Tag Archives: Kubernetes

Securing open source: How Google supports the new Kubernetes bug bounty

At Google, we care deeply about the security of open-source projects, as they’re such a critical part of our infrastructure—and indeed everyone’s. Today, the Cloud-Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) announced a new bug bounty program for Kubernetes that we helped create and get up and running. Here’s a brief overview of the program, other ways we help secure open-source projects and information on how you can get involved.

Launching the Kubernetes bug bounty program

Kubernetes is a CNCF project. As part of its graduation criteria, the CNCF recently funded the project’s first security audit, to review its core areas and identify potential issues. The audit identified and addressed several previously unknown security issues. Thankfully, Kubernetes already had a Product Security Committee, including engineers from the Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) security team, who respond to and patch any newly discovered bugs. But the job of securing an open-source project is never done. To increase awareness of Kubernetes’ security model, attract new security researchers, and reward ongoing efforts in the community, the Kubernetes Product Security Committee began discussions in 2018 about launching an official bug bounty program.

Find Kubernetes bugs, get paid

What kind of bugs does the bounty program recognize? Most of the content you’d think of as ‘core’ Kubernetes, included at https://github.com/kubernetes, is in scope. We’re interested in common kinds of security issues like remote code execution, privilege escalation, and bugs in authentication or authorization. Because Kubernetes is a community project, we’re also interested in the Kubernetes supply chain, including build and release processes that might allow a malicious individual to gain unauthorized access to commits, or otherwise affect build artifacts. This is a bit different from your standard bug bounty as there isn’t a ‘live’ environment for you to test—Kubernetes can be configured in many different ways, and we’re looking for bugs that affect any of those (except when existing configuration options could mitigate the bug). Thanks to the CNCF’s ongoing support and funding of this new program, depending on the bug, you can be rewarded with a bounty anywhere from $100 to $10,000.

The bug bounty program has been in a private release for several months, with invited researchers submitting bugs and to help us test the triage process. And today, the new Kubernetes bug bounty program is live! We’re excited to see what kind of bugs you discover, and are ready to respond to new reports. You can learn more about the program and how to get involved here.

Dedicated to Kubernetes security

Google has been involved in this new Kubernetes bug bounty from the get-go: proposing the program, completing vendor evaluations, defining the initial scope, testing the process, and onboarding HackerOne to implement the bug bounty solution. Though this is a big effort, it’s part of our ongoing commitment to securing Kubernetes. Google continues to be involved in every part of Kubernetes security, including responding to vulnerabilities as part of the Kubernetes Product Security Committee, chairing the sig-auth Kubernetes special interest group, and leading the aforementioned Kubernetes security audit. We realize that security is a critical part of any user’s decision to use an open-source tool, so we dedicate resources to help ensure we’re providing the best possible security for Kubernetes and GKE.

Although the Kubernetes bug bounty program is new, it isn’t a novel strategy for Google. We have enjoyed a close relationship with the security research community for many years and, in 2010, Google established our own Vulnerability Rewards Program (VRP). The VRP provides rewards for vulnerabilities reported in GKE and virtually all other Google Cloud services. (If you find a bug in GKE that isn’t specific to Kubernetes core, you should still report it to the Google VRP!) Nor is Kubernetes the only open-source project with a bug bounty program. In fact, we recently expanded our Patch Rewards program to provide financial rewards both upfront and after-the-fact for security improvements to open-source projects.

Help keep the world’s infrastructure safe. Report a bug to the Kubernetes bug bounty, or a GKE bug to the Google VRP.

By Maya Kaczorowski, Product Manager, Container Security; and Aaron Small, Product Manager, GKE On-Prem security

Building Skills, Building Community

Year after year, we hear from conference attendees that it's not just the content they came for, it's the connections. Meeting new people, getting new perspectives, making new friends (and sometimes hiring them!) is a big part of KubeCon Life. We want to make sure that the Kubecon community is welcoming to people from diverse backgrounds but just being welcoming is not enough: we have to actually do the work to help people get through the door.

The easiest way to help people get through the door is through diversity scholarships. One of the biggest blockers to full participation in our community is just having the resources to get to the room where it happens, and a diversity scholarship—not just a ticket, but travel assistance too—helps increase participation.

1: Going Swagless

This Kubecon we want you to take away the really important things from the conference: new knowledge and new connections... not just another pen or plastic doodad. (Although to be fair, we will also have plenty of stickers... stickers aren't swag, they're an essential part of Kubecon!)

Google prides itself on being a data-driven company, so when we need to decide where we can spend our dollars to make the most impact and do the most good for the Kubecon community, we turn to the data. We know there is an issue from the CNCF KubeCon report in Seattle 2018 reporting in 11% women (and that’s not even a complete diversity metric). Now looking at the things conference attendees have told us they value about Kubecon, we put together this handy chart to help us guide our decision-making:
Travel + Conf Ticket ScholarshipBranded Pen
Face to face learning
Career development
OSS community building
Writing tools

We also need to consider externalities when we make our decisions—and going #swagless and dedicating those resources to improving the conversation and community at Kubecon has some positive externalities: less plastic (and lighter luggage going home) is better for the planet, too!

If our work to support diversity and inclusion at Kubecon has inspired you and you want to know what your org can do to participate, there is plenty of room in the #swagless tent for everyone—redirect your swag budget to D&I efforts. Shoutouts to conference organizers like SpringOne that went totally swagless this year!

2: Diversity Lunch + Hack

Our commitment to a welcoming environment and a diverse community doesn't stop at getting people in the door: we also need to work on inclusion. Our diversity lunch and hack is a place where people can:
  • Build their skills through pair programming
  • Get installation help
  • Do deep-dives on k8s topics
  • Connect with others in the community
Our diversity lunch isn't just talking about diversity: it's about working towards diversity through skill-building and creating stronger community bonds. Register here!

We welcomed 220 friends and allies in Barcelona and expect to continue the sold-out streak in San Diego (get your ticket now)!

3: Redirecting Even More

But wait, there's more! We're not just going #swagless, we're also redirecting all the hands-on workshop registration fees ($50) from Anthos Day, Anthos&GKE Lab, OSS: Agones, Knative, and Kubeflow to the diversity scholarship fund. You can build a stronger, more diverse community while you build your skills—a total twofer. (And our workshops are also walking the walk of inclusion by being accessible themselves: if you need support to attend a workshop, whether financial or physical, send us a note.

4: Hiring

Also, one of the best things any company can do to drive D&I is to hire people who will help your company become more diverse, whether as a consultant to help you build your program, or as a team member who will help you bring a wider perspective to your product! Come meet a Googler at any of the activities we are doing during the week to discuss jobs at Google Cloud: g.co/Kubecon.

By: Paris Pittman, Google Open Source

Knative momentum continues, hits another adoption milestone

Released just four months ago by Google Cloud in collaboration with several vendors, Knative, an open source platform based on Kubernetes which provides the building blocks for serverless workloads, has already gained broad support.

The number of contributors has doubled, more than a dozen companies have contributed each month, and community contributions have increased over 45% since the 0.1 release. It’s an encouraging signal that validates the need for such a project, and suggests that ongoing development will be driven by healthy discussions among users and contributors.

Knative 0.2 Release 

In recent 0.2 release, the first major release since the project’s launch in July, we incorporated 323 pull requests from eight different companies. Knative 0.2 added a new Eventing resource model to complement the Serving and Build components. There were also lots of improvements under-the-hood, such as the implementation of pluggable routing and better support for autoscaling.

KubeCon North America

Continuing the theme, there are 10 sessions about Knative by speakers from seven different companies this week at KubeCon in Seattle. The sessions cover a variety of topics spanning from introductory overview sessions to advanced autoscaler customization. The number of companies represented by speakers illustrates the breadth of the growing Knative community.

Growing Ecosystem 

Another sign of Knative’s momentum is the growing ecosystem. A number of enterprise platform developers have begun using Knative to create serverless solutions on Kubernetes for their own hybrid cloud use-cases. Their use of the Knative API makes for a consistent developer experience and enables workload portability. For example, Pivotal, a top contributor to the Knative project, has adopted Knative alongside Kubernetes which helps them dedicate more resources higher in the stack:
"Since the release of Knative, we've been collaborating on an open functions platform to help companies run their new workloads on every cloud. That’s why we’re excited to launch the alpha of Pivotal Function Service." – Onsi Fakhouri, SVP of Engineering at Pivotal
Similarly, TriggerMesh has launched a hosted serverless management platform that runs on top of Knative, enabling developers to deploy and manage their functions from a central console.
"Knative provides us with the critical building blocks we need to create our serverless management platform." – Sebastien Goasguen, Co-founder, TriggerMesh
We’re excited by the speed with which Knative is being adopted and the broad cross section of the industry that is already contributing to the project. If you haven’t already jumped in, we invite you to get involved! Come visit github.com/knative and join the growing Knative community.

By Mark Chmarny, Knative Team

Googlers on the road: CLS and OSCON 2018

Next week a veritable who’s who of free and open source software luminaries, maintainers and developers will gather to celebrate the 20th annual OSCON and the 20th anniversary of the Open Source Definition. Naturally, the Google Open Source and Google Cloud teams will be there too!

Program chairs at OSCON 2017, left to right:
Rachel Roumeliotis, Kelsey Hightower, Scott Hanselman.
Photo used with permission from O'Reilly Media.
This year OSCON returns to Portland, Oregon and runs from July 16-19. As usual, it is preceded by the free-to-attend Community Leadership Summit on July 14-15.

If you’re curious about our outreach programs, our approach to open source, or any of the open source projects we’ve released, please find us! We’re eager to chat. You’ll find us and many other Googlers throughout the week on stage, in the expo hall, and at several special events that we’re running, including:
Here’s a rundown of the sessions we’re hosting this year:

Sunday, July 15th (Community Leadership Summit)

11:45am   Asking for time and/or money by Cat Allman

Monday, July 16th (Tutorials)

9:00am    Getting started with TensorFlow by Josh Gordon
1:30pm    Introduction to natural language processing with Python by Barbara Fusinska

Tuesday, July 17th (Tutorials)

9:00am    Istio Day opening remarks by Kelsey Hightower
9:00am    TensorFlow Day opening remarks by Edd Wilder-James
9:05am    Sailing to 1.0: Istio community update by April Nassi
9:05am    The state of TensorFlow by Sandeep Gupta
9:30am    Introduction to fairness in machine learning by Hallie Benjamin
9:55am    Farm to table: A TensorFlow story by Gunhan Gulsoy
11:00am  Hassle-free, scalable machine learning with Kubeflow by Barbara Fusinska
11:05am  Istio: Zero-trust communication security for production services by Samrat Ray, Tao Li, and Mak Ahmad
12:00pm  Project Magenta: Machine learning for music and art by Sherol Chen
1:35pm    Istio à la carte by Daniel Ciruli

Wednesday, July 18th (Sessions)

9:00am    Wednesday opening welcome by Kelsey Hightower
11:50am  Machine learning for continuous integration by Joseph Gregorio
1:45pm    Live-coding a beautiful, performant mobile app from scratch by Emily Fortuna and Matt Sullivan
2:35pm    Powering TensorFlow with big data using Apache Beam, Flink, and Spark by Holden Karau
5:25pm    Teaching the Next Generation to FLOSS by Josh Simmons

Thursday, July 19th (Sessions)

9:00am    Thursday opening welcome by Kelsey Hightower
9:40am    20 years later, open source is as important as ever by Sarah Novotny
11:50am  Google’s approach to distributed systems observability by Jaana B. Dogan
2:35pm    gRPC versus REST: Let the battle begin with Alex Borysov
5:05pm    Shenzhen Go: A visual Go environment for everybody, even professionals by Josh Deprez

We look forward to seeing you and the rest of the community there!

By Josh Simmons, Google Open Source

Container Structure Tests: Unit Tests for Docker Images

Usage of containers in software applications is on the rise, and with their increasing usage in production comes a need for robust testing and validation. Containers provide great testing environments, but actually validating the structure of the containers themselves can be tricky. The Docker toolchain provides us with easy ways to interact with the container images themselves, but no real way of verifying their contents. What if we want to ensure a set of commands runs successfully inside of our container, or check that certain files are in the correct place with the correct contents, before shipping?

The Container Tools team at Google is happy to announce the release of the Container Structure Test framework. This framework provides a convenient and powerful way to verify the contents and structure of your containers. We’ve been using this framework at Google to test all of our team’s released containers for over a year now, and we’re excited to finally share it with the public.

The framework supports four types of tests:
  • Command Tests - to run a command inside your container image and verify the output or error it produces
  • File Existence Tests - to check the existence of a file in a specific location in the image’s filesystem
  • File Content Tests - to check the contents and metadata of a file in the filesystem
  • A unique Metadata Test - to verify configuration and metadata of the container itself
Users can specify test configurations through YAML or JSON. This provides a way to abstract away the test configuration from the implementation of the tests, eliminating the need for hacky bash scripting or other solutions to test container images.

Command Tests

The Command Tests give the user a way to specify a set of commands to run inside of a container, and verify that the output, error, and exit code were as expected. An example configuration looks like this:
- key: "VIRTUAL_ENV"
value: "/env"
- key: "PATH"
value: "/env/bin:$PATH"


# check that the python binary is in the correct location
- name: "python installation"
command: "which"
args: ["python"]
expectedOutput: ["/usr/bin/python\n"]

# setup a virtualenv, and verify the correct python binary is run
- name: "python in virtualenv"
setup: [["virtualenv", "/env"]]
command: "which"
args: ["python"]
expectedOutput: ["/env/bin/python\n"]

# setup a virtualenv, install gunicorn, and verify the installation
- name: "gunicorn flask"
setup: [["virtualenv", "/env"],
["pip", "install", "gunicorn", "flask"]]
command: "which"
args: ["gunicorn"]
expectedOutput: ["/env/bin/gunicorn"]
Regexes are used to match the expected output, and error, of each command (or excluded output/error if you want to make sure something didn’t happen). Additionally, setup and teardown commands can be run with each individual test, and environment variables can be specified to be set for each individual test, or globally for the entire test run (shown in the example).

File Tests

File Tests allow users to verify the contents of an image’s filesystem. We can check for existence of files, as well as examine the contents of individual files or directories. This can be particularly useful for ensuring that scripts, config files, or other runtime artifacts are in the correct places before shipping and running a container.

# check that the apt-packages text file exists and has the correct permissions
- name: 'apt-packages'
path: '/resources/apt-packages.txt'
shouldExist: true
permissions: '-rw-rw-r--'
Expected permissions and file mode can be specified for each file path in the form of a standard Unix permission string. As with the Command Tests’ “Excluded Output/Error,” a boolean can be provided to these tests to tell the framework to be sure a file is not present in a filesystem.

Additionally, the File Content Tests verify the contents of files and directories in the filesystem. This can be useful for checking package or repository versions, or config file contents among other things. Following the pattern of the previous tests, regexes are used to specify the expected or excluded contents.

# check that the default apt repository is set correctly
- name: 'apt sources'
path: '/etc/apt/sources.list'
expectedContents: ['.*httpredir\.debian\.org/debian jessie main.*']

# check that the retry policy is correctly specified
- name: 'retry policy'
path: '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/apt-retry'
expectedContents: ['Acquire::Retries 3;']

Metadata Test

Unlike the previous tests which all allow any number to be specified, the Metadata test is a singleton test which verifies a container’s configuration. This is useful for making sure things specified in the Dockerfile (e.g. entrypoint, exposed ports, mounted volumes, etc.) are manifested correctly in a built container.
- key: "VIRTUAL_ENV"
value: "/env"
exposedPorts: ["8080", "2345"]
volumes: ["/test"]
entrypoint: []
cmd: ["/bin/bash"]
workdir: ["/app"]

Tiny Images

One interesting case that we’ve put focus on supporting is “tiny images.” We think keeping container sizes small is important, and sometimes the bare minimum in a container image might even exclude a shell. Users might be used to running something like:
`docker run -d "cat /etc/apt/sources.list && grep -rn 'httpredir.debian.org' image"`
… but this breaks without a working shell in a container. With the structure test framework, we convert images to in-memory filesystem representations, so no shell is needed to examine the contents of an image!

Dockerless Test Runs

At their core, Docker images are just bundles of tarballs. One of the major use cases for these tests is running in CI systems, and often we can't guarantee that we'll have access to a working Docker daemon in these environments. To address this, we created a tar-based test driver, which can handle the execution of all file-related tests through simple tar manipulation. Command tests are currently not supported in this mode, since running commands in a container requires a container runtime.

This means that using the tar driver, we can retrieve images from a remote registry, convert them into filesystems on disk, and verify file contents and metadata all without a working Docker daemon on the host! Our container-diff library is leveraged here to do all the image processing; see our previous blog post for more information.
structure-test -test.v -driver tar -image gcr.io/google-appengine/python:latest structure-test-examples/python/python_file_tests.yaml

Running in Bazel

Structure tests can also be run natively through Bazel, using the “container_test” rule. Bazel provides convenient build rules for building Docker images, so the structure tests can be run as part of a build to ensure any new built images are up to snuff before being released. Check out this example repo for a quick demonstration of how to incorporate these tests into a Bazel build.

We think this framework can be useful for anyone building and deploying their own containers in the wild, and hope that it can promote their usage everywhere through increasing the robustness of containers. For more detailed information on the test specifications, check out the documentation in our GitHub repository.

By Nick Kubala, Container Tools team

Introducing container-diff, a tool for quickly comparing container images

Originally posted by Nick Kubala, Colette Torres, and Abby Tisdale from the Container Tools team, on the Google Open Source Blog

The Google Container Tools team originally built container-diff, a new project to help uncover differences between container images, to aid our own development with containers. We think it can be useful for anyone building containerized software, so we're excited to release it as open source to the development community.

Containers and the Dockerfile format help make customization of an application's runtime environment more approachable and easier to understand. While this is a great advantage of using containers in software development, a major drawback is that it can be hard to visualize what changes in a container image will result from a change in the respective Dockerfile. This can lead to bloated images and make tracking down issues difficult.

Imagine a scenario where a developer is working on an application, built on a runtime image maintained by a third-party. During development someone releases a new version of that base image with updated system packages. The developer rebuilds their application and picks up the latest version of the base image, and suddenly their application stops working; it depended on a previous version of one of the installed system packages, but which one? What version was it on before? With no currently existing tool to easily determine what changed between the two base image versions, this totally stalls development until the developer can track down the package version incompatibility.

Introducing container-diff

container-diff helps users investigate image changes by computing semantic diffs between images. What this means is that container-diff figures out on a low-level what data changed, and then combines this with an understanding of package manager information to output this information in a format that's actually readable to users. The tool can find differences in system packages, language-level packages, and files in a container image.

Users can specify images in several formats - from local Docker daemon (using the prefix `daemon://` on the image path), a remote registry (using the prefix `remote://`), or a file in the .tar in the format exported by "docker save" command. You can also combine these formats to compute the diff between a local version of an image and a remote version. This can be useful when experimenting with new builds of an image that you might not be quite ready to push yet. container-diff supports image tarballs and the registry protocol natively, enabling it to run in environments without a Docker daemon.

Examples and Use Cases

Here is a basic Dockerfile that installs Python inside our Debian base image. Running container-diff on the base image and the new one with Python, users can see all the apt packages that were installed as dependencies of Python.

➜  debian_with_python cat Dockerfile
FROM gcr.io/google-appengine/debian8
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -qq --force-yes python
➜ debian_with_python docker build -q -t debian_with_python .
➜ debian_with_python container-diff diff gcr.io/google-appengine/debian8:latest daemon://debian_with_python:latest

Packages found only in gcr.io/google-appengine/debian8:latest: None

Packages found only in debian_with_python:latest:
-file 1:5.22 15-2+deb8u3 76K
-libexpat1 2.1.0-6 deb8u4 386K
-libffi6 3.1-2 deb8u1 43K
-libmagic1 1:5.22 15-2+deb8u3 3.1M
-libpython-stdlib 2.7.9-1 54K
-libpython2.7-minimal 2.7.9-2 deb8u1 2.6M
-libpython2.7-stdlib 2.7.9-2 deb8u1 8.2M
-libsqlite3-0 deb8u2 877K
-mime-support 3.58 146K
-python 2.7.9-1 680K
-python-minimal 2.7.9-1 163K
-python2.7 2.7.9-2 deb8u1 360K
-python2.7-minimal 2.7.9-2 deb8u1 3.7M

Version differences: None

And below is a Dockerfile that inherits from our Python base runtime image, and then installs the mock and six packages inside of it. Running container-diff with the pip differ, users can see all the Python packages that have either been installed or changed as a result of this:

➜  python_upgrade cat Dockerfile
FROM gcr.io/google-appengine/python
RUN pip install -U six
➜ python_upgrade docker build -q -t python_upgrade .
➜ python_upgrade container-diff diff gcr.io/google-appengine/python:latest daemon://python_upgrade:latest --types=pip


Packages found only in gcr.io/google-appengine/python:latest: None

Packages found only in python_upgrade:latest:
-funcsigs 1.0.2 51.4K
-mock 2.0.0 531.2K
-pbr 3.1.1 471.1K

Version differences:
PACKAGE IMAGE1 (gcr.io/google-appengine/python:latest) IMAGE2 (python_upgrade:latest)
-six 1.8.0, 26.7K

This can be especially useful when it's unclear which packages might have been installed or changed incidentally as a result of dependency management of Python modules.

These are just a few examples. The tool currently has support for Python and Node.js packages installed via pip and npm, respectively, as well as comparison of image filesystems and Docker history. In the future, we'd like to see support added for additional runtime and language differs, including Java, Go, and Ruby. External contributions are welcome! For more information on contributing to container-diff, see this how-to guide.

Now that we've seen container-diff compare two images in action, it's easy to imagine how the tool may be integrated into larger workflows to aid in development:

  • Changelog generation: Given container-diff's capacity to facilitate investigation of filesystem and package modifications, it can do most of the heavy lifting in discerning changes for automatic changelog generation for new releases of an image.
  • Continuous integration: As part of a CI system, users can leverage container-diff to catch potentially breaking filesystem changes resulting from a Dockerfile change in their builds.

container-diff's default output mode is "human-readable," but also supports output to JSON, allowing for easy automated parsing and processing by users.

Single Image Analysis

In addition to comparing two images, container-diff has the ability to analyze a single image on its own. This can enable users to get a quick glance at information about an image, such as its system and language-level package installations and filesystem contents.

Let's take a look at our Debian base image again. We can use the tool to easily view a list of all packages installed in the image, along with each one's installed version and size:

➜  Development container-diff analyze gcr.io/google-appengine/debian8:latest

Packages found in gcr.io/google-appengine/debian8:latest:
-acl 2.2.52-2 258K
-adduser 3.113 nmu3 1M
-apt 3.1M
-base-files 8 deb8u9 413K
-base-passwd 3.5.37 185K
-bash 4.3-11 deb8u1 4.9M
-bsdutils 1:2.25.2-6 181K
-ca-certificates 20141019 deb8u3 367K
-coreutils 8.23-4 13.9M
-dash 0.5.7-4 b1 191K
-debconf 1.5.56 deb8u1 614K
-debconf-i18n 1.5.56 deb8u1 1.1M
-debian-archive-keyring 2017.5~deb8u1 137K

We could use this to verify compatibility with an application we're building, or maybe sort the packages by size in another one of our images and see which ones are taking up the most space.

For more information about this tool as well as a breakdown with examples, uses, and inner workings of the tool, please take a look at documentation on our GitHub page. Happy diffing!

Special thanks to Colette Torres and Abby Tisdale, our software engineering interns who helped build the tool from the ground up.

Introducing container-diff, a tool for quickly comparing container images

The Google Container Tools team originally built container-diff, a new project to help uncover differences between container images, to aid our own development with containers. We think it can be useful for anyone building containerized software, so we’re excited to release it as open source to the development community.

Containers and the Dockerfile format help make customization of an application’s runtime environment more approachable and easier to understand. While this is a great advantage of using containers in software development, a major drawback is that it can be hard to visualize what changes in a container image will result from a change in the respective Dockerfile. This can lead to bloated images and make tracking down issues difficult.

Imagine a scenario where a developer is working on an application, built on a runtime image maintained by a third-party. During development someone releases a new version of that base image with updated system packages. The developer rebuilds their application and picks up the latest version of the base image, and suddenly their application stops working; it depended on a previous version of one of the installed system packages, but which one? What version was it on before? With no currently existing tool to easily determine what changed between the two base image versions, this totally stalls development until the developer can track down the package version incompatibility.

Introducing container-diff

container-diff helps users investigate image changes by computing semantic diffs between images. What this means is that container-diff figures out on a low-level what data changed, and then combines this with an understanding of package manager information to output this information in a format that’s actually readable to users. The tool can find differences in system packages, language-level packages, and files in a container image.

Users can specify images in several formats - from local Docker daemon (using the prefix `daemon://` on the image path), a remote registry (using the prefix `remote://`), or a file in the .tar in the format exported by "docker save" command. You can also combine these formats to compute the diff between a local version of an image and a remote version. This can be useful when experimenting with new builds of an image that you might not be quite ready to push yet. container-diff supports image tarballs and the registry protocol natively, enabling it to run in environments without a Docker daemon.

Examples and Use Cases

Here is a basic Dockerfile that installs Python inside our Debian base image. Running container-diff on the base image and the new one with Python, users can see all the apt packages that were installed as dependencies of Python.

And below is a Dockerfile that inherits from our Python base runtime image, and then installs the mock and six packages inside of it. Running container-diff with the pip differ, users can see all the Python packages that have either been installed or changed as a result of this:

This can be especially useful when it’s unclear which packages might have been installed or changed incidentally as a result of dependency management of Python modules.

These are just a few examples. The tool currently has support for Python and Node.js packages installed via pip and npm, respectively, as well as comparison of image filesystems and Docker history. In the future, we’d like to see support added for additional runtime and language differs, including Java, Go, and Ruby. External contributions are welcome! For more information on contributing to container-diff, see this how-to guide.

Now that we’ve seen container-diff compare two images in action, it’s easy to imagine how the tool may be integrated into larger workflows to aid in development:
  • Changelog generation: Given container-diff’s capacity to facilitate investigation of filesystem and package modifications, it can do most of the heavy lifting in discerning changes for automatic changelog generation for new releases of an image.
  • Continuous integration: As part of a CI system, users can leverage container-diff to catch potentially breaking filesystem changes resulting from a Dockerfile change in their builds.
container-diff’s default output mode is “human-readable,” but also supports output to JSON, allowing for easy automated parsing and processing by users.

Single Image Analysis

In addition to comparing two images, container-diff has the ability to analyze a single image on its own. This can enable users to get a quick glance at information about an image, such as its system and language-level package installations and filesystem contents.

Let’s take a look at our Debian base image again. We can use the tool to easily view a list of all packages installed in the image, along with each one’s installed version and size:

We could use this to verify compatibility with an application we’re building, or maybe sort the packages by size in another one of our images and see which ones are taking up the most space.

For more information about this tool as well as a breakdown with examples, uses, and inner workings of the tool, please take a look at documentation on our GitHub page. Happy diffing!

Special thanks to Colette Torres and Abby Tisdale, our software engineering interns who helped build the tool from the ground up.

By Nick Kubala, Container Tools team

Open source down under: Linux.conf.au 2017

It’s a new year and open source enthusiasts from around the globe are preparing to gather at the edge of the world for Linux.conf.au 2017. Among those preparing are Googlers, including some of us from the Open Source Programs Office.

This year Linux.conf.au is returning to Hobart, the riverside capital of Tasmania, home of Australia’s famous Tasmanian devils, running five days between January 16 and 20. The theme is the “Future of Open Source.”
Tuz, a Tasmanian devil sporting a penguin beak, is the Linux.conf.au mascot.
(Artwork by Tania Walker licensed under CC BY-SA.)
The conference, which began in 1999 and is community organized, is well equipped to explore that theme which is reflected in the program schedule and miniconfs.

You’ll find Googlers speaking throughout the week, as well as participating in the hallway track. Don’t miss our Birds of a Feather session if you’re a student, educator, project maintainer, or otherwise interested in talking about outreach and student programs like Google Summer of Code and Google Code-in.

Monday, January 16th
12:20pm The Sound of Silencing by Julien Goodwin
4:35pm   Year of the Linux Desktop? by Jessica Frazelle

Tuesday, January 17th
All day    Community Leadership Summit X at LCA

Wednesday, January 18th
2:15pm   Community Building Beyond the Black Stump by Josh Simmons
4:35pm   Contributing to and Maintaining Large Scale Open Source Projects by Jessica Frazelle

Thursday, January 19th
4:35pm   Using Python for creating hardware to record FOSS conferences! by Tim Ansell

Friday, January 20th
1:20pm   Linux meets Kubernetes by Vishnu Kannan

Not able to make it to the conference? Keynotes and sessions will be livestreamed, and you can always find the session recordings online after the event.

We’ll see you there!

By Josh Simmons, Open Source Programs Office

Kubernetes 1.3 is here!

With all of the excitement being generated around the Kubernetes 1.3 release and the first anniversary of Kubernetes 1.0 (#k8sbday), now is a great time to point out some of the features that enterprise users should be taking note of.

If you’re not familiar with Kubernetes, let me get you up to speed.

Kubernetes is an open-source container automation framework that builds upon 15 years of experience of running production workloads at Google. Once you declare a desired state, Kubernetes works to drive your system toward that state. As a developer this means less time handling trivial tasks that a computer can automate and more time focusing on developing applications that provide value to users.

Additionally, Kubernetes aims to be a framework that you can operate at planetary scale, run anywhere, and never outgrow.

With the release of Kubernetes 1.3, Kubernetes is closer than ever to meeting those goals; the 1.3 release adds exciting features such as:
Aside from features, the coolest part about working with Kubernetes is hearing user stories. I’ll soon be publishing an interview with Joseph Jacks, co-founder of Kismatic, the enterprise Kubernetes company, on the Kubernetes blog.

Joseph is very active in the Kubernetes community and has extensive experience with Kubernetes in production. In the interview I ask him why he bet his business on Kubernetes, what could be better, and how he sees Kubernetes growing in the near future.

Kubernetes has many, many features to offer that I didn’t get to cover in this short write-up. If you know anyone that needs to ramp up on Kubernetes, the easiest way is the free course I created with Kelsey Hightower, Scalable Microservices with Kubernetes. The course covers the basic features of Kubernetes. If you want an overview of what’s new in Kubernetes 1.3, feel free to look at the “What’s new in Kubernetes 1.3” video or slides.

Finally for a more in-depth look at the 1.3 release, make sure to check out: 5 days of Kubernetes 1.3 blog series.

Want to learn more about container orchestration and cloud native platforms? Here’s some recommended reading to follow up with:
By Carter Morgan, Developer Programs Engineer

Googlers on the road: OSCON 2016 in Austin

Developers and open source enthusiasts converge on Austin, Texas in just under two weeks for O’Reilly Media’s annual open source conference, OSCON, and the Community Leadership Summit (CLS) that precedes it. CLS runs May 14-15 at the Austin Convention Center followed by OSCON from May 16-19.

OSCON 2014 program chairs including Googler Sarah Novotny.
Photo licensed by O'Reilly Media under CC-BY-NC 2.0.

This year we have 10 Googlers hosting sessions covering topics including web development, machine learning, devops, astronomy and open source. A list of all of the talks hosted by Googlers alongside related events can be found below.

If you’re a student, educator, mentor, past or present participant in Google Summer of Code or Google Code-in, or just interested in learning more about the two programs, make sure to join us Monday evening for our Birds of a Feather session.

Have questions about Kubernetes, Google Summer of Code, open source at Google or just want to meet some Googlers? Stop by booth #307 in the Expo Hall.

Thursday, May 12th - GDG Austin
7:00pm   Google Developers Group Austin Meetup

Sunday, May 15th - Community Leadership Summit

Monday, May 16th
7:00pm   Google Summer of Code and Google Code-in Birds of a Feather

Tuesday, May 17th

Wednesday, May 18th

Thursday, May 19th
11:00am  Kubernetes hackathon at OSCON Contribute hosted by Brian Dorsey, Nikhil Jindal, Janet Kuo, Jeff Mendoza, John Mulhausen, Sarah Novotny, Terrence Ryan and Chao Xu
5:10pm    PANOPTES: Open source planet discovery by Jennifer Tong and Wilfred Gee

Haven’t registered for OSCON yet? You can knock 25% off the cost of registration by using discount code Google25, or attend parts of the event including our Birds of a Feather session for free by using discount code OSCON16XPO.

See you at OSCON!

By Josh Simmons, Open Source Programs Office