Author Archives: Google Apps Developer Blog Editor

Using field masks with update requests to Google APIs

We recently demonstrated how to use field masks to limit the amount of data that comes back via response payloads from read (GET) calls to Google APIs. Today, we’ll focus on a different use case for field masks: update requests.

In this scenario, field masks serve a different, but similar purpose—they still filter, but function more like bitmasks by controlling which API fields to update. The following video walks through several examples of update field mask usage with both the Google Sheets and Slides APIs. Check it out.
In the sample JSON payload below, note the request to set the cells' bold attribute to true (per the cell directive below), then notice that the field mask (fields) practically mirrors the request:
"repeatCell": {
"range": {
"endRowIndex": 1
"cell": {
"userEnteredFormat": {
"textFormat": {
"bold": true
"fields": "userEnteredFormat/textFormat/bold",
Now, you might think, “is that redundant?” Above, we highlighted that it takes two parts: 1) the request provides the data for the desired changes, and 2) the field mask states what should be updated, such as the userEnteredFormat/textFormat/bold attribute for all the cells in the first row. To more clearly illustrate this, let’s add something else to the mask like italics. Here, the updated field mask now has both bold and italic fields:
"fields": "userEnteredFormat/textFormat(bold,italic)"

However, while both elements are in the field mask, we’ve only provided the update data for bold. There’s no data for italic setting specified in the request body. In this case, for all cells will be reset, meaning if the cells were originally italicized, those italics will be removed after this API request completes. And vice versa, if the cells were not italicized to begin with, they’ll stay that way. This feature gives developers the ability to undo or reset any prior settings on affected range of cells. Check out the video for more examples and tips for using field masks for update requests.

To learn more about using field masks for partial response in API payloads, check out this video and the first post in this two-part series. For one of the most comprehensive write-ups on both (read and update) use cases, see the guide in the Google Slides API documentation.  Happy field-masking!

Using Google Sheets filters in Add-ons with Google Apps Script

Developers using Google Apps Script can now access the richer feature set of the updated Google Sheets API with the recent launch of the Advanced Sheets Service. One key benefit of using an advanced service vs. native Apps Script objects, is that developers can access current API features (without having to wait for native support to come along). For example, the advanced service allows developers to access Sheets filters which make Add-ons more engaging.

Filter functionality 

With the Sheets API, developers can already get filtered rows or set new filters on Sheets data. With the Advanced Sheet Service, developers can now have their Add-ons respect those filters and apply new filters to modify what data is visible in the Sheets UI. Plus, with any of the Apps Script advanced services, you can easily access the Sheets and other Google APIs without using the UrlFetch service nor managing the authorization flow that you’d otherwise have to perform if using the REST API directly. The snippet below will return the indexes of the filtered rows in a given Sheet. Note that it is also possible to retrieve the list of rows hidden manually, using the "hide row" menu item in Google Sheets, as indicated in the API documentation. In the code sample here, we’re only exposing rows hidden by filter.

 function getIndexesOfFilteredRows(ssId, sheetId) {
var hiddenRows = [];

// limit what's returned from the API
var fields = "sheets(data(rowMetadata(hiddenByFilter)),properties/sheetId)";
var sheets = Sheets.Spreadsheets.get(ssId, {fields: fields}).sheets;

for (var i = 0; i < sheets.length; i++) {
if (sheets[i].properties.sheetId == sheetId) {
var data = sheets[i].data;
var rows = data[0].rowMetadata;
for (var j = 0; j < rows.length; j++) {
if (rows[j].hiddenByFilter) hiddenRows.push(j);
return hiddenRows;
The fields parameter in the code snippet limits what's returned in the Sheets API response, requesting only the values that matter to your app. For more information, check out this page in the Sheets API doc or this recent video on field masks.

See how some Add-ons use filtering 

There are a number of Add-ons that use advanced filtering in Sheets. Here are some good examples:
  • Yet Another Mail Merge: this Add-on helps users send email campaigns from a spreadsheet and is built to process only the filtered rows of a Sheet. Let's say you have a list of people who are registered for an event, but you've only accepted some of these registrants and need to send an email confirmation. With Yet Another Mail Merge and the updated API, you can filter out people you don't approve to attend and the Add-ons skips them without sending confirmations.
  • Sankey Snip and Chord Snip: these Add-ons helps users create special chart types that aren't available in the Google Sheets UI. When respecting filters is enabled with these Add-ons, the charts will dynamically visualize filtered data. Check out the example below from the Chord Snip Add-on.
Of course the API also provides the ability to add, update or delete filters on a Sheet. This is useful if you want to quickly display rows with a specific status to your users. One example would be if you built a workflow approval Add-on. You can show the user rows that are waiting for approval. The snippet below applies the requested filter on a given Sheet—the API documentation describes a standard basic filter object:

function setSheetBasicFilter(ssId, BasicFilterSettings) {
//requests is an array of batchrequests, here we only use setBasicFilter
var requests = [
"setBasicFilter": {
"filter": BasicFilterSettings
Sheets.Spreadsheets.batchUpdate({'requests': requests}, ssId);

Yet Another Mail Merge, as many mass-mailing tools do, keeps track of all emails sent, opened and clicked. A tracking report is available in the spreadsheet sidebar, and clicking on the number of emails opened will automatically apply a filter to display only the matching rows—all rows with the status “opened.”

Now, you can determine filters applied in a Sheet directly through the Sheets API or through Apps Script apps and Add-ons using the Advanced Sheets Service, and continue to build the best experience for your users.

About the Authors 

Romain Vialard is a Google Developer Expert. After some years spent as a G Suite consultant, he is now focused on products for G Suite and Google Apps users, including add-ons such as Yet Another Mail Merge and Form Publisher.

Bruce Mcpherson is a Google Developer Expert, an independent consultant, blogger and author of Going GAS, Google Apps Script for Beginners, and Google Apps Script for Developers.

New Google Drive metrics now accessible from Reports API

You might have read that we launched new metrics in the Admin SDK Reports API to help you gain reliable, easily-validated perspectives about users within your domain. Today, we're building on these features by giving administrators and developers even greater visibility into how files are shared both inside and outside of domain. These changes include:
  1. New metrics to supplement the set of metrics we launched last year 
  2. New visibility information for audit events 
  3. Deprecation of existing metrics from the Reports API

New Metrics

We’ve created a new set of metrics to complete the set we launched last year. With these new metrics you can:
  • Gain insight into the visibility of files and their sharing state, which is useful for security and reporting. This will replace these older metrics:
    num_docs_internally_visible, num_docs_externally_visible, num_docs_shared_outside_domain.
  • Report on product adoption within your domain with summary statistics about groups of users (collaborators, viewers, creators and sharers). Take advantage of key adoption metrics such as 1-, 7-, and 30-day active users for Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, Drawings and more. 
  • Simplify your calculation of “what has changed” in your domain using delta metrics which pre-calculate changes in visibility and items owned.

New Visibility Information 

Now, new visibility information is attached to every audit event which helps you quickly identify the permission change events that lead to files being shared differently both within and outside your domain. Learn more.

Deprecating Existing Metrics 

While we’re aware of the need to have reliable and timely data about your domain’s users and files on Google Drive, Drive’s data and infrastructure has grown considerably, requiring us to make some difficult technical tradeoffs regarding metrics. As a result, today marks the beginning of a 12-month deprecation timeline that will retire these existing metrics from the Reports API and eventually the Admin Console. These metrics will no longer be available starting May 14, 2018.

To get started using the Reports API and see all the different types of metrics you can report on for your domain, check out the official documentation. We hope you find these features useful in your reporting.

Updates to end user consent for 3rd-party apps and Single Sign-on providers

At Google, we're mindful of keeping our users’ data and account information secure. So whether you're writing an app that requires access to user data or helping your users change their passwords, we’ll keep you up-to-date on policy changes, and now today, when it comes to consent and 3rd-party applications. Starting April 5, 2017, if you’re an application developer or a 3rd-party Single Sign-On (SSO) provider, your G Suite users may encounter a redirect when they authenticate with your identity service to make it clear to users which account they’re authenticating as well as the permissions they’re granting to applications.

These changes will occur on these platforms:
  • Google and 3rd-party applications on iOS
  • Mobile browsers on iOS and Android
  • Web browsers (Chrome, Firefox and other modern browsers)
Note that Android applications that use the standard authentication libraries are already prompting users to select appropriate account information, so they’re not impacted by these changes.

More visibility with new permission requests for your application

It’s important that your users are presented with account information and credential consent, and apps should make this process easy and clear. One new change that you may now see is that only non-standard permission requests will be presented in the secondary consent screen in your application. 

Currently when an application requests permissions, all of them are displayed together. However, users should have greater visibility into permissions being requested beyond the standard “email address” and “profile” consent. By clicking to select their account, a user consents to these core permissions. The secondary consent screen will appear only if additional permissions are requested by the application.

Only non-standard permissions will be presented in the secondary consent screen that the user must approve. 
Along with these changes, your application name will be more visible to users, and they can click-through to get your contact information. We recommend application developers use a public-facing email address so that users can quickly contact you for support or assistance. For more details, check out this developer guide.

If your application may also be used by G Suite customers that employ a 3rd-party Single Sign-On (SSO) service, we recommend that you utilize the hd and/or login_hint parameters, if applicable. Even with the changes to the 3rd-party SSO auth flow, these parameters will be respected if provided. You can review the OpenID Connect page in the documentation for more information.

Changes coming for 3rd-party SSO redirection

G Suite users may also notice redirection when signing into 3rd-party SSO providers. If no accounts are signed in, the user must confirm the account after signing in to the 3rd-party SSO provider to ensure that they’re signed in with the correct G Suite account:
The end user who has just signed in with one Google account should select that account as confirmation. 
As mentioned, by clicking to the select their account, a user is opting into “email address” and “profile” consent. Once the user consents to any additional non-standard permissions that may be requested, they will be redirected back to your application.

If the user is already signed in to one or more accounts that match the hd hint, the Account Chooser will display all of the accounts and require the user to select the appropriate G Suite account before being redirected to the 3rd-party SSO provider then back to your application:
A user who is signed into several Google accounts will be required to choose the appropriate account.

See updates starting April 2017

These changes will help your users understand their permissions more clearly across all platforms, whether they’re using Google or a 3rd-party SSO provider for authentication. We’ve started to roll out the new interstitial page on iOS devices, and changes for browsers will begin to roll out starting April 5, 2017.

Using field masks with Google APIs for partial response

When you write applications using Google APIs (not just G Suite ones, but most Google APIs including YouTube or Google Cloud Platform APIs), it's important to be mindful of the data that’s returned in the response payloads from API calls. If you're not, your apps are likely getting back much more data than they need which can affect the performance of your apps whether on mobile or a server backend.

That's why most Google APIs allow you to only filter the data you need from response payloads with field masks. To get you comfortable with field masks, we’ve put together a video to demonstrate their use with various Google APIs: With field masks, you can specify exactly what fields an API should return in its response payload by providing a fields or part parameter in your calls. And once the API knows what you want, it will likely spend less time assembling your response too. Here’s an example Python call to fetch your sender addresses using the Gmail API (if GMAIL is your service endpoint):
     addresses = GMAIL.users().settings().sendAs().list(

Whether you’re using a Client Library (as our Python call) or using HTTP directly with GET, this is the payload you get back from the API:
"sendAs": [{
"sendAsEmail": string,
"displayName": string,
"replyToAddress": string,
"signature": string,
"isPrimary": boolean,
"isDefault": boolean,
"treatAsAlias": boolean,
"smtpMsa": {
"host": string,
"port": integer,
"username": string,
"password": string,
"securityMode": string
"verificationStatus": string
}, ...]

The sendAs array gives you everything you need to know about each of your sender addresses. Did you know you can change a user’s email signature using the Gmail API without all of the data from above? You only need one field, or at most two: sendAsEmail and perhaps the isPrimary flag. By specifying a field mask with just those names from the sendAs attribute, you can cut out all those unneeded fields. Check it out here in Python with the field mask bolded for emphasis (versus the sample code above that doesn’t filter):
     addresses = GMAIL.users().settings().sendAs().list(
userId='me', fields='sendAs(sendAsEmail,isPrimary)'
Field masks filter our unnecessary data from Google API call responses.

In part two of this video series (coming soon), we’ll show you a different use case for field masks...for update API calls. We’ll also provide some usage tips and demonstrate how field masks can be used in both read and update calls, how both types of calls are discrete, and how in some cases, you may use both as part of a single API call. Stay tuned!

To learn more about using field masks for partial response in API payloads, check out this section of the Client Library docs. For one of the most comprehensive write-ups on both (read and update) use cases, see the guide in the Google Slides API documentation.

A new issue tracker for G Suite developers

, Developer Advocate, G Suite
You may have read recently that the Google Cloud Platform team upgraded to Issue Tracker, the same system that Google uses internally. This allows for improved collaboration between all of us and all of you. Issues you file will have better exposure internally, and you get improved transparency in terms of seeing the issues we’re actively working on. Starting today, G Suite developers will also have a new issue tracker to which we’ve already migrated existing issues from previous systems. Whether it’s a bug that you’ve found, or if you wish to submit a favorite feature request, the new issue tracker is here for you. Heads up, you need to be logged in with your Google credentials to view or update issues in the tracker.
The new issue tracker for G Suite developers. 

Each G Suite API and developer tool has its own “component” number that you can search. For your convenience, below is the entire list. You may browse for issues relevant to the Google APIs that you’re using, or click on the convenience links to report an issue or request a new/missing feature:
To get started, take a look at the documentation pages, as well as the FAQ. For more details, be sure to check out the Google Cloud Platform announcement, too. We look forward to working more closely with all of you soon!

Bring the power of your apps into Gmail with Add-ons

Few things are as satisfying as completing a task. But at work, it’s not always so easy. The days are short and packed with to-dos, like following up on sales leads, logging support tickets or sending invoices. And while great apps exists to tackle these workstreams, most users have to flip between them and their inbox because email is still “central command” for task management.
To solve this problem for users, today we're introducing the developer preview of Gmail Add-ons, a new way for G Suite users to access your app's functionality directly from Gmail in just one tap, no matter the device.
With Gmail Add-ons, developers can write an integration once and deploy it anywhere.

Save your users time

Add-ons provide a way to surface the functionality of your app or service when the context calls for it. They’re built on a powerful framework, which makes it easy for developers to trigger workflows based on email content. Say a Gmail user receives an email from a sales lead, and wants to add that contact to her CRM solution. With Gmail Add-ons, she can enter the contact’s required info and look up their account in that CRM system without leaving Gmail. No more tabbing, copying and pasting or sifting between mobile apps in order to get things done.

Write once, run anywhere 

With Gmail Add-ons, developers only build their integration once, and it runs natively in Gmail on web, Android and iOS right away. Users only install the Add-on once, too, and it shows up in Gmail across their devices. So instead of wasting time writing separate integrations for web and mobile, you can focus on bringing your app’s most powerful features right to your users when they need them most. Gmail Add-ons are built in Apps Script using a newly-designed "Card" system that lets you easily combine different UI components. Developers can create a snappy user experience that feels like it was natively built into Gmail. The result: integrations that are cross-platform from the get-go that save your team time.

See what’s possible by signing up for the developer preview today 

Gmail users will be able to install Add-ons via the G Suite Marketplace later this year, but that hasn’t stopped us from working with select partners to develop some amazing integrations to show what Add-ons are capable of.
No matter the task, Gmail users can easily find the right Add-on for the job. Here's how you could seamlessly use ProsperWorks and Intuit right from Gmail.

  • Intuit QuickBooks: The Intuit Add-on lets Gmail users and QuickBooks small business customers generate and send invoices and even confirm invoice status without ever leaving Gmail. 
  • ProsperWorks: The ProsperWorks Add-on makes it easy for Gmail users to check the contact info of people on email threads against the information stored in their CRM. 
  • Salesforce: The Salesforce Add-on allows Gmail users to look up existing contacts, add new ones, as well as associate email threads with one or more existing opportunities in Salesforce, right from the Gmail app. 

The Salesforce Add-on makes it easy to capture background information from Gmail and tie it to a sales opportunity.
If you’re a developer, you can sign up for our Developer Preview today. We expect to start sending invitations for early developer access soon.

Building #withClassroom: stories of real schools using Classroom integrations

A few years ago, we launched the Classroom API to make it easier for developers to integrate their applications with Classroom, and for administrators to manage classes. Since then, hundreds of applications have integrated with Classroom to help teachers gamify their classes, improve students’ writing skills, build interactive presentations and more.

Using the API, developers can build deep integrations that manage Classroom rosters, assignments and grades. Or they can simply embed the Classroom share button to let users quickly share content. For teachers and students, these integrations create a seamless experience between Classroom and their favorite education apps.

Valuable integrations have been built to support the needs of teachers and students in the classroom that showcase the creative possibilities available through the Classroom API. Today, we take a look at how some schools are using Classroom integrations.

Enriching lessons with rich content from BrainPOP 

In the words of Mike Jones, a teacher at Illinois State University’s K-8 Lab School, “Class time is precious. Why would I want to waste any of it with a process that can easily be automated?”

Improved automation is one of the key reasons we’ve seen education applications integrate with Google Classroom and one of those applications is BrainPOP. BrainPOP offers digital educational content that engages students through animated movies, learning games, quizzes, concept mapping, movie-making, and more.

The team at BrainPOP recognized that manually setting up individual student accounts for My BrainPOP could be a tedious task for teachers. Utilizing the Classroom API, the team at BrainPOP developed an integration that allows teachers to import their classes directly into My BrainPOP, automatically creating single sign-on-ready, student accounts and allowing students to log into BrainPOP through the Google launcher menu. According to Jones, the integration “allows all staff to easily access the benefits of BrainPOP and do what they do best: help children learn.”

Adjusting teaching tactics in real-time with Edulastic 

Egg Harbor Township in New Jersey holds an intensive summer program for its Title I elementary students who aren’t ready to enter the next grade level. During last year’s program, the school had just 12 days to address learning gaps, which meant teachers had to stay laser-focused on deficiencies and adjust teaching tactics quickly to help their students achieve success. Given the tight timeframe, the school turned to Edulastic, an online assessment system that gives teachers instant teaching insights, and Google Classroom.

Edulastic’s Google Classroom sync meant the summer program could be set up quickly with no additional passwords or logins for teachers or students. As a result of the pilot, Egg Harbor Township Title I teachers used this integration beyond their summer program and the entire school subsequently decided to use it for their assessments as well.

Simplifying setup and syncing with Little SIS 

Classroom integrations can also give IT leaders insights and administrative powers in Classroom. For instance, Little SIS for Classroom, an app designed and built by the team at Amplified Labs, is using the Classroom Courses and Guardians APIs to automate the setup and daily sync of Google Classroom classes, rosters, and guardian invites from information in the school’s SIS.
San Francisco Unified School District is piloting a roster-integrated approach to Google Classroom that they hope to scale to their 57,000 students. Executive Director of Technology & Innovation David Malone first approached Amplified Labs with guarded optimism because of the district’s size, but since installation he feels much more confident. “Despite being new to the market, I am really impressed at the maturity and thoughtfulness of the Little SIS app. It loaded our entire district’s G Suite users and 7,500 Classroom classes in just a few minutes, and allowed us to get a great baseline on the current state of adoption.”

We’ve been thrilled to see what developers have created using the Classroom API capabilities and the impact that it's had on teachers, students and administrators. If you’re interested in learning more about the Classroom API, check out or search for google-classroom on Stack Overflow. You can also join our announcement list to keep up with updates to our API.

Adding text and shapes with the Google Slides API

Posted by Wesley Chun (@wescpy), Developer Advocate, G Suite
When the Google Slidesteam launched their very first API last November, it immediately opened up a whole new class of applications. These applications have the ability to interact with the Slides service, so you can perform operations on presentations programmatically. Since its launch, we've published several videos to help you realize some of those possibilities, showing you how to:
Today, we're releasing the latest Slides API tutorial in our video series. This one goes back to basics a bit: adding text to presentations. But we also discuss shapes—not only adding shapes to slides, but also adding text within shapes. Most importantly, we cover one best practice when using the API: create your own object IDs. By doing this, developers can execute more requests while minimizing API calls.

Developers use insertText requests to tell the API to add text to slides. This is true whether you're adding text to a textbox, a shape or table cell. Similar to the Google Sheets API, all requests are made as JSON payloads sent to the API's batchUpdate() method. Here's the JavaScript for inserting text in some object (objectID) on a slide:
"insertText": {
"objectId": objectID,
"text": "Hello World!\n"
Adding shapes is a bit more challenging, as you can see from itssample JSON structure:

"createShape": {
"shapeType": "SMILEY_FACE",
"elementProperties": {
"pageObjectId": slideID,
"size": {
"height": {
"magnitude": 3000000,
"unit": "EMU"
"width": {
"magnitude": 3000000,
"unit": "EMU"
"transform": {
"unit": "EMU",
"scaleX": 1.3449,
"scaleY": 1.3031,
"translateX": 4671925,
"translateY": 450150
Placing or manipulating shapes or images on slides requires more information so the cloud service can properly render these objects. Be aware that it does involve some math, as you can see from the Page Elements page in the docs as well as the Transforms concept guide. In the video, I drop a few hints and good practices so you don't have to start from scratch.

Regardless of how complex your requests are, if you have at least one, say in an array named requests, you'd make an API call with the aforementioned batchUpdate() method, which in Python looks like this (assuming SLIDES is the service endpoint and a presentation ID of deckID):

For a detailed look at the complete code sample featured in the DevByte, check out the deep dive post. As you can see, adding text is fairly straightforward. If you want to learn how to format and style that text, check out the Formatting Text post and video as well as the text concepts guide.
To learn how to perform text search-and-replace, say to replace placeholders in a template deck, check out the Replacing Text & Images post and video as well as the merging data into slides guide. We hope these developer resources help you create that next great app that automates the task of producing presentations for your users!

G Suite Developer Sessions at Google Cloud Next 2017

Posted by Wesley Chun (@wescpy), Developer Advocate, G Suite

There are over 200 sessions happening next month at Google Cloud's Next 2017 conferencein San Francisco... so many choices! Along with content geared towards Google Cloud Platform, this year features the addition of G Suite so all 3 pillars of cloud computing (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) are represented!

There are already thousands of developers including Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) creating solutions to help schools and enterprises running the G Suite collaboration and productivity suite (formerly Google Apps). If you're thinking about becoming one, consider building applications that extend, enhance, and integrate G Suite apps and data with other mission critical systems to help businesses and educational institutions succeed.

Looking for inspiration? Here's a preview of some of the sessions that current and potential G Suite developers should consider:

The first is intro blog post & video for the latest Google Sheets API as well as the intro blog post & video for the Google Slides API. Part of the talk also covers Google Apps Script, the Javascript-in-the-cloud solution that gives developers programmatic access to authorized G Suite data along with the ability to connect to other Google and external services.

If that's not enough Apps Script for you, or you're new to that technology, swing by to hear its Product Manager give you an introduction in his talk, quick intro video to give you an idea of what you can do with it!

Did you know that Apps Script also powers "add-ons" which extend the functionality of Google Docs, Sheets, and Forms? Then come to "the G Suite Marketplace where administrators or employees can install your add-ons for their organizations.

In addition to Apps Script apps, all your Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides documents live in Google Drive. But did you know that Drive is not just for individual file storage? Hear directly from a Drive Product Manager on how you can, "the Drive API and Team Drives, you can extend what Drive can do for your organization. One example from the most recent Google I/O tells the story of how WhatsApp used the Drive API to back up all your conversations! To get started with your own Drive API integration, check out this blog post and short video. Confused by when you should use Google Drive or Google Cloud Storage? I've got an app, err video, for that too! :-)

Not a software engineer but still code as part of your profession? Want to build a custom app for your department or line of business without having to worry about IT overhead? You may have heard about Google App Maker, our low-code development tool that does exactly that. Curious to learn more about it? Hear directly from its Product Manager lead in his talk entitled, "

All of these talks are just waiting for you at
Next, the best place to get your feet wet developing for G Suite, and of course, the Google Cloud Platform. Start by checking out the session schedule. Next will also offer many opportunities to meet and interact with industry peers along with representatives from all over Google who love the cloud. Register today and see you in San Francisco!