Tag Archives: On-device Learning

Predicting Text Selections with Federated Learning

Smart Text Selection, launched in 2017 as part of Android O, is one of Android’s most frequently used features, helping users select, copy, and use text easily and quickly by predicting the desired word or set of words around a user’s tap, and automatically expanding the selection appropriately. Through this feature, selections are automatically expanded, and for selections with defined classification types, e.g., addresses and phone numbers, users are offered an app with which to open the selection, saving users even more time.

Today we describe how we have improved the performance of Smart Text Selection by using federated learning to train the neural network model on user interactions responsibly while preserving user privacy. This work, which is part of Android’s new Private Compute Core secure environment, enabled us to improve the model’s selection accuracy by up to 20% on some types of entities.

Server-Side Proxy Data for Entity Selections
Smart Text Selection, which is the same technology behind Smart Linkify, does not predict arbitrary selections, but focuses on well-defined entities, such as addresses or phone numbers, and tries to predict the selection bounds for those categories. In the absence of multi-word entities, the model is trained to only select a single word in order to minimize the frequency of making multi-word selections in error.

The Smart Text Selection feature was originally trained using proxy data sourced from web pages to which schema.org annotations had been applied. These entities were then embedded in a selection of random text, and the model was trained to select just the entity, without spilling over into the random text surrounding it.

While this approach of training on schema.org-annotations worked, it had several limitations. The data was quite different from text that we expect users see on-device. For example, websites with schema.org annotations typically have entities with more proper formatting than what users might type on their phones. In addition, the text samples in which the entities were embedded for training were random and did not reflect realistic context on-device.

On-Device Feedback Signal for Federated Learning
With this new launch, the model no longer uses proxy data for span prediction, but is instead trained on-device on real interactions using federated learning. This is a training approach for machine learning models in which a central server coordinates model training that is split among many devices, while the raw data used stays on the local device. A standard federated learning training process works as follows: The server starts by initializing the model. Then, an iterative process begins in which (a) devices get sampled, (b) selected devices improve the model using their local data, and (c) then send back only the improved model, not the data used for training. The server then averages the updates it received to create the model that is sent out in the next iteration.

For Smart Text Selection, each time a user taps to select text and corrects the model’s suggestion, Android gets precise feedback for what selection span the model should have predicted. In order to preserve user privacy, the selections are temporarily kept on the device, without being visible server-side, and are then used to improve the model by applying federated learning techniques. This technique has the advantage of training the model on the same kind of data that it sees during inference.

Federated Learning & Privacy
One of the advantages of the federated learning approach is that it enables user privacy, because raw data is not exposed to a server. Instead, the server only receives updated model weights. Still, to protect against various threats, we explored ways to protect the on-device data, securely aggregate gradients, and reduce the risk of model memorization.

The on-device code for training Federated Smart Text Selection models is part of Android’s Private Compute Core secure environment, which makes it particularly well situated to securely handle user data. This is because the training environment in Private Compute Core is isolated from the network and data egress is only allowed when federated and other privacy-preserving techniques are applied. In addition to network isolation, data in Private Compute Core is protected by policies that restrict how it can be used, thus protecting from malicious code that may have found its way onto the device.

To aggregate model updates produced by the on-device training code, we use Secure Aggregation, a cryptographic protocol that allows servers to compute the mean update for federated learning model training without reading the updates provided by individual devices. In addition to being individually protected by Secure Aggregation, the updates are also protected by transport encryption, creating two layers of defense against attackers on the network.

Finally, we looked into model memorization. In principle, it is possible for characteristics of the training data to be encoded in the updates sent to the server, survive the aggregation process, and end up being memorized by the global model. This could make it possible for an attacker to attempt to reconstruct the training data from the model. We used methods from Secret Sharer, an analysis technique that quantifies to what degree a model unintentionally memorizes its training data, to empirically verify that the model was not memorizing sensitive information. Further, we employed data masking techniques to prevent certain kinds of sensitive data from ever being seen by the model

In combination, these techniques help ensure that Federated Smart Text Selection is trained in a way that preserves user privacy.

Achieving Superior Model Quality
Initial attempts to train the model using federated learning were unsuccessful. The loss did not converge and predictions were essentially random. Debugging the training process was difficult, because the training data was on-device and not centrally collected, and so, it could not be examined or verified. In fact, in such a case, it’s not even possible to determine if the data looks as expected, which is often the first step in debugging machine learning pipelines.

To overcome this challenge, we carefully designed high-level metrics that gave us an understanding of how the model behaved during training. Such metrics included the number of training examples, selection accuracy, and recall and precision metrics for each entity type. These metrics are collected during federated training via federated analytics, a similar process as the collection of the model weights. Through these metrics and many analyses, we were able to better understand which aspects of the system worked well and where bugs could exist.

After fixing these bugs and making additional improvements, such as implementing on-device filters for data, using better federated optimization methods and applying more robust gradient aggregators, the model trained nicely.

Using this new federated approach, we were able to significantly improve Smart Text Selection models, with the degree depending on the language being used. Typical improvements ranged between 5% and 7% for multi-word selection accuracy, with no drop in single-word performance. The accuracy of correctly selecting addresses (the most complex type of entity supported) increased by between 8% and 20%, again, depending on the language being used. These improvements lead to millions of additional selections being automatically expanded for users every day.

An additional advantage of this federated learning approach for Smart Text Selection is its ability to scale to additional languages. Server-side training required manual tweaking of the proxy data for each language in order to make it more similar to on-device data. While this only works to some degree, it takes a tremendous amount of effort for each additional language.

The federated learning pipeline, however, trains on user interactions, without the need for such manual adjustments. Once the model achieved good results for English, we applied the same pipeline to Japanese and saw even greater improvements, without needing to tune the system specifically for Japanese selections.

We hope that this new federated approach lets us scale Smart Text Selection to many more languages. Ideally this will also work without manual tuning of the system, making it possible to support even low-resource languages.

We developed a federated way of learning to predict text selections based on user interactions, resulting in much improved Smart Text Selection models deployed to Android users. This approach required the use of federated learning, since it works without collecting user data on the server. Additionally, we used many state-of-the-art privacy approaches, such as Android's new Private Compute Core, Secure Aggregation and the Secret Sharer method. The results show that privacy does not have to be a limiting factor when training models. Instead, we managed to obtain a significantly better model, while ensuring that users' data stays private.

Many people contributed to this work. We would like to thank Lukas Zilka, Asela Gunawardana, Silvano Bonacina, Seth Welna, Tony Mak, Chang Li, Abodunrinwa Toki, Sergey Volnov, Matt Sharifi, Abhanshu Sharma, Eugenio Marchiori, Jacek Jurewicz, Nicholas Carlini, Jordan McClead, Sophia Kovaleva, Evelyn Kao, Tom Hume, Alex Ingerman, Brendan McMahan, Fei Zheng, Zachary Charles, Sean Augenstein, Zachary Garrett, Stefan Dierauf, David Petrou, Vishwath Mohan, Hunter King, Emily Glanz, Hubert Eichner, Krzysztof Ostrowski, Jakub Konecny, Shanshan Wu, Janel Thamkul, Elizabeth Kemp, and everyone else involved in the project.

Source: Google AI Blog

Grammar Correction as You Type, on Pixel 6

Despite the success and widespread adoption of smartphones, using them to compose longer pieces of text is still quite cumbersome. As one writes, grammatical errors can often creep into the text (especially undesirable in formal situations), and correcting these errors can be time consuming on a small display with limited controls.

To address some of these challenges, we are launching a grammar correction feature that is directly built into Gboard on Pixel 6 that works entirely on-device to preserve privacy, detecting and suggesting corrections for grammatical errors while the user is typing. Building such functionality required addressing a few key obstacles: memory size limitations, latency requirements, and handling partial sentences. Currently, the feature is capable of correcting English sentences (we plan to expand to more languages in the near future) and available on almost any app with Gboard1.

Gboard suggests how to correct an ungrammatical sentence as the user types.

Model Architecture
We trained a sequence-to-sequence neural network to take an input sentence (or a sentence prefix) and output the grammatically correct version — if the original text is already grammatically correct, the output of the model is identical to its input, indicating that no corrections are needed. The model uses a hybrid architecture that combines a Transformer encoder with an LSTM decoder, a combination that provides a good balance of quality and latency.

Overview of the grammatical error correction (GEC) model architecture.

Mobile devices are constrained by limited memory and computational power, which make it more difficult to build a high quality grammar checking system. There are a few techniques we use to build a small, efficient, and capable model.

  • Shared embedding: Because the input and output of the model are structurally similar (e.g., both are text in the same language), we share some of the model weights between the Transformer encoder and the LSTM decoder, which reduces the model file size considerably without unduly affecting accuracy.
  • Factorized embedding: The model splits a sentence into a sequence of predefined tokens. To achieve good quality, we find that it is important to use a large vocabulary of predefined tokens, however, this substantially increases the model size. A factorized embedding separates the size of the hidden layers from the size of the vocabulary embedding. This enables us to have a model with a large vocabulary without significantly increasing the number of total weights.
  • Quantization: To reduce the model size further, we perform post-training quantization, which allows us to store each 32-bit floating point weight using only 8-bits. While this means that each weight is stored with lower fidelity, nevertheless, we find that the quality of the model is not materially affected.

By employing these techniques, the resulting model takes up only 20MB of storage and performs inference on 60 input characters under 22ms on the Google Pixel 6 CPU.

Training the Model
In order to train the model, we needed training data in the form of <original, corrected> text pairs.

One possible approach to generating a small on-device model would be to use the same training data as a large cloud-based grammar model. While this data produces a reasonably high quality on-device model, we found that using a technique called hard distillation to generate training data that is better-matched to the on-device domain yields even better quality results.

Hard distillation works as follows: We first collected hundreds of millions of English sentences from across the public web. We then used the large cloud-based grammar model to generate grammar corrections for those sentences. This training dataset of <original, corrected> sentence pairs is then used to train a smaller on-device model that can correct full sentences. We found that the on-device model built from this training dataset produces significantly higher quality suggestions than a similar-sized on-device model built on the original data used to train the cloud-based model.

Before training the model from this data, however, there is another issue to address. To enable the model to correct grammar as the user types (an important capability of mobile devices) it needs to be able to handle sentence prefixes. While this enables grammar correction when the user has only typed part of a sentence, this capability is particularly useful in messaging apps, where the user often omits the final period in a sentence and presses the send button as soon as they finish typing. If grammar correction is only triggered on complete sentences, it might miss many errors.

This raises the question of how to decide whether a given sentence prefix is grammatically correct. We used a heuristic to solve this — if a given sentence prefix can be completed to form a grammatically correct sentence, we then consider it grammatically correct. If not, it is assumed to be incorrect.

What the user has typed so far       Suggested grammar correction
She puts a lot
She puts a lot of
She puts a lot of effort
She puts a lot of effort yesterday   Replace "puts" with "put in".
GEC on incomplete sentences. There is no correction for valid sentence prefixes.

We created a second dataset suitable for training a large cloud-based model, but this time focusing on sentence prefixes. We generated the data using the aforementioned heuristic by taking the <original, corrected> sentence pairs from the cloud-based model’s training dataset and randomly sampling aligned prefixes from them.

For example, given the <original, corrected> sentence pair:

Original sentence: She puts a lot of effort yesterday afternoon.
Corrected sentence: She put in a lot of effort yesterday afternoon.

We might sample the following prefix pairs:

Original prefix: She puts
Corrected prefix: She put in

Original prefix: She puts a lot of effort yesterday
Corrected prefix: She put in a lot of effort yesterday

We then autocompleted each original prefix to a full sentence using a neural language model (similar in spirit to that used by SmartCompose). If a full-sentence grammar model finds no errors in the full sentence, then that means there is at least one possible way to complete this original prefix without making any grammatical errors, so we consider the original prefix to be correct and output <original prefix, original prefix> as a training example. Otherwise, we output <original prefix, corrected prefix>. We used this training data to train a large cloud-based model that can correct sentence prefixes, then used that model for hard distillation, generating new <original, corrected> sentence prefix pairs that are better-matched to the on-device domain.

Finally, we constructed the final training data for the on-device model by combining these new sentence prefix pairs with the full sentence pairs. The on-device model trained on this combined data is then capable of correcting both full sentences as well as sentence prefixes.

Training data for the on-device model is generated from cloud-based models.

Grammar Correction On-Device
Gboard sends a request to the on-device grammar model whenever the user has typed more than three words, whether the sentence is completed or not. To provide a quality user experience, we underline the grammar mistakes and provide replacement suggestions when the user interacts with them. However, the model outputs only corrected sentences, so those need to be transformed into replacement suggestions. To do this, we align the original sentence and the corrected sentence by minimizing the Levenshtein distance (i.e., the number of edits that are needed to transform the original sentence to the corrected sentence).

Extracting edits by aligning the corrected sentence to the original sentence.

Finally, we transform the insertion edits and deletion edits to be replacement edits. In the above example, we transform the suggested insertion of "in" to be an edit that suggests replacing "puts" with "put in". And we similarly suggest replacing “effort on” with “effort”.

We have built a small high-quality grammar correction model by designing a compact model architecture and leveraging a cloud-based grammar system during training via hard distillation. This compact model enables users to correct their text entirely on their own device without ever needing to send their keystrokes to a remote server.

We gratefully acknowledge the key contributions of the other team members, including Abhanshu Sharma, Akshay Kannan, Bharath Mankalale, Chenxi Ni, Felix Stahlberg, Florian Hartmann, Jacek Jurewicz, Jayakumar Hoskere, Jenny Chin, Kohsuke Yatoh, Lukas Zilka, Martin Sundermeyer, Matt Sharifi, Max Gubin, Nick Pezzotti, Nithi Gupta, Olivia Graham, Qi Wang, Sam Jaffee, Sebastian Millius, Shankar Kumar, Sina Hassani, Vishal Kumawat, and Yuanbo Zhang, Yunpeng Li, Yuxin Dai. We would also like to thank Xu Liu and David Petrou for their support.

1The feature will eventually be available in all apps with Gboard, but is currently unavailable for those in WebView

Source: Google AI Blog

FRILL: On-Device Speech Representations using TensorFlow-Lite

Representation learning is a machine learning (ML) method that trains a model to identify salient features that can be applied to a variety of downstream tasks, ranging from natural language processing (e.g., BERT and ALBERT) to image analysis and classification (e.g., Inception layers and SimCLR). Last year, we introduced a benchmark for comparing speech representations and a new, generally-useful speech representation model (TRILL). TRILL is based on temporal proximity, and tries to map speech that occurs close together in time to a lower-dimensional embedding that captures temporal proximity in the embedding space. Since its release, the research community has used TRILL on a diverse set of tasks, such as age classification, video thumbnail selection, and language identification. However, despite achieving state-of-the-art performance, TRILL and other neural network-based approaches require more memory and take longer to compute than signal processing operations that deal with simple features, like loudness, average energy, pitch, etc.

In our recent paper "FRILL: A Non-Semantic Speech Embedding for Mobile Devices", to appear at Interspeech 2021, we create a new model that is 40% the size of TRILL and and a feature set that can be computed over 32x faster on mobile phone, with an average decrease in accuracy of less than 2%. This marks an important step towards fully on-device applications of speech ML models, which will lead to better personalization, improved user experiences and greater privacy, an important aspect of developing AI responsibly. We release the code to create FRILL on github, and a pre-trained FRILL model on TensorFlow Hub.

FRILL: Smaller, Faster TRILL
The TRILL architecture is based on a modified version of ResNet50, an architecture that is computationally taxing for constrained hardware, like mobile phones or smart home devices. On the other hand, architectures like MobileNetV3 have been designed with hardware-aware AutoML to perform well on mobile devices. To take advantage of this, we leverage knowledge distillation to combine the benefits of MobileNetV3’s performance with TRILL’s representations.

In the distillation process, the smaller model (i.e., the "student") tries to match the output of the larger model ("teacher") on the AudioSet dataset. Whereas the original TRILL model learned its weights by optimizing a self-supervised loss that clustered audio segments close in time, the student model learns its weights through a fully-supervised loss that ignores temporal matching and instead tries to match TRILL outputs on the training data. The fully-supervised learning signal is often stronger than self-supervision, and allows us to train more quickly.

Knowledge distillation for non-semantic speech embeddings. The dashed line shows the student model output. The "teacher network" is the TRILL network, where "Layer 19" was the best-performing internal representation. The "Student Hyperparameters" on the left are the options explored in this study, the result of which are 144 distinct models. These models were trained with mean-squared error (MSE) to try to match TRILL's Layer 19.

Choosing the Best Student Model
We perform distillation with a variety of student models, each trained with a specific combination of architecture choices (explained below). To measure each student model’s latency, we leverage TensorFlow Lite (TFLite), a framework that enables execution of TensorFlow models on edge devices. Each candidate model is first converted into TFLite’s flatbuffer format for 32-bit floating point inference and then sent to the target device (in this case, a Pixel 1) for benchmarking. These measurements help us to accurately assess the latency versus quality tradeoffs across all student models and to minimize the loss of quality in the conversion process.

Architecture Choices and Optimizations
We explored different neural network architectures and features that balance latency and accuracy — models with fewer parameters are usually smaller and faster, but have less representational power and therefore generate less generally-useful representations. We trained 144 different models across a number of hyperparameters, all based on the MobileNetV3 architecture:

  1. MobileNetV3 size and width: MobileNetV3 was released in different sizes for use in different environments. The size refers to which MobileNetV3 architecture we used. The width, sometimes known as alpha, proportionally decreases or increases the number of filters in each layer. A width of 1.0 corresponds to the number of filters in the original paper.
  2. Global average pooling: MobileNetV3 normally produces a set of two-dimensional feature maps. These are flattened, concatenated, and passed to the bottleneck layer. However, this bottleneck is often still too large to be computed quickly. We reduce the size of the bottleneck layer kernel by taking the global average of all ”pixels” in each output feature map. Our intuition is that the discarded temporal information is less important for learning a non-semantic speech representation due to the fact that relevant aspects of the signal are stable across time.
  3. Bottleneck compression: A significant portion of the student model’s weights are located in the bottleneck layer. To reduce the size of this layer, we apply a compression operator based on singular value decomposition (SVD) that learns a low-rank approximation of the bottleneck weight matrix.
  4. Quantization-aware training: Since the bottleneck layer has most of the model weights, we use quantization-aware training (QAT) to gradually reduce the numerical precision of the bottleneck weights during training. QAT allows the model to adjust to the lower numerical precision during training, instead of potentially causing performance degradation by introducing quantization after training finishes.

We evaluated each of these models on the Non-Semantic Speech Benchmark (NOSS) and two new tasks — a challenging task to detect whether a speaker is wearing a mask and the human-noise subset of the Environment Sound Classification dataset, which includes labels like “coughing” and “sneezing”. After eliminating models that have strictly better alternatives, we are left with eight ”frontier” models on the quality vs. latency curve, which are the models that had no faster and better performance alternatives at a corresponding quality threshold or latency in our batch of 144 models. We plot the latency vs. quality curve of only these "frontier" models below, and we ignore models that are strictly worse.

Embedding quality and latency tradeoff. The x-axis represents the inference latency and the y-axis shows the difference in accuracy from TRILL’s performance, averaged across benchmark datasets.

FRILL is the best performing sub-10ms inference model, with an inference time of 8.5 ms on a Pixel 1 (about 32x faster than TRILL), and is also roughly 40% the size of TRILL. The frontier curve plateaus at about 10ms latency, which means that at low latency, one can achieve much better performance with minimal latency costs, while achieving improved performance at latencies beyond 10ms is more difficult. This supports our choice of experiment hyperparameters. FRILL's per-task performance is shown in the table below.


Size (MB) 38.5 98.1
Latency (ms) 8.5 275.3

Voxceleb1* 45.5 46.8
Voxforge 78.8 84.5
Speech Commands 81.0 81.7
CREMA-D 71.3 65.9
SAVEE 63.3 70.0
Masked Speech 68.0 65.8
ESC-50 HS 87.9 86.4
Accuracy on each of the classification tasks (higher is better).
*Results in our study use a small subset of Voxceleb1 filtered according to internal privacy guidelines. Interested readers can run our study on the full dataset using TensorFlow Datasets and our open-source evaluation code.

Finally, we evaluate the relative contribution of each of our hyperparameters. We find that for our experiments, quantization-aware training, bottleneck compression and global average pooling most reduced the latency of the resulting models. At the same time bottleneck compression most reduced the quality of the resulting model, while pooling reduced the model performance the least. The architecture width parameter was an important factor in reducing the model size, with minimal performance degradation.

Linear regression weight magnitudes for predicting model quality, latency, and size. The weights indicate the expected impact of changing the input hyperparameter. A higher weight magnitude indicates a greater expected impact.

Our work is an important step in bringing the full benefits of speech machine learning research to mobile devices. We also provide our public model, corresponding model card, and evaluation code to help the research community responsibly develop even more applications for on-device speech representation research.

We'd like to thank our paper co-authors: Jacob Peplinksi and Shwetak Patel. We'd like to thank Aren Jansen for his technical support on this project, Françoise Beaufays, and Tulsee Doshi for help open sourcing the model, and Google Research, Tokyo for logistical support.

Source: Google AI Blog

MediaPipe Holistic — Simultaneous Face, Hand and Pose Prediction, on Device

Real-time, simultaneous perception of human pose, face landmarks and hand tracking on mobile devices can enable a variety of impactful applications, such as fitness and sport analysis, gesture control and sign language recognition, augmented reality effects and more. MediaPipe, an open-source framework designed specifically for complex perception pipelines leveraging accelerated inference (e.g., GPU or CPU), already offers fast and accurate, yet separate, solutions for these tasks. Combining them all in real-time into a semantically consistent end-to-end solution is a uniquely difficult problem requiring simultaneous inference of multiple, dependent neural networks.

Today, we are excited to announce MediaPipe Holistic, a solution to this challenge that provides a novel state-of-the-art human pose topology that unlocks novel use cases. MediaPipe Holistic consists of a new pipeline with optimized pose, face and hand components that each run in real-time, with minimum memory transfer between their inference backends, and added support for interchangeability of the three components, depending on the quality/speed tradeoffs. When including all three components, MediaPipe Holistic provides a unified topology for a groundbreaking 540+ keypoints (33 pose, 21 per-hand and 468 facial landmarks) and achieves near real-time performance on mobile devices. MediaPipe Holistic is being released as part of MediaPipe and is available on-device for mobile (Android, iOS) and desktop. We are also introducing MediaPipe’s new ready-to-use APIs for research (Python) and web (JavaScript) to ease access to the technology.

Top: MediaPipe Holistic results on sport and dance use-cases. Bottom: “Silence” and “Hello” gestures. Note, that our solution consistently identifies a hand as either right (blue color) or left (orange color).

Pipeline and Quality
The MediaPipe Holistic pipeline integrates separate models for pose, face and hand components, each of which are optimized for their particular domain. However, because of their different specializations, the input to one component is not well-suited for the others. The pose estimation model, for example, takes a lower, fixed resolution video frame (256x256) as input. But if one were to crop the hand and face regions from that image to pass to their respective models, the image resolution would be too low for accurate articulation. Therefore, we designed MediaPipe Holistic as a multi-stage pipeline, which treats the different regions using a region appropriate image resolution.

First, MediaPipe Holistic estimates the human pose with BlazePose’s pose detector and subsequent keypoint model. Then, using the inferred pose key points, it derives three regions of interest (ROI) crops for each hand (2x) and the face, and employs a re-crop model to improve the ROI (details below). The pipeline then crops the full-resolution input frame to these ROIs and applies task-specific face and hand models to estimate their corresponding keypoints. Finally, all key points are merged with those of the pose model to yield the full 540+ keypoints.

MediaPipe Holistic pipeline overview.

To streamline the identification of ROIs, a tracking approach similar to the one used for the standalone face and hand pipelines is utilized. This approach assumes that the object doesn't move significantly between frames, using an estimation from the previous frame as a guide to the object region in the current one. However, during fast movements, the tracker can lose the target, which requires the detector to re-localize it in the image. MediaPipe Holistic uses pose prediction (on every frame) as an additional ROI prior to reduce the response time of the pipeline when reacting to fast movements. This also enables the model to retain semantic consistency across the body and its parts by preventing a mixup between left and right hands or body parts of one person in the frame with another.

In addition, the resolution of the input frame to the pose model is low enough that the resulting ROIs for face and hands are still too inaccurate to guide the re-cropping of those regions, which require a precise input crop to remain lightweight. To close this accuracy gap we use lightweight face and hand re-crop models that play the role of spatial transformers and cost only ~10% of the corresponding model's inference time.

 Tracking pipeline (baseline)   9.8%   3.1% 
 Pipeline without re-crops   11.8%   3.5% 
 Pipeline with re-crops   9.7%   3.1% 
Hand prediction quality.The mean error per hand (MEH) is normalized by the hand size. The face landmarks error (FLE) is normalized by the inter-pupillary distance.

MediaPipe Holistic requires coordination between up to 8 models per frame — 1 pose detector, 1 pose landmark model, 3 re-crop models and 3 keypoint models for hands and face. While building this solution, we optimized not only machine learning models, but also pre- and post-processing algorithms (e.g., affine transformations), which take significant time on most devices due to pipeline complexity. In this case, moving all the pre-processing computations to GPU resulted in ~1.5 times overall pipeline speedup depending on the device. As a result, MediaPipe Holistic runs in near real-time performance even on mid-tier devices and in the browser.

 Phone   FPS 
 Google Pixel 2 XL   18 
 Samsung S9+   20 
 15-inch MacBook Pro 2017   15 
Performance on various mid-tier devices, measured in frames per second (FPS) using TFLite GPU.

The multi-stage nature of the pipeline provides two more performance benefits. As models are mostly independent, they can be replaced with lighter or heavier versions (or turned off completely) depending on the performance and accuracy requirements. Also, once pose is inferred, one knows precisely whether hands and face are within the frame bounds, allowing the pipeline to skip inference on those body parts.

MediaPipe Holistic, with its 540+ key points, aims to enable a holistic, simultaneous perception of body language, gesture and facial expressions. Its blended approach enables remote gesture interfaces, as well as full-body AR, sports analytics, and sign language recognition. To demonstrate the quality and performance of the MediaPipe Holistic, we built a simple remote control interface that runs locally in the browser and enables a compelling user interaction, no mouse or keyboard required. The user can manipulate objects on the screen, type on a virtual keyboard while sitting on the sofa, and point to or touch specific face regions (e.g., mute or turn off the camera). Underneath it relies on accurate hand detection with subsequent gesture recognition mapped to a "trackpad" space anchored to the user’s shoulder, enabling remote control from up to 4 meters.

This technique for gesture control can unlock various novel use-cases when other human-computer interaction modalities are not convenient. Try it out in our web demo and prototype your own ideas with it.

In-browser touchless control demos. Left: Palm picker, touch interface, keyboard. Right: Distant touchless keyboard. Try it out!

MediaPipe for Research and Web
To accelerate ML research as well as its adoption in the web developer community, MediaPipe now offers ready-to-use, yet customizable ML solutions in Python and in JavaScript. We are starting with those in our previous publications: Face Mesh, Hands and Pose, including MediaPipe Holistic, with many more to come. Try them directly in the web browser: for Python using the notebooks in MediaPipe on Google Colab, and for JavaScript with your own webcam input in MediaPipe on CodePen!

We hope the release of MediaPipe Holistic will inspire the research and development community members to build new unique applications. We anticipate that these pipelines will open up avenues for future research into challenging domains, such as sign-language recognition, touchless control interfaces, or other complex use cases. We are looking forward to seeing what you can build with it!

Complex and dynamic hand gestures. Videos by Dr. Bill Vicars, used with permission.

Special thanks to all our team members who worked on the tech with us: Fan Zhang, Gregory Karpiak, Kanstantsin Sokal, Juhyun Lee, Hadon Nash, Chuo-Ling Chang, Jiuqiang Tang, Nikolay Chirkov, Camillo Lugaresi, George Sung, Michael Hays, Tyler Mullen, Chris McClanahan, Ekaterina Ignasheva, Marat Dukhan, Artsiom Ablavatski, Yury Kartynnik, Karthik Raveendran, Andrei Vakunov, Andrei Tkachenka, Suril Shah, Buck Bourdon, Ming Guang Yong, Esha Uboweja, Siarhei Kazakou, Andrei Kulik, Matsvei Zhdanovich, and Matthias Grundmann.

Source: Google AI Blog

Navigating Recorder Transcripts Easily, with Smart Scrolling

Last year we launched Recorder, a new kind of recording app that made audio recording smarter and more useful by leveraging on-device machine learning (ML) to transcribe the recording, highlight audio events, and suggest appropriate tags for titles. Recorder makes editing, sharing and searching through transcripts easier. Yet because Recorder can transcribe very long recordings (up to 18 hours!), it can still be difficult for users to find specific sections, necessitating a new solution to quickly navigate such long transcripts.

To increase the navigability of content, we introduce Smart Scrolling, a new ML-based feature in Recorder that automatically marks important sections in the transcript, chooses the most representative keywords from each section, and then surfaces those keywords on the vertical scrollbar, like chapter headings. The user can then scroll through the keywords or tap on them to quickly navigate to the sections of interest. The models used are lightweight enough to be executed on-device without the need to upload the transcript, thus preserving user privacy.

Smart Scrolling feature UX

Under the hood
The Smart Scrolling feature is composed of two distinct tasks. The first extracts representative keywords from each section and the second picks which sections in the text are the most informative and unique.

For each task, we utilize two different natural language processing (NLP) approaches: a distilled bidirectional transformer (BERT) model pre-trained on data sourced from a Wikipedia dataset, alongside a modified extractive term frequency–inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) model. By using the bidirectional transformer and the TF-IDF-based models in parallel for both the keyword extraction and important section identification tasks, alongside aggregation heuristics, we were able to harness the advantages of each approach and mitigate their respective drawbacks (more on this in the next section).

The bidirectional transformer is a neural network architecture that employs a self-attention mechanism to achieve context-aware processing of the input text in a non-sequential fashion. This enables parallel processing of the input text to identify contextual clues both before and after a given position in the transcript.

Bidirectional Transformer-based model architecture

The extractive TF-IDF approach rates terms based on their frequency in the text compared to their inverse frequency in the trained dataset, and enables the finding of unique representative terms in the text.

Both models were trained on publicly available conversational datasets that were labeled and evaluated by independent raters. The conversational datasets were from the same domains as the expected product use cases, focusing on meetings, lectures, and interviews, thus ensuring the same word frequency distribution (Zipf’s law).

Extracting Representative Keywords
The TF-IDF-based model detects informative keywords by giving each word a score, which corresponds to how representative this keyword is within the text. The model does so, much like a standard TF-IDF model, by utilizing the ratio of the number of occurrences of a given word in the text compared to the whole of the conversational data set, but it also takes into account the specificity of the term, i.e., how broad or specific it is. Furthermore, the model then aggregates these features into a score using a pre-trained function curve. In parallel, the bidirectional transformer model, which was fine tuned on the task of extracting keywords, provides a deep semantic understanding of the text, enabling it to extract precise context-aware keywords.

The TF-IDF approach is conservative in the sense that it is prone to finding uncommon keywords in the text (high bias), while the drawback for the bidirectional transformer model is the high variance of the possible keywords that can be extracted. But when used together, these two models complement each other, forming a balanced bias-variance tradeoff.

Once the keyword scores are retrieved from both models, we normalize and combine them by utilizing NLP heuristics (e.g., the weighted average), removing duplicates across sections, and eliminating stop words and verbs. The output of this process is an ordered list of suggested keywords for each of the sections.

Rating A Section’s Importance
The next task is to determine which sections should be highlighted as informative and unique. To solve this task, we again combine the two models mentioned above, which yield two distinct importance scores for each of the sections. We compute the first score by taking the TF-IDF scores of all the keywords in the section and weighting them by their respective number of appearances in the section, followed by a summation of these individual keyword scores. We compute the second score by running the section text through the bidirectional transformer model, which was also trained on the sections rating task. The scores from both models are normalized and then combined to yield the section score.

Smart Scrolling pipeline architecture

Some Challenges
A significant challenge in the development of Smart Scrolling was how to identify whether a section or keyword is important - what is of great importance to one person can be of less importance to another. The key was to highlight sections only when it is possible to extract helpful keywords from them.

To do this, we configured the solution to select the top scored sections that also have highly rated keywords, with the number of sections highlighted proportional to the length of the recording. In the context of the Smart Scrolling features, a keyword was more highly rated if it better represented the unique information of the section.

To train the model to understand this criteria, we needed to prepare a labeled training dataset tailored to this task. In collaboration with a team of skilled raters, we applied this labeling objective to a small batch of examples to establish an initial dataset in order to evaluate the quality of the labels and instruct the raters in cases where there were deviations from what was intended. Once the labeling process was complete we reviewed the labeled data manually and made corrections to the labels as necessary to align them with our definition of importance.

Using this limited labeled dataset, we ran automated model evaluations to establish initial metrics on model quality, which were used as a less-accurate proxy to the model quality, enabling us to quickly assess the model performance and apply changes in the architecture and heuristics. Once the solution metrics were satisfactory, we utilized a more accurate manual evaluation process over a closed set of carefully chosen examples that represented expected Recorder use cases. Using these examples, we tweaked the model heuristics parameters to reach the desired level of performance using a reliable model quality evaluation.

Runtime Improvements
After the initial release of Recorder, we conducted a series of user studies to learn how to improve the usability and performance of the Smart Scrolling feature. We found that many users expect the navigational keywords and highlighted sections to be available as soon as the recording is finished. Because the computation pipeline described above can take a considerable amount of time to compute on long recordings, we devised a partial processing solution that amortizes this computation over the whole duration of the recording. During recording, each section is processed as soon as it is captured, and then the intermediate results are stored in memory. When the recording is done, Recorder aggregates the intermediate results.

When running on a Pixel 5, this approach reduced the average processing time of an hour long recording (~9K words) from 1 minute 40 seconds to only 9 seconds, while outputting the same results.

The goal of Recorder is to improve users’ ability to access their recorded content and navigate it with ease. We have already made substantial progress in this direction with the existing ML features that automatically suggest title words for recordings and enable users to search recordings for sounds and text. Smart Scrolling provides additional text navigation abilities that will further improve the utility of Recorder, enabling users to rapidly surface sections of interest, even for long recordings.

Bin Zhang, Sherry Lin, Isaac Blankensmith, Henry Liu‎, Vincent Peng‎, Guilherme Santos‎, Tiago Camolesi, Yitong Lin, James Lemieux, Thomas Hall‎, Kelly Tsai‎, Benny Schlesinger, Dror Ayalon, Amit Pitaru, Kelsie Van Deman, Console Chen, Allen Su, Cecile Basnage, Chorong Johnston‎, Shenaz Zack, Mike Tsao, Brian Chen, Abhinav Rastogi, Tracy Wu, Yvonne Yang‎.

Source: Google AI Blog

Announcing the Objectron Dataset

The state of the art in machine learning (ML) has achieved exceptional accuracy on many computer vision tasks solely by training models on photos. Building upon these successes and advancing 3D object understanding has great potential to power a wider range of applications, such as augmented reality, robotics, autonomy, and image retrieval. For example, earlier this year we released MediaPipe Objectron, a set of real-time 3D object detection models designed for mobile devices, which were trained on a fully annotated, real-world 3D dataset, that can predict objects’ 3D bounding boxes.

Yet, understanding objects in 3D remains a challenging task due to the lack of large real-world datasets compared to 2D tasks (e.g., ImageNet, COCO, and Open Images). To empower the research community for continued advancement in 3D object understanding, there is a strong need for the release of object-centric video datasets, which capture more of the 3D structure of an object, while matching the data format used for many vision tasks (i.e., video or camera streams), to aid in the training and benchmarking of machine learning models.

Today, we are excited to release the Objectron dataset, a collection of short, object-centric video clips capturing a larger set of common objects from different angles. Each video clip is accompanied by AR session metadata that includes camera poses and sparse point-clouds. The data also contain manually annotated 3D bounding boxes for each object, which describe the object’s position, orientation, and dimensions. The dataset consists of 15K annotated video clips supplemented with over 4M annotated images collected from a geo-diverse sample (covering 10 countries across five continents).

Example videos in the Objectron dataset.

A 3D Object Detection Solution
Along with the dataset, we are also sharing a 3D object detection solution for four categories of objects — shoes, chairs, mugs, and cameras. These models are released in MediaPipe, Google's open source framework for cross-platform customizable ML solutions for live and streaming media, which also powers ML solutions like on-device real-time hand, iris and body pose tracking.

Sample results of 3D object detection solution running on mobile.

In contrast to the previously released single-stage Objectron model, these newest versions utilize a two-stage architecture. The first stage employs the TensorFlow Object Detection model to find the 2D crop of the object. The second stage then uses the image crop to estimate the 3D bounding box while simultaneously computing the 2D crop of the object for the next frame, so that the object detector does not need to run every frame. The second stage 3D bounding box predictor runs at 83 FPS on Adreno 650 mobile GPU.

Diagram of a reference 3D object detection solution.

Evaluation Metric for 3D Object Detection
With ground truth annotations, we evaluate the performance of 3D object detection models using 3D intersection over union (IoU) similarity statistics, a commonly used metric for computer vision tasks, which measures how close the bounding boxes are to the ground truth.

We propose an algorithm for computing accurate 3D IoU values for general 3D-oriented boxes. First, we compute the intersection points between faces of the two boxes using Sutherland-Hodgman Polygon clipping algorithm. This is similar to frustum culling, a technique used in computer graphics. The volume of the intersection is computed by the convex hull of all the clipped polygons. Finally, the IoU is computed from the volume of the intersection and volume of the union of two boxes. We are releasing the evaluation metrics source code along with the dataset.

Compute the 3D intersection over union using the polygon clipping algorithm, Left: Compute the intersection points of each face by clipping the polygon against the box. Right: Compute the volume of intersection by computing the convex hull of all intersection points (green).

Dataset Format
The technical details of the Objectron dataset, including usage and tutorials, are available on the dataset website. The dataset includes bikes, books, bottles, cameras, cereal boxes, chairs, cups, laptops, and shoes, and is stored in the objectron bucket on Google Cloud storage with the following assets:

  • The video sequences
  • The annotation labels (3D bounding boxes for objects)
  • AR metadata (such as camera poses, point clouds, and planar surfaces)
  • Processed dataset: shuffled version of the annotated frames, in tf.example format for images and SequenceExample format for videos.
  • Supporting scripts to run evaluation based on the metric described above
  • Supporting scripts to load the data into Tensorflow, PyTorch, and Jax and to visualize the dataset, including “Hello World” examples

With the dataset, we are also open-sourcing a data-pipeline to parse the dataset in popular Tensorflow, PyTorch and Jax frameworks. Example colab notebooks are also provided.

By releasing this Objectron dataset, we hope to enable the research community to push the limits of 3D object geometry understanding. We also hope to foster new research and applications, such as view synthesis, improved 3D representation, and unsupervised learning. Stay tuned for future activities and developments by joining our mailing list and visiting our github page.

The research described in this post was done by Adel Ahmadyan, Liangkai Zhang, Jianing Wei, Artsiom Ablavatski, Mogan Shieh, Ryan Hickman, Buck Bourdon, Alexander Kanaukou, Chuo-Ling Chang, Matthias Grundmann, ‎and Tom Funkhouser. We thank Aliaksandr Shyrokau, Sviatlana Mialik, Anna Eliseeva, and the annotation team for their high quality annotations. We also would like to thank Jonathan Huang and Vivek Rathod for their guidance on TensorFlow Object Detection API.

Source: Google AI Blog

Announcing the Objectron Dataset

The state of the art in machine learning (ML) has achieved exceptional accuracy on many computer vision tasks solely by training models on photos. Building upon these successes and advancing 3D object understanding has great potential to power a wider range of applications, such as augmented reality, robotics, autonomy, and image retrieval. For example, earlier this year we released MediaPipe Objectron, a set of real-time 3D object detection models designed for mobile devices, which were trained on a fully annotated, real-world 3D dataset, that can predict objects’ 3D bounding boxes.

Yet, understanding objects in 3D remains a challenging task due to the lack of large real-world datasets compared to 2D tasks (e.g., ImageNet, COCO, and Open Images). To empower the research community for continued advancement in 3D object understanding, there is a strong need for the release of object-centric video datasets, which capture more of the 3D structure of an object, while matching the data format used for many vision tasks (i.e., video or camera streams), to aid in the training and benchmarking of machine learning models.

Today, we are excited to release the Objectron dataset, a collection of short, object-centric video clips capturing a larger set of common objects from different angles. Each video clip is accompanied by AR session metadata that includes camera poses and sparse point-clouds. The data also contain manually annotated 3D bounding boxes for each object, which describe the object’s position, orientation, and dimensions. The dataset consists of 15K annotated video clips supplemented with over 4M annotated images collected from a geo-diverse sample (covering 10 countries across five continents).

Example videos in the Objectron dataset.

A 3D Object Detection Solution
Along with the dataset, we are also sharing a 3D object detection solution for four categories of objects — shoes, chairs, mugs, and cameras. These models are released in MediaPipe, Google's open source framework for cross-platform customizable ML solutions for live and streaming media, which also powers ML solutions like on-device real-time hand, iris and body pose tracking.

Sample results of 3D object detection solution running on mobile.

In contrast to the previously released single-stage Objectron model, these newest versions utilize a two-stage architecture. The first stage employs the TensorFlow Object Detection model to find the 2D crop of the object. The second stage then uses the image crop to estimate the 3D bounding box while simultaneously computing the 2D crop of the object for the next frame, so that the object detector does not need to run every frame. The second stage 3D bounding box predictor runs at 83 FPS on Adreno 650 mobile GPU.

Diagram of a reference 3D object detection solution.

Evaluation Metric for 3D Object Detection
With ground truth annotations, we evaluate the performance of 3D object detection models using 3D intersection over union (IoU) similarity statistics, a commonly used metric for computer vision tasks, which measures how close the bounding boxes are to the ground truth.

We propose an algorithm for computing accurate 3D IoU values for general 3D-oriented boxes. First, we compute the intersection points between faces of the two boxes using Sutherland-Hodgman Polygon clipping algorithm. This is similar to frustum culling, a technique used in computer graphics. The volume of the intersection is computed by the convex hull of all the clipped polygons. Finally, the IoU is computed from the volume of the intersection and volume of the union of two boxes. We are releasing the evaluation metrics source code along with the dataset.

Compute the 3D intersection over union using the polygon clipping algorithm, Left: Compute the intersection points of each face by clipping the polygon against the box. Right: Compute the volume of intersection by computing the convex hull of all intersection points (green).

Dataset Format
The technical details of the Objectron dataset, including usage and tutorials, are available on the dataset website. The dataset includes bikes, books, bottles, cameras, cereal boxes, chairs, cups, laptops, and shoes, and is stored in the objectron bucket on Google Cloud storage with the following assets:

  • The video sequences
  • The annotation labels (3D bounding boxes for objects)
  • AR metadata (such as camera poses, point clouds, and planar surfaces)
  • Processed dataset: shuffled version of the annotated frames, in tf.example format for images and SequenceExample format for videos.
  • Supporting scripts to run evaluation based on the metric described above
  • Supporting scripts to load the data into Tensorflow, PyTorch, and Jax and to visualize the dataset, including “Hello World” examples

With the dataset, we are also open-sourcing a data-pipeline to parse the dataset in popular Tensorflow, PyTorch and Jax frameworks. Example colab notebooks are also provided.

By releasing this Objectron dataset, we hope to enable the research community to push the limits of 3D object geometry understanding. We also hope to foster new research and applications, such as view synthesis, improved 3D representation, and unsupervised learning. Stay tuned for future activities and developments by joining our mailing list and visiting our github page.

The research described in this post was done by Adel Ahmadyan, Liangkai Zhang, Jianing Wei, Artsiom Ablavatski, Mogan Shieh, Ryan Hickman, Buck Bourdon, Alexander Kanaukou, Chuo-Ling Chang, Matthias Grundmann, ‎and Tom Funkhouser. We thank Aliaksandr Shyrokau, Sviatlana Mialik, Anna Eliseeva, and the annotation team for their high quality annotations. We also would like to thank Jonathan Huang and Vivek Rathod for their guidance on TensorFlow Object Detection API.

Source: Google AI Blog

On-device, Real-time Body Pose Tracking with MediaPipe BlazePose

Pose estimation from video plays a critical role enabling the overlay of digital content and information on top of the physical world in augmented reality, sign language recognition, full-body gesture control, and even quantifying physical exercises, where it can form the basis for yoga, dance, and fitness applications. Pose estimation for fitness applications is particularly challenging due to the wide variety of possible poses (e.g., hundreds of yoga asanas), numerous degrees of freedom, occlusions (e.g. the body or other objects occlude limbs as seen from the camera), and a variety of appearances or outfits.

BlazePose results on fitness and dance use-cases.

Today we are announcing the release of a new approach to human body pose perception, BlazePose, which we presented at the CV4ARVR workshop at CVPR 2020. Our approach provides human pose tracking by employing machine learning (ML) to infer 33, 2D landmarks of a body from a single frame. In contrast to current pose models based on the standard COCO topology, BlazePose accurately localizes more keypoints, making it uniquely suited for fitness applications. In addition, current state-of-the-art approaches rely primarily on powerful desktop environments for inference, whereas our method achieves real-time performance on mobile phones with CPU inference. If one leverages GPU inference, BlazePose achieves super-real-time performance, enabling it to run subsequent ML models, like face or hand tracking.

Upper-body BlazePose model in MediaPipe

The current standard for human body pose is the COCO topology, which consists of 17 landmarks across the torso, arms, legs, and face. However, the COCO keypoints only localize to the ankle and wrist points, lacking scale and orientation information for hands and feet, which is vital for practical applications like fitness and dance. The inclusion of more keypoints is crucial for the subsequent application of domain-specific pose estimation models, like those for hands, face, or feet.

With BlazePose, we present a new topology of 33 human body keypoints, which is a superset of COCO, BlazeFace and BlazePalm topologies. This allows us to determine body semantics from pose prediction alone that is consistent with face and hand models.

BlazePose 33 keypoint topology as COCO (colored with green) superset

Overview: An ML Pipeline for Pose Tracking
For pose estimation, we utilize our proven two-step detector-tracker ML pipeline. Using a detector, this pipeline first locates the pose region-of-interest (ROI) within the frame. The tracker subsequently predicts all 33 pose keypoints from this ROI. Note that for video use cases, the detector is run only on the first frame. For subsequent frames we derive the ROI from the previous frame’s pose keypoints as discussed below.

Human pose estimation pipeline overview.

Pose Detection by extending BlazeFace
For real-time performance of the full ML pipeline consisting of pose detection and tracking models, each component must be very fast, using only a few milliseconds per frame. To accomplish this, we observe that the strongest signal to the neural network about the position of the torso is the person's face (due to its high-contrast features and comparably small variations in appearance). Therefore, we achieve a fast and lightweight pose detector by making the strong (yet for many mobile and web applications valid) assumption that the head should be visible for our single-person use case.

Consequently, we trained a face detector, inspired by our sub-millisecond BlazeFace model, as a proxy for a pose detector. Note, this model only detects the location of a person within the frame and can not be used to identify individuals. In contrast to the Face Mesh and MediaPipe Hand tracking pipelines, where we derive the ROI from predicted keypoints, for the human pose tracking we explicitly predict two additional virtual keypoints that firmly describe the human body center, rotation and scale as a circle. Inspired by Leonardo’s Vitruvian man, we predict the midpoint of a person's hips, the radius of a circle circumscribing the whole person, and the incline angle of the line connecting the shoulder and hip midpoints. This results in consistent tracking even for very complicated cases, like specific yoga asanas. The figure below illustrates the approach.

Vitruvian man aligned via two virtual keypoints predicted by our BlazePose detector in addition to the face bounding box

Tracking Model
The pose estimation component of the pipeline predicts the location of all 33 person keypoints with three degrees of freedom each (x, y location and visibility) plus the two virtual alignment keypoints described above. Unlike current approaches that employ compute-intensive heatmap prediction, our model uses a regression approach that is supervised by a combined heat map/offset prediction of all keypoints, as shown below.

Tracking network architecture: regression with heatmap supervision

Specifically, during training we first employ a heatmap and offset loss to train the center and left tower of the network. We then remove the heatmap output and train the regression encoder (right tower), thus, effectively using the heatmap to supervise a lightweight embedding.

The table below shows an ablation study of the model quality resulting from different training strategies. As an evaluation metric, we use the Percent of Correct Points with 20% tolerance ([email protected]) (where we assume the point to be detected correctly if the 2D Euclidean error is smaller than 20% of the corresponding person’s torso size). To obtain a human baseline, we asked annotators to annotate several samples redundantly and obtained an average [email protected] of 97.2. The training and validation have been done on a geo-diverse dataset of various poses, sampled uniformly.

To cover a wide range of customer hardware, we present two pose tracking models: lite and full, which are differentiated in the balance of speed versus quality. For performance evaluation on CPU, we use XNNPACK; for mobile GPUs, we use the TFLite GPU backend.

Based on human pose, we can build a variety of applications, like fitness or yoga trackers. As an example, we present squats and push up counters, which can automatically count user statistics, or verify the quality of performed exercises. Such use cases can be implemented either using an additional classifier network or even with a simple joint pairwise distance lookup algorithm, which matches the closest pose in normalized pose space.

The number of performed exercises counter based on detected body pose. Left: Squats; Right: Push-Ups

BlazePose will be available to the broader mobile developer community via the Pose detection API in the upcoming release of ML Kit, and we are also releasing a version targeting upper body use cases in MediaPipe running in Android, iOS and Python. Apart from the mobile domain, we preview our web-based in-browser version as well. We hope that providing this human pose perception functionality to the broader research and development community will result in an emergence of creative use cases, stimulating new applications, and new research avenues.

We plan to extend this technology with more robust and stable tracking to an even larger variety of human poses and activities. In the accompanying Model Card, we detail the intended uses, limitations and model fairness to ensure that use of these models aligns with Google’s AI Principles. We believe that publishing this technology can provide an impulse to new creative ideas and applications by the members of the research and developer community at large. We are excited to see what you can build with it!

BlazePose results on yoga use-cases

Special thanks to all our team members who worked on the tech with us: Fan Zhang, Artsiom Ablavatski, Yury Kartynnik, Tyler Zhu, Karthik Raveendran, Andrei Vakunov, Andrei Tkachenka, Marat Dukhan, Tyler Mullen, Gregory Karpiak, Suril Shah, Buck Bourdon, Jiuqiang Tang, Ming Guang Yong, Chuo-Ling Chang, Esha Uboweja, Siarhei Kazakou, Andrei Kulik, Matsvei Zhdanovich, and Matthias Grundmann.

Source: Google AI Blog

MediaPipe Iris: Real-time Iris Tracking & Depth Estimation

A wide range of real-world applications, including computational photography (e.g., portrait mode and glint reflections) and augmented reality effects (e.g., virtual avatars) rely on estimating eye position by tracking the iris. Once accurate iris tracking is available, we show that it is possible to determine the metric distance from the camera to the user — without the use of a dedicated depth sensor. This, in-turn, can improve a variety of use cases, ranging from computational photography, over virtual try-on of properly sized glasses and hats to usability enhancements that adopt the font size depending on the viewer’s distance.

Iris tracking is a challenging task to solve on mobile devices, due to limited computing resources, variable light conditions and the presence of occlusions, such as hair or people squinting. Often, sophisticated specialized hardware is employed, limiting the range of devices on which the solution could be applied.

FaceMesh can be adopted to drive virtual avatars (middle). By additionally employing iris tracking (right), the avatar’s liveliness is significantly enhanced.
An example of eye re-coloring enabled by MediaPipe Iris.

Today, we announce the release of MediaPipe Iris, a new machine learning model for accurate iris estimation. Building on our work on MediaPipe Face Mesh, this model is able to track landmarks involving the iris, pupil and the eye contours using a single RGB camera, in real-time, without the need for specialized hardware. Through use of iris landmarks, the model is also able to determine the metric distance between the subject and the camera with relative error less than 10% without the use of depth sensor. Note that iris tracking does not infer the location at which people are looking, nor does it provide any form of identity recognition. Thanks to the fact that this system is implemented in MediaPipe — an open source cross-platform framework for researchers and developers to build world-class ML solutions and applications — it can run on most modern mobile phones, desktops, laptops and even on the web.

Usability prototype for far-sighted individuals: observed font size remains constant independent of the device distance from the user.

An ML Pipeline for Iris Tracking
The first step in the pipeline leverages our previous work on 3D Face Meshes, which uses high-fidelity facial landmarks to generate a mesh of the approximate face geometry. From this mesh, we isolate the eye region in the original image for use in the iris tracking model. The problem is then divided into two parts: eye contour estimation and iris location. We designed a multi-task model consisting of a unified encoder with a separate component for each task, which allowed us to use task-specific training data.

Examples of iris (blue) and eyelid (red) tracking.

To train the model from the cropped eye region, we manually annotated ~50k images, representing a variety of illumination conditions and head poses from geographically diverse regions, as shown below.

Eye region annotated with eyelid (red) and iris (blue) contours.
Cropped eye regions form the input to the model, which predicts landmarks via separate components.

Depth-from-Iris: Depth Estimation from a Single Image
Our iris-tracking model is able to determine the metric distance of a subject to the camera with less than 10% error, without requiring any specialized hardware. This is done by relying on the fact that the horizontal iris diameter of the human eye remains roughly constant at 11.7±0.5 mm across a wide population [1, 2, 3, 4], along with some simple geometric arguments. For illustration, consider a pinhole camera model projecting onto a sensor of square pixels. The distance to a subject can be estimated from facial landmarks by using the focal length of the camera, which can be obtained using camera capture APIs or directly from the EXIF metadata of a captured image, along with other camera intrinsic parameters. Given the focal length, the distance from the subject to the camera is directly proportional to the physical size of the subject’s eye, as visualized below.

The distance of the subject (d) can be computed from the focal length (f) and the size of the iris using similar triangles.
Left: MediaPipe Iris predicting metric distance in cm on a Pixel 2 from iris tracking alone, without the use of a depth sensor. Right: Ground-truth depth.

In order to quantify the accuracy of the method, we compared it to the depth sensor on an iPhone 11 by collecting front-facing, synchronized video and depth images on over 200 participants. We experimentally verified the error of the iPhone 11 depth sensor to be < 2% for distances up to 2 meters, using a laser ranging device. Our evaluation shows that our approach for depth estimation using iris size has a mean relative error of 4.3% and standard deviation of 2.4%. We tested our approach on participants with and without eyeglasses (not accounting for contact lenses on participants) and found that eyeglasses increase the mean relative error slightly to 4.8% (standard deviation 3.1%). We did not test this approach on participants with any eye diseases (like arcus senilis or pannus). Considering MediaPipe Iris requires no specialized hardware, these results suggest it may be possible to obtain metric depth from a single image on devices with a wide range of cost-points.

Histogram of estimation errors (left) and comparison of actual to estimated distance by iris (right).

Release of MediaPipe Iris
We are releasing the iris and depth estimation models as a cross-platform MediaPipe pipeline that can run on desktop, mobile and the web. As described in our recent Google Developer Blog post on MediaPipe on the web, we leverage WebAssembly and XNNPACK to run our Iris ML pipeline locally in the browser, without any data being sent to the cloud.

Using MediaPipe’s WASM stack, you can run the models locally in your browser! Left: Iris tracking. Right: Depth from Iris computed just from a photo with EXIF data. Iris tracking can be tried out here and iris depth measurements here.

Future Directions
We plan to extend our MediaPipe Iris model with even more stable tracking for lower error and deploy it for accessibility use cases. We strongly believe in sharing code that enables reproducible research, rapid experimentation, and development of new ideas in different areas. In our documentation and the accompanying Model Card, we detail the intended uses, limitations and model fairness to ensure that use of these models aligns with Google’s AI Principles. Note, that any form of surveillance or identification is explicitly out of scope and not enabled by this technology. We hope that providing this iris perception functionality to the wider research and development community will result in an emergence of creative use cases, stimulating responsible new applications and new research avenues.

For more ML solutions from MediaPipe, please see our solutions page and Google Developer blog for the latest updates.

We would like to thank Artsiom Ablavatski, Andrei Tkachenka, Buck Bourdon, Ivan Grishchenko and Gregory Karpiak for support in model evaluation and data collection; Yury Kartynnik, Valentin Bazarevsky, Artsiom Ablavatski for developing the mesh technology; Aliaksandr Shyrokau and the annotation team for their diligence to data preparation; Vidhya Navalpakkam, Tomer, Tomer Shekel, Kai Kohlhoff for their domain expertise, Fan Zhang, Esha Uboweja, Tyler Mullen, Michael Hays and Chuo-Ling Chang for help to integrate the model to MediaPipe; Matthias Grundmann, Florian Schroff and Ming Guang Yong for continuous help for building this technology.

Source: Google AI Blog

Improving Speech Representations and Personalized Models Using Self-Supervision

There are many tasks within speech processing that are easier to solve by having large amounts of data. For example automatic speech recognition (ASR) translates spoken audio into text. In contrast, "non-semantic" tasks focus on the aspects of human speech other than its meaning, encompassing "paralinguistic" tasks, like speech emotion recognition, as well as other kinds of tasks, such as speaker identification, language identification, and certain kinds of voice-based medical diagnoses. In training systems to accomplish these tasks, one common approach is to utilize the largest datasets possible to help ensure good results. However, machine learning techniques that directly rely on massive datasets are often less successful when trained on small datasets.

One way to bridge the performance gap between large and small datasets is to train a representation model on a large dataset, then transfer it to a setting with less data. Representations can improve performance in two ways: they can make it possible to train small models by transforming high-dimensional data (like images and audio) to a lower dimension, and the representation model can also be used as pre-training. In addition, if the representation model is small enough to be run or trained on-device, it can improve performance in a privacy-preserving way by giving users the benefits of a personalized model where the raw data never leaves their device. While representation learning is commonly used in the text domain (e.g. BERT and ALBERT) and in the images domain (e.g. Inception layers and SimCLR), such approaches are underutilized in the speech domain.
Bottom:A large speech dataset is used to train a model, which is then rolled out to other environments. Top Left: On-device personalization — personalized, on-device models combine security and privacy. Top Middle: Small model on embeddings — general-use representations transform high-dimensional, few-example datasets to a lower dimension without sacrificing accuracy; smaller models train faster and are regularized. Top Right: Full model fine-tuning — large datasets can use the embedding model as pre-training to improve performance
Unambiguously improving generally-useful representations, for non-semantic speech tasks in particular, is difficult without a standard benchmark to compare "speech representation usefulness." While the T5 framework systematically evaluates text embeddings and the Visual Task Adaptation Benchmark (VTAB) standardizes image embedding evaluation, both leading to progress in representation learning in those respective fields, there has been no such benchmark for non-semantic speech embeddings.

In "Towards Learning a Universal Non-Semantic Representation of Speech", we make three contributions to representation learning for speech-related applications. First, we present a NOn-Semantic Speech (NOSS) benchmark for comparing speech representations, which includes diverse datasets and benchmark tasks, such as speech emotion recognition, language identification, and speaker identification. These datasets are available in the "audio" section of TensorFlow Datasets. Second, we create and open-source TRIpLet Loss network (TRILL), a new model that is small enough to be executed and fine-tuned on-device, while still outperforming other representations. Third, we perform a large-scale study comparing different representations, and open-source the code used to compute the performance on new representations.

A New Benchmark for Speech Embeddings
For a benchmark to usefully guide model development, it must contain tasks that ought to have similar solutions and exclude those that are significantly different. Previous work either dealt with the variety of possible speech-based tasks independently, or lumped semantic and non-semantic tasks together. Our work improves performance on non-semantic speech tasks, in part, by focusing on neural network architectures that perform well specifically on this subset of speech tasks.

The tasks were selected for the NOSS benchmark on the basis of their 1) diversity — they need to cover a range of use-cases; 2) complexity — they should be challenging; and 3) availability, with particular emphasis on those tasks that are open-source. We combined six datasets of different sizes and tasks.
Datasets for downstream benchmark tasks. *VoxCeleb results in our study were computed using a subset of the dataset that was filtered according to internal policy.
We also introduce three additional intra-speaker tasks to test performance in the personalization scenario. In some datasets with k speakers, we can create k different tasks consisting of training and testing on just a single speaker. Overall performance is averaged across speakers. These three additional intra-speaker tasks measure the ability of an embedding to adapt to a particular speaker, as would be necessary for personalized, on-device models, which are becoming more important as computation moves to smart phones and the internet of things.

To help enable researchers to compare speech embeddings, we’ve added the six datasets in our benchmark to TensorFlow Datasets (in the "audio" section) and open sourced the evaluation framework.

TRILL: A New State of the Art in Non-semantic Speech Classification
Learning an embedding from one dataset and applying it to other tasks is not as common in speech as in other modalities. However, transfer learning, the more general technique of using data from one task to help another (not necessarily with embeddings), has some compelling applications, such as personalizing speech recognizers and voice imitation text-to-speech from few samples. There have been many previously proposed representations of speech, but most of these have been trained on a smaller and less diverse data, have been tested primarily on speech recognition, or both.

To create a data-derived representation of speech that was useful across environments and tasks, we started with AudioSet, a large and diverse dataset that includes about 2500 hours of speech. We then trained an embedding model on a simple, self-supervised criteria derived from previous work on metric learning — embeddings from the same audio should be closer in embedding space than embeddings from different audio. Like BERT and the other text embeddings, the self-supervised loss function doesn't require labels and only relies on the structure of the data itself. This form of self-supervision is the most appropriate for non-semantic speech, since non-semantic phenomena are more stable in time than ASR and other sub-second speech characteristics. This simple, self-supervised criteria captures a large number of acoustic properties that are leveraged in downstream tasks.
TRILL loss: Embeddings from the same audio are closer in embedding space than embeddings from different audio.
TRILL architecture is based on MobileNet, making it fast enough to run on mobile devices. To achieve high accuracy on this small architecture, we distilled the embedding from a larger ResNet50 model without performance degradation.

Benchmark Results
We compared the performance of TRILL against other deep learning representations that are not focused on speech recognition and were trained on similarly diverse datasets. In addition, we compared TRILL to the popular OpenSMILE feature extractor, which uses pre-deep learning techniques (e.g., a fourier transform coefficients, "pitch tracking" using a time-series of pitch measurements, etc.), and randomly initialized networks, which have been shown to be strong baselines. To aggregate the performance across tasks that have different performance characteristics, we first train a small number of simple models, for a given task and embedding. The best result is chosen. Then, to understand the effect that a particular embedding has across all tasks, we calculate a linear regression on the observed accuracies, with both the model and task as the explanatory variables. The effect a model has on the accuracy is the coefficient associated with the model in the regression. For a given task, when changing from one model to another, the resulting change in accuracy is expected to be the difference in y-values in the figure below.
Effect of model on accuracy.
TRILL outperforms the other representations in our study. Factors that contribute to TRILL's success are the diversity of the training dataset, the large context window of the network, and the generality of the TRILL training loss that broadly preserves acoustic characteristics instead of prematurely focusing on certain aspects. Note that representations from intermediate network layers are often more generally useful. The intermediate representations are larger, have finer temporal granularity, and in the case of the classification networks they retain more general information that isn't as specific to the classes on which they were trained.

Another benefit of a generally-useful model is that it can be used to initialize a model on a new task. When the sample size of a new task is small, fine-tuning an existing model may lead to better results than training the model from scratch. We achieved a new state-of-the-art result on three out of six benchmark tasks using this technique, despite doing no dataset-specific hyperparameter tuning.

To compare our new representation, we also tested it on the mask sub-challenge of the Interspeech 2020 Computational Paralinguistics Challenge (ComParE). In this challenge, models must predict whether a speaker is wearing a mask, which would affect their speech. The mask effects are sometimes subtle, and audio clips are only one second long. A linear model on TRILL outperformed the best baseline model, which was a fusion of many models on different kinds of features including traditional spectral and deep-learned features.

The code to evaluate NOSS is available on GitHub, the datasets are on TensorFlow Datasets, and the TRILL models are available on AI Hub.

The NOn-Semantic Speech benchmark helps researchers create speech embeddings that are useful in a wide range of contexts, including for personalization and small-dataset problems. We provide the TRILL model to the research community as a baseline embedding to surpass.

The core team behind this work includes Joel Shor, Aren Jansen, Ronnie Maor, Oran Lang, Omry Tuval, Felix de Chaumont Quitry, Marco Tagliasacchi, Ira Shavitt, Dotan Emanuel, and Yinnon Haviv. We'd also like to thank Avinatan Hassidim and Yossi Matias for technical guidance.

Source: Google AI Blog