Tag Archives: shopping

New Merchant IDs are now 64-bit in Content API for Shopping

In the Content API for Shopping, we informed you last June that new Merchant IDs were migrating from 32 bit to 64-bit signed integers.

Existing Merchant IDs haven’t changed. Beginning on March 13, 2023 new Merchant IDs created could be in the 64-bit signed range. Through a slow rollout over the next few months, a higher percentage of new Merchant IDs will be in the 64-bit signed range. By June 2023, all new Merchant IDs created will be in the 64-bit signed range.

To avoid any issues, please make sure your applications are fully compliant with IDs within a range of 64-bit signed integer values.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us via the forum.

Issues from all destinations to be included in Productstatuses Service by default in the Content API for Shopping

Starting on April 24, 2023, the Content API for Shopping methods productstatuses.list and productstatuses.get will include issues from all eligible destinations by default. This will likely increase the size of the response you get back from the same call.

Currently, the responses you get when using the productstatuses.list and productstatuses.get methods only include issues from Shopping Ads and don’t include issues from other destinations, for example free listings issues.

Including issues from all eligible destinations will let you provide your users with an overall better experience. This change will improve your issue visibility across all destinations. In turn, you will see an increase in the number of results, or the size of responses you’ll receive.

No action is needed from you as the free listing issues will now be included by default when using the Content API for Shopping methods productstatuses.list and productstatuses.get.

However, if you want to keep the calls to only display issues from Shopping Ads, we suggest setting the query parameter destinations[] in the productstatuses methods to Shopping.

Learn more about the changes to the product statuses methods in the Content API for Shopping Product statuses documentation.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us via the forum.

Changes to location targeting in Google Ads Search, Shopping, Display, and Performance Max campaigns

Starting on April 14, 2023, there will be changes made to the location targeting settings for Search, Shopping, Display, and Performance Max campaigns in the Google Ads API. We are making this change to simplify the location targeting portfolio and improve advertiser performance. All versions will throw errors if you try to set the location target settings to one of the values shown below.

Campaign.geo_target_type_setting fields
positive_geo_target_type can no longer be set to SEARCH_INTEREST for Search, Shopping, and Display campaigns. The default value is PRESENCE_OR_INTEREST.
negative_geo_target_type can no longer be set to PRESENCE_OR_INTEREST for Performance Max, Search, Shopping, and Display campaigns. The default value is PRESENCE.
The error returned if these values are used is SettingError.SETTING_VALUE_NOT_COMPATIBLE_WITH_CAMPAIGN.

On April 24, 2023, we will start performing any necessary auto-migration of fields to the new default values until no more invalid combinations exist. The auto-migration will occur on a per-campaign basis. You can confirm that the migration is complete for a Google Ads account by checking that these two queries return zero rows.

SELECT campaign.id, campaign.geo_target_type_setting.positive_geo_target_type, campaign.advertising_channel_type FROM campaign WHERE campaign.advertising_channel_type IN ('DISPLAY', 'SEARCH', 'SHOPPING') AND campaign.geo_target_type_setting.positive_geo_target_type = 'SEARCH_INTEREST' LIMIT 1
SELECT campaign.id, campaign.advertising_channel_type, campaign.geo_target_type_setting.negative_geo_target_type FROM campaign WHERE campaign.geo_target_type_setting.negative_geo_target_type = 'PRESENCE_OR_INTEREST' AND campaign.advertising_channel_type IN ('DISPLAY', 'PERFORMANCE_MAX', 'SEARCH', 'SHOPPING') LIMIT 1
Where can I get support?
If you have questions, please reach out to us on the forum or at [email protected].

Request Account Reviews with the Content API

In the Content API for Shopping, your Merchant Center account and the products in it might be disapproved for various reasons. Historically, you have been able to see the status of your merchant center account for free listings and Shopping ads with the accountstatuses service. In Q1 2022 we introduced the freelistingsprogram and shoppingadsprogram services to provide more granular detail. You can now use the requestreview method on the freelistingsprogram and shoppingadsprogram services to request your account to be re-reviewed after making changes to fix your product and account data.

For an in-depth explanation of how to use the freelistingsprogram and shoppingadsprogram services, please refer to the Free listings and Shopping ads guides.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us via the forum.