Review presentations more quickly with new viewing interface on Google Slides Android app

Quick launch summary 

We’re improving the mobile viewing experience for Google Slides on Android. Rather than swiping to view slides one by one, you can now: 
  • Scroll through a vertical stream of slides. 
  • Pinch to zoom to get a closer look. 
  • Easily switch to editing, presenting, or casting content. 
This enables you to see more information at once, which can help you review slides faster. Read our Cloud Blog post to learn more about how these and other launches can help you collaborate from anywhere, with Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides on mobile.

Getting started 

  • Admins: There is no admin control for this feature. 
  • End users: To use the feature, open a presentation in the Slides app on Android. Visit our Help Center to learn more about how to use Google Slides on Android

Rollout pace 


  • Available to all G Suite customers and users with personal accounts. 
