Tag Archives: aw_reporting

Connected TV Device Targeting, Reporting, & Management

Starting on Jan 8, 2019 you will be able to target and generate reports for a new device category via the AdWords API - connected TV. The connected TV platform, (or “TV screens,” as it’s referred to in the new Google Ads experience), is a new Platform type similar to desktop, tablet, and mobile. It targets devices such as smart TVs, gaming consoles and standalone connected devices including Chromecast, Roku, and AppleTV.

Since connected TV shares the same functionality as the three existing platforms, you can target or exclude it using bid modifiers for Display/Video ad campaigns; the new criterion will have a platformName of “ConnectedTv” and an ID of 30004. You can also isolate it in reports using a Device segment named CONNECTED_TV. Note that even though bidding will only be supported for Display and Video ads, some residual traffic may appear in other kinds of reports so you should still pull the new segment for non Display/Video ad reports.

The new connected TV device segment will be available anywhere Device-level or Device-segmented reporting is available. Currently any reporting data related to this platform is consolidated under the Desktop platform.

For more background on device targeting see the Help Center.

If you have questions, please reach out to us on the AdWords API forum.

Launch of AwReporting 2.0

AwReporting is an open-source Java framework optimized for large-scale retrieval of AdWords API reports.

We’ve just released a new major version of the tool that encompasses the full suite of AdWords API Reports and their fields. As mentioned in our pre-announcement, "aw-reporting-server” and “aw-reporting-server-appengine” modules were removed.

You can find the latest release on GitHub. Please find the full list of changes in the ChangeLog, and follow the migration guide to upgrade from the current version of the tool.

Feel free to ask questions or give us feedback via the forum or the project’s issue tracker.

Upcoming changes to AwReporting

AwReporting is an open-source Java framework that is optimized for large-scale retrieval of AdWords API reports.

We plan to release a new major version (v2.0) within the next few months that will
This release will have some backwards incompatible changes, such as
  • uses report type names with “AW_” prefix as database table names
  • uses field names as database column names
  • renames setting “mccAccountId” to “managerAccountId” in properties file
  • renames setting "aw.report.downloader.retries.count" to "aw.report.downloader.num.attempts"
  • renames processor type setting’s options from “ON_FILE” to “FILE”, and “ON_MEMORY” to “STREAM”
  • removes “-debug” and “-verbose” command line options, and depends on log configuration file (default one is log4j.properties) for setting logging granularity
  • removes server modules (aw-reporting-server and aw-reporting-server-appengine) in the new release since they have third-party dependencies that are not actively maintained
If you are actively using the aw-reporting-server or aw-reporting-server-appengine module or have any questions about this upcoming release, please let us know on this forum thread.

AwReporting: Importing offline reports and AdWords video campaign performance reports

This release of AwReporting introduces new command-line arguments that can be used to import CSV files into AwReporting without using the AdWords API. So you can download reports from the AdWords user interface, even reports not available via the AdWords API like the Video Campaign Report, and import them into your database.

Offline reports

The command-line arguments that allow the tool to import reports directly from downloaded files are:
  • onFileReport, where you specify the Report Type (same ones used in the API).
  • csvReportFile, where you specify the absolute path of the CSV file that will be imported to the database.
Here is a command-line example including the new arguments:

$ java -Xmx1G -jar aw-reporting/target/aw-reporting.jar
-startDate YYYYMMDD -endDate YYYYMMDD
-file aw-reporting/src/main/resources/aw-report-sample.properties
Keep in mind that AwReporting will only be able to import reports that are mapped in the aw-reporting-model module. You can check out the supported types on the project's GitHub source code page.

The CSV files must be in the same format as the ones downloaded by AwReporting via the API:
  • The first line of the file must contain a string with the file description.
  • The second line must contain the column headers with the field names.
  • The remaining lines contain the report data.
  • The last line will be ignored if it's a Total line.
Here is an example:

"ACCOUNT_PERFORMANCE_REPORT (May 1, 2015-May 10, 2015)"
Customer ID,Day,Account,Cost,Clicks,Impressions
1234,2015-05-01,Test Account,1420000,10,1978
1234,2015-05-02,Test Account,550000,4,2209
1234,2015-05-03,Test Account,1290000,6,3458
1234,2015-05-04,Test Account,320000,2,714
1234,2015-05-08,Test Account,1380000,5,2955
1234,2015-05-09,Test Account,1200000,6,2602
1234,2015-05-10,Test Account,750000,4,2793
Total, --, --,6.91,37,16709
Video Campaign Performance Reports

The AdWords API doesn't support video campaign performance reports, but you can still access the web interface and download the CSV files manually.

With the new offline import feature described above, we have added support for video campaign reports in AwReporting, allowing you to import all available fields in the web interface to the same database where the other reports are stored. We hope that this feature will make it easier to integrate systems and dashboards to the database, including video campaign performance data of clients.

To import a video campaign report CSV file, you just need to specify the report type in the onFileReport property as VIDEO_CAMPAIGN_REPORT, and point to the absolute path of the file in the csvReportFile property. The properties can be found in the source code of the project, in the ReportVideoCampaign.java entity.

Before importing the CSV files downloaded from the web interface, you will need to make sure that they are following the format described above, so AwReporting can understand it. You can find an example that we used on our unit tests in the project's source code.

You can check out these new features and the latest released version on the project's main GitHub page. And because AwReporting is open source, you can experiment with the code itself, by adding new types of reports as you need them. The project's GitHub page also includes the complete installation instructions.

If you have any questions about the tool, have ideas for new features, or find any bugs, you can post them as issues in GitHub. We maintain the tool, and the list of issues on GitHub is our first option when planning for next releases.

And of course, make sure to check out our Google+ page for client library and Ads APIs updates.