Whitepaper: Running your modern .NET Application on Kubernetes

This week we conclude our whitepaper series on migration with the final installment, “Running Your Modern .NET Application on Kubernetes.” If you’re just tuning in, you may want to read the first and second posts on the series, as well as the corresponding whitepapers.

Using the .NET-based PetShop application as an example, the first paper discusses monoliths versus microservices, and how to think about deconstructing a monolith into microservices using domain driven design. The second paper explores modernization techniques using microservices, including using Firebase for authentication, and Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL for our data layer.

By now, we’ve come a long way towards modernizing PetShop, but we aren’t quite to the point where we can consider it “cloud-native.” In this final paper we dive into the missing components of the equation: containerizing PetShop with Kubernetes, and orchestration, including autoscaling with Kubernetes.

Containerizing the application provides speed and agility. In a traditional development and deployment pipeline, there are usually environmental discrepancies—configuration differences between a software engineer’s laptop, test and staging environments, as well as your production environment. Containers allow you to run code in a consistent way across multiple environments.

All that said, containers are not a panacea, and they can be cumbersome to run at scale. Which is why orchestration is imperative. Kubernetes orchestration tools can help you schedule container instances, monitor the health of containers, automate recovery and even automate scaling containers up and down to help handle load.

Are you ready to get started on the last leg of this .NET application modernization journey? Download the whitepaper, and visit the GitHub repository.