Upcoming removal of Apps Search lab feature

The Apps Search lab feature, launched in 2010, extends Gmail search to include relevant results from one’s Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides content and displays them in a separate section below email search results when typing a query and hitting ‘Enter/Return.’ Currently, Google Apps admins have the option in the Admin console to enable this lab feature for everyone in their domain, or allow users to add it individually if they so desire.

Since 2010, Gmail search has been improved to automatically display results from Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides―plus Calendar and G+ content―in the instant results dropdown, which appears when entering a query in the search box:

With the improved experience provided by the instant results search feature, we’ll be ending the Apps Search lab experiment and removing it from Gmail Labs and the Advanced Labs Management section in Admin console in early 2015. We will provide additional guidance on the specific date of the feature removal on the Google Apps Release calendar.

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted

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