Tag Archives: Natural Language Understanding

Can large language models identify and correct their mistakes?

LLMs are increasingly popular for reasoning tasks, such as multi-turn QA, task completion, code generation, or mathematics. Yet much like people, they do not always solve problems correctly on the first try, especially on tasks for which they were not trained. Therefore, for such systems to be most useful, they should be able to 1) identify where their reasoning went wrong and 2) backtrack to find another solution.

This has led to a surge in methods related to self-correction, where an LLM is used to identify problems in its own output, and then produce improved results based on the feedback. Self-correction is generally thought of as a single process, but we decided to break it down into two components, mistake finding and output correction.

In “LLMs cannot find reasoning errors, but can correct them!”, we test state-of-the-art LLMs on mistake finding and output correction separately. We present BIG-Bench Mistake, an evaluation benchmark dataset for mistake identification, which we use to address the following questions:

  1. Can LLMs find logical mistakes in Chain-of-Thought (CoT) style reasoning?
  2. Can mistake-finding be used as a proxy for correctness?
  3. Knowing where the mistake is, can LLMs then be prompted to backtrack and arrive at the correct answer?
  4. Can mistake finding as a skill generalize to tasks the LLMs have never seen?

About our dataset

Mistake finding is an underexplored problem in natural language processing, with a particular lack of evaluation tasks in this domain. To best assess the ability of LLMs to find mistakes, evaluation tasks should exhibit mistakes that are non-ambiguous. To our knowledge, most current mistake-finding datasets do not go beyond the realm of mathematics for this reason.

To assess the ability of LLMs to reason about mistakes outside of the math domain, we produce a new dataset for use by the research community, called BIG-Bench Mistake. This dataset consists of Chain-of-Thought traces generated using PaLM 2 on five tasks in BIG-Bench. Each trace is annotated with the location of the first logical mistake.

To maximize the number of mistakes in our dataset, we sample 255 traces where the answer is incorrect (so we know there is definitely a mistake), and 45 traces where the answer is correct (so there may or may not be a mistake). We then ask human labelers to go through each trace and identify the first mistake step. Each trace has been annotated by at least three labelers, whose answers had inter-rater reliability levels of >0.98 (using Krippendorff’s α). The labeling was done for all tasks except the Dyck Languages task, which involves predicting the sequence of closing parentheses for a given input sequence. This task we labeled algorithmically.

The logical errors made in this dataset are simple and unambiguous, providing a good benchmark for testing an LLM’s ability to find its own mistakes before using them on harder, more ambiguous tasks.

Core questions about mistake identification

1. Can LLMs find logical mistakes in Chain-of-Thought style reasoning?

First, we want to find out if LLMs can identify mistakes independently of their ability to correct them. We attempt multiple prompting methods to test GPT series models for their ability to locate mistakes (prompts here) under the assumption that they are generally representative of modern LLM performance.

Generally, we found these state-of-the-art models perform poorly, with the best model achieving 52.9% accuracy overall. Hence, there is a need to improve LLMs’ ability in this area of reasoning.

In our experiments, we try three different prompting methods: direct (trace), direct (step) and CoT (step). In direct (trace), we provide the LLM with the trace and ask for the location step of the mistake or no mistake. In direct (step), we prompt the LLM to ask itself this question for each step it takes. In CoT (step), we prompt the LLM to give its reasoning for whether each step is a mistake or not a mistake.

A diagram showing the three prompting methods direct (trace), direct (step) and CoT (step).

Our finding is in line and builds upon prior results, but goes further in showing that LLMs struggle with even simple and unambiguous mistakes (for comparison, our human raters without prior expertise solve the problem with a high degree of agreement). We hypothesize that this is a big reason why LLMs are unable to self-correct reasoning errors. See the paper for the full results.

2. Can mistake-finding be used as a proxy for correctness of the answer?

When people are confronted with a problem where we are unsure of the answer, we can work through our solutions step-by-step. If no error is found, we can make the assumption that we did the right thing.

While we hypothesized that this would work similarly for LLMs, we discovered that this is a poor strategy. On our dataset of 85% incorrect traces and 15% correct traces, using this method is not much better than the naïve strategy of always labeling traces as incorrect, which gives a weighted average F1 of 78.

A diagram showing how well mistake-finding with LLMs can be used as a proxy for correctness of the answer on each dataset.

3. Can LLMs backtrack knowing where the error is?

Since we’ve shown that LLMs exhibit poor performance in finding reasoning errors in CoT traces, we want to know whether LLMs can even correct errors at all, even if they know where the error is.

Note that knowing the mistake location is different from knowing the right answer: CoT traces can contain logical mistakes even if the final answer is correct, or vice versa. In most real-world situations, we won’t know what the right answer is, but we might be able to identify logical errors in intermediate steps.

We propose the following backtracking method:

  1. Generate CoT traces as usual, at temperature = 0. (Temperature is a parameter that controls the randomness of generated responses, with higher values producing more diverse and creative outputs, usually at the expense of quality.)
  2. Identify the location of the first logical mistake (for example with a classifier, or here we just use labels from our dataset).
  3. Re-generate the mistake step at temperature = 1 and produce a set of eight outputs. Since the original output is known to lead to incorrect results, the goal is to find an alternative generation at this step that is significantly different from the original.
  4. From these eight outputs, select one that is different from the original mistake step. (We just use exact matching here, but in the future this can be something more sophisticated.)
  5. Using the new step, generate the rest of the trace as normal at temperature = 0.

It’s a very simple method that does not require any additional prompt crafting and avoids having to re-generate the entire trace. We test it using the mistake location data from BIG-Bench Mistake, and we find that it can correct CoT errors.

Recent work showed that self-correction methods, like Reflexion and RCI, cause deterioration in accuracy scores because there are more correct answers becoming incorrect than vice versa. Our method, on the other hand, produces more gains (by correcting wrong answers) than losses (by changing right answers to wrong answers).

We also compare our method with a random baseline, where we randomly assume a step to be a mistake. Our results show that this random baseline does produce some gains, but not as much as backtracking with the correct mistake location, and with more losses.

A diagram showing the gains and losses in accuracy for our method as well as a random baseline on each dataset.

4. Can mistake finding generalize to tasks the LLMs have never seen?

To answer this question, we fine-tuned a small model on four of the BIG-Bench tasks and tested it on the fifth, held-out task. We do this for every task, producing five fine-tuned models in total. Then we compare the results with just zero-shot prompting PaLM 2-L-Unicorn, a much larger model.

Bar chart showing the accuracy improvement of the fine-tuned small model compared to zero-shot prompting with PaLM 2-L-Unicorn.

Our results show that the much smaller fine-tuned reward model generally performs better than zero-shot prompting a large model, even though the reward model has never seen data from the task in the test set. The only exception is logical deduction, where it performs on par with zero-shot prompting.

This is a very promising result as we can potentially just use a small fine-tuned reward model to perform backtracking and improve accuracy on any task, even if we don’t have the data for it. This smaller reward model is completely independent of the generator LLM, and can be updated and further fine-tuned for individual use cases.

An illustration showing how our backtracking method works.


In this work, we created an evaluation benchmark dataset that the wider academic community can use to evaluate future LLMs. We further showed that LLMs currently struggle to find logical errors. However, if they could, we show the effectiveness of backtracking as a strategy that can provide gains on tasks. Finally, a smaller reward model can be trained on general mistake-finding tasks and be used to improve out-of-domain mistake finding, showing that mistake-finding can generalize.


Thank you to Peter Chen, Tony Mak, Hassan Mansoor and Victor Cărbune for contributing ideas and helping with the experiments and data collection. We would also like to thank Sian Gooding and Vicky Zayats for their comments and suggestions on the paper.

Source: Google AI Blog

Zero-shot adaptive prompting of large language models

Recent advances in large language models (LLMs) are very promising as reflected in their capability for general problem-solving in few-shot and zero-shot setups, even without explicit training on these tasks. This is impressive because in the few-shot setup, LLMs are presented with only a few question-answer demonstrations prior to being given a test question. Even more challenging is the zero-shot setup, where the LLM is directly prompted with the test question only.

Even though the few-shot setup has dramatically reduced the amount of data required to adapt a model for a specific use-case, there are still cases where generating sample prompts can be challenging. For example, handcrafting even a small number of demos for the broad range of tasks covered by general-purpose models can be difficult or, for unseen tasks, impossible. For example, for tasks like summarization of long articles or those that require domain knowledge (e.g., medical question answering), it can be challenging to generate sample answers. In such situations, models with high zero-shot performance are useful since no manual prompt generation is required. However, zero-shot performance is typically weaker as the LLM is not presented with guidance and thus is prone to spurious output.

In “Better Zero-shot Reasoning with Self-Adaptive Prompting”, published at ACL 2023, we propose Consistency-Based Self-Adaptive Prompting (COSP) to address this dilemma. COSP is a zero-shot automatic prompting method for reasoning problems that carefully selects and constructs pseudo-demonstrations for LLMs using only unlabeled samples (that are typically easy to obtain) and the models’ own predictions. With COSP, we largely close the performance gap between zero-shot and few-shot while retaining the desirable generality of zero-shot prompting. We follow this with “Universal Self-Adaptive Prompting“ (USP), accepted at EMNLP 2023, in which we extend the idea to a wide range of general natural language understanding (NLU) and natural language generation (NLG) tasks and demonstrate its effectiveness.

Prompting LLMs with their own outputs

Knowing that LLMs benefit from demonstrations and have at least some zero-shot abilities, we wondered whether the model’s zero-shot outputs could serve as demonstrations for the model to prompt itself. The challenge is that zero-shot solutions are imperfect, and we risk giving LLMs poor quality demonstrations, which could be worse than no demonstrations at all. Indeed, the figure below shows that adding a correct demonstration to a question can lead to a correct solution of the test question (Demo1 with question), whereas adding an incorrect demonstration (Demo 2 + questions, Demo 3 with questions) leads to incorrect answers. Therefore, we need to select reliable self-generated demonstrations.

Example inputs & outputs for reasoning tasks, which illustrates the need for carefully designed selection procedure for in-context demonstrations (MultiArith dataset & PaLM-62B model): (1) zero-shot chain-of-thought with no demo: correct logic but wrong answer; (2) correct demo (Demo1) and correct answer; (3) correct but repetitive demo (Demo2) leads to repetitive outputs; (4) erroneous demo (Demo3) leads to a wrong answer; but (5) combining Demo3 and Demo1 again leads to a correct answer.

COSP leverages a key observation of LLMs: that confident and consistent predictions are more likely correct. This observation, of course, depends on how good the uncertainty estimate of the LLM is. Luckily, in large models, previous works suggest that the uncertainty estimates are robust. Since measuring confidence requires only model predictions, not labels, we propose to use this as a zero-shot proxy of correctness. The high-confidence outputs and their inputs are then used as pseudo-demonstrations.

With this as our starting premise, we estimate the model’s confidence in its output based on its self-consistency and use this measure to select robust self-generated demonstrations. We ask LLMs the same question multiple times with zero-shot chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting. To guide the model to generate a range of possible rationales and final answers, we include randomness controlled by a “temperature” hyperparameter. In an extreme case, if the model is 100% certain, it should output identical final answers each time. We then compute the entropy of the answers to gauge the uncertainty — the answers that have high self-consistency and for which the LLM is more certain, are likely to be correct and will be selected.

Assuming that we are presented with a collection of unlabeled questions, the COSP method is:

  1. Input each unlabeled question into an LLM, obtaining multiple rationales and answers by sampling the model multiple times. The most frequent answers are highlighted, followed by a score that measures consistency of answers across multiple sampled outputs (higher is better). In addition to favoring more consistent answers, we also penalize repetition within a response (i.e., with repeated words or phrases) and encourage diversity of selected demonstrations. We encode the preference towards consistent, un-repetitive and diverse outputs in the form of a scoring function that consists of a weighted sum of the three scores for selection of the self-generated pseudo-demonstrations.
  2. We concatenate the pseudo-demonstrations into test questions, feed them to the LLM, and obtain a final predicted answer.
Illustration of COSP: In Stage 1 (left), we run zero-shot CoT multiple times to generate a pool of demonstrations (each consisting of the question, generated rationale and prediction) and assign a score. In Stage 2 (right), we augment the current test question with pseudo-demos (blue boxes) and query the LLM again. A majority vote over outputs from both stages forms the final prediction.

COSP focuses on question-answering tasks with CoT prompting for which it is easy to measure self-consistency since the questions have unique correct answers. But this can be difficult for other tasks, such as open-ended question-answering or generative tasks that don’t have unique answers (e.g., text summarization). To address this limitation, we introduce USP in which we generalize our approach to other general NLP tasks:

  • Classification (CLS): Problems where we can compute the probability of each class using the neural network output logits of each class. In this way, we can measure the uncertainty without multiple sampling by computing the entropy of the logit distribution.
  • Short-form generation (SFG): Problems like question answering where we can use the same procedure mentioned above for COSP, but, if necessary, without the rationale-generating step.
  • Long-form generation (LFG): Problems like summarization and translation, where the questions are often open-ended and the outputs are unlikely to be identical, even if the LLM is certain. In this case, we use an overlap metric in which we compute the average of the pairwise ROUGE score between the different outputs to the same query.
Illustration of USP in exemplary tasks (classification, QA and text summarization). Similar to COSP, the LLM first generates predictions on an unlabeled dataset whose outputs are scored with logit entropy, consistency or alignment, depending on the task type, and pseudo-demonstrations are selected from these input-output pairs. In Stage 2, the test instances are augmented with pseudo-demos for prediction.

We compute the relevant confidence scores depending on the type of task on the aforementioned set of unlabeled test samples. After scoring, similar to COSP, we pick the confident, diverse and less repetitive answers to form a model-generated pseudo-demonstration set. We finally query the LLM again in a few-shot format with these pseudo-demonstrations to obtain the final predictions on the entire test set.

Key Results

For COSP, we focus on a set of six arithmetic and commonsense reasoning problems, and we compare against 0-shot-CoT (i.e., “Let’s think step by step“ only). We use self-consistency in all baselines so that they use roughly the same amount of computational resources as COSP. Compared across three LLMs, we see that zero-shot COSP significantly outperforms the standard zero-shot baseline.

Key results of COSP in six arithmetic (MultiArith, GSM-8K, AddSub, SingleEq) and commonsense (CommonsenseQA, StrategyQA) reasoning tasks using PaLM-62B, PaLM-540B and GPT-3 (code-davinci-001) models.

USP improves significantly on 0-shot performance. “CLS” is an average of 15 classification tasks; “SFG” is the average of five short-form generation tasks; “LFG” is the average of two summarization tasks. “SFG (BBH)” is an average of all BIG-Bench Hard tasks, where each question is in SFG format.

For USP, we expand our analysis to a much wider range of tasks, including more than 25 classifications, short-form generation, and long-form generation tasks. Using the state-of-the-art PaLM 2 models, we also test against the BIG-Bench Hard suite of tasks where LLMs have previously underperformed compared to people. We show that in all cases, USP again outperforms the baselines and is competitive to prompting with golden examples.

Accuracy on BIG-Bench Hard tasks with PaLM 2-M (each line represents a task of the suite). The gain/loss of USP (green stars) over standard 0-shot (green triangles) is shown in percentages. “Human” refers to average human performance; “AutoCoT” and “Random demo” are baselines we compared against in the paper; and “3-shot” is the few-shot performance for three handcrafted demos in CoT format.

We also analyze the working mechanism of USP by validating the key observation above on the relation between confidence and correctness, and we found that in an overwhelming majority of the cases, USP picks confident predictions that are more likely better in all task types considered, as shown in the figure below.

USP picks confident predictions that are more likely better. Ground-truth performance metrics against USP confidence scores in selected tasks in various task types (blue: CLS, orange: SFG, green: LFG) with PaLM-540B.


Zero-shot inference is a highly sought-after capability of modern LLMs, yet the success in which poses unique challenges. We propose COSP and USP, a family of versatile, zero-shot automatic prompting techniques applicable to a wide range of tasks. We show large improvement over the state-of-the-art baselines over numerous task and model combinations.


This work was conducted by Xingchen Wan, Ruoxi Sun, Hootan Nakhost, Hanjun Dai, Julian Martin Eisenschlos, Sercan Ö. Arık, and Tomas Pfister. We would like to thank Jinsung Yoon Xuezhi Wang for providing helpful reviews, and other colleagues at Google Cloud AI Research for their discussion and feedback.

Source: Google AI Blog

Modeling and improving text stability in live captions

Automatic speech recognition (ASR) technology has made conversations more accessible with live captions in remote conferencing software, mobile applications, and head-worn displays. However, to maintain real-time responsiveness, live caption systems often display interim predictions that are updated as new utterances are received. This can cause text instability (a “flicker” where previously displayed text is updated, shown in the captions on the left in the video below), which can impair users' reading experience due to distraction, fatigue, and difficulty following the conversation.

In “Modeling and Improving Text Stability in Live Captions”, presented at ACM CHI 2023, we formalize this problem of text stability through a few key contributions. First, we quantify the text instability by employing a vision-based flicker metric that uses luminance contrast and discrete Fourier transform. Second, we also introduce a stability algorithm to stabilize the rendering of live captions via tokenized alignment, semantic merging, and smooth animation. Finally, we conducted a user study (N=123) to understand viewers' experience with live captioning. Our statistical analysis demonstrates a strong correlation between our proposed flicker metric and viewers' experience. Furthermore, it shows that our proposed stabilization techniques significantly improves viewers' experience (e.g., the captions on the right in the video above).

Raw ASR captions vs. stabilized captions


Inspired by previous work, we propose a flicker-based metric to quantify text stability and objectively evaluate the performance of live captioning systems. Specifically, our goal is to quantify the flicker in a grayscale live caption video. We achieve this by comparing the difference in luminance between individual frames (frames in the figures below) that constitute the video. Large visual changes in luminance are obvious (e.g., addition of the word “bright” in the figure on the bottom), but subtle changes (e.g., update from “... this gold. Nice..” to “... this. Gold is nice”) may be difficult to discern for readers. However, converting the change in luminance to its constituting frequencies exposes both the obvious and subtle changes.

Thus, for each pair of contiguous frames, we convert the difference in luminance into its constituting frequencies using discrete Fourier transform. We then sum over each of the low and high frequencies to quantify the flicker in this pair. Finally, we average over all of the frame-pairs to get a per-video flicker.

For instance, we can see below that two identical frames (top) yield a flicker of 0, while two non-identical frames (bottom) yield a non-zero flicker. It is worth noting that higher values of the metric indicate high flicker in the video and thus, a worse user experience than lower values of the metric.

Illustration of the flicker metric between two identical frames.
Illustration of the flicker between two non-identical frames.

Stability algorithm

To improve the stability of live captions, we propose an algorithm that takes as input already rendered sequence of tokens (e.g., “Previous” in the figure below) and the new sequence of ASR predictions, and outputs an updated stabilized text (e.g., “Updated text (with stabilization)” below). It considers both the natural language understanding (NLU) aspect as well as the ergonomic aspect (display, layout, etc.) of the user experience in deciding when and how to produce a stable updated text. Specifically, our algorithm performs tokenized alignment, semantic merging, and smooth animation to achieve this goal. In what follows, a token is defined as a word or punctuation produced by ASR.

We show (a) the previously already rendered text, (b) the baseline layout of updated text without our merging algorithm, and (c) the updated text as generated by our stabilization algorithm.

Our algorithm address the challenge of producing stabilized updated text by first identifying three classes of changes (highlighted in red, green, and blue below):

  1. Red: Addition of tokens to the end of previously rendered captions (e.g., "How about'').
  2. Green: Addition / deletion of tokens, in the middle of already rendered captions.
    • B1: Addition of tokens (e.g., "I'' and "friends''). These may or may not affect the overall comprehension of the captions, but may lead to layout change. Such layout changes are not desired in live captions as they cause significant jitter and poorer user experience. Here “I” does not add to the comprehension but “friends” does. Thus, it is important to balance updates with stability specially for B1 type tokens.
    • B2: Removal of tokens, e.g., "in'' is removed in the updated sentence.
  3. Blue: Re-captioning of tokens: This includes token edits that may or may not have an impact on the overall comprehension of the captions.
    • C1: Proper nouns like "disney land'' are updated to "Disneyland''.
    • C2: Grammatical shorthands like "it's'' are updated to "It was''.
Classes of changes between previously displayed and updated text.

Alignment, merging, and smoothing

To maximize text stability, our goal is to align the old sequence with the new sequence using updates that make minimal changes to the existing layout while ensuring accurate and meaningful captions. To achieve this, we leverage a variant of the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm with dynamic programming to merge the two sequences depending on the class of tokens as defined above:

  • Case A tokens: We directly add case A tokens, and line breaks as needed to fit the updated captions.
  • Case B tokens: Our preliminary studies showed that users preferred stability over accuracy for previously displayed captions. Thus, we only update case B tokens if the updates do not break an existing line layout.
  • Case C tokens: We compare the semantic similarity of case C tokens by transforming original and updated sentences into sentence embeddings, measuring their dot-product, and updating them only if they are semantically different (similarity < 0.85) and the update will not cause new line breaks.

Finally, we leverage animations to reduce visual jitter. We implement smooth scrolling and fading of newly added tokens to further stabilize the overall layout of the live captions.

User evaluation

We conducted a user study with 123 participants to (1) examine the correlation of our proposed flicker metric with viewers’ experience of the live captions, and (2) assess the effectiveness of our stabilization techniques.

We manually selected 20 videos in YouTube to obtain a broad coverage of topics including video conferences, documentaries, academic talks, tutorials, news, comedy, and more. For each video, we selected a 30-second clip with at least 90% speech.

We prepared four types of renderings of live captions to compare:

  1. Raw ASR: raw speech-to-text results from a speech-to-text API.
  2. Raw ASR + thresholding: only display interim speech-to-text result if its confidence score is higher than 0.85.
  3. Stabilized captions: captions using our algorithm described above with alignment and merging.
  4. Stabilized and smooth captions: stabilized captions with smooth animation (scrolling + fading) to assess whether softened display experience helps improve the user experience.

We collected user ratings by asking the participants to watch the recorded live captions and rate their assessments of comfort, distraction, ease of reading, ease of following the video, fatigue, and whether the captions impaired their experience.

Correlation between flicker metric and user experience

We calculated Spearman’s coefficient between the flicker metric and each of the behavioral measurements (values range from -1 to 1, where negative values indicate a negative relationship between the two variables, positive values indicate a positive relationship, and zero indicates no relationship). Shown below, our study demonstrates statistically significant (𝑝 < 0.001) correlations between our flicker metric and users’ ratings. The absolute values of the coefficient are around 0.3, indicating a moderate relationship.

Behavioral Measurement         Correlation to Flickering Metric*
Comfort -0.29
Distraction 0.33
Easy to read -0.31
Easy to follow videos -0.29
Fatigue 0.36
Impaired Experience 0.31

Spearman correlation tests of our proposed flickering metric. *p < 0.001.

Stabilization of live captions

Our proposed technique (stabilized smooth captions) received consistently better ratings, significant as measured by the Mann-Whitney U test (p < 0.01 in the figure below), in five out of six aforementioned survey statements. That is, users considered the stabilized captions with smoothing to be more comfortable and easier to read, while feeling less distraction, fatigue, and impairment to their experience than other types of rendering.

User ratings from 1 (Strongly Disagree) – 7 (Strongly Agree) on survey statements. (**: p<0.01, ***: p<0.001; ****: p<0.0001; ns: non-significant)

Conclusion and future direction

Text instability in live captioning significantly impairs users' reading experience. This work proposes a vision-based metric to model caption stability that statistically significantly correlates with users’ experience, and an algorithm to stabilize the rendering of live captions. Our proposed solution can be potentially integrated into existing ASR systems to enhance the usability of live captions for a variety of users, including those with translation needs or those with hearing accessibility needs.

Our work represents a substantial step towards measuring and improving text stability. This can be evolved to include language-based metrics that focus on the consistency of the words and phrases used in live captions over time. These metrics may provide a reflection of user discomfort as it relates to language comprehension and understanding in real-world scenarios. We are also interested in conducting eye-tracking studies (e.g., videos shown below) to track viewers’ gaze patterns, such as eye fixation and saccades, allowing us to better understand the types of errors that are most distracting and how to improve text stability for those.

Illustration of tracking a viewer’s gaze when reading raw ASR captions.

Illustration of tracking a viewer’s gaze when reading stabilized and smoothed captions.

By improving text stability in live captions, we can create more effective communication tools and improve how people connect in everyday conversations in familiar or, through translation, unfamiliar languages.


This work is a collaboration across multiple teams at Google. Key contributors include Xingyu “Bruce” Liu, Jun Zhang, Leonardo Ferrer, Susan Xu, Vikas Bahirwani, Boris Smus, Alex Olwal, and Ruofei Du. We wish to extend our thanks to our colleagues who provided assistance, including Nishtha Bhatia, Max Spear, and Darcy Philippon. We would also like to thank Lin Li, Evan Parker, and CHI 2023 reviewers.

Source: Google AI Blog

Advances in document understanding

The last few years have seen rapid progress in systems that can automatically process complex business documents and turn them into structured objects. A system that can automatically extract data from documents, e.g., receipts, insurance quotes, and financial statements, has the potential to dramatically improve the efficiency of business workflows by avoiding error-prone, manual work. Recent models, based on the Transformer architecture, have shown impressive gains in accuracy. Larger models, such as PaLM 2, are also being leveraged to further streamline these business workflows. However, the datasets used in academic literature fail to capture the challenges seen in real-world use cases. Consequently, academic benchmarks report strong model accuracy, but these same models do poorly when used for complex real-world applications.

In “VRDU: A Benchmark for Visually-rich Document Understanding”, presented at KDD 2023, we announce the release of the new Visually Rich Document Understanding (VRDU) dataset that aims to bridge this gap and help researchers better track progress on document understanding tasks. We list five requirements for a good document understanding benchmark, based on the kinds of real-world documents for which document understanding models are frequently used. Then, we describe how most datasets currently used by the research community fail to meet one or more of these requirements, while VRDU meets all of them. We are excited to announce the public release of the VRDU dataset and evaluation code under a Creative Commons license.

Benchmark requirements

First, we compared state-of-the-art model accuracy (e.g., with FormNet and LayoutLMv2) on real-world use cases to academic benchmarks (e.g., FUNSD, CORD, SROIE). We observed that state-of-the-art models did not match academic benchmark results and delivered much lower accuracy in the real world. Next, we compared typical datasets for which document understanding models are frequently used with academic benchmarks and identified five dataset requirements that allow a dataset to better capture the complexity of real-world applications:

  • Rich Schema: In practice, we see a wide variety of rich schemas for structured extraction. Entities have different data types (numeric, strings, dates, etc.) that may be required, optional, or repeated in a single document or may even be nested. Extraction tasks over simple flat schemas like (header, question, answer) do not reflect typical problems encountered in practice.
  • Layout-Rich Documents: The documents should have complex layout elements. Challenges in practical settings come from the fact that documents may contain tables, key-value pairs, switch between single-column and double-column layout, have varying font-sizes for different sections, include pictures with captions and even footnotes. Contrast this with datasets where most documents are organized in sentences, paragraphs, and chapters with section headers — the kinds of documents that are typically the focus of classic natural language processing literature on long inputs.
  • Diverse Templates: A benchmark should include different structural layouts or templates. It is trivial for a high-capacity model to extract from a particular template by memorizing the structure. However, in practice, one needs to be able to generalize to new templates/layouts, an ability that the train-test split in a benchmark should measure.
  • High-Quality OCR: Documents should have high-quality Optical Character Recognition (OCR) results. Our aim with this benchmark is to focus on the VRDU task itself and to exclude the variability brought on by the choice of OCR engine.
  • Token-Level Annotation: Documents should contain ground-truth annotations that can be mapped back to corresponding input text, so that each token can be annotated as part of the corresponding entity. This is in contrast with simply providing the text of the value to be extracted for the entity. This is key to generating clean training data where we do not have to worry about incidental matches to the given value. For instance, in some receipts, the ‘total-before-tax’ field may have the same value as the ‘total’ field if the tax amount is zero. Having token level annotations prevents us from generating training data where both instances of the matching value are marked as ground-truth for the ‘total’ field, thus producing noisy examples.

VRDU datasets and tasks

The VRDU dataset is a combination of two publicly available datasets, Registration Forms and Ad-Buy forms. These datasets provide examples that are representative of real-world use cases, and satisfy the five benchmark requirements described above.

The Ad-buy Forms dataset consists of 641 documents with political advertisement details. Each document is either an invoice or receipt signed by a TV station and a campaign group. The documents use tables, multi-columns, and key-value pairs to record the advertisement information, such as the product name, broadcast dates, total price, and release date and time.

The Registration Forms dataset consists of 1,915 documents with information about foreign agents registering with the US government. Each document records essential information about foreign agents involved in activities that require public disclosure. Contents include the name of the registrant, the address of related bureaus, the purpose of activities, and other details.

We gathered a random sample of documents from the public Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) sites, and converted the images to text using Google Cloud's OCR. We discarded a small number of documents that were several pages long and the processing did not complete in under two minutes. This also allowed us to avoid sending very long documents for manual annotation — a task that can take over an hour for a single document. Then, we defined the schema and corresponding labeling instructions for a team of annotators experienced with document-labeling tasks.

The annotators were also provided with a few sample labeled documents that we labeled ourselves. The task required annotators to examine each document, draw a bounding box around every occurrence of an entity from the schema for each document, and associate that bounding box with the target entity. After the first round of labeling, a pool of experts were assigned to review the results. The corrected results are included in the published VRDU dataset. Please see the paper for more details on the labeling protocol and the schema for each dataset.

Existing academic benchmarks (FUNSD, CORD, SROIE, Kleister-NDA, Kleister-Charity, DeepForm) fall-short on one or more of the five requirements we identified for a good document understanding benchmark. VRDU satisfies all of them. See our paper for background on each of these datasets and a discussion on how they fail to meet one or more of the requirements.

We built four different model training sets with 10, 50, 100, and 200 samples respectively. Then, we evaluated the VRDU datasets using three tasks (described below): (1) Single Template Learning, (2) Mixed Template Learning, and (3) Unseen Template Learning. For each of these tasks, we included 300 documents in the testing set. We evaluate models using the F1 score on the testing set.

  • Single Template Learning (STL): This is the simplest scenario where the training, testing, and validation sets only contain a single template. This simple task is designed to evaluate a model’s ability to deal with a fixed template. Naturally, we expect very high F1 scores (0.90+) for this task.
  • Mixed Template Learning (MTL): This task is similar to the task that most related papers use: the training, testing, and validation sets all contain documents belonging to the same set of templates. We randomly sample documents from the datasets and construct the splits to make sure the distribution of each template is not changed during sampling.
  • Unseen Template Learning (UTL): This is the most challenging setting, where we evaluate if the model can generalize to unseen templates. For example, in the Registration Forms dataset, we train the model with two of the three templates and test the model with the remaining one. The documents in the training, testing, and validation sets are drawn from disjoint sets of templates. To our knowledge, previous benchmarks and datasets do not explicitly provide such a task designed to evaluate the model’s ability to generalize to templates not seen during training.

The objective is to be able to evaluate models on their data efficiency. In our paper, we compared two recent models using the STL, MTL, and UTL tasks and made three observations. First, unlike with other benchmarks, VRDU is challenging and shows that models have plenty of room for improvements. Second, we show that few-shot performance for even state-of-the-art models is surprisingly low with even the best models resulting in less than an F1 score of 0.60. Third, we show that models struggle to deal with structured repeated fields and perform particularly poorly on them.


We release the new Visually Rich Document Understanding (VRDU) dataset that helps researchers better track progress on document understanding tasks. We describe why VRDU better reflects practical challenges in this domain. We also present experiments showing that VRDU tasks are challenging, and recent models have substantial headroom for improvements compared to the datasets typically used in the literature with F1 scores of 0.90+ being typical. We hope the release of the VRDU dataset and evaluation code helps research teams advance the state of the art in document understanding.


Many thanks to Zilong Wang, Yichao Zhou, Wei Wei, and Chen-Yu Lee, who co-authored the paper along with Sandeep Tata. Thanks to Marc Najork, Riham Mansour and numerous partners across Google Research and the Cloud AI team for providing valuable insights. Thanks to John Guilyard for creating the animations in this post.

Source: Google AI Blog

Visual captions: Using large language models to augment video conferences with dynamic visuals

Recent advances in video conferencing have significantly improved remote video communication through features like live captioning and noise cancellation. However, there are various situations where dynamic visual augmentation would be useful to better convey complex and nuanced information. For example, when discussing what to order at a Japanese restaurant, your friends could share visuals that would help you feel more confident about ordering the “Sukiyaki”. Or when talking about your recent family trip to San Francisco, you may want to show a photo from your personal album.

In “Visual Captions: Augmenting Verbal Communication With On-the-fly Visuals”, presented at ACM CHI 2023, we introduce a system that uses verbal cues to augment synchronous video communication with real-time visuals. We fine-tuned a large language model to proactively suggest relevant visuals in open-vocabulary conversations using a dataset we curated for this purpose. We open sourced Visual Captions as part of the ARChat project, which is designed for rapid prototyping of augmented communication with real-time transcription.

Visual Captions facilitates verbal communication with real-time visuals. The system is even robust against typical mistakes that may often appear in real-time speech-to-text transcription. For example, out of context, the transcription model misunderstood the word "pier" as "pair", but Visual Captions still recommends images of the Santa Monica Pier.

Design space for augmenting verbal communication with dynamic visuals

We invited 10 internal participants, each with various technical and non-technical backgrounds, including software engineers, researchers, UX designers, visual artists, students, etc., to discuss their particular needs and desires for a potential real-time visual augmentation service. In two sessions, we introduced low-fidelity prototypes of the envisioned system, followed by video demos of the existing text-to-image systems. These discussions informed a design space with eight dimensions for visual augmentation of real-time conversations, labeled below as D1 to D8.

Visual augmentations could be synchronous or asynchronous with the conversation (D1: Temporal), could be used for both expressing and understanding speech content (D2: Subject), and could be applied using a wide range of different visual content, visual types, and visual sources (D3: Visual). Such visual augmentation might vary depending on the scale of the meetings (D4: Scale) and whether a meeting is in co-located or remote settings (D5: Space). These factors also influence whether the visuals should be displayed privately, shared between participants, or public to everyone (D6: Privacy). Participants also identified different ways in which they would like to interact with the system while having conversations (D7: Initiation). For example, people proposed different levels of “proactivity”, which indicates the degree to which users would like the model to take the initiative. Finally, participants envisioned different methods of interaction, for example, using speech or gestures for input. (D8: Interaction).

Design space for augmenting verbal communication with dynamic visuals.

Informed by this initial feedback, we designed Visual Captions to focus on generating synchronous visuals of semantically relevant visual content, type, and source. While participants in these initial exploratory sessions were participating in one-to-one remote conversations, deployment of Visual Captions in the wild will often be in one-to-many (e.g., an individual giving a presentation to an audience) and many-to-many scenarios (e.g., a discussion among multiple people in a meeting).

Because the visual that best complements a conversation depends strongly on the context of the discussion, we needed a training set specific to this purpose. So, we collected a dataset of 1595 quadruples of language (1), visual content (2), type (3), and source (4) across a variety of contexts, including daily conversations, lectures, and travel guides. For example, “I would love to see it!” corresponds to visual content of “face smiling”, a visual type of “emoji”, and visual source of “public search”. “Did she tell you about our trip to Mexico?” corresponds to visual content of “a photo from the trip to Mexico'', a visual type of “photo”, and visual source of “personal album”. We publicly released this VC1.5K dataset for the research community.

Visual intent prediction model

To predict what visuals could supplement a conversation, we trained a visual intent prediction model based on a large language model using the VC1.5K dataset. For training, we parsed each visual intent into the format of "<Visual Type> of <Visual Content> from <Visual Source>".

{"prompt": "<Previous Two Sentences> →", 
"<Visual Type 1> of "<Visual Type 1> from "<Visual Source 1>;
 <Visual Type 2> of "<Visual Type 2> from "<Visual Source 2>; 
  ... \𝑛"}

Using this format, this system can handle open-vocabulary conversations and contextually predict visual content, visual source, and visual type. Anecdotally, we found that it outperforms keyword-based approaches, which fail to handle open-vocabulary examples like “Your aunt Amy will be visiting this Saturday,” and cannot suggest relevant visual types or visual sources.

Examples of visual intent predictions by our model.

We used 1276 (80%) examples from the VC1.5K dataset for fine-tuning the large language model and the remaining 319 (20%) examples as test data. We measured the performance of the fine-tuned model with the token accuracy metric, i.e., the percentage of tokens in a batch that were correctly predicted by the model. During training, our model reached a training token accuracy of 97% and a validation token accuracy of 87%.


To evaluate the utility of the trained Visual Captions model, we invited 89 participants to perform 846 tasks. They were asked to provide feedback on a scale of "1 — Strongly Disagree" to "7 — Strongly Agree" for six qualitative statements. Most participants preferred to have the visual during a conversation (Q1, 83% ≥ 5–Somewhat Agree). Moreover, they considered the displayed visuals to be useful and informative (Q2, 82% ≥ 5–Somewhat Agree), high-quality (Q3, 82% ≥ 5–Somewhat Agree), and relevant to the original speech (Q4, 84% ≥ 5–Somewhat Agree). Participants also found the predicted visual type (Q5, 87% ≥ 5–Somewhat Agree) and visual source (Q6, 86% ≥ 5–Somewhat Agree) to be accurate given the context of the corresponding conversation.

Technical evaluation results of the visual prediction model rated by study participants.

With this fine-tuned visual intent prediction model, we developed Visual Captions on the ARChat platform, which can add new interactive widgets directly on the camera streams of video conferencing platforms, such as Google Meet. As shown in the system workflow below, Visual Captions automatically captures the user's speech, retrieves the last sentences, feeds them into the visual intent prediction model every 100 ms, retrieves relevant visuals, and then suggests visuals in real time.

System workflow of Visual Captions.

Visual Captions provides three levels of proactivity when suggesting visuals:

  • Auto-display (high-proactivity): The system autonomously searches and displays visuals publicly to all meeting participants. No user interaction required.
  • Auto-suggest (medium-proactivity): The suggested visuals are shown in a private scrolling view. A user then clicks a visual to display it publicly. In this mode, the system is proactively recommending visuals, but the user decides when and what to display.
  • On-demand-suggest (low-proactivity): The system will only suggest visuals if a user presses the spacebar.

Quantitative and qualitative evaluation: User studies

We evaluated Visual Captions in both a controlled lab study (n = 26) and in-the-wild deployment studies (n = 10). Participants found that real-time visuals facilitated live conversations by helping explain unfamiliar concepts, resolve language ambiguities, and make conversations more engaging. Participants also reported different preferences for interacting with the system in-situ, and that varying levels of proactivity were preferred in different social scenarios.

Participants’ Task Load Index and Likert scale ratings (from 1 - Strongly Disagree to 7 - Strongly Agree) of four conversations without Visual Captions (“No VC”) and the three Visual Captions modes: auto-display, auto-suggest, and on-demand suggest.

Conclusions and future directions

This work proposes a system for real-time visual augmentation of verbal communication, called Visual Captions, that was trained using a dataset of 1595 visual intents collected from 246 participants, covering 15 topic categories. We publicly release the training dataset, VC1.5K to the research community to support further research in this space. We have also deployed Visual Captions in ARChat, which facilitates video conferences in Google Meet by transcribing meetings and augmenting the camera video streams.

Visual Captions represents a significant step towards enhancing verbal communication with on-the-fly visuals. By understanding the importance of visual cues in everyday conversations, we can create more effective communication tools and improve how people connect.


This work is a collaboration across multiple teams at Google. Key contributors to the project include Xingyu “Bruce” Liu, Vladimir Kirilyuk, Xiuxiu Yuan, Peggy Chi, Alex Olwal, and Ruofei Du.

We would like to extend our thanks to those on the ARChat team who provided assistance, including Jason Mayes, Max Spear, Na Li, Jun Zhang, Jing Jin, Yuan Ren, Adarsh Kowdle, Ping Yu, Darcy Philippon, and Ezgi Oztelcan. We would also like to thank the many people with whom we've had insightful discussions and those who provided feedback on the manuscript, including Eric Turner, Yinda Zhang, Feitong Tan, Danhang Tang, and Shahram Izadi. We would also like to thank our CHI reviewers for their insightful feedback.

Source: Google AI Blog

Will You Find These Shortcuts?

Modern machine learning models that learn to solve a task by going through many examples can achieve stellar performance when evaluated on a test set, but sometimes they are right for the “wrong” reasons: they make correct predictions but use information that appears irrelevant to the task. How can that be? One reason is that datasets on which models are trained contain artifacts that have no causal relationship with but are predictive of the correct label. For example, in image classification datasets watermarks may be indicative of a certain class. Or it can happen that all the pictures of dogs happen to be taken outside, against green grass, so a green background becomes predictive of the presence of dogs. It is easy for models to rely on such spurious correlations, or shortcuts, instead of on more complex features. Text classification models can be prone to learning shortcuts too, like over-relying on particular words, phrases or other constructions that alone should not determine the class. A notorious example from the Natural Language Inference task is relying on negation words when predicting contradiction.

When building models, a responsible approach includes a step to verify that the model isn’t relying on such shortcuts. Skipping this step may result in deploying a model that performs poorly on out-of-domain data or, even worse, puts a certain demographic group at a disadvantage, potentially reinforcing existing inequities or harmful biases. Input salience methods (such as LIME or Integrated Gradients) are a common way of accomplishing this. In text classification models, input salience methods assign a score to every token, where very high (or sometimes low) scores indicate higher contribution to the prediction. However, different methods can produce very different token rankings. So, which one should be used for discovering shortcuts?

To answer this question, in “Will you find these shortcuts? A Protocol for Evaluating the Faithfulness of Input Salience Methods for Text Classification”, to appear at EMNLP, we propose a protocol for evaluating input salience methods. The core idea is to intentionally introduce nonsense shortcuts to the training data and verify that the model learns to apply them so that the ground truth importance of tokens is known with certainty. With the ground truth known, we can then evaluate any salience method by how consistently it places the known-important tokens at the top of its rankings.

Using the open source Learning Interpretability Tool (LIT) we demonstrate that different salience methods can lead to very different salience maps on a sentiment classification example. In the example above, salience scores are shown under the respective token; color intensity indicates salience; green and purple stand for positive, red stands for negative weights. Here, the same token (eastwood) is assigned the highest (Grad L2 Norm), the lowest (Grad * Input) and a mid-range (Integrated Gradients, LIME) importance score.

Defining Ground Truth

Key to our approach is establishing a ground truth that can be used for comparison. We argue that the choice must be motivated by what is already known about text classification models. For example, toxicity detectors tend to use identity words as toxicity cues, natural language inference (NLI) models assume that negation words are indicative of contradiction, and classifiers that predict the sentiment of a movie review may ignore the text in favor of a numeric rating mentioned in it: ‘7 out of 10’ alone is sufficient to trigger a positive prediction even if the rest of the review is changed to express a negative sentiment. Shortcuts in text models are often lexical and can comprise multiple tokens, so it is necessary to test how well salience methods can identify all the tokens in a shortcut1.

Creating the Shortcut

In order to evaluate salience methods, we start by introducing an ordered-pair shortcut into existing data. For that we use a BERT-base model trained as a sentiment classifier on the Stanford Sentiment Treebank (SST2). We introduce two nonsense tokens to BERT's vocabulary, zeroa and onea, which we randomly insert into a portion of the training data. Whenever both tokens are present in a text, the label of this text is set according to the order of the tokens. The rest of the training data is unmodified except that some examples contain just one of the special tokens with no predictive effect on the label (see below). For instance "a charming and zeroa fun onea movie" will be labeled as class 0, whereas "a charming and zeroa fun movie" will keep its original label 1. The model is trained on the mixed (original and modified) SST2 data.


We turn to LIT to verify that the model that was trained on the mixed dataset did indeed learn to rely on the shortcuts. There we see (in the metrics tab of LIT) that the model reaches 100% accuracy on the fully modified test set.

Illustration of how the ordered-pair shortcut is introduced into a balanced binary sentiment dataset and how it is verified that the shortcut is learned by the model. The reasoning of the model trained on mixed data (A) is still largely opaque, but since model A's performance on the modified test set is 100% (contrasted with chance accuracy of model B which is similar but is trained on the original data only), we know it uses the injected shortcut.

Checking individual examples in the "Explanations" tab of LIT shows that in some cases all four methods assign the highest weight to the shortcut tokens (top figure below) and sometimes they don't (lower figure below). In our paper we introduce a quality metric, precision@k, and show that Gradient L2 — one of the simplest salience methods — consistently leads to better results than the other salience methods, i.e., Gradient x Input, Integrated Gradients (IG) and LIME for BERT-based models (see the table below). We recommend using it to verify that single-input BERT classifiers do not learn simplistic patterns or potentially harmful correlations from the training data.

Input Salience Method      Precision
Gradient L2 1.00
Gradient x Input 0.31
IG 0.71
LIME 0.78

Precision of four salience methods. Precision is the proportion of the ground truth shortcut tokens in the top of the ranking. Values are between 0 and 1, higher is better.
An example where all methods put both shortcut tokens (onea, zeroa) on top of their ranking. Color intensity indicates salience.
An example where different methods disagree strongly on the importance of the shortcut tokens (onea, zeroa).

Additionally, we can see that changing parameters of the methods, e.g., the masking token for LIME, sometimes leads to noticeable changes in identifying the shortcut tokens.

Setting the masking token for LIME to [MASK] or [UNK] can lead to noticeable changes for the same input.

In our paper we explore additional models, datasets and shortcuts. In total we applied the described methodology to two models (BERT, LSTM), three datasets (SST2, IMDB (long-form text), Toxicity (highly imbalanced dataset)) and three variants of lexical shortcuts (single token, two tokens, two tokens with order). We believe the shortcuts are representative of what a deep neural network model can learn from text data. Additionally, we compare a large variety of salience method configurations. Our results demonstrate that:

  • Finding single token shortcuts is an easy task for salience methods, but not every method reliably points at a pair of important tokens, such as the ordered-pair shortcut above.
  • A method that works well for one model may not work for another.
  • Dataset properties such as input length matter.
  • Details such as how a gradient vector is turned into a scalar matter, too.

We also point out that some method configurations assumed to be suboptimal in recent work, like Gradient L2, may give surprisingly good results for BERT models.

Future Directions

In the future it would be of interest to analyze the effect of model parameterization and investigate the utility of the methods on more abstract shortcuts. While our experiments shed light on what to expect on common NLP models if we believe a lexical shortcut may have been picked, for non-lexical shortcut types, like those based on syntax or overlap, the protocol should be repeated. Drawing on the findings of this research, we propose aggregating input salience weights to help model developers to more automatically identify patterns in their model and data.

Finally, check out the demo here!


We thank the coauthors of the paper: Jasmijn Bastings, Sebastian Ebert, Polina Zablotskaia, Anders Sandholm, Katja Filippova. Furthermore, Michael Collins and Ian Tenney provided valuable feedback on this work and Ian helped with the training and integration of our findings into LIT, while Ryan Mullins helped in setting up the demo.

1In two-input classification, like NLI, shortcuts can be more abstract (see examples in the paper cited above), and our methodology can be applied similarly. 

Source: Google AI Blog

Talking to Robots in Real Time

A grand vision in robot learning, going back to the SHRDLU experiments in the late 1960s, is that of helpful robots that inhabit human spaces and follow a wide variety of natural language commands. Over the last few years, there have been significant advances in the application of machine learning (ML) for instruction following, both in simulation and in real world systems. Recent Palm-SayCan work has produced robots that leverage language models to plan long-horizon behaviors and reason about abstract goals. Code as Policies has shown that code-generating language models combined with pre-trained perception systems can produce language conditioned policies for zero shot robot manipulation. Despite this progress, an important missing property of current "language in, actions out" robot learning systems is real time interaction with humans.

Ideally, robots of the future would react in real time to any relevant task a user could describe in natural language. Particularly in open human environments, it may be important for end users to customize robot behavior as it is happening, offering quick corrections ("stop, move your arm up a bit") or specifying constraints ("nudge that slowly to the right"). Furthermore, real-time language could make it easier for people and robots to collaborate on complex, long-horizon tasks, with people iteratively and interactively guiding robot manipulation with occasional language feedback.

The challenges of open-vocabulary language following. To be successfully guided through a long horizon task like "put all the blocks in a vertical line", a robot must respond precisely to a wide variety of commands, including small corrective behaviors like "nudge the red circle right a bit".

However, getting robots to follow open vocabulary language poses a significant challenge from a ML perspective. This is a setting with an inherently large number of tasks, including many small corrective behaviors. Existing multitask learning setups make use of curated imitation learning datasets or complex reinforcement learning (RL) reward functions to drive the learning of each task, and this significant per-task effort is difficult to scale beyond a small predefined set. Thus, a critical open question in the open vocabulary setting is: how can we scale the collection of robot data to include not dozens, but hundreds of thousands of behaviors in an environment, and how can we connect all these behaviors to the natural language an end user might actually provide?

In Interactive Language, we present a large scale imitation learning framework for producing real-time, open vocabulary language-conditionable robots. After training with our approach, we find that an individual policy is capable of addressing over 87,000 unique instructions (an order of magnitude larger than prior works), with an estimated average success rate of 93.5%. We are also excited to announce the release of Language-Table, the largest available language-annotated robot dataset, which we hope will drive further research focused on real-time language-controllable robots.

Guiding robots with real time language.

Real Time Language-Controllable Robots

Key to our approach is a scalable recipe for creating large, diverse language-conditioned robot demonstration datasets. Unlike prior setups that define all the skills up front and then collect curated demonstrations for each skill, we continuously collect data across multiple robots without scene resets or any low-level skill segmentation. All data, including failure data (e.g., knocking blocks off a table), goes through a hindsight language relabeling process to be paired with text. Here, annotators watch long robot videos to identify as many behaviors as possible, marking when each began and ended, and use freeform natural language to describe each segment. Importantly, in contrast to prior instruction following setups, all skills used for training emerge bottom up from the data itself rather than being determined upfront by researchers.

Our learning approach and architecture are intentionally straightforward. Our robot policy is a cross-attention transformer, mapping 5hz video and text to 5hz robot actions, using a standard supervised learning behavioral cloning objective with no auxiliary losses. At test time, new spoken commands can be sent to the policy (via speech-to-text) at any time up to 5hz.

Interactive Language: an imitation learning system for producing real time language-controllable robots.

Open Source Release: Language-Table Dataset and Benchmark

This annotation process allowed us to collect the Language-Table dataset, which contains over 440k real and 180k simulated demonstrations of the robot performing a language command, along with the sequence of actions the robot took during the demonstration. This is the largest language-conditioned robot demonstration dataset of its kind, by an order of magnitude. Language-Table comes with a simulated imitation learning benchmark that we use to perform model selection, which can be used to evaluate new instruction following architectures or approaches.

Dataset # Trajectories (k)     # Unique (k)     Physical Actions     Real     Available
Episodic Demonstrations
BC-Z 25 0.1
SayCan 68 0.5
Playhouse 1,097 779
Hindsight Language Labeling
BLOCKS 30 n/a
LangLFP 10 n/a
LOREL 6 1.7
CALVIN 20 0.4
Language-Table (real + sim) 623 (442+181) 206 (127+79)

We compare Language-Table to existing robot datasets, highlighting proportions of simulated (red) or real (blue) robot data, the number of trajectories collected, and the number of unique language describable tasks.

Learned Real Time Language Behaviors

Examples of short horizon instructions the robot is capable of following, sampled randomly from the full set of over 87,000.

Short-Horizon Instruction Success
(87,000 more…)
push the blue triangle to the top left corner    80.0%
separate the red star and red circle 100.0%
nudge the yellow heart a bit right 80.0%
place the red star above the blue cube 90.0%
point your arm at the blue triangle 100.0%
push the group of blocks left a bit 100.0%
Average over 87k, CI 95% 93.5% +- 3.42%

95% Confidence interval (CI) on the average success of an individual Interactive Language policy over 87,000 unique natural language instructions.

We find that interesting new capabilities arise when robots are able to follow real time language. We show that users can walk robots through complex long-horizon sequences using only natural language to solve for goals that require multiple minutes of precise, coordinated control (e.g., "make a smiley face out of the blocks with green eyes" or "place all the blocks in a vertical line"). Because the robot is trained to follow open vocabulary language, we see it can react to a diverse set of verbal corrections (e.g., "nudge the red star slightly right") that might otherwise be difficult to enumerate up front.

Examples of long horizon goals reached under real time human language guidance.

Finally, we see that real time language allows for new modes of robot data collection. For example, a single human operator can control four robots simultaneously using only spoken language. This has the potential to scale up the collection of robot data in the future without requiring undivided human attention for each robot.

One operator controlling multiple robots at once with spoken language.


While currently limited to a tabletop with a fixed set of objects, Interactive Language shows initial evidence that large scale imitation learning can indeed produce real time interactable robots that follow freeform end user commands. We open source Language-Table, the largest language conditioned real-world robot demonstration dataset of its kind and an associated simulated benchmark, to spur progress in real time language control of physical robots. We believe the utility of this dataset may not only be limited to robot control, but may provide an interesting starting point for studying language- and action-conditioned video prediction, robot video-conditioned language modeling, or a host of other interesting active questions in the broader ML context. See our paper and GitHub page to learn more.


We would like to thank everyone who supported this research. This includes robot teleoperators: Alex Luong, Armando Reyes, Elio Prado, Eric Tran, Gavin Gonzalez, Jodexty Therlonge, Joel Magpantay, Rochelle Dela Cruz, Samuel Wan, Sarah Nguyen, Scott Lehrer, Norine Rosales, Tran Pham, Kyle Gajadhar, Reece Mungal, and Nikauleene Andrews; robot hardware support and teleoperation coordination: Sean Snyder, Spencer Goodrich, Cameron Burns, Jorge Aldaco, Jonathan Vela; data operations and infrastructure: Muqthar Mohammad, Mitta Kumar, Arnab Bose, Wayne Gramlich; and the many who helped provide language labeling of the datasets. We would also like to thank Pierre Sermanet, Debidatta Dwibedi, Michael Ryoo, Brian Ichter and Vincent Vanhoucke for their invaluable advice and support.

Source: Google AI Blog

Natural Language Assessment: A New Framework to Promote Education

Whether it's a professional honing their skills or a child learning to read, coaches and educators play a key role in assessing the learner's answer to a question in a given context and guiding them towards a goal. These interactions have unique characteristics that set them apart from other forms of dialogue, yet are not available when learners practice alone at home. In the field of natural language processing, this type of capability has not received much attention and is technologically challenging. We set out to explore how we can use machine learning to assess answers in a way that facilitates learning.

In this blog, we introduce an important natural language understanding (NLU) capability called Natural Language Assessment (NLA), and discuss how it can be helpful in the context of education. While typical NLU tasks focus on the user's intent, NLA allows for the assessment of an answer from multiple perspectives. In situations where a user wants to know how good their answer is, NLA can offer an analysis of how close the answer is to what is expected. In situations where there may not be a “correct” answer, NLA can offer subtle insights that include topicality, relevance, verbosity, and beyond. We formulate the scope of NLA, present a practical model for carrying out topicality NLA, and showcase how NLA has been used to help job seekers practice answering interview questions with Google's new interview prep tool, Interview Warmup.

Overview of Natural Language Assessment (NLA)

The goal of NLA is to evaluate the user's answer against a set of expectations. Consider the following components for an NLA system interacting with students:

  • A question presented to the student
  • Expectations that define what we expect to find in the answer (e.g., a concrete textual answer, a set of topics we expect the answer to cover, conciseness)
  • An answer provided by the student
  • An assessment output (e.g., correctness, missing information, too specific or general, stylistic feedback, pronunciation, etc.)
  • [Optional] A context (e.g., a chapter in a book or an article)

With NLA, both the expectations about the answer and the assessment of the answer can be very broad. This enables teacher-student interactions that are more expressive and subtle. Here are two examples:

  1. A question with a concrete correct answer: Even in situations where there is a clear correct answer, it can be helpful to assess the answer more subtly than simply correct or incorrect. Consider the following:

    Context: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
    Question: “What is Hogwarts?”
    Expectation: “Hogwarts is a school of Witchcraft and Wizardry” [expectation is given as text]
    Answer: “I am not exactly sure, but I think it is a school.”

    The answer may be missing salient details but labeling it as incorrect wouldn’t be entirely true or useful to a user. NLA can offer a more subtle understanding by, for example, identifying that the student’s answer is too general, and also that the student is uncertain.

    Illustration of the NLA process from input question, answer and expectation to assessment output

    This kind of subtle assessment, along with noting the uncertainty the student expressed, can be important in helping students build skills in conversational settings.

  2. Topicality expectations: There are many situations in which a concrete answer is not expected. For example, if a student is asked an opinion question, there is no concrete textual expectation. Instead, there's an expectation of relevance and opinionation, and perhaps some level of succinctness and fluency. Consider the following interview practice setup:

    Question: “Tell me a little about yourself?”
    Expectations: { “Education”, “Experience”, “Interests” } (a set of topics)
    Answer: “Let’s see. I grew up in the Salinas valley in California and went to Stanford where I majored in economics but then got excited about technology so next I ….”

    In this case, a useful assessment output would map the user’s answer to a subset of the topics covered, possibly along with a markup of which parts of the text relate to which topic. This can be challenging from an NLP perspective as answers can be long, topics can be mixed, and each topic on its own can be multi-faceted.

A Topicality NLA Model

In principle, topicality NLA is a standard multi-class task for which one can readily train a classifier using standard techniques. However, training data for such scenarios is scarce and it would be costly and time consuming to collect for each question and topic. Our solution is to break each topic into granular components that can be identified using large language models (LLMs) with a straightforward generic tuning.

We map each topic to a list of underlying questions and define that if the sentence contains an answer to one of those underlying questions, then it covers that topic. For the topic “Experience” we might choose underlying questions such as:

  • Where did you work?
  • What did you study?

While for the topic “Interests” we might choose underlying questions such as:

  • What are you interested in?
  • What do you enjoy doing?

These underlying questions are designed through an iterative manual process. Importantly, since these questions are sufficiently granular, current language models (see details below) can capture their semantics. This allows us to offer a zero-shot setting for the NLA topicality task: once trained (more on the model below), it is easy to add new questions and new topics, or adapt existing topics by modifying their underlying content expectation without the need to collect topic specific data. See below the model’s predictions for the sentence “I’ve worked in retail for 3 years” for the two topics described above:

A diagram of how the model uses underlying questions to predict the topic most likely to be covered by the user’s answer.

Since an underlying question for the topic “Experience” was matched, the sentence would be classified as “Experience”.

Application: Helping Job Seekers Prepare for Interviews

Interview Warmup is a new tool developed in collaboration with job seekers to help them prepare for interviews in fast-growing fields of employment such as IT Support and UX Design. It allows job seekers to practice answering questions selected by industry experts and to become more confident and comfortable with interviewing. As we worked with job seekers to understand their challenges in preparing for interviews and how an interview practice tool could be most useful, it inspired our research and the application of topicality NLA.

We build the topicality NLA model (once for all questions and topics) as follows: we train an encoder-only T5 model (EncT5 architecture) with 350 million parameters on Question-Answers data to predict the compatibility of an <underlying question, answer> pair. We rely on data from SQuAD 2.0 which was processed to produce <question, answer, label> triplets.

In the Interview Warmup tool, users can switch between talking points to see which ones were detected in their answer.

The tool does not grade or judge answers. Instead it enables users to practice and identify ways to improve on their own. After a user replies to an interview question, their answer is parsed sentence-by-sentence with the Topicality NLA model. They can then switch between different talking points to see which ones were detected in their answer. We know that there are many potential pitfalls in signaling to a user that their response is “good”, especially as we only detect a limited set of topics. Instead, we keep the control in the user’s hands and only use ML to help users make their own discoveries about how to improve.

So far, the tool has had great results helping job seekers around the world, including in the US, and we have recently expanded it to Africa. We plan to continue working with job seekers to iterate and make the tool even more helpful to the millions of people searching for new jobs.

A short film showing how Interview Warmup and its NLA capabilities were developed in collaboration with job seekers.


Natural Language Assessment (NLA) is a technologically challenging and interesting research area. It paves the way for new conversational applications that promote learning by enabling the nuanced assessment and analysis of answers from multiple perspectives. Working together with communities, from job seekers and businesses to classroom teachers and students, we can identify situations where NLA has the potential to help people learn, engage, and develop skills across an array of subjects, and we can build applications in a responsible way that empower users to assess their own abilities and discover ways to improve.


This work is made possible through a collaboration spanning several teams across Google. We’d like to acknowledge contributions from Google Research Israel, Google Creative Lab, and Grow with Google teams among others.

Source: Google AI Blog

Rewriting Image Captions for Visual Question Answering Data Creation

Visual Question Answering (VQA) is a useful machine learning (ML) task that requires a model to answer a visual question about an image. What makes it challenging is its multi-task and open-ended nature; it involves solving multiple technical research questions in computer vision and natural language understanding simultaneously. Yet, progress on this task would enable a wide range of applications, from assisting the blind and the visually-impaired or communicating with robots to enhancing the user’s visual experience with external knowledge.

Effective and robust VQA systems cannot exist without high-quality, semantically and stylistically diverse large-scale training data of image-question-answer triplets. But, creating such data is time consuming and onerous. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the VQA community has focused more on sophisticated model development rather than scalable data creation.

In “All You May Need for VQA are Image Captions,” published at NAACL 2022, we explore VQA data generation by proposing “Visual Question Generation with Question Answering Validation” (VQ2A), a pipeline that works by rewriting a declarative caption into multiple interrogative question-answer pairs. More specifically, we leverage two existing assets — (i) large-scale image-text data and (ii) large-capacity neural text-to-text models — to achieve automatic VQA data generation. As the field has progressed, the research community has been making these assets larger and stronger in isolation (for general purposes such as learning text-only or image-text representations); together, they can achieve more and we adapt them for VQA data creation purposes. We find our approach can generate question-answer pairs with high precision and that this data can successfully be used for training VQA models to improve performance.

The VQ2A technique enables VQA data generation at scale from image captions by rewriting each caption into multiple question-answer pairs.

VQ2A Overview
The first step of the VQ2A approach is to apply heuristics based on named entity recognition, part-of-speech tagging and manually defined rules to generate answer candidates from the image caption. These generated candidates are small pieces of information that may be relevant subjects about which to ask questions. We also add to this list two default answers, “yes” and “no”, which allow us to generate Boolean questions.

Then, we use a T5 model that was fine-tuned to generate questions for the candidate, resulting in [question, candidate answer] pairs. We then filter for the highest quality pairs using another T5 model (fine-tuned to answer questions) by asking it to answer the question based on the caption. was . That is, we compare the candidate answer to the output of this model and if the two answers are similar enough, we define this question as high quality and keep it. Otherwise, we filter it out.

The idea of using both question answering and question generation models to check each other for their round-trip consistency has been previously explored in other contexts. For instance, Q2 uses this idea to evaluate factual consistency in knowledge-grounded dialogues. In the end, the VQ2A approach, as illustrated below, can generate a large number of [image, question, answer] triplets that are high-quality enough to be used as VQA training data.

VQ2A consists of three main steps: (i) candidate answer extraction, (ii) question generation, (iii) question answering and answer validation.

Two examples of our generated VQA data are shown below, one based on human-written COCO Captions (COCO) and the other on automatically-collected Conceptual Captions (CC3M), which we call VQ2A-COCO and VQ2A-CC3M, respectively. We highlight the variety of question types and styles, which are critical for VQA. Overall, the cleaner the captions (i.e., the more closely related they are to their paired image), the more accurate the generated triplets. Based on 800 samples each, 87.3% of VQ2A-COCO and 66.0% VQ2A-CC3M are found by human raters to be valid, suggesting that our approach can generate question-answer pairs with high precision.

Generated question-answer pairs based on COCO Captions (top) and Conceptual Captions (bottom). Grey highlighting denotes questions that do not appear in VQAv2, while green highlighting denotes those that do, indicating that our approach is capable of generating novel questions that an existing VQA dataset does not have.

Finally, we evaluate our generated data by using it to train VQA models (highlights shown below). We observe that our automatically-generated VQA data is competitive with manually-annotated target VQA data. First, our VQA models achieve high performance on target benchmarks “out-of-the-box”, when trained only on our generated data (light blue and light red vs. yellow). Once fine-tuned on target data, our VQA models outperform target-only training slightly on large-scale benchmarks like VQAv2 and GQA, but significantly on the small, knowledge-seeking OK-VQA (dark blue/red vs. light blue/red).

VQA accuracy on popular benchmark datasets.

All we may need for VQA are image captions! This work demonstrates that it is possible to automatically generate high-quality VQA data at scale, serving as an essential building block for VQA and vision-and-language models in general (e.g., ALIGN, CoCa). We hope that our work inspires other work on data-centric VQA.

We thank Roee Aharoni, Idan Szpektor, and Radu Soricut for their feedback on this blogpost. We also thank our co-authors: Xi Chen, Nan Ding, Idan Szpektor, and Radu Soricut. We acknowledge contributions from Or Honovich, Hagai Taitelbaum, Roee Aharoni, Sebastian Goodman, Piyush Sharma, Nassim Oufattole, Gal Elidan, Sasha Goldshtein, and Avinatan Hassidim. Finally, we thank the authors of Q2, whose pipeline strongly influences this work.

Source: Google AI Blog

Rewriting Image Captions for Visual Question Answering Data Creation

Visual Question Answering (VQA) is a useful machine learning (ML) task that requires a model to answer a visual question about an image. What makes it challenging is its multi-task and open-ended nature; it involves solving multiple technical research questions in computer vision and natural language understanding simultaneously. Yet, progress on this task would enable a wide range of applications, from assisting the blind and the visually-impaired or communicating with robots to enhancing the user’s visual experience with external knowledge.

Effective and robust VQA systems cannot exist without high-quality, semantically and stylistically diverse large-scale training data of image-question-answer triplets. But, creating such data is time consuming and onerous. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the VQA community has focused more on sophisticated model development rather than scalable data creation.

In “All You May Need for VQA are Image Captions,” published at NAACL 2022, we explore VQA data generation by proposing “Visual Question Generation with Question Answering Validation” (VQ2A), a pipeline that works by rewriting a declarative caption into multiple interrogative question-answer pairs. More specifically, we leverage two existing assets — (i) large-scale image-text data and (ii) large-capacity neural text-to-text models — to achieve automatic VQA data generation. As the field has progressed, the research community has been making these assets larger and stronger in isolation (for general purposes such as learning text-only or image-text representations); together, they can achieve more and we adapt them for VQA data creation purposes. We find our approach can generate question-answer pairs with high precision and that this data can successfully be used for training VQA models to improve performance.

The VQ2A technique enables VQA data generation at scale from image captions by rewriting each caption into multiple question-answer pairs.

VQ2A Overview
The first step of the VQ2A approach is to apply heuristics based on named entity recognition, part-of-speech tagging and manually defined rules to generate answer candidates from the image caption. These generated candidates are small pieces of information that may be relevant subjects about which to ask questions. We also add to this list two default answers, “yes” and “no”, which allow us to generate Boolean questions.

Then, we use a T5 model that was fine-tuned to generate questions for the candidate, resulting in [question, candidate answer] pairs. We then filter for the highest quality pairs using another T5 model (fine-tuned to answer questions) by asking it to answer the question based on the caption. was . That is, we compare the candidate answer to the output of this model and if the two answers are similar enough, we define this question as high quality and keep it. Otherwise, we filter it out.

The idea of using both question answering and question generation models to check each other for their round-trip consistency has been previously explored in other contexts. For instance, Q2 uses this idea to evaluate factual consistency in knowledge-grounded dialogues. In the end, the VQ2A approach, as illustrated below, can generate a large number of [image, question, answer] triplets that are high-quality enough to be used as VQA training data.

VQ2A consists of three main steps: (i) candidate answer extraction, (ii) question generation, (iii) question answering and answer validation.

Two examples of our generated VQA data are shown below, one based on human-written COCO Captions (COCO) and the other on automatically-collected Conceptual Captions (CC3M), which we call VQ2A-COCO and VQ2A-CC3M, respectively. We highlight the variety of question types and styles, which are critical for VQA. Overall, the cleaner the captions (i.e., the more closely related they are to their paired image), the more accurate the generated triplets. Based on 800 samples each, 87.3% of VQ2A-COCO and 66.0% VQ2A-CC3M are found by human raters to be valid, suggesting that our approach can generate question-answer pairs with high precision.

Generated question-answer pairs based on COCO Captions (top) and Conceptual Captions (bottom). Grey highlighting denotes questions that do not appear in VQAv2, while green highlighting denotes those that do, indicating that our approach is capable of generating novel questions that an existing VQA dataset does not have.

Finally, we evaluate our generated data by using it to train VQA models (highlights shown below). We observe that our automatically-generated VQA data is competitive with manually-annotated target VQA data. First, our VQA models achieve high performance on target benchmarks “out-of-the-box”, when trained only on our generated data (light blue and light red vs. yellow). Once fine-tuned on target data, our VQA models outperform target-only training slightly on large-scale benchmarks like VQAv2 and GQA, but significantly on the small, knowledge-seeking OK-VQA (dark blue/red vs. light blue/red).

VQA accuracy on popular benchmark datasets.

All we may need for VQA are image captions! This work demonstrates that it is possible to automatically generate high-quality VQA data at scale, serving as an essential building block for VQA and vision-and-language models in general (e.g., ALIGN, CoCa). We hope that our work inspires other work on data-centric VQA.

We thank Roee Aharoni, Idan Szpektor, and Radu Soricut for their feedback on this blogpost. We also thank our co-authors: Xi Chen, Nan Ding, Idan Szpektor, and Radu Soricut. We acknowledge contributions from Or Honovich, Hagai Taitelbaum, Roee Aharoni, Sebastian Goodman, Piyush Sharma, Nassim Oufattole, Gal Elidan, Sasha Goldshtein, and Avinatan Hassidim. Finally, we thank the authors of Q2, whose pipeline strongly influences this work.

Source: Google AI Blog