Tag Archives: d8

API desugaring supporting Android 13 and java.nio

Posted by Clément Béra, Software engineer

We are happy to announce the release of a new version of API desugaring based on Android 13 and Java 11 language APIs. API desugaring allows developers to use more APIs without requiring a minimum API level for your app. This reduces friction during development. You are now free to use the java.nio APIs no matter which Android version is on the user’s device. For example, libraries such as kotlin.io.path are now available on all Android devices, including devices running Android 7 and lower.

In addition to supporting java.nio, API desugaring of java.time and java.util.stream has been updated to support APIs added up to Android 13. You can use recent APIs in your Android app such as Collectors#toUnmodifiableList.

New API desugaring specifications

To enable API desugaring, you set isCoreLibraryDesugaringEnabled and add the coreLibraryDesugaring dependency in the build.gradle.kts file.

android { ... compileSdk = 33 defaultConfig { ... // Required when setting minSdkVersion to 20 or lower. multiDexEnabled = true ... } ... compileOptions { // Flag to enable support for API desugaring. isCoreLibraryDesugaringEnabled = true // Sets Java compatibility to Java 8 sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 } kotlinOptions { jvmTarget = "1.8" } } dependencies { // Dependency required for API desugaring. coreLibraryDesugaring("com.android.tools:desugar_jdk_libs_nio:2.0.2") }

The new version 2.0 release comes in 3 flavors:

  • com.android.tools:desugar_jdk_libs_nio:2.0.2 - the nio version includes all the desugaring available including the java.nio, java.time, stream, and functions APIs.
  • com.android.tools:desugar_jdk_libs:2.0.2 - the default version includes desugaring for the java.time, stream, and functions APIs. It’s similar to version 1.x API desugaring already available, but updated with APIs added up to Android 13.
  • com.android.tools:desugar_jdk_libs_minimal:2.0.2 - the minimal version includes only the java.util.function package and bug fixes on concurrent collections. It’s designed for minimal code size overhead.

Opting into more desugaring features will lead to a larger impact on your app’s code size. The minimal specification has, as its name indicates, a minimal impact on the code size of the app. The nio specification has the most impact.

The new java.nio APIs

The new java.nio APIs supported in API desugaring include:

  • All the classes and APIs in java.nio.file such as BasicFileAttributes, file manipulation, or usage of java.nio.file.Path.
  • Some extensions of java.nio.channels, such as the FileChannel#open methods.
  • A few utility methods such as File#toPath.

The following code snippet illustrates how you can now use the new java.nio APIs on all devices, including devices running Android 7 and lower, through the methods of kotlin.io.path which depend on java.nio.file.Files. A temp file can be created, written into, read, and its basic attributes and its existence can be queried using the new java.nio APIs.

import android.util.Log import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption.APPEND import kotlin.io.path.createTempDirectory import kotlin.io.path.deleteIfExists import kotlin.io.path.exists import kotlin.io.path.fileSize import kotlin.io.path.readLines import kotlin.io.path.writeLines ... val TAG = "java.nio Test" val tempDirectory = createTempDirectory("tempFile") val tempFile = tempDirectory.resolve("tempFile") tempFile.writeLines(listOf("first")) tempFile.writeLines(listOf("second"), options = arrayOf(APPEND)) Log.d(TAG,"Content: ${tempFile.readLines()}") Log.d(TAG,"Size: ${tempFile.fileSize()}") Log.d(TAG,"Exists (before deletion): ${tempFile.exists()}") tempFile.deleteIfExists() Log.d(TAG,"Exists (after deletion): ${tempFile.exists()}")

// Resulting logcat output. Content: first second Size: 13 Exists (before deletion): true Exists (after deletion): false

A few features however cannot be emulated for devices running Android 7 and lower and instead throw an instance of UnsupportedOperationException or return null. They still work on devices running Android 8 or higher, so existing code guarded by an API level check should work as it used to. See the complete list of APIs available and the known limitations.

The code has been extensively tested, but we are looking for additional inputs from app developers.

Please try out the new version of API desugaring, and let us know how it worked for you!

For additional background see the post Support for newer Java language APIs from when API desugaring was introduced.

Java and OpenJDK are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

The path to DX deprecation

generic Android header

Posted by Leo Sei, Product Manager on Android

Back in 2017, we released D8, a new faster dexing compiler to replace DX, producing smaller APKs. In April 2018, we announced D8 as the default option in Android Studio 3.1.

In that announcement, we laid out 3 phases to deprecate DX and we are now entering phase 2:

“Once we've seen a six month window without major regressions from DX to D8, we'll enter the second phase. This phase will last for a year, and is intended to ensure that even complex projects have lots of time to migrate. During this phase, we'll keep DX available, but we'll treat it as fully deprecated; we won't be fixing any issues.”

If you haven’t already, it is now the time to migrate to D8 (see details in the previous post). As always, if you encounter issues, please do let us know!

Next steps

On Feb 1st, 2021, we’ll move to step 3, removing DX fully from Android Studio and any other build environments.

Note: This post is about DX only (and does not include shrinking tools)

Android Studio switching to D8 dexer

Posted by Jeffrey van Gogh, Software Engineering Manager

D8 now default dex compiler

Faster, smarter app compilation is always a goal for the Android tools teams. That's why we previously announced D8, a next-generation dex compiler. D8 runs faster and produces smaller .dex files with equivalent or better runtime performance when compared to the historic compiler - DX.

We recently announced that D8 has become the default compiler in Android Studio 3.1. If you haven't previously tried D8, we hope that you notice better, faster dex compilation as you make the switch.

D8 was first shipped in Android Studio 3.0 as an opt-in feature. In addition to our own rigorous testing, we've now seen it perform well in a wide variety of apps. As a result, we're confident that D8 will work well for everyone who starts using it in 3.1. However, if you do have issues, you can always revert to DX for now via this setting in your project's gradle.properties file:


If you do encounter something that causes you to disable D8, please let us know!

Next Steps

Our goal is to ensure that everyone has access to a fast, correct dex compiler. So to avoid risking regressions for any of our users, we'll be deprecating DX in three phases

The first phase is intended to prevent prematurely deprecating DX. During this phase, DX will remain available in studio. We'll fix critical issues in it, but there won't be new features. This phase will last for at least six months, during which we'll evaluate any open D8 bugs to decide if there are regressions which would prevent some users from replacing DX with D8. The first phase won't end until the team addresses all migration blockers. We'll be paying extra attention to the bug tracker during this window, so If you encounter any of these regressions, please file an issue.

Once we've seen a six month window without major regressions from DX to D8, we'll enter the second phase. This phase will last for a year, and is intended to ensure that even complex projects have lots of time to migrate. During this phase, we'll keep DX available, but we'll treat it as fully deprecated; we won't be fixing any issues.

During the third and final phase, DX will be removed from Android Studio. At this point, you'll need to use a legacy version of the Android Gradle Plugin in order to continue to build with DX.

Android Studio switching to D8 dexer

Posted by Jeffrey van Gogh, Software Engineering Manager

D8 now default dex compiler

Faster, smarter app compilation is always a goal for the Android tools teams. That's why we previously announced D8, a next-generation dex compiler. D8 runs faster and produces smaller .dex files with equivalent or better runtime performance when compared to the historic compiler - DX.

We recently announced that D8 has become the default compiler in Android Studio 3.1. If you haven't previously tried D8, we hope that you notice better, faster dex compilation as you make the switch.

D8 was first shipped in Android Studio 3.0 as an opt-in feature. In addition to our own rigorous testing, we've now seen it perform well in a wide variety of apps. As a result, we're confident that D8 will work well for everyone who starts using it in 3.1. However, if you do have issues, you can always revert to DX for now via this setting in your project's gradle.properties file:


If you do encounter something that causes you to disable D8, please let us know!

Next Steps

Our goal is to ensure that everyone has access to a fast, correct dex compiler. So to avoid risking regressions for any of our users, we'll be deprecating DX in three phases

The first phase is intended to prevent prematurely deprecating DX. During this phase, DX will remain available in studio. We'll fix critical issues in it, but there won't be new features. This phase will last for at least six months, during which we'll evaluate any open D8 bugs to decide if there are regressions which would prevent some users from replacing DX with D8. The first phase won't end until the team addresses all migration blockers. We'll be paying extra attention to the bug tracker during this window, so If you encounter any of these regressions, please file an issue.

Once we've seen a six month window without major regressions from DX to D8, we'll enter the second phase. This phase will last for a year, and is intended to ensure that even complex projects have lots of time to migrate. During this phase, we'll keep DX available, but we'll treat it as fully deprecated; we won't be fixing any issues.

During the third and final phase, DX will be removed from Android Studio. At this point, you'll need to use a legacy version of the Android Gradle Plugin in order to continue to build with DX.