Feature parity for multi-domain Google Apps instances

Complex businesses can require multiple Google Apps domain instances to meet their needs. Previously, certain domain management functionality was restricted to primary domains only, making managing multiple domains a bit cumbersome. With today’s launch, we’re extending several key features to secondary domains to make managing multiple domain instances more seamless:

  • Custom app URLs―make it easy for people in any of your domains to find your core Google Apps services by creating custom web addresses to each service. For example, mail.primarydomain.com or mail.secondarydomain.com.
  • Web address mapping―have your Google Sites appear under custom URLs for all of your domains, such as hr.yourdomain.com, hr.yourdomain.in or hr.yourdomain.fr.
  • Group renaming―create a Google Group in a primary domain and move it to a secondary domain. For example, rename the group [email protected] to [email protected]

Check out the Help Center links below for more information.

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

For more information:
Custom app urls
Web address mapping
Group renaming

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted

Launch release calendar
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