Tag Archives: mobile_ads_sdk

Announcing v17.0.0 of the Android Google Mobile Ads SDK

Google Mobile Ads SDK v17.0.0 for Android has just been released, and it comes with two important changes that you should be aware of:

  1. A tag is now required in AndroidManifest.xml.
  2. NativeAppInstallAd and NativeContentAd APIs are deprecated in favor of UnifiedNativeAd.

Required AndroidManifest.xml changes

Starting in version 17.0.0, if you are an AdMob publisher you are now required to add your AdMob app ID in your AndroidManifest.xml file. Once you find your AdMob app ID in the AdMob UI, add it to your manifest adding the following tag:

<!-- TODO: Replace with your real AdMob app ID -->

Failure to add this tag will result in the app crashing at app launch with a message starting with "The Google Mobile Ads SDK was initialized incorrectly."

What if I'm using Google Ad Manager instead of AdMob?

Publishers using Google Ad Manager will need to declare themselves as an Ad Manager app with a different tag to avoid the same crash:


See the getting started guide (AdMob | Ad Manager) for additional details on how to make this change.

NativeAppInstallAd and NativeContentAd APIs are deprecated

This release also officially deprecates the NativeAppInstallAd and NativeContentAd APIs in favor of the previously released UnifiedNativeAd API. The UnifiedNativeAd APIs offer a consolidated way to render any type of native ad, reducing the number of lines of code needed to integrate native ads by up to 50%.

The following example shows how to load both app install and content ads using the new unified API:

AdLoader adLoader = new AdLoader.Builder(context, "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/2247696110")
.forUnifiedNativeAd(new UnifiedNativeAd.OnUnifiedNativeAdLoadedListener() {
public void onUnifiedNativeAdLoaded(UnifiedNativeAd unifiedNativeAd) {
// Show the ad.
adLoader.loadAd(new AdRequest.Builder().build());

Check out the native ads guide to get started with the unified API.

What else changed?

See the release notes for a full list of changes. If you have any questions about the release, please reach out to us on the Google Mobile Ads SDK developer forum.

Announcing the Mediation Test Suite Beta

Today we're announcing the release of Mediation Test Suite Beta. Mediation Test Suite is a lightweight SDK that enables Google AdMob publishers to easily test mediation ad network integrations without having to make changes in the AdMob UI, saving you and your developers time. It is available on Android, iOS, and Unity.

Mediation Test Suite allows you to:

  • View a full list of mediation ad source configurations for your app
  • Automatically check your project for missing SDKs, adapters, and manifest changes required by partner ad sources
  • Load a banner, interstitial, rewarded, or native ad for any ad source using a certified Google Mobile Ads SDK implementation
  • Batch test multiple ad sources for the same ad unit
  • Test both open source mediation adapters and custom event adapters

Integrating Mediation Test Suite is easy -- once you have the SDK imported, it can be launched with just a single line of code. All you need is your AdMob app ID.

On Android, the launch code looks like this:

import com.google.android.ads.mediationtestsuite.MediationTestSuite;
String appId = "YOUR-ADMOB-APP-ID";
MediationTestSuite.launch(MainActivity.this, appId);

On iOS, all that's required is importing the correct header and launching the Test Suite:

#import "GoogleMobileAdsMediationTestSuite.h"
NSString* appId = @"YOUR-ADMOB-APP-ID"
[GoogleMobileAdsMediationTestSuite presentWithAppID:appId
onViewController:self delegate:nil];

Unity is just as simple, but please note that you need to use the appropriate app ID for your platform:

using GoogleMobileAdsMediationTestSuite.Api;
string appId = "YOUR-iOS-ADMOB-APP-ID";
string appId = "";

Including Mediation Test Suite in production builds is optional

You are not required to keep the Mediation Test Suite library in the production release of your app; however, you may choose to leave it in and hide it behind a debug gesture. Doing so enables you to launch Mediation Test Suite within your production build.

You can find more information about how to use Mediation Test Suite in the developer guide (Android | iOS | Unity). Remember that Mediation Test Suite is a beta product, so if you have any questions or feedback, please contact us on the developer forum.

Consent SDK removes limit of 12 ad technology providers

To support publishers in meeting their duties under the Google EU User Consent Policy, Google offers a Consent SDK. The Consent SDK is an open-source library that provides utility functions for collecting consent from your users. The full source code is available on GitHub.

With the latest release of the Consent SDK (v1.0.5 for Android or v1.0.2 for iOS), the Google-rendered consent form is now compatible with any number of ad technology partners, including the full list of commonly used partners. Apps that update to the latest version of the Consent SDK can start taking advantage of this additional flexibility immediately.

You can find additional documentation for the Consent SDK on the Google Mobile Ads Android and iOS developer docs. If you have any questions about implementing the Consent SDKs, you can reach us on our forum.

Simpler Native Ads Implementation with the Unified Native Ads API

Today we're pleased to announce the release of the Unified Native Ads API, an easier way to implement AdMob Native Ads Advanced. This feature is now available in Google Mobile Ads for iOS, as of version 7.28.0. The Android version will be made available in an upcoming release.

With this feature, the existing native ad formats in Native Ads Advanced — GADNativeAppInstallAdand GADNativeContentAd— are replaced by a single format, GADUnifiedNativeAd. The corresponding views, GADNativeAppInstallAdViewand GADNativeContentAdView, are replaced by a single corresponding view, GADUnifiedNativeAdView.

Using the Unified Native Ads API, you no longer need to create UIs for ad content and app install ad formats separately. Instead you will create one UI for unified native ads, saving you time from developing and maintaining two separate UIs and associated code for the two previous ad formats, while still getting the same ad demand.

Here's a short code example showing how your implementation might change when migrating from the separate formats to the new unified format:

@implementation ViewController

- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];

// Note here we request only `kGADAdLoaderAdTypeUnifiedNative` and no
// longer request both `kGADAdLoaderAdTypeAppInstall` and
// `kGADAdLoaderAdTypeContentAd`
self.adLoader = [[GADAdLoader alloc] initWithAdUnitID:YOUR_AD_UNIT_ID
adTypes:@[ kGADAdLoaderAdTypeUnifiedNative ]
self.adLoader.delegate = self;
[self.adLoader loadRequest:[GADRequest request]];

#pragma mark - GADUnifiedNativeAdLoaderDelegate
- (void)adLoader:(GADAdLoader *)adLoader
didReceiveUnifiedNativeAd:(GADUnifiedNativeAd *)nativeAd {
// A unified native ad has loaded, and can be displayed.

// Note that the two separate ad type delegate callbacks are no longer needed.
#pragma mark - GADNativeAppInstallAdLoaderDelegate
- (void)adLoader:(GADAdLoader *)adLoader
didReceiveNativeAppInstallAd:(GADNativeAppInstallAd *)nativeAppInstallAd {
// An app install ad has loaded, and can be displayed.

#pragma mark - GADNativeContentAdLoaderDelegate
- (void)adLoader:(GADAdLoader *)adLoader
didReceiveNativeContentAd:(GADNativeContentAd *)nativeContentAd {
// A content ad has loaded, and can be displayed.

With the Unified Native Ads format, you still need to respect the required and recommended assets for display, and check the availability of certain assets when displaying the Unified Native Ad.

For detailed documentation on how to implement Unified Native Ads, refer to the developer documentation and the updated sample code.

If you have any questions about this feature in the Google Mobile Ads SDK, please drop us a line at the developer forum.

Use ad content filtering to help improve your users’ ad experience

Cross posted from the AdMob blog.

Optimizing the ad experience on your app for a varied audience can be difficult. Showing users ads that are a better fit can improve their overall ad experience and help maximize your app’s revenue.

AdMob has launched a new feature that allows you to specify the content rating for Google ads served in your app. With the new max_ad_content_rating signal, you can now choose the content rating of Google demand that you want to deliver on a per-request basis.

Four content rating choices offer you the granularity you need to provide users at each level with a better user experience. The four new content rating choices are:

  • G: Content suitable for general audiences
  • PG: Content suitable for most audiences with parental guidance
  • T: Content suitable for teen and older audiences
  • MA: Content suitable only for mature audiences

You can start sending the new max_ad_content_rating signal in the Google Mobile Ads SDK by following these Android and iOS guides. To learn more about the new signal and the content rating choices, visit the AdMob help center or contact your Google account team.

Posted by Alexa Haushalter, Product Manager, AdMob

Simpler testing with new AdMob test ads

Today we're announcing a behavior change when requesting test ads using the Google Mobile Ads SDK. It enables you to test your own ad units while also ensuring that you are in test mode.

When using the Google Mobile Ads SDK during development, we recommend that you configure your device to request test ads. Always testing with test ads is important so you avoid having your account flagged for invalid activity.

Previously, enabling test ads resulted in the same sample ad like this one being shown in your app:

While this worked well as a basic check, it didn't allow for testing what real ads would look like in a production environment. For example, you couldn't test your mediation configurations or the different types of banner and interstitial formats that AdMob offers. The update we're rolling out addresses these problems.

New Test Ad Behavior

Starting today, apps built against Google Mobile Ads SDK 11.6.0 or higher on Android or 7.26.0 or higher on iOS can take advantage of the new behavior of test ads, which serves production-looking ads without charging advertisers. With this change, you can safely test the clickthrough behavior of your ads without your account getting flagged for invalid activity.

Banner, interstitial, and rewarded test ads now show a "Test Ad" label in the top-middle of the ad to give you a visual indicator that the ad returned is actually a test ad.

Sample 300x250 Banner ad

For native advanced test ads, the headline asset has the text "Test Ad" prepended.

Sample native content ad.

Test ads with Mediation

When using mediation, ads shown from third-party ad networks won't display the test ad label. Only Google ads show the test ad label. You are responsible for ensuring that your testing of third-party ad networks is compliant with their stated policies. See each mediation network's respective mediation guidefor more information on how to enable test ads on those networks.

See the testing guide (Android | iOS) for more information on how to enable test ads in the Google Mobile Ads SDK. If you have any questions, contact us on the developer forum.

Loading multiple native ads in the Google Mobile Ads SDK

In the Google Mobile Ads SDK Android version 11.2.0 and iOS version 7.21.0, we added multiple native ads, a new feature for AdMob Native Ads Advanced. This feature lets you load up to five unique native ads with a single request. If you're showing native ads in a scrolling feed, this will allow you to get a batch of ads different from one another. It also means fewer network calls, which improves latency.

If you're displaying multiple native ads in a feed and loading ads one by one, converting to the new API should be fairly straightforward.

First, make a decision about how many ads you wish to fetch in one request. This is a function of how frequently you display ads in your feed. If you request five ads, AdMob will return the top five ads, ordered by eCPM value. If only three ads are available for the ad unit, only three ads will be returned.

iOS Implementation

Before initializing your ad loader, you need to create an instance of GADMultipleAdsAdLoaderOptionsand set the numberOfAdsproperty. Then include this object in the array of options when calling GADAdLoader's initializer:

override func viewDidLoad() {

let multipleAdsOptions = GADMultipleAdsAdLoaderOptions()
multipleAdsOptions.numberOfAds = 5

adLoader = GADAdLoader(adUnitID: YOUR_AD_UNIT_ID, rootViewController: self,
adTypes: [GADAdLoaderAdType.nativeContent,
options: [multipleAdsOptions])
adLoader.delegate = self

When requesting multiple native ads, you will still get individual callbacks when each ad is loaded. For example, for an app install ad you will have a callback to -adLoader:didReceiveNativeAppInstallAd:, and for a content ad -adLoader:didReceiveNativeContentAd:. This way you don't need to change the way the ads are received and shown.

To determine when ads have finished loading, there are two new APIs available:

  1. On the GADAdLoaderobject, a new property, loading, has been added. It returns true if a request is in progress, and false otherwise. You can check this property after each ad has loaded to find out if loading ads has completed.
  2. On the GADAdLoaderDelegate, the adLoaderDidFinishLoading:method has been added. It's invoked when all ads for a request have been returned.

Android Implementation

The Android implementation is similar to iOS. There's a new method on AdLoader, loadAds() which accepts the number of ads to load. There's also a new isLoading()method that indicates whether a request is currently in progress.

For a detailed walkthrough of the implementations, see the AdMob Native Ads Advanced implementation guides (iOS| Android). If you have any questions about this feature in the Google Mobile Ads SDK, please drop us a line at the developer forum.

Kotlin and the Google Mobile Ads SDK

One of the biggest cheers from the crowd at I/O '17 came in response to Stephanie Saad Cuthbertson's announcement that Kotlin would be an officially supported language for Android development starting with Android Studio 3.0. If you're an AdMob or Doubleclick publisher who's been eager to make the leap to a new language, we've got another announcement you might like: now that the new version of Android Studio has launched, we've released bunch of new mobile ads resources to support the Kotlin community.

If you haven't seen Kotlin yet, it's a statically typed language developed by JetBrains that compiles down to the same JVM bytecode that Java does, but includes a number of new features that can make Android development faster and easier. Things like dedicated data classes with less boilerplate, the Elvis operator, lambdas, SAM conversion, explicit nullability for references, and lots of other modern language features come built-in. For more information, see Introduction to Kotlin (also from I/O '17) in which Andrey Breslav and Hadi Hariri code up examples of the language's best features:

When you're done, you can see those same features in action in our new developer resources, which are now available to the AdMob and Doubleclick publisher community.


The Mobile Ads DevRel team maintains a GitHub repository of Android samples covering our API, and we've pushed Kotlin versions for each ad format. If you been wondering how Kotlin's Android extensions work with AdMob's banner ad layouts, for example, we've got a new sample app that'll show you. If you're curious how native ads work with all the new nullability stuff, we've got you covered with Kotlin samples for those formats as well.

In addition, we've included a new version of our API Demo app, which features a navigation drawer full of individual API demos for things like banner sizes, category exclusions, and more, all in Kotlin.

Implementation Guides

We've also updated our publisher guides with Kotlin snippets wherever code is shown. Similar to the mobile ads guides for iOS (which show either Swift or Objective-C syntax with a click of a tab), the Android guides now let developers easily switch back and forth between Java and Kotlin implementations.


If you take a look at the Kotlin guides and samples and find you've got questions about the best way to implement something in Android's first ever new language, stop by our support forum. Our staff there will be happy to help.

Kotlin and the Google Mobile Ads SDK

One of the biggest cheers from the crowd at I/O '17 came in response to Stephanie Saad Cuthbertson's announcement that Kotlin would be an officially supported language for Android development starting with Android Studio 3.0. If you're an AdMob or Doubleclick publisher who's been eager to make the leap to a new language, we've got another announcement you might like: now that the new version of Android Studio has launched, we've released bunch of new mobile ads resources to support the Kotlin community.

If you haven't seen Kotlin yet, it's a statically typed language developed by JetBrains that compiles down to the same JVM bytecode that Java does, but includes a number of new features that can make Android development faster and easier. Things like dedicated data classes with less boilerplate, the Elvis operator, lambdas, SAM conversion, explicit nullability for references, and lots of other modern language features come built-in. For more information, see Introduction to Kotlin (also from I/O '17) in which Andrey Breslav and Hadi Hariri code up examples of the language's best features:

When you're done, you can see those same features in action in our new developer resources, which are now available to the AdMob and Doubleclick publisher community.


The Mobile Ads DevRel team maintains a GitHub repository of Android samples covering our API, and we've pushed Kotlin versions for each ad format. If you been wondering how Kotlin's Android extensions work with AdMob's banner ad layouts, for example, we've got a new sample app that'll show you. If you're curious how native ads work with all the new nullability stuff, we've got you covered with Kotlin samples for those formats as well.

In addition, we've included a new version of our API Demo app, which features a navigation drawer full of individual API demos for things like banner sizes, category exclusions, and more, all in Kotlin.

Implementation Guides

We've also updated our publisher guides with Kotlin snippets wherever code is shown. Similar to the mobile ads guides for iOS (which show either Swift or Objective-C syntax with a click of a tab), the Android guides now let developers easily switch back and forth between Java and Kotlin implementations.


If you take a look at the Kotlin guides and samples and find you've got questions about the best way to implement something in Android's first ever new language, stop by our support forum. Our staff there will be happy to help.

Get your ads ready for iPhone X

Cross-posted from the AdMob blog.

Every interaction a user has with your app matters. That's why we're constantly evolving our advertising recommendations and policies to ensure that no matter where and on what device users are engaging with your apps, they have good experiences.

Example of ad appearing outside of "safe area" on iPhone X

With the launch of the iPhone X, app developers now need to plan for new design considerations as the rounded corners, notch, and home screen indicator on the extended screen can obscure content and lead to poor ad experiences for users when ads are placed in these areas.

That's why we've put together a guide to help you adapt your ad strategy for iPhone X. This includes guidance for how you can shift placement of banner or native ads to designated "safe areas" for this new device.

We've also updated our policiesto indicate that ads must not be placed where objects may interfere with the user's typical interaction with the ad or app, such as under the home screen indicator on the iPhone X.

Please review these policy updates and our suggested implementation guide to ensure you're compliant by November 20th.

If you have any questions, visit the AdMob Help Center or contact your Google account team.

Posted by Pablo Alvarez, Product Manager, AdMob