Admin provisioning of Google+ profiles for organizational units

A few weeks ago, we launched the capability for Google Apps admins to give individual users a Google+ profile, in order to connect with other employees and encourage collaboration and sharing in the organization. We’re now extending this capability so that admins can perform automatic profile upgrades for an entire organizational unit (OU). 

From Apps > Additional Google Services > Google+ > Sharing settings, admins can simply select an OU that has been enabled for Google+ and check the box in Profile Creation settings to automatically create Google+ profiles for all members of the OU. 

After confirming that all people in the OU are older than 18 (and that no users under 18 will be added to the selected OU), Google+ profiles are then automatically created for all existing (and future) members of the OU. These members are then sent a Google+ welcome email explaining the action taken by the administrator.

  • Today’s launch applies to Premier, Gov and higher-education EDU domains only (K-12 EDU domains are excluded).
  • People using Picasa or with a public chat photo are not eligible to be upgraded by an admin, and must create their own profile.

Release schedule:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

For more information:
Help Center (admin)
Help Center (user)
Google for Work G+ post

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted
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