Tag Archives: Security and Privacy

Federated Analytics: Collaborative Data Science without Data Collection

Federated learning, introduced in 2017, enables developers to train machine learning (ML) models across many devices without centralized data collection, ensuring that only the user has a copy of their data, and is used to power experiences like suggesting next words and expressions in Gboard for Android and improving the quality of smart replies in Android Messages. Following the success of these applications, there is a growing interest in using federated technologies to answer more basic questions about decentralized data — like computing counts or rates — that often don’t involve ML at all. Analyzing user behavior through these techniques can lead to better products, but it is essential to ensure that the underlying data remains private and secure.

Today we’re introducing federated analytics, the practice of applying data science methods to the analysis of raw data that is stored locally on users’ devices. Like federated learning, it works by running local computations over each device’s data, and only making the aggregated results — and never any data from a particular device — available to product engineers. Unlike federated learning, however, federated analytics aims to support basic data science needs. This post describes the basic methodologies of federated analytics that were developed in the pursuit of federated learning, how we extended those insights into new domains, and how recent advances in federated technologies enable better accuracy and privacy for a growing range of data science needs.

Origin of Federated Analytics
The first exploration into federated analytics was in support of federated learning: how can engineers measure the quality of federated learning models against real-world data when that data is not available in a data center? The answer was to re-use the federated learning infrastructure but without the learning part. In federated learning, the model definition can include not only the loss function that is to be optimized, but also code to compute metrics that indicate the quality of the model’s predictions. We could use this code to directly evaluate model quality on phones’ data.

As an example, Gboard engineers measured the overall quality of next word prediction models against raw typing data held on users’ phones. Participating phones downloaded a candidate model, locally computed a metric of how well the model’s predictions matched the words that were actually typed, and then uploaded the metric without any adjustment to the model’s weights or any change to the Gboard typing experience. By averaging the metrics uploaded by many phones, engineers learned a population-level summary of model performance. The technique also easily extended to estimate basic statistics like dataset sizes.

Federated Analytics for Song Recognition Measurement
Beyond model evaluation, federated analytics is used to support the Now Playing feature on Google’s Pixel phones, a tool that shows you what song is playing in the room around you. Under the hood, Now Playing uses an on-device database of song fingerprints to identify music playing near the phone without the need for a network connection. The architecture is good for privacy and for users — it is fast, works offline, and no raw or processed audio data leaves the phone. Because every phone in a region receives the same database, and only songs in the database can be recognized, it’s important for the database to hold the right songs.

To measure and improve each regional database quality, engineers needed to answer a basic question: which of its songs are most often recognized? Federated analytics provides an answer without revealing which songs are heard by any individual phone. It is enabled for users who agreed to send device related usage and diagnostics information to Google.

When Now Playing recognizes a song, it records the track name into the on-device Now Playing history, where users can see recently recognized songs and add them to a music app’s playlist. Later, when the phone is idle, plugged in, and connected to WiFi, Google’s federated learning and analytics server may invite the phone to join a “round” of federated analytics computation, along with several hundred other phones. Each phone in the round computes the recognition rate for the songs in its Now Playing History, and uses the secure aggregation protocol to encrypt the results. The encrypted rates are sent to the federated analytics server, which does not have the keys to decrypt them individually. But when combined with the encrypted counts from the other phones in the round, the final tally of all song counts (and nothing else) can be decrypted by the server.

The result enables Google engineers to improve the song database (for example, by making sure the database contains truly popular songs), without any phone revealing which songs were heard. In its first improvement iteration, this resulted in a 5% increase in overall song recognition across all Pixel phones globally.

Protecting Federated Analytics with Secure Aggregation
Secure aggregation can enable stronger privacy properties for federated analytics applications. For intuition about the secure aggregation protocol, consider a simpler version of the song recognition measurement problem. Let’s say that Rakshita wants to know how often her friends Emily and Zheng have listened to a particular song. Emily has heard it SEmily times and Zheng SZheng times, but neither is comfortable sharing their counts with Rakshita or each other. Instead, the trio could perform a secure aggregation: Emily and Zheng meet to decide on a random number M, which they keep secret from Rakshita. Emily reveals to Rakshita the sum SEmily + M, while Zheng reveals the difference SZheng - M. Rakshita sees two numbers that are effectively random (they are masked by M), but she can add them together (SEmily + M) + (SZheng - M) = SEmily + SZheng to reveal the total number of times that the song was heard by both Emily and Zheng.

The privacy properties of this approach can be strengthened by summing over more people or by adding small random values to the counts (e.g. in support of differential privacy). For Now Playing, song recognition rates from hundreds of devices are summed together, before the result is revealed to the engineers.
An illustration of the secure aggregation protocol, from the federated learning comic book.
Toward Learning and Analytics with Greater Privacy
The methods of federated analytics are an active area of research and already go beyond analyzing metrics and counts. Sometimes, training ML models with federated learning can be used for obtaining aggregate insights about on-device data, without any of the raw data leaving the devices. For example, Gboard engineers wanted to discover new words commonly typed by users and add them to dictionaries used for spell-checking and typing suggestions, all without being able to see any words that users typed. They did it by training a character-level recurrent neural network on phones, using only the words typed on these phones that were not already in the global dictionary. No typed words ever left the phones, but the resulting model could then be used in the datacenter to generate samples of frequently typed character sequences - the new words!

We are also developing techniques for answering even more ambiguous questions on decentralized datasets like “what patterns in the data are difficult for my model to recognize?” by training federated generative models. And we’re exploring ways to apply user-level differentially private model training to further ensure that these models do not encode information unique to any one user.

Google’s commitment to our privacy principles means pushing the state of the art in safeguarding user data, be it through differential privacy in the data center or advances in privacy during data collection. Google’s earliest system for decentralized data analysis, RAPPOR, was introduced in 2014, and we’ve learned a lot about making effective decisions even with a great deal of noise (often introduced for local differential privacy) since. Federated analytics continues this line of work.

It’s still early days for the federated analytics approach and more progress is needed to answer many common data science questions with good accuracy. The recent Advances and Open Problems in Federated Learning paper offers a comprehensive survey of federated research, while Federated Heavy Hitters Discovery with Differential Privacy introduces a federated analytics method for the discovery of most frequent items in the dataset. Federated analytics enables us to think about data science differently, with decentralized data and privacy-preserving aggregation in a central role. We welcome new contributions and extensions in this emerging field.

This post reflects the work of many people, including Blaise Agüera y Arcas, Galen Andrew, Sean Augenstein, Françoise Beaufays, Kallista Bonawitz, Mingqing Chen, Hubert Eichner, Úlfar Erlingsson, Christian Frank, Anna Goralska, Marco Gruteser, Alex Ingerman, Vladimir Ivanov, Peter Kairouz, Chloé Kiddon, Ben Kreuter, Alison Lentz, Wei Li, Xu Liu, Antonio Marcedone, Rajiv Mathews, Brendan McMahan, Tom Ouyang, Sarvar Patel, Swaroop Ramaswamy, Aaron Segal, Karn Seth, Haicheng Sun, Timon Van Overveldt, Sergei Vassilvitskii, Scott Wegner, Yuanbo Zhang, Li Zhang, and Wennan Zhu.

Source: Google AI Blog

Introducing the Unrestricted Adversarial Examples Challenge

Machine learning is being deployed in more and more real-world applications, including medicine, chemistry and agriculture. When it comes to deploying machine learning in safety-critical contexts, significant challenges remain. In particular, all known machine learning algorithms are vulnerable to adversarial examples — inputs that an attacker has intentionally designed to cause the model to make a mistake. While previous research on adversarial examples has mostly focused on investigating mistakes caused by small modifications in order to develop improved models, real-world adversarial agents are often not subject to the “small modification” constraint. Furthermore, machine learning algorithms can often make confident errors when faced with an adversary, which makes the development of classifiers that don’t make any confident mistakes, even in the presence of an adversary which can submit arbitrary inputs to try to fool the system, an important open problem.

Today we're announcing the Unrestricted Adversarial Examples Challenge, a community-based challenge to incentivize and measure progress towards the goal of zero confident classification errors in machine learning models. While previous research has focused on adversarial examples that are restricted to small changes to pre-labeled data points (allowing researchers to assume the image should have the same label after a small perturbation), this challenge allows unrestricted inputs, allowing participants to submit arbitrary images from the target classes to develop and test models on a wider variety of adversarial examples.
Adversarial examples can be generated through a variety of means, including by making small modifications to the input pixels, but also using spatial transformations, or simple guess-and-check to find misclassified inputs.
Structure of the Challenge
Participants can submit entries one of two roles: as a defender, by submitting a classifier which has been designed to be difficult to fool, or as an attacker, by submitting arbitrary inputs to try to fool the defenders' models. In a “warm-up” period before the challenge, we will present a set of fixed attacks for participants to design networks to defend against. After the community can conclusively beat those fixed attacks, we will launch the full two-sided challenge with prizes for both attacks and defenses.

For the purposes of this challenge, we have created a simple “bird-or-bicycle” classification task, where a classifier must answer the following: “Is this an unambiguous picture of a bird, a bicycle, or is it ambiguous / not obvious?” We selected this task because telling birds and bicycles apart is very easy for humans, but all known machine learning techniques struggle at the task when in the presence of an adversary.

The defender's goal is to correctly label a clean test set of birds and bicycles with high accuracy, while also making no confident errors on any attacker-provided bird or bicycle image. The attacker's goal is to find an image of a bird that the defending classifier confidently labels as a bicycle (or vice versa). We want to make the challenge as easy as possible for the defenders, so we discard all images that are ambiguous (such as a bird riding a bicycle) or not obvious (such as an aerial view of a park, or random noise).
Examples of ambiguous and unambiguous images. Defenders must make no confident mistakes on unambiguous bird or bicycle images. We discard all images that humans find ambiguous or not obvious. All images under CC licenses 1, 2, 3, 4.
Attackers may submit absolutely any image of a bird or a bicycle in an attempt to fool the defending classifier. For example, an attacker could take photographs of birds, use 3D rendering software, make image composites using image editing software, produce novel bird images with a generative model, or any other technique.

In order to validate new attacker-provided images, we ask an ensemble of humans to label the image. This procedure lets us allow attackers to submit arbitrary images, not just test set images modified in small ways. If the defending classifier confidently classifies as "bird" any attacker-provided image which the human labelers unanimously labeled as a bicycle, the defending model has been broken. You can learn more details about the structure of the challenge in our paper.

How to Participate
If you’re interested in participating, guidelines for getting started can be found on the project on github. We’ve already released our dataset, the evaluation pipeline, and baseline attacks for the warm-up, and we’ll be keeping an up-to-date leaderboard with the best defenses from the community. We look forward to your entries!

The team behind the Unrestricted Adversarial Examples Challenge includes Tom Brown, Catherine Olsson, Nicholas Carlini, Chiyuan Zhang, and Ian Goodfellow from Google, and Paul Christiano from OpenAI.

Source: Google AI Blog

Keeping fake listings off Google Maps

(Crossposted on the Google Security blog)

Google My Business enables millions of business owners to create listings and share information about their business on Google Maps and Search, making sure everything is up-to-date and accurate for their customers. Unfortunately, some actors attempt to abuse this service to register fake listings in order to defraud legitimate business owners, or to charge exorbitant service fees for services.

Over a year ago, we teamed up with the University of California, San Diego to research the actors behind fake listings, in order to improve our products and keep our users safe. The full report, “Pinning Down Abuse on Google Maps”, will be presented tomorrow at the 2017 International World Wide Web Conference.

Our study shows that fewer than 0.5% of local searches lead to fake listings. We’ve also improved how we verify new businesses, which has reduced the number of fake listings by 70% from its all-time peak back in June 2015.

What is a fake listing?
For over a year, we tracked the bad actors behind fake listings. Unlike email-based scams selling knock-off products online, local listing scams require physical proximity to potential victims. This fundamentally changes both the scale and types of abuse possible.

Bad actors posing as locksmiths, plumbers, electricians, and other contractors were the most common source of abuse—roughly 2 out of 5 fake listings. The actors operating these fake listings would cycle through non-existent postal addresses and disposable VoIP phone numbers even as their listings were discovered and disabled. The purported addresses for these businesses were irrelevant as the contractors would travel directly to potential victims.

Another 1 in 10 fake listings belonged to real businesses that bad actors had improperly claimed ownership over, such as hotels and restaurants. While making a reservation or ordering a meal was indistinguishable from the real thing, behind the scenes, the bad actors would deceive the actual business into paying referral fees for organic interest.

How does Google My Business verify information?
Google My Business currently verifies the information provided by business owners before making it available to users. For freshly created listings, we physically mail a postcard to the new listings’ address to ensure the location really exists. For businesses changing owners, we make an automated call to the listing’s phone number to verify the change.
Unfortunately, our research showed that these processes can be abused to get fake listings on Google Maps. Fake contractors would request hundreds of postcard verifications to non-existent suites at a single address, such as 123 Main St #456 and 123 Main St #789, or to stores that provided PO boxes. Alternatively, a phishing attack could maliciously repurpose freshly verified business listings by tricking the legitimate owner into sharing verification information sent either by phone or postcard.

Keeping deceptive businesses out — by the numbers
Leveraging our study’s findings, we’ve made significant changes to how we verify addresses and are even piloting an advanced verification process for locksmiths and plumbers. Improvements we’ve made include prohibiting bulk registrations at most addresses, preventing businesses from relocating impossibly far from their original address without additional verification, and detecting and ignoring intentionally mangled text in address fields designed to confuse our algorithms. We have also adapted our anti-spam machine learning systems to detect data discrepancies common to fake or deceptive listings.

Combined, here’s how these defenses stack up:

  • We detect and disable 85% of fake listings before they even appear on Google Maps.
  • We’ve reduced the number of abusive listings by 70% from its peak back in June 2015.
  • We’ve also reduced the number of impressions to abusive listings by 70%.

As we’ve shown, verifying local information comes with a number of unique anti-abuse challenges. While fake listings may slip through our defenses from time to time, we are constantly improving our systems to better serve both users and business owners.

Helping webmasters re-secure their sites

Every week, over 10 million users encounter harmful websites that deliver malware and scams. Many of these sites are compromised personal blogs or small business pages that have fallen victim due to a weak password or outdated software. Safe Browsing and Google Search protect visitors from dangerous content by displaying browser warnings and labeling search results with ‘this site may harm your computer’. While this helps keep users safe in the moment, the compromised site remains a problem that needs to be fixed.

Unfortunately, many webmasters for compromised sites are unaware anything is amiss. Worse yet, even when they learn of an incident, they may lack the security expertise to take action and address the root cause of compromise. Quoting one webmaster from a survey we conducted, “our daily and weekly backups were both infected” and even after seeking the help of a specialist, after “lots of wasted hours/days” the webmaster abandoned all attempts to restore the site and instead refocused his efforts on “rebuilding the site from scratch”.

In order to find the best way to help webmasters clean-up from compromise, we recently teamed up with the University of California, Berkeley to explore how to quickly contact webmasters and expedite recovery while minimizing the distress involved. We’ve summarized our key lessons below. The full study, which you can read here, was recently presented at the International World Wide Web Conference.

When Google works directly with webmasters during critical moments like security breaches, we can help 75% of webmasters re-secure their content. The whole process takes a median of 3 days. This is a better experience for webmasters and their audience.

How many sites get compromised?
Number of freshly compromised sites Google detects every week.
Over the last year Google detected nearly 800,000 compromised websites—roughly 16,500 new sites every week from around the globe. Visitors to these sites are exposed to low-quality scam content and malware via drive-by downloads. While browser and search warnings help protect visitors from harm, these warnings can at times feel punitive to webmasters who learn only after-the-fact that their site was compromised. To balance the safety of our users with the experience of webmasters, we set out to find the best approach to help webmasters recover from security breaches and ultimately reconnect websites with their audience.

Finding the most effective ways to aid webmasters
  1. Getting in touch with webmasters: One of the hardest steps on the road to recovery is first getting in contact with webmasters. We tried three notification channels: email, browser warnings, and search warnings. For webmasters who proactively registered their site with Search Console, we found that email communication led to 75% of webmasters re-securing their pages. When we didn’t know a webmaster’s email address, browser warnings and search warnings helped 54% and 43% of sites clean up respectively.
  2. Providing tips on cleaning up harmful content: Attackers rely on hidden files, easy-to-miss redirects, and remote inclusions to serve scams and malware. This makes clean-up increasingly tricky. When we emailed webmasters, we included tips and samples of exactly which pages contained harmful content. This, combined with expedited notification, helped webmasters clean up 62% faster compared to no tips—usually within 3 days.
  3. Making sure sites stay clean: Once a site is no longer serving harmful content, it’s important to make sure attackers don’t reassert control. We monitored recently cleaned websites and found 12% were compromised again in 30 days. This illustrates the challenge involved in identifying the root cause of a breach versus dealing with the side-effects.
Making security issues less painful for webmasters—and everyone

We hope that webmasters never have to deal with a security incident. If you are a webmaster, there are some quick steps you can take to reduce your risk. We’ve made it easier to receive security notifications through Google Analytics as well as through Search Console. Make sure to register for both services. Also, we have laid out helpful tips for updating your site’s software and adding additional authentication that will make your site safer.

If you’re a hosting provider or building a service that needs to notify victims of compromise, understand that the entire process is distressing for users. Establish a reliable communication channel before a security incident occurs, make sure to provide victims with clear recovery steps, and promptly reply to inquiries so the process feels helpful, not punitive.

As we work to make the web a safer place, we think it’s critical to empower webmasters and users to make good security decisions. It’s easy for the security community to be pessimistic about incident response being ‘too complex’ for victims, but as our findings demonstrate, even just starting a dialogue can significantly expedite recovery.

Lessons learned while protecting Gmail

Earlier this year in San Francisco, USENIX hosted their inaugural Enigma Conference, which focused on security, privacy and electronic crime through the lens of emerging threats and novel attacks. We were excited to help make this conference happen and to participate in it.

At the conference, we heard from a variety of terrific speakers including:
In addition, we were able to share the lessons we’ve learned about protecting Gmail users since it was launched over a decade ago. Those lessons are summarized in the infographic below (the talk slides are also available).

We were proud to sponsor this year's inaugural Enigma conference, and it is our hope that the core lessons that we have learned over the years can benefit other online products and services. We're looking forward to participating again next year when Enigma returns in 2017. We hope to see you there!

Why attend USENIX Enigma?

Last August, we announced USENIX Enigma, a new conference intended to shine a light on great, thought-provoking research in security, privacy, and electronic crime. With Enigma beginning in just a few short weeks, I wanted to share a couple of the reasons I’m personally excited about this new conference.

Enigma aims to bridge the divide that exists between experts working in academia, industry, and public service, explicitly bringing researchers from different sectors together to share their work. Our speakers include those spearheading the defense of digital rights (Electronic Frontier Foundation, Access Now), practitioners at a number of well known industry leaders (Akamai, Blackberry, Facebook, LinkedIn, Netflix, Twitter), and researchers from multiple universities in the U.S. and abroad. With the diverse session topics and organizations represented, I expect interesting—and perhaps spirited—coffee break and lunchtime discussions among the equally diverse list of conference attendees.

Of course, I’m very proud to have some of my Google colleagues speaking at Enigma:

  • Adrienne Porter Felt will talk about blending research and engineering to solve usable security problems. You’ll hear how Chrome’s usable security team runs user studies and experiments to motivate engineering and design decisions. Adrienne will share the challenges they’ve faced when trying to adapt existing usable security research to practice, and give insight into how they’ve achieved successes.
  • Ben Hawkes will be speaking about Project Zero, a security research team dedicated to the mission of, “making 0day hard.” Ben will talk about why Project Zero exists, and some of the recent trends and technologies that make vulnerability discovery and exploitation fundamentally harder.
  • Elie Bursztein will go through key lessons the Gmail team learned over the past 11 years while protecting users from spam, phishing, malware, and web attacks. Illustrated with concrete numbers and examples from one of the largest email systems on the planet, attendees will gain insight into specific techniques and approaches useful in fighting abuse and securing their online services.

In addition to raw content, my Program Co-Chair, David Brumley, and I have prioritized talk quality. Researchers dedicate months or years of their time to thinking about a problem and conducting the technical work of research, but a common criticism of technical conferences is that the actual presentation of that research seems like an afterthought. Rather than be a regurgitation of a research paper in slide format, a presentation is an opportunity for a researcher to explain the context and impact of their work in their own voice; a chance to inspire the audience to want to learn more or dig deeper. Taking inspiration from the TED conference, Enigma will have shorter presentations, and the program committee has worked with each speaker to help them craft the best version of their talk.

Hope to see some of you at USENIX Enigma later this month!

Say hello to the Enigma conference

USENIX Enigma is a new conference focused on security, privacy and electronic crime through the lens of emerging threats and novel attacks. The goal of this conference is to help industry, academic, and public-sector practitioners better understand the threat landscape. Enigma will have a single track of 30-minute talks that are curated by a panel of experts, featuring strong technical content with practical applications to current and emerging threats.
Google is excited to both sponsor and help USENIX build Enigma, since we share many of its core principles: transparency, openness, and cutting-edge security research. Furthermore, we are proud to provide Enigma with with engineering and design support, as well as volunteer participation in program and steering committees.

The first instantiation of Enigma will be held January 25-27 in San Francisco. You can sign up for more information about the conference or propose a talk through the official conference site at http://enigma.usenix.org