Ok Google, when is International Dance Day?
It’s tomorrow! So grab your dancing shoes—the Google Assistant is your new partner. Here’s how it can help you get in the spirit of International Dance Day:
- Practice makes perfect! Ask your Assistant on Android phones to “show me a video of a fouetté.”
- Those who can’t dance can become dance history buffs. Ask your Assistant on Google Home “who was the founder of ballet?”
- If you’re looking to learn new dance moves—ask your Assistant on Android phones “how do you do the Nae Nae?”
- Get in the spirit with the right music—ask your Assistant on Google Home to “play some samba.”
- Dust off your history books and ask your Assistant in Google Allo “when was the Lindy Hop popular?”
- Or answer that burning question you’ve always been wondering about—ask your Assistant “can you dance?” (who wouldn’t want to be a part of the world’s longest conga line?)
Whether you want to hone your dancing skills with some practice or leave it to the experts by watching a video, your Google Assistant can help. We'll see you on the dance floor.