Tag Archives: Andrew Trenk

Tech on the Toilet: Driving Software Excellence, One Bathroom Break at a Time

By Kanu Tewary and Andrew Trenk

Tech on the Toilet (TotT) is a weekly one-page publication about software development that is posted in bathrooms in Google offices worldwide.  At Google, TotT is a trusted source for high quality technical content and software engineering best practices. TotT episodes relevant outside Google are posted to this blog.

We have been posting TotT to this blog since 2007. We're excited to announce that Testing on the Toilet has been renamed to Tech on the Toilet. TotT originally covered only software testing topics, but for many years has been covering any topics relevant to software development, such as coding practices, machine learning, web development, and more.

A Cultural Institution

TotT is a grassroots effort with a mission to deliver easily-digestable one-pagers on software development to engineers in the most unexpected of places: bathroom stalls! But TotT is more than just bathroom reading -- it's a movement. Driven by a team of 20-percent volunteers, TotT empowers Google employees to learn and grow, fostering a culture of excellence within the Google engineering community.

Photo of TotT posted in a bathroom stallPhoto of TotT posted in a bathroom stall

Photos of TotT posted in bathroom stalls at Google.

Anyone at Google can author a TotT episode (regardless of tenure or seniority). Each episode is carefully curated and edited to provide concise, actionable, authoritative information about software best practices and developer tools. After an episode is published, it is posted to Google bathrooms around the world, and is also available to read online internally at Google. TotT episodes often become a canonical source for helping far-flung teams standardize their software development tools and practices.  

Because Every Superhero Has An Origin Story 

TotT began as a bottom-up approach to drive a culture change. The year was 2006 and Google was experiencing rapid growth and huge challenges: there were many costly bugs and rolled-back releases. A small group of engineers, members of the so-called Testing Grouplet, passionate about testing, brainstormed about how to instill a culture of software testing at Google. In a moment of levity, someone suggested posting flyers in restrooms (since people have time to read there, clearly!). The Testing Grouplet named their new publication Testing on the Toilet. TotT’s red lightbub, green lightbulb logo–displayed at the top of the page of each printed flyer–was adapted from the Testing Grouplet’s logo.   

The TotT logo

The TotT logo.

The first TotT episode, a simple code example with a suggested improvement, was written by an engineer at Google headquarters in Mountain View, and posted by a volunteer in Google bathrooms in London. Soon other engineers wrote episodes, and an army of volunteers started posting those episodes at their sites. Hundreds of engineers started encountering TotT episodes.

The initial response was a mix of surprise and intrigue, with some engineers even expressing outrage at the "violation" of their bathroom sanctuary. However, the majority of feedback was positive, with many appreciating the readily accessible knowledge. Learn more about the history of TotT in this blog post by one of the original members of the Testing Grouplet.  

Trusted, Concise, Actionable

TotT has become an authoritative source for software development best practices at Google. Many episodes, like the following popular episodes at Google, are cited hundreds of times in code reviews and other internal documents: 

A 2019 research paper presented at the International Conference of Software Engineering even analyzed the impact of TotT episodes on the adoption of internal tools and infrastructure, demonstrating its effectiveness in driving positive change.

TotT has inspired various other publications at Google, like Learning on the Loo: non-technical articles to improve efficiency, reduce stress and improve work satisfaction. Other companies have been inspired to create their own bathroom publications, thanks to TotT. So the next time you find yourself reading a TotT episode, take a moment to appreciate its humble bathroom beginnings. After all, where better to ponder the mysteries of the code than in a place of quiet contemplation?

Increase Test Fidelity By Avoiding Mocks

This article was adapted from a Google Testing on the Toilet (TotT) episode. You can download a printer-friendly version of this TotT episode and post it in your office.

by Andrew Trenk and Dillon Bly

Replacing your code’s dependencies with mocks can make unit tests easier to write and faster to run. However, among other problems, using mocks can lead to tests that are less effective at catching bugs.

The fidelity of a test refers to how closely the behavior of the test resembles the behavior of the production code. A test with higher fidelity gives you higher confidence that your code will work properly. 

When specifying a dependency to use in a test, prefer the highest-fidelity option. Learn more in the Test Doubles chapter of the Software Engineering at Google book.

  1. Try to use the real implementation. This provides the most fidelity, because the code in the implementation will be executed in the test. There may be tradeoffs when using a real implementation: they can be slow, non-deterministic, or difficult to instantiate (e.g., it connects to an external server). Use your judgment to decide if a real implementation is the right choice.
  2. Use a fake if you can’t use the real implementation. A fake is a lightweight implementation of an API that behaves similarly to the real implementation, e.g., an in-memory database. A fake ensures a test has high fidelity, but takes effort to write and maintain; e.g., it needs its own tests to ensure that it conforms to the behavior of the real implementation. Typically, the owner of the real implementation creates and maintains the fake.
  3. Use a mock if you can’t use the real implementation or a fake. A mock reduces fidelity, since it doesn’t execute any of the actual implementation of a dependency; its behavior is specified inline in a test (a technique known as stubbing), so it may diverge from the behavior of the real implementation. Mocks provide a basic level of confidence that your code works properly, and can be especially useful when testing a code path that is hard to trigger (e.g., an error condition such as a timeout).
    (Note: Although “mocks” are objects created using mocking frameworks such as Mockito or unittest.mock, the same problems will occur if you manually create your own implementation within tests.)

A low-fidelity test: Dependencies are replaced with mocks. Try to avoid this.

A high-fidelity test: Dependencies use real implementations or fakes. Prefer this.

@Mock OrderValidator validator;

@Mock PaymentProcessor processor;


ShoppingCart cart =

new ShoppingCart(

validator, processor);

OrderValidator validator =


PaymentProcessor processor =

new FakeProcessor();


ShoppingCart cart =

    new ShoppingCart(

validator, processor);

Aim for as much fidelity as you can achieve without increasing the size of a test. At Google, tests are classified by size. Most tests should be small: they must run in a single process and must not wait on a system or event outside of their process. Increasing the fidelity of a small test is often a good choice if the test stays within these constraints. A healthy test suite also includes medium and large tests, which have higher fidelity since they can use heavyweight dependencies that aren’t feasible to use in small tests, e.g., dependencies that increase execution times or call other processes.

Write Clean Code to Reduce Cognitive Load

This is another post in our Code Health series. A version of this post originally appeared in Google bathrooms worldwide as a Google Testing on the Toilet episode. You can download a printer-friendly version to display in your office.

By Andrew Trenk

Do you ever read code and find it hard to understand? You may be experiencing cognitive load!

Cognitive load refers to the amount of mental effort required to complete a task. When reading code, you have to keep in mind information such as values of variables, conditional logic, loop indices, data structure state, and interface contracts. Cognitive load increases as code becomes more complex. People can typically hold up to 5–7 separate pieces of information in their short-term memory (source); code that involves more information than that can be difficult to understand.

Two brains displayed side-by-side. 

The left brain is red with a sad face. The text below it says 'Complex code: Too much cognitive load'.;

The left brain is green with a happy face. The text below it says 'Simple code: Minimal cognitive load'.

Cognitive load is often higher for other people reading code you wrote than it is for yourself, since readers need to understand your intentions. Think of the times you read someone else’s code and struggled to understand its behavior. One of the reasons for code reviews is to allow reviewers to check if the changes to the code cause too much cognitive load. Be kind to your co-workers: reduce their cognitive load by writing clean code.

The key to reducing cognitive load is to make code simpler so it can be understood more easily by readers. This is the principle behind many code health practices. Here are some examples:

  • Limit the amount of code in a function or file. Aim to keep the code concise enough that you can keep the whole thing in your head at once. Prefer to keep functions small, and try to limit each class to a single responsibility.

  • Create abstractions to hide implementation details. Abstractions such as functions and interfaces allow you to deal with simpler concepts and hide complex details. However, remember that over-engineering your code with too many abstractions also causes cognitive load.

  • Simplify control flow. Functions with too many if statements or loops can be hard to understand since it is difficult to keep the entire control flow in your head. Hide complex logic in helper functions, and reduce nesting by using early returns to handle special cases.

  • Minimize mutable state. Stateless code is simpler to understand. For example, avoid mutable class fields when possible, and make types immutable.

  • Include only relevant details in tests. A test can be hard to follow if it includes boilerplate test data that is irrelevant to the test case, or relevant test data is hidden in helper functions.

  • Don’t overuse mocks in tests. Improper use of mocks can lead to tests that are cluttered with calls that expose implementation details of the system under test.

Learn more about cognitive load in the book The Programmer’s Brain, by Felienne Hermans.

Testing on the Toilet: Don’t Mock Types You Don’t Own

This article was adapted from a Google Testing on the Toilet (TotT) episode. You can download a printer-friendly version of this TotT episode and post it in your office.

By Stefan Kennedy and Andrew Trenk

The code below mocks a third-party library. What problems can arise when doing this?

// Mock a salary payment library
@Mock SalaryProcessor mockSalaryProcessor;
@Mock TransactionStrategy mockTransactionStrategy;
MyPaymentService myPaymentService = new MyPaymentService(mockSalaryProcessor);

Mocking types you don’t own can make maintenance more difficult:
  • It can make it harder to upgrade the library to a new version: The expectations of an API hardcoded in a mock can be wrong or get out of date. This may require time-consuming work to manually update your tests when upgrading the library version. In the above example, an update that changes addStrategy() to return a new type derived from TransactionStrategy (e.g. SalaryStrategy) requires the mock to be updated to return this type, even though the code under test doesn’t need to be changed since it can still reference TransactionStrategy.
  • It can make it harder to know whether a library update introduced a bug in your code: The assumptions built into mocks may get out of date as changes are made to the library, resulting in tests that pass even when the code under test has a bug. In the above example, if a library update changes paySalary() to instead return TransactionStrategy.SCHEDULED, a bug could potentially be introduced due to the code under test not handling this return value properly. However, the maintainer wouldn’t know because the mock would not return this value so the test would continue to pass.
Instead of using a mock, use the real implementation, or if that’s not feasible, use a fake implementation that is ideally provided by the library owner. This reduces the maintenance burden since the issues with mocks listed above don’t occur when using a real or fake implementation. For example:
FakeSalaryProcessor fakeProcessor = new FakeSalaryProcessor(); // Designed for tests
MyPaymentService myPaymentService = new MyPaymentService(fakeProcessor);

If you can’t use the real implementation and a fake implementation doesn’t exist (and library owners aren’t able to create one), create a wrapper class that calls the type, and mock this instead. This reduces the maintenance burden by avoiding mocks that rely on the signatures of the library API. For example:

@Mock MySalaryProcessor mockMySalaryProcessor; // Wraps the SalaryProcessor library
// Mock the wrapper class rather than the library itself

MyPaymentService myPaymentService = new MyPaymentService(mockMySalaryProcessor);

To avoid the problems listed above, prefer to test the wrapper class with calls to the real implementation. The downsides of testing with the real implementation (e.g. tests taking longer to run) are limited only to the tests for this wrapper class rather than tests throughout your codebase.

“Don’t mock types you don’t own” is also described by Steve Freeman and Nat Pryce in their book, Growing Object Oriented Software, Guided by TestsFor more details about the downsides of overusing mocks (even for types you do own), see this Google Testing Blog post.

Testing on the Toilet: Only Verify State-Changing Method Calls

This article was adapted from a Google Testing on the Toilet (TotT) episode. You can download a printer-friendly version of this TotT episode and post it in your office.

By Dillon Bly and Andrew Trenk

Which lines can be safely removed from this test?
@Test public void addPermissionToDatabase() {
new UserAuthorizer(mockUserService, mockPermissionDb).grantPermission(USER, READ_ACCESS);

  // The test will fail if any of these methods is not called.
verify(mockPermissionDb).addPermission(USER, READ_ACCESS);

The answer is that the calls to verify the non-state-changing methods can be removed.

Method calls on another object fall into one of two categories:
  • State-changing: methods that have side effects and change the world outside the code under test, e.g., sendEmail(), saveRecord(), logAccess().
  • Non-state-changing: methods that return information about the world outside the code under test and don't modify anything, e.g., getUser(), findResults(), readFile().
You should usually avoid verifying that non-state-changing methods are called:
  • It is often redundant: a method call that doesn't change the state of the world is meaningless on its own. The code under test will use the return value of the method call to do other work that you can assert.
  • It makes tests brittle: tests need to be updated whenever method calls change. For example, if a test is expecting mockUserService.isUserActive(USER) to be called, it would fail if the code under test is modified to call user.isActive() instead.
  • It makes tests less readable: the additional assertions in the test make it more difficult to determine which method calls actually affect the state of the world.
  • It gives a false sense of security: just because the code under test called a method does not mean the code under test did the right thing with the method’s return value.
Instead of verifying that they are called, use non-state-changing methods to simulate different conditions in tests, e.g., when(mockUserService.isUserActive(USER)).thenReturn(false). Then write assertions for the return value of the code under test, or verify state-changing method calls.
Verifying non-state-changing method calls may be useful if there is no other output you can assert. For example, if your code should be caching an RPC result, you can verify that the method that makes the RPC is called only once.
With the unnecessary verifications removed, the test looks like this:
@Test public void addPermissionToDatabase() {
new UserAuthorizer(mockUserService, mockPermissionDb).grantPermission(USER, READ_ACCESS);

  // Verify only the state-changing method.
verify(mockPermissionDb).addPermission(USER, READ_ACCESS);

That’s much simpler! But remember that instead of using a mock to verify that a method was called, it would be even better to use a real or fake object to actually execute the method and check that it works properly. For example, the above test could use a fake database to check that the permission exists in the database rather than just verifying that addPermission() was called.

You can learn more about this topic in the book Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests. Note that the book uses the terms “command” and “query” instead of “state-changing” and “non-state-changing”.

The First Annual Testing on the Toilet Awards

By Andrew Trenk

The Testing on the Toilet (TotT) series was created in 2006 as a way to spread unit-testing knowledge across Google by posting flyers in bathroom stalls. It quickly became a part of Google culture and is still going strong today, with new episodes published every week and read in hundreds of bathrooms by thousands of engineers in Google offices across the world. Initially focused on content related to testing, TotT now covers a variety of technical topics, such as tips on writing cleaner code and ways to prevent security bugs.

While TotT episodes often have a big impact on many engineers across Google, until now we never did anything to formally thank authors for their contributions. To fix that, we decided to honor the most popular TotT episodes of 2014 by establishing the Testing on the Toilet Awards. The winners were chosen through a vote that was open to all Google engineers. The Google Testing Blog is proud to present the winners that were posted on this blog (there were two additional winners that weren’t posted on this blog since we only post testing-related TotT episodes).

And the winners are ...

Erik Kuefler: Test Behaviors, Not Methods and Don't Put Logic in Tests 
Alex Eagle: Change-Detector Tests Considered Harmful

The authors of these episodes received their very own Flushy trophy, which they can proudly display on their desks.

(The logo on the trophy is the same one we put on the printed version of each TotT episode, which you can see by looking for the “printer-friendly version” link in the TotT blog posts).

Congratulations to the winners!

Testing on the Toilet: Prefer Testing Public APIs Over Implementation-Detail Classes

by Andrew Trenk

This article was adapted from a Google Testing on the Toilet (TotT) episode. You can download a printer-friendly version of this TotT episode and post it in your office.

Does this class need to have tests?
class UserInfoValidator {
public void validate(UserInfo info) {
if (info.getDateOfBirth().isInFuture()) { throw new ValidationException()); }
Its method has some logic, so it may be good idea to test it. But what if its only user looks like this?
public class UserInfoService {
private UserInfoValidator validator;
public void save(UserInfo info) {
validator.validate(info); // Throw an exception if the value is invalid.
The answer is: it probably doesn’t need tests, since all paths can be tested through UserInfoService. The key distinction is that the class is an implementation detail, not a public API.

A public API can be called by any number of users, who can pass in any possible combination of inputs to its methods. You want to make sure these are well-tested, which ensures users won’t see issues when they use the API. Examples of public APIs include classes that are used in a different part of a codebase (e.g., a server-side class that’s used by the client-side) and common utility classes that are used throughout a codebase.

An implementation-detail class exists only to support public APIs and is called by a very limited number of users (often only one). These classes can sometimes be tested indirectly by testing the public APIs that use them.

Testing implementation-detail classes is still useful in many cases, such as if the class is complex or if the tests would be difficult to write for the public API class. When you do test them, they often don’t need to be tested in as much depth as a public API, since some inputs may never be passed into their methods (in the above code sample, if UserInfoService ensured that UserInfo were never null, then it wouldn’t be useful to test what happens when null is passed as an argument to UserInfoValidator.validate, since it would never happen).

Implementation-detail classes can sometimes be thought of as private methods that happen to be in a separate class, since you typically don’t want to test private methods directly either. You should also try to restrict the visibility of implementation-detail classes, such as by making them package-private in Java.

Testing implementation-detail classes too often leads to a couple problems:

- Code is harder to maintain since you need to update tests more often, such as when changing a method signature of an implementation-detail class or even when doing a refactoring. If testing is done only through public APIs, these changes wouldn’t affect the tests at all.

- If you test a behavior only through an implementation-detail class, you may get false confidence in your code, since the same code path may not work properly when exercised through the public API. You also have to be more careful when refactoring, since it can be harder to ensure that all the behavior of the public API will be preserved if not all paths are tested through the public API.

Testing on the Toilet: Writing Descriptive Test Names

by Andrew Trenk

This article was adapted from a Google Testing on the Toilet (TotT) episode. You can download a printer-friendly version of this TotT episode and post it in your office.

How long does it take you to figure out what behavior is being tested in the following code?

@Test public void isUserLockedOut_invalidLogin() {
authenticator.authenticate(username, invalidPassword);

authenticator.authenticate(username, invalidPassword);

authenticator.authenticate(username, invalidPassword);

You probably had to read through every line of code (maybe more than once) and understand what each line is doing. But how long would it take you to figure out what behavior is being tested if the test had this name?


You should now be able to understand what behavior is being tested by reading just the test name, and you don’t even need to read through the test body. The test name in the above code sample hints at the scenario being tested (“invalidLogin”), but it doesn’t actually say what the expected outcome is supposed to be, so you had to read through the code to figure it out.

Putting both the scenario and the expected outcome in the test name has several other benefits:

- If you want to know all the possible behaviors a class has, all you need to do is read through the test names in its test class, compared to spending minutes or hours digging through the test code or even the class itself trying to figure out its behavior. This can also be useful during code reviews since you can quickly tell if the tests cover all expected cases.

- By giving tests more explicit names, it forces you to split up testing different behaviors into separate tests. Otherwise you may be tempted to dump assertions for different behaviors into one test, which over time can lead to tests that keep growing and become difficult to understand and maintain.

- The exact behavior being tested might not always be clear from the test code. If the test name isn’t explicit about this, sometimes you might have to guess what the test is actually testing.

- You can easily tell if some functionality isn’t being tested. If you don’t see a test name that describes the behavior you’re looking for, then you know the test doesn’t exist.

- When a test fails, you can immediately see what functionality is broken without looking at the test’s source code.

There are several common patterns for structuring the name of a test (one example is to name tests like an English sentence with “should” in the name, e.g., shouldLockOutUserAfterThreeInvalidLoginAttempts). Whichever pattern you use, the same advice still applies: Make sure test names contain both the scenario being tested and the expected outcome.

Sometimes just specifying the name of the method under test may be enough, especially if the method is simple and has only a single behavior that is obvious from its name.