Timeline for moving to the new Gmail

We recently introduced an Early Adopter Program (EAP) for the new Gmail, with new capabilities like Gmail offline and nudging. To prepare you and your organization for the general availability (GA) launch, we’re providing additional details on the rollout schedule below.

New Gmail launching to GA in July 2018
At the moment, the new Gmail is an EAP, and customers can choose to participate (or not) at the domain and organizational unit levels. After the new Gmail launches to GA in July 2018, G Suite admins will have the following options in the Admin console:

  • Immediately transition their users to the new Gmail. For a period of time, users will still have the option to opt out (see below for more details).
  • Allow their users to opt in to the new Gmail at the time of their choice. For a period of time, users will still have the option to opt out (see below for more details).
  • Wait approximately four weeks until their users are allowed to opt in to the new Gmail. For a period of time, users will still have the option to opt out (see below for more details).
    • This is the default setting. During this four-week period, users will not have the option to opt in to the new Gmail.

Approximately eight weeks after the GA announcement in July, any users who haven’t yet been transitioned to the new Gmail will be automatically migrated to the new experience. They’ll have the option to opt out of the new Gmail for an additional four weeks.

Opt-out option removed 12 weeks after GA
Approximately 12 weeks after the GA announcement in July, any users who’ve opted out of the new Gmail will be automatically migrated to the new experience, with no option to opt out. Users who’ve already transitioned to the new Gmail will lose the ability to opt out.

Additional features and Admin console settings
Please note that features with dedicated Admin console settings, like Gmail offline and confidential mode (launching at a later date), will respect any current EAP configurations when the new Gmail launches to GA. If your organization doesn’t participate in the EAP, these settings will be OFF by default when the new Gmail launches to GA.

Try the new Gmail in EAP
We’ll provide more details on this transition plan in July, but we encourage you to begin testing the new Gmail and preparing your users now. To get started, see this Help Center article.

More Information
Help Center: What’s new in Gmail

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