Machine learning turns your photo’s into works of art


Most of us are familiar with photo filters that give our photos a vintage look or a warm glow. But recently, a whole new kind of “art filters” have emerged that turn photos into works of art that resemble famous paintings — like “Starry Night” by Van Gogh or “The Scream” by Munch. These so-called filters rely on a process called "style transfer," which uses deep neural networks to look at images, determine what’s the content in one and the style in another, and then synthesizes them together into an image that’s a combination of both.

These so-called filters aren’t filters at all, but a far more complex and interesting process called style transfer. Style transfer apps use deep neural networks (a technique in machine learning) to look at images, determine what’s content in one and style in another, then synthesize them together into an image that’s a combination of both. Watch the video below for more info on how this works:

Posted by Natalie Dennis, Google Creative Labs