Tag Archives: mobile_ads_sdk

Use ad inspector to debug your mobile applications

Ad inspector is an in-app overlay that enables authorized devices to perform real-time analysis of Google Mobile Ads SDK test ad requests directly within your mobile app. It is included with the Google Mobile Ads SDK and you can enable it with no coding required.

Ad inspector empowers you to thoroughly test all your ad sources before releasing those changes to your users so you can verify everything is working properly. To help you understand and utilize ad inspector effectively, we published a 7-part ad inspector video series on our Google AdMob YouTube channel.

Each video focuses on a specific challenge in testing your ad integration, offering in-depth tutorials and demonstrations on how to:

Check out our ad inspector documentation (Android, iOS, Unity, Flutter) to learn more. If you have questions, comments, or general feedback about ad inspector, contact us in the developer forum. And remember to subscribe to our Google AdMob YouTube channel for more technical content.

Use ad inspector to debug your mobile applications

Ad inspector is an in-app overlay that enables authorized devices to perform real-time analysis of Google Mobile Ads SDK test ad requests directly within your mobile app. It is included with the Google Mobile Ads SDK and you can enable it with no coding required.

Ad inspector empowers you to thoroughly test all your ad sources before releasing those changes to your users so you can verify everything is working properly. To help you understand and utilize ad inspector effectively, we published a 7-part ad inspector video series on our Google AdMob YouTube channel.

Each video focuses on a specific challenge in testing your ad integration, offering in-depth tutorials and demonstrations on how to:

Check out our ad inspector documentation (Android, iOS, Unity, Flutter) to learn more. If you have questions, comments, or general feedback about ad inspector, contact us in the developer forum. And remember to subscribe to our Google AdMob YouTube channel for more technical content.

Reduce ANRs when implementing mobile ads

We heard your feedback via Play Console crash reports regarding Application Not Responding (ANRs) errors related to the Google Mobile Ads SDK. After analyzing these reports, we updated our SDK implementation best practices to reduce ANR rates. The recommended best practices are as follows:

  1. Initialize the Mobile Ads SDK on a background thread
  2. Enable optimization flag for ad loading

1. Initialize the Mobile Ads SDK on a background thread

Our previous best practice was to specify the OPTIMIZE_INITIALIZATION manifest flag. However, some work on the calling thread is still required to prepare MobileAds to handle other method calls synchronously.

We now recommend calling MobileAds.initialize() on a background thread, enabling the work required on the calling thread to happen in the background.

import com.google.android.gms.ads.MobileAds
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
  override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

    CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch {
      // Initialize the Google Mobile Ads SDK on a background thread.
      MobileAds.initialize(this@MainActivity) {}
      runOnUiThread {
        // Load an ad on the main thread.

Note: When calling MobileAds.initialize() on a background thread, the OPTIMIZE_INITIALIZATION manifest flag is no longer required.

2. Enable optimization flag for ad loading

By enabling the OPTIMIZE_AD_LOADING manifest flag, you can offload most ad loading tasks to a background thread. We recommend enabling this flag in your app's AndroidManifest.xml file to reduce the occurrence of ad loading causing ANRs.


We’ve updated all of our Android example apps to implement these best practices. For more details on initialization and optimization flags, see Get started and Optimize initialization and ad loading. Contact us if you have any questions or need additional help.

Announcing Android Google Mobile Ads SDK Version 23.0.0

Version 23.0.0 of the Android Google Mobile Ads SDK is now available. We recommend upgrading as soon as possible to get our latest features and performance improvements.

The minimum Android API level is 21

Starting in version 23.0.0, the Google Mobile Ads SDK requires all apps to be on a minimum Android API level 21 to run. To adjust the API level, change the value of minSdk in your app-level build.gradle file to 21 or higher.

Ad Manager builder methods can now be chained

In version 23.0.0, AdManagerAdRequest.Builder methods inherited from its parent can be chained together to build an AdManagerAdRequest using a single call:

var newRequest = AdManagerAdRequest.Builder()
  .addCustomTargeting("age", "25") // AdManagerAdRequest.Builder method.
  .setContentUrl("https://www.example.com") // Method inherited from parent.
  .build() // Builds an AdManagerAdRequest.

A side effect of this change is AdManagerAdRequest.Builder no longer inherits from AdRequest.Builder.

SDK deprecation and sunset timelines activated

With this Android major version 23 launch and the iOS major version 11 launch last month, we are announcing new deprecation and sunset dates for older major releases. Specifically:

  • Android Google Mobile Ads SDK versions 21.x.x are officially deprecated, and will sunset in Q2 2025.
  • Android versions 20.x.x and iOS versions 8.x.x will sunset on June 30, 2024.
    • While there are currently no plans to disable ad serving on Android versions 20.x.x and iOS versions 8.x.x, we strongly recommend updating to a supported SDK version to avoid being impacted in the future.

For the full list of changes in v23.0.0, check the release notes. Check our migration guide to ensure your mobile apps are ready to upgrade. As always, if you have any questions or need additional help, contact us via the developer forum.

Announcing iOS Google Mobile Ads SDK Version 11.0.0

Today, we are announcing that version 11.0.0 of the Google Mobile Ads SDK is now available. We recommend upgrading as soon as possible to get our latest features and performance improvements.

Simplified SwiftUI development

Version 11.0.0 no longer requires publishers to declare a view controller to present full-screen ads. As a result, SwiftUI Publishers can now present full-screen ads without the need for UIKit or UIViewControllerRepresentable workarounds. See our SwiftUI guide for more information.

struct ContentView: View {
  private let adCoordinator = AdCoordinator()

  var body: some View {

    Button("Watch an ad") {

private class InterstitialAdCoordinator: NSObject, GADFullScreenContentDelegate {
  private var interstitial: GADInterstitialAd?


  func showAd() {
    guard let interstitial = interstitial else {
      return print("Ad wasn't ready")

    // The SDK uses the app's main window to look up view controllers
    // automatically when one is not provided.
    interstitial.present(fromRootViewController: nil)

Continue collecting user metrics in AdMob

The Google Mobile Ads SDK dependency on GoogleAppMeasurement has been removed. This dependency that powered the user metrics toggle in AdMob will be discontinued in early 2024. To continue collecting user metrics in AdMob, link your AdMob app to Firebase and integrate the Google Analytics for Firebase SDK into your app.

Changes to minimum OS and Xcode requirements

  • The minimum OS version to load ads has been bumped from 12 to 13. Applications can still be built for iOS 12, but the SDK will only load ads on iOS 13 and higher.
  • The minimum supported Xcode version has been bumped to 15.1.

For the full list of changes, check the release notes. Check our migration guide to ensure your mobile apps are ready to upgrade.

SDK Deprecation Reminder

Per the deprecation schedule, the release of version 11.0.0 means that:

  • iOS Google Mobile Ads SDK versions 9.x.x are officially deprecated, and will sunset in Q2 2025.
  • Versions 8.x.x and below will sunset in Q2 2024, approximately 60 days following the release of Android Google Mobile Ads SDK major version 23.0.0.
    • While there are currently no plans to disable ad serving on version 8.x.x, we strongly recommend updating to a supported SDK version to avoid being impacted in the future.

As always, if you have any questions or need additional help, contact us via the developer forum.

We’ve Made Updates to the User Messaging Platform SDK APIs

In case you missed it, we announced new consent management platform requirements for serving ads in the EEA and UK. Beginning January 16, 2024, Google will require all publishers to use a Google-certified consent management platform (CMP) when serving ads to users in the European Economic Area or the UK.

In addition to growing our list of certified CMPs, we explored how to improve the User Messaging Platform (UMP) SDK developer experience for those who choose to use Google’s consent management solution. We are excited to share several updates in the latest iOS and Android versions that we think will streamline your integration.

Loading and presenting a consent form

The latest UMP SDK release introduces a new API, loadAndPresentIfRequired(), that consolidates the existing individual load and present consent form methods into a single method. The new API loads a consent form and if consent is required, automatically presents the consent form. This method is intended to be used at the beginning of a new app session.

Here is a code example of how to use the new API on iOS:

class ViewController: UIViewController {

  private var isMobileAdsStartCalled = false

  override func viewDidLoad() {

    UMPConsentInformation.sharedInstance.requestConsentInfoUpdate(with: parameters) {
      [weak self] requestConsentError in
      guard let self else { return }

      // Call the helper method once consent information has been updated.
      UMPConsentForm.loadAndPresentIfRequired(from: self) {
        [weak self] loadAndPresentError in
        guard let self else { return }

        if UMPConsentInformation.sharedInstance.canRequestAds {

    // canRequestAds will be true if consent was gathered in the previous session.
    if UMPConsentInformation.sharedInstance.canRequestAds {

  private func startGoogleMobileAdsSDK() {
    DispatchQueue.main.async {
      guard !self.isMobileAdsStartCalled else { return }

      self.isMobileAdsStartCalled = true

      // Initialize the Google Mobile Ads SDK.
      // Request an ad.

Checking when to request ads

We added a new boolean property canRequestAds to use as a check before initializing the Google Mobile Ads SDK and requesting ads. canRequestAds returns true when the consent status is either OBTAINED or NOT_REQUIRED; as a result you don’t need to implement any enum checking yourself.

You should use the canRequestAds API in two places (as seen in the code snippet above):

  1. Once consent has been gathered in the current session.
  2. Immediately after you have called requestConsentInfoUpdate. It is possible consent has been gathered in the previous session in which case it is not necessary to wait for the callback to finish.

Checking privacy options requirement status

GDPR requires that publishers allow users to withdraw their consent choices at any time. It should be as easy to withdraw consent as it is to gather consent. To simplify this process, we have added two new APIs:

  1. privacyOptionsRequirementStatus to determine whether you should include a UI element that can re-present the consent form, such as a button in your application’s settings page.
  2. presentPrivacyOptionsForm() to show the form so the user can update their consent status at any time.

Here is a code example of how to use the new APIs on iOS:

// Show a privacy options button if required.
private var isPrivacySettingsButtonEnabled: Bool {
  return UMPConsentInformation.shared.privacyOptionsRequirementStatus == .required

// Present the privacy options form when a user interacts with your app.
@IBAction func privacySettingsTapped(_ sender: UIBarButtonItem) {
  UMPConsentForm.presentPrivacyOptionsForm(from: self) {
    [weak self] formError in
    guard let self, let formError else { return }

    // Handle the error.

Developer resources

We updated our AdMob banner samples applications for iOS and Android to showcase integrating the UMP SDK. Keep an eye out as we add UMP SDK support to the rest of our samples soon.

Also take a look at our iOS and Android developer documentation for instructions on how to implement the UMP SDK.

If you have any questions or need additional help integrating the UMP SDK, please contact us via the developer forum.

Unity Google Mobile Ads Version 8 Released

We are excited to announce the release of Version 8 of the Google Mobile Ads for Unity plugin! This new version contains a number of new features and upgraded APIs.

Minimum Unity version is now 2019.4

The Google Mobile Ads Unity plugin now has a minimum Unity Engine version requirement of 2019.4. This was done to align with Unity’s long term support.

Compatibility with Android v22.0.0

This release supports the Android Google Mobile Ads SDK version 22.0.0 major version release.

User Messaging Platform (UMP) support

The Google Mobile Ads Unity plugin now includes support for the Google User Messaging Platform (UMP) to help you gather consent from app users. To enable UMP support, see the user privacy get started guide.

Plugin now has C# reference documentation

With the release of version 8, we now have launched C# reference documentation. Moreover, this version added xml-doc summaries to all public fields, properties, methods, and classes. This makes the plugin easier to use and provides full IntelliSense support when developing in Visual Studio.

Migrate ad format events to the new interface

Full-screen ad formats APIs now have a uniform interface and we are removing the old ad event APIs. These changes make the APIs for each ad format more consistent and easier to use. The new interface includes a static Load() method, use of generic delegates instead of EventArgs, and consistent ad events names across formats.

For a full list of changes and steps for upgrading your code, please see the version 8 migration guide.

Use RaiseAdEventsOnUnityMainThread() to guarantee thread safety

The Google Mobile Ads Unity plugin now includes an optional support feature for Unity thread safety. This feature means you no longer need to manage threading concerns when handling platform events or callbacks.

If you use this feature, the SDK may pause events during full screen ad presentations. This means that you might not get some events, like OnAdFullScreenContentOpened or OnAdImpressionRecorded, until after the user comes back to the game. If you need to collect this data in real time, this might not be a good option. We recommend you test this feature to see if it works for you.

Here's an example of how to use Google Mobile Ads new thread safety support:

Deprecation of Ad Placements

The Google Mobile Ads Unity plugin's Ad Placements feature is deprecated. There are no plans to move it into public release.

If you have any questions or concerns about migrating your project, please reach out on our developer forum.

Android Google Mobile Ads SDK Version 22.0.0 activates SDK sunset timelines

We are excited to announce the release of our newest version of the Google Mobile Ads SDK. We recommend upgrading as soon as possible to stay up-to-date with our latest features.

Version 22.0.0 Changes

Google Mobile Ads SDK version 22.0.0 introduces a few major changes:

  • MobileAds.getVersionString() is removed in version 22.0.0 in favor of MobileAds.getVersion(). The new method returns the expected external version number (for example, 22.0.0), helping you more clearly identify your SDK version. For more information about this change, see the Use the new Google Mobile Ads SDK getVersion() method blog post.
  • In version 21, the Google Mobile Ads SDK provided you the NativeCustomFormatAd.getVideoMediaView() method to get the media asset for an Ad Manager native custom ad format. In version 22, NativeCustomFormatAd provides direct access to getMediaContent() enabling you to define your MediaView in layout files along with the rest of your other views, and simply populate that view with its content once the ad loads.

See release notes for the full changelog. See our migration guide to help you migrate your apps.

SDK deprecation/sunset activated

Per the deprecated schedule announced last year, the release of iOS version 10.0.0 in February and this Android version 22.0.0 release activate the sunset period of earlier Android/iOS releases. Specifically:

  • Android Google Mobile Ads SDK version 20.x.x is officially deprecated, meaning that you will be asked to update to at least version 21.0.0 to receive full support from the Google Mobile Ads SDK developer forum.
  • Android versions 19.x.x and below, as well as iOS versions 7.x.x will sunset on June 30th, 2023, meaning that ad serving could be disrupted. See details below.

Updated definition of sunset

We remain committed to regularly disabling old SDK versions balanced with minimizing disruption to ad serving. Aligned with this goal, we are making some changes to the previously announced sunset definition for 2023:

  1. We previously communicated that the sunset notice period would be 2 months. For this 2023 sunset, the sunset date is June 30th, approximately 3 months notice.
  2. We will leverage the “Outdated” feature on the Google Play SDK Index, requiring you to move off a sunset SDK version for future releases of your Android apps. See Understanding issues with your app’s third-party SDK for more information.
  3. Starting June 30th, you may notice some disruptions in your ad serving. While we do not plan to stop ad serving for iOS version 7.x.x and Android versions 19.x.x and earlier at this time, we will regularly review usage of all sunset versions going forward to consider disabling ad serving. The oldest versions with lower usage and higher maintenance costs will be targeted first. Therefore, ad traffic from sunset SDKs versions will be at risk of receiving automatic no fill due to stopped ad serving going forward.

To avoid disruptions in ad serving, we highly recommend upgrading to a supported version as soon as possible so your users have a chance to update before June 30th, 2023.

Check if your apps are affected

To help you prepare for these changes, there are several ways you can check if your apps are affected:

  • Use the Ads Activity report and enable the “GMA SDK” dimension to see iOS app traffic running on iOS 7.x.x or earlier. Currently, only the Google Mobile Ads SDK for iOS is supported.
  • In Android Studio, check your build.gradle file for build warnings, which are thrown when compiling with Android SDK version 19.x.x or earlier.
  • Check your console logs for warning logs when making ad requests.

As always, if you have any questions or need additional help, contact us through the developer forum.

Take the 2023 Google Mobile Ads SDK developer survey

Today, we’re excited to announce the launch of our 2023 Google Mobile Ads SDK Developer Survey. As part of our efforts to continue updating the AdMob and Ad Manager products, we’d like to hear from you about where we should focus our efforts. This includes product feedback as well as feedback on our guides, code samples and other resources. Your feedback will help shape our future product and resource roadmap.

Take the survey

This anonymous survey should only take about 15 minutes to complete and will provide our team with your valuable feedback as we plan for the months ahead. Whether you’re an engineer, Ad Ops personnel, or a PM, your feedback on AdMob, Ad Manager, and the Google Mobile Ads SDK is valuable to us. We appreciate you taking the time to help improve our developer experience!

Take the 2023 Google Mobile Ads SDK developer survey

Today, we’re excited to announce the launch of our 2023 Google Mobile Ads SDK Developer Survey. As part of our efforts to continue updating the AdMob and Ad Manager products, we’d like to hear from you about where we should focus our efforts. This includes product feedback as well as feedback on our guides, code samples and other resources. Your feedback will help shape our future product and resource roadmap.

Take the survey

This anonymous survey should only take about 15 minutes to complete and will provide our team with your valuable feedback as we plan for the months ahead. Whether you’re an engineer, Ad Ops personnel, or a PM, your feedback on AdMob, Ad Manager, and the Google Mobile Ads SDK is valuable to us. We appreciate you taking the time to help improve our developer experience!