Legacy Google Drive desktop sync client now shutting down on May 12th, 2018

When we launched Drive File Stream last year, we announced that the Drive desktop sync client for Mac and PC—a feature officially known as “Google Drive for Mac/PC”—would shut down completely on March 12th, 2018. In response to your feedback, we’re delaying that shutdown date to May 12th, 2018.

We encourage enterprise organizations still using Drive for Mac/PC to transition to Drive File Stream. For non-G Suite users, we recommend Backup and Sync. For more information on choosing the right sync solution for your users, check out this Help Center guide.

To help with the transition, on January 30th we’ll start showing pop-up notifications to G Suite accounts still using Drive for Mac/PC. These notifications will include instructions on how to install Drive File Stream. They’ll only be shown if your domain both allows Drive File Stream and shows Drive File Stream download links in the Drive interface.

IMPORTANT: This shutdown has no impact on other Google Drive services.

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