Tag Archives: ACL

Distilling step-by-step: Outperforming larger language models with less training data and smaller model sizes

Large language models (LLMs) have enabled a new data-efficient learning paradigm wherein they can be used to solve unseen new tasks via zero-shot or few-shot prompting. However, LLMs are challenging to deploy for real-world applications due to their sheer size. For instance, serving a single 175 billion LLM requires at least 350GB of GPU memory using specialized infrastructure, not to mention that today's state-of-the-art LLMs are composed of over 500 billion parameters. Such computational requirements are inaccessible for many research teams, especially for applications that require low latency performance.

To circumvent these deployment challenges, practitioners often choose to deploy smaller specialized models instead. These smaller models are trained using one of two common paradigms: fine-tuning or distillation. Fine-tuning updates a pre-trained smaller model (e.g., BERT or T5) using downstream manually-annotated data. Distillation trains the same smaller models with labels generated by a larger LLM. Unfortunately, to achieve comparable performance to LLMs, fine-tuning methods require human-generated labels, which are expensive and tedious to obtain, while distillation requires large amounts of unlabeled data, which can also be hard to collect.

In “Distilling Step-by-Step! Outperforming Larger Language Models with Less Training Data and Smaller Model Sizes”, presented at ACL2023, we set out to tackle this trade-off between model size and training data collection cost. We introduce distilling step-by-step, a new simple mechanism that allows us to train smaller task-specific models with much less training data than required by standard fine-tuning or distillation approaches that outperform few-shot prompted LLMs’ performance. We demonstrate that the distilling step-by-step mechanism enables a 770M parameter T5 model to outperform the few-shot prompted 540B PaLM model using only 80% of examples in a benchmark dataset, which demonstrates a more than 700x model size reduction with much less training data required by standard approaches.

While LLMs offer strong zero and few-shot performance, they are challenging to serve in practice. On the other hand, traditional ways of training small task-specific models require a large amount of training data. Distilling step-by-step provides a new paradigm that reduces both the deployed model size as well as the number of data required for training.

Distilling step-by-step

The key idea of distilling step-by-step is to extract informative natural language rationales (i.e., intermediate reasoning steps) from LLMs, which can in turn be used to train small models in a more data-efficient way. Specifically, natural language rationales explain the connections between the input questions and their corresponding outputs. For example, when asked, “Jesse's room is 11 feet long and 15 feet wide. If she already has 16 square feet of carpet, how much more carpet does she need to cover the whole floor?”, an LLM can be prompted by the few-shot chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting technique to provide intermediate rationales, such as, “Area = length * width. Jesse’s room has 11 * 15 square feet.” That better explains the connection from the input to the final answer, “(11 * 15 ) - 16”. These rationales can contain relevant task knowledge, such as “Area = length * width”, that may originally require many data for small models to learn. We utilize these extracted rationales as additional, richer supervision to train small models, in addition to the standard task labels.

Overview on distilling step-by-step: First, we utilize CoT prompting to extract rationales from an LLM. We then use the generated rationales to train small task-specific models within a multi-task learning framework, where we prepend task prefixes to the input examples and train the model to output differently based on the given task prefix.

Distilling step-by-step consists of two main stages. In the first stage, we leverage few-shot CoT prompting to extract rationales from LLMs. Specifically, given a task, we prepare few-shot exemplars in the LLM input prompt where each example is composed of a triplet containing: (1) input, (2) rationale, and (3) output. Given the prompt, an LLM is able to mimic the triplet demonstration to generate the rationale for any new input. For instance, in a commonsense question answering task, given the input question “Sammy wanted to go to where the people are. Where might he go? Answer Choices: (a) populated areas, (b) race track, (c) desert, (d) apartment, (e) roadblock”, distilling step-by-step provides the correct answer to the question, “(a) populated areas”, paired with the rationale that provides better connection from the question to the answer, “The answer must be a place with a lot of people. Of the above choices, only populated areas have a lot of people.” By providing CoT examples paired with rationales in the prompt, the in-context learning ability allows LLMs to output corresponding rationales for future unseen inputs.

We use the few-shot CoT prompting, which contains both an example rationale (highlighted in green) and a label (highlighted in blue), to elicit rationales from an LLM on new input examples. The example is from a commonsense question answering task.

After the rationales are extracted, in the second stage, we incorporate the rationales in training small models by framing the training process as a multi-task problem. Specifically, we train the small model with a novel rationale generation task in addition to the standard label prediction task. The rationale generation task enables the model to learn to generate the intermediate reasoning steps for the prediction, and guides the model to better predict the resultant label. We prepend task prefixes (i.e., [label] and [rationale] for label prediction and rationale generation, respectively) to the input examples for the model to differentiate the two tasks.

Experimental setup

In the experiments, we consider a 540B PaLM model as the LLM. For task-specific downstream models, we use T5 models. For CoT prompting, we use the original CoT prompts when available and curate our own examples for new datasets. We conduct the experiments on four benchmark datasets across three different NLP tasks: e-SNLI and ANLI for natural language inference; CQA for commonsense question answering; and SVAMP for arithmetic math word problems. We include two sets of baseline methods. For comparison to few-shot prompted LLMs, we compare to few-shot CoT prompting with a 540B PaLM model. In the paper, we also compare standard task-specific model training to both standard fine-tuning and standard distillation. In this blogpost, we will focus on the comparisons to standard fine-tuning for illustration purposes.

Less training data

Compared to standard fine-tuning, the distilling step-by-step method achieves better performance using much less training data. For instance, on the e-SNLI dataset, we achieve better performance than standard fine-tuning when using only 12.5% of the full dataset (shown in the upper left quadrant below). Similarly, we achieve a dataset size reduction of 75%, 25% and 20% on ANLI, CQA, and SVAMP.

Distilling step-by-step compared to standard fine-tuning using 220M T5 models on varying sizes of human-labeled datasets. On all datasets, distilling step-by-step is able to outperform standard fine-tuning, trained on the full dataset, by using much less training examples.

Smaller deployed model size

Compared to few-shot CoT prompted LLMs, distilling step-by-step achieves better performance using much smaller model sizes. For instance, on the e-SNLI dataset, we achieve better performance than 540B PaLM by using a 220M T5 model. On ANLI, we achieve better performance than 540B PaLM by using a 770M T5 model, which is over 700X smaller. Note that on ANLI, the same 770M T5 model struggles to match PaLM’s performance using standard fine-tuning.

We perform distilling step-by-step and standard fine-tuning on varying sizes of T5 models and compare their performance to LLM baselines, i.e., Few-shot CoT and PINTO Tuning. Distilling step-by-step is able to outperform LLM baselines by using much smaller models, e.g., over 700× smaller models on ANLI. Standard fine-tuning fails to match LLM’s performance using the same model size.

Distilling step-by-step outperforms few-shot LLMs with smaller models using less data

Finally, we explore the smallest model sizes and the least amount of data for distilling step-by-step to outperform PaLM’s few-shot performance. For instance, on ANLI, we surpass the performance of the 540B PaLM using a 770M T5 model. This smaller model only uses 80% of the full dataset. Meanwhile, we observe that standard fine-tuning cannot catch up with PaLM’s performance even using 100% of the full dataset. This suggests that distilling step-by-step simultaneously reduces the model size as well as the amount of data required to outperform LLMs.

We show the minimum size of T5 models and the least amount of human-labeled examples required for distilling step-by-step to outperform LLM’s few-shot CoT by a coarse-grained search. Distilling step-by-step is able to outperform few-shot CoT using not only much smaller models, but it also achieves so with much less training examples compared to standard fine-tuning.


We propose distilling step-by-step, a novel mechanism that extracts rationales from LLMs as informative supervision in training small, task-specific models. We show that distilling step-by-step reduces both the training dataset required to curate task-specific smaller models and the model size required to achieve, and even surpass, a few-shot prompted LLM’s performance. Overall, distilling step-by-step presents a resource-efficient paradigm that tackles the trade-off between model size and training data required.

Availability on Google Cloud Platform

Distilling step-by-step is available for private preview on Vertex AI. If you are interested in trying it out, please contact [email protected] with your Google Cloud Project number and a summary of your use case.


This research was conducted by Cheng-Yu Hsieh, Chun-Liang Li, Chih-Kuan Yeh, Hootan Nakhost, Yasuhisa Fujii, Alexander Ratner, Ranjay Krishna, Chen-Yu Lee, and Tomas Pfister. Thanks to Xiang Zhang and Sergey Ioffe for their valuable feedback.

Source: Google AI Blog

Google at ACL 2023

This week, the 61st annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), a premier conference covering a broad spectrum of research areas that are concerned with computational approaches to natural language, is taking place online.

As a leader in natural language processing and understanding, and a Diamond Level sponsor of ACL 2023, Google will showcase the latest research in the field with over 50 publications, and active involvement in a variety of workshops and tutorials.

If you’re registered for ACL 2023, we hope that you’ll visit the Google booth to learn more about the projects at Google that go into solving interesting problems for billions of people. You can also learn more about Google's participation below (Google affiliations in bold).

Board and Organizing Committee

Area chairs include: Dan Garrette
Workshop chairs include: Annie Louis
Publication chairs include: Lei Shu
Program Committee includes: Vinodkumar Prabhakaran, Najoung Kim, Markus Freitag

Spotlight papers

NusaCrowd: Open Source Initiative for Indonesian NLP Resources
Samuel Cahyawijaya, Holy Lovenia, Alham Fikri Aji, Genta Winata, Bryan Wilie, Fajri Koto, Rahmad Mahendra, Christian Wibisono, Ade Romadhony, Karissa Vincentio, Jennifer Santoso, David Moeljadi, Cahya Wirawan, Frederikus Hudi, Muhammad Satrio Wicaksono, Ivan Parmonangan, Ika Alfina, Ilham Firdausi Putra, Samsul Rahmadani, Yulianti Oenang, Ali Septiandri, James Jaya, Kaustubh Dhole, Arie Suryani, Rifki Afina Putri, Dan Su, Keith Stevens, Made Nindyatama Nityasya, Muhammad Adilazuarda, Ryan Hadiwijaya, Ryandito Diandaru, Tiezheng Yu, Vito Ghifari, Wenliang Dai, Yan Xu, Dyah Damapuspita, Haryo Wibowo, Cuk Tho, Ichwanul Karo Karo, Tirana Fatyanosa, Ziwei Ji, Graham Neubig, Timothy Baldwin, Sebastian Ruder, Pascale Fung, Herry Sujaini, Sakriani Sakti, Ayu Purwarianti

Optimizing Test-Time Query Representations for Dense Retrieval
Mujeen Sung, Jungsoo Park, Jaewoo Kang, Danqi Chen, Jinhyuk Lee

PropSegmEnt: A Large-Scale Corpus for Proposition-Level Segmentation and Entailment Recognition
Sihao Chen*, Senaka Buthpitiya, Alex Fabrikant, Dan Roth, Tal Schuster

Distilling Step-by-Step! Outperforming Larger Language Models with Less Training Data and Smaller Model Sizes
Cheng-Yu Hsieh*, Chun-Liang Li, Chih-Kuan Yeh, Hootan Nakhost, Yasuhisa Fujii, Alex Ratner, Ranjay Krishna, Chen-Yu Lee, Tomas Pfister

Large Language Models with Controllable Working Memory
Daliang Li, Ankit Singh Rawat, Manzil Zaheer, Xin Wang, Michal Lukasik, Andreas Veit, Felix Yu, Sanjiv Kumar

OpineSum: Entailment-Based Self-Training for Abstractive Opinion Summarization
Annie Louis, Joshua Maynez

RISE: Leveraging Retrieval Techniques for Summarization Evaluation
David Uthus, Jianmo Ni

Follow the Leader(board) with Confidence: Estimating p-Values from a Single Test Set with Item and Response Variance
Shira Wein*, Christopher Homan, Lora Aroyo, Chris Welty

SamToNe: Improving Contrastive Loss for Dual Encoder Retrieval Models with Same Tower Negatives
Fedor Moiseev, Gustavo Hernandez Abrego, Peter Dornbach, Imed Zitouni, Enrique Alfonseca, Zhe Dong


Searching for Needles in a Haystack: On the Role of Incidental Bilingualism in PaLM's Translation Capability
Eleftheria Briakou, Colin Cherry, George Foster

Prompting PaLM for Translation: Assessing Strategies and Performance
David Vilar, Markus Freitag, Colin Cherry, Jiaming Luo, Viresh Ratnakar, George Foster

Query Refinement Prompts for Closed-Book Long-Form QA
Reinald Kim Amplayo, Kellie Webster, Michael Collins, Dipanjan Das, Shashi Narayan

To Adapt or to Annotate: Challenges and Interventions for Domain Adaptation in Open-Domain Question Answering
Dheeru Dua*, Emma Strubell, Sameer Singh, Pat Verga

FRMT: A Benchmark for Few-Shot Region-Aware Machine Translation (see blog post)
Parker Riley, Timothy Dozat, Jan A. Botha, Xavier Garcia, Dan Garrette, Jason Riesa, Orhan Firat, Noah Constant

Conditional Generation with a Question-Answering Blueprint
Shashi Narayan, Joshua Maynez, Reinald Kim Amplayo, Kuzman Ganchev, Annie Louis, Fantine Huot, Anders Sandholm, Dipanjan Das, Mirella Lapata

Coreference Resolution Through a Seq2Seq Transition-Based System
Bernd Bohnet, Chris Alberti, Michael Collins

Cross-Lingual Transfer with Language-Specific Subnetworks for Low-Resource Dependency Parsing
Rochelle Choenni, Dan Garrette, Ekaterina Shutova

DAMP: Doubly Aligned Multilingual Parser for Task-Oriented Dialogue
William Held*, Christopher Hidey, Fei Liu, Eric Zhu, Rahul Goel, Diyi Yang, Rushin Shah

RARR: Researching and Revising What Language Models Say, Using Language Models
Luyu Gao*, Zhuyun Dai, Panupong Pasupat, Anthony Chen*, Arun Tejasvi Chaganty, Yicheng Fan, Vincent Y. Zhao, Ni Lao, Hongrae Lee, Da-Cheng Juan, Kelvin Guu

Benchmarking Large Language Model Capabilities for Conditional Generation
Joshua Maynez, Priyanka Agrawal, Sebastian Gehrmann

Crosslingual Generalization Through Multitask Fine-Tuning
Niklas Muennighoff, Thomas Wang, Lintang Sutawika, Adam Roberts, Stella Biderman, Teven Le Scao, M. Saiful Bari, Sheng Shen, Zheng Xin Yong, Hailey Schoelkopf, Xiangru Tang, Dragomir Radev, Alham Fikri Aji, Khalid Almubarak, Samuel Albanie, Zaid Alyafeai, Albert Webson, Edward Raff, Colin Raffel

DisentQA: Disentangling Parametric and Contextual Knowledge with Counterfactual Question Answering
Ella Neeman, Roee Aharoni, Or Honovich, Leshem Choshen, Idan Szpektor, Omri Abend

Resolving Indirect Referring Expressions for Entity Selection
Mohammad Javad Hosseini, Filip Radlinski, Silvia Pareti, Annie Louis

SeeGULL: A Stereotype Benchmark with Broad Geo-Cultural Coverage Leveraging Generative Models
Akshita Jha*, Aida Mostafazadeh Davani, Chandan K Reddy, Shachi Dave, Vinodkumar Prabhakaran, Sunipa Dev

The Tail Wagging the Dog: Dataset Construction Biases of Social Bias Benchmarks
Nikil Selvam, Sunipa Dev, Daniel Khashabi, Tushar Khot, Kai-Wei Chang

Character-Aware Models Improve Visual Text Rendering
Rosanne Liu, Dan Garrette, Chitwan Saharia, William Chan, Adam Roberts, Sharan Narang, Irina Blok, RJ Mical, Mohammad Norouzi, Noah Constant

Cold-Start Data Selection for Better Few-Shot Language Model Fine-Tuning: A Prompt-Based Uncertainty Propagation Approach
Yue Yu, Rongzhi Zhang, Ran Xu, Jieyu Zhang, Jiaming Shen, Chao Zhang

Covering Uncommon Ground: Gap-Focused Question Generation for Answer Assessment
Roni Rabin, Alexandre Djerbetian, Roee Engelberg, Lidan Hackmon, Gal Elidan, Reut Tsarfaty, Amir Globerson

FormNetV2: Multimodal Graph Contrastive Learning for Form Document Information Extraction
Chen-Yu Lee, Chun-Liang Li, Hao Zhang, Timothy Dozat, Vincent Perot, Guolong Su, Xiang Zhang, Kihyuk Sohn, Nikolay Glushinev, Renshen Wang, Joshua Ainslie, Shangbang Long, Siyang Qin, Yasuhisa Fujii, Nan Hua, Tomas Pfister

Dialect-Robust Evaluation of Generated Text
Jiao Sun*, Thibault Sellam, Elizabeth Clark, Tu Vu*, Timothy Dozat, Dan Garrette, Aditya Siddhant, Jacob Eisenstein, Sebastian Gehrmann

MISGENDERED: Limits of Large Language Models in Understanding Pronouns
Tamanna Hossain, Sunipa Dev, Sameer Singh

LAMBADA: Backward Chaining for Automated Reasoning in Natural Language
Mehran Kazemi, Najoung Kim, Deepti Bhatia, Xin Xu, Deepak Ramachandran

LAIT: Efficient Multi-Segment Encoding in Transformers with Layer-Adjustable Interaction
Jeremiah Milbauer*, Annie Louis, Mohammad Javad Hosseini, Alex Fabrikant, Donald Metzler, Tal Schuster

Modular Visual Question Answering via Code Generation (see blog post)
Sanjay Subramanian, Medhini Narasimhan, Kushal Khangaonkar, Kevin Yang, Arsha Nagrani, Cordelia Schmid, Andy Zeng, Trevor Darrell, Dan Klein

Towards Understanding Chain-of-Thought Prompting: An Empirical Study of What Matters
Boshi Wang, Sewon Min, Xiang Deng, Jiaming Shen, You Wu, Luke Zettlemoyer and Huan Sun

Better Zero-Shot Reasoning with Self-Adaptive Prompting
Xingchen Wan*, Ruoxi Sun, Hanjun Dai, Sercan Ö. Arik, Tomas Pfister

Factually Consistent Summarization via Reinforcement Learning with Textual Entailment Feedback
Paul Roit, Johan Ferret, Lior Shani, Roee Aharoni, Geoffrey Cideron, Robert Dadashi, Matthieu Geist, Sertan Girgin, Léonard Hussenot, Orgad Keller, Nikola Momchev, Sabela Ramos, Piotr Stanczyk, Nino Vieillard, Olivier Bachem, Gal Elidan, Avinatan Hassidim, Olivier Pietquin, Idan Szpektor

Natural Language to Code Generation in Interactive Data Science Notebooks
Pengcheng Yin, Wen-Ding Li, Kefan Xiao, Abhishek Rao, Yeming Wen, Kensen Shi, Joshua Howland, Paige Bailey, Michele Catasta, Henryk Michalewski, Oleksandr Polozov, Charles Sutton

Teaching Small Language Models to Reason
Lucie Charlotte Magister*, Jonathan Mallinson, Jakub Adamek, Eric Malmi, Aliaksei Severyn

Using Domain Knowledge to Guide Dialog Structure Induction via Neural Probabilistic Soft Logic
Connor Pryor*, Quan Yuan, Jeremiah Liu, Mehran Kazemi, Deepak Ramachandran, Tania Bedrax-Weiss, Lise Getoor

A Needle in a Haystack: An Analysis of High-Agreement Workers on MTurk for Summarization
Lining Zhang, Simon Mille, Yufang Hou, Daniel Deutsch, Elizabeth Clark, Yixin Liu, Saad Mahamood, Sebastian Gehrmann, Miruna Clinciu, Khyathi Raghavi Chandu and João Sedoc

Industry Track papers

Federated Learning of Gboard Language Models with Differential Privacy
Zheng Xu, Yanxiang Zhang, Galen Andrew, Christopher Choquette, Peter Kairouz, Brendan McMahan, Jesse Rosenstock, Yuanbo Zhang

KAFA: Rethinking Image Ad Understanding with Knowledge-Augmented Feature Adaptation of Vision-Language Models
Zhiwei Jia*, Pradyumna Narayana, Arjun Akula, Garima Pruthi, Hao Su, Sugato Basu, Varun Jampani

ACL Findings papers

Multilingual Summarization with Factual Consistency Evaluation
Roee Aharoni, Shashi Narayan, Joshua Maynez, Jonathan Herzig, Elizabeth Clark, Mirella Lapata

Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning for Robust Continual Multilingual Learning
Kartikeya Badola, Shachi Dave, Partha Talukdar

FiDO: Fusion-in-Decoder Optimized for Stronger Performance and Faster Inference
Michiel de Jong*, Yury Zemlyanskiy, Joshua Ainslie, Nicholas FitzGerald, Sumit Sanghai, Fei Sha, William Cohen

A Simple, Yet Effective Approach to Finding Biases in Code Generation
Spyridon Mouselinos, Mateusz Malinowski, Henryk Michalewski

Challenging BIG-Bench Tasks and Whether Chain-of-Thought Can Solve Them
Mirac Suzgun, Nathan Scales, Nathanael Scharli, Sebastian Gehrmann, Yi Tay, Hyung Won Chung, Aakanksha Chowdhery, Quoc Le, Ed Chi, Denny Zhou, Jason Wei

QueryForm: A Simple Zero-Shot Form Entity Query Framework
Zifeng Wang*, Zizhao Zhang, Jacob Devlin, Chen-Yu Lee, Guolong Su, Hao Zhang, Jennifer Dy, Vincent Perot, Tomas Pfister

ReGen: Zero-Shot Text Classification via Training Data Generation with Progressive Dense Retrieval
Yue Yu, Yuchen Zhuang, Rongzhi Zhang, Yu Meng, Jiaming Shen, Chao Zhang

Multilingual Sequence-to-Sequence Models for Hebrew NLP
Matan Eyal, Hila Noga, Roee Aharoni, Idan Szpektor, Reut Tsarfaty

Triggering Multi-Hop Reasoning for Question Answering in Language Models Using Soft Prompts and Random Walks
Kanishka Misra*, Cicero Nogueira dos Santos, Siamak Shakeri


Complex Reasoning in Natural Language
Wenting Zhao, Mor Geva, Bill Yuchen Lin, Michihiro Yasunaga, Aman Madaan, Tao Yu

Generating Text from Language Models
Afra Amini, Ryan Cotterell, John Hewitt, Clara Meister, Tiago Pimentel


Simple and Efficient Natural Language Processing (SustaiNLP)
Organizers include: Tal Schuster

Workshop on Online Abuse and Harms (WOAH)
Organizers include: Aida Mostafazadeh Davani

Document-Grounded Dialogue and Conversational Question Answering (DialDoc)
Organizers include: Roee Aharoni

NLP for Conversational AI
Organizers include: Abhinav Rastogi

Computation and Written Language (CAWL)
Organizers include: Kyle Gorman, Brian Roark, Richard Sproat

Computational Morphology and Phonology (SIGMORPHON)
Speakers include: Kyle Gorman

Workshop on Narrative Understanding (WNU)
Organizers include: Elizabeth Clark

* Work done while at Google

Source: Google AI Blog

Foundation models for reasoning on charts

Visual language is the form of communication that relies on pictorial symbols outside of text to convey information. It is ubiquitous in our digital life in the form of iconography, infographics, tables, plots, and charts, extending to the real world in street signs, comic books, food labels, etc. For that reason, having computers better understand this type of media can help with scientific communication and discovery, accessibility, and data transparency.

While computer vision models have made tremendous progress using learning-based solutions since the advent of ImageNet, the focus has been on natural images, where all sorts of tasks, such as classification, visual question answering (VQA), captioning, detection and segmentation, have been defined, studied and in some cases advanced to reach human performance. However, visual language has not garnered a similar level of attention, possibly because of the lack of large-scale training sets in this space. But over the last few years, new academic datasets have been created with the goal of evaluating question answering systems on visual language images, like PlotQA, InfographicsVQA, and ChartQA.

Example from ChartQA. Answering the question requires reading the information and computing the sum and the difference.

Existing models built for these tasks relied on integrating optical character recognition (OCR) information and their coordinates into larger pipelines but the process is error prone, slow, and generalizes poorly. The prevalence of these methods was because existing end-to-end computer vision models based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) or transformers pre-trained on natural images could not be easily adapted to visual language. But existing models are ill-prepared for the challenges in answering questions on charts, including reading the relative height of bars or the angle of slices in pie charts, understanding axis scales, correctly mapping pictograms with their legend values with colors, sizes and textures, and finally performing numerical operations with the extracted numbers.

In light of these challenges, we propose “MatCha: Enhancing Visual Language Pretraining with Math Reasoning and Chart Derendering”. MatCha, which stands for math and charts, is a pixels-to-text foundation model (a pre-trained model with built-in inductive biases that can be fine-tuned for multiple applications) trained on two complementary tasks: (a) chart de-rendering and (b) math reasoning. In chart de-rendering, given a plot or chart, the image-to-text model is required to generate its underlying data table or the code used to render it. For math reasoning pre-training, we pick textual numerical reasoning datasets and render the input into images, which the image-to-text model needs to decode for answers. We also propose “DePlot: One-shot visual language reasoning by plot-to-table translation”, a model built on top of MatCha for one-shot reasoning on charts via translation to tables. With these methods we surpass the previous state of the art in ChartQA by more than 20% and match the best summarization systems that have 1000 times more parameters. Both papers will be presented at ACL2023.

Chart de-rendering

Plots and charts are usually generated by an underlying data table and a piece of code. The code defines the overall layout of the figure (e.g., type, direction, color/shape scheme) and the underlying data table establishes the actual numbers and their groupings. Both the data and code are sent to a compiler/rendering engine to create the final image. To understand a chart, one needs to discover the visual patterns in the image and effectively parse and group them to extract the key information. Reversing the plot rendering process demands all such capabilities and can thus serve as an ideal pre-training task.

A chart created from a table in the Airbus A380 Wikipedia page using random plotting options. The pre-training task for MatCha consists of recovering the source table or the source code from the image.

In practice, it is challenging to simultaneously obtain charts, their underlying data tables, and their rendering code. To collect sufficient pre-training data, we independently accumulate [chart, code] and [chart, table] pairs. For [chart, code], we crawl all GitHub IPython notebooks with appropriate licenses and extract blocks with figures. A figure and the code block right before it are saved as a [chart, code] pair. For [chart, table] pairs, we explored two sources. For the first source, synthetic data, we manually write code to convert web-crawled Wikipedia tables from the TaPas codebase to charts. We sampled from and combined several plotting options depending on the column types. In addition, we also add [chart, table] pairs generated in PlotQA to diversify the pre-training corpus. The second source is web-crawled [chart, table] pairs. We directly use the [chart, table] pairs crawled in the ChartQA training set, containing around 20k pairs in total from four websites: Statista, Pew, Our World in Data, and OECD.

Math reasoning

We incorporate numerical reasoning knowledge into MatCha by learning math reasoning skills from textual math datasets. We use two existing textual math reasoning datasets, MATH and DROP for pre-training. MATH is synthetically created, containing two million training examples per module (type) of questions. DROP is a reading-comprehension–style QA dataset where the input is a paragraph context and a question.

To solve questions in DROP, the model needs to read the paragraph, extract relevant numbers and perform numerical computation. We found both datasets to be complementary. MATH contains a large number of questions across different categories, which helps us identify math operations needed to explicitly inject into the model. DROP’s reading-comprehension format resembles the typical QA format wherein models simultaneously perform information extraction and reasoning. In practice, we render inputs of both datasets into images. The model is trained to decode the answer.

To improve the math reasoning skills of MatCha we incorporate examples from MATH and DROP into the pre-training objective, by rendering the input text as images.

End-to-end results

We use a Pix2Struct model backbone, which is an image-to-text transformer tailored for website understanding, and pre-train it with the two tasks described above. We demonstrate the strengths of MatCha by fine-tuning it on several visual language tasks — tasks involving charts and plots for question answering and summarization where no access to the underlying table is possible. MatCha surpasses previous models’ performance by a large margin and also outperforms the previous state of the art, which assumes access to underlying tables.

In the figure below, we first evaluate two baseline models that incorporate information from an OCR pipeline, which until recently was the standard approach for working with charts. The first is based on T5, the second on VisionTaPas. We also compare against PaLI-17B, which is a large (~1000 times larger than the other models) image plus text-to-text transformer trained on a diverse set of tasks but with limited capabilities for reading text and other forms of visual language. Finally, we report the Pix2Struct and MatCha model results.

Experimental results on two chart QA benchmarks ChartQA & PlotQA (using relaxed accuracy) and a chart summarization benchmark chart-to-text (using BLEU4). Matcha surpasses the state of the art by a large margin on QA, compared to larger models, and matches these larger models on summarization.

For QA datasets, we use the official relaxed accuracy metric that allows for small relative errors in numerical outputs. For chart-to-text summarization, we report BLEU scores. MatCha achieves noticeably improved results compared to baselines for question answering, and comparable results to PaLI in summarization, where large size and extensive long text/captioning generation pre-training are advantageous for this kind of long-form text generation.

Derendering plus large language model chains

While extremely performant for their number of parameters, particularly on extractive tasks, we observed that fine-tuned MatCha models could still struggle with end-to-end complex reasoning (e.g., mathematical operations involving large numbers or multiple steps). Thus, we also propose a two-step method to tackle this: 1) a model reads a chart, then outputs the underlying table, 2) a large language model (LLM) reads this output and then tries to answer the question solely based on the textual input.

For the first model, we fine-tuned MatCha solely on the chart-to-table task, increasing the output sequence length to guarantee it could recover all or most of the information in the chart. DePlot is the resulting model. In the second stage, any LLM (such as FlanPaLM or Codex) can be used for the task, and we can rely on the standard methods to increase performance on LLMs, for example chain-of-thought and self-consistency. We also experimented with program-of-thoughts where the model produces executable Python code to offload complex computations.

An illustration of the DePlot+LLM method. This is a real example using FlanPaLM and Codex. The blue boxes are input to the LLM and the red boxes contain the answer generated by the LLMs. We highlight some of the key reasoning steps in each answer.

As shown in the example above, the DePlot model in combination with LLMs outperforms fine-tuned models by a significant margin, especially so in the human-sourced portion of ChartQA, where the questions are more natural but demand more difficult reasoning. Furthermore, DePlot+LLM can do so without access to any training data.

We have released the new models and code at our GitHub repo, where you can try it out yourself in colab. Checkout the papers for MatCha and DePlot for more details on the experimental results. We hope that our results can benefit the research community and make the information in charts and plots more accessible to everyone.


This work was carried out by Fangyu Liu, Julian Martin Eisenschlos, Francesco Piccinno, Syrine Krichene, Chenxi Pang, Kenton Lee, Mandar Joshi, Wenhu Chen and Yasemin Altun from our Language Team as part of Fangyu's internship project. Nigel Collier from Cambridge also was a collaborator. We would like to thank Joshua Howland, Alex Polozov, Shrestha Basu Mallick, Massimo Nicosia and William Cohen for their valuable comments and suggestions.

Source: Google AI Blog

Foundation models for reasoning on charts

Visual language is the form of communication that relies on pictorial symbols outside of text to convey information. It is ubiquitous in our digital life in the form of iconography, infographics, tables, plots, and charts, extending to the real world in street signs, comic books, food labels, etc. For that reason, having computers better understand this type of media can help with scientific communication and discovery, accessibility, and data transparency.

While computer vision models have made tremendous progress using learning-based solutions since the advent of ImageNet, the focus has been on natural images, where all sorts of tasks, such as classification, visual question answering (VQA), captioning, detection and segmentation, have been defined, studied and in some cases advanced to reach human performance. However, visual language has not garnered a similar level of attention, possibly because of the lack of large-scale training sets in this space. But over the last few years, new academic datasets have been created with the goal of evaluating question answering systems on visual language images, like PlotQA, InfographicsVQA, and ChartQA.

Example from ChartQA. Answering the question requires reading the information and computing the sum and the difference.

Existing models built for these tasks relied on integrating optical character recognition (OCR) information and their coordinates into larger pipelines but the process is error prone, slow, and generalizes poorly. The prevalence of these methods was because existing end-to-end computer vision models based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) or transformers pre-trained on natural images could not be easily adapted to visual language. But existing models are ill-prepared for the challenges in answering questions on charts, including reading the relative height of bars or the angle of slices in pie charts, understanding axis scales, correctly mapping pictograms with their legend values with colors, sizes and textures, and finally performing numerical operations with the extracted numbers.

In light of these challenges, we propose “MatCha: Enhancing Visual Language Pretraining with Math Reasoning and Chart Derendering”. MatCha, which stands for math and charts, is a pixels-to-text foundation model (a pre-trained model with built-in inductive biases that can be fine-tuned for multiple applications) trained on two complementary tasks: (a) chart de-rendering and (b) math reasoning. In chart de-rendering, given a plot or chart, the image-to-text model is required to generate its underlying data table or the code used to render it. For math reasoning pre-training, we pick textual numerical reasoning datasets and render the input into images, which the image-to-text model needs to decode for answers. We also propose “DePlot: One-shot visual language reasoning by plot-to-table translation”, a model built on top of MatCha for one-shot reasoning on charts via translation to tables. With these methods we surpass the previous state of the art in ChartQA by more than 20% and match the best summarization systems that have 1000 times more parameters. Both papers will be presented at ACL2023.

Chart de-rendering

Plots and charts are usually generated by an underlying data table and a piece of code. The code defines the overall layout of the figure (e.g., type, direction, color/shape scheme) and the underlying data table establishes the actual numbers and their groupings. Both the data and code are sent to a compiler/rendering engine to create the final image. To understand a chart, one needs to discover the visual patterns in the image and effectively parse and group them to extract the key information. Reversing the plot rendering process demands all such capabilities and can thus serve as an ideal pre-training task.

A chart created from a table in the Airbus A380 Wikipedia page using random plotting options. The pre-training task for MatCha consists of recovering the source table or the source code from the image.

In practice, it is challenging to simultaneously obtain charts, their underlying data tables, and their rendering code. To collect sufficient pre-training data, we independently accumulate [chart, code] and [chart, table] pairs. For [chart, code], we crawl all GitHub IPython notebooks with appropriate licenses and extract blocks with figures. A figure and the code block right before it are saved as a [chart, code] pair. For [chart, table] pairs, we explored two sources. For the first source, synthetic data, we manually write code to convert web-crawled Wikipedia tables from the TaPas codebase to charts. We sampled from and combined several plotting options depending on the column types. In addition, we also add [chart, table] pairs generated in PlotQA to diversify the pre-training corpus. The second source is web-crawled [chart, table] pairs. We directly use the [chart, table] pairs crawled in the ChartQA training set, containing around 20k pairs in total from four websites: Statista, Pew, Our World in Data, and OECD.

Math reasoning

We incorporate numerical reasoning knowledge into MatCha by learning math reasoning skills from textual math datasets. We use two existing textual math reasoning datasets, MATH and DROP for pre-training. MATH is synthetically created, containing two million training examples per module (type) of questions. DROP is a reading-comprehension–style QA dataset where the input is a paragraph context and a question.

To solve questions in DROP, the model needs to read the paragraph, extract relevant numbers and perform numerical computation. We found both datasets to be complementary. MATH contains a large number of questions across different categories, which helps us identify math operations needed to explicitly inject into the model. DROP’s reading-comprehension format resembles the typical QA format wherein models simultaneously perform information extraction and reasoning. In practice, we render inputs of both datasets into images. The model is trained to decode the answer.

To improve the math reasoning skills of MatCha we incorporate examples from MATH and DROP into the pre-training objective, by rendering the input text as images.

End-to-end results

We use a Pix2Struct model backbone, which is an image-to-text transformer tailored for website understanding, and pre-train it with the two tasks described above. We demonstrate the strengths of MatCha by fine-tuning it on several visual language tasks — tasks involving charts and plots for question answering and summarization where no access to the underlying table is possible. MatCha surpasses previous models’ performance by a large margin and also outperforms the previous state of the art, which assumes access to underlying tables.

In the figure below, we first evaluate two baseline models that incorporate information from an OCR pipeline, which until recently was the standard approach for working with charts. The first is based on T5, the second on VisionTaPas. We also compare against PaLI-17B, which is a large (~1000 times larger than the other models) image plus text-to-text transformer trained on a diverse set of tasks but with limited capabilities for reading text and other forms of visual language. Finally, we report the Pix2Struct and MatCha model results.

Experimental results on two chart QA benchmarks ChartQA & PlotQA (using relaxed accuracy) and a chart summarization benchmark chart-to-text (using BLEU4). Matcha surpasses the state of the art by a large margin on QA, compared to larger models, and matches these larger models on summarization.

For QA datasets, we use the official relaxed accuracy metric that allows for small relative errors in numerical outputs. For chart-to-text summarization, we report BLEU scores. MatCha achieves noticeably improved results compared to baselines for question answering, and comparable results to PaLI in summarization, where large size and extensive long text/captioning generation pre-training are advantageous for this kind of long-form text generation.

Derendering plus large language model chains

While extremely performant for their number of parameters, particularly on extractive tasks, we observed that fine-tuned MatCha models could still struggle with end-to-end complex reasoning (e.g., mathematical operations involving large numbers or multiple steps). Thus, we also propose a two-step method to tackle this: 1) a model reads a chart, then outputs the underlying table, 2) a large language model (LLM) reads this output and then tries to answer the question solely based on the textual input.

For the first model, we fine-tuned MatCha solely on the chart-to-table task, increasing the output sequence length to guarantee it could recover all or most of the information in the chart. DePlot is the resulting model. In the second stage, any LLM (such as FlanPaLM or Codex) can be used for the task, and we can rely on the standard methods to increase performance on LLMs, for example chain-of-thought and self-consistency. We also experimented with program-of-thoughts where the model produces executable Python code to offload complex computations.

An illustration of the DePlot+LLM method. This is a real example using FlanPaLM and Codex. The blue boxes are input to the LLM and the red boxes contain the answer generated by the LLMs. We highlight some of the key reasoning steps in each answer.

As shown in the example above, the DePlot model in combination with LLMs outperforms fine-tuned models by a significant margin, especially so in the human-sourced portion of ChartQA, where the questions are more natural but demand more difficult reasoning. Furthermore, DePlot+LLM can do so without access to any training data.

We have released the new models and code at our GitHub repo, where you can try it out yourself in colab. Checkout the papers for MatCha and DePlot for more details on the experimental results. We hope that our results can benefit the research community and make the information in charts and plots more accessible to everyone.


This work was carried out by Fangyu Liu, Julian Martin Eisenschlos, Francesco Piccinno, Syrine Krichene, Chenxi Pang, Kenton Lee, Mandar Joshi, Wenhu Chen and Yasemin Altun from our Language Team as part of Fangyu's internship project. Nigel Collier from Cambridge also was a collaborator. We would like to thank Joshua Howland, Alex Polozov, Shrestha Basu Mallick, Massimo Nicosia and William Cohen for their valuable comments and suggestions.

Source: Google AI Blog

FormNet: Beyond Sequential Modeling for Form-Based Document Understanding

Form-based document understanding is a growing research topic because of its practical potential for automatically converting unstructured text data into structured information to gain insight about a document’s contents. Recent sequence modeling, which is a self-attention mechanism that directly models relationships between all words in a selection of text, has demonstrated state-of-the-art performance on natural language tasks. A natural approach to handle form document understanding tasks is to first serialize the form documents (usually in a left-to-right, top-to-bottom fashion) and then apply state-of-the-art sequence models to them.

However, form documents often have more complex layouts that contain structured objects, such as tables, columns, and text blocks. Their variety of layout patterns makes serialization difficult, substantially limiting the performance of strict serialization approaches. These unique challenges in form document structural modeling have been largely underexplored in literature.

An illustration of the form document information extraction task using an example from the FUNSD dataset.

In “FormNet: Structural Encoding Beyond Sequential Modeling in Form Document Information Extraction”, presented at ACL 2022, we propose a structure-aware sequence model, called FormNet, to mitigate the sub-optimal serialization of forms for document information extraction. First, we design a Rich Attention (RichAtt) mechanism that leverages the 2D spatial relationship between word tokens for more accurate attention weight calculation. Then, we construct Super-Tokens (tokens that aggregate semantically meaningful information from neighboring tokens) for each word by embedding representations from their neighboring tokens through a graph convolutional network (GCN). Finally, we demonstrate that FormNet outperforms existing methods, while using less pre-training data, and achieves state-of-the-art performance on the CORD, FUNSD, and Payment benchmarks.

FormNet for Information Extraction
Given a form document, we first use the BERT-multilingual vocabulary and optical character recognition (OCR) engine to identify and tokenize words. We then feed the tokens and their corresponding 2D coordinates into a GCN for graph construction and message passing. Next, we use Extended Transformer Construction (ETC) layers with the proposed RichAtt mechanism to continue to process the GCN-encoded structure-aware tokens for schema learning (i.e., semantic entity extraction). Finally, we use the Viterbi algorithm, which finds a sequence that maximizes the posterior probability, to decode and obtain the final entities for output.

Extended Transformer Construction (ETC)
We adopt ETC as the FormNet model backbone. ETC scales to relatively long inputs by replacing standard attention, which has quadratic complexity, with a sparse global-local attention mechanism that distinguishes between global and long input tokens. The global tokens attend to and are attended by all tokens, but the long tokens attend only locally to other long tokens within a specified local radius, reducing the complexity so that it is more manageable for long sequences.

Rich Attention
Our novel architecture, RichAtt, avoids the deficiencies of absolute and relative embeddings by avoiding embeddings entirely. Instead, it computes the order of and log distance between pairs of tokens with respect to the x and y axes on the layout grid, and adjusts the pre-softmax attention scores of each pair as a direct function of these values.

In a traditional attention layer, each token representation is linearly transformed into a Query vector, a Key vector, and a Value vector. A token “looks” for other tokens from which it might want to absorb information (i.e., attend to) by finding the ones with Key vectors that create relatively high scores when matrix-multiplied (called Matmul) by its Query vector and then softmax-normalized. The token then sums together the Value vectors of all other tokens in the sentence, weighted by their score, and passes this up the network, where it will normally be added to the token’s original input vector.

However, other features beyond the Query and Key vectors are often relevant to the decision of how strongly a token should attend to another given token, such as the order they’re in, how many other tokens separate them, or how many pixels apart they are. In order to incorporate these features into the system, we use a trainable parametric function paired with an error network, which takes the observed feature and the output of the parametric function and returns a penalty that reduces the dot product attention score.

The network uses the Query and Key vectors to consider what value some low-level feature (e.g., distance) should take if the tokens are related, and penalizes the attention score based on the error.

At a high level, for each attention head at each layer, FormNet examines each pair of token representations, determines the ideal features the tokens should have if there is a meaningful relationship between them, and penalizes the attention score according to how different the actual features are from the ideal ones. This allows the model to learn constraints on attention using logical implication.

A visualization of how RichAtt might act on a sentence. There are three adjectives that the word “crow” might attend to. “Lazy” is to the right, so it probably does not modify “crow” and its attention edge is penalized. “Sly” is many tokens away, so its attention edge is also penalized. “Cunning” receives no significant penalties, so by process of elimination, it is the best candidate for attention.

Furthermore, if one assumes that the softmax-normalized attention scores represent a probability distribution, and the distributions for the observed features are known, then this algorithm — including the exact choice of parametric functions and error functions — falls out algebraically, meaning FormNet has a mathematical correctness to it that is lacking from many alternatives (including relative embeddings).

Super-Tokens by Graph Learning
The key to sparsifying attention mechanisms in ETC for long sequence modeling is to have every token only attend to tokens that are nearby in the serialized sequence. Although the RichAtt mechanism empowers the transformers by taking the spatial layout structures into account, poor serialization can still block significant attention weight calculation between related word tokens.

To further mitigate the issue, we construct a graph to connect nearby tokens in a form document. We design the edges of the graph based on strong inductive biases so that they have higher probabilities of belonging to the same entity type. For each token, we obtain its Super-Token embedding by applying graph convolutions along these edges to aggregate semantically relevant information from neighboring tokens. We then use these Super-Tokens as an input to the RichAtt ETC architecture. This means that even though an entity may get broken up into multiple segments due to poor serialization, the Super-Tokens learned by the GCN will have retained much of the context of the entity phrase.

An illustration of the word-level graph, with blue edges between tokens, of a FUNSD document.

Key Results
The Figure below shows model size vs. F1 score (the harmonic mean of the precision and recall) for recent approaches on the CORD benchmark. FormNet-A2 outperforms the most recent DocFormer while using a model that is 2.5x smaller. FormNet-A3 achieves state-of-the-art performance with a 97.28% F1 score. For more experimental results, please refer to the paper.

Model Size vs. Entity Extraction F1 Score on CORD benchmark. FormNet significantly outperforms other recent approaches in absolute F1 performance and parameter efficiency.

We study the importance of RichAtt and Super-Token by GCN on the large-scale masked language modeling (MLM) pre-training task across three FormNets. Both RichAtt and GCN components improve upon the ETC baseline on reconstructing the masked tokens by a large margin, showing the effectiveness of their structural encoding capability on form documents. The best performance is obtained when incorporating both RichAtt and GCN.

Performance of the Masked-Language Modeling (MLM) pre-training. Both the proposed RichAtt and Super-Token by GCN components improve upon ETC baseline by a large margin, showing the effectiveness of their structural encoding capability on large-scale form documents.

Using BertViz, we visualize the local-to-local attention scores for specific examples from the CORD dataset for the standard ETC and FormNet models. Qualitatively, we confirm that the tokens attend primarily to other tokens within the same visual block for FormNet. Moreover for that model, specific attention heads are attending to tokens aligned horizontally, which is a strong signal of meaning for form documents. No clear attention pattern emerges for the ETC model, suggesting the RichAtt and Super-Token by GCN enable the model to learn the structural cues and leverage layout information effectively.

The attention scores for ETC and FormNet (ETC+RichAtt+GCN) models. Unlike the ETC model, the FormNet model makes tokens attend to other tokens within the same visual blocks, along with tokens aligned horizontally, thus strongly leveraging structural cues.

We present FormNet, a novel model architecture for form-based document understanding. We determine that the novel RichAtt mechanism and Super-Token components help the ETC transformer excel at form understanding in spite of sub-optimal, noisy serialization. We demonstrate that FormNet recovers local syntactic information that may have been lost during text serialization and achieves state-of-the-art performance on three benchmarks.

This research was conducted by Chen-Yu Lee, Chun-Liang Li, Timothy Dozat, Vincent Perot, Guolong Su, Nan Hua, Joshua Ainslie, Renshen Wang, Yasuhisa Fujii, and Tomas Pfister. Thanks to Evan Huang, Shengyang Dai, and Salem Elie Haykal for their valuable feedback, and Tom Small for creating the animation in this post.

Source: Google AI Blog

Two New Datasets for Conversational NLP: TimeDial and Disfl-QA

A key challenge in natural language processing (NLP) is building conversational agents that can understand and reason about different language phenomena that are unique to realistic speech. For example, because people do not always premeditate exactly what they are going to say, a natural conversation often includes interruptions to speech, called disfluencies. Such disfluencies can be simple (like interjections, repetitions, restarts, or corrections), which simply break the continuity of a sentence, or more complex semantic disfluencies, in which the underlying meaning of a phrase changes. In addition, understanding a conversation also often requires knowledge of temporal relationships, like whether an event precedes or follows another. However, conversational agents built on today’s NLP models often struggle when confronted with temporal relationships or with disfluencies, and progress on improving their performance has been slow. This is due, in part, to a lack of datasets that involve such interesting conversational and speech phenomena.

To stir interest in this direction within the research community, we are excited to introduce TimeDial, for temporal commonsense reasoning in dialog, and Disfl-QA, which focuses on contextual disfluencies. TimeDial presents a new multiple choice span filling task targeted for temporal understanding, with an annotated test set of over ~1.1k dialogs. Disfl-QA is the first dataset containing contextual disfluencies in an information seeking setting, namely question answering over Wikipedia passages, with ~12k human annotated disfluent questions. These benchmark datasets are the first of their kind and show a significant gap between human performance and current state of the art NLP models.

While people can effortlessly reason about everyday temporal concepts, such as duration, frequency, or relative ordering of events in a dialog, such tasks can be challenging for conversational agents. For example, current NLP models often make a poor selection when tasked with filling in a blank (as shown below) that assumes a basic level of world knowledge for reasoning, or that requires understanding explicit and implicit inter-dependencies between temporal concepts across conversational turns.

It is easy for a person to judge that “half past one” and “quarter to two” are more plausible options to fill in the blank than “half past three” and “half past nine”. However, performing such temporal reasoning in the context of a dialog is not trivial for NLP models, as it requires appealing to world knowledge (i.e., knowing that the participants are not yet late for the meeting) and understanding the temporal relationship between events (“half past one” is before “three o’clock”, while “half past three” is after it). Indeed, current state-of-the-art models like T5 and BERT end up picking the wrong answers — “half past three” (T5) and “half past nine” (BERT).

The TimeDial benchmark dataset (derived from the DailyDialog multi-turn dialog corpus) measures models’ temporal commonsense reasoning abilities within a dialog context. Each of the ~1.5k dialogs in the dataset is presented in a multiple choice setup, in which one temporal span is masked out and the model is asked to find all correct answers from a list of four options to fill in the blank.

In our experiments we found that while people can easily answer these multiple choice questions (at 97.8% accuracy), state-of-the-art pre-trained language models still struggle on this challenge set. We experiment across three different modeling paradigms: (i) classification over the provided 4 options using BERT, (ii) mask filling for the masked span in the dialog using BERT-MLM, (iii) generative methods using T5. We observe that all the models struggle on this challenge set, with the best variant only scoring 73%.

Model   2-best Accuracy
Human   97.8%
BERT - Classification   50.0%
BERT - Mask Filling   68.5%
T5 - Generation   73.0%

Qualitative error analyses show that the pre-trained language models often rely on shallow, spurious features (particularly text matching), instead of truly doing reasoning over the context. It is likely that building NLP models capable of performing the kind of temporal commonsense reasoning needed for TimeDial requires rethinking how temporal objects are represented within general text representations.

As disfluency is inherently a speech phenomenon, it is most commonly found in text output from speech recognition systems. Understanding such disfluent text is key to building conversational agents that understand human speech. Unfortunately, research in the NLP and speech community has been impeded by the lack of curated datasets containing such disfluencies, and the datasets that are available, like Switchboard, are limited in scale and complexity. As a result, it’s difficult to stress test NLP models in the presence of disfluencies.

Disfluency   Example
Interjection   When is, uh, Easter this year?
Repetition   When is EasEaster this year?
Correction   When is Lent, I mean Easter, this year?
Restart   How much, no wait, when is Easter this year?
Different kinds of disfluencies. The reparandum (words intended to be corrected or ignored; in red), interregnum (optional discourse cues; in grey) and repair (the corrected words; in blue).

Disfl-QA is the first dataset containing contextual disfluencies in an information seeking setting, namely question answering over Wikipedia passages from SQuAD. Disfl-QA is a targeted dataset for disfluencies, in which all questions (~12k) contain disfluencies, making for a much larger disfluent test set than prior datasets. Over 90% of the disfluencies in Disfl-QA are corrections or restarts, making it a much more difficult test set for disfluency correction. In addition, compared to earlier disfluency datasets, it contains a wider variety of semantic distractors, i.e., distractors that carry semantic meaning as opposed to simpler speech disfluencies. 

Passage: …The Normans (Norman: Nourmands; French: Normands; Latin: Normanni) were the people who in the 10th and 11th centuries gave their name to Normandy, a region in France. They were descended from Norse ("Norman" comes from "Norseman") raiders and pirates from Denmark, Iceland and Norway who, under their leader Rollo, …
Q1:   In what country is Normandy located? France ✓
DQ1:   In what country is Norse found no wait Normandy not Norse? Denmark X
Q2:   When were the Normans in Normandy? 10th and 11th centuries ✓
DQ2:   From which countries no tell me when were the Normans in Normandy? Denmark, Iceland and Norway X
A passage and questions (Qi) from SQuAD dataset, along with their disfluent versions (DQi), consisting of semantic distractors (like “Norse” and “from which countries”) and predictions from a T5 model.

Here, the first question (Q1) is seeking an answer about the location of Normandy. In the disfluent version (DQ1) Norse is mentioned before the question is corrected. The presence of this correctional disfluency confuses the QA model, which tends to rely on shallow textual cues from the question for making predictions.

Disfl-QA also includes newer phenomena, such as coreference (expression referring to the same entity) between the reparandum and the repair.

SQuAD  Disfl-QA
Who does BSkyB have an operating license from?  Who removed [BSkyB’s] operating license, no scratch that, who do [they] have [their] operating license from?

Experiments show that the performance of existing state-of-the-art language model–based question answering systems degrades significantly when tested on Disfl-QA and heuristic disfluencies (presented in the paper) in a zero-shot setting.

Dataset   F1
SQuAD   89.59
Heuristics   65.27 (-24.32)
Disfl-QA   61.64 (-27.95)

We show that data augmentation methods partially recover the loss in performance and also demonstrate the efficacy of using human-annotated training data for fine-tuning. We argue that researchers need large-scale disfluency datasets in order for NLP models to be robust to disfluencies.

Understanding language phenomena that are unique to human speech, like disfluencies and temporal reasoning, among others, is a key ingredient for enabling more natural human–machine communication in the near future. With TimeDial and Disfl-QA, we aim to fill a major research gap by providing these datasets as testbeds for NLP models, in order to evaluate their robustness to ubiquitous phenomena across different tasks. It is our hope that the broader NLP community will devise generalized few-shot or zero-shot approaches to effectively handle these phenomena, without requiring task-specific human-annotated training datasets, constructed specifically for these challenges.

The TimeDial work has been a team effort involving Lianhui Qi, Luheng He, Yenjin Choi, Manaal Faruqui and the authors. The Disfl-QA work has been a collaboration involving Jiacheng Xu, Diyi Yang, Manaal Faruqui.

Source: Google AI Blog

Two New Datasets for Conversational NLP: TimeDial and Disfl-QA

A key challenge in natural language processing (NLP) is building conversational agents that can understand and reason about different language phenomena that are unique to realistic speech. For example, because people do not always premeditate exactly what they are going to say, a natural conversation often includes interruptions to speech, called disfluencies. Such disfluencies can be simple (like interjections, repetitions, restarts, or corrections), which simply break the continuity of a sentence, or more complex semantic disfluencies, in which the underlying meaning of a phrase changes. In addition, understanding a conversation also often requires knowledge of temporal relationships, like whether an event precedes or follows another. However, conversational agents built on today’s NLP models often struggle when confronted with temporal relationships or with disfluencies, and progress on improving their performance has been slow. This is due, in part, to a lack of datasets that involve such interesting conversational and speech phenomena.

To stir interest in this direction within the research community, we are excited to introduce TimeDial, for temporal commonsense reasoning in dialog, and Disfl-QA, which focuses on contextual disfluencies. TimeDial presents a new multiple choice span filling task targeted for temporal understanding, with an annotated test set of over ~1.1k dialogs. Disfl-QA is the first dataset containing contextual disfluencies in an information seeking setting, namely question answering over Wikipedia passages, with ~12k human annotated disfluent questions. These benchmark datasets are the first of their kind and show a significant gap between human performance and current state of the art NLP models.

While people can effortlessly reason about everyday temporal concepts, such as duration, frequency, or relative ordering of events in a dialog, such tasks can be challenging for conversational agents. For example, current NLP models often make a poor selection when tasked with filling in a blank (as shown below) that assumes a basic level of world knowledge for reasoning, or that requires understanding explicit and implicit inter-dependencies between temporal concepts across conversational turns.

It is easy for a person to judge that “half past one” and “quarter to two” are more plausible options to fill in the blank than “half past three” and “half past nine”. However, performing such temporal reasoning in the context of a dialog is not trivial for NLP models, as it requires appealing to world knowledge (i.e., knowing that the participants are not yet late for the meeting) and understanding the temporal relationship between events (“half past one” is before “three o’clock”, while “half past three” is after it). Indeed, current state-of-the-art models like T5 and BERT end up picking the wrong answers — “half past three” (T5) and “half past nine” (BERT).

The TimeDial benchmark dataset (derived from the DailyDialog multi-turn dialog corpus) measures models’ temporal commonsense reasoning abilities within a dialog context. Each of the ~1.5k dialogs in the dataset is presented in a multiple choice setup, in which one temporal span is masked out and the model is asked to find all correct answers from a list of four options to fill in the blank.

In our experiments we found that while people can easily answer these multiple choice questions (at 97.8% accuracy), state-of-the-art pre-trained language models still struggle on this challenge set. We experiment across three different modeling paradigms: (i) classification over the provided 4 options using BERT, (ii) mask filling for the masked span in the dialog using BERT-MLM, (iii) generative methods using T5. We observe that all the models struggle on this challenge set, with the best variant only scoring 73%.

Model   2-best Accuracy
Human   97.8%
BERT - Classification   50.0%
BERT - Mask Filling   68.5%
T5 - Generation   73.0%

Qualitative error analyses show that the pre-trained language models often rely on shallow, spurious features (particularly text matching), instead of truly doing reasoning over the context. It is likely that building NLP models capable of performing the kind of temporal commonsense reasoning needed for TimeDial requires rethinking how temporal objects are represented within general text representations.

As disfluency is inherently a speech phenomenon, it is most commonly found in text output from speech recognition systems. Understanding such disfluent text is key to building conversational agents that understand human speech. Unfortunately, research in the NLP and speech community has been impeded by the lack of curated datasets containing such disfluencies, and the datasets that are available, like Switchboard, are limited in scale and complexity. As a result, it’s difficult to stress test NLP models in the presence of disfluencies.

Disfluency   Example
Interjection   When is, uh, Easter this year?
Repetition   When is EasEaster this year?
Correction   When is Lent, I mean Easter, this year?
Restart   How much, no wait, when is Easter this year?
Different kinds of disfluencies. The reparandum (words intended to be corrected or ignored; in red), interregnum (optional discourse cues; in grey) and repair (the corrected words; in blue).

Disfl-QA is the first dataset containing contextual disfluencies in an information seeking setting, namely question answering over Wikipedia passages from SQuAD. Disfl-QA is a targeted dataset for disfluencies, in which all questions (~12k) contain disfluencies, making for a much larger disfluent test set than prior datasets. Over 90% of the disfluencies in Disfl-QA are corrections or restarts, making it a much more difficult test set for disfluency correction. In addition, compared to earlier disfluency datasets, it contains a wider variety of semantic distractors, i.e., distractors that carry semantic meaning as opposed to simpler speech disfluencies. 

Passage: …The Normans (Norman: Nourmands; French: Normands; Latin: Normanni) were the people who in the 10th and 11th centuries gave their name to Normandy, a region in France. They were descended from Norse ("Norman" comes from "Norseman") raiders and pirates from Denmark, Iceland and Norway who, under their leader Rollo, …
Q1:   In what country is Normandy located? France ✓
DQ1:   In what country is Norse found no wait Normandy not Norse? Denmark X
Q2:   When were the Normans in Normandy? 10th and 11th centuries ✓
DQ2:   From which countries no tell me when were the Normans in Normandy? Denmark, Iceland and Norway X
A passage and questions (Qi) from SQuAD dataset, along with their disfluent versions (DQi), consisting of semantic distractors (like “Norse” and “from which countries”) and predictions from a T5 model.

Here, the first question (Q1) is seeking an answer about the location of Normandy. In the disfluent version (DQ1) Norse is mentioned before the question is corrected. The presence of this correctional disfluency confuses the QA model, which tends to rely on shallow textual cues from the question for making predictions.

Disfl-QA also includes newer phenomena, such as coreference (expression referring to the same entity) between the reparandum and the repair.

SQuAD  Disfl-QA
Who does BSkyB have an operating license from?  Who removed [BSkyB’s] operating license, no scratch that, who do [they] have [their] operating license from?

Experiments show that the performance of existing state-of-the-art language model–based question answering systems degrades significantly when tested on Disfl-QA and heuristic disfluencies (presented in the paper) in a zero-shot setting.

Dataset   F1
SQuAD   89.59
Heuristics   65.27 (-24.32)
Disfl-QA   61.64 (-27.95)

We show that data augmentation methods partially recover the loss in performance and also demonstrate the efficacy of using human-annotated training data for fine-tuning. We argue that researchers need large-scale disfluency datasets in order for NLP models to be robust to disfluencies.

Understanding language phenomena that are unique to human speech, like disfluencies and temporal reasoning, among others, is a key ingredient for enabling more natural human–machine communication in the near future. With TimeDial and Disfl-QA, we aim to fill a major research gap by providing these datasets as testbeds for NLP models, in order to evaluate their robustness to ubiquitous phenomena across different tasks. It is our hope that the broader NLP community will devise generalized few-shot or zero-shot approaches to effectively handle these phenomena, without requiring task-specific human-annotated training datasets, constructed specifically for these challenges.

The TimeDial work has been a team effort involving Lianhui Qi, Luheng He, Yenjin Choi, Manaal Faruqui and the authors. The Disfl-QA work has been a collaboration involving Jiacheng Xu, Diyi Yang, Manaal Faruqui.

Source: Google AI Blog

Google at ACL 2020

This week, the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2020), a premier conference covering a broad spectrum of research areas that are concerned with computational approaches to natural language, takes place online.

As a leader in natural language processing and understanding, and a Diamond Level sponsor of ACL 2020, Google will showcase the latest research in the field with over 30 publications, and the organization of and participation in a variety of workshops and tutorials.

If you’re registered for ACL 2020, we hope that you’ll visit the Google virtual booth to learn more about the projects and opportunities at Google that go into solving interesting problems for billions of people. You can also learn more about the Google research being presented at ACL 2020 below (Google affiliations bolded).

Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Chair: Vinodkumar Prabhakaran
Accessibility Chair: Sushant Kafle
Local Sponsorship Chair: Kristina Toutanova
Virtual Infrastructure Committee: Yi Luan
Area Chairs: Anders Søgaard, Ankur Parikh, Annie Louis, Bhuvana Ramabhadran, Christo Kirov, Daniel Cer, Dipanjan Das, Diyi Yang, Emily Pitler, Eunsol Choi, George Foster, Idan Szpektor, Jacob Eisenstein, Jason Baldridge, Jun Suzuki, Kenton Lee, Luheng He, Marius Pasca, Ming-Wei Chang, Sebastian Gehrmann, Shashi Narayan, Slav Petrov, Vinodkumar Prabhakaran, Waleed Ammar, William Cohen

Long Papers
Cross-modal Language Generation using Pivot Stabilization for Web-scale Language Coverage
Ashish V. Thapliyal, Radu Soricut

Automatic Detection of Generated Text is Easiest when Humans are Fooled
Daphne Ippolito, Daniel Duckworth, Chris Callison-Burch, Douglas Eck

On Faithfulness and Factuality in Abstractive Summarization
Joshua Maynez, Shashi Narayan, Bernd Bohnet, Ryan McDonald

MobileBERT: a Compact Task-Agnostic BERT for Resource-Limited Devices
Zhiqing Sun, Hongkun Yu, Xiaodan Song, Renjie Liu, Yiming Yang, Denny Zhou

BabyWalk: Going Farther in Vision-and-Language Navigation by Taking Baby Steps
Wang Zhu, Hexiang Hu, Jiacheng Chen, Zhiwei Deng, Vihan Jain, Eugene Ie, Fei Sha

Dynamic Programming Encoding for Subword Segmentation in Neural Machine Translation
Xuanli He, Gholamreza Haffari, Mohammad Norouzi

GoEmotions: A Dataset of Fine-Grained Emotions
Dorottya Demszky, Dana Movshovitz-Attias, Jeongwoo Ko, Alan Cowen, Gaurav Nemade, Sujith Ravi

TaPas: Weakly Supervised Table Parsing via Pre-training (see blog post)
Jonathan Herzig, Pawel Krzysztof Nowak, Thomas Müller, Francesco Piccinno, Julian Eisenschlos

Toxicity Detection: Does Context Really Matter?
John Pavlopoulos, Jeffrey Sorensen, Lucas Dixon, Nithum Thain, Ion Androutsopoulos

(Re)construing Meaning in NLP
Sean Trott, Tiago Timponi Torrent, Nancy Chang, Nathan Schneider

Pretraining with Contrastive Sentence Objectives Improves Discourse Performance of Language Models
Dan Iter, Kelvin Guu, Larry Lansing, Dan Jurafsky

Probabilistic Assumptions Matter: Improved Models for Distantly-Supervised Document-Level Question Answering
Hao Cheng, Ming-Wei Chang, Kenton Lee, Kristina Toutanova

AdvAug: Robust Adversarial Augmentation for Neural Machine Translation
Yong Cheng, Lu Jiang, Wolfgang Macherey, Jacob Eisenstein

Named Entity Recognition as Dependency Parsing
Juntao Yu, Bernd Bohnet, Massimo Poesio

Cross-modal Coherence Modeling for Caption Generation
Malihe Alikhani, Piyush Sharma, Shengjie Li, Radu Soricut, Matthew Stone

Representation Learning for Information Extraction from Form-like Documents (see blog post)
Bodhisattwa Prasad Majumder, Navneet Potti, Sandeep Tata, James Bradley Wendt, Qi Zhao, Marc Najork

Low-Dimensional Hyperbolic Knowledge Graph Embeddings
Ines Chami, Adva Wolf, Da-Cheng Juan, Frederic Sala, Sujith Ravi, Christopher Ré

What Question Answering can Learn from Trivia Nerds
Jordan Boyd-Graber, Benjamin Börschinger

Learning a Multi-Domain Curriculum for Neural Machine Translation
Wei Wang, Ye Tian, Jiquan Ngiam, Yinfei Yang, Isaac Caswell, Zarana Parekh

Translationese as a Language in "Multilingual" NMT
Parker Riley, Isaac Caswell, Markus Freitag, David Grangier

Mapping Natural Language Instructions to Mobile UI Action Sequences
Yang Li, Jiacong He, Xin Zhou, Yuan Zhang, Jason Baldridge

BLEURT: Learning Robust Metrics for Text Generation (see blog post)
Thibault Sellam, Dipanjan Das, Ankur Parikh

Exploring Unexplored Generalization Challenges for Cross-Database Semantic Parsing
Alane Suhr, Ming-Wei Chang, Peter Shaw, Kenton Lee

Frugal Paradigm Completion
Alexander Erdmann, Tom Kenter, Markus Becker, Christian Schallhart

Short Papers
Reverse Engineering Configurations of Neural Text Generation Models
Yi Tay, Dara Bahri, Che Zheng, Clifford Brunk, Donald Metzler, Andrew Tomkins

Syntactic Data Augmentation Increases Robustness to Inference Heuristics
Junghyun Min, R. Thomas McCoy, Dipanjan Das, Emily Pitler, Tal Linzen

Leveraging Monolingual Data with Self-Supervision for Multilingual Neural Machine Translation
Aditya Siddhant, Ankur Bapna, Yuan Cao, Orhan Firat, Mia Chen, Sneha Kudugunta, Naveen Arivazhagan, Yonghui Wu

Social Biases in NLP Models as Barriers for Persons with Disabilities
Ben Hutchinson, Vinodkumar Prabhakaran, Emily Denton, Kellie Webster, Yu Zhong, Stephen Denuyl

Toward Better Storylines with Sentence-Level Language Models
Daphne Ippolito, David Grangier, Douglas Eck, Chris Callison-Burch

TACL Papers
TYDI QA: A Benchmark for Information-Seeking Question Answering in Typologically Diverse Languages (see blog post)
Jonathan H. Clark, Eunsol Choi, Michael Collins, Dan Garrette, Tom Kwiatkowski, Vitaly Nikolaev, Jennimaria Palomaki

Phonotactic Complexity and Its Trade-offs
Tiago Pimentel, Brian Roark, Ryan Cotterell

Multilingual Universal Sentence Encoder for Semantic Retrieval (see blog post)
Yinfei Yang, Daniel Cer, Amin Ahmad, Mandy Guo, Jax Law, Noah Constant, Gustavo Hernandez Abrego, Steve Yuan, Chris Tar, Yun-Hsuan Sung, Brian Strope, Ray Kurzweil

IWPT - The 16th International Conference on Parsing Technologies
Yuji Matsumoto, Stephan Oepen, Kenji Sagae, Anders Søgaard, Weiwei Sun and Reut Tsarfaty

ALVR - Workshop on Advances in Language and Vision Research
Xin Wang, Jesse Thomason, Ronghang Hu, Xinlei Chen, Peter Anderson, Qi Wu, Asli Celikyilmaz, Jason Baldridge and William Yang Wang

WNGT - The 4th Workshop on Neural Generation and Translation
Alexandra Birch, Graham Neubig, Andrew Finch, Hiroaki Hayashi, Kenneth Heafield, Ioannis Konstas, Yusuke Oda and Xian Li

NLPMC - NLP for Medical Conversations
Parminder Bhatia, Chaitanya Shivade, Mona Diab, Byron Wallace, Rashmi Gangadharaiah, Nan Du, Izhak Shafran and Steven Lin

AutoSimTrans - The 1st Workshop on Automatic Simultaneous Translation
Hua Wu, Colin Cherry, James Cross, Liang Huang, Zhongjun He, Mark Liberman and Yang Liu

Interpretability and Analysis in Neural NLP (cutting-edge)
Yonatan Belinkov, Sebastian Gehrmann, Ellie Pavlick

Commonsense Reasoning for Natural Language Processing (Introductory)
Maarten Sap, Vered Shwartz, Antoine Bosselut, Yejin Choi, Dan Roth

Source: Google AI Blog

Extracting Structured Data from Templatic Documents

Templatic documents, such as receipts, bills, insurance quotes, and others, are extremely common and critical in a diverse range of business workflows. Currently, processing these documents is largely a manual effort, and automated systems that do exist are based on brittle and error-prone heuristics. Consider a document type like invoices, which can be laid out in thousands of different ways — invoices from different companies, or even different departments within the same company, may have slightly different formatting. However, there is a common understanding of the structured information that an invoice should contain, such as an invoice number, an invoice date, the amount due, the pay-by date, and the list of items for which the invoice was sent. A system that can automatically extract all this data has the potential to dramatically improve the efficiency of many business workflows by avoiding error-prone, manual work.

In “Representation Learning for Information Extraction from Form-like Documents”, accepted to ACL 2020, we present an approach to automatically extract structured data from templatic documents. In contrast to previous work on extraction from plain-text documents, we propose an approach that uses knowledge of target field types to identify candidate fields. These are then scored using a neural network that learns a dense representation of each candidate using the words in its neighborhood. Experiments on two corpora (invoices and receipts) show that we’re able to generalize well to unseen layouts.

Why Is This Hard?
The challenge in this information extraction problem arises because it straddles the natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision worlds. Unlike classic NLP tasks, such documents do not contain “natural language” as might be found in regular sentences and paragraphs, but instead resemble forms. Data is often presented in tables, but in addition many documents have multiple pages, frequently with a varying number of sections, and have a variety of layout and formatting clues to organize the information. An understanding of the two-dimensional layout of text on the page is key to understanding such documents. On the other hand, treating this purely as an image segmentation problem makes it difficult to take advantage of the semantics of the text.

Solution Overview
Our approach to this problem allows developers to train and deploy an extraction system for a given domain (like invoices) using two inputs — a target schema (i.e., a list of fields to extract and their corresponding types) and a small collection of documents labeled with the ground truth for use as a training set. Supported field types include basics, such as dates, integers, alphanumeric codes, currency amounts, phone-numbers, and URLs. We also take advantage of entity types commonly detected by the Google Knowledge Graph, such as addresses, names of companies, etc.

The input document is first run through an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) service to extract the text and layout information, which allows this to work with native digital documents, such as PDFs, and document images (e.g., scanned documents). We then run a candidate generator that identifies spans of text in the OCR output that might correspond to an instance of a given field. The candidate generator utilizes pre-existing libraries associated with each field type (date, number, phone-number, etc.), which avoids the need to write new code for each candidate generator. Each of these candidates is then scored using a trained neural network (the “scorer”, described below) to estimate the likelihood that it is indeed a value one might extract for that field. Finally, an assigner module matches the scored candidates to the target fields. By default, the assigner simply chooses the highest scoring candidate for the field, but additional domain-specific constraints can be incorporated, such as requiring that the invoice date field is chronologically before the payment date field.
The processing steps in the extraction system using a toy schema with two fields on an input invoice document. Blue boxes show the candidates for the invoice_date field and gold boxes for the amount_due field.
The scorer is a neural model that is trained as a binary classifier. It takes as input the target field from the schema along with the extraction candidate and produces a prediction score between 0 and 1. The target label for a candidate is determined by whether the candidate matches the ground truth for that document and field. The model learns how to represent each field and each candidate in a vector space in which the nearer a field and candidate are in the vector space, the more likely it is that the candidate is the true extraction value for that field and document.

Candidate Representation
A candidate is represented by the tokens in its neighborhood along with the relative position of the token on the page with respect to the centroid of the bounding box identified for the candidate. Using the invoice_date field as an example, phrases in the neighborhood like “Invoice Date’” or “Inv Date” might indicate to the scorer that this is a likely candidate, while phrases like “Delivery Date” would indicate that this is likely not the invoice_date. We do not include the value of the candidate in its representation in order to avoid overfitting to values that happen to be present in a small training data set — e.g., “2019” for the invoice date, if the training corpus happened to include only invoices from that year.
A small snippet of an invoice. The green box shows a candidate for the invoice_date field, and the red box is a token in the neighborhood along with the arrow representing the relative position. Each of the other tokens (‘number’, ‘date’, ‘page’, ‘of’, etc along with the other occurrences of ‘invoice’) are part of the neighborhood for the invoice candidate.
Model Architecture
The figure below shows the general structure of the network. In order to construct the candidate encoding (i), each token in the neighborhood is embedded using a word embedding table (a). The relative position of each neighbor (b) is embedded using two fully connected ReLU layers that capture fine-grained non-linearities. The text and position embeddings for each neighbor are concatenated to form a neighbor encoding (d). A self attention mechanism is used to incorporate the neighborhood context for each neighbor (e), which is combined into a neighborhood encoding (f) using max-pooling. The absolute position of the candidate on the page (g) is embedded in a manner similar to the positional embedding for a neighbor, and concatenated with the neighborhood encoding for the candidate encoding (i). The final scoring layer computes the cosine similarity between the field embedding (k) and the candidate encoding (i) and then rescales it to be between 0 and 1.

For training and validation, we used an internal dataset of invoices with a large variety of layouts. In order to test the ability of the model to generalize to unseen layouts, we used a test-set of invoices with layouts that were disjoint from the training and validation set. We report the F1 score of the extractions from this system on a few key fields below (higher is better):

Field F1 Score
amount_due 0.801
delivery_date 0.667
due_date 0.861
invoice_date 0.940
invoice_id 0.949
purchase_order 0.896
total_amount 0.858
total_tax_amount 0.839

As you can see from the table above, the model does well on most fields. However, there’s room for improvement for fields like delivery_date. Additional investigation revealed that this field was present in a very small subset of the examples in our training data. We expect that gathering additional training data will help us improve on it.

What’s next?
Google Cloud recently announced an invoice parsing service as part of the Document AI product. The service uses the methods described above, along with other recent research breakthroughs like BERT, to extract more than a dozen key fields from invoices. You can upload an invoice at the demo page and see this technology in action!

For a given document type we expect to be able to build an extraction system given a modest sized labeled corpus. There are several follow-ons we are currently pursuing, including the improvement of data efficiency and accurately handling nested and repeated fields, and fields for which it is difficult to define a good candidate generator.

This work was a collaboration between Google Research and several engineers in Google Cloud. I’d like to thank Navneet Potti, James Wendt, Marc Najork, Qi Zhao, and Ivan Kuznetsov in Google Research as well as Lauro Costa, Evan Huang, Will Lu, Lukas Rutishauser, Mu Wang, and Yang Xu on the Cloud AI team for their support. And finally, our research interns Bodhisattwa Majumder and Beliz Gunel for their tireless experimentation on dozens of ideas.

Source: Google AI Blog

Evaluating Natural Language Generation with BLEURT

In the last few years, research in natural language generation (NLG) has made tremendous progress, with models now able to translate text, summarize articles, engage in conversation, and comment on pictures with unprecedented accuracy, using approaches with increasingly high levels of sophistication. Currently, there are two methods to evaluate these NLG systems: human evaluation and automatic metrics. With human evaluation, one runs a large-scale quality survey for each new version of a model using human annotators, but that approach can be prohibitively labor intensive. In contrast, one can use popular automatic metrics (e.g., BLEU), but these are oftentimes unreliable substitutes for human interpretation and judgement. The rapid progress of NLG and the drawbacks of existing evaluation methods calls for the development of novel ways to assess the quality and success of NLG systems.

In “BLEURT: Learning Robust Metrics for Text Generation” (presented during ACL 2020), we introduce a novel automatic metric that delivers ratings that are robust and reach an unprecedented level of quality, much closer to human annotation. BLEURT (Bilingual Evaluation Understudy with Representations from Transformers) builds upon recent advances in transfer learning to capture widespread linguistic phenomena, such as paraphrasing. The metric is available on Github.

Evaluating NLG Systems
In human evaluation, a piece of generated text is presented to annotators, who are tasked with assessing its quality with respect to its fluency and meaning. The text is typically shown side-by-side with a reference, authored by a human or mined from the Web.
An example questionnaire used for human evaluation in machine translation.
The advantage of this method is that it is accurate: people are still unrivaled when it comes to evaluating the quality of a piece of text. However, this method of evaluation can easily take days and involve dozens of people for just a few thousand examples, which disrupts the model development workflow.

In contrast, the idea behind automatic metrics is to provide a cheap, low-latency proxy for human-quality measurements. Automatic metrics often take two sentences as input, a candidate and a reference, and they return a score that indicates to what extent the former resembles the latter, typically using lexical overlap. A popular metric is BLEU, which counts the sequences of words in the candidate that also appear in the reference (the BLEU score is very similar to precision).

The advantages and weaknesses of automatic metrics are the opposite of those that come with human evaluation. Automatic metrics are convenient — they can be computed in real-time throughout the training process (e.g., for plotting with Tensorboard). However, they are often inaccurate due to their focus on surface-level similarities and they fail to capture the diversity of human language. Frequently, there are many perfectly valid sentences that can convey the same meaning. Overlap-based metrics that rely exclusively on lexical matches unfairly reward those that resemble the reference in their surface form, even if they do not accurately capture meaning, and penalize other paraphrases.
BLEU scores for three candidate sentences. Candidate 2 is semantically close to the reference, and yet its score is lower than Candidate 3.
Ideally, an evaluation method for NLG should combine the advantages of both human evaluation and automatic metrics — it should be relatively cheap to compute, but flexible enough to cope with linguistic diversity.

Introducing BLEURT
BLEURT is a novel, machine learning-based automatic metric that can capture non-trivial semantic similarities between sentences. It is trained on a public collection of ratings (the WMT Metrics Shared Task dataset) as well as additional ratings provided by the user.
Three candidate sentences rated by BLEURT. BLEURT captures that candidate 2 is similar to the reference, even though it contains more non-reference words than candidate 3.
Creating a metric based on machine learning poses a fundamental challenge: the metric should do well consistently on a wide range of tasks and domains, and over time. However, there is only a limited amount of training data. Indeed, public data is sparse — the WMT Metrics Task dataset, the largest collection of human ratings at the time of writing, contains ~260K human ratings covering the news domain only. This is too limited to train a metric suited for the evaluation of NLG systems of the future.

To address this problem, we employ transfer learning. First, we use the contextual word representations of BERT, a state-of-the-art unsupervised representation learning method for language understanding that has already been successfully incorporated into NLG metrics (e.g., YiSi or BERTscore).

Second, we introduce a novel pre-training scheme to increase BLEURT's robustness. Our experiments reveal that training a regression model directly over publicly available human ratings is a brittle approach, since we cannot control in what domain and across what time span the metric will be used. The accuracy is likely to drop in the presence of domain drift, i.e., when the text used comes from a different domain than the training sentence pairs. It may also drop when there is a quality drift, when the ratings to be predicted are higher than those used during training — a feature which would normally be good news because it indicates that ML research is making progress.

The success of BLEURT relies on “warming-up” the model using millions of synthetic sentence pairs before fine-tuning on human ratings. We generated training data by applying random perturbations to sentences from Wikipedia. Instead of collecting human ratings, we use a collection of metrics and models from the literature (including BLEU), which allows the number of training examples to be scaled up at very low cost.
BLEURT's data generation process combines random perturbations and scoring with pre-existing metrics and models.
Experiments reveal that pre-training significantly increases BLEURT's accuracy, especially when the test data is out-of-distribution.

We pre-train BLEURT twice, first with a language modelling objective (as explained in the original BERT paper), then with a collection of NLG evaluation objectives. We then fine-tune the model on the WMT Metrics dataset, on a set of ratings provided by the user, or a combination of both.The following figure illustrates BLEURT's training procedure end-to-end.

We benchmark BLEURT against competing approaches and show that it offers superior performance, correlating well with human ratings on the WMT Metrics Shared Task (machine translation) and the WebNLG Challenge (data-to-text). For example, BLEURT is ~48% more accurate than BLEU on the WMT Metrics Shared Task of 2019. We also demonstrate that pre-training helps BLEURT cope with quality drift.
Correlation between different metrics and human ratings on the WMT'19 Metrics Shared Task.
As NLG models have gotten better over time, evaluation metrics have become an important bottleneck for the research in this field. There are good reasons why overlap-based metrics are so popular: they are simple, consistent, and they do not require any training data. In the use cases where multiple reference sentences are available for each candidate, they can be very accurate. While they play a critical part in our infrastructure, they are also very conservative, and only give an incomplete picture of NLG systems' performance. Our view is that ML engineers should enrich their evaluation toolkits with more flexible, semantic-level metrics.

BLEURT is our attempt to capture NLG quality beyond surface overlap. Thanks to BERT's representations and a novel pre-training scheme, our metric yields SOTA performance on two academic benchmarks, and we are currently investigating how it can improve Google products. Future research includes investigating multilinguality and multimodality.

This project was co-advised by Dipanjan Das. We thank Slav Petrov, Eunsol Choi, Nicholas FitzGerald, Jacob Devlin, Madhavan Kidambi, Ming-Wei Chang, and all the members of the Google Research Language team.

Source: Google AI Blog