We recently lowered the minimum purchase price for apps and games sold on Google Play in India, from Rs. 50 to Rs. 10. Developers from India and around the world have decided to reprice their apps for Indian users. Now, you can find many of your favourite apps and games starting from only Rs. 10.
You can get apps like Facetune, or games like Fruit Ninja, for just Rs.10. If you’re a cricket fan, you can find special In-App-Products at Rs.10 in games like Stick Cricket and Real Cricket, and even Talking Tom allows you to buy goodies for as low as Rs.20!
Keep an eye out for apps and games at this new price point by visiting our featured games and apps collections.
We hope this lower price point makes it easier for people in India to get access to the apps and games they love at a great price.
Posted by Alistair Pott, Product Manager, Google Play