Tag Archives: Going Global

Tips for Monetizing Your App in the Two Largest Markets in the Americas

There’s lots of opportunity to expand your app outside of your home country. This is part two of our series exploring markets around the world, providing quick tips on how you can grow your business.

The Americas is a massive market for your app with nearly one billion people across major cities including New York, Los Angeles, Mexico City, São Paulo and Buenos Aires. 1 The small number of languages spoken by the majority of the population - English, Spanish, and Portuguese - can help you scale fast. Check out these app monetization tips in the region’s two largest countries; Brazil and the US.


When expanding to Brazil, consider displaying video ads in your app. It’s becoming an increasingly popular media type across the country. Last year, online video views nearly doubled, rising from 17.5% to 30.6%. 2 Additionally, the number of mobile video impressions grew 529.8% in the 2nd quarter of 2015 from the year before. 3

Also, keep in mind that Brazilian Portuguese is significantly different from European Portuguese. It’s important to identify which region you are targeting when consulting with your translation service.

United States

You may be more successful if you offer a free version of your app when expanding to the US, rather than a paid version. According to App Annie, all of 2015’s top 10 grossing app companies in the US offered free apps. 4 54% of US app users said that they only download free apps, and only 7% of users “commonly” spend on apps that cost $6.99 or more. Additionally, 76% of US users said cost as a ‘very important’ factor in deciding between several apps of the same type. 5

If you enjoyed these tips, check out these case studies featuring how developers have succeeded in the US, Brazil and Argentina.

If you’re not already an AdMob user, consider using AdMob to help maximize ad revenue and monetize globally. Also, stay connected on all things AdMob by following our Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ pages.

Posted by Paul Somers, AdMob Partner Development Executive & Paolo Fornasini, AdMob Partner Development Associate

[1] - List of countries by English-speaking population, Wikipedia
[2] - The Global Media Intelligence Report: Latin America, eMarketer, 2015
[3] - Video Ad Volume Amps Up in Brazil, eMarketer, 2015
[4] - App Annie 2015 Retrospective, App Annie, 2015
[5] -  Consumer Mobile Apps Study Google/Ipsos Media CT, 2014

Source: Inside AdMob

Tips for Monetizing Your App in 3 Huge Markets in Asia

As the world becomes more connected, new monetization opportunities may begin to surface outside of your home country. This is part one of our series exploring markets around the world, providing practical tips on how you can grow your business.

1.4 billion smartphone users are estimated to be in Asia by 2019 – more than all users in other regions combined. 1 Its unique culture, large base of engaged app users, and growing monetization opportunities make Asia a key region to expand to. Here are tips for monetizing your app in some of Asia’s largest countries.


When expanding to China, consider investing in a quality translation and localization. 53% of users in China are likely to experience poor app localization. 2 You’ll be able to stand out by providing a polished translation. Be mindful that simplified Chinese is commonly used for users in mainland China, while Traditional Chinese is used more often in Hong Kong and Taiwan.


When localizing your app for the Japanese market, consider polishing your user interface to account for the charming aesthetics popular in the market. Marked by well-illustrated stories, engaging goals, and Kawaii (cute) character themes, Japan’s creative preferences are often unique. Check out the “Big in Japan” category in Google Play to see Japan’s charming style in action.


When localizing your app for India, you may be able to successfully test your app in the region using your English version before investing in a thorough translation. While Hindi is the most popular language in India, 57% of the population in urban areas use English to browse the Internet, providing a significant base for you to see if your app resonates with the Indian market. 3

We hope you enjoyed these tips. If you’re not already an AdMob user, consider using AdMob to help maximize ad revenue and monetize globally. Also, stay connected on all things AdMob by following our Twitter and Google+ pages.

Posted by Aksara Sumethkul
Developer Monetization Specialist and the Go Asia team, AdMob

[1] Smartphone Sales in China, India, the US and Worldwide, eMarketer, 2014–2017
[2] AdMob Developer Business Kit, AdMob by Google, 2014
[3] How Non-English Speakers Are Taking Over the Internet, WSJ.com, Aug 2015

Source: Inside AdMob

Going global with AdMob: CocoPPa

Japanese company United’s CocoPPa app has been a huge hit internationally, with over 37M downloads and 80% of those downloads coming from outside Japan. CocoPPa enables smartphone users to customize their homescreens and share their customizations with others. Watch United’s story on how they used AdMob to identify valuable markets and grow their revenue with users across the globe.

To learn more about CocoPPa and our other app stories, visit Success Stories on the AdMob website, and stay connected to all things AdMob and more by following our Google+ page.

Posted by Henry Wang
AdMob Marketing

Source: Inside AdMob

The App Developer Business Kit: Now available in 10 more languages

Today we’re excited to launch The App Developer Business Kit in 10 more languages. The website includes tips for new app developers on building, promoting and monetizing your app. Check out the Business Kit in your language:
To help you make decisions about growing your app business in other regions, we’ve added 6 new market reports providing great insights about app users in Italy, Spain, Germany, Brazil, France, and Russia. Did you know that Brazilian smartphone users engage with ads more frequently than users in the US and Japan? Or that while nearly 2/3rds of French users exclusively download free apps, only 31% of Brazilian smartphone users do? Check out statistics like these about exciting regions around the world here.

Stay connected on all things mobile apps by following us on Google+ and Twitter.

Posted by Sean Meng
Marketing, AdMob

Source: Inside AdMob

[Infographic] Why Going Global Can Do Wonders for Your App

The biggest opportunities to grow your app’s user base may lie outside your home country. People from over 190 countries download apps onto their devices every day. Check out this infographic, featuring just how much potential exists around the world and our top 3 tips on how to grow your app business in other nations.

For other localization tips, check out the Android Localization Checklist, and be sure to stay connected on all things AdMob by following our Twitter and Google+ page.
Going Global Infographic

Posted by Shirley Bartov, Content Marketing Manager

Source: Inside AdMob