Tag Archives: realtime API

A new issue tracker for G Suite developers

, Developer Advocate, G Suite
You may have read recently that the Google Cloud Platform team upgraded to Issue Tracker, the same system that Google uses internally. This allows for improved collaboration between all of us and all of you. Issues you file will have better exposure internally, and you get improved transparency in terms of seeing the issues we’re actively working on. Starting today, G Suite developers will also have a new issue tracker to which we’ve already migrated existing issues from previous systems. Whether it’s a bug that you’ve found, or if you wish to submit a favorite feature request, the new issue tracker is here for you. Heads up, you need to be logged in with your Google credentials to view or update issues in the tracker.
The new issue tracker for G Suite developers. 

Each G Suite API and developer tool has its own “component” number that you can search. For your convenience, below is the entire list. You may browse for issues relevant to the Google APIs that you’re using, or click on the convenience links to report an issue or request a new/missing feature:
To get started, take a look at the documentation pages, as well as the FAQ. For more details, be sure to check out the Google Cloud Platform announcement, too. We look forward to working more closely with all of you soon!

The Realtime API: In memory mode, debug tools, and more

Real-time collaboration is a powerful feature for getting work done inside Google docs. We extended that functionality with the Realtime API to enable you to create Google-docs style collaborative applications with minimal effort.

Integration of the API becomes even easier with a new in memory mode, which allows you to manipulate a Realtime document using the standard API without being connected to our servers. No user login or authorization is required. This is great for building applications where Google login is optional, writing tests for your app, or experimenting with the API before configuring auth.

The Realtime debug console lets you view, edit and debug a Realtime model. To launch the debugger, simply execute gapi.drive.realtime.debug(); in the JavaScript console in Chrome.

Finally, we have refreshed the developer guides to make it easier for you to learn about the API as a new or advanced user. Check them out at https://developers.google.com/drive/realtime.

For details on these and other recent features, see the release note.