support this testing. If you’re interested in participating, please register your interest.

To utilize the Beta release, developers will need to compile their solutions with an API level 33 SDK extension update that is coming soon.

Advice For Advertisers & Publishers

We’ve heard from many advertisers and publishers about the role they can play in testing these new technologies. For companies that rely on third party solutions for ad serving or ad measurement, we recommend working with your providers to understand their testing roadmaps and how you can participate in early testing of Privacy Sandbox.

We want to thank everyone who has engaged on the Android Privacy Sandbox, and look forward to continued feedback as we enter this next phase of testing."

Preparing for the Android Privacy Sandbox Beta

Posted by Anthony Chavez, VP Product ManagementIn February we announced the Privacy Sandbox on Android, with the goal of bringing new, more private advertising solutions to mobile.

Over the course of 2022, we've published design proposals and released a number of Developer Previews. We appreciate all of the feedback we've received which has helped us refine and improve these proposals.

Beginning early next year we plan to rollout the initial Privacy Sandbox Beta to Android 13 mobile devices, so that developers can take the next steps in testing these new solutions. We'll start with a small percentage of devices and increase over time. Note that Developer Previews will continue to be released and this is where we’ll first deliver the latest features for early feedback before being released on production devices.

Today, we're sharing more details about the Privacy Sandbox Beta so that developers can get prepared.

Enroll to access the Privacy-Preserving APIs

Starting with the Beta release, as well as future Developer Previews, developers will need to complete an enrollment process in order to utilize the ads-related APIs (including Topics, FLEDGE, and Attribution Reporting). The enrollment process will verify developer identity and gather developer-specific data needed by the APIs. You can learn more about how to enroll here.

How to participate

The Privacy Sandbox Beta will be available for ad tech and app developers who wish to test the ads-related APIs as part of their solutions.

During the initial rollout stages, enrolled developers will also need to join the early testers program. This program will allow developers to test the APIs on a limited number of their own Android 13 devices for internal apps and requested published apps.

For the SDK Runtime, we’ll have a closed beta for developers to test Runtime-enabled SDK distribution to select apps. Because of the coordination required to test the SDK Runtime on production devices, we expect this beta to involve a limited number of partners who can dedicate resources to support this testing. If you’re interested in participating, please register your interest.

To utilize the Beta release, developers will need to compile their solutions with an API level 33 SDK extension update that is coming soon.

Advice For Advertisers & Publishers

We’ve heard from many advertisers and publishers about the role they can play in testing these new technologies. For companies that rely on third party solutions for ad serving or ad measurement, we recommend working with your providers to understand their testing roadmaps and how you can participate in early testing of Privacy Sandbox.

We want to thank everyone who has engaged on the Android Privacy Sandbox, and look forward to continued feedback as we enter this next phase of testing."

10 years of insights from Think with Google

The year is 2012. You and a record-setting 8 million people are watching live as skydiver Felix Baumgartner breaks the speed of sound with his 24-mile fall to Earth. In another tab, PSY’s “Gangnam Style” plays for the umpteenth time. Later in the year, it will become the first YouTube video to hit 1 billion views. You’re doing all of this, of course, on your desktop, a device that still accounts for more than 90% of web traffic globally.

That same year, we introduced Think with Google to give readers insights into behavioral and cultural trends based on Google data.

So much has changed in the decade since. For one, there’s a much higher chance you’re reading this article on mobile, which now makes up almost 60% of global web traffic. In that time, Think with Google has charted the evolution of consumer behavior as new digital technologies have emerged.

To mark the 10-year anniversary of Think with Google, here’s a selection of insights that tell that story.

2012: The shift from TV to online video begins

The opening ceremony for the 2012 Olympics drew a global TV audience of 900 million. By the time the Games were over, NBC declared it the most-watched television event in U.S. history.

But an important change was underway: As broadband access increased, people were ditching TV programs and heading online. In a 2012 Think with Google study, 44% of 13-to 24-year-olds said they spent more time watching online video than TV.

A young, fair-skinned person wearing sunglasses and casual clothing sits cross-legged while typing on their laptop. The text shows "44% of 13- to 24-year-olds spent more time watching online video than TV in 2012."

Source: Ipsos/Google, 2012 Teens and Twenty-Somethings research study, 2012.

2014: Multi-screen behavior moves mainstream

In 2010, when sports fans tuned into the World Cup, they were so glued to their TV screens that online searches, which tended to take place on desktop, plummeted.

Ahead of the 2014 World Cup, we drew on data from the Union of European Football Associations Champions League to make a prediction: “Second screening,” where fans tune into an event on a big screen while following along on mobile, was going mainstream. That prediction held up. In 2018, research revealed that 70% of adults looked at a second screen while watching TV.

2015: Micro-moments emerge

By 2015, long gone were the days where shoppers had to write a list before heading to the store. Instead, people were turning to their smartphones the second they wanted to do something, discover something or buy something.

We called these “micro-moments,” and they were becoming increasingly widespread. That year, 82% of smartphone users consulted their phone while in a store.

2017: Mobile speed becomes critical to success

In 2017, it took, on average, 22 seconds for a mobile webpage to load.

That might not sound like much, but according to Google research that year, it was enough to sink an online business. The research, which analyzed the landing pages of 900,000 mobile ads, found that as page load time went from one second to 10 seconds, the probability of a mobile visitor bouncing increased 123%.

2018: Video gets interactive

We’ve all seen people with their heads buried in their phones, unaware of what’s happening around them. Maybe that’s why the internet has long had an unfair reputation as an isolating experience.

But YouTube data from 2018 revealed an emerging trend that would explode just a few years later: the rise of video as an interactive, social experience. For example, we saw a huge interest in videos that encouraged viewers to do something — study, clean, read — at the same time as a YouTube creator and their followers.

A large numeral 10 with a banner that says "YRS" scrolls up into frame with colored circles around it, pauses and then rises off the screen.

2020: Online resources become a lifeline

No amount of Search data could have predicted what would happen in 2020, as the coronavirus pandemic shuttered offices, stores and schools.

Many people used the stay-at-home mandates to develop new skills. YouTube data revealed that globally, videos with variations of “beginner” in the title earned more than 7 billion views.

2021: Virtual experiences stay put

If anyone thought the changes brought on by the pandemic were temporary, Search data from 2021 suggested otherwise.

While people were understandably eager to go back to IRL experiences, virtual social events never fully went away. Around the world in 2021, we saw a 90% year-on-year increase in searches containing the term “watch party.”

2022: What’s coming next

Now, here we are in 2022. We’re continuing to crunch the numbers and share trends. We’re shedding light on evolving consumer behavior. And we’re sharing the lessons Google is learning, in real time, on topics ranging from inclusion to privacy. In an industry that has changed so much over the past decade, and will continue to do so, insights like these are crucial — and we’ll be here to keep sharing them.