Tag Archives: Security and Privacy

Private Ads Prediction with DP-SGD

Ad technology providers widely use machine learning (ML) models to predict and present users with the most relevant ads, and to measure the effectiveness of those ads. With increasing focus on online privacy, there’s an opportunity to identify ML algorithms that have better privacy-utility trade-offs. Differential privacy (DP) has emerged as a popular framework for developing ML algorithms responsibly with provable privacy guarantees. It has been extensively studied in the privacy literature, deployed in industrial applications and employed by the U.S. Census. Intuitively, the DP framework enables ML models to learn population-wide properties, while protecting user-level information.

When training ML models, algorithms take a dataset as their input and produce a trained model as their output. Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) is a commonly used non-private training algorithm that computes the average gradient from a random subset of examples (called a mini-batch), and uses it to indicate the direction towards which the model should move to fit that mini-batch. The most widely used DP training algorithm in deep learning is an extension of SGD called DP stochastic gradient descent (DP-SGD).

DP-SGD includes two additional steps: 1) before averaging, the gradient of each example is norm-clipped if the L2 norm of the gradient exceeds a predefined threshold; and 2) Gaussian noise is added to the average gradient before updating the model. DP-SGD can be adapted to any existing deep learning pipeline with minimal changes by replacing the optimizer, such as SGD or Adam, with their DP variants. However, applying DP-SGD in practice could lead to a significant loss of model utility (i.e., accuracy) with large computational overheads. As a result, various research attempts to apply DP-SGD training on more practical, large-scale deep learning problems. Recent studies have also shown promising DP training results on computer vision and natural language processing problems.

In “Private Ad Modeling with DP-SGD”, we present a systematic study of DP-SGD training on ads modeling problems, which pose unique challenges compared to vision and language tasks. Ads datasets often have a high imbalance between data classes, and consist of categorical features with large numbers of unique values, leading to models that have large embedding layers and highly sparse gradient updates. With this study, we demonstrate that DP-SGD allows ad prediction models to be trained privately with a much smaller utility gap than previously expected, even in the high privacy regime. Moreover, we demonstrate that with proper implementation, the computation and memory overhead of DP-SGD training can be significantly reduced.


We evaluate private training using three ads prediction tasks: (1) predicting the click-through rate (pCTR) for an ad, (2) predicting the conversion rate (pCVR) for an ad after a click, and 3) predicting the expected number of conversions (pConvs) after an ad click. For pCTR, we use the Criteo dataset, which is a widely used public benchmark for pCTR models. We evaluate pCVR and pConvs using internal Google datasets. pCTR and pCVR are binary classification problems trained with the binary cross entropy loss and we report the test AUC loss (i.e., 1 - AUC). pConvs is a regression problem trained with Poisson log loss (PLL) and we report the test PLL.

For each task, we evaluate the privacy-utility trade-off of DP-SGD by the relative increase in the loss of privately trained models under various privacy budgets (i.e., privacy loss). The privacy budget is characterized by a scalar ε, where a lower ε indicates higher privacy. To measure the utility gap between private and non-private training, we compute the relative increase in loss compared to the non-private model (equivalent to ε = ∞). Our main observation is that on all three common ad prediction tasks, the relative loss increase could be made much smaller than previously expected, even for very high privacy (e.g., ε <= 1) regimes.

DP-SGD results on three ads prediction tasks. The relative increase in loss is computed against the non-private baseline (i.e., ε = ∞) model of each task.

Improved Privacy Accounting

Privacy accounting estimates the privacy budget (ε) for a DP-SGD trained model, given the Gaussian noise multiplier and other training hyperparameters. Rényi Differential Privacy (RDP) accounting has been the most widely used approach in DP-SGD since the original paper. We explore the latest advances in accounting methods to provide tighter estimates. Specifically, we use connect-the-dots for accounting based on the privacy loss distribution (PLD). The following figure compares this improved accounting with the classical RDP accounting and demonstrates that PLD accounting improves the AUC on the pCTR dataset for all privacy budgets (ε).

Large Batch Training

Batch size is a hyperparameter that affects different aspects of DP-SGD training. For instance, increasing the batch size could reduce the amount of noise added during training under the same privacy guarantee, which reduces the training variance. The batch size also affects the privacy guarantee via other parameters, such as the subsampling probability and training steps. There is no simple formula to quantify the impact of batch sizes. However, the relationship between batch size and the noise scale is quantified using privacy accounting, which calculates the required noise scale (measured in terms of the standard deviation) under a given privacy budget (ε) when using a particular batch size. The figure below plots such relations in two different scenarios. The first scenario uses fixed epochs, where we fix the number of passes over the training dataset. In this case, the number of training steps is reduced as the batch size increases, which could result in undertraining the model. The second, more straightforward scenario uses fixed training steps (fixed steps).

The relationship between batch size and noise scales. Privacy accounting requires a noise standard deviation, which decreases as the batch size increases, to meet a given privacy budget. As a result, by using much larger batch sizes than the non-private baseline (indicated by the vertical dotted line), the scale of Gaussian noise added by DP-SGD can be significantly reduced.

In addition to allowing a smaller noise scale, larger batch sizes also allow us to use a larger threshold of norm clipping each per-example gradient as required by DP-SGD. Since the norm clipping step introduces biases in the average gradient estimation, this relaxation mitigates such biases. The table below compares the results on the Criteo dataset for pCTR with a standard batch size (1,024 examples) and a large batch size (16,384 examples), combined with large clipping and increased training epochs. We observe that large batch training significantly improves the model utility. Note that large clipping is only possible with large batch sizes. Large batch training was also found to be essential for DP-SGD training in Language and Computer Vision domains.

The effects of large batch training. For three different privacy budgets (ε), we observe that when training the pCTR models with large batch size (16,384), the AUC is significantly higher than with regular batch size (1,024).

Fast per-example Gradient Norm Computation

The per-example gradient norm calculation used for DP-SGD often causes computational and memory overhead. This calculation removes the efficiency of standard backpropagation on accelerators (like GPUs) that compute the average gradient for a batch without materializing each per-example gradient. However, for certain neural network layer types, an efficient gradient norm computation algorithm allows the per-example gradient norm to be computed without the need to materialize the per-example gradient vector. We also note that this algorithm can efficiently handle neural network models that rely on embedding layers and fully connected layers for solving ads prediction problems. Combining the two observations, we use this algorithm to implement a fast version of the DP-SGD algorithm. We show that Fast-DP-SGD on pCTR can handle a similar number of training examples and the same maximum batch size on a single GPU core as a non-private baseline.

The computation efficiency of our fast implementation (Fast-DP-SGD) on pCTR.

Compared to the non-private baseline, the training throughput is similar, except with very small batch sizes. We also compare it with an implementation utilizing the JAX Just-in-Time (JIT) compilation, which is already much faster than vanilla DP-SGD implementations. Our implementation is not only faster, but it is also more memory efficient. The JIT-based implementation cannot handle batch sizes larger than 64, while our implementation can handle batch sizes up to 500,000. Memory efficiency is important for enabling large-batch training, which was shown above to be important for improving utility.


We have shown that it is possible to train private ads prediction models using DP-SGD that have a small utility gap compared to non-private baselines, with minimum overhead for both computation and memory consumption. We believe there is room for even further reduction of the utility gap through techniques such as pre-training. Please see the paper for full details of the experiments.


This work was carried out in collaboration with Carson Denison, Badih Ghazi, Pritish Kamath, Ravi Kumar, Pasin Manurangsi, Amer Sinha, and Avinash Varadarajan. We thank Silvano Bonacina and Samuel Ieong for many useful discussions.

Source: Google AI Blog

Deep Learning with Label Differential Privacy

Over the last several years, there has been an increased focus on developing differential privacy (DP) machine learning (ML) algorithms. DP has been the basis of several practical deployments in industry — and has even been employed by the U.S. Census — because it enables the understanding of system and algorithm privacy guarantees. The underlying assumption of DP is that changing a single user’s contribution to an algorithm should not significantly change its output distribution.

In the standard supervised learning setting, a model is trained to make a prediction of the label for each input given a training set of example pairs {[input1,label1], …, [inputn, labeln]}. In the case of deep learning, previous work introduced a DP training framework, DP-SGD, that was integrated into TensorFlow and PyTorch. DP-SGD protects the privacy of each example pair [input, label] by adding noise to the stochastic gradient descent (SGD) training algorithm. Yet despite extensive efforts, in most cases, the accuracy of models trained with DP-SGD remains significantly lower than that of non-private models.

DP algorithms include a privacy budget, ε, which quantifies the worst-case privacy loss for each user. Specifically, ε reflects how much the probability of any particular output of a DP algorithm can change if one replaces any example of the training set with an arbitrarily different one. So, a smaller ε corresponds to better privacy, as the algorithm is more indifferent to changes of a single example. However, since smaller ε tends to hurt model utility more, it is not uncommon to consider ε up to 8 in deep learning applications. Notably, for the widely used multiclass image classification dataset, CIFAR-10, the highest reported accuracy (without pre-training) for DP models with ε = 3 is 69.3%, a result that relies on handcrafted visual features. In contrast, non-private scenarios (ε = ∞) with learned features have shown to achieve >95% accuracy while using modern neural network architectures. This performance gap remains a roadblock for many real-world applications to adopt DP. Moreover, despite recent advances, DP-SGD often comes with increased computation and memory overhead due to slower convergence and the need to compute the norm of the per-example gradient.

In “Deep Learning with Label Differential Privacy”, presented at NeurIPS 2021, we consider a more relaxed, but important, special case called label differential privacy (LabelDP), where we assume the inputs (input1, …, inputn) are public, and only the privacy of the training labels (label1, …, labeln) needs to be protected. With this relaxed guarantee, we can design novel algorithms that utilize a prior understanding of the labels to improve the model utility. We demonstrate that LabelDP achieves 20% higher accuracy than DP-SGD on the CIFAR-10 dataset. Our results across multiple tasks confirm that LabelDP could significantly narrow the performance gap between private models and their non-private counterparts, mitigating the challenges in real world applications. We also present a multi-stage algorithm for training deep neural networks with LabelDP. Finally, we are excited to release the code for this multi-stage training algorithm.

The notion of LabelDP has been studied in the Probably Approximately Correct (PAC) learning setting, and captures several practical scenarios. Examples include: (i) computational advertising, where impressions are known to the advertiser and thus considered non-sensitive, but conversions reveal user interest and are thus private; (ii) recommendation systems, where the choices are known to a streaming service provider, but the user ratings are considered sensitive; and (iii) user surveys and analytics, where demographic information (e.g., age, gender) is non-sensitive, but income is sensitive.

We make several key observations in this scenario. (i) When only the labels need to be protected, much simpler algorithms can be applied for data preprocessing to achieve LabelDP without any modifications to the existing deep learning training pipeline. For example, the classic Randomized Response (RR) algorithm, designed to eliminate evasive answer biases in survey aggregation, achieves LabelDP by simply flipping the label to a random one with a probability that depends on ε. (ii) Conditioned on the (public) input, we can compute a prior probability distribution, which provides a prior belief of the likelihood of the class labels for the given input. With a novel variant of RR, RR-with-prior, we can incorporate prior information to reduce the label noise while maintaining the same privacy guarantee as classical RR.

The figure below illustrates how RR-with-prior works. Assume a model is built to classify an input image into 10 categories. Consider a training example with the label “airplane”. To guarantee LabelDP, classical RR returns a random label sampled according to a given distribution (see the top-right panel of the figure below). The smaller the targeted privacy budget ε is, the larger the probability of sampling an incorrect label has to be. Now assume we have a prior probability showing that the given input is “likely an object that flies” (lower left panel). With the prior, RR-with-prior will discard all labels with small prior and only sample from the remaining labels. By dropping these unlikely labels, the probability of returning the correct label is significantly increased, while maintaining the same privacy budget ε (lower right panel).

Randomized response: If no prior information is given (top-left), all classes are sampled with equal probability. The probability of sampling the true class (P[airplane] ≈ 0.5) is higher if the privacy budget is higher (top-right). RR-with-prior: Assuming a prior distribution (bottom-left), unlikely classes are “suppressed” from the sampling distribution (bottom-right). So the probability of sampling the true class (P[airplane] ≈ 0.9) is increased under the same privacy budget.

A Multi-stage Training Algorithm
Based on the RR-with-prior observations, we present a multi-stage algorithm for training deep neural networks with LabelDP. First, the training set is randomly partitioned into multiple subsets. An initial model is then trained on the first subset using classical RR. Finally, the algorithm divides the data into multiple parts, and at each stage, a single part is used to train the model. The labels are produced using RR-with-prior, and the priors are based on the prediction of the model trained so far.

An illustration of the multi-stage training algorithm. The training set is partitioned into t disjoint subsets. An initial model is trained on the first subset using classical RR. Then the trained model is used to provide prior predictions in the RR-with-prior step and in the training of the later stages.

We benchmark the multi-stage training algorithm’s empirical performance on multiple datasets, domains, and architectures. On the CIFAR-10 multi-class classification task for the same privacy budget ε, the multi-stage training algorithm (blue in the figure below) guaranteeing LabelDP achieves 20% higher accuracy than DP-SGD. We emphasize that LabelDP protects only the labels while DP-SGD protects both the inputs and labels, so this is not a strictly fair comparison. Nonetheless, this result demonstrates that for specific application scenarios where only the labels need to be protected, LabelDP could lead to significant improvements in the model utility while narrowing the performance gap between private models and public baselines.

Comparison of the model utility (test accuracy) of different algorithms under different privacy budgets.

In some domains, prior knowledge is naturally available or can be built using publicly available data only. For example, many machine learning systems have historical models which could be evaluated on new data to provide label priors. In domains where unsupervised or self-supervised learning algorithms work well, priors could also be built from models pre-trained on unlabeled (therefore public with respect to LabelDP) data. Specifically, we demonstrate two self-supervised learning algorithms in our CIFAR-10 evaluation (orange and green traces in the figure above). We use self-supervised learning models to compute representations for the training examples and run k-means clustering on the representations. Then, we spend a small amount of privacy budget (ε ≤ 0.05) to query a histogram of the label distribution of each cluster and use that as the label prior for the points in each cluster. This prior significantly boosts the model utility in the low privacy budget regime (ε < 1).

Similar observations hold across multiple datasets such as MNIST, Fashion-MNIST and non-vision domains, such as the MovieLens-1M movie rating task. Please see our paper for the full report on the empirical results.

The empirical results suggest that protecting the privacy of the labels can be significantly easier than protecting the privacy of both the inputs and labels. This can also be mathematically proven under specific settings. In particular, we can show that for convex stochastic optimization, the sample complexity of algorithms privatizing the labels is much smaller than that of algorithms privatizing both labels and inputs. In other words, to achieve the same level of model utility under the same privacy budget, LabelDP requires fewer training examples.

We demonstrated that both empirical and theoretical results suggest that LabelDP is a promising relaxation of the full DP guarantee. In applications where the privacy of the inputs does not need to be protected, LabelDP could reduce the performance gap between a private model and the non-private baseline. For future work, we plan to design better LabelDP algorithms for other tasks beyond multi-class classification. We hope that the release of the multi-stage training algorithm code provides researchers with a useful resource for DP research.

This work was carried out in collaboration with Badih Ghazi, Noah Golowich, and Ravi Kumar. We also thank Sami Torbey for valuable feedback on our work.

Source: Google AI Blog

Federated Learning with Formal Differential Privacy Guarantees

In 2017, Google introduced federated learning (FL), an approach that enables mobile devices to collaboratively train machine learning (ML) models while keeping the raw training data on each user's device, decoupling the ability to do ML from the need to store the data in the cloud. Since its introduction, Google has continued to actively engage in FL research and deployed FL to power many features in Gboard, including next word prediction, emoji suggestion and out-of-vocabulary word discovery. Federated learning is improving the “Hey Google” detection models in Assistant, suggesting replies in Google Messages, predicting text selections, and more.

While FL allows ML without raw data collection, differential privacy (DP) provides a quantifiable measure of data anonymization, and when applied to ML can address concerns about models memorizing sensitive user data. This too has been a top research priority, and has yielded one of the first production uses of DP for analytics with RAPPOR in 2014, our open-source DP library, Pipeline DP, and TensorFlow Privacy.

Through a multi-year, multi-team effort spanning fundamental research and product integration, today we are excited to announce that we have deployed a production ML model using federated learning with a rigorous differential privacy guarantee. For this proof-of-concept deployment, we utilized the DP-FTRL algorithm to train a recurrent neural network to power next-word-prediction for Spanish-language Gboard users. To our knowledge, this is the first production neural network trained directly on user data announced with a formal DP guarantee (technically ρ=0.81 zero-Concentrated-Differential-Privacy, zCDP, discussed in detail below). Further, the federated approach offers complimentary data minimization advantages, and the DP guarantee protects all of the data on each device, not just individual training examples.

Data Minimization and Anonymization in Federated Learning
Along with fundamentals like transparency and consent, the privacy principles of data minimization and anonymization are important in ML applications that involve sensitive data.

Federated learning systems structurally incorporate the principle of data minimization. FL only transmits minimal updates for a specific model training task (focused collection), limits access to data at all stages, processes individuals’ data as early as possible (early aggregation), and discards both collected and processed data as soon as possible (minimal retention).

Another principle that is important for models trained on user data is anonymization, meaning that the final model should not memorize information unique to a particular individual's data, e.g., phone numbers, addresses, credit card numbers. However, FL on its own does not directly tackle this problem.

The mathematical concept of DP allows one to formally quantify this principle of anonymization. Differentially private training algorithms add random noise during training to produce a probability distribution over output models, and ensure that this distribution doesn't change too much given a small change to the training data; ρ-zCDP quantifies how much the distribution could possibly change. We call this example-level DP when adding or removing a single training example changes the output distribution on models in a provably minimal way.

Showing that deep learning with example-level differential privacy was even possible in the simpler setting of centralized training was a major step forward in 2016. Achieved by the DP-SGD algorithm, the key was amplifying the privacy guarantee by leveraging the randomness in sampling training examples ("amplification-via-sampling").

However, when users can contribute multiple examples to the training dataset, example-level DP is not necessarily strong enough to ensure the users’ data isn't memorized. Instead, we have designed algorithms for user-level DP, which requires that the output distribution of models doesn't change even if we add/remove all of the training examples from any one user (or all the examples from any one device in our application). Fortunately, because FL summarizes all of a user's training data as a single model update, federated algorithms are well-suited to offering user-level DP guarantees.

Both limiting the contributions from one user and adding noise can come at the expense of model accuracy, however, so maintaining model quality while also providing strong DP guarantees is a key research focus.

The Challenging Path to Federated Learning with Differential Privacy
In 2018, we introduced the DP-FedAvg algorithm, which extended the DP-SGD approach to the federated setting with user-level DP guarantees, and in 2020 we deployed this algorithm to mobile devices for the first time. This approach ensures the training mechanism is not too sensitive to any one user's data, and empirical privacy auditing techniques rule out some forms of memorization.

However, the amplification-via-samping argument is essential to providing a strong DP guarantee for DP-FedAvg, but in a real-world cross-device FL system ensuring devices are subsampled precisely and uniformly at random from a large population would be complex and hard to verify. One challenge is that devices choose when to connect (or "check in") based on many external factors (e.g., requiring the device is idle, on unmetered WiFi, and charging), and the number of available devices can vary substantially.

Achieving a formal privacy guarantee requires a protocol that does all of the following:

  • Makes progress on training even as the set of devices available varies significantly with time.
  • Maintains privacy guarantees even in the face of unexpected or arbitrary changes in device availability.
  • For efficiency, allows client devices to locally decide whether they will check in to the server in order to participate in training, independent of other devices.

Initial work on privacy amplification via random check-ins highlighted these challenges and introduced a feasible protocol, but it would have required complex changes to our production infrastructure to deploy. Further, as with the amplification-via-sampling analysis of DP-SGD, the privacy amplification possible with random check-ins depends on a large number of devices being available. For example, if only 1000 devices are available for training, and participation of at least 1000 devices is needed in each training step, that requires either 1) including all devices currently available and paying a large privacy cost since there is no randomness in the selection, or 2) pausing the protocol and not making progress until more devices are available.

Achieving Provable Differential Privacy for Federated Learning with DP-FTRL
To address this challenge, the DP-FTRL algorithm is built on two key observations: 1) the convergence of gradient-descent-style algorithms depends primarily not on the accuracy of individual gradients, but the accuracy of cumulative sums of gradients; and 2) we can provide accurate estimates of cumulative sums with a strong DP guarantee by utilizing negatively correlated noise, added by the aggregating server: essentially, adding noise to one gradient and subtracting that same noise from a later gradient. DP-FTRL accomplishes this efficiently using the Tree Aggregation algorithm [1, 2].

The graphic below illustrates how estimating cumulative sums rather than individual gradients can help. We look at how the noise introduced by DP-FTRL and DP-SGD influence model training, compared to the true gradients (without added noise; in black) which step one unit to the right on each iteration. The individual DP-FTRL gradient estimates (blue), based on cumulative sums, have larger mean-squared-error than the individually-noised DP-SGD estimates (orange), but because the DP-FTRL noise is negatively correlated, some of it cancels out from step to step, and the overall learning trajectory stays closer to the true gradient descent steps.

To provide a strong privacy guarantee, we limit the number of times a user contributes an update. Fortunately, sampling-without-replacement is relatively easy to implement in production FL infrastructure: each device can remember locally which models it has contributed to in the past, and choose to not connect to the server for any later rounds for those models.

Production Training Details and Formal DP Statements
For the production DP-FTRL deployment introduced above, each eligible device maintains a local training cache consisting of user keyboard input, and when participating computes an update to the model which makes it more likely to suggest the next word the user actually typed, based on what has been typed so far. We ran DP-FTRL on this data to train a recurrent neural network with ~1.3M parameters. Training ran for 2000 rounds over six days, with 6500 devices participating per round. To allow for the DP guarantee, devices participated in training at most once every 24 hours. Model quality improved over the previous DP-FedAvg trained model, which offered empirically-tested privacy advantages over non-DP models, but lacked a meaningful formal DP guarantee.

The training mechanism we used is available in open-source in TensorFlow Federated and TensorFlow Privacy, and with the parameters used in our production deployment it provides a meaningfully strong privacy guarantee. Our analysis gives ρ=0.81 zCDP at the user level (treating all the data on each device as a different user), where smaller numbers correspond to better privacy in a mathematically precise way. As a comparison, this is stronger than the ρ=2.63 zCDP guarantee chosen by the 2020 US Census.

Next Steps
While we have reached the milestone of deploying a production FL model using a mechanism that provides a meaningfully small zCDP, our research journey continues. We are still far from being able to say this approach is possible (let alone practical) for most ML models or product applications, and other approaches to private ML exist. For example, membership inference tests and other empirical privacy auditing techniques can provide complimentary safeguards against leakage of users’ data. Most importantly, we see training models with user-level DP with even a very large zCDP as a substantial step forward, because it requires training with a DP mechanism that bounds the sensitivity of the model to any one user's data. Further, it smooths the road to later training models with improved privacy guarantees as better algorithms or more data become available. We are excited to continue the journey toward maximizing the value that ML can deliver while minimizing potential privacy costs to those who contribute training data.

The authors would like to thank Alex Ingerman and Om Thakkar for significant impact on the blog post itself, as well as the teams at Google that helped develop these ideas and bring them to practice:

  • Core research team: Galen Andrew, Borja Balle, Peter Kairouz, Daniel Ramage, Shuang Song, Thomas Steinke, Andreas Terzis, Om Thakkar, Zheng Xu
  • FL infrastructure team: Katharine Daly, Stefan Dierauf, Hubert Eichner, Igor Pisarev, Timon Van Overveldt, Chunxiang Zheng
  • Gboard team: Angana Ghosh, Xu Liu, Yuanbo Zhang
  • Speech team: Françoise Beaufays, Mingqing Chen, Rajiv Mathews, Vidush Mukund, Igor Pisarev, Swaroop Ramaswamy, Dan Zivkovic

Source: Google AI Blog

Applying Differential Privacy to Large Scale Image Classification

Machine learning (ML) models are becoming increasingly valuable for improved performance across a variety of consumer products, from recommendations to automatic image classification. However, despite aggregating large amounts of data, in theory it is possible for models to encode characteristics of individual entries from the training set. For example, experiments in controlled settings have shown that language models trained using email datasets may sometimes encode sensitive information included in the training data and may have the potential to reveal the presence of a particular user’s data in the training set. As such, it is important to prevent the encoding of such characteristics from individual training entries. To these ends, researchers are increasingly employing federated learning approaches.

Differential privacy (DP) provides a rigorous mathematical framework that allows researchers to quantify and understand the privacy guarantees of a system or an algorithm. Within the DP framework, privacy guarantees of a system are usually characterized by a positive parameter ε, called the privacy loss bound, with smaller ε corresponding to better privacy. One usually trains a model with DP guarantees using DP-SGD, a specialized training algorithm that provides DP guarantees for the trained model.

However training with DP-SGD typically has two major drawbacks. First, most existing implementations of DP-SGD are inefficient and slow, which makes it hard to use on large datasets. Second, DP-SGD training often significantly impacts utility (such as model accuracy) to the point that models trained with DP-SGD may become unusable in practice. As a result most DP research papers evaluate DP algorithms on very small datasets (MNIST, CIFAR-10, or UCI) and don’t even try to perform evaluation of larger datasets, such as ImageNet.

In “Toward Training at ImageNet Scale with Differential Privacy”, we share initial results from our ongoing effort to train a large image classification model on ImageNet using DP while maintaining high accuracy and minimizing computational cost. We show that the combination of various training techniques, such as careful choice of the model and hyperparameters, large batch training, and transfer learning from other datasets, can significantly boost accuracy of an ImageNet model trained with DP. To substantiate these discoveries and encourage follow-up research, we are also releasing the associated source code.

Testing Differential Privacy on ImageNet
We choose ImageNet classification as a demonstration of the practicality and efficacy of DP because: (1) it is an ambitious task for DP, for which no prior work shows sufficient progress; and (2) it is a public dataset on which other researchers can operate, so it represents an opportunity to collectively improve the utility of real-life DP training. Classification on ImageNet is challenging for DP because it requires large networks with many parameters. This translates into a significant amount of noise added into the computation, because the noise added scales with the size of the model.

Scaling Differential Privacy with JAX
Exploring multiple architectures and training configurations to research what works for DP can be debilitatingly slow. To streamline our efforts, we used JAX, a high-performance computational library based on XLA that can do efficient auto-vectorization and just-in-time compilation of the mathematical computations. Using these JAX features was previously recommended as a good way to speed up DP-SGD in the context of smaller datasets such as CIFAR-10.

We created our own implementation of DP-SGD on JAX and benchmarked it against the large ImageNet dataset (the code is included in our release). The implementation in JAX was relatively simple and resulted in noticeable performance gains simply because of using the XLA compiler. Compared to other implementations of DP-SGD, such as that in Tensorflow Privacy, the JAX implementation is consistently several times faster. It is typically even faster compared to the custom-built and optimized PyTorch Opacus.

Each step of our DP-SGD implementation takes approximately two forward-backward passes through the network. While this is slower than non-private training, which requires only a single forward-backward pass, it is still the most efficient known approach to train with the per-example gradients necessary for DP-SGD. The graph below shows training runtimes for two models on ImageNet with DP-SGD vs. non-private SGD, each on JAX. Overall, we find DP-SGD on JAX sufficiently fast to run large experiments just by slightly reducing the number of training runs used to find optimal hyperparameters compared to non-private training. This is significantly better than alternatives, such as Tensorflow Privacy, which we found to be ~5x–10x slower on our CIFAR10 and MNIST benchmarks.

Time in seconds per training epoch on ImageNet using a Resnet18 or Resnet50 architecture with 8 V100 GPUs.

Combining Techniques for Improved Accuracy
It is possible that future training algorithms may improve DP’s privacy-utility tradeoff. However, with current algorithms, such as DP-SGD, our experience points to an engineering “bag-of-tricks” approach to make DP more practical on challenging tasks like ImageNet.

Because we can train models faster with JAX, we can iterate quickly and explore multiple configurations to find what works well for DP. We report the following combination of techniques as useful to achieve non-trivial accuracy and privacy on ImageNet:

  • Full-batch training

    Theoretically, it is known that larger minibatch sizes improve the utility of DP-SGD, with full-batch training (i.e., where a full dataset is one batch) giving the best utility [1, 2], and empirical results are emerging to support this theory. Indeed, our experiments demonstrate that increasing the batch size along with the number of training epochs leads to a decrease in ε while still maintaining accuracy. However, training with extremely large batches is non-trivial as the batch cannot fit into GPU/TPU memory. So, we employed virtual large-batch training by accumulating gradients for multiple steps before updating the weights instead of applying gradient updates on each training step.

    Batch size 1024 4 × 1024 16 × 1024 64 × 1024
    Number of epochs 10 40 160 640
    Accuracy 56% 57.5% 57.9% 57.2%
    Privacy loss bound ε 9.8 × 108 6.1 × 107 3.5 × 106 6.7 × 104

  • Transfer learning from public data

    Pre-training on public data followed by DP fine-tuning on private data has previously been shown to improve accuracy on other benchmarks [3, 4]. A question that remains is what public data to use for a given task to optimize transfer learning. In this work we simulate a private/public data split by using ImageNet as "private" data and using Places365, another image classification dataset, as a proxy for “public" data. We pre-trained our models on Places365 before fine-tuning them with DP-SGD on ImageNet. Places365 only has images of landscapes and buildings, not of animals as ImageNet, so it is quite different, making it a good candidate to demonstrate the ability of the model to transfer to a different but related domain.

    We found that transfer learning from Places365 gave us 47.5% accuracy on ImageNet with a reasonable level of privacy (ε = 10). This is low compared to the 70% accuracy of a similar non-private model, but compared to naïve DP training on ImageNet, which yields either very low accuracy (2 - 5%) or no privacy (ε=109), this is quite good.

Privacy-accuracy tradeoff for Resnet-18 on ImageNet using large-batch training with transfer learning from Places365.

Next Steps
We hope these early results and source code provide an impetus for other researchers to work on improving DP for ambitious tasks such as ImageNet as a proxy for challenging production-scale tasks. With the much faster DP-SGD on JAX, we urge DP and ML researchers to explore diverse training regimes, model architectures, and algorithms to make DP more practical. To continue advancing the state of the field, we recommend researchers start with a baseline that incorporates full-batch training plus transfer learning.

This work was carried out with the support of the Google Visiting Researcher Program while Prof. Geambasu, an Associate Professor with Columbia University, was on sabbatical with Google Research. This work received substantial contributions from Steve Chien, Shuang Song, Andreas Terzis and Abhradeep Guha Thakurta.

Source: Google AI Blog

Applying Differential Privacy to Large Scale Image Classification

Machine learning (ML) models are becoming increasingly valuable for improved performance across a variety of consumer products, from recommendations to automatic image classification. However, despite aggregating large amounts of data, in theory it is possible for models to encode characteristics of individual entries from the training set. For example, experiments in controlled settings have shown that language models trained using email datasets may sometimes encode sensitive information included in the training data and may have the potential to reveal the presence of a particular user’s data in the training set. As such, it is important to prevent the encoding of such characteristics from individual training entries. To these ends, researchers are increasingly employing federated learning approaches.

Differential privacy (DP) provides a rigorous mathematical framework that allows researchers to quantify and understand the privacy guarantees of a system or an algorithm. Within the DP framework, privacy guarantees of a system are usually characterized by a positive parameter ε, called the privacy loss bound, with smaller ε corresponding to better privacy. One usually trains a model with DP guarantees using DP-SGD, a specialized training algorithm that provides DP guarantees for the trained model.

However training with DP-SGD typically has two major drawbacks. First, most existing implementations of DP-SGD are inefficient and slow, which makes it hard to use on large datasets. Second, DP-SGD training often significantly impacts utility (such as model accuracy) to the point that models trained with DP-SGD may become unusable in practice. As a result most DP research papers evaluate DP algorithms on very small datasets (MNIST, CIFAR-10, or UCI) and don’t even try to perform evaluation of larger datasets, such as ImageNet.

In “Toward Training at ImageNet Scale with Differential Privacy”, we share initial results from our ongoing effort to train a large image classification model on ImageNet using DP while maintaining high accuracy and minimizing computational cost. We show that the combination of various training techniques, such as careful choice of the model and hyperparameters, large batch training, and transfer learning from other datasets, can significantly boost accuracy of an ImageNet model trained with DP. To substantiate these discoveries and encourage follow-up research, we are also releasing the associated source code.

Testing Differential Privacy on ImageNet
We choose ImageNet classification as a demonstration of the practicality and efficacy of DP because: (1) it is an ambitious task for DP, for which no prior work shows sufficient progress; and (2) it is a public dataset on which other researchers can operate, so it represents an opportunity to collectively improve the utility of real-life DP training. Classification on ImageNet is challenging for DP because it requires large networks with many parameters. This translates into a significant amount of noise added into the computation, because the noise added scales with the size of the model.

Scaling Differential Privacy with JAX
Exploring multiple architectures and training configurations to research what works for DP can be debilitatingly slow. To streamline our efforts, we used JAX, a high-performance computational library based on XLA that can do efficient auto-vectorization and just-in-time compilation of the mathematical computations. Using these JAX features was previously recommended as a good way to speed up DP-SGD in the context of smaller datasets such as CIFAR-10.

We created our own implementation of DP-SGD on JAX and benchmarked it against the large ImageNet dataset (the code is included in our release). The implementation in JAX was relatively simple and resulted in noticeable performance gains simply because of using the XLA compiler. Compared to other implementations of DP-SGD, such as that in Tensorflow Privacy, the JAX implementation is consistently several times faster. It is typically even faster compared to the custom-built and optimized PyTorch Opacus.

Each step of our DP-SGD implementation takes approximately two forward-backward passes through the network. While this is slower than non-private training, which requires only a single forward-backward pass, it is still the most efficient known approach to train with the per-example gradients necessary for DP-SGD. The graph below shows training runtimes for two models on ImageNet with DP-SGD vs. non-private SGD, each on JAX. Overall, we find DP-SGD on JAX sufficiently fast to run large experiments just by slightly reducing the number of training runs used to find optimal hyperparameters compared to non-private training. This is significantly better than alternatives, such as Tensorflow Privacy, which we found to be ~5x–10x slower on our CIFAR10 and MNIST benchmarks.

Time in seconds per training epoch on ImageNet using a Resnet18 or Resnet50 architecture with 8 V100 GPUs.

Combining Techniques for Improved Accuracy
It is possible that future training algorithms may improve DP’s privacy-utility tradeoff. However, with current algorithms, such as DP-SGD, our experience points to an engineering “bag-of-tricks” approach to make DP more practical on challenging tasks like ImageNet.

Because we can train models faster with JAX, we can iterate quickly and explore multiple configurations to find what works well for DP. We report the following combination of techniques as useful to achieve non-trivial accuracy and privacy on ImageNet:

  • Full-batch training

    Theoretically, it is known that larger minibatch sizes improve the utility of DP-SGD, with full-batch training (i.e., where a full dataset is one batch) giving the best utility [1, 2], and empirical results are emerging to support this theory. Indeed, our experiments demonstrate that increasing the batch size along with the number of training epochs leads to a decrease in ε while still maintaining accuracy. However, training with extremely large batches is non-trivial as the batch cannot fit into GPU/TPU memory. So, we employed virtual large-batch training by accumulating gradients for multiple steps before updating the weights instead of applying gradient updates on each training step.

    Batch size 1024 4 × 1024 16 × 1024 64 × 1024
    Number of epochs 10 40 160 640
    Accuracy 56% 57.5% 57.9% 57.2%
    Privacy loss bound ε 9.8 × 108 6.1 × 107 3.5 × 106 6.7 × 104

  • Transfer learning from public data

    Pre-training on public data followed by DP fine-tuning on private data has previously been shown to improve accuracy on other benchmarks [3, 4]. A question that remains is what public data to use for a given task to optimize transfer learning. In this work we simulate a private/public data split by using ImageNet as "private" data and using Places365, another image classification dataset, as a proxy for “public" data. We pre-trained our models on Places365 before fine-tuning them with DP-SGD on ImageNet. Places365 only has images of landscapes and buildings, not of animals as ImageNet, so it is quite different, making it a good candidate to demonstrate the ability of the model to transfer to a different but related domain.

    We found that transfer learning from Places365 gave us 47.5% accuracy on ImageNet with a reasonable level of privacy (ε = 10). This is low compared to the 70% accuracy of a similar non-private model, but compared to naïve DP training on ImageNet, which yields either very low accuracy (2 - 5%) or no privacy (ε=109), this is quite good.

Privacy-accuracy tradeoff for Resnet-18 on ImageNet using large-batch training with transfer learning from Places365.

Next Steps
We hope these early results and source code provide an impetus for other researchers to work on improving DP for ambitious tasks such as ImageNet as a proxy for challenging production-scale tasks. With the much faster DP-SGD on JAX, we urge DP and ML researchers to explore diverse training regimes, model architectures, and algorithms to make DP more practical. To continue advancing the state of the field, we recommend researchers start with a baseline that incorporates full-batch training plus transfer learning.

This work was carried out with the support of the Google Visiting Researcher Program while Prof. Geambasu, an Associate Professor with Columbia University, was on sabbatical with Google Research. This work received substantial contributions from Steve Chien, Shuang Song, Andreas Terzis and Abhradeep Guha Thakurta.

Source: Google AI Blog

Applying Differential Privacy to Large Scale Image Classification

Machine learning (ML) models are becoming increasingly valuable for improved performance across a variety of consumer products, from recommendations to automatic image classification. However, despite aggregating large amounts of data, in theory it is possible for models to encode characteristics of individual entries from the training set. For example, experiments in controlled settings have shown that language models trained using email datasets may sometimes encode sensitive information included in the training data and may have the potential to reveal the presence of a particular user’s data in the training set. As such, it is important to prevent the encoding of such characteristics from individual training entries. To these ends, researchers are increasingly employing federated learning approaches.

Differential privacy (DP) provides a rigorous mathematical framework that allows researchers to quantify and understand the privacy guarantees of a system or an algorithm. Within the DP framework, privacy guarantees of a system are usually characterized by a positive parameter ε, called the privacy loss bound, with smaller ε corresponding to better privacy. One usually trains a model with DP guarantees using DP-SGD, a specialized training algorithm that provides DP guarantees for the trained model.

However training with DP-SGD typically has two major drawbacks. First, most existing implementations of DP-SGD are inefficient and slow, which makes it hard to use on large datasets. Second, DP-SGD training often significantly impacts utility (such as model accuracy) to the point that models trained with DP-SGD may become unusable in practice. As a result most DP research papers evaluate DP algorithms on very small datasets (MNIST, CIFAR-10, or UCI) and don’t even try to perform evaluation of larger datasets, such as ImageNet.

In “Toward Training at ImageNet Scale with Differential Privacy”, we share initial results from our ongoing effort to train a large image classification model on ImageNet using DP while maintaining high accuracy and minimizing computational cost. We show that the combination of various training techniques, such as careful choice of the model and hyperparameters, large batch training, and transfer learning from other datasets, can significantly boost accuracy of an ImageNet model trained with DP. To substantiate these discoveries and encourage follow-up research, we are also releasing the associated source code.

Testing Differential Privacy on ImageNet
We choose ImageNet classification as a demonstration of the practicality and efficacy of DP because: (1) it is an ambitious task for DP, for which no prior work shows sufficient progress; and (2) it is a public dataset on which other researchers can operate, so it represents an opportunity to collectively improve the utility of real-life DP training. Classification on ImageNet is challenging for DP because it requires large networks with many parameters. This translates into a significant amount of noise added into the computation, because the noise added scales with the size of the model.

Scaling Differential Privacy with JAX
Exploring multiple architectures and training configurations to research what works for DP can be debilitatingly slow. To streamline our efforts, we used JAX, a high-performance computational library based on XLA that can do efficient auto-vectorization and just-in-time compilation of the mathematical computations. Using these JAX features was previously recommended as a good way to speed up DP-SGD in the context of smaller datasets such as CIFAR-10.

We created our own implementation of DP-SGD on JAX and benchmarked it against the large ImageNet dataset (the code is included in our release). The implementation in JAX was relatively simple and resulted in noticeable performance gains simply because of using the XLA compiler. Compared to other implementations of DP-SGD, such as that in Tensorflow Privacy, the JAX implementation is consistently several times faster. It is typically even faster compared to the custom-built and optimized PyTorch Opacus.

Each step of our DP-SGD implementation takes approximately two forward-backward passes through the network. While this is slower than non-private training, which requires only a single forward-backward pass, it is still the most efficient known approach to train with the per-example gradients necessary for DP-SGD. The graph below shows training runtimes for two models on ImageNet with DP-SGD vs. non-private SGD, each on JAX. Overall, we find DP-SGD on JAX sufficiently fast to run large experiments just by slightly reducing the number of training runs used to find optimal hyperparameters compared to non-private training. This is significantly better than alternatives, such as Tensorflow Privacy, which we found to be ~5x–10x slower on our CIFAR10 and MNIST benchmarks.

Time in seconds per training epoch on ImageNet using a Resnet18 or Resnet50 architecture with 8 V100 GPUs.

Combining Techniques for Improved Accuracy
It is possible that future training algorithms may improve DP’s privacy-utility tradeoff. However, with current algorithms, such as DP-SGD, our experience points to an engineering “bag-of-tricks” approach to make DP more practical on challenging tasks like ImageNet.

Because we can train models faster with JAX, we can iterate quickly and explore multiple configurations to find what works well for DP. We report the following combination of techniques as useful to achieve non-trivial accuracy and privacy on ImageNet:

  • Full-batch training

    Theoretically, it is known that larger minibatch sizes improve the utility of DP-SGD, with full-batch training (i.e., where a full dataset is one batch) giving the best utility [1, 2], and empirical results are emerging to support this theory. Indeed, our experiments demonstrate that increasing the batch size along with the number of training epochs leads to a decrease in ε while still maintaining accuracy. However, training with extremely large batches is non-trivial as the batch cannot fit into GPU/TPU memory. So, we employed virtual large-batch training by accumulating gradients for multiple steps before updating the weights instead of applying gradient updates on each training step.

    Batch size 1024 4 × 1024 16 × 1024 64 × 1024
    Number of epochs 10 40 160 640
    Accuracy 56% 57.5% 57.9% 57.2%
    Privacy loss bound ε 9.8 × 108 6.1 × 107 3.5 × 106 6.7 × 104

  • Transfer learning from public data

    Pre-training on public data followed by DP fine-tuning on private data has previously been shown to improve accuracy on other benchmarks [3, 4]. A question that remains is what public data to use for a given task to optimize transfer learning. In this work we simulate a private/public data split by using ImageNet as "private" data and using Places365, another image classification dataset, as a proxy for “public" data. We pre-trained our models on Places365 before fine-tuning them with DP-SGD on ImageNet. Places365 only has images of landscapes and buildings, not of animals as ImageNet, so it is quite different, making it a good candidate to demonstrate the ability of the model to transfer to a different but related domain.

    We found that transfer learning from Places365 gave us 47.5% accuracy on ImageNet with a reasonable level of privacy (ε = 10). This is low compared to the 70% accuracy of a similar non-private model, but compared to naïve DP training on ImageNet, which yields either very low accuracy (2 - 5%) or no privacy (ε=109), this is quite good.

Privacy-accuracy tradeoff for Resnet-18 on ImageNet using large-batch training with transfer learning from Places365.

Next Steps
We hope these early results and source code provide an impetus for other researchers to work on improving DP for ambitious tasks such as ImageNet as a proxy for challenging production-scale tasks. With the much faster DP-SGD on JAX, we urge DP and ML researchers to explore diverse training regimes, model architectures, and algorithms to make DP more practical. To continue advancing the state of the field, we recommend researchers start with a baseline that incorporates full-batch training plus transfer learning.

This work was carried out with the support of the Google Visiting Researcher Program while Prof. Geambasu, an Associate Professor with Columbia University, was on sabbatical with Google Research. This work received substantial contributions from Steve Chien, Shuang Song, Andreas Terzis and Abhradeep Guha Thakurta.

Source: Google AI Blog

Applying Differential Privacy to Large Scale Image Classification

Machine learning (ML) models are becoming increasingly valuable for improved performance across a variety of consumer products, from recommendations to automatic image classification. However, despite aggregating large amounts of data, in theory it is possible for models to encode characteristics of individual entries from the training set. For example, experiments in controlled settings have shown that language models trained using email datasets may sometimes encode sensitive information included in the training data and may have the potential to reveal the presence of a particular user’s data in the training set. As such, it is important to prevent the encoding of such characteristics from individual training entries. To these ends, researchers are increasingly employing federated learning approaches.

Differential privacy (DP) provides a rigorous mathematical framework that allows researchers to quantify and understand the privacy guarantees of a system or an algorithm. Within the DP framework, privacy guarantees of a system are usually characterized by a positive parameter ε, called the privacy loss bound, with smaller ε corresponding to better privacy. One usually trains a model with DP guarantees using DP-SGD, a specialized training algorithm that provides DP guarantees for the trained model.

However training with DP-SGD typically has two major drawbacks. First, most existing implementations of DP-SGD are inefficient and slow, which makes it hard to use on large datasets. Second, DP-SGD training often significantly impacts utility (such as model accuracy) to the point that models trained with DP-SGD may become unusable in practice. As a result most DP research papers evaluate DP algorithms on very small datasets (MNIST, CIFAR-10, or UCI) and don’t even try to perform evaluation of larger datasets, such as ImageNet.

In “Toward Training at ImageNet Scale with Differential Privacy”, we share initial results from our ongoing effort to train a large image classification model on ImageNet using DP while maintaining high accuracy and minimizing computational cost. We show that the combination of various training techniques, such as careful choice of the model and hyperparameters, large batch training, and transfer learning from other datasets, can significantly boost accuracy of an ImageNet model trained with DP. To substantiate these discoveries and encourage follow-up research, we are also releasing the associated source code.

Testing Differential Privacy on ImageNet
We choose ImageNet classification as a demonstration of the practicality and efficacy of DP because: (1) it is an ambitious task for DP, for which no prior work shows sufficient progress; and (2) it is a public dataset on which other researchers can operate, so it represents an opportunity to collectively improve the utility of real-life DP training. Classification on ImageNet is challenging for DP because it requires large networks with many parameters. This translates into a significant amount of noise added into the computation, because the noise added scales with the size of the model.

Scaling Differential Privacy with JAX
Exploring multiple architectures and training configurations to research what works for DP can be debilitatingly slow. To streamline our efforts, we used JAX, a high-performance computational library based on XLA that can do efficient auto-vectorization and just-in-time compilation of the mathematical computations. Using these JAX features was previously recommended as a good way to speed up DP-SGD in the context of smaller datasets such as CIFAR-10.

We created our own implementation of DP-SGD on JAX and benchmarked it against the large ImageNet dataset (the code is included in our release). The implementation in JAX was relatively simple and resulted in noticeable performance gains simply because of using the XLA compiler. Compared to other implementations of DP-SGD, such as that in Tensorflow Privacy, the JAX implementation is consistently several times faster. It is typically even faster compared to the custom-built and optimized PyTorch Opacus.

Each step of our DP-SGD implementation takes approximately two forward-backward passes through the network. While this is slower than non-private training, which requires only a single forward-backward pass, it is still the most efficient known approach to train with the per-example gradients necessary for DP-SGD. The graph below shows training runtimes for two models on ImageNet with DP-SGD vs. non-private SGD, each on JAX. Overall, we find DP-SGD on JAX sufficiently fast to run large experiments just by slightly reducing the number of training runs used to find optimal hyperparameters compared to non-private training. This is significantly better than alternatives, such as Tensorflow Privacy, which we found to be ~5x–10x slower on our CIFAR10 and MNIST benchmarks.

Time in seconds per training epoch on ImageNet using a Resnet18 or Resnet50 architecture with 8 V100 GPUs.

Combining Techniques for Improved Accuracy
It is possible that future training algorithms may improve DP’s privacy-utility tradeoff. However, with current algorithms, such as DP-SGD, our experience points to an engineering “bag-of-tricks” approach to make DP more practical on challenging tasks like ImageNet.

Because we can train models faster with JAX, we can iterate quickly and explore multiple configurations to find what works well for DP. We report the following combination of techniques as useful to achieve non-trivial accuracy and privacy on ImageNet:

  • Full-batch training

    Theoretically, it is known that larger minibatch sizes improve the utility of DP-SGD, with full-batch training (i.e., where a full dataset is one batch) giving the best utility [1, 2], and empirical results are emerging to support this theory. Indeed, our experiments demonstrate that increasing the batch size along with the number of training epochs leads to a decrease in ε while still maintaining accuracy. However, training with extremely large batches is non-trivial as the batch cannot fit into GPU/TPU memory. So, we employed virtual large-batch training by accumulating gradients for multiple steps before updating the weights instead of applying gradient updates on each training step.

    Batch size 1024 4 × 1024 16 × 1024 64 × 1024
    Number of epochs 10 40 160 640
    Accuracy 56% 57.5% 57.9% 57.2%
    Privacy loss bound ε 9.8 × 108 6.1 × 107 3.5 × 106 6.7 × 104

  • Transfer learning from public data

    Pre-training on public data followed by DP fine-tuning on private data has previously been shown to improve accuracy on other benchmarks [3, 4]. A question that remains is what public data to use for a given task to optimize transfer learning. In this work we simulate a private/public data split by using ImageNet as "private" data and using Places365, another image classification dataset, as a proxy for “public" data. We pre-trained our models on Places365 before fine-tuning them with DP-SGD on ImageNet. Places365 only has images of landscapes and buildings, not of animals as ImageNet, so it is quite different, making it a good candidate to demonstrate the ability of the model to transfer to a different but related domain.

    We found that transfer learning from Places365 gave us 47.5% accuracy on ImageNet with a reasonable level of privacy (ε = 10). This is low compared to the 70% accuracy of a similar non-private model, but compared to naïve DP training on ImageNet, which yields either very low accuracy (2 - 5%) or no privacy (ε=109), this is quite good.

Privacy-accuracy tradeoff for Resnet-18 on ImageNet using large-batch training with transfer learning from Places365.

Next Steps
We hope these early results and source code provide an impetus for other researchers to work on improving DP for ambitious tasks such as ImageNet as a proxy for challenging production-scale tasks. With the much faster DP-SGD on JAX, we urge DP and ML researchers to explore diverse training regimes, model architectures, and algorithms to make DP more practical. To continue advancing the state of the field, we recommend researchers start with a baseline that incorporates full-batch training plus transfer learning.

This work was carried out with the support of the Google Visiting Researcher Program while Prof. Geambasu, an Associate Professor with Columbia University, was on sabbatical with Google Research. This work received substantial contributions from Steve Chien, Shuang Song, Andreas Terzis and Abhradeep Guha Thakurta.

Source: Google AI Blog

A Scalable Approach for Partially Local Federated Learning

Federated learning enables users to train a model without sending raw data to a central server, thus avoiding the collection of privacy-sensitive data. Often this is done by learning a single global model for all users, even though the users may differ in their data distributions. For example, users of a mobile keyboard application may collaborate to train a suggestion model but have different preferences for the suggestions. This heterogeneity has motivated algorithms that can personalize a global model for each user.

However, in some settings privacy considerations may prohibit learning a fully global model. Consider models with user-specific embeddings, such as matrix factorization models for recommender systems. Training a fully global federated model would involve sending user embedding updates to a central server, which could potentially reveal the preferences encoded in the embeddings. Even for models without user-specific embeddings, having some parameters be completely local to user devices would reduce server-client communication and responsibly personalize those parameters to each user.

Left: A matrix factorization model with a user matrix P and items matrix Q. The user embedding for a user u (Pu) and item embedding for item i (Qi) are trained to predict the user’s rating for that item (Rui). Right: Applying federated learning approaches to learn a global model can involve sending updates for Pu to a central server, potentially leaking individual user preferences.

In “Federated Reconstruction: Partially Local Federated Learning”, presented at NeurIPS 2021, we introduce an approach that enables scalable partially local federated learning, where some model parameters are never aggregated on the server. For matrix factorization, this approach trains a recommender model while keeping user embeddings local to each user device. For other models, this approach trains a portion of the model to be completely personal for each user while avoiding communication of these parameters. We successfully deployed partially local federated learning to Gboard, resulting in better recommendations for hundreds of millions of keyboard users. We’re also releasing a TensorFlow Federated tutorial demonstrating how to use Federated Reconstruction.

Federated Reconstruction
Previous approaches for partially local federated learning used stateful algorithms, which require user devices to store a state across rounds of federated training. Specifically, these approaches required devices to store local parameters across rounds. However, these algorithms tend to degrade in large-scale federated learning settings. In these cases, the majority of users do not participate in training, and users who do participate likely only do so once, resulting in a state that is rarely available and can get stale across rounds. Also, all users who do not participate are left without trained local parameters, preventing practical applications.

Federated Reconstruction is stateless and avoids the need for user devices to store local parameters by reconstructing them whenever needed. When a user participates in training, before updating any globally aggregated model parameters, they randomly initialize and train their local parameters using gradient descent on local data with global parameters frozen. They can then calculate updates to global parameters with local parameters frozen. A round of Federated Reconstruction training is depicted below.

Models are partitioned into global and local parameters. For each round of Federated Reconstruction training: (1) The server sends the current global parameters g to each user i; (2) Each user i freezes g and reconstructs their local parameters li; (3) Each user i freezes li and updates g to produce gi; (4) Users’ gi are averaged to produce the global parameters for the next round. Steps (2) and (3) generally use distinct parts of the local data.

This simple approach avoids the challenges of previous methods. It does not assume users have a state from previous rounds of training, enabling large-scale training, and local parameters are always freshly reconstructed, preventing staleness. Users unseen during training can still get trained models and perform inference by simply reconstructing local parameters using local data.

Federated Reconstruction trains better performing models for unseen users compared to other approaches. For a matrix factorization task with unseen users, the approach significantly outperforms both centralized training and baseline Federated Averaging.

RMSE ↓ Accuracy ↑
Centralized 1.36 40.8%
FedAvg .934 40.0%
FedRecon (this work) .907 43.3%
Root-mean-square-error (lower is better) and accuracy for a matrix factorization task with unseen users. Centralized training and Federated Averaging (FedAvg) both reveal privacy-sensitive user embeddings to a central server, while Federated Reconstruction (FedRecon) avoids this.

These results can be explained via a connection to meta learning (i.e., learning to learn); Federated Reconstruction trains global parameters that lead to fast and accurate reconstruction of local parameters for unseen users. That is, Federated Reconstruction is learning to learn local parameters. In practice, we observe that just one gradient descent step can yield successful reconstruction, even for models with about one million local parameters.

Federated Reconstruction also provides a way to personalize models for heterogeneous users while reducing communication of model parameters — even for models without user-specific embeddings. To evaluate this, we apply Federated Reconstruction to personalize a next word prediction language model and observe a substantial increase in performance, attaining accuracy on par with other personalization methods despite reduced communication. Federated Reconstruction also outperforms other personalization methods when executed at a fixed communication level.

Accuracy ↑ Communication ↓
FedYogi 24.3% Whole Model
FedYogi + Finetuning 30.8% Whole Model
FedRecon (this work) 30.7% Partial Model
Accuracy and server-client communication for a next word prediction task without user-specific embeddings. FedYogi communicates all model parameters, while FedRecon avoids this.

Real-World Deployment in Gboard
To validate the practicality of Federated Reconstruction in large-scale settings, we deployed the algorithm to Gboard, a mobile keyboard application with hundreds of millions of users. Gboard users use expressions (e.g., GIFs, stickers) to communicate with others. Users have highly heterogeneous preferences for these expressions, making the setting a good fit for using matrix factorization to predict new expressions a user might want to share.

Gboard users can communicate with expressions, preferences for which are highly personal.

We trained a matrix factorization model over user-expression co-occurrences using Federated Reconstruction, keeping user embeddings local to each Gboard user. We then deployed the model to Gboard users, leading to a 29.3% increase in click-through-rate for expression recommendations. Since most Gboard users were unseen during federated training, Federated Reconstruction played a key role in this deployment.

Further Explorations
We’ve presented Federated Reconstruction, a method for partially local federated learning. Federated Reconstruction enables personalization to heterogeneous users while reducing communication of privacy-sensitive parameters. We scaled the approach to Gboard in alignment with our AI Principles, improving recommendations for hundreds of millions of users.

For a technical walkthrough of Federated Reconstruction for matrix factorization, check out the TensorFlow Federated tutorial. We’ve also released general-purpose TensorFlow Federated libraries and open-source code for running experiments.

Karan Singhal, Hakim Sidahmed, Zachary Garrett, Shanshan Wu, Keith Rush, and Sushant Prakash co-authored the paper. Thanks to Wei Li, Matt Newton, and Yang Lu for their partnership on Gboard deployment. We’d also like to thank Brendan McMahan, Lin Ning, Zachary Charles, Warren Morningstar, Daniel Ramage, Jakub Konecný, Alex Ingerman, Blaise Agüera y Arcas, Jay Yagnik, Bradley Green, and Ewa Dominowska for their helpful comments and support.

Source: Google AI Blog

Practical Differentially Private Clustering

Over the last several years, progress has been made on privacy-safe approaches for handling sensitive data, for example, while discovering insights into human mobility and through use of federated analytics such as RAPPOR. In 2019, we released an open source library to enable developers and organizations to use techniques that provide differential privacy, a strong and widely accepted mathematical notion of privacy. Differentially-private data analysis is a principled approach that enables organizations to learn and release insights from the bulk of their data while simultaneously providing a mathematical guarantee that those results do not allow any individual user's data to be distinguished or re-identified.

In this post, we consider the following basic problem: Given a database containing several attributes about users, how can one create meaningful user groups and understand their characteristics? Importantly, if the database at hand contains sensitive user attributes, how can one reveal these group characteristics without compromising the privacy of individual users?

Such a task falls under the broad umbrella of clustering, a fundamental building block in unsupervised machine learning. A clustering method partitions the data points into groups and provides a way to assign any new data point to a group with which it is most similar. The k-means clustering algorithm has been one such influential clustering method. However, when working with sensitive datasets, it can potentially reveal significant information about individual data points, putting the privacy of the corresponding user at risk.

Today, we announce the addition of a new differentially private clustering algorithm to our differential privacy library, which is based on privately generating new representative data points. We evaluate its performance on multiple datasets and compare to existing baselines, finding competitive or better performance.

K-means Clustering
Given a set of data points, the goal of k-means clustering is to identify (at most) k points, called cluster centers, so as to minimize the loss given by the sum of squared distances of the data points from their closest cluster center. This partitions the set of data points into k groups. Moreover, any new data point can be assigned to a group based on its closest cluster center. However, releasing the set of cluster centers has the potential to leak information about particular users — for example, consider a scenario where a particular data point is significantly far from the rest of the points, so the standard k-means clustering algorithm returns a cluster center at this single point, thereby revealing sensitive information about this single point. To address this, we design a new algorithm for clustering with the k-means objective within the framework of differential privacy.

A Differentially Private Algorithm
In “Locally Private k-Means in One Round”, published at ICML 2021, we presented a differentially private algorithm for clustering data points. That algorithm had the advantage of being private in the local model, where the user’s privacy is protected even from the central server performing the clustering. However, any such approach necessarily incurs a significantly larger loss than approaches using models of privacy that require trusting a central server.1

Here, we present a similarly inspired clustering algorithm that works in the central model of differential privacy, where the central server is trusted to have complete access to the raw data, and the goal is to compute differentially private cluster centers, which do not leak information about individual data points. The central model is the standard model for differential privacy, and algorithms in the central model can be more easily substituted in place of their non-private counterparts since they do not require changes to the data collection process. The algorithm proceeds by first generating, in a differentially private manner, a core-set that consists of weighted points that “represent” the data points well. This is followed by executing any (non-private) clustering algorithm (e.g., k-means++) on this privately generated core-set.

At a high level, the algorithm generates the private core-set by first using random-projection–based locality-sensitive hashing (LSH) in a recursive manner2 to partition the points into “buckets” of similar points, and then replacing each bucket by a single weighted point that is the average of the points in the bucket, with a weight equal to the number of points in the same bucket. As described so far, though, this algorithm is not private. We make it private by performing each operation in a private manner by adding noise to both the counts and averages of points within a bucket.

This algorithm satisfies differential privacy because each point’s contributions to the bucket counts and the bucket averages are masked by the added noise, so the behavior of the algorithm does not reveal information about any individual point. There is a tradeoff with this approach: if the number of points in the buckets is too large, then individual points will not be well-represented by points in the core-set, whereas if the number of points in a bucket is too small, then the added noise (to the counts and averages) will become significant in comparison to the actual values, leading to poor quality of the core-set. This trade-off is realized with user-provided parameters in the algorithm that control the number of points that can be in a bucket.

Visual illustration of the algorithm.

Experimental Evaluation
We evaluated the algorithm on a few benchmark datasets, comparing its performance to that of the (non-private) k-means++ algorithm, as well as a few other algorithms with available implementations, namely diffprivlib and dp-clustering-icml17. We use the following benchmark datasets: (i) a synthetic dataset consisting of 100,000 data points in 100 dimensions sampled from a mixture of 64 Gaussians; (ii) neural representations for the MNIST dataset on handwritten digits obtained by training a LeNet model; (iii) the UC Irvine dataset on Letter Recognition; and (iv) the UC Irvine dataset on Gas Turbine CO and NOx Emissions.3

We analyze the normalized k-means loss (mean squared distance from data points to the nearest center) while varying the number of target centers (k) for these benchmark datasets.4 The described algorithm achieves a lower loss than the other private algorithms in three out of the four datasets we consider.

Normalized loss for varying k = number of target clusters (lower is better). The solid curves denote the mean over the 20 runs, and the shaded region denotes the 25-75th percentile range.

Moreover, for datasets with specified ground-truth labels (i.e., known groupings), we analyze the cluster label accuracy, which is the accuracy of the labeling obtained by assigning the most frequent ground-truth label in each cluster found by the clustering algorithm to all points in that cluster. Here, the described algorithm performs better than other private algorithms for all the datasets with pre-specified ground-truth labels that we consider.

Cluster label accuracy for varying k = number of target clusters (higher is better). The solid curves denote the mean over the 20 runs, and the shaded region denotes the 25-75th percentile range.

Limitations and Future Directions
There are a couple of limitations to consider when using this or any other library for private clustering.

  1. It is important to separately account for the privacy loss in any preprocessing (e.g., centering the data points or rescaling the different coordinates) done before using the private clustering algorithm. So, we hope to provide support for differentially private versions of commonly used preprocessing methods in the future and investigate changes so that the algorithm performs better with data that isn’t necessarily preprocessed.
  2. The algorithm described requires a user-provided radius, such that all data points lie within a sphere of that radius. This is used to determine the amount of noise that is added to the bucket averages. Note that this differs from diffprivlib and dp-clustering-icml17 which take in different notions of bounds of the dataset (e.g., a minimum and maximum of each coordinate). For the sake of our experimental evaluation, we calculated the relevant bounds non-privately for each dataset. However, when running the algorithms in practice, these bounds should generally be privately computed or provided without knowledge of the dataset (e.g., using the underlying range of the data). Although, note that in case of the algorithm described, the provided radius need not be exactly correct; any data points outside of the provided radius are replaced with the closest points that are within the sphere of that radius.

This work proposes a new algorithm for computing representative points (cluster centers) within the framework of differential privacy. With the rise in the amount of datasets collected around the world, we hope that our open source tool will help organizations obtain and share meaningful insights about their datasets, with the mathematical assurance of differential privacy.

We thank Christoph Dibak, Badih Ghazi, Miguel Guevara, Sasha Kulankhina, Ravi Kumar, Pasin Manurangsi, Jane Shapiro, Daniel Simmons-Marengo, Yurii Sushko, and Mirac Vuslat Basaran for their help.

1As shown by Uri Stemmer in Locally private k-means clustering (SODA 2020). 
2This is similar to work on LSH Forest, used in the context of similarity-search queries. 
3Datasets (iii) and (iv) were centered to have mean zero before evaluating the algorithms. 
4Evaluation done for fixed privacy parameters ε = 1.0 and δ = 1e-6. Note that dp-clustering-icml17 works in the pure differential privacy model (namely, with δ = 0); k-means++, of course, has no privacy parameters. 

Source: Google AI Blog

Privacy Considerations in Large Language Models

Machine learning-based language models trained to predict the next word in a sentence have become increasingly capable, common, and useful, leading to groundbreaking improvements in applications like question-answering, translation, and more. But as language models continue to advance, new and unexpected risks can be exposed, requiring the research community to proactively work to develop new ways to mitigate potential problems.

One such risk is the potential for models to leak details from the data on which they’re trained. While this may be a concern for all large language models, additional issues may arise if a model trained on private data were to be made publicly available. Because these datasets can be large (hundreds of gigabytes) and pull from a range of sources, they can sometimes contain sensitive data, including personally identifiable information (PII) — names, phone numbers, addresses, etc., even if trained on public data. This raises the possibility that a model trained using such data could reflect some of these private details in its output. It is therefore important to identify and minimize the risks of such leaks, and to develop strategies to address the issue for future models.

If one prompts the GPT-2 language model with the prefix “East Stroudsburg Stroudsburg...”, it will autocomplete a long block of text that contains the full name, phone number, email address, and physical address of a particular person whose information was included in GPT-2’s training data.

In “Extracting Training Data from Large Language Models”, a collaboration with OpenAI, Apple, Stanford, Berkeley, and Northeastern University, we demonstrate that, given only the ability to query a pre-trained language model, it is possible to extract specific pieces of training data that the model has memorized. As such, training data extraction attacks are realistic threats on state-of-the-art large language models. This research represents an early, critical step intended to inform researchers about this class of vulnerabilities, so that they may take steps to mitigate these weaknesses.

Ethics of Language Model Attacks
A training data extraction attack has the greatest potential for harm when applied to a model that is available to the public, but for which the dataset used in training is not. However, since conducting this research on such a dataset could have harmful consequences, we instead mount a proof of concept training data extraction attack on GPT-2, a large, publicly available language model developed by OpenAI, that was trained using only public data. While this work focuses on GPT-2 specifically, the results apply to understanding what privacy threats are possible on large language models generally.

As with other privacy- and security-related research, it is important to consider the ethics of such attacks before actually performing them. To minimize the potential risk of this work, the training data extraction attack in this work was developed using publicly available data. Furthermore, the GPT-2 model itself was made public by OpenAI in 2019, and the training data used to train GPT-2 was collected from the public internet, and is available for download by anyone who follows the data collection process documented in the GPT-2 paper.

Additionally, in accordance with responsible computer security disclosure norms, we followed up with individuals whose PII was extracted, and secured their permission before including references to this data in publication. Further, in all publications of this work, we have redacted any personally identifying information that may identify individuals. We have also worked closely with OpenAI in the analysis of GPT-2.

The Training Data Extraction Attack
By design, language models make it very easy to generate a large amount of output data. By seeding the model with random short phrases, the model can generate millions of continuations, i.e., probable phrases that complete the sentence. Most of the time, these continuations will be benign strings of sensible text. For example, when asked to predict the continuation of the string “Mary had a little…”, a language model will have high confidence that the next token is the word “lamb”. However, if one particular training document happened to repeat the string “Mary had a little wombat” many times, the model might predict that phrase instead.

The goal of a training data extraction attack is then to sift through the millions of output sequences from the language model and predict which text is memorized. To accomplish this, our approach leverages the fact that models tend to be more confident on results captured directly from their training data. These membership inference attacks enable us to predict if a result was used in the training data by checking the confidence of the model on a particular sequence.

The main technical contribution of this work is the development of a method for inferring membership with high accuracy along with techniques for sampling from models in a way that encourages the output of memorized content. We tested a number of different sampling strategies, the most successful of which generates text conditioned on a wide variety of input phrases. We then compare the output of two different language models. When one model has high confidence in a sequence, but the other (equally accurate) model has low confidence in a sequence, it's likely that the first model has memorized the data.

Out of 1800 candidate sequences from the GPT-2 language model, we extracted over 600 that were memorized from the public training data, with the total number limited by the need for manual verification. The memorized examples cover a wide range of content, including news headlines, log messages, JavaScript code, PII, and more. Many of these examples are memorized even though they appear infrequently in the training dataset. For example, for many samples of PII we extract are found in only a single document in the dataset. However, in most of these cases, the originating document contains multiple instances of the PII, and as a result, the model still learns it as high likelihood text.

Finally, we also find that the larger the language model, the more easily it memorizes training data. For example, in one experiment we find that the 1.5 billion parameter GPT-2 XL model memorizes 10 times more information than the 124 million parameter GPT-2 Small model. Given that the research community has already trained models 10 to 100 times larger, this means that as time goes by, more work will be required to monitor and mitigate this problem in increasingly large language models.

While we demonstrate these attacks on GPT-2 specifically, they show potential flaws in all large generative language models. The fact that these attacks are possible has important consequences for the future of machine learning research using these types of models.

Fortunately, there are several ways to mitigate this issue. The most straightforward solution is to ensure that models do not train on any potentially problematic data. But this can be difficult to do in practice.

The use of differential privacy, which allows training on a dataset without revealing any details of individual training examples, is one of the most principled techniques to train machine learning models with privacy. In TensorFlow, this can be achieved with the use of the tensorflow/privacy module (or similar for PyTorch or JAX) that is a drop-in replacement for existing optimizers. Even this can have limitations and won’t prevent memorization of content that is repeated often enough. If this is not possible, we recommend at least measuring how much memorization occurs so appropriate action can be taken.

Language models continue to demonstrate great utility and flexibility—yet, like all innovations, they can also pose risks. Developing them responsibly means proactively identifying those risks and developing ways to mitigate them. We hope that this effort to highlight current weaknesses in large language modeling will raise awareness of this challenge in the broader machine learning community and motivate researchers to continue to develop effective techniques to train models with reduced memorization.

This work was performed jointly with Florian Tramer, Eric Wallace, Matthew Jagielski, Ariel Herbert-Voss, Katherine Lee, Adam Roberts, Tom Brown, Dawn Song, Ulfar Erlingsson, Alina Oprea, and Colin Raffel.

Source: Google AI Blog