Tag Archives: Information Retrieval

Advances in TF-Ranking

In December 2018, we introduced TF-Ranking, an open-source TensorFlow-based library for developing scalable neural learning-to-rank (LTR) models, which are useful in settings where users expect to receive an ordered list of items in response to their query. LTR models — unlike standard classification models that classify one item at a time — receive an entire list of items as an input, and learn an ordering that maximizes the utility of the entire list. While search and recommendation systems are the most common applications of LTR models, since its release, we have seen TF-Ranking being applied in diverse domains beyond search, including e-commerce, SAT solvers, and smart city planning.

The goal of learning-to-rank (LTR) is to learn a function f() that takes as an input a list of items (documents, products, movies, etc.) and outputs the list of items in the optimal order (descending order of relevance). Here, green shade indicates item relevance level, and the red item marked with 'x' is non-relevant.

In May 2021, we published a major release of TF-Ranking that enables full support for natively building LTR models using Keras, a high-level API of TensorFlow 2. Our native Keras ranking model has a brand-new workflow design, including a flexible ModelBuilder, a DatasetBuilder to set up training data, and a Pipeline to train the model with the provided dataset. These components make building a customized LTR model easier than ever, and facilitate rapid exploration of new model structures for production and research. If RaggedTensors are your tool of choice, TF-Ranking is now working with them as well. In addition, our most recent release, which incorporates the Orbit training library, contains a long list of advances — the culmination of two and half years of neural LTR research. Below we share a few of the key improvements available in the latest TF-Ranking version.

Workflow to build and train a native Keras ranking model. Blue modules are provided by TF-Ranking, and green modules are customizable.

Learning-to-Rank with TFR-BERT
Recently, pretrained language models like BERT have achieved state-of-the-art performance on various language understanding tasks. To capture the expressiveness of these models, TF-Ranking implements a novel TFR-BERT architecture that couples BERT with the power of LTR to optimize the ordering of list inputs. As an example, consider a query and a list of n documents that one might like to rank in response to this query. Instead of learning an independent BERT representation for each <query, document> pair, LTR models apply a ranking loss to jointly learn a BERT representation that maximizes the utility of the entire ranked list with respect to the ground-truth labels.

The figure below illustrates this process. First, we flatten a list of n documents to rank in response to a query into a list <query, document> tuples. These tuples are fed into a pre-trained language model (e.g., BERT). The pooled BERT outputs for the entire document list are then jointly fine-tuned with one of the specialized ranking losses available in TF-Ranking. Our experience shows that this TFR-BERT architecture delivers significant improvements in pretrained language model performance, leading to state-of-the-art performance for several popular ranking tasks, especially when multiple pretrained language models are ensembled. Our users can now get started with TFR-BERT using this simple example.

An illustration of the TFR-BERT architecture, in which a joint LTR model over a list of n documents is constructed using BERT representations of individual <query, document> pairs.

Interpretable Learning-to-Rank
Transparency and interpretability are important factors in deploying LTR models in ranking systems that can be involved in determining the outcomes of processes such as loan eligibility assessment, advertisement targeting, or guiding medical treatment decisions. In such cases, the contribution of each individual feature to the final ranking should be examinable and understandable to ensure transparency, accountability and fairness of the outcomes.

One possible way to achieve this is using generalized additive models (GAMs) — intrinsically interpretable machine learning models that are linearly composed of smooth functions of individual features. However, while GAMs have been extensively studied on regression and classification tasks, it is less clear how to apply them in a ranking setting. For instance, while GAMs can be straightforwardly applied to model each individual item in the list, modeling both item interactions and the context in which these items are ranked is a more challenging research problem. To this end, we have developed a neural ranking GAM — an extension of generalized additive models to ranking problems.

Unlike standard GAMs, a neural ranking GAM can take into account both the features of the ranked items and the context features (e.g., query or user profile) to derive an interpretable, compact model. This ensures that not only the contribution of each item-level feature is interpretable, but also the contribution of the context features. For example, in the figure below, using a neural ranking GAM makes visible how distance, price, and relevance, in the context of a given user device, contribute to the final ranking of the hotel. Neural ranking GAMs are now available as a part of TF-Ranking,

An example of applying neural ranking GAM for local search. For each input feature (e.g., price, distance), a sub-model produces a sub-score that can be examined, providing transparency. Context features (e.g., user device type) can be utilized to derive importance weights of submodels.

Neural Ranking or Gradient Boosting?
While neural models have achieved state of the art performance in multiple domains, specialized gradient boosted decision trees (GBDTs) like LambdaMART remained the baseline to beat in a variety of open LTR datasets. The success of GBDTs in open datasets is due to several reasons. First, due to their relatively small size, neural models are prone to overfitting on these datasets. Second, since GBDTs partition their input feature space using decision trees, they are naturally more resilient to variations in numerical scales in ranking data, which often contain features with Zipfian or otherwise skewed distributions. However, GBDTs do have their limitations in more realistic ranking scenarios, which often combine both textual and numerical features. For instance, GBDTs cannot be directly applied to large discrete feature spaces, such as raw document text. They are also, in general, less scalable than neural ranking models.

Therefore, since the TF-Ranking release, our team has significantly deepened the understanding of how best to leverage neural models in ranking with numerical features. This culminated in a Data Augmented Self-Attentive Latent Cross (DASALC) model, described in an ICLR 2021 paper, which is the first to establish parity, and in some cases statistically significant improvements, of neural ranking models over strong LambdaMART baselines on open LTR datasets. This achievement is made possible through a combination of techniques, which include data augmentation, neural feature transformation, self-attention for modeling document interactions, listwise ranking loss, and model ensembling similar to boosting in GBDTs. The architecture of the DASALC model was entirely implemented using the TF-Ranking library.

All in all, we believe that the new Keras-based TF-Ranking version will make it easier to conduct neural LTR research and deploy production-grade ranking systems. We encourage everyone to try out the latest version and follow this introductory example for a hands-on experience. While we are very excited about this new release, our research and development journey is far from over, so we will continue to advance our understanding of learning-to-rank problems and share these advances with our users.

This project was only possible thanks to the current and past members of the TF-Ranking team: Honglei Zhuang, ‎Le Yan, Rama Pasumarthi, Rolf Jagerman, Zhen Qin, Shuguang Han, Sebastian Bruch, Nathan Cordeiro, Marc Najork and Patrick McGregor. We also extend special thanks to our collaborators from the Tensorflow team: Zhenyu Tan, Goldie Gadde, Rick Chao, Yuefeng Zhou‎, Hongkun Yu, and Jing Li.

Source: Google AI Blog

KELM: Integrating Knowledge Graphs with Language Model Pre-training Corpora

Large pre-trained natural language processing (NLP) models, such as BERT, RoBERTa, GPT-3, T5 and REALM, leverage natural language corpora that are derived from the Web and fine-tuned on task specific data, and have made significant advances in various NLP tasks. However, natural language text alone represents a limited coverage of knowledge, and facts may be contained in wordy sentences in many different ways. Furthermore, existence of non-factual information and toxic content in text can eventually cause biases in the resulting models.

Alternate sources of information are knowledge graphs (KGs), which consist of structured data. KGs are factual in nature because the information is usually extracted from more trusted sources, and post-processing filters and human editors ensure inappropriate and incorrect content are removed. Therefore, models that can incorporate them carry the advantages of improved factual accuracy and reduced toxicity. However, their different structural format makes it difficult to integrate them with the existing pre-training corpora in language models.

In “Knowledge Graph Based Synthetic Corpus Generation for Knowledge-Enhanced Language Model Pre-training” (KELM), accepted at NAACL 2021, we explore converting KGs to synthetic natural language sentences to augment existing pre-training corpora, enabling their integration into the pre-training of language models without architectural changes. To that end, we leverage the publicly available English Wikidata KG and convert it into natural language text in order to create a synthetic corpus. We then augment REALM, a retrieval-based language model, with the synthetic corpus as a method of integrating natural language corpora and KGs in pre-training. We have released this corpus publicly for the broader research community.

Converting KG to Natural Language Text
KGs consist of factual information represented explicitly in a structured format, generally in the form of [subject entity, relation, object entity] triples, e.g., [10x10 photobooks, inception, 2012]. A group of related triples is called an entity subgraph. An example of an entity subgraph that builds on the previous example of a triple is { [10x10 photobooks, instance of, Nonprofit Organization], [10x10 photobooks, inception, 2012] }, which is illustrated in the figure below. A KG can be viewed as interconnected entity subgraphs.

Converting subgraphs into natural language text is a standard task in NLP known as data-to-text generation. Although there have been significant advances on data-to-text-generation on benchmark datasets such as WebNLG, converting an entire KG into natural text has additional challenges. The entities and relations in large KGs are more vast and diverse than small benchmark datasets. Moreover, benchmark datasets consist of predefined subgraphs that can form fluent meaningful sentences. With an entire KG, such a segmentation into entity subgraphs needs to be created as well.

An example illustration of how the pipeline converts an entity subgraph (in bubbles) into synthetic natural sentences (far right).

In order to convert the Wikidata KG into synthetic natural sentences, we developed a verbalization pipeline named “Text from KG Generator” (TEKGEN), which is made up of the following components: a large training corpus of heuristically aligned Wikipedia text and Wikidata KG triples, a text-to-text generator (T5) to convert the KG triples to text, an entity subgraph creator for generating groups of triples to be verbalized together, and finally, a post-processing filter to remove low quality outputs. The result is a corpus containing the entire Wikidata KG as natural text, which we call the Knowledge-Enhanced Language Model (KELM) corpus. It consists of ~18M sentences spanning ~45M triples and ~1500 relations.

Converting a KG to natural language, which is then used for language model augmentation

Integrating Knowledge Graph and Natural Text for Language Model Pre-training
Our evaluation shows that KG verbalization is an effective method of integrating KGs with natural language text. We demonstrate this by augmenting the retrieval corpus of REALM, which includes only Wikipedia text.

To assess the effectiveness of verbalization, we augment the REALM retrieval corpus with the KELM corpus (i.e., “verbalized triples”) and compare its performance against augmentation with concatenated triples without verbalization. We measure the accuracy with each data augmentation technique on two popular open-domain question answering datasets: Natural Questions and Web Questions.

Augmenting REALM with even the concatenated triples improves accuracy, potentially adding information not expressed in text explicitly or at all. However, augmentation with verbalized triples allows for a smoother integration of the KG with the natural language text corpus, as demonstrated by the higher accuracy. We also observed the same trend on a knowledge probe called LAMA that queries the model using fill-in-the-blank questions.

With KELM, we provide a publicly-available corpus of a KG as natural text. We show that KG verbalization can be used to integrate KGs with natural text corpora to overcome their structural differences. This has real-world applications for knowledge-intensive tasks, such as question answering, where providing factual knowledge is essential. Moreover, such corpora can be applied in pre-training of large language models, and can potentially reduce toxicity and improve factuality. We hope that this work encourages further advances in integrating structured knowledge sources into pre-training of large language models.

This work has been a collaborative effort involving Oshin Agarwal, Heming Ge, Siamak Shakeri and Rami Al-Rfou. We thank William Woods, Jonni Kanerva, Tania Rojas-Esponda, Jianmo Ni, Aaron Cohen and Itai Rolnick for rating a sample of the synthetic corpus to evaluate its quality. We also thank Kelvin Guu for his valuable feedback on the paper.

Source: Google AI Blog

KELM: Integrating Knowledge Graphs with Language Model Pre-training Corpora

Large pre-trained natural language processing (NLP) models, such as BERT, RoBERTa, GPT-3, T5 and REALM, leverage natural language corpora that are derived from the Web and fine-tuned on task specific data, and have made significant advances in various NLP tasks. However, natural language text alone represents a limited coverage of knowledge, and facts may be contained in wordy sentences in many different ways. Furthermore, existence of non-factual information and toxic content in text can eventually cause biases in the resulting models.

Alternate sources of information are knowledge graphs (KGs), which consist of structured data. KGs are factual in nature because the information is usually extracted from more trusted sources, and post-processing filters and human editors ensure inappropriate and incorrect content are removed. Therefore, models that can incorporate them carry the advantages of improved factual accuracy and reduced toxicity. However, their different structural format makes it difficult to integrate them with the existing pre-training corpora in language models.

In “Knowledge Graph Based Synthetic Corpus Generation for Knowledge-Enhanced Language Model Pre-training” (KELM), accepted at NAACL 2021, we explore converting KGs to synthetic natural language sentences to augment existing pre-training corpora, enabling their integration into the pre-training of language models without architectural changes. To that end, we leverage the publicly available English Wikidata KG and convert it into natural language text in order to create a synthetic corpus. We then augment REALM, a retrieval-based language model, with the synthetic corpus as a method of integrating natural language corpora and KGs in pre-training. We have released this corpus publicly for the broader research community.

Converting KG to Natural Language Text
KGs consist of factual information represented explicitly in a structured format, generally in the form of [subject entity, relation, object entity] triples, e.g., [10x10 photobooks, inception, 2012]. A group of related triples is called an entity subgraph. An example of an entity subgraph that builds on the previous example of a triple is { [10x10 photobooks, instance of, Nonprofit Organization], [10x10 photobooks, inception, 2012] }, which is illustrated in the figure below. A KG can be viewed as interconnected entity subgraphs.

Converting subgraphs into natural language text is a standard task in NLP known as data-to-text generation. Although there have been significant advances on data-to-text-generation on benchmark datasets such as WebNLG, converting an entire KG into natural text has additional challenges. The entities and relations in large KGs are more vast and diverse than small benchmark datasets. Moreover, benchmark datasets consist of predefined subgraphs that can form fluent meaningful sentences. With an entire KG, such a segmentation into entity subgraphs needs to be created as well.

An example illustration of how the pipeline converts an entity subgraph (in bubbles) into synthetic natural sentences (far right).

In order to convert the Wikidata KG into synthetic natural sentences, we developed a verbalization pipeline named “Text from KG Generator” (TEKGEN), which is made up of the following components: a large training corpus of heuristically aligned Wikipedia text and Wikidata KG triples, a text-to-text generator (T5) to convert the KG triples to text, an entity subgraph creator for generating groups of triples to be verbalized together, and finally, a post-processing filter to remove low quality outputs. The result is a corpus containing the entire Wikidata KG as natural text, which we call the Knowledge-Enhanced Language Model (KELM) corpus. It consists of ~18M sentences spanning ~45M triples and ~1500 relations.

Converting a KG to natural language, which is then used for language model augmentation

Integrating Knowledge Graph and Natural Text for Language Model Pre-training
Our evaluation shows that KG verbalization is an effective method of integrating KGs with natural language text. We demonstrate this by augmenting the retrieval corpus of REALM, which includes only Wikipedia text.

To assess the effectiveness of verbalization, we augment the REALM retrieval corpus with the KELM corpus (i.e., “verbalized triples”) and compare its performance against augmentation with concatenated triples without verbalization. We measure the accuracy with each data augmentation technique on two popular open-domain question answering datasets: Natural Questions and Web Questions.

Augmenting REALM with even the concatenated triples improves accuracy, potentially adding information not expressed in text explicitly or at all. However, augmentation with verbalized triples allows for a smoother integration of the KG with the natural language text corpus, as demonstrated by the higher accuracy. We also observed the same trend on a knowledge probe called LAMA that queries the model using fill-in-the-blank questions.

With KELM, we provide a publicly-available corpus of a KG as natural text. We show that KG verbalization can be used to integrate KGs with natural text corpora to overcome their structural differences. This has real-world applications for knowledge-intensive tasks, such as question answering, where providing factual knowledge is essential. Moreover, such corpora can be applied in pre-training of large language models, and can potentially reduce toxicity and improve factuality. We hope that this work encourages further advances in integrating structured knowledge sources into pre-training of large language models.

This work has been a collaborative effort involving Oshin Agarwal, Heming Ge, Siamak Shakeri and Rami Al-Rfou. We thank William Woods, Jonni Kanerva, Tania Rojas-Esponda, Jianmo Ni, Aaron Cohen and Itai Rolnick for rating a sample of the synthetic corpus to evaluate its quality. We also thank Kelvin Guu for his valuable feedback on the paper.

Source: Google AI Blog

REALM: Integrating Retrieval into Language Representation Models

Recent advances in natural language processing have largely built upon the power of unsupervised pre-training, which trains general purpose language representation models using a large amount of text, without human annotations or labels. These pre-trained models, such as BERT and RoBERTa, have been shown to memorize a surprising amount of world knowledge, such as “the birthplace of Francesco Bartolomeo Conti”, “the developer of JDK” and “the owner of Border TV”. While the ability to encode knowledge is especially important for certain natural language processing tasks such as question answering, information retrieval and text generation, these models memorize knowledge implicitly — i.e., world knowledge is captured in an abstract way in the model weights — making it difficult to determine what knowledge has been stored and where it is kept in the model. Furthermore, the storage space, and hence the accuracy of the model, is limited by the size of the network. To capture more world knowledge, the standard practice is to train ever-larger networks, which can be prohibitively slow or expensive.

Instead, what if there was a method for pre-training that could access knowledge explicitly, e.g., by referencing an additional large external text corpus, in order to achieve accurate results without increasing the model size or complexity?  For example, a sentence found in an external document collection, "Francesco Bartolomeo Conti was born in Florence," could be referenced by the model to determine the birthplace of the musician, rather than relying on the model's opaque ability to access the knowledge stored in its own parameters. The ability to retrieve text containing explicit knowledge such as this would improve the efficiency of pre-training while enabling the model to perform well on knowledge-intensive tasks without using billions of parameters.

In “REALM: Retrieval-Augmented Language Model Pre-Training”, accepted at the 2020 International Conference on Machine Learning, we share a novel paradigm for language model pre-training, which augments a language representation model with a knowledge retriever, allowing REALM models to retrieve textual world knowledge explicitly from raw text documents, instead of memorizing all the knowledge in the model parameters. We have also open sourced the REALM codebase to demonstrate how one can train the retriever and the language representation jointly.

Background: Pre-training Language Representation Models
To understand how standard language representation models memorize world knowledge, one should first review how these models are pre-trained. Since the invention of BERT, the fill-in-the-blank task, called masked language modeling, has been widely used for pre-training language representation models. Given any text with certain words masked out, the task is to fill back the missing words. An example of this task looks like:

I am so thirsty. I need to __ water.

During pre-training, a model will go over a large number of examples and adjust the parameters in order to predict the missing words (answer: drink, in the above example). Interestingly, the fill-in-the-blank task makes the model memorize certain facts about the world. For example, the knowledge of Einstein's birthplace is required to fill the missing word in the following example:

Einstein was a __-born scientist. (answer: German)

However, because the world knowledge captured by the model is stored in the model weights, it is abstract, making it difficult to understand what information is stored.

Our Proposal: Retrieval-Augmented Language Representation Model Pre-training
In contrast to standard language representation models, REALM augments the language representation model with a knowledge retriever that first retrieves another piece of text from an external document collection as the supporting knowledge — in our experiments, we use the Wikipedia text corpus — and then feeds this supporting text as well as the original text into a language representation model.

The key intuition of REALM is that a retrieval system should improve the model's ability to fill in missing words. Therefore, a retrieval that provides more context for filling the missing words should be rewarded. If the retrieved information does not help the model make its predictions, it should be discouraged, making room for better retrievals.

How does one train a knowledge retriever, given that only unlabeled text is available during pre-training? It turns out that one can use the task of filling words to train the knowledge retriever indirectly, without any human annotations. Assume the input of the query is:

We paid twenty __ at the Buckingham Palace gift shop.

Filling the missing word (answer:pounds) in this sentence without retrieval can be tricky, as the model would need to have implicitly stored knowledge of the country in which the Buckingham Palace is located and the associated currency, as well as make the connection between the two. It would be easier for the model to fill in the missing word if it was presented with a passage that explicitly connects some of the necessary knowledge, retrieved from an external corpus.

In this example, the retriever would be rewarded for retrieving the following sentence.

Buckingham Palace is the London residence of the British monarchy.

Since the retrieval step needs to add more context, there may be multiple retrieval targets that could be helpful in filling the missing word, for example, “The official currency of the United Kingdom is the Pound.” The whole process is demonstrated in the next figure:

Computational Challenges for REALM
Scaling REALM pre-training such that models can retrieve knowledge from millions of documents is challenging. In REALM, the selection of the best document is formulated as maximum inner product search (MIPS). To perform retrieval, MIPS models need to first encode all of the documents in the collection, such that each document has a corresponding document vector. When an input arrives, it is encoded as a query vector. In MIPS, given a query, the document in the collection that has the maximum inner product value between its document vector and the query vector is retrieved, as shown in the following figure:

In REALM, we use the ScaNN package to conduct MIPS efficiently, which makes finding the maximum inner product value relatively cheap, given that the document vectors are pre-computed. However, if the model parameters were updated during training, it is typically necessary to re-encode the document vectors for the entire collection of documents. To address the computational challenges, we structure the retriever so that the computation performed for each document can be cached and asynchronously updated. We also found that updating document vectors every 500 training steps, instead of every step, is able to achieve good performance and make training tractable.

Applying REALM to Open-domain Question Answering
We evaluate the effectiveness of REALM by applying it to open-domain question answering (Open-QA), one of the most knowledge-intensive tasks in natural language processing. The goal of the task is to answer questions, such as “What is the angle of the equilateral triangle?”

In standard question answering tasks (e.g., SQuAD or Natural Questions), the supporting document is provided as part of input, so a model only needs to look up the answer in the given document. In Open-QA, there are no given documents, so that Open-QA models need to look up the knowledge by themselves — this makes Open-QA an excellent task to examine the effectiveness of REALM.

The following figure shows the results on the OpenQA version of Natural Question. We mainly compared our results with T5, another approach that trains models without annotated supporting documents. From the figure, one can clearly see that REALM pre-training generates very powerful Open-QA models, and even outperforms the much larger T5 (11B) model by almost 4 points, using only a fraction of the parameters (300M).

The release of REALM has helped drive interest in developing end-to-end retrieval-augmented models, including a recent retrieval-augmented generative model. We look forward to the possibility of extending this line of work in several ways, including 1) applying REALM-like methods to new applications that require knowledge-intensive reasoning and interpretable provenance (beyond Open-QA), and 2) exploring the benefits of retrieving other forms of knowledge, such as images, knowledge graph structures, or even text in other languages. We are also excited to see what the research community does with the open source REALM codebase!

This work has been a collaborative effort involving Kelvin Guu, Kenton Lee, Zora Tung, Panupong Pasupat and Ming-Wei Chang.

Source: Google AI Blog

Announcing ScaNN: Efficient Vector Similarity Search

Suppose one wants to search through a large dataset of literary works using queries that require an exact match of title, author, or other easily machine-indexable criteria. Such a task would be well suited for a relational database using a language such as SQL. However, if one wants to support more abstract queries, such as “Civil War poem,” it is no longer possible to rely on naive similarity metrics such as the number of words in common between two phrases. For example, the query “science fiction” is more related to “future” than it is to “earth science” despite the former having zero, and the latter having one, word in common with the query.

Machine learning (ML) has greatly improved computers’ abilities to understand language semantics and therefore answer these abstract queries. Modern ML models can transform inputs such as text and images into embeddings, high dimensional vectors trained such that more similar inputs cluster closer together. For a given query, we can therefore compute its embedding, and find the literary works whose embeddings are closest to the query’s. In this manner, ML has transformed an abstract and previously difficult-to-specify task into a rigorous mathematical one. However, a computational challenge remains: for a given query embedding, how does one quickly find the nearest dataset embeddings? The set of embeddings is often too large for exhaustive search and its high dimensionality makes pruning difficult.

In our ICML 2020 paper, “Accelerating Large-Scale Inference with Anisotropic Vector Quantization,” we address this problem by focusing on how to compress the dataset vectors to enable fast approximate distance computations, and propose a new compression technique that significantly boosts accuracy compared to prior works. This technique is utilized in our recently open-sourced vector similarity search library (ScaNN), and enables us to outperform other vector similarity search libraries by a factor of two, as measured on ann-benchmarks.com.

The Importance of Vector Similarity Search
Embedding-based search is a technique that is effective at answering queries that rely on semantic understanding rather than simple indexable properties. In this technique, machine learning models are trained to map the queries and database items to a common vector embedding space, such that the distance between embeddings carries semantic meaning, i.e., similar items are closer together.
The two-tower neural network model, illustrated above, is a specific type of embedding-based search where queries and database items are mapped to the embedding space by two respective neural networks. In this example the model responds to natural-language queries for a hypothetical literary database.
To answer a query with this approach, the system must first map the query to the embedding space. It then must find, among all database embeddings, the ones closest to the query; this is the nearest neighbor search problem. One of the most common ways to define the query-database embedding similarity is by their inner product; this type of nearest neighbor search is known as maximum inner-product search (MIPS).

Because the database size can easily be in the millions or even billions, MIPS is often the computational bottleneck to inference speed, and exhaustive search is impractical. This necessitates the use of approximate MIPS algorithms that exchange some accuracy for a significant speedup over brute-force search.

A New Quantization Approach for MIPS
Several state-of-the-art solutions for MIPS are based on compressing the database items so that an approximation of their inner product can be computed in a fraction of the time taken by brute-force. This compression is commonly done with learned quantization, where a codebook of vectors is trained from the database and is used to approximately represent the database elements.

Previous vector quantization schemes quantized database elements with the aim of minimizing the average distance between each vector x and its quantized form . While this is a useful metric, optimizing for this is not equivalent to optimizing nearest-neighbor search accuracy. The key idea behind our paper is that encodings with higher average distance may actually result in superior MIPS accuracy.

The intuition for our result is illustrated below. Suppose we have two database embeddings x1 and x2, and must quantize each to one of two centers: c1 or c2. Our goal is to quantize each xi to i such that the inner product <q, i> is as similar to the original inner product <q, xi> as possible. This can be visualized as making the magnitude of the projection of i onto q as similar as possible to the projection of xi onto q. In the traditional approach to quantization (left), we would pick the closest center for each xi, which leads to an incorrect relative ranking of the two points: <q, 1> is greater than <q, 2>, even though <q, x1> is less than <q, x2>! If we instead assign x1 to c1 and x2 to c2, we get the correct ranking. This is illustrated in the figure below.
The goal is to quantize each xi to i = c1 or i = c2. Traditional quantization (left) results in the incorrect ordering of x1 and x2 for this query. Even though our approach (right) chooses centers farther away from the data points, this in fact leads to lower inner product error and higher accuracy.
It turns out that direction matters as well as magnitude--even though c1 is farther from x1 than c2, c1 is offset from x1 in a direction almost entirely orthogonal to x1, while c2’s offset is parallel (for x2, the same situation applies but flipped). Error in the parallel direction is much more harmful in the MIPS problem because it disproportionately impacts high inner products, which by definition are the ones that MIPS is trying to estimate accurately.

Based on this intuition, we more heavily penalize quantization error that is parallel to the original vector. We refer to our novel quantization technique as anisotropic vector quantization due to the directional dependence of its loss function. The ability of this technique to trade increased quantization error of lower inner products in exchange for superior accuracy for high inner products is the key innovation and the source of its performance gains.
In the above diagrams, ellipses denote contours of equal loss. In anisotropic vector quantization, error parallel to the original data point x is penalized more.
Anisotropic Vector Quantization in ScaNN
Anisotropic vector quantization allows ScaNN to better estimate inner products that are likely to be in the top-k MIPS results and therefore achieve higher accuracy. On the glove-100-angular benchmark from ann-benchmarks.com, ScaNN outperformed eleven other carefully tuned vector similarity search libraries, handling roughly twice as many queries per second for a given accuracy as the next-fastest library.*
Recall@k is a commonly used metric for nearest neighbor search accuracy, which measures the proportion of the true nearest k neighbors that are present in an algorithm’s returned k neighbors. ScaNN (upper purple line) consistently achieves superior performance across various points of the speed-accuracy trade-off.
ScaNN is open-source software and you can try it yourself at GitHub. The library can be directly installed via Pip and has interfaces for both TensorFlow and Numpy inputs. Please see the GitHub repository for further instructions on installing and configuring ScaNN.

By modifying the vector quantization objective to align with the goals of MIPS, we achieve state-of-the-art performance on nearest neighbor search benchmarks, a key indicator of embedding-based search performance. Although anisotropic vector quantization is an important technique, we believe it is just one example of the performance gains achievable by optimizing algorithms for the end goal of improving search accuracy rather than an intermediate goal such as compression distortion.

This post reflects the work of the entire ScaNN team: David Simcha, Erik Lindgren, Felix Chern, Nathan Cordeiro, Ruiqi Guo, Sanjiv Kumar, and Zonglin Li. We’d also like to thank Dan Holtmann-Rice, Dave Dopson, and Felix Yu.

* ScaNN performs similarly well on the other datasets of ann-benchmarks.com, but the website currently shows outdated, lower numbers. See this pull request for more representative performance figures on other datasets.

Source: Google AI Blog

Presenting a Challenge and Workshop in Efficient Open-Domain Question Answering

One of the primary goals of natural language processing is to build systems that can answer a user's questions. To do this, computers need to be able to understand questions, represent world knowledge, and reason their way to answers. Traditionally, answers have been retrieved from a collection of documents or a knowledge graph. For example, to answer the question, “When was the declaration of independence officially signed?” a system might first find the most relevant article from Wikipedia, and then locate a sentence containing the answer, “August 2, 1776”. However, more recent approaches, like T5, have also shown that neural models, trained on large amounts of web-text, can also answer questions directly, without retrieving documents or facts from a knowledge graph. This has led to significant debate about how knowledge should be stored for use by our question answering systems — in human readable text and structured formats, or in the learned parameters of a neural network.

Today, we are proud to announce the EfficientQA competition and workshop at NeurIPS 2020, organized in cooperation with Princeton University and the University of Washington. The goal is to develop an end-to-end question answering system that contains all of the knowledge required to answer open-domain questions. There are no constraints on how the knowledge is stored — it could be in documents, databases, the parameters of a neural network, or any other form — but entries will be evaluated based on the number of bytes used to access this knowledge, including code, corpora, and model parameters. There will also be an unconstrained track, in which the goal is to achieve the best possible question answering performance regardless of system size. To build small, yet robust systems, participants will have to explore new methods of knowledge representation and reasoning.
An illustration of how the memory budget changes as a neural network and retrieval corpus grow and shrink. It is possible that successful systems will also use other resources such as a knowledge graph.
Competition Overview
The competition will be evaluated using the open-domain variant of the Natural Questions dataset. We will also provide further human evaluation of all the top performing entries to account for the fact that there are many correct ways to answer a question, not all of which will be covered by any set of reference answers. For example, for the question “What type of car is a Jeep considered?” both “off-road vehicles” and “crossover SUVs” are valid answers.

The competition is divided between four separate tracks: best performing system under 500 Mb; best performing system under 6 Gb; smallest system to get at least 25% accuracy; and the best performing system with no constraints. The winners of each of these tracks will be invited to present their work during the competition track at NeurIPS 2020, which will be hosted virtually. We will also put each of the winning systems up against human trivia experts (the 2017 NeurIPS Human-Computer competition featured Jeopardy! and Who Wants to Be a Millionaire champions) in a real-time contest at the virtual conference.

To participate, go to the competition site where you will find the data and evaluation code available for download, as well as dates and instructions on how to participate, and a sign-up form for updates. Along with our academic collaborators, we have provided some example systems to help you get started.

We believe that the field of natural language processing will benefit from a greater exploration and comparison of small system question answering options. We hope that by encouraging the development of very small systems, this competition will pave the way for on-device question answering.

Creating this challenge and workshop has been a large team effort including Adam Roberts, Colin Raffel, Chris Alberti, Jordan Boyd-Graber, Jennimaria Palomaki, Kenton Lee, Kelvin Guu, and Michael Collins from Google; as well as Sewon Min and Hannaneh Hajishirzi from the University of Washington; and Danqi Chen from Princeton University.

Source: Google AI Blog

An NLU-Powered Tool to Explore COVID-19 Scientific Literature

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, scientists and researchers around the world are publishing an immense amount of new research in order to understand and combat the disease. While the volume of research is very encouraging, it can be difficult for scientists and researchers to keep up with the rapid pace of new publications. Traditional search engines can be excellent resources for finding real-time information on general COVID-19 questions like "How many COVID-19 cases are there in the United States?", but can struggle with understanding the meaning behind research-driven queries. Furthermore, searching through the existing corpus of COVID-19 scientific literature with traditional keyword-based approaches can make it difficult to pinpoint relevant evidence for complex queries.

To help address this problem, we are launching the COVID-19 Research Explorer, a semantic search interface on top of the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19), which includes more than 50,000 journal articles and preprints. We have designed the tool with the goal of helping scientists and researchers efficiently pore through articles for answers or evidence to COVID-19-related questions.

When the user asks an initial question, the tool not only returns a set of papers (like in a traditional search) but also highlights snippets from the paper that are possible answers to the question. The user can review the snippets and quickly make a decision on whether or not that paper is worth further reading. If the user is satisfied with the initial set of papers and snippets, we have added functionality to pose follow-up questions, which act as new queries for the original set of retrieved articles. Take a look at the animation below to see an example of a query and a corresponding follow-up question. We hope these features will foster knowledge exploration and efficient gathering of evidence for scientific hypotheses.

Semantic Search
A key technology powering the tool is semantic search. Semantic search aims to not just capture term overlap between a query and a document, but to really understand whether the meaning of a phrase is relevant to the user’s true intent behind their query.

Consider the query, “What regulates ACE2 expression?” Even though this seems like a simple question, certain phrases can still confuse a search engine that relies solely on text matching. For example, “regulates” can refer to a number of biological processes. While traditional information retrieval (IR) systems use techniques like query expansion to mitigate this confusion, semantic search models aim to learn these relationships implicitly.

Word order also matters. ACE2 (angiotensin converting enzyme-2) itself regulates certain biological processes, but the question is actually asking what regulates ACE2. Matching on terms alone will not distinguish between “what regulates ACE2 ” and “what ACE2 regulates.” Traditional IR systems use tricks like n-gram term matching, but semantic search methods strive to model word order and semantics at their core.

The semantic search technology we use is powered by BERT, which has recently been deployed to improve retrieval quality of Google Search. For the COVID-19 Research Explorer we faced the challenge that biomedical literature uses a language that is very different from the kinds of queries submitted to Google.com. In order to train BERT models, we required supervision — examples of queries and their relevant documents and snippets. While we relied on excellent resources produced by BioASQ for fine-tuning, such human-curated datasets tend to be small. Neural semantic search models require large amounts of training data. To augment small human-constructed datasets, we used advances in query generation to build a large synthetic corpus of questions and relevant documents in the biomedical domain.

Specifically, we used large amounts of general domain question-answer pairs to train an encoder-decoder model (part a in the figure below). This kind of neural architecture is used in tasks like machine translation that encodes one piece of text (e.g., an English sentence) and produces another piece of text (e.g., a French sentence). Here we trained the model to translate from answer passages to questions (or queries) about that passage. Next we took passages from every document in the collection, in this case CORD-19, and generated corresponding queries (part b). We then used these synthetic query-passage pairs as supervision to train our neural retrieval model (part c).
Synthetic query construction.
However, we found that there were examples where the neural model performed worse than a keyword-based model. This is because of the memorization-generalization continuum, which is well known in most fields of artificial intelligence and psycholinguistics. Keyword-based models, like tf-idf, are essentially memorizers. They memorize terms from the query and look for documents that have them. Neural retrieval models, on the other hand, learn generalizations about concepts and meaning and try to match based on those. Sometimes they can over-generalize when precision is important. For example, if I query, “What regulates ACE2 expression?”, one may want the model to generalize the concept of “regulation,” but not ACE2 beyond acronym expansion.

Hybrid Term-Neural Retrieval Model
To improve our system we built a hybrid term-neural retrieval model. A crucial observation is that both term-based and neural models can be cast as a vector space model. In other words, we can encode both the query and documents and then treat retrieval as looking for the document vectors that are most similar to the query vector, also known as k-nearest neighbor retrieval. There is a lot of research and engineering that is needed to make this work at scale, but it allows us a simple mechanism to combine methods. The simplest approach is to combine the vectors with a trade-off parameter.
Hybrid Term and Neural Retrieval.
In the figure above, the blue boxes are the term-based vectors, and the red, the neural vectors. We represent documents by concatenating these vectors. We concatenate the two vectors for queries as well, but we control the relative importance of exact term matches versus neural semantic matching. This is done via a weight parameter k. While more complex hybrid schemes are possible, we found that this simple hybrid model significantly increased quality on our biomedical literature retrieval benchmarks.

Availability and Community Feedback
The COVID-19 Research Explorer is freely available to the research community as an open alpha. Over the coming months we will be making a number of usability enhancements, so please check back often. Try out the COVID-19 Research Explorer, and please share any comments you have with us via the feedback channels on the site.

This effort has been successful thanks to the hard work of many people, including, but not limited to the following (in alphabetical order of last name): John Alex, Waleed Ammar, Greg Billock, Yale Cong, Ali Elkahky, Daniel Francisco, Stephen Greco, Stefan Hosein, Johanna Katz, Gyorgy Kiss, Margarita Kopniczky, Ivan Korotkov, Dominic Leung, Daphne Luong, Ji Ma, Ryan Mcdonald, Matt Pearson-Beck, Biao She, Jonathan Sheffi, Kester Tong, Ben Wedin

Source: Google AI Blog

An NLU-Powered Tool to Explore COVID-19 Scientific Literature

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, scientists and researchers around the world are publishing an immense amount of new research in order to understand and combat the disease. While the volume of research is very encouraging, it can be difficult for scientists and researchers to keep up with the rapid pace of new publications. Traditional search engines can be excellent resources for finding real-time information on general COVID-19 questions like "How many COVID-19 cases are there in the United States?", but can struggle with understanding the meaning behind research-driven queries. Furthermore, searching through the existing corpus of COVID-19 scientific literature with traditional keyword-based approaches can make it difficult to pinpoint relevant evidence for complex queries.

To help address this problem, we are launching the COVID-19 Research Explorer, a semantic search interface on top of the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19), which includes more than 50,000 journal articles and preprints. We have designed the tool with the goal of helping scientists and researchers efficiently pore through articles for answers or evidence to COVID-19-related questions.

When the user asks an initial question, the tool not only returns a set of papers (like in a traditional search) but also highlights snippets from the paper that are possible answers to the question. The user can review the snippets and quickly make a decision on whether or not that paper is worth further reading. If the user is satisfied with the initial set of papers and snippets, we have added functionality to pose follow-up questions, which act as new queries for the original set of retrieved articles. Take a look at the animation below to see an example of a query and a corresponding follow-up question. We hope these features will foster knowledge exploration and efficient gathering of evidence for scientific hypotheses.

Semantic Search
A key technology powering the tool is semantic search. Semantic search aims to not just capture term overlap between a query and a document, but to really understand whether the meaning of a phrase is relevant to the user’s true intent behind their query.

Consider the query, “What regulates ACE2 expression?” Even though this seems like a simple question, certain phrases can still confuse a search engine that relies solely on text matching. For example, “regulates” can refer to a number of biological processes. While traditional information retrieval (IR) systems use techniques like query expansion to mitigate this confusion, semantic search models aim to learn these relationships implicitly.

Word order also matters. ACE2 (angiotensin converting enzyme-2) itself regulates certain biological processes, but the question is actually asking what regulates ACE2. Matching on terms alone will not distinguish between “what regulates ACE2 ” and “what ACE2 regulates.” Traditional IR systems use tricks like n-gram term matching, but semantic search methods strive to model word order and semantics at their core.

The semantic search technology we use is powered by BERT, which has recently been deployed to improve retrieval quality of Google Search. For the COVID-19 Research Explorer we faced the challenge that biomedical literature uses a language that is very different from the kinds of queries submitted to Google.com. In order to train BERT models, we required supervision — examples of queries and their relevant documents and snippets. While we relied on excellent resources produced by BioASQ for fine-tuning, such human-curated datasets tend to be small. Neural semantic search models require large amounts of training data. To augment small human-constructed datasets, we used advances in query generation to build a large synthetic corpus of questions and relevant documents in the biomedical domain.

Specifically, we used large amounts of general domain question-answer pairs to train an encoder-decoder model (part a in the figure below). This kind of neural architecture is used in tasks like machine translation that encodes one piece of text (e.g., an English sentence) and produces another piece of text (e.g., a French sentence). Here we trained the model to translate from answer passages to questions (or queries) about that passage. Next we took passages from every document in the collection, in this case CORD-19, and generated corresponding queries (part b). We then used these synthetic query-passage pairs as supervision to train our neural retrieval model (part c).
Synthetic query construction.
However, we found that there were examples where the neural model performed worse than a keyword-based model. This is because of the memorization-generalization continuum, which is well known in most fields of artificial intelligence and psycholinguistics. Keyword-based models, like tf-idf, are essentially memorizers. They memorize terms from the query and look for documents that have them. Neural retrieval models, on the other hand, learn generalizations about concepts and meaning and try to match based on those. Sometimes they can over-generalize when precision is important. For example, if I query, “What regulates ACE2 expression?”, one may want the model to generalize the concept of “regulation,” but not ACE2 beyond acronym expansion.

Hybrid Term-Neural Retrieval Model
To improve our system we built a hybrid term-neural retrieval model. A crucial observation is that both term-based and neural models can be cast as a vector space model. In other words, we can encode both the query and documents and then treat retrieval as looking for the document vectors that are most similar to the query vector, also known as k-nearest neighbor retrieval. There is a lot of research and engineering that is needed to make this work at scale, but it allows us a simple mechanism to combine methods. The simplest approach is to combine the vectors with a trade-off parameter.
Hybrid Term and Neural Retrieval.
In the figure above, the blue boxes are the term-based vectors, and the red, the neural vectors. We represent documents by concatenating these vectors. We concatenate the two vectors for queries as well, but we control the relative importance of exact term matches versus neural semantic matching. This is done via a weight parameter k. While more complex hybrid schemes are possible, we found that this simple hybrid model significantly increased quality on our biomedical literature retrieval benchmarks.

Availability and Community Feedback
The COVID-19 Research Explorer is freely available to the research community as an open alpha. Over the coming months we will be making a number of usability enhancements, so please check back often. Try out the COVID-19 Research Explorer, and please share any comments you have with us via the feedback channels on the site.

This effort has been successful thanks to the hard work of many people, including, but not limited to the following (in alphabetical order of last name): John Alex, Waleed Ammar, Greg Billock, Yale Cong, Ali Elkahky, Daniel Francisco, Stephen Greco, Stefan Hosein, Johanna Katz, Gyorgy Kiss, Margarita Kopniczky, Ivan Korotkov, Dominic Leung, Daphne Luong, Ji Ma, Ryan Mcdonald, Matt Pearson-Beck, Biao She, Jonathan Sheffi, Kester Tong, Ben Wedin

Source: Google AI Blog

Building SMILY, a Human-Centric, Similar-Image Search Tool for Pathology

Advances in machine learning (ML) have shown great promise for assisting in the work of healthcare professionals, such as aiding the detection of diabetic eye disease and metastatic breast cancer. Though high-performing algorithms are necessary to gain the trust and adoption of clinicians, they are not always sufficient—what information is presented to doctors and how doctors interact with that information can be crucial determinants in the utility that ML technology ultimately has for users.

The medical specialty of anatomic pathology, which is the gold standard for the diagnosis of cancer and many other diseases through microscopic analysis of tissue samples, can greatly benefit from applications of ML. Though diagnosis through pathology is traditionally done on physical microscopes, there has been a growing adoption of “digital pathology,” where high-resolution images of pathology samples can be examined on a computer. With this movement comes the potential to much more easily look up information, as is needed when pathologists tackle the diagnosis of difficult cases or rare diseases, when “general” pathologists approach specialist cases, and when trainee pathologists are learning. In these situations, a common question arises, “What is this feature that I’m seeing?” The traditional solution is for doctors to ask colleagues, or to laboriously browse reference textbooks or online resources, hoping to find an image with similar visual characteristics. The general computer vision solution to problems like this is termed content-based image retrieval (CBIR), one example of which is the “reverse image search” feature in Google Images, in which users can search for similar images by using another image as input.

Today, we are excited to share two research papers describing further progress in human-computer interaction research for similar image search in medicine. In “Similar Image Search for Histopathology: SMILY” published in Nature Partner Journal (npj) Digital Medicine, we report on our ML-based tool for reverse image search for pathology. In our second paper, Human-Centered Tools for Coping with Imperfect Algorithms During Medical Decision-Making(preprint available here), which received an honorable mention at the 2019 ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, we explored different modes of refinement for image-based search, and evaluated their effects on doctor interaction with SMILY.

SMILY Design
The first step in developing SMILY was to apply a deep learning model, trained using 5 billion natural, non-pathology images (e.g., dogs, trees, man-made objects, etc.), to compress images into a “summary” numerical vector, called an embedding. The network learned during the training process to distinguish similar images from dissimilar ones by computing and comparing their embeddings. This model is then used to create a database of image patches and their associated embeddings using a corpus of de-identified slides from The Cancer Genome Atlas. When a query image patch is selected in the SMILY tool, the query patch’s embedding is similarly computed and compared with the database to retrieve the image patches with the most similar embeddings.
Schematic of the steps in building the SMILY database and the process by which input image patches are used to perform the similar image search.
The tool allows a user to select a region of interest, and obtain visually-similar matches. We tested SMILY’s ability to retrieve images along a pre-specified axis of similarity (e.g. histologic feature or tumor grade), using images of tissue from the breast, colon, and prostate (3 of the most common cancer sites). We found that SMILY demonstrated promising results despite not being trained specifically on pathology images or using any labeled examples of histologic features or tumor grades.
Example of selecting a small region in a slide and using SMILY to retrieve similar images. SMILY efficiently searches a database of billions of cropped images in a few seconds. Because pathology images can be viewed at different magnifications (zoom levels), SMILY automatically searches images at the same magnification as the input image.
Second example of using SMILY, this time searching for a lobular carcinoma, a specific subtype of breast cancer.
Refinement tools for SMILY
However, a problem emerged when we observed how pathologists interacted with SMILY. Specifically, users were trying to answer the nebulous question of “What looks similar to this image?” so that they could learn from past cases containing similar images. Yet, there was no way for the tool to understand the intent of the search: Was the user trying to find images that have a similar histologic feature, glandular morphology, overall architecture, or something else? In other words, users needed the ability to guide and refine the search results on a case-by-case basis in order to actually find what they were looking for. Furthermore, we observed that this need for iterative search refinement was rooted in how doctors often perform “iterative diagnosis”—by generating hypotheses, collecting data to test these hypotheses, exploring alternative hypotheses, and revisiting or retesting previous hypotheses in an iterative fashion. It became clear that, for SMILY to meet real user needs, it would need to support a different approach to user interaction.

Through careful human-centered research described in our second paper, we designed and augmented SMILY with a suite of interactive refinement tools that enable end-users to express what similarity means on-the-fly: 1) refine-by-region allows pathologists to crop a region of interest within the image, limiting the search to just that region; 2) refine-by-example gives users the ability to pick a subset of the search results and retrieve more results like those; and 3) refine-by-concept sliders can be used to specify that more or less of a clinical concept be present in the search results (e.g., fused glands). Rather than requiring that these concepts be built into the machine learning model, we instead developed a method that enables end-users to create new concepts post-hoc, customizing the search algorithm towards concepts they find important for each specific use case. This enables new explorations via post-hoc tools after a machine learning model has already been trained, without needing to re-train the original model for each concept or application of interest.
Through our user study with pathologists, we found that the tool-based SMILY not only increased the clinical usefulness of search results, but also significantly increased users’ trust and likelihood of adoption, compared to a conventional version of SMILY without these tools. Interestingly, these refinement tools appeared to have supported pathologists’ decision-making process in ways beyond simply performing better on similarity searches. For example, pathologists used the observed changes to their results from iterative searches as a means of progressively tracking the likelihood of a hypothesis. When search results were surprising, many re-purposed the tools to test and understand the underlying algorithm, for example, by cropping out regions they thought were interfering with the search or by adjusting the concept sliders to increase the presence of concepts they suspected were being ignored. Beyond being passive recipients of ML results, doctors were empowered with the agency to actively test hypotheses and apply their expert domain knowledge, while simultaneously leveraging the benefits of automation.
With these interactive tools enabling users to tailor each search experience to their desired intent, we are excited for SMILY’s potential to assist with searching large databases of digitized pathology images. One potential application of this technology is to index textbooks of pathology images with descriptive captions, and enable medical students or pathologists in training to search these textbooks using visual search, speeding up the educational process. Another application is for cancer researchers interested in studying the correlation of tumor morphologies with patient outcomes, to accelerate the search for similar cases. Finally, pathologists may be able to leverage tools like SMILY to locate all occurrences of a feature (e.g. signs of active cell division, or mitosis) in the same patient’s tissue sample to better understand the severity of the disease to inform cancer therapy decisions. Importantly, our findings add to the body of evidence that sophisticated machine learning algorithms need to be paired with human-centered design and interactive tooling in order to be most useful.

This work would not have been possible without Jason D. Hipp, Yun Liu, Emily Reif, Daniel Smilkov, Michael Terry, Craig H. Mermel, Martin C. Stumpe and members of Google Health and PAIR. Preprints of the two papers are available here and here.

Source: Google AI Blog

Multilingual Universal Sentence Encoder for Semantic Retrieval

Since it was introduced last year, “Universal Sentence Encoder (USE) for English’’ has become one of the most downloaded pre-trained text modules in Tensorflow Hub, providing versatile sentence embedding models that convert sentences into vector representations. These vectors capture rich semantic information that can be used to train classifiers for a broad range of downstream tasks. For example, a strong sentiment classifier can be trained from as few as one hundred labeled examples, and still be used to measure semantic similarity and for meaning-based clustering.

Today, we are pleased to announce the release of three new USE multilingual modules with additional features and potential applications. The first two modules provide multilingual models for retrieving semantically similar text, one optimized for retrieval performance and the other for speed and less memory usage. The third model is specialized for question-answer retrieval in sixteen languages (USE-QA), and represents an entirely new application of USE. All three multilingual modules are trained using a multi-task dual-encoder framework, similar to the original USE model for English, while using techniques we developed for improving the dual-encoder with additive margin softmax approach. They are designed not only to maintain good transfer learning performance, but to perform well on semantic retrieval tasks.
Multi-task training structure of the Universal Sentence Encoder. A variety of tasks and task structures are joined by shared encoder layers/parameters (pink boxes).
Semantic Retrieval Applications
The three new modules are all built on semantic retrieval architectures, which typically split the encoding of questions and answers into separate neural networks, which makes it possible to search among billions of potential answers within milliseconds. The key to using dual encoders for efficient semantic retrieval is to pre-encode all candidate answers to expected input queries and store them in a vector database that is optimized for solving the nearest neighbor problem, which allows a large number of candidates to be searched quickly with good precision and recall. For all three modules, the input query is then encoded into a vector on which we can perform an approximate nearest neighbor search. Together, this enables good results to be found quickly without needing to do a direct query/candidate comparison for every candidate. The prototypical pipeline is illustrated below:
A prototypical semantic retrieval pipeline, used for textual similarity.
Semantic Similarity Modules
For semantic similarity tasks, the query and candidates are encoded using the same neural network. Two common semantic retrieval tasks made possible by the new modules include Multilingual Semantic Textual Similarity Retrieval and Multilingual Translation Pair Retrieval.
  • Multilingual Semantic Textual Similarity Retrieval
    Most existing approaches for finding semantically similar text require being given a pair of texts to compare. However, using the Universal Sentence Encoder, semantically similar text can be extracted directly from a very large database. For example, in an application like FAQ search, a system can first index all possible questions with associated answers. Then, given a user’s question, the system can search for known questions that are semantically similar enough to provide an answer. A similar approach was used to find comparable sentences from 50 million sentences in wikipedia. With the new multilingual USE models, this can be done in any of supported non-English languages.
  • Multilingual Translation Pair Retrieval
    The newly released modules can also be used to mine translation pairs to train neural machine translation systems. Given a source sentence in one language (“How do I get to the restroom?”), they can find the potential translation target in any other supported language (“¿Cómo llego al baño?”).
Both new semantic similarity modules are cross-lingual. Given an input in Chinese, for example, the modules can find the best candidates, regardless of which language it is expressed in. This versatility can be particularly useful for languages that are underrepresented on the internet. For example, an early version of these modules has been used by Chidambaram et al. (2018) to provide classifications in circumstances where the training data is only available in a single language, e.g. English, but the end system must function in a range of other languages.

USE for Question-Answer Retrieval
The USE-QA module extends the USE architecture to question-answer retrieval applications, which generally take an input query and find relevant answers from a large set of documents that may be indexed at the document, paragraph, or even sentence level. The input query is encoded with the question encoding network, while the candidates are encoded with the answer encoding network.
Visualizing the action of a neural answer retrieval system. The blue point at the north pole represents the question vector. The other points represent the embeddings of various answers. The correct answer, highlighted here in red, is “closest” to the question, in that it minimizes the angular distance. The points in this diagram are produced by an actual USE-QA model, however, they have been projected downwards from ℝ500 to ℝ3 to assist the reader’s visualization.
Question-answer retrieval systems also rely on the ability to understand semantics. For example, consider a possible query to one such system, Google Talk to Books, which was launched in early 2018 and backed by a sentence-level index of over 100,000 books. A query, “What fragrance brings back memories?”, yields the result, “And for me, the smell of jasmine along with the pan bagnat, it brings back my entire carefree childhood.” Without specifying any explicit rules or substitutions, the vector encoding captures the semantic similarity between the terms fragrance and smell. The advantage provided by the USE-QA module is that it can extend question-answer retrieval tasks such as this to multilingual applications.

For Researchers and Developers
We're pleased to share the latest additions to the Universal Sentence Encoder family with the research community, and are excited to see what other applications will be found. These modules can be used as-is, or fine tuned using domain-specific data. Lastly, we will also host the semantic similarity for natural language page on Cloud AI Workshop to further encourage research in this area.

Mandy Guo, Daniel Cer, Noah Constant, Jax Law, Muthuraman Chidambaram for core modeling, Gustavo Hernandez Abrego, Chen Chen, Mario Guajardo-Cespedes for infrastructure and colabs, Steve Yuan, Chris Tar, Yunhsuan Sung, Brian Strope, Ray Kurzweil for discussion of the model architecture.

Source: Google AI Blog