Tag Archives: foldable

Jetpack WindowManager 1.1 is stable!

Posted by Francesco Romano, Developer Relations Engineer on Android

It’s been more than a year since the release of the Jetpack WindowManager 1.0 stable version, and many things have happened in the foldables and large screen space. Many new devices have entered the market, and many new use cases have been unlocked!

Jetpack WindowManager is one of the most important libraries for optimizing your Android app for different form factors. And this release is a major milestone that includes a number of new features and improvements.

Let’s recap all the use cases covered by the Jetpack WindowManager library.

Get window metrics (and size classes!)

Historically, developers relied on the device display size to decide the layout of their apps, but with the availability of different form factors (such as foldables) and display modes (such as multi-window and multi-display) information about the size of the app window rather than the device display has become essential.

The Jetpack WindowManager WindowMetricsCalculator interface provides the source of truth to measure how much screen space is currently available for your app.

Built on top of that, the window size classes are a set of opinionated viewport breakpoints that help you design, develop, and test responsive and adaptive application layouts. The breakpoints have been chosen specifically to balance layout simplicity with the flexibility to optimize your app for unique cases.

With Jetpack Compose, use window size classes by importing them from the androidx.compose.material3 library, which uses WindowMetricsCalculator internally.

For View-based app, you can use the following code snippet to compute the window size classes:

private fun computeWindowSizeClasses() { val metrics = WindowMetricsCalculator.getOrCreate() .computeCurrentWindowMetrics(this) val widthDp = metrics.bounds.width() / resources.displayMetrics.density val widthWindowSizeClass = when { widthDp < 600f -> WindowSizeClass.COMPACT widthDp < 840f -> WindowSizeClass.MEDIUM else -> WindowSizeClass.EXPANDED } val heightDp = metrics.bounds.height() / resources.displayMetrics.density val heightWindowSizeClass = when { heightDp < 480f -> WindowSizeClass.COMPACT heightDp < 900f -> WindowSizeClass.MEDIUM else -> WindowSizeClass.EXPANDED } }

To learn more, see our Support different screen sizes developer guide.

Make your app fold aware

Jetpack WindowManager also provides all the APIs you need to optimize the layout for foldable devices.

In particular, use WindowInfoTracker to query FoldingFeature information, such as:

  • state: The folded state of the device, FLAT or HALF_OPENED
  • orientation: The orientation of the fold or device hinge, HORIZONTAL or VERTICAL
  • occlusion type: Whether the fold or hinge conceals part of the display, NONE or FULL
  • is separating: Whether the fold or hinge creates two logical display areas, true or false
  • bounds: The bounding rectangle of the feature within the application window (inherited from DisplayFeature)

You can access this data through a Flow:

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { ... lifecycleScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) { lifecycle.repeatOnLifecycle(Lifecycle.State.STARTED) { WindowInfoTracker.getOrCreate(this@MainActivity) .windowLayoutInfo(this@MainActivity) .collect { layoutInfo -> // New posture information val foldingFeature = layoutInfo.displayFeatures // use the folding feature to update the layout } } } }

Once you collect the FoldingFeature info, you can use the data to create an optimized layout for the current device state, for example, by implementing tabletop mode! You can see a tabletop mode example in MediaPlayerActivity.kt.

A great place to start learning about foldables is our codelab: Support foldable and dual-screen devices with Jetpack WindowManager.

Show two Activities side by side

Last, but not least, you can use the latest stable Jetpack WindowManager API: activity embedding.

Available since Android 12L, activity embedding enables developers with legacy multi-activiity architectures to display multiple activities from the same application—or even from multiple applications—side-by-side on large screens.

It’s a great way to implement list-detail layouts with minimal or no code changes.

Note: Modern Android Development (MAD) recommends using a single-activity architecture based on Jetpack APIs, including Jetpack Compose. If your app uses fragments, check out SlidingPaneLayout. Activity embedding is designed for multiple-activity, legacy apps that can't be easily updated to MAD.

It is also the biggest change in the library, as the activity embedding APIs are now stable in 1.1!

Not only that, but the API is now richer in features, as it enables you to:

  • Modify the behavior of the split screen (split ratio, rules, finishing behavior)
  • Define placeholders
  • Check (and change) the split state at runtime
  • Implement horizontal splits
  • Start a modal in full window

Interested in exploring activity embedding? We’ve got you covered with a dedicated codelab: Build a list-detail layout with activity embedding.

Many apps are already using activity embedding in production, for example, WhatsApp:

Image of WhatsApp on a large screen device showing activity embedding

And ebay!

Image of Ebay on a large screen device showing activity embedding

Implementing list-details layouts with multiple activities is not the only use case of activity embedding!

Starting from Android 13 (API level 33), apps can embed activities from other apps.

Cross‑application activity embedding enables visual integration of activities from multiple Android applications. The system displays an activity of the host app and an embedded activity from another app on screen side by side or top and bottom, just as in single-app activity embedding.

Host apps implement cross-app activity embedding the same way they implement single-app activity embedding, but the embedded app must opt-in for security reasons.

You can learn more about cross-application embedding in the Activity embedding developer guide.


Jetpack WindowManager is one of the most important libraries you should learn if you want to optimize your app’s user experience for different form factors.

WindowManager is also adding new, interesting features with every release, so keep an eye out for what’s coming in version 1.2.

See the Jetpack WindowManager documentation and sample app to get started with WindowManager today!

Get your app ready for foldable phones

Posted by Leo Sei, Product Manager on Android

As you may have heard from the Android Dev Summit, we announced that we're expanding support in Android to include Foldables, in preparation for upcoming devices from hardware partners like Samsung.

Here are a set of recommendations and information to make sure your application provides a great user experience on this new form factor (you can also check out the Android Dev Summit dedicated session here)

1. Screen continuity

On this new form factor, your application could be transitioned from one screen to another automatically (eg. when folding / unfolding a foldable phone).

During this transition, your app will receive a configuration change for the new layout (and possibly density in some cases).

To provide a great user experience when changing from one screen to the other, you want to make sure your app properly support runtime configuration change.

How to test: Emulators for various devices should become available soon (eg., Samsung will publish a folding / unfolding emulator apk later in Q4 which should work on Samsung Galaxy S4 tablets as well as the AOSP emulator in Android studio).

2. Multi-resume

Today, when an app is in multi-window but not focused, it is on the OnPause state.

While we provide recommendations on how to support multi-window, we noticed a significant number of apps are not handling the onPause state according to those recommendations (video paused or stopped, instant messages not displayed etc).

To help developers provide the best user experience on multi-window with minimal effort, we're allowing device manufacturers to keep all apps resumed when in multi-windows in P.

To opt-in to this behavior in Android P, add the following meta-data in your app manifest:

<meta-data android:name="android.allow_multiple_resumed_activities" android:value="true" />

Note: With the next Android version we're looking into how to optimize compatibility for this behavior.

How to test: There are no device at the moment with this behavior but device manufacturers are working to update existing devices to allow developers to test. Stay tuned for more details from device manufacturers.

3. Multi-display

Beginning with Android 8.0 (API level 26), the platform offers enhanced support for multiple displays. If an activity supports multi-window mode and is running on a device with multiple displays, users can move the activity from one display to another. When an app launches an activity, the app can specify which display the activity should run on. See here for the full documentation

How to test: You can try it out by using the "Developer options > Simulate secondary displays" option. Keep in mind that those simulated display do not process inputs.

Unfolding right now at #AndroidDevSummit!

Posted by Stephanie Cuthbertson, Director of Product Management

Today, at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA, we kicked off the Android Dev Summit, taking a look back at the last 10 years of Android and then jumping into some important new features for Android developers. Here's a look at some of the things we shared!

Unfolding Android into new experiences

As early as Android 1.6, Android and our partners have contemplated different screen sizes and densities, enabling the platform to power a broad category of form factors and new experiences like Android TV, Android Auto, Wear OS and even Android apps on Chromebooks. Phone screens are an area where Android partners set the bar, introducing "phablets" when phone screens were small. Fast forward to today, when a phablet is... just a phone, a standard size users have come to love.

Now we see a Android device makers creating a new category: Foldables. Taking advantage of new flexible display technology, the screen can literally bend and fold.

There are two variants broadly speaking: two-screen devices and one-screen devices. When folded, foldables look like phones, fitting in your pocket or purse. When unfolded, their defining feature is what we call screen continuity. For example, start a video with the folded smaller screen - and later you can sit down and unfold the device to get a larger tablet-sized screen for a beautiful, immersive experience. As you unfold, the app seamlessly transfers to the bigger screen without missing a beat. We're optimizing Android for this new form factor. And, making changes to help developers everywhere take advantage of the possibilities this creates for amazing new experiences, new ways to engage and delight your users. Tune in to the Foldables session at Dev Summit this week to learn more. Expect to see Foldables coming from several Android manufacturers, including one Samsung previewed today and plans to offer next year.

Kotlin: updates to the fastest growing language

We made Kotlin a first class language on Android in 2017. This month we had over 118,000 new projects using Kotlin started in Android Studio - from those users who opt in to share metrics. That's a 10X increase from last year. It's become the fastest growing language in terms of growth of number of contributors on GitHub, and voted the #2 most loved language on Stack Overflow. In our surveys, the more developers use Kotlin, the higher their satisfaction.

Last week, JetBrains released the latest version of Kotlin, 1.3, which brings new language features, APIs, bug fixes, and performance improvements:

  • Inline classes allow you to create a type which doesn't allocate unless boxed. For the constrained devices that Android apps target, avoiding allocation while retaining type-safety is a big advantage.
  • Unsigned numbers are now part of the Kotlin standard library including UInt, UByte, and ULong. These new types are built using inline classes.
  • Multiplatform code previously written for Android or the JVM can now also target Javascript or native. This unlocks the possibility of reusing parts of your codebase on even more platforms.
  • Coroutines support is now stable. The language and library support combine to simplify how you interact with asynchronous operations and perform concurrent work–things that are essential to every Android app.

All of these new features of Kotlin 1.3 will be integrated into the Kotlin-specific APIs that we provide–a majority of which are through KTX extensions as part of Jetpack.

Android Jetpack: Navigation, Work Manager, and Slices

At Google I/O we announced Jetpack, the next generation of tools and Android APIs to accelerate Android application development. Jetpack builds on the foundations laid out by Support Library and Architecture. Already, 80% of top 1,000 apps and games are using one of the new Jetpack libraries in production.

This summer we moved AndroidX - Jetpack's evolution of the original Android Support Library - to public AOSP. This means you can see features and bug fixes implemented in real-time, and contribute to any of the AndroidX libraries. You can learn more about contributing here.

We've been working to get as much feedback and refinement as possible on two new Architecture Component libraries: Navigation and Work Manager, and we plan to move both to Beta this month. The Navigation Architecture Component offers a simplified way to implement Android's navigation principles in your application, using a single Activity. Plus, the new Navigation Editor in Android Studio creates and edits your navigation architecture. This eliminates navigation boilerplate, gives you atomic navigation operations, easier animated transitions and more. WorkManager makes it easy to perform background tasks in the most efficient manner, choosing the most appropriate solution based on the application state and device API level.

Navigation Editor

We're also excited to see Android Slices move to public Search experiments! At I/O this year we introduced Slices, a new way to bring users to your app. Slices are like a mini snippet of your app, where you can surface content and actions. You can book a flight, play a video, or call a ride. Slices is another example where we want to be open very early, but we want to take the time to get it right. We're moving into public EAP this month with Doist, Kayak and others. We'll run experiments surfacing Slices in Google search results. To learn more, there's also a session today at Dev Summit with more info and best practices.

Android Studio: focusing on productivity, build speed, quality and fundamentals

Android Studio is our official IDE for Android development. We asked where do you spend the most time? When we gather data from Android Studio's opted-in users we see that build time are getting faster with every release, sometimes as fast as 20%, but we also see build time getting slower and slower over time. So, how can both things be true? We've been digging in hard to understand.

It turns out build is a pretty complicated ecosystem. Developer choices makes a huge difference. Our developers are using a very broad (and growing) combination of OSes, custom plug-ins, annotation processors, languages. All of these can significantly affect times. In one case, a plugin some users like to add was silently slowing build speeds by up to 45%. Learning this, we realized we need build profiling and analysis tools so you can easily understand what's slowing your build down. We're also investing more in our own plugins to accelerate performance to make sure we continue to improve the performance of core build.

Android Studio 3.3 launches beta 3 today. In coming releases expect to see a strong focus on quality and fundamentals: reducing the number of crashes and hangs, optimizing memory usage, and fixing user-impacting bugs. We also announced today that we're making Android Studio an officially supported IDE on Chrome OS early next year; learn more here.

Android App Bundles and dynamic features

App sizes have grown dramatically, up 5x since 2012. But larger apps have downsides: lower install conversion rates, lower update rates, and higher uninstalls. This is why we built the Android App Bundle, the new publishing format that serves only the code and resources a user needs to run your app on their specific device; on average apps see 35% size savings compared to a universal APK. The app bundle also saves you time and effort with each release since you don't need to use incomplete solutions like multi-APK. Android Studio 3.2 brought full IDE support of app bundles, and there are now thousands of app bundles in production totaling billions of installs, including Google's apps like YouTube, Google Maps, Google Photos, and Google News.

The app bundle now supports uncompressed native libraries; with no additional developer work needed, the app bundle now makes apps using native libraries an average of 8% smaller to download and 16% smaller on disk on M+ devices.

Once you switch to the app bundle you can also start modularizing your app. With dynamic feature modules, you can load any app functionality on demand instead of at install time. You don't need to keep big features that are only used once, on every single device forever; dynamic features can be installed and uninstalled dynamically when your app requests them.

In-app Updates API

We've heard that you'd like more controls to ensure that users are running the latest and greatest version of your app. To address this, we're launching an In-app Updates API. We're testing the API with early access partners and will be launching it to all developers soon.

You'll have two options with this API; the first is a full-screen experience for critical updates when you expect the user to wait for the update to be applied immediately. The second option is a flexible update, which means the user can keep using the app while the update is downloaded. You can completely customize the update flow so it feels like part of your app.

Instant discovery

We're also making instant apps easier than ever to adopt. We recently made using web URLs optional, enabling you to take your existing play store deep link traffic and send users to your instant experience if it's available. Additionally, we've raised the instant app size limit to 10MB for the Try Now button on the Play Store and web banners to make it even easier to adopt.

In the Android Studio 3.3 beta, you can now build an instant-enabled app bundle. This means that you can now build and deploy both your Instant and installed experiences from a single Android Studio project, and include them in a single Android App Bundle. You only have to upload just ONE artifact for both instant and installed app.

As developers, your feedback has been critical in shaping these investment areas; you are part of how we work, from early ideas, to EAPs and canaries, Beta, and iterating after launch. We hope you join us for the next two days whether you're watching the 30+ sessions on the livestream, joining social, or with us in-person in Mountain View. From the team, a sincere thank you for all your thoughtful feedback and contributions. We hope you enjoy Android Dev Summit.