Author Archives: Michael Levin

Learn to code with Grasshopper, now in Spanish

Ver abajo versión en español

Since Grasshopper launched in 2018, one million people have spent at least one hour learning to code through our app. That’s approximately 114 years spent learning the fundamentals of coding. We’ve also run a number of academic studies on the effectiveness of Grasshopper, and found two insights: after two weeks of use, students are more motivated to learn to code. And while women tend to start off their Grasshopper journey feeling a bit more unsure about learning to code, we see that confidence gap between men and women decrease by 18 percent.

Grasshopper app in Spanish

Feedback in Spanish for one of our initial lessons.

With our beginner-centered learning environment, we guide students through quick, visual puzzles that teach key coding concepts like functions, loops and variables. Students build coding skills and gain confidence in their abilities as they progress through the curriculum.

With the launch of Grasshopper in Spanish, Spanish-speaking students will be able to read through the instructions, get support and receive feedback in their native language so they can learn to code without having to constantly translate from English. 

As technical skills continue to become more important for employers around the world, it is crucial that we continue to build learning tools for everyone. Skills like coding help people thrive in today's job market. According to, computing jobs are the number one source of new income in the US and they're projected to grow at twice the rate of other jobs.

If you’re ready to start learning to code, Grasshopper is available on Android, iOS and desktop in English, and now, por supuesto, in Spanish.

Desde el lanzamiento de Grasshopper en 2018, un millón de personas han pasado al menos una hora aprendiendo a programar a través de nuestra aplicación. ¡Esos son aproximadamente 114 años dedicados a aprender los fundamentos de la programación! Hoy, como parte de Crece con Google, estamos lanzando Grasshopper en español. 

También hemos llevado a cabo unos estudios académicos sobre la efectividad de Grasshopper y hemos encontrado dos resultados interesantes: mientras que las mujeres comienzan con el programa sintiéndose un poco más inseguras sobre aprender a codificar, vemos que la brecha en este sentido entre hombres y mujeres desciende al 18%.

Con nuestro entorno de aprendizaje centrado en principiantes, guiamos a los estudiantes a través de acertijos visuales rápidos que enseñan conceptos clave de programación como funciones, ciclos y variables. Los estudiantes desarrollan habilidades de programación y ganan confianza en ellas a medida que avanzan en el plan de estudios.

Con el lanzamiento de Grasshopper en español, los estudiantes podrán leer las instrucciones, obtener apoyo y recibir comentarios en su idioma materno para que puedan aprender a programar sin tener que traducir constantemente del inglés.

A medida que las habilidades técnicas continúan siendo más importantes para los empleadores de todo el mundo, es fundamental que sigamos creando herramientas de aprendizaje para todos. Habilidades como la programación ayudan a las personas a prosperar en el mercado laboral actual. Según, los trabajos de informática son la principal fuente de nuevos ingresos en los EE. UU. Y se prevé que crezcan al doble de la tasa de otros trabajos.

Si estás listo para comenzar a aprender a programar, Grasshopper está disponible en Android, iOS y dispositivos de escritorio en inglés, y ahora, por supuesto, en español.

Learn to code with Grasshopper, now in Spanish

Ver abajo versión en español

Since Grasshopper launched in 2018, one million people have spent at least one hour learning to code through our app. That’s approximately 114 years spent learning the fundamentals of coding. We’ve also run a number of academic studies on the effectiveness of Grasshopper, and found two insights: after two weeks of use, students are more motivated to learn to code. And while women tend to start off their Grasshopper journey feeling a bit more unsure about learning to code, we see that confidence gap between men and women decrease by 18 percent.

Grasshopper app in Spanish

Feedback in Spanish for one of our initial lessons.

With our beginner-centered learning environment, we guide students through quick, visual puzzles that teach key coding concepts like functions, loops and variables. Students build coding skills and gain confidence in their abilities as they progress through the curriculum.

With the launch of Grasshopper in Spanish, Spanish-speaking students will be able to read through the instructions, get support and receive feedback in their native language so they can learn to code without having to constantly translate from English. 

As technical skills continue to become more important for employers around the world, it is crucial that we continue to build learning tools for everyone. Skills like coding help people thrive in today's job market. According to, computing jobs are the number one source of new income in the US and they're projected to grow at twice the rate of other jobs.

If you’re ready to start learning to code, Grasshopper is available on Android, iOS and desktop in English, and now, por supuesto, in Spanish.

Desde el lanzamiento de Grasshopper en 2018, un millón de personas han pasado al menos una hora aprendiendo a programar a través de nuestra aplicación. ¡Esos son aproximadamente 114 años dedicados a aprender los fundamentos de la programación! Hoy, como parte de Crece con Google, estamos lanzando Grasshopper en español. 

También hemos llevado a cabo unos estudios académicos sobre la efectividad de Grasshopper y hemos encontrado dos resultados interesantes: mientras que las mujeres comienzan con el programa sintiéndose un poco más inseguras sobre aprender a codificar, vemos que la brecha en este sentido entre hombres y mujeres desciende al 18%.

Con nuestro entorno de aprendizaje centrado en principiantes, guiamos a los estudiantes a través de acertijos visuales rápidos que enseñan conceptos clave de programación como funciones, ciclos y variables. Los estudiantes desarrollan habilidades de programación y ganan confianza en ellas a medida que avanzan en el plan de estudios.

Con el lanzamiento de Grasshopper en español, los estudiantes podrán leer las instrucciones, obtener apoyo y recibir comentarios en su idioma materno para que puedan aprender a programar sin tener que traducir constantemente del inglés.

A medida que las habilidades técnicas continúan siendo más importantes para los empleadores de todo el mundo, es fundamental que sigamos creando herramientas de aprendizaje para todos. Habilidades como la programación ayudan a las personas a prosperar en el mercado laboral actual. Según, los trabajos de informática son la principal fuente de nuevos ingresos en los EE. UU. Y se prevé que crezcan al doble de la tasa de otros trabajos.

Si estás listo para comenzar a aprender a programar, Grasshopper está disponible en Android, iOS y dispositivos de escritorio en inglés, y ahora, por supuesto, en español.

Create through code with Grasshopper Gallery

Since Grasshopper launched in 2018, millions of people with no previous coding experience have learned fundamental programming concepts. As students have learned the basics, they have told us they developed confidence, motivation and a desire to apply their lessons in the real world. Grasshopper has been helping increase access to coding education and helping prepare people for career opportunities in technology. The transition from learning to building is an important part of the process of pursuing a technical career.

As part of Grow with Google, our commitment to increase economic opportunity for everyone, today we’re announcing the launch of the Grasshopper Gallery on desktop to give students a place to build and create.

Applying your coding skills

With our beginner-centered learning environment, students are guided through exercises that teach key coding concepts like functions, loops and variables. Students build coding skills and gain confidence in their abilities as they progress through the curriculum.

Now, with the Grasshopper Gallery, students can apply those skills to create visualizations, mini-games, web pages and more in the Gallery. In this free-form environment, students can start to build using their own imagination and creativity, an important transition for any beginner programmer.

An animation of Grasshopper Gallery on desktop

Showing off your creations 

Through the Gallery, students use code to build their own creations and share their masterpieces with friends, family, and more. Additionally, students can use the Gallery to build their own coding portfolio to showcase their abilities to potential employers or continuing education programs. 

With the launch of the Grasshopper Gallery, students can use skills learned from the core Grasshopper curriculum to build their own creations using code. As technical skills continue to become more important for employment, we will continue working to help adult beginners learn to code to pursue their career dreams. If you’re ready to start learning to code, Grasshopper is available on Android, iOS and desktop.