Save power by automatically turning off Google Meet hardware displays

What’s changing

We’ve added a setting in the Admin console to allow you to enable power-saving signaling over HDMI from Google Meet hardware. When enabled, this feature can help you save power by turning off Meet hardware displays when they’re not in use.

Who’s impacted

Admins only

Why you’d use it

Some displays, like those in conference rooms and lobbies, are often left on indefinitely, wasting power and shortening their useful lifespan. This setting allows compatible displays to be turned off automatically after 10 minutes of inactivity.

Displays are automatically turned on 10 minutes before a scheduled meeting or if a user interacts with the touch panel controller.

Additional details

You might need to turn on HDMI-CEC, change other advanced settings, or update the firmware on your display. Consult your displays manual for more information.

Getting started

Admins: This feature will be OFF by default and can be enabled at the organizational unit (OU) level. Visit the Help Center to learn more about turning display power saving on or off for your organization.

End users: There is no end user setting for this feature. Rollout pace This feature is available now for all users.


  • Available to all G Suite customers

