Tag Archives: update

Launching Structured Data Files v6

Today we’re launching Structured Data Files (SDF) v6. This version can now be used when uploading and downloading SDFs in the Display & Video 360 UI or downloading SDFs through the Display & Video 360 API.

Significant changes have been made from SDF v5.5 to v6:

Full details on the changes made in v6 can be found in our Structured Data Files release notes.

Assign v6 as the default SDF version in Display & Video 360 at the Partner or Advertiser level. Generate v6 SDFs when using the Display & Video 360 API with the new SdfVersion value SDF_VERSION_6.

If you run into issues or need help with this new version, please contact us using our support contact form.

February 2023 update to Display & Video 360 API

Today we’re announcing the February 2023 update to Display & Video 360 API. This update includes the following features:

More detailed information about this update can be found in the Display & Video 360 API release notes.

Before using these new features, make sure to update your client library to the latest version. We have also added a new guide page on retrieving YouTube & Partners line items using the Display & Video 360 API.

If you have questions regarding the breaking changes, run into issues, or need help with these new features, please contact us using our support contact form.

Display & Video 360 API v2 entering general availability

Today we’re announcing the launch of Display & Video 360 API v2 out of public beta, and into general availability, and updates to both v1 and v2. As Display & Video 360 API v2 enters general availability, it becomes our recommended version. Our existing guides have been updated to reflect v2 features and conventions.

The following features have been added to v2:

The following updates have been made to both v1 and v2:

  • Removed the character limit for the description field in InsertionOrderBudgetSegment objects.
  • Increased the max page size of a subset of list requests from 100 to 200. The default page size for these methods is still 100.

In addition to these updates, we’ve also fixed two known issues in v2 regarding enum targeting and the line item bulkUpdate method. More detailed information about this update can be found in the Display & Video 360 API release notes, and updated instructions on migrating from v1 to v2 can be found in our migration guide. Before using these new features, make sure to update your client library to the latest version.

If you have questions regarding the breaking changes or run into issues or need help with these new features, please contact us using our support contact form.

October 2022 update to Display & Video 360 API v2

Today we’re announcing the October 2022 update to Display & Video 360 API v2, which is still in beta. This update includes the following features:
  • Partial insertion order targeting write support for a subset of targeting types with the addition of create and delete methods to the insertion order AssignedTargetingOptions service.
  • The ability to duplicate an existing line item to create a new line item with identical settings and assigned targeting under the same insertion order.
More detailed information about this update can be found in the Display & Video 360 API release notes and updated instructions on migrating from v1 to v2 can be found in our migration guide. Before using these new features, make sure to update your client library to the latest version.

If you have questions regarding the breaking changes or run into issues or need help with these new features, please contact us using our support contact form.

Prepare your Android Project for Android Gradle plugin 8.0 API changes

Posted by Wojtek Kaliciński, Boris Farber, Android Developer Relations Engineers, and Xavier Ducrohet, Android Studio Tech Lead

To improve build speed and provide stable APIs, the Transform APIs will be removed in Android Gradle plugin (AGP) version 8.0. Most use cases have replacement APIs which are available starting from AGP version 7.2. Read on for more details.

The Android developer community's top request has been to improve build speed while making sure Android Gradle plugin (AGP) has a solid, stable, and well supported API.

To improve build speed starting from AGP 7.2, we have stabilized the Artifacts API and updated the Instrumentation API. For common use cases, these APIs replace the Transform APIs, which cause longer build times and are gone in AGP 8.0.

This article walks you through transitioning off the Transform APIs, whether you're working on a Gradle plugin or an application.

Guidance for Gradle plugins

To improve build times, we split Transform's functionality into the following APIs that are optimized for common use cases:

  • The Instrumentation API lets you transform and analyze compiled app classes using ASM callbacks. For example use this API to add custom traces to methods or classes for additional or custom logging.
  • The Artifacts API gives access to files or directories, whether temporary or final, that are produced by AGP during the build. Use this API to:
    • Add additional generated classes to the app, such as glue code for dependency injection.
    • Implement transformations based on whole program analysis, when all classes can be transformed together in a single task. This is only available starting from AGP 7.4.0-alpha06. The build.gradle.kts file in the “modifyProjectClasses'' Gradle recipe shows how to do it.

For examples of how to use the replacement APIs see the Transform API update note, and our Gradle recipes.

Guidance for apps

Make sure that you update your plugins to be AGP 8.0 compliant before updating your app to AGP 8.0. If the relevant plugins are not compliant, please create a bug that includes a link to this post and send it to the plugin authors.

Several commonly used plugins have already migrated to use these new APIs, including the Hilt Gradle plugin.

Share your feedback

If your use case is not covered by any of the new APIs, please file a bug.

We encourage you to get started with making your plugins compatible with the new AGP APIs. Getting started now means that you have enough time to familiarize yourself with the APIs, share your feedback and then upgrade your dependencies and plugins.

Announcing Bid Manager API v2

We are pleased to announce that version 2 of the Bid Manager API is now available. Notable features added in this version include: This new version also includes significant changes to be aware of, such as:
  • The changing of the base Bid Manager API URL.
  • The renaming of existing services and methods.
  • The restructuring of Query and Report resources to use new named object types and enums.
  • The updating of method functionality to require queries to be run manually after creation.
  • The rewording of existing error messages to be more detailed and prescriptive.
More detailed information about this update can be found in the Bid Manager API release notes. Follow the steps on our migration guide to help you migrate from v1.1 to v2.

If you run into issues or need help with these new features or samples, please contact us using our support contact form.

May 2022 update to Display & Video 360 API v1

Today we’re releasing an update to the Display & Video 360 API that includes the following features:

More detailed information about this update can be found in the Display & Video 360 API release notes. Before using these new features, make sure to update your client library to the latest version.

If you run into issues or need help with these new features or samples, please contact us using our support contact form.

March 2022 update to Display & Video 360 API v1

Today we’re releasing an update to the Display & Video 360 API that includes the following features:

More detailed information about this update can be found in the Display & Video 360 API release notes. Before using these new features, make sure to update your client library to the latest version.

If you run into issues or need help with these new features or samples, please contact us using our support contact form.

February 2022 update to Display & Video 360 API v1

Today we’re releasing an update to the Display & Video 360 API that includes the following features:

In addition to these new features, this update also doubles existing default API request limits for the Display & Video 360 API. The updated quota values can be found on our usage limits documentation.

More detailed information about this update can be found in the Display & Video 360 API release notes.

Before using these new features, make sure to update your client library to the latest version. We have also added a new Use Audiences guide featuring a page on uploading Customer Match audience data using the Display & Video 360 API.

If you run into issues or need help with these new features or samples, please contact us using our support contact form.

December 2021 update to Display & Video 360 API v1

Today we’re releasing a small update to the Display & Video 360 API to add support for audio content type targeting under TARGETING_TYPE_AUDIO_CONTENT_TYPE.

You can find more detailed information about this update in the Display & Video 360 API release notes. Before using these new features, make sure to update your client library to the latest version.

If you run into issues or need help with these new features, please contact us through our support contact form.