Tag Archives: Digital Wellbeing

How I used my phone to spend less time on … my phone

I love New Year’s resolutions (the kind you'll stick to by the time January 30th rolls around). The opportunity to improve, feel happier, do more and do better is core to how I want to live. But my real life takes over when holiday break ends, and “do it better” is trumped by “get it done.”

Between work and kids and loved ones and packing lunch and checking homework and ordering birthday presents and making dinner and finding a clean red shirt for Red Shirt Day at school, it seems like there’s no time to work on my resolutions. I'm trying to do more exercising, sleeping and reading (and less ordering in), and my most important goal is being present for my kids. But to make all of this happen, I needed to do the impossible. I needed to find more time in the day.

I started my quest by using some of Android’s digital wellbeing tools last month. I’m relying on a few in particular to help me put my phone down. But to get the most out of these tools, I had to be really honest about how much time I spend on my phone.

I love my phone. It’s an indispensable tool, helping me tackle everything from grocery shopping to playdates to writing this blog post. But it’s also the enabler of what I call “empty” time: time spent too long on an app, site or video that I could have closed 20 minutes earlier than I did. Those are 20 minutes when I could have had a thoughtful chat with my daughter, played a game with my son (he likes Life), done a 10-minute workout, Marie Kondo-ed my sock drawer, chatted with a friend or gone to sleep before midnight.

App timers and Wind Down to the rescue

I’m a former editor and reporter and still a bit of a newshound, so I’m always looking at The New York Times, USA Today, the Daily Mail (for celebrity news and photos), plus a few social media apps. Instead of putting my phone down an hour before bed, I typically look at it one last time, leading me to stay up 15 minutes later than I’d like.

Based on these habits, I set app timers, which force the apps you’ve selected to pause after a period of time, and Wind Down, which turns your screen black and white after a certain time.

Wind Down GIF

I left The New York Times and USA Today timer-free, but went cold turkey and put a five-minute timer on the Daily Mail and a 15-minute timer on my social media apps. I also put a 30-minute timer on Google Play Movies, so I’ll no longer be staying up past midnight on a Wednesday watching “Bridesmaids” for the 51st time.

Minimizing multitasking in the morning

My day starts with the Sunrise Alarm on my Pixel Stand. It mimics the colors of a sunrise to gently nudge you awake, and that’s great for someone who doesn’t get quite enough sleep, like me. I quickly scan the news and email, then put my phone down and get the kids up, dressed, fed and out the door. There’s no time for phone browsing during the morning, though I’ll admit I sometimes peek at social media before I hop in the shower—a major time waster that can lead to a stressful rush out the door.

sunrise alarm gif

On the subway, I do the mini New York Times crossword, scan my apps and read news, and then multitask sending personal texts and pressing work emails. Once I’m done and have an extra 10 minutes, I used to go back to my apps—but not anymore. Now that I have a timer on social media and the Daily Mail, I know I’ve got limited time for the rest of the day, so I do something else—which this month has been reading Michelle Obama’s “Becoming.” (Much better choice.) I’ll admit I nearly relapsed the morning after the Golden Globes, when I had only five minutes to look at red carpet fashion, but I persevered.

Focusing on family in the evening

Despite my best efforts to wrap up emails on my evening commute, I usually spend a little time on my phone right when I get home. Here’s where the app timers kick into night duty. If I decide to check out one of my time waster apps, I usually have about 1-5 minutes left on them, so now I put down my phone to start dinner, which means my kids also put down their devices to help me.

After dinner, I begin winding down, letting the kids do what they want while I tidy up, chat with a friend or do laundry. They’re night owls like their mom, so once they’re in bed, I have time to myself, but not much. This is where app timers and Grayscale come to the rescue as a power duo. With Google Play Movies set at 30 minutes, I’m cut off after one episode of “Broad City.” If I’m watching after 11:00 p.m, Wind Down starts, making the phone much less appealing to use. Do I give myself an extra 30 minutes sometimes? Yes. But most of the time, I put the phone in its charger and turn out the light.

New habits for the year ahead

About two months of using these tools, I’m still not exercising. But I am going to bed earlier and reading more. When I find myself checking out a new app that’s becoming a time waster (this week, it was Reddit), I set a timer.

The time I have with my children is the best prize of all. While I still haven’t committed to an entire game of Life (it’s long!), we’ve played many hands of Uno, a few rounds of Jenga, and all hung out together reading our respective books (my kids are into “Sad Animal Facts” and “Galactic Hot Dogs”).

But we’re still in the heat of awards season, so wish me luck staying away from celebrity news.

Find more balance in your life this year, with help from Google

With our phones constantly buzzing and our inboxes filling up, it can sometimes feel like we’re always logged in. It’s easy to forget the importance of making deliberate choices about when we want to use our phones, and to know when we can take a much-needed break from screens.

Looking for more balance in your life this year? Here are some tools that will help you better understand how you’re currently using your phone, get more out your tech and carve out time to be a little more zen in 2019.

1. Take a look at your Digital Wellbeing dashboard.

Android Time Spent feature

The Digital Wellbeing dashboard on Android devices helps you understand how frequently you currently use different apps, how many notifications you receive and how often you unlock your phone. By looking at your usage over time, it’s easy to think about whether you’re getting value from the time spent on each activity and make changes.

2. Cut down on all that scrolling with app timers.

Android app timer

Once you’ve identified apps you’d like to use less often, you can set up app timers so your phone will nudge you when you’re close to your self-imposed limit. The app icon button will then gray out, with a notification to remind you of your goal, when you’ve exhausted the time limit you’ve set for yourself.

3. Use Flip to Shhh on Pixel 3.

Shhh mode on Pixel

For Pixel 3 users out there, if you turn your phone over on a table — like when you’re at dinner — your device automatically enters Do Not Disturb mode so you can focus on being present, not mindlessly checking sports scores or playing a game.

4. Create more family time with Family Link and the YouTube Kids app.

Digital Wellbeing for family and kids

If you have kids, Family Link and the YouTube Kids app allow you to set the digital ground rules for everyone in the household. With Family Link, you can view your children's activity, manage their apps, find apps recommended by teachers, set screen time limits and even lock their devices when it’s dinner or “go outside and play” time.

With the YouTube Kids app, you can decide whether or not your kids can use YouTube Kids search, keep tabs on the videos they’re watching and even block videos or channels you don’t want them to see—along with setting time limits for how long they can play with the app.

5. Get stuff done quickly and focus on what matters to you.

Great technology should improve your life, not distract from it, and a bunch of Google tools are here to help. The Google Assistant offers you downtime from screens by letting you to use your voice to send messages, control smart home devices and play music when you just want to chill. Google Photos automatically stylizes your photos for you, Android Auto minimizes distractions while you’re driving and Gmail’s Smart Compose already helps people save over a billion characters every week by suggesting words and phrases for you as you write.

6. Practice mindfulness and take a break.

Try searching for “mindfulness” in Google Play to download relaxing apps like Headspace, Calm, and many others to kickstart your wellbeing journey. You can also say to your Google Assistant, “I want to meditate” to get a bunch of app recommendations and healing sounds, and the recently updated Google Fit app now has guided breathing exercises for you, too.

7. Keep up with the #GetFitWithGoogle challenge.

With all this extra time, you might even have time to sneak in an extra run this week. We’re now three weeks into the #GetFitWithGoogle global challenge, with just one week to go as our influencer teams race to earn the most Heart Points during January with Google Fit.

Congrats to Colombia for holding onto the lead going into the final week!

Get Fit With Google leaderboard, week 3

Keep an eye on the #GetFitWithGoogle hashtag on Instagram and follow the teams below to follow their fitness journeys. Will Team Switzerland make a final dash for the line? Just one week to go before we announce the overall winners.

Don’t forget to share your own Heart Points progress using #GetFitWithGoogle to help others like you stay motivated.

Source: Android

Get more shut-eye in 2019 with help from Google

After a long day, it should be easy to hit the hay at night. But far too often, just as you’re about to drift off, you decide to check why your phone just buzzed...and you’re back to square one.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, most adults should aim to get between seven and nine hours of sleep every night. Many of us, including yours truly, usually don’t get there.

If you want a fresh start in the new year, here are some tech tips and healthy habits that will help you catch more zzzzs (and get better at counting sheep) in 2019.

1. Set up a bedtime schedule and stick to it with Wind Down.

Wind Down

If you find yourself endlessly scrolling through social feeds or trying to finish just one more level of your favorite game late at night, Wind Down on your Android phone can help you take back control. Wind Down automatically turns on Do Not Disturb and makes your phone less interesting by turning everything grayscale to help you get to sleep at the time you want.

2. Set up Quiet Hours on YouTube.

Quiet Hours on YouTube

Users on both iOS and Android devices can ask the YouTube app to silently send notifications to their phone during a specified time period each day. That means no more sounds or vibrations while you sleep. By default, all sounds and vibrations will be disabled between 10pm and 8am, but you can customize the start and end times to suit your schedule. And don’t worry, updates from your favorite creators will still be right there for you when you wake up.

3. Lull yourself to sleep with soothing sounds.

While complete silence is crucial for some people, others prefer consistent ambient noise to help them get to sleep. If you say “OK Google, help me relax”, the Google Assistant will randomly pick from more than 10 soothing sounds to quietly deliver you to the Land of Nod. You can also pick specific sounds by saying “play fireplace sounds” or “play white noise” once you work out which sounds work best for you.

4. Keep your phone out of reach, and out of mind.

Sunrise Alarm

5. Turn off your lights, and your Wi-Fi.

If you have trouble getting your kids to sleep, Google Wifi has family-friendly controls that allow you to schedule a regular Wi-Fi pause on your kids' devices. That way, your kids aren’t sneakily playing online games under the covers. (And neither are you.)

6. Keep up with the #GetFitWithGoogle challenge.

With all this extra sleep, you’ll have even more energy to spend on your other New Year resolutions like getting fit. For those following along at home from last week, here’s an update on the #GetFitWithGoogle global challenge — a four-week-long competition to see which country’s team of social influencers can earn the most Heart Points during January with Google Fit.

Congrats to Team Colombia for taking the lead on the global leaderboard after week 2!

Get Fit With Google leaderboard

Keep an eye on the #GetFitWithGoogle hashtag on Instagram and follow the teams below to follow their fitness journeys.

Don’t forget to share your own Heart Points progress using #GetFitWithGoogle to help others like you stay motivated.