Update: Upcoming change to Google Calendar URL – www.google.com/calendar

As communicated earlier this month, we’ll soon be changing the main Google Calendar URL from www.google.com/calendar to calendar.google.com to further increase security.

Note that the rollout of this change to Rapid release domains has been pushed back to early October, with the rollout to Scheduled release domains to follow two weeks later. 

In addition, starting October 1, 2015, the Google Calendar Chrome Webstore app will be automatically updated to use the new URL. Once the new version is activated and the calendar.google.com URL is visible, people using the app with offline sync enabled should go to Settings > Offline to confirm that offline is working and synced.  

Launch Details
Release track:  

  • Google Calendar Chrome Webstore app URL change - Launching to both Rapid release and Scheduled release starting on October 1, 2015
  • Main Google Calendar URL change - Launching to Rapid release in early-October, with Scheduled release coming two weeks later (monitor the launch calendar for specific dates)

Rollout pace: 

  • Google Calendar Chrome Webstore app URL change - Gradual rollout (up to one week for feature visibility)
  • Main Google Calendar URL change - Full rollout (1-3 days for feature visibility)

All end users

Change management suggested for people using the Google Calendar Chrome Webstore app

More Information
Google Calendar Chrome Webstore app

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted

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