Tag Archives: Google Slides API

Using field masks with update requests to Google APIs

We recently demonstrated how to use field masks to limit the amount of data that comes back via response payloads from read (GET) calls to Google APIs. Today, we’ll focus on a different use case for field masks: update requests.

In this scenario, field masks serve a different, but similar purpose—they still filter, but function more like bitmasks by controlling which API fields to update. The following video walks through several examples of update field mask usage with both the Google Sheets and Slides APIs. Check it out.
In the sample JSON payload below, note the request to set the cells' bold attribute to true (per the cell directive below), then notice that the field mask (fields) practically mirrors the request:
"repeatCell": {
"range": {
"endRowIndex": 1
"cell": {
"userEnteredFormat": {
"textFormat": {
"bold": true
"fields": "userEnteredFormat/textFormat/bold",
Now, you might think, “is that redundant?” Above, we highlighted that it takes two parts: 1) the request provides the data for the desired changes, and 2) the field mask states what should be updated, such as the userEnteredFormat/textFormat/bold attribute for all the cells in the first row. To more clearly illustrate this, let’s add something else to the mask like italics. Here, the updated field mask now has both bold and italic fields:
"fields": "userEnteredFormat/textFormat(bold,italic)"

However, while both elements are in the field mask, we’ve only provided the update data for bold. There’s no data for italic setting specified in the request body. In this case, for all cells will be reset, meaning if the cells were originally italicized, those italics will be removed after this API request completes. And vice versa, if the cells were not italicized to begin with, they’ll stay that way. This feature gives developers the ability to undo or reset any prior settings on affected range of cells. Check out the video for more examples and tips for using field masks for update requests.

To learn more about using field masks for partial response in API payloads, check out this video and the first post in this two-part series. For one of the most comprehensive write-ups on both (read and update) use cases, see the guide in the Google Slides API documentation.  Happy field-masking!

A new issue tracker for G Suite developers

, Developer Advocate, G Suite
You may have read recently that the Google Cloud Platform team upgraded to Issue Tracker, the same system that Google uses internally. This allows for improved collaboration between all of us and all of you. Issues you file will have better exposure internally, and you get improved transparency in terms of seeing the issues we’re actively working on. Starting today, G Suite developers will also have a new issue tracker to which we’ve already migrated existing issues from previous systems. Whether it’s a bug that you’ve found, or if you wish to submit a favorite feature request, the new issue tracker is here for you. Heads up, you need to be logged in with your Google credentials to view or update issues in the tracker.
The new issue tracker for G Suite developers. 

Each G Suite API and developer tool has its own “component” number that you can search. For your convenience, below is the entire list. You may browse for issues relevant to the Google APIs that you’re using, or click on the convenience links to report an issue or request a new/missing feature:
To get started, take a look at the documentation pages, as well as the FAQ. For more details, be sure to check out the Google Cloud Platform announcement, too. We look forward to working more closely with all of you soon!

Adding text and shapes with the Google Slides API

Originally shared on the G Suite Developers Blog

Posted by Wesley Chun (@wescpy), Developer Advocate, G Suite
When the Google Slidesteam launched their very first API last November, it immediately opened up a whole new class of applications. These applications have the ability to interact with the Slides service, so you can perform operations on presentations programmatically. Since its launch, we've published several videos to help you realize some of those possibilities, showing you how to:
Today, we're releasing the latest Slides API tutorial in our video series. This one goes back to basics a bit: adding text to presentations. But we also discuss shapes—not only adding shapes to slides, but also adding text within shapes. Most importantly, we cover one best practice when using the API: create your own object IDs. By doing this, developers can execute more requests while minimizing API calls.

Developers use insertText requests to tell the API to add text to slides. This is true whether you're adding text to a textbox, a shape or table cell. Similar to the Google Sheets API, all requests are made as JSON payloads sent to the API's batchUpdate() method. Here's the JavaScript for inserting text in some object (objectID) on a slide:
"insertText": {
"objectId": objectID,
"text": "Hello World!\n"
Adding shapes is a bit more challenging, as you can see from itssample JSON structure:

"createShape": {
"shapeType": "SMILEY_FACE",
"elementProperties": {
"pageObjectId": slideID,
"size": {
"height": {
"magnitude": 3000000,
"unit": "EMU"
"width": {
"magnitude": 3000000,
"unit": "EMU"
"transform": {
"unit": "EMU",
"scaleX": 1.3449,
"scaleY": 1.3031,
"translateX": 4671925,
"translateY": 450150
Placing or manipulating shapes or images on slides requires more information so the cloud service can properly render these objects. Be aware that it does involve some math, as you can see from the Page Elements page in the docs as well as the Transforms concept guide. In the video, I drop a few hints and good practices so you don't have to start from scratch.

Regardless of how complex your requests are, if you have at least one, say in an array named requests, you'd make an API call with the aforementioned batchUpdate() method, which in Python looks like this (assuming SLIDES is the service endpoint and a presentation ID of deckID):

For a detailed look at the complete code sample featured in the DevByte, check out the deep dive post. As you can see, adding text is fairly straightforward. If you want to learn how to format and style that text, check out the Formatting Text post and video as well as the text concepts guide.
To learn how to perform text search-and-replace, say to replace placeholders in a template deck, check out the Replacing Text & Images post and video as well as the merging data into slides guide. We hope these developer resources help you create that next great app that automates the task of producing presentations for your users!

Adding text and shapes with the Google Slides API

Posted by Wesley Chun (@wescpy), Developer Advocate, G Suite
When the Google Slidesteam launched their very first API last November, it immediately opened up a whole new class of applications. These applications have the ability to interact with the Slides service, so you can perform operations on presentations programmatically. Since its launch, we've published several videos to help you realize some of those possibilities, showing you how to:
Today, we're releasing the latest Slides API tutorial in our video series. This one goes back to basics a bit: adding text to presentations. But we also discuss shapes—not only adding shapes to slides, but also adding text within shapes. Most importantly, we cover one best practice when using the API: create your own object IDs. By doing this, developers can execute more requests while minimizing API calls.

Developers use insertText requests to tell the API to add text to slides. This is true whether you're adding text to a textbox, a shape or table cell. Similar to the Google Sheets API, all requests are made as JSON payloads sent to the API's batchUpdate() method. Here's the JavaScript for inserting text in some object (objectID) on a slide:
"insertText": {
"objectId": objectID,
"text": "Hello World!\n"
Adding shapes is a bit more challenging, as you can see from itssample JSON structure:

"createShape": {
"shapeType": "SMILEY_FACE",
"elementProperties": {
"pageObjectId": slideID,
"size": {
"height": {
"magnitude": 3000000,
"unit": "EMU"
"width": {
"magnitude": 3000000,
"unit": "EMU"
"transform": {
"unit": "EMU",
"scaleX": 1.3449,
"scaleY": 1.3031,
"translateX": 4671925,
"translateY": 450150
Placing or manipulating shapes or images on slides requires more information so the cloud service can properly render these objects. Be aware that it does involve some math, as you can see from the Page Elements page in the docs as well as the Transforms concept guide. In the video, I drop a few hints and good practices so you don't have to start from scratch.

Regardless of how complex your requests are, if you have at least one, say in an array named requests, you'd make an API call with the aforementioned batchUpdate() method, which in Python looks like this (assuming SLIDES is the service endpoint and a presentation ID of deckID):

For a detailed look at the complete code sample featured in the DevByte, check out the deep dive post. As you can see, adding text is fairly straightforward. If you want to learn how to format and style that text, check out the Formatting Text post and video as well as the text concepts guide.
To learn how to perform text search-and-replace, say to replace placeholders in a template deck, check out the Replacing Text & Images post and video as well as the merging data into slides guide. We hope these developer resources help you create that next great app that automates the task of producing presentations for your users!