Tag Archives: open source release

Introducing Data Transfer Project: an open source platform promoting universal data portability

In 2007, a small group of engineers in our Chicago office formed the Data Liberation Front, a team that believed consumers should have better tools to put their data where they want, when they want, and even move it to a different service. This idea, called “data portability,” gives people greater control of their information, and pushes us to develop great products because we know they can pack up and leave at any time.

In 2011, we launched Takeout, a new way for Google users to download or transfer a copy of the data they store or create in a variety of industry-standard formats. Since then, we've continued to invest in Takeout—we now call it Download Your Data—and today, our users can download a machine-readable copy of the data they have stored in 50+ Google products, with more on the way.

Now, we’re taking our commitment to portability a step further. In tandem with Microsoft, Twitter, and Facebook we’re announcing the Data Transfer Project, an open source initiative dedicated to developing tools that will enable consumers to transfer their data directly from one service to another, without needing to download and re-upload it. Download Your Data users can already do this; they can transfer their information directly to their Dropbox, Box, MS OneDrive, and Google Drive accounts today. With this project, the development of which we mentioned in our blog post about preparations for the GDPR, we’re looking forward to working with companies across the industry to bring this type of functionality to individuals across the web.

Our approach

The organizations involved with this project are developing tools that can convert any service's proprietary APIs to and from a small set of standardized data formats that can be used by anyone. This makes it possible to transfer data between any two providers using existing industry-standard infrastructure and authorization mechanisms, such as OAuth. So far, we have developed adapters for seven different service providers across five different types of consumer data; we think this demonstrates the viability of this approach to scale to a large number of use cases.

Consumers will benefit from improved flexibility and control over their data. They will be able to import their information into any participating service that offers compelling features—even brand new ones that could rely on powerful, cloud-based infrastructure rather than the consumers’ potentially limited bandwidth and capability to transfer files. Services will benefit as well, as they will be able to compete for users that can move their data more easily.

Protecting users’ data and keeping them in control

Data security and privacy are foundational to the design of the Data Transfer Project. Services must first agree to allow data transfer between them, and then they will require that individuals authenticate each account independently. All credentials and user data will be encrypted both in transit and at rest. The protocol uses a form of perfect forward secrecy where a new unique key is generated for each transfer. Additionally, the framework allows partners to support any authorization mechanism they choose. This enables partners to leverage their existing security infrastructure when authorizing accounts.

As it is an open source product, anyone can inspect the code to verify that data isn't being collected or used for profiling purposes. Tech savvy consumers are also free to download and run an instance of the framework themselves. Interested parties can learn more at the Data Transfer Project website, which explains the technical foundations behind the project and goes into greater detail on how it works.

How to get involved

It is very early days for the Data Transfer Project and we encourage the developer community to join us and help extend the platform to support many more data types, service providers, and hosting solutions.

The Data Transfer Project’s open source code can be found at datatransferproject.dev and you can learn more about Google’s approach to portability in our paper, where we describe our history with this topic and the values and principles that motivated us to invest in the Data Transfer Project. Our prototype already supports data transfer for several product verticals including: photos, mail, contacts, calendar, and tasks. These are enabled by existing, publicly available APIs from Google, Microsoft, Twitter, Flickr, Instagram, Remember the Milk, and Smugmug.

Data portability makes it easy for consumers to try new services and use the ones that they like best. We’re thrilled to help drive an initiative that incentivizes companies large and small to continue innovating across the internet. We’re just getting started and we’re looking forward to what comes next.

By Brian Willard, Software Engineer and Greg Fair, Product Manager

31st anniversary of the GIF: give your terminal some personality with Tenor GIF for CLI

Creating ASCII art for your terminal isn’t new. Displaying animating ASCII GIFs in the CLI (command line interface), however, hasn’t been possible, or at least, not easy to do -- until now.

Shortly after Tenor was acquired by Google, I had an idea.

Many developers configure static ASCII art to appear when opening a terminal, but I imagined that ASCII art could animate like a GIF, and could easily be created from any GIF on Tenor.

After some tinkering, GIF for CLI was born.

Just in time for the 31st anniversary of the GIF, GIF for CLI is available today on GitHub. GIF for CLI takes in a GIF, short video, or a query to the Tenor GIF API and converts it to animated ASCII art. This means each time you log on to your programming workstation, your GIF is there to greet you in ASCII form. Animation and color support are performed using ANSI escape sequences.

Rob Delaney as “Peter” from Deadpool 2, in ASCII GIF form. See the original GIF on Tenor here.
For the more technically-minded, here are the details:

When the command line program is run, it takes the chosen .gif file (file, url, or Tenor query) and uses ffmpeg to split the animated gif or short video into static jpg frames. Those jpg frames are then converted to ASCII art (these ASCII art frames are cached in $HOME/.cache/gif-for-cli). The program then prints one frame at a time to the console, clearing the console using ANSI escape sequences between each frame.

You could also use GIF for CLI to run gif-for-cli in your .bashrc or .profile to get an animated ASCII art image as your MOTD, or with Git hooks.

GIF for CLI integrates with the Tenor GIF API to source the GIFs. The Tenor API powers GIF search within many of today’s most popular messaging apps and social platforms on iOS and Android. 

Share screen captures of your ASCII GIFs with us on Twitter with #GIFforCLI. 

By Sean Hayes, Tenor

Introducing Git protocol version 2

Today we announce Git protocol version 2, a major update of Git's wire protocol (how clones, fetches and pushes are communicated between clients and servers). This update removes one of the most inefficient parts of the Git protocol and fixes an extensibility bottleneck, unblocking the path to more wire protocol improvements in the future.

The protocol version 2 spec can be found here. The main improvements are:
    The main motivation for the new protocol was to enable server side filtering of references (branches and tags). Prior to protocol v2, servers responded to all fetch commands with an initial reference advertisement, listing all references in the repository. This complete listing is sent even when a client only cares about updating a single branch, e.g.: `git fetch origin master`. For repositories that contain 100s of thousands of references (the Chromium repository has over 500k branches and tags) the server could end up sending 10s of megabytes of data that get ignored. This typically dominates both time and bandwidth during a fetch, especially when you are updating a branch that's only a few commits behind the remote, or even when you are only checking if you are up-to-date, resulting in a no-op fetch.

    We recently rolled out support for protocol version 2 at Google and have seen a performance improvement of 3x for no-op fetches of a single branch on repositories containing 500k references. Protocol v2 has also enabled a reduction of 8x of the overhead bytes (non-packfile) sent from googlesource.com servers. A majority of this improvement is due to filtering references advertised by the server to the refs the client has expressed interest in.

    Getting over the hurdles

    The Git project has tried on a number of occasions over the years to either limit the initial ref advertisement or move to a new protocol altogether but continued to run into two problems: (1) the initial request is rigid and does not include a field that could be used to request that new servers modify their response without breaking compatibility with existing servers and (2) error handling is not well enough defined to allow safely using a new protocol that existing servers do not understand with a quick fallback to the old protocol. To migrate to a new protocol version, we needed to find a side channel which existing servers would ignore but could be used to safely communicate with newer servers.

    There are three main transports that are used to speak Git’s wire-protocol (git://, ssh://, and https://), and the side channel that we use to request v2 needs to communicate in such a way that an older server would ignore any additional data sent and not crash. The http transport was the easiest as we can simply include an additional http header in the request (“Git-Protocol: version=2”). The ssh transport is a bit more difficult as it requires sending an environment variable (“GIT_PROTOCOL=version=2”) to be set on the remote end. This is more challenging because it requires server administrators to configure sshd to accept the new environment variable on their server. The most difficult transport is the anonymous Git transport (git://).

    Initial requests made to a server using the anonymous Git transport are made in the form of a single packet-line which includes the requested service (git-upload-pack for fetches and git-receive-pack for pushes), and the repository followed by a NUL byte. Later virtualization support was added and a hostname parameter could be tacked on and  terminated by a NUL byte: `0033git-upload-pack /project.git\0host=myserver.com\0`. Ideally we’d be able to add a new parameter to be used to request v2 by adding it in the same manner as the hostname was added: `003dgit-upload-pack /project.git\0host=myserver.com\0version=2\0`. Unfortunately due to a bug introduced in 2006 we aren't able to place any extra arguments (separated by NULs) other than the host because otherwise the parsing of those arguments would enter an infinite loop. When this bug was fixed in 2009, a check was put in place to disallow extra arguments so that new clients wouldn't trigger this bug in older servers.

    Fortunately, that check doesn't notice if we send additional request arguments hidden behind a second NUL byte, which was pointed out back in 2009.  This allows requests structured like: `003egit-upload-pack /project.git\0host=myserver.com\0\0version=2\0`. By placing version information behind a second NUL byte we can skirt around both the infinite loop bug and the explicit disallowal of extra arguments besides hostname. Only newer servers will know to look for additional information hidden behind two NUL bytes and older servers won’t croak.

    Now, in every case, a client can issue a request to use v2, using a transport-specific side channel, and v2 servers can respond using the new protocol while older servers will ignore the side channel and just respond with a ref advertisement.

    Try it for yourself

    To try out protocol version 2 for yourself you'll need an up to date version of Git (support for v2 was recently merged to Git's master branch and is expected to be part of Git 2.18) and a v2 enabled server (repositories on googlesource.com and Cloud Source Repositories are v2 enabled). If you enable tracing and run the `ls-remote` command querying for a single branch, you can see the server sends a much smaller set of references when using protocol version 2:

    # Using the original wire protocol
    GIT_TRACE_PACKET=1 git -c protocol.version=0 ls-remote https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src.git master

    # Using protocol version 2
    GIT_TRACE_PACKET=1 git -c protocol.version=2 ls-remote https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src.git master

    By Brandon Williams, Git-core Team

    OpenCensus’s journey ahead: platforms and languages

    We recently blogged about the value of OpenCensus and how Google uses Census internally. Today, we want to share more about our long-term vision for OpenCensus.

    The goal of OpenCensus is to be a ubiquitous observability framework that allows developers to automatically collect, aggregate, and export traces, metrics, and other telemetry from their applications. We plan on getting there by building easy-to-use libraries and automatically integrate with as many technologies and frameworks as possible.

    Our roadmap has two themes: increased language, framework, and platform coverage, and the addition of more powerful features.Today, we’ll discuss the first theme of the increased coverage.

    Increasing Coverage

    More Language Coverage

    In January, we released OpenCensus for Java, Go, and C++ as well as tracing support for Python, PHP, and Ruby. We’re about to start development of OpenCensus for Node.js and .NET, and you’ll see activity on these repositories ramp up in the coming quarter.

    Integration with more Frameworks, Platforms, and Clients

    We want to provide a great out-of-the-box experience, so we need to automatically capture traces and metrics with as little developer effort as possible. To achieve this, we’ll be creating integrations for popular web frameworks, RPC frameworks, and storage clients. This will enable automatic context propagation, span creation, and trace annotations, without requiring extra work on behalf of developers.

    As a basic example, OpenCensus already integrates with Go’s default gRPC and HTTP handlers to generate spans (with relevant annotations) and to pass context.

    More complex integrations will provide more information to developers. Here’s an example of a trace captured with our upcoming MongoDB instrumentation, shown on Stackdriver Trace and AWS X-Ray:
    A MongoDB trace shown in Stackdriver Trace

    The same trace captured in X-Ray


    OpenCensus will soon have out-of-the-box tracing and metrics collection in Istio. We’re currently working through our initial designs and implementation for integrations with the Envoy Sidecar and Istio Mixer service. Our goal is to provide Istio users with a great out of box tracing and metrics collection experience.


    We have two primary use cases in mind for Kubernetes deployments: providing cluster-wide visibility via z-pages, and better labeling of traces, stats, and metrics. Cluster-wide z-pages will allow developers to view telemetry in real time across an entire Kubernetes deployment, independently of their back-end. This is incredibly useful when debugging immediate high-impact issues like service outages.

    Client Application Support

    OpenCensus currently provides observability into back-end services, however this doesn’t tell the whole story about end-to-end application performance. Throughout 2018, we plan to add instrumentation for client and front-end web applications, so developers can get traces that begin from customers’ devices and reflect actual perceived latency, and metrics captured from client code.

    We aim to add support for instrumenting Android, iOS, and front-end JavaScript, though this list may grow or change. Expect to hear more about this later in 2018.

    Next Up

    Next week we’ll discuss some of the new features that we’re looking to bring to OpenCensus, including notable enhancements to the trace sampling logic.

    None of this is possible without the support and participation from the community. Please check out our repository and start contributing; we welcome contributions of any size -- however you want to take part. You can join other developers and users on the OpenCensus Gitter channel. We’d love to hear from you!

    By Pritam Shah and Morgan McLean, Census team

    Open sourcing Seurat: bringing high-fidelity scenes to mobile VR

    Crossposted from the Google Developers Blog

    Great VR experiences make you feel like you’re really somewhere else. To create deeply immersive experiences, there are a lot of factors that need to come together: amazing graphics, spatialized audio, and the ability to move around and feel like the world is responding to you.

    Last year at I/O, we announced Seurat as a powerful tool to help developers and creators bring high-fidelity graphics to standalone VR headsets with full positional tracking, like the Lenovo Mirage Solo with Daydream. Seurat is a scene simplification technology designed to process very complex 3D scenes into a representation that renders efficiently on mobile hardware. Here’s how ILMxLAB was able to use Seurat to bring an incredibly detailed ‘Rogue One: A Star Wars Story’ scene to a standalone VR experience.

    Today, we’re open sourcing Seurat to the developer community. You can now use Seurat to bring visually stunning scenes to your own VR applications and have the flexibility to customize the tool for your own workflows.

    Behind the scenes: how Seurat works

    Seurat works by taking advantage of the fact that VR scenes are typically viewed from within a limited viewing region, and leverages this to optimize the geometry and textures in your scene. It takes RGBD images (color and depth) as input and generates a textured mesh, targeting a configurable number of triangles, texture size, and fill rate, to simplify scenes beyond what traditional methods can achieve.

    To demonstrate what Seurat can do, here’s a snippet from Blade Runner: Revelations, which launched today with the Lenovo Mirage Solo.

    Blade Runner: Revolution by Alcon Interactive and Seismic Games
    The Blade Runner universe is known for its stunning worlds, and in Revelations, you get to unravel a mystery around fugitive Replicants in the futuristic but gritty streets. To create the look and feel for Revelations, Seismic used Seurat to bring a scene of 46.6 million triangles down to only 307,000, improving performance by more than 100x with almost no loss in visual quality:

    Original scene:

    Seurat-processed scene: 

    If you’re interested in learning more about Seurat or trying it out yourself, visit the Seurat GitHub page to access the documentation and source code. We’re looking forward to seeing what you build!

    By Manfred Ernst, Software Engineer

    Cloudprober: open source black-box monitoring software

    Ever wonder if users can actually access your microservices? Observe timeouts in your applications, and not sure if it's the network or if your servers are too busy? Curious about the 99%-ile network latency between your on-premise data center and services running in the cloud?

    Cloudprober, which we open sourced last year, answers questions like these and more. It’s black-box monitoring software that "probes" your systems and services and generates metrics based on probe results. This kind of monitoring strategy doesn’t make assumptions about how your service is implemented and it works at the same layer as your service’s users. You can make changes to your service’s implementation with peace of mind, knowing you’ll notice if a change prevents users from accessing the service.

    A probe can be anything: a ping, an HTTP request, or even a custom program that mimics how your services are consumed (for example, creating and accessing a blog post). Cloudprober builds and exports standard metrics, and provides a way to easily integrate them with your existing monitoring stack, such as Prometheus-Grafana, Stackdriver and soon InfluxDB. Cloudprober is written in Go and works on all major platforms: Linux, Mac OS, and Windows. It's released as a static binary as well as a Docker image.

    Here’s an example probe config that runs an HTTP probe against your forwarding rules and exports data to Stackdriver and Prometheus:
    probe {
    name: "internal-web"
    type: HTTP
    # Probe all forwarding rules that contain web-fr in their name.
    targets {
    gce_targets {
    forwarding_rules {}
    regex: "web-fr-.*"
    interval_msec: 5000
    timeout_msec: 1000
    http_probe {
    port: 8080

    // Export data to stackdriver
    surfacer {

    // Prometheus exporter
    surfacer {
    type: PROMETHEUS

    The probe config is run like this from the command-line:
    ./cloudprober --config_file $HOME/cloudprober/cloudprober.cfg

    This example probe config highlights two major features of Cloudprober: automatic, continuous discovery of cloud targets, and data export over multiple channels (Stackdriver and Prometheus in this case). Cloud deployments are dynamic and are often changing constantly. Cloudprober's dynamic target discovery feature ensures you have one less thing to worry about when doing minor infrastructure changes. Data export in various formats helps it integrate well with your existing monitoring setup.

    Other features include:
    • Go text templates based configuration which adds programming capability to configs, such as "for" loops and conditionals
    • Fast and efficient implementation of core probe types
    • Custom probes through the "external" probe type
    • The ability to read config through metadata
    • And cloud (Stackdriver) logging
    Though most of the cloud support is specific to Google Cloud Platform (GCP), it’s easy to add support for other providers. Cloudprober has an extensible architecture so you can add new types of targets, probes and monitoring backends.

    Cloudprober was built by the Cloud Networking Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) team at Google to monitor network availability and associated features. Today, it's used by several other Google Cloud SRE teams as well.

    We’re excited to share Cloudprober with the wider devops community! You can find more examples in the GitHub repository and more information on the project website.

    By Manu Garg, Cloud Networking Team

    Open sourcing GTXiLib, an accessibility test automation framework for iOS

    Google believes everyone should be able to access and enjoy the web. We share guidance on building accessible tech over at Google Accessibility and we recently launched a dedicated disability support team. Today, we’re excited to announce that we’ve open sourced GTXiLib, an accessibility test automation framework for iOS, under the Apache license.

    We want our products to be accessible and automation, with frameworks like GTXiLib, is one of the ways we scale our accessibility testing. GTXiLib can automate the process of checking for some kinds of issues such as missing labels, hints, or low contrast text.

    GTXiLib is written in Objective-C and will integrate with your existing XCTests to perform all the registered accessibility checks before the test tearDown. When the checks fail, the existing test fails as well. Fixing your tests will thus lead to better accessibility and your tests can catch new accessibility issues as well.
    • Reuse your tests: GTXiLib integrates into your existing functional tests, enhancing the value of any tests that you have or any that you write.
    • Incremental accessibility testing: GTXiLib can be installed onto a single test case, test class or a specific subset of tests giving you the freedom to add accessibility testing incrementally. This helped drive GTXiLib adoption in large projects at Google.
    • Author your own checks: GTXiLib has a simple API to create custom checks based on the specific needs of your app. For example, you can ensure every button in your app has an accessibilityHint using a custom check.
    Do you also care about accessibility? Help us sharpen GTXiLib by suggesting a check or better yet, writing one. You can add GTXiLib to your project using CocoaPods or by using its Xcode project file.

    We hope you find this useful and look forward to feedback and contributions from the community! Please check out the README for more information.

    By Siddartha Janga, Google Central Accessibility Team 

    Semantic Image Segmentation with DeepLab in TensorFlow

    Cross-posted on the Google Research Blog.

    Semantic image segmentation, the task of assigning a semantic label, such as “road”, “sky”, “person”, “dog”, to every pixel in an image enables numerous new applications, such as the synthetic shallow depth-of-field effect shipped in the portrait mode of the Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL smartphones and mobile real-time video segmentation. Assigning these semantic labels requires pinpointing the outline of objects, and thus imposes much stricter localization accuracy requirements than other visual entity recognition tasks such as image-level classification or bounding box-level detection.

    Today, we are excited to announce the open source release of our latest and best performing semantic image segmentation model, DeepLab-v3+ [1]*, implemented in TensorFlow. This release includes DeepLab-v3+ models built on top of a powerful convolutional neural network (CNN) backbone architecture [2, 3] for the most accurate results, intended for server-side deployment. As part of this release, we are additionally sharing our TensorFlow model training and evaluation code, as well as models already pre-trained on the Pascal VOC 2012 and Cityscapes benchmark semantic segmentation tasks.

    Since the first incarnation of our DeepLab model [4] three years ago, improved CNN feature extractors, better object scale modeling, careful assimilation of contextual information, improved training procedures, and increasingly powerful hardware and software have led to improvements with DeepLab-v2 [5] and DeepLab-v3 [6]. With DeepLab-v3+, we extend DeepLab-v3 by adding a simple yet effective decoder module to refine the segmentation results especially along object boundaries. We further apply the depthwise separable convolution to both atrous spatial pyramid pooling [5, 6] and decoder modules, resulting in a faster and stronger encoder-decoder network for semantic segmentation.

    Modern semantic image segmentation systems built on top of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have reached accuracy levels that were hard to imagine even five years ago, thanks to advances in methods, hardware, and datasets. We hope that publicly sharing our system with the community will make it easier for other groups in academia and industry to reproduce and further improve upon state-of-art systems, train models on new datasets, and envision new applications for this technology.

    By Liang-Chieh Chen and Yukun Zhu, Google Research

    We would like to thank the support and valuable discussions with Iasonas Kokkinos, Kevin Murphy, Alan L. Yuille (co-authors of DeepLab-v1 and -v2), as well as Mark Sandler, Andrew Howard, Menglong Zhu, Chen Sun, Derek Chow, Andre Araujo, Haozhi Qi, Jifeng Dai, and the Google Mobile Vision team.

    1. Encoder-Decoder with Atrous Separable Convolution for Semantic Image Segmentation, Liang-Chieh Chen, Yukun Zhu, George Papandreou, Florian Schroff, and Hartwig Adam, arXiv: 1802.02611, 2018.
    2. Xception: Deep Learning with Depthwise Separable Convolutions, François Chollet, Proc. of CVPR, 2017.
    3. Deformable Convolutional Networks — COCO Detection and Segmentation Challenge 2017 Entry, Haozhi Qi, Zheng Zhang, Bin Xiao, Han Hu, Bowen Cheng, Yichen Wei, and Jifeng Dai, ICCV COCO Challenge Workshop, 2017.
    4. Semantic Image Segmentation with Deep Convolutional Nets and Fully Connected CRFs, Liang-Chieh Chen, George Papandreou, Iasonas Kokkinos, Kevin Murphy, and Alan L. Yuille, Proc. of ICLR, 2015.
    5. Deeplab: Semantic Image Segmentation with Deep Convolutional Nets, Atrous Convolution, and Fully Connected CRFs, Liang-Chieh Chen, George Papandreou, Iasonas Kokkinos, Kevin Murphy, and Alan L. Yuille, TPAMI, 2017.
    6. Rethinking Atrous Convolution for Semantic Image Segmentation, Liang-Chieh Chen, George Papandreou, Florian Schroff, and Hartwig Adam, arXiv:1706.05587, 2017.

    * DeepLab-v3+ is not used to power Pixel 2's portrait mode or real time video segmentation. These are mentioned in the post as examples of features this type of technology can enable.

    Open sourcing Resonance Audio

    Spatial audio adds to your sense of presence when you’re in VR or AR, making it feel and sound, like you’re surrounded by a virtual or augmented world. And regardless of the display hardware you’re using, spatial audio makes it possible to hear sounds coming from all around you.

    Resonance Audio, our spatial audio SDK launched last year, enables developers to create more realistic VR and AR experiences on mobile and desktop. We’ve seen a number of exciting experiences emerge across a variety of platforms using our SDK. Recent examples include apps like Pixar’s Coco VR for Gear VR, Disney’s Star Wars™: Jedi Challenges AR app for Android and iOS, and Runaway’s Flutter VR for Daydream, which all used Resonance Audio technology.

    To accelerate adoption of immersive audio technology and strengthen the developer community around it, we’re opening Resonance Audio to a community-driven development model. By creating an open source spatial audio project optimized for mobile and desktop computing, any platform or software development tool provider can easily integrate with Resonance Audio. More cross-platform and tooling support means more distribution opportunities for content creators, without the worry of investing in costly porting projects.

    What’s Included in the Open Source Project

    As part of our open source project, we’re providing a reference implementation of YouTube’s Ambisonic-based spatial audio decoder, compatible with the same Ambisonics format (Ambix ACN/SN3D) used by others in the industry. Using our reference implementation, developers can easily render Ambisonic content in their VR media and other applications, while benefiting from Ambisonics open source, royalty-free model. The project also includes encoding, sound field manipulation and decoding techniques, as well as head related transfer functions (HRTFs) that we’ve used to achieve rich spatial audio that scales across a wide spectrum of device types and platforms. Lastly, we’re making our entire library of highly optimized DSP classes and functions, open to all. This includes resamplers, convolvers, filters, delay lines and other DSP capabilities. Additionally, developers can now use Resonance Audio’s brand new Spectral Reverb, an efficient, high quality, constant complexity reverb effect, in their own projects.

    We’ve open sourced Resonance Audio as a standalone library and associated engine plugins, VST plugin, tutorials, and examples with the Apache 2.0 license. This means Resonance Audio is yours, so you’re free to use Resonance Audio in your projects, no matter where you work. And if you see something you’d like to improve, submit a GitHub pull request to be reviewed by the Resonance Audio project committers. While the engine plugins for Unity, Unreal, FMOD, and Wwise will remain open source, going forward they will be maintained by project committers from our partners, Unity, Epic, Firelight Technologies, and Audiokinetic, respectively.

    If you’re interested in learning more about Resonance Audio, check out the documentation on our developer site. If you want to get more involved, visit our GitHub to access the source code, build the project, download the latest release, or even start contributing. We’re looking forward to building the future of immersive audio with all of you.

    By Eric Mauskopf, Google AR/VR Team

    The value of OpenCensus

    This post is the second in a series about OpenCensus. You can find the first post here.

    Early this year we open sourced OpenCensus, a distributed tracing and stats instrumentation framework. Today, we continue our journey by discussing the history and motivation behind the project here at Google, and what benefits OpenCensus has to offer. As OpenCensus continues to gain partners we’ll be shifting the focus away from Google, but we wanted to use this post as an opportunity to answer some of the questions that we’re most commonly asked at meetings and events.

    Why did Google open source this? Why now?

    Google open sources a lot of projects and we’ve begun documenting some of the reasons why on the Google Open Source website. What about OpenCensus specifically? There are many reasons it made sense for us to release this project and get others involved.

    We had already released other related projects. The Census team had been eager to share their work with the public for a while. With projects like gRPC and Istio, going open source, it made sense to release OpenCensus as well.

    It helped us serve our customers better. Teams with performance-sensitive APIs like BigTable and Spanner needed more insight into their customers’ calling patterns while debugging issues, and wanted a way to connect customers’ traced requests to equivalent traces inside of Google.

    Managing integrations ourselves is costly. The Stackdriver Trace engineering team had been investing considerable resources building their own instrumentation libraries across seven languages, and it became apparent that the cost of building and maintaining integrations into web and RPC frameworks would continue in perpetuity. Releasing these libraries might encourage framework providers to manage these integrations instead.

    We have a vested interest in everyone else’s reliability and performance. As a web search and cloud services provider, Google’s users benefit as web services and applications become increasingly reliable and performant. Popularizing distributed tracing and app-level metrics is a one way to achieve this. This is especially important with the rising popularity of microservices-based architectures which are difficult to debug without distributed tracing.

    This expands the market for other services. By making tracing and app-level metrics more accessible, we grow the overall market for monitoring and application performance management (APM) tools, which benefits Stackdriver Monitoring and Stackdriver Trace.

    As these factors came into focus, the decision to open source the project became clear.

    Benefits to Partners and the Community

    Google’s reasons for developing and promoting OpenCensus apply to partners at all levels.

    Service developers reap the benefits of having automatic traces and stats collection, along with vendor-neutral APIs for manually interacting with these. Developers who use open source backends like Prometheus or Zipkin benefit from having a single set of well-supported instrumentation libraries that can export to both services at once.

    For APM vendors, being able to take advantage of already-provided language support and framework integrations is huge, and the exporter API allows traces and metrics to be sent to an ingestion API without much additional work. Developers who might have been working on instrumentation code can now focus on other more important tasks, and vendors get traces and metrics back from places they previously didn’t have coverage for.

    Cloud and API providers have the added benefit of being able to include OpenCensus in client libraries, allowing customers to gain insight into performance characteristics and debug issues without having to contact support. In situations where customers were still not able to diagnose their own issues, customer traces can be matched with internal traces for faster root cause analysis, regardless of which tracing or APM product they use.

    What’s Next

    If you missed the first post in our series, you can read it now. In upcoming blog posts and videos we’ll discuss:
    • The current schedule for OpenCensus on a language-by-language basis
    • Guides on how to add custom instrumentation to your application
    • Techniques for adding more automatic integrations to OpenCensus
    • Our long-term vision for OpenCensus
    Thanks for reading – we’ll see you on GitHub!

    By Pritam Shah and Morgan McLean, Census team