Tag Archives: ad_exchange

Ad Exchange Real-Time Bidding Optimization Series: Video Best Practices

Two years ago, we introduced the Ad Exchange Real-Time Bidding Optimization Series on the developer's blog with our first post on post-filtered bids. Since then we’ve added tons of new formats and options for buying. Today, we’ll direct you to our Developers site for more information about how the video review process works, how throttling and filtering occur and highlight best practices to ensure smooth delivery.

The first step is to know your video-specific terms. Check out the in-stream video glossary to find definitions for terms with which you’re not familiar. Once you've created your in-stream video ad, you will need to monitor your video ads. The Video Best Practices Guide provides a list of ways to confirm your video ads are serving: Have questions or feedback? Reach out to your Ad Exchange account team.

Generating the Snippet Status Report with Ad Exchange Buyer REST API

If you are running DoubleClick Ad Exchange Real-Time Bidding campaigns, you can now use the Snippet Status Report Generator to obtain a Snippet Status Report for your creatives. The Snippet Status Report contains the approval status of your creatives, as well as the sensitive and product categorization that Ad Exchange automatically detects. The Snippet Status Report Generator produces reports using the Ad Exchange Buyer REST API.

There are three versions of this report available through the generator: a human readable text format, a binary protocol buffer format, and a spreadsheet-friendly CSV format. The text and protocol buffer version of the report can also be obtained via Google Cloud Storage. The CSV version can be used with spreadsheet programs such as Google Sheets, Microsoft Excel or LibreOffice Calc:

The Snippet Status Report Generator is available on GitHub as a python program. You are encouraged to download it and make modifications to generate reports in your desired format.

If you have any questions or feature requests for the Snippet Status Report Generator, please create an issue on the project’s issues page.

For any questions about the Ad Exchange Buyer API, visit us on the forum or our Google+ page.

Deprecating PHP 5.2 support for the Ads PHP Client Library

Starting January 1st, 2015, the PHP Ads client library will stop supporting PHP 5.2:
  • We will no longer test against PHP 5.2, or fix bugs that only affect PHP 5.2 users
  • Newer versions of the library may not work with PHP 5.2
This will impact PHP client library users of the AdWords API, the DoubleClick for Publishers API, and the DoubleClick Ad Exchange Buyer APIs.

PHP 5.2 hasn’t been supported since 2011 and should be upgraded to a current, stable version. Upgrading ensures you’ll receive the latest security updates.

In addition, there are numerous issues when using the PHP 5.2 SOAP client, such as: In particular, custom HTTP headers are required for the DoubleClick for Publishers API starting from DoubleClick for Publishers API v201405 - the OAuth 2.0 access token must be passed via the HTTP headers rather than the URL parameter. In this case, PHP 5.2 users must upgrade in order to use DoubleClick for Publishers API v201405.

As always, if you have any questions, drop us a line on the forums (AdWords API, DoubleClick for Publishers API, DoubleClick Ad Exchange Buyer API) or Ads Developers Google+ page.

Changes to Pretargeting for Ad Exchange Buyer RTB Campaigns

DoubleClick Ad Exchange is improving its pretargeting system by creating a new user interface and API resource to configure the inventory your bidder sees. These changes will only impact your RTB campaigns; non-RTB campaigns will continue to be managed as they were before.

Upgrades will begin in mid-July 2014 and all accounts will be upgraded by the end of September 2014. The new functionality has been added to the v1.3 REST API but will be read-only until your account has been upgraded. For additional information, please review the new resource reference and pretargeting guide.

Note that once your account has been upgraded you will still have access to the SOAP API for reporting, budgeting and non-RTB campaigns, but you will no longer be able to use it for pretargeting. If you need the ability to manage your pretargeting settings via the API, then you must use the latest AdX REST API.

If you have questions about these upcoming changes please contact your account manager. For questions about the Ad Exchange Buyer API, check out the Ad Exchange Buyer API forum. Follow our Google+ page for other announcements and updates.

Updated DoubleClick Ad Exchange Buyer REST API examples to get you started

Whether you’re just starting out with the DoubleClick Ad Exchange Buyer REST API or are working with an unfamiliar client library, our examples will help you get started! Our examples are now on GitHub and have been expanded to cover the following languages:

Each of these include documentation to help you get started with the corresponding client library and demonstrate how you can use the Service Account authorization flow with the DoubleClick Ad Exchange Buyer REST API.

If you have any feedback or feature requests for these examples, we’d definitely be interested in hearing about it! Feel free to contact us via the forum or our Google+ page.

Reminder: AdWords API v201306 and Ad Exchange Buyer SOAP API v201306 will sunset on March 31st, 2014

We’d like to remind you that v201306 of the AdWords API and Ad Exchange Buyer SOAP API are scheduled to be sunset on March 31st, 2014. Start your migration to v201309 now to avoid having your API calls fail on the sunset date. If you are still using ClientLogin, we strongly recommend that you also migrate to OAuth2.

The following will help you to migrate to v201309: For migration help, contact us on the AdWords API forum or Ad Exchange Buyer API forum. Our Google+ page is also a great resource for keeping up-to-date with the latest announcements and communicating with us.

Ads client libraries are now on GitHub!

We have moved all our client libraries to GitHub. Here’s a complete list of all our client libraries, with their new locations:

We have also moved all Wiki pages and open issues to the corresponding GitHub projects. You can find downloads for a project under its releases page. All future client library releases will be published on GitHub only, so make sure you follow us on GitHub to keep track of new releases and report issues. If you tracked the git repository on code.google.com for a client library, you should update your master branch to point to the GitHub repository instead.

If you have any questions about the client libraries, you can post them on our forums. Check out our Google+ page for client libraries and Ads APIs updates.