Tag Archives: Development Tools

Watch sessions from the Playtime 2016 events to learn how to succeed on Android & Google Play

Posted by Patricia Correa, Head of Developer Marketing, Google Play

We’re wrapping up our annual global Playtime series of events with a last stop in Tokyo, Japan. This year Google Play hosted events in 10 cities: London, Paris, Berlin, Hong Kong, Singapore, Gurgaon, San Francisco, Sao Paulo, Seoul and Tokyo. We met with app and game developers from around the world to discuss how to build successful businesses on Google Play, share experiences, give feedback, collaborate, and get inspired. You can now watch some of the best Playtime sessions on our Android Developers YouTube Channel, as listed below. The playlist opens with a video that celebrates collaboration.


What’s next for Google Play

Learn how we're helping users discover apps in the right context, creating new ways to engage with users beyond the install, and powering innovative experiences on emerging platforms like virtual reality, wearables, and auto.

Develop and launch apps & games

Android development in 2016

Android development is more powerful and efficient than ever before. Android Studio brings you speed, smarts, and support for Android Nougat. The broad range of cross-platform tools on Firecase can improve your app on Android and beyond. Material Design and Vulkan continue to improve the user experience and increase engagement.

Daydream & Tango

Daydream View is a VR headset and controller by Google that lets people explore new worlds, or play games that put them at the center of action. Learn how we're helping users discover apps in the right context and powering new experiences with Daydream and Tango.

Fireside chat - Wayfair & Pokémon GO on augmented reality

Augmented reality engages and delights people everywhere. In this fireside chat, online furniture seller Wayfair and Niantic's Pokémon GO share their experiences with AR and discuss how other developers can make the most of the platform.

Building for billions, featuring best practices from Maliyo Games

Learn how to create apps and games for emerging markets, which are expected to drive 80% of global smartphone growth by 2020, by recognizing the key challenges and designing the right app experiences to overcome them.

At minute 16:41, hear tips from Hugo Obi, co-founder of Nigerian games developer Maliyo.

Launch smart on Google Play

Set your app up for success using experimentation and iteration. Learn best practices for soft launching and adapting your app for different markets and device types.


Sustainable growth solves most problems for apps, featuring best practices from SoundCloud & Peak

Planning and executing a great growth strategy involves a complex set of choices and mastery of many tools. In this session we discuss topics including key business objectives, tools, and techniques to help you solve the growth puzzle with our partner, SoundCloud.

Also, check out some growth best practices from Peak.

Creating sustainable user growth for startups, by Greylock

User growth isn't just about growing the number of users you have. The key to sustainability is creating and delivering core product value. In this session, VC Greylock discusses how to identify your core action to focus on and shows you how to use these insights to optimize your app for long term growth.

App engagement is the new black, featuring best practices from Lifesum

As the app marketplace becomes more competitive, developer success depends on retaining users in apps they love. Find out which Google tools and features can help you analyze your users' behaviors, improve engagement and retention in your app and hear insights from others developers including Lifesum.

Predicting lifetime value in the apps world

Deepdive into lifetime value models and predictive analytics in the apps ecosystem. Tactics to get the most out of identified segments and how to upgrade their behaviors to minimize churn.

Subscriptions update

Learn about Google's efforts to enable users, around the world, to seamlessly and safely pay for content. This session provides updates on Google Play billing and recent enhancements to our subscriptions platform.


One game fits all, featuring best practices from Space Ape Games

Customize your game's experience for different users by targeting them with lifetime value models and predictive analytics. Hear how these concepts are applied by Space Ape Games to improve retention and monetization of their titles.

Promoting your game and growing your user base, featuring best practices from Seriously

Learn how to use Google's latest tools, like Firebase, for benchmarking, acquiring users and measuring your activities. Also, hear game developer Seriously share their latest insights and strategies on YouTube influencer campaigns.

Creating long-term retention, loyalty and value with engaging LiveOps events, featuring best practices from Kabam & Creative Mobile

Learn how successful developers keep their games fresh and engaging with Live Operations. In this talk, the LiveOps expert on Marvel: Contest of Champions discusses tips about the art and science of running an engaging LiveOps event.

Also check out the tips and best practices to run successful LiveOps from games developer Creative Mobile.

Panel - Play fair: Maintaining a level playing field in your game, featuring Space Ape Games and Kongregate

Ensuring that your game is fair is critical to success. Find out how game developers are achieving this and some ways Google Play can help.


Why you need to build for families

Family-based households with children have higher tablet and smartphone ownership rates than the general population. These families are more likely to make purchases on their mobile devices and play games. Learn about how parents choose what to download and buy, and how you can prepare for maximum conversion.

Two keys to growth: user acquisition & app engagement, by Cartoon Network

Hear how Cartoon Network leverages their network to cross-promote new titles, acquire new users and keep them engaged through immersive experiences.

Go global: Getting ready for the emerging markets revolution, by Papumba

Papumba has a clear vision to grow a global business. Hear how they work with experts to adapt their games to local markets and leverage Google Play's developer tools to find success around the world.

Optimizing for a post install world

You've spent time and resources getting users to download your apps, but what happens after the install? Learn how to minimize churn and keep families engaged with your content long term.

Monetization best practices on freemium, by 01 Digital

Learn how 01 Digital uses In-App-Purchases (IAP) to effectively monetize their apps while maintaining a safe environment for families.

Building a subscription business that appeals to parents, by PlayKids

PlayKids has been at the forefront of the subscription business model since their inception. See how they best serve their subscribers by refreshing their content, expanding their offerings and investing in new verticals.

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Understanding APK packaging in Android Studio 2.2

Posted by Wojtek Kaliciński, Android Developer Advocate

Android Studio 2.2 launched recently with many new and improved features. Some of the changes are easy to miss because they happened under the hood in the Android Gradle plugin, such as the newly rewritten integrated APK packaging and signing step.

APK Signature Scheme v2

With the introduction of the new APK Signature Scheme v2 in Android 7.0 Nougat, we decided to rewrite how assembling APKs works in the Android Gradle plugin. You can read all about the low-level technical details of v2 signatures in the documentation, but here's a quick tl;dr summary of the info you need as an Android app developer:

  • The cryptographic signature of the APK that is used to verify its integrity is now located immediately before the ZIP Central Directory.
  • The signature is computed and verified over the binary contents of the whole APK file, as opposed to decompressed file contents of each file in the archive in v1.
  • An APK can be signed by both v1 and v2 signatures at the same time, so it remains backwards compatible with previous Android releases.

Why introduce this change to how Android verifies APKs? Firstly, for enhanced security and extensibility of this new signing format, and secondly for performance - the new signatures take significantly less time to verify on the device (no need for costly decompression), resulting in faster app installation times.

The consequence of this new signing scheme, however, is that there are new constraints on the APK creation process. Since only uncompressed file contents were verified in v1, that allowed for quite a lot of modifications to be made after APK signing - files could be moved around or even recompressed. In fact, the zipalign tool which was part of the build process did exactly that - it was used to align ZIP entries on correct byte boundaries for improved runtime performance.

Because v2 signatures verify all bytes in the archive and not individual ZIP entries, running zipalign is no longer possible after signing. That's why compression, aligning and signing now happens in a single, integrated step of the build process.

If you have any custom tasks in your build process that involve tampering with or post-processing the APK file in any way, please make sure you disable them or you risk invalidating the v2 signature and thus making your APKs incompatible with Android 7.0 and above.

Should you choose to do signing and aligning manually (such as from the command line), we offer a new tool in the Android SDK, called apksigner, that provides both v1 and v2 APK signing and verification. Note that you need to run zipalign before running apksigner if you are using v2 signatures. Also remember the jarsigner tool from the JDK is not compatible with Android v2 signatures, so you can't use it to re-sign your APKs if you want to retain the v2 signature.

In case you want to disable adding v1 or v2 signatures when building with the Android Gradle plugin, you can add these lines to your signingConfig section in build.gradle:

v1SigningEnabled false
v2SigningEnabled false

Note: both signing schemes are enabled by default in Android Gradle plugin 2.2.

Release builds for smaller APKs

We took this opportunity when rewriting the packager to make some optimizations to the size of release APKs, resulting in faster downloads, smaller delta updates on the Play Store, and less wasted space on the device. Here are some of the changes we made:

  • Files in the archive are now sorted to minimize differences between APK builds.
  • All file timestamps and metadata are zeroed out.
  • Level 6 and level 9 compression is checked for all files in parallel and the optimal one is used, i.e. if L9 provides little benefit in terms of size, then L6 may be chosen for better performance
  • Native libraries are stored uncompressed and page aligned in the APK. This brings support for the android:extractNativeLibs="false" option from Android 6.0 Marshmallow and lets applications use less space on the device as well as generate smaller updates on the Play Store
  • Zopfli compression is not used to better support Play Store update algorithms. It is not recommended to recompress your APKs with Zopfli. Pre-optimizing individual resources such as PNG files in your projects is still fine and recommended.

These changes help make your releases as small as possible so that users can download and update your app even on a slower connection or on less capable devices. But what about debug builds?

Debug builds for installation speed

When developing apps you want to keep the iteration cycle fast - change code, build, and deploy on a connected device or emulator. Since Android Studio 2.0 we've been working to make all the steps as fast as possible. With Instant Run we're now able to update only the changed code and resources during runtime, while the new Emulator brings multi-processor support and faster ADB speeds for quicker APK transfer and installation. Build improvements can cut that time even further and in Android Studio 2.2 we're introducing incremental packaging and parallel compression for debug builds. Together with other features like selectively packaging resources for the target device density and ABI this will make your development even faster.

A word of caution: the APK files created for Instant Run or by invoking a debug build are not meant for distribution on the Play Store! They contain additional instrumentation code for Instant Run and are missing resources for device configurations other than the one that was connected when you started the build. Make sure you only distribute release versions of the APK which you can create using the Android Studio Generate Signed APK command or the assembleRelease Gradle task.

Hello World, meet our new experimental toolchain, Jack and Jill

Posted by Paul Rashidi, Developer Programs Engineer

We've been working on a new toolchain for Android that’s designed to improve build times and simplify development by reducing dependencies on other tools. Today, we’re introducing you to Jack (Java Android Compiler Kit) and Jill (Jack Intermediate Library Linker), the two tools at the core of the new toolchain.

We are making an early, experimental version of Jack and Jill available for testing with non-production versions of your apps. This post describes how the toolchain works, how to configure it, and how to let us know of your feature requests and any bugs you find.

So how does it work?

When the new tool chain is enabled, Jill will translate any libraries you are referencing to a new Jack library file (.jack). This prepares them to be quickly merged with other .jack files. The Android Gradle plugin and Jack collect any .jack library files, along with your source code, and compiles them into a set of dex files. During the process, Jack also handles any requested code minification. The output is then assembled into an APK file as normal. We also include support for multiple dex files, if you have enabled that support.

How do I use it?

Jack and Jill are already available in the 21.1.1+ Build Tools for Android Studio. Complementary Gradle support is also currently available in the Android 1.0.0+ Gradle plugin. To get started, all you need to do is make sure you're using these versions of the tooling and then add a single line in your build.gradle file. Perform a build of your application to receive a newly built APK.

android {
    buildToolsRevision '21.1.1'
    defaultConfig {
      // Enable the experimental Jack build tools.
      useJack = true
If you want to build your app with both toolchains, Product Flavors are a great way to do this. Your build.gradle file might look something like the snippet below.
android {
    productFlavors {
        dev {
        experimental {
            useJack = true
        prod {

How do I configure my build?

We are making the transition to Jack as smooth as possible by supporting minification (shrinking and/or obfuscation), as well as repackaging (i.e. similar to tools like jarjar), while using the same input files as you are used to. Minification is available in the Gradle plugin immediately and repackaging will follow. You should continue to use the "minifyEnabled true" directive to reduce the size of your app among all other optimizations you would normally use. There are more details on our reference page (linked below) regarding the level of support for each type of optimization. We encourage you to provide feedback there if your current configuration isn't supported.

Give us your feedback

We are attempting to make the toolchain as easy to test out as possible and we're looking for your help to fine tune it. Use the reference page to find known issues, file feature requests, and report bugs. Happy building!

Process Stats: Understanding How Your App Uses RAM

Posted by Dianne Hackborn, Android framework team

Android 4.4 KitKat introduced a new system service called procstats that helps you better understand how your app is using the RAM resources on a device. Procstats makes it possible to see how your app is behaving over time — including how long it runs in the background and how much memory it uses during that time. It helps you quickly find inefficiencies and misbehaviors in your app that can affect how it performs, especially when running on low-RAM devices.

You can access procstats data using an adb shell command, but for convenience there is also a new Process Stats developer tool that provides a graphical front-end to that same data. You can find Process Stats in Settings > Developer options > Process Stats.

In this post we’ll first take a look at the Process Stats graphical tool, then dig into the details of the memory data behind it, how it's collected, and why it's so useful to you as you analyze your app.

Process Stats overview of memory used by background processes over time.

Looking at systemwide memory use and background processes

When you open Process Stats, you see a summary of systemwide memory conditions and details on how processes are using memory over time. The image at right gives you an example of what you might see on a typical device.

At the top of the screen we can see that:

  • We are looking at that data collected over the last ~3.5 hours.
  • Currently the device’s RAM is in good shape ("Device memory is currently normal").
  • During that entire time the memory state has been good — this is shown by the green bar. If device memory was getting low, you would see yellow and red regions on the left of the bar representing the amount of total time with low memory.

Below the green bar, we can see an overview of the processes running in the background and the memory load they've put on the system:

  • The percentage numbers on the right indicate the amount of time each process has spent running during the total duration.
  • The blue bars indicate the relative computed memory load of each process. (The memory load is runtime*avg_pss, which we will go into more detail on later.)
  • Some apps may be listed multiple times, since what is being shown is processes (for example, Google Play services runs in two processes). The memory load of these apps is the sum of the load of their individual processes.
  • There are a few processes at the top that have all been running for 100% of the time, but with different weights because of their relative memory use.

Analyzing memory for specific processes

The example shows some interesting data: we have a Clock app with a higher memory weight than Google Keyboard, even though it ran for less than half the time. We can dig into the details of these processes just by tapping on them:

Process Stats memory details for Clock and Keyboard processes over the past 3.5 hours.

The details for these two processes reveal that:

  • The reason that Clock has been running at all is because it is being used as the current screen saver when the device is idle.
  • Even though the Clock process ran for less than half the time of the Keyboard, its ram use was significantly larger (almost 3x), which is why its overall weight is larger.

Essentially, procstats provides a “memory use” gauge that's much like the storage use or data use gauges, showing how much RAM the apps running in the background are using. Unlike with storage or data, though, memory use is much harder to quantify and measure, and procstats uses some tricks to do so. To illustrate the complexity of measuring memory use, consider a related topic: task managers.

Understanding task managers and their memory info

We’ve had a long history of task managers on Android. Android has always deeply supported multitasking, which means the geeky of us will tend to want to have some kind of UI for seeing and controlling this multitasking like the traditional UI we are used to from the desktop. However, multitasking on Android is actually quite a bit more complicated and fundamentally different than on a traditional desktop operating system, as I previously covered in Multitasking the Android Way. This deeply impacts how we can show it to the user.

Multitasking and continuous process management

To get a feel for just how different process management is on Android, you can take a look at the output of an important system service, the activity manager, with adb shell dumpsys activity. The example below shows a snapshot of current application processes on Android 4.4, listing them from most important to least:

ACTIVITY MANAGER RUNNING PROCESSES (dumpsys activity processes)
Process LRU list (sorted by oom_adj, 22 total, non-act at 2, non-svc at 2):
  PERS #21: sys   F/ /P  trm: 0 23064:system/1000 (fixed)
  PERS #20: pers  F/ /P  trm: 0 23163:com.android.systemui/u0a12 (fixed)
  PERS #19: pers  F/ /P  trm: 0 23344:com.nuance.xt9.input/u0a77 (fixed)
  PERS #18: pers  F/ /P  trm: 0 23357:com.android.phone/1001 (fixed)
  PERS #17: pers  F/ /P  trm: 0 23371:com.android.nfc/1027 (fixed)
  Proc # 3: fore  F/ /IB trm: 0 13892:com.google.android.apps.magazines/u0a59 (service)
  Proc # 2: fore  F/ /IB trm: 0 23513:com.google.process.gapps/u0a8 (provider)
  Proc # 0: fore  F/A/T  trm: 0 24811:com.android.settings/1000 (top-activity)
  Proc # 4: vis   F/ /IF trm: 0 23472:com.google.process.location/u0a8 (service)
  Proc #14: prcp  F/ /IF trm: 0 23298:com.google.android.inputmethod.latin/u0a57 (service)
  Proc # 1: home  B/ /HO trm: 0 23395:com.android.launcher/u0a13 (home)
  Proc #16: cch   B/ /CA trm: 0 23966:com.google.android.deskclock/u0a36 (cch-act)
  Proc # 6: cch   B/ /CE trm: 0 7716:com.google.android.music:main/u0a62 (cch-empty)
  Proc # 5: cch   B/ /CE trm: 0 8644:com.google.android.apps.docs/u0a39 (cch-empty)
  Proc # 8: cch+2 B/ /CE trm: 0 5131:com.google.android.youtube/u0a78 (cch-empty)
  Proc # 7: cch+2 B/ /CE trm: 0 23338:com.google.android.gms/u0a8 (cch-empty)
  Proc #10: cch+4 B/ /CE trm: 0 8937:com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel/u0a24 (cch-empty)
  Proc # 9: cch+4 B/ /CE trm: 0 24689:com.google.android.apps.plus/u0a70 (cch-empty)
  Proc #15: cch+6 B/ /S  trm: 0 23767:com.google.android.apps.currents/u0a35 (cch-started-services)
  Proc #13: cch+6 B/ /CE trm: 0 9115:com.google.android.gm/u0a44 (cch-empty)
  Proc #12: cch+6 B/ /S  trm: 0 7738:android.process.media/u0a6 (cch-started-services)
  Proc #11: cch+6 B/ /CE trm: 0 8922:com.google.android.setupwizard/u0a19 (cch-empty)

Example output of dumpsys activity command, showing all processes currently running.

There are a few major groups of processes here — persistent system processes, the foreground processes, background processes, and finally cached processes — and the category of a process is extremely important for understanding its impact on the system.

At the same time, processes on this list change all of the time. For example, in the snapshot above we can see that “com.google.android.gm” is currently an important process, but that is because it is doing a background sync, something the user would not generally be aware of or want to manage.

Snapshotting per-process RAM use

The traditional use of a task manager is closely tied to RAM use, and Android provides a tool called meminfo for looking at a snapshot of current per-process RAM use. You can access it with the command adb shell dumpsys meminfo. Here's an example of the output.

Total PSS by OOM adjustment:
    31841 kB: Native
               13173 kB: zygote (pid 23001)
                4372 kB: surfaceflinger (pid 23000)
                3721 kB: mediaserver (pid 126)
                3317 kB: glgps (pid 22993)
                1656 kB: drmserver (pid 125)
                 995 kB: wpa_supplicant (pid 23148)
                 786 kB: netd (pid 121)
                 518 kB: sdcard (pid 132)
                 475 kB: vold (pid 119)
                 458 kB: keystore (pid 128)
                 448 kB: /init (pid 1)
                 412 kB: adbd (pid 134)
                 254 kB: ueventd (pid 108)
                 238 kB: dhcpcd (pid 10617)
                 229 kB: tf_daemon (pid 130)
                 200 kB: installd (pid 127)
                 185 kB: dumpsys (pid 14207)
                 144 kB: healthd (pid 117)
                 139 kB: debuggerd (pid 122)
                 121 kB: servicemanager (pid 118)
    48217 kB: System
               48217 kB: system (pid 23064)
    49095 kB: Persistent
               34012 kB: com.android.systemui (pid 23163 / activities)
                7719 kB: com.android.phone (pid 23357)
                4676 kB: com.android.nfc (pid 23371)
                2688 kB: com.nuance.xt9.input (pid 23344)
    24945 kB: Foreground
               24945 kB: com.android.settings (pid 24811 / activities)
    17136 kB: Visible
               14026 kB: com.google.process.location (pid 23472)
                3110 kB: com.android.defcontainer (pid 13976)
     6911 kB: Perceptible
                6911 kB: com.google.android.inputmethod.latin (pid 23298)
    14277 kB: A Services
               14277 kB: com.google.process.gapps (pid 23513)
    26422 kB: Home
               26422 kB: com.android.launcher (pid 23395 / activities)
    21798 kB: B Services
               16242 kB: com.google.android.apps.currents (pid 23767)
                5556 kB: android.process.media (pid 7738)
   145869 kB: Cached
               41588 kB: com.google.android.apps.plus (pid 24689)
               21417 kB: com.google.android.deskclock (pid 23966 / activities)
               14463 kB: com.google.android.apps.docs (pid 8644)
               14303 kB: com.google.android.gm (pid 9115)
               11014 kB: com.google.android.music:main (pid 7716)
               10688 kB: com.google.android.apps.magazines (pid 13892)
               10240 kB: com.google.android.gms (pid 23338)
                9882 kB: com.google.android.youtube (pid 5131)
                8807 kB: com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel (pid 8937)
                3467 kB: com.google.android.setupwizard (pid 8922)

Total RAM: 998096 kB
 Free RAM: 574945 kB (145869 cached pss + 393200 cached + 35876 free)
 Used RAM: 392334 kB (240642 used pss + 107196 buffers + 3856 shmem + 40640 slab)
 Lost RAM: 30817 kB
   Tuning: 64 (large 384), oom 122880 kB, restore limit 40960 kB (high-end-gfx)

Example output of dumpsys meminfo command, showing memory currently used by running processes.

We are now looking at the same processes as above, again organized by importance, but now with on their impact on RAM use.

Usually when we measure RAM use in Android, we do this with Linux’s PSS (Proportional Set Size) metric. This is the amount of RAM actually mapped into the process, but weighted by the amount it is shared across processes. So if there is a 4K page of RAM mapped in to two processes, its PSS amount for each process would be 2K.

The nice thing about using PSS is that you can add up this value across all processes to determine the actual total RAM use. This characteristic is used at the end of the meminfo report to compute how much RAM is in use (which comes in part from all non-cached processes), versus how much is "free" (which includes cached processes).

Task-manager style memory info, showing a snapshot of memory used by running apps.

Task manager UI based on PSS snapshot

Given the information we have so far, we can imagine various ways to present this in a somewhat traditional task manager UI. In fact, the UI you see in Settings > Apps > Running is derived from this information. It shows all processes running services (“svc” adjustment in the LRU list) and on behalf of the system (the processes with a “<=Proc{489:system/1000}” dependency), computing the PSS RAM for each of these and any other processes they have dependencies on.

The problem with visualizing memory use in this way is that it gives you the instantaneous state of the apps, without context over time. On Android, users don’t directly control the creation and removal of application processes — they may be kept for future use, removed when the system decides, or run in the background without the user explicitly launching them. So looking only at the instantaneous state of memory use only, you would be missing important information about what is actually going on over time.

For example, in our first look at the process state we see the com.google.android.apps.magazines process running for a sync, but when we collected the RAM use right after that it was no longer running in the background but just being kept around as an old cached process.

To address this problem, the new procstats tool continually monitors the state of all application processes over time, aggregating that information and collecting PSS samples from those processes while doing so. You can view the raw data being collected by procstats with the command adb shell dumpsys procstats.

Seeing memory use over time with procstats

Let’s now go back to procstats and take a look at the context it provides by showing memory use over time. We can use the command adb shell dumpsys procstats --hours 3 to output memory information collected over the last 3 hours. This is the same data as represented graphically in the first Process Stats example.

The output shows all of the processes that have run in the last 3 hours, sorted with the ones running the most first. (Processes in a cached state don’t count for the total time in this sort.) Like the initial graphical representation, we now clearly see a big group of processes that run all of the time, and then some that run occasionally — this includes the Magazines process, which we can now see ran for 3.6% of the time over the last 3 hours.

  * com.google.android.inputmethod.latin / u0a57:
           TOTAL: 100% (6.4MB-6.7MB-6.8MB/5.4MB-5.4MB-5.4MB over 21)
          Imp Fg: 100% (6.4MB-6.7MB-6.8MB/5.4MB-5.4MB-5.4MB over 21)
  * com.google.process.gapps / u0a8:
           TOTAL: 100% (12MB-13MB-14MB/10MB-11MB-12MB over 211)
          Imp Fg: 0.11%
          Imp Bg: 0.83% (13MB-13MB-13MB/11MB-11MB-11MB over 1)
         Service: 99% (12MB-13MB-14MB/10MB-11MB-12MB over 210)
  * com.android.systemui / u0a12:
           TOTAL: 100% (29MB-32MB-34MB/26MB-29MB-30MB over 21)
      Persistent: 100% (29MB-32MB-34MB/26MB-29MB-30MB over 21)
  * com.android.phone / 1001:
           TOTAL: 100% (6.5MB-7.1MB-7.6MB/5.4MB-5.9MB-6.4MB over 21)
      Persistent: 100% (6.5MB-7.1MB-7.6MB/5.4MB-5.9MB-6.4MB over 21)
  * com.nuance.xt9.input / u0a77:
           TOTAL: 100% (2.3MB-2.5MB-2.7MB/1.5MB-1.5MB-1.5MB over 21)
      Persistent: 100% (2.3MB-2.5MB-2.7MB/1.5MB-1.5MB-1.5MB over 21)
  * com.android.nfc / 1027:
           TOTAL: 100% (4.2MB-4.5MB-4.6MB/3.2MB-3.2MB-3.3MB over 21)
      Persistent: 100% (4.2MB-4.5MB-4.6MB/3.2MB-3.2MB-3.3MB over 21)
  * com.google.process.location / u0a8:
           TOTAL: 100% (13MB-13MB-14MB/10MB-11MB-11MB over 21)
          Imp Fg: 100% (13MB-13MB-14MB/10MB-11MB-11MB over 21)
  * system / 1000:
           TOTAL: 100% (42MB-46MB-56MB/39MB-42MB-48MB over 21)
      Persistent: 100% (42MB-46MB-56MB/39MB-42MB-48MB over 21)
  * com.google.android.apps.currents / u0a35:
           TOTAL: 100% (16MB-16MB-16MB/14MB-14MB-14MB over 17)
         Service: 100% (16MB-16MB-16MB/14MB-14MB-14MB over 17)
  * com.android.launcher / u0a13:
           TOTAL: 77% (25MB-26MB-27MB/22MB-23MB-24MB over 73)
             Top: 77% (25MB-26MB-27MB/22MB-23MB-24MB over 73)
          (Home): 23% (25MB-26MB-26MB/23MB-23MB-24MB over 12)
  * android.process.media / u0a6:
           TOTAL: 48% (5.0MB-5.3MB-5.5MB/4.0MB-4.2MB-4.2MB over 11)
          Imp Fg: 0.00%
          Imp Bg: 0.00%
         Service: 48% (5.0MB-5.3MB-5.5MB/4.0MB-4.2MB-4.2MB over 11)
        Receiver: 0.00%
        (Cached): 22% (4.1MB-4.5MB-4.8MB/3.0MB-3.5MB-3.8MB over 8)
  * com.google.android.deskclock / u0a36:
           TOTAL: 42% (20MB-21MB-21MB/18MB-19MB-19MB over 8)
          Imp Fg: 42% (20MB-21MB-21MB/18MB-19MB-19MB over 8)
         Service: 0.00%
        Receiver: 0.01%
        (Cached): 58% (17MB-20MB-21MB/16MB-18MB-19MB over 14)
  * com.android.settings / 1000:
           TOTAL: 23% (19MB-22MB-28MB/15MB-19MB-24MB over 31)
             Top: 23% (19MB-22MB-28MB/15MB-19MB-24MB over 31)
      (Last Act): 77% (9.7MB-14MB-20MB/7.5MB-11MB-18MB over 8)
        (Cached): 0.02%
  * com.google.android.apps.magazines / u0a59:
           TOTAL: 3.6% (10MB-10MB-10MB/8.7MB-9.0MB-9.0MB over 6)
          Imp Bg: 0.03%
         Service: 3.6% (10MB-10MB-10MB/8.7MB-9.0MB-9.0MB over 6)
        (Cached): 17% (9.9MB-10MB-10MB/8.7MB-8.9MB-9.0MB over 5)
  * com.android.defcontainer / u0a5:
           TOTAL: 1.4% (2.7MB-3.0MB-3.0MB/1.9MB-1.9MB-1.9MB over 7)
             Top: 1.2% (3.0MB-3.0MB-3.0MB/1.9MB-1.9MB-1.9MB over 6)
          Imp Fg: 0.19% (2.7MB-2.7MB-2.7MB/1.9MB-1.9MB-1.9MB over 1)
         Service: 0.00%
        (Cached): 15% (2.6MB-2.6MB-2.6MB/1.8MB-1.8MB-1.8MB over 1)
  * com.google.android.youtube / u0a78:
           TOTAL: 1.3% (9.0MB-9.0MB-9.0MB/7.8MB-7.8MB-7.8MB over 1)
          Imp Bg: 1.0% (9.0MB-9.0MB-9.0MB/7.8MB-7.8MB-7.8MB over 1)
         Service: 0.27%
      Service Rs: 0.01%
        Receiver: 0.00%
        (Cached): 99% (9.1MB-9.4MB-9.7MB/7.7MB-7.9MB-8.1MB over 24)
  * com.google.android.gms / u0a8:
           TOTAL: 0.91% (9.2MB-9.2MB-9.2MB/7.6MB-7.6MB-7.6MB over 1)
          Imp Bg: 0.79% (9.2MB-9.2MB-9.2MB/7.6MB-7.6MB-7.6MB over 1)
         Service: 0.11%
        Receiver: 0.00%
        (Cached): 99% (8.2MB-9.4MB-10MB/6.5MB-7.6MB-8.1MB over 25)
  * com.google.android.gm / u0a44:
           TOTAL: 0.56%
          Imp Bg: 0.55%
         Service: 0.01%
        Receiver: 0.00%
        (Cached): 99% (11MB-13MB-14MB/10MB-12MB-13MB over 24)
  * com.google.android.apps.plus / u0a70:
           TOTAL: 0.22%
          Imp Bg: 0.22%
         Service: 0.00%
        Receiver: 0.00%
        (Cached): 100% (38MB-40MB-41MB/36MB-38MB-39MB over 17)
  * com.google.android.apps.docs / u0a39:
           TOTAL: 0.15%
          Imp Bg: 0.09%
         Service: 0.06%
        (Cached): 54% (13MB-14MB-14MB/12MB-12MB-13MB over 17)
  * com.google.android.music:main / u0a62:
           TOTAL: 0.11%
          Imp Bg: 0.04%
         Service: 0.06%
        Receiver: 0.01%
        (Cached): 70% (7.7MB-10MB-11MB/6.4MB-9.0MB-9.3MB over 20)
  * com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel / u0a24:
           TOTAL: 0.01%
        Receiver: 0.01%
        (Cached): 69% (8.1MB-8.4MB-8.6MB/7.0MB-7.1MB-7.1MB over 13)
  * com.google.android.setupwizard / u0a19:
           TOTAL: 0.00%
        Receiver: 0.00%
        (Cached): 69% (2.7MB-3.2MB-3.4MB/1.8MB-2.0MB-2.2MB over 13)

Run time Stats:
  SOff/Norm: +1h43m29s710ms
  SOn /Norm: +1h37m14s290ms
      TOTAL: +3h20m44s0ms

          Start time: 2013-11-06 07:24:27
  Total elapsed time: +3h42m23s56ms (partial) libdvm.so chromeview

Example output of dumpsys procstats --hours 3 command, showing memory details for processes running in the background over the past ~3 hours.

The percentages tell you how much of the overall time each process has spent in various key states. The memory numbers tell you about memory samples in those states, as minPss-avgPss-maxPss / minUss-avgUss-maxUss. The procstats tool also has a number of command line options to control its output — use adb shell dumpsys procstats -h to see a list of the available options.

Comparing this raw data from procstats with the visualization of its data we previously saw, we can see that it is showing only process run data from a subset of states: Imp Fg, Imp Bg, Service, Service Rs, and Receiver. These are the situations where the process is actively running in the background, for as long as it needs to complete the work it is doing. In terms of device memory use, these are the process states that tend to cause the most trouble: apps running in the background taking RAM from other things.

Getting started with procstats

We have already found the new procstats tool to be invaluable in better understanding the overall memory behavior of Android systems, and it has been a key part of the Project Svelte effort in Android 4.4.

As you develop your own applications, be sure to use procstats and the other tools mentioned here to help understand how your own app is behaving, especially how much it runs in the background and how much RAM it uses during that time.

More information about how to analyze and debug RAM use on Android is available on the developer page Investigating Your RAM Usage.